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tv   BBC World News  PBS  August 5, 2009 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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>> "bbc world news" is presented kcet, los angeles. funding for this presentatn is made possiblby the freeman foundation of new york, stow vermont, and honulu, the newman'swn foundation, and the john d. and catherine t. macarthur foundati, and union bank
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>> and now the ne. >> a fre from hard labourn north korea -- two amecan journalists ateful to their savior. >> when we walked through the door, we saw, standing before us, president bill clinn. [applause >> he g what he wanted, but can he govern a dividedation? president ahmejad is sworn in.
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throwingstes -- palestinians say they have been abused in custody of israeli soldrs. welcome. we are broadcast on pbs in america. coming up later for you --n unlikely savior for the humble hoybee. in the lasplace you might thi of. picte perfect pass. we take a look. -- picre-perfect pets. ello to you. ter the surise, tears, and giers, the speculation. how will north korea's sudden releas of two journalists at e behest of former preside bill clinton affect e retionship of the o countries? laura lg a euna lee are now
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backn calornia. president clinton will be briefing president obaman his meeting with kim jong il. from washington,ur correspondt. >> t plane touchedown in california. [applause] the t journalists, laura ling and euna lee rescu from the prospect of 12 yes in a north korean lab camp. she had not seen her moer since t arrest on the chinese- nortkorean border in march. >> we were taken to a location, and when we walked throh the doors, we saw anding before us, president bill clton.
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[applause] >> their rescuer said noing. it took weeks of tense secret diplomacy rrange the exaordinary measure. >> theeunion we've all seen on televisii think, is a srce of happiness,ot only for the families, both for the entire couny. >>he white house wanted this to be seen just asa mission of merc but it might be much more. allhe way from here at the national secury council, ts works its way up to the ol office. north korea, its ientions, its nuclear missiles, has been a preoccupation for the ung obama adminiration. now we see sudden and marked change in atmohere. clinton spent more than three hours with kim jong il, the sterious north korean leader what else did theyalk about?
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is year,orth korea launched missiles into the sea of japan. did mr. clton tried to persuade mr.kiminto international talks? the u.s. is giving nothingway, but the is a sense of expectation washington. there are channels to begin a ossible dialogue. this is certainly humanitarian event, but it hasmplications, it has ripples, if you will, in other area of policy. > kim jong-il h been dogged by illness tonight, he looks a lite stronr and more in contr. but the pressure of new n. sanctions and, i am told, fresh ressure from china my be forcing him to be engaged with the united states. at this momen it may be more than a human story. noh korea may be ready to make
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anotr attempt at comingn fromthe cold. bbc news , washington. >> the journalis have been weomed by the secretary of state hillarylinton. she isn nya where she strongly criticized the government's faile to prosecute those responsible for the vlence that followedhe 2007 electn. ficials in northwestern pakistan say the wif of a taliban leader h been lled in a suspected american missile attack. i drone that attackhe relative of baitullah mehsud near the afghan border. the iraqi govement has annound it will take down all the blast walls that separate th baghdad communities whin four days. the wl sprung up at the height of sectarian violence. many say the walls made the city unregnizable, but safer. after seven weeks ofost-
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electi protests and the pele, mahmd ahmadinejad has been sworn in for a second term as prident. the u.s.t took a second step back. the white house spokesman robert gibbs said he misspoke when he described ahmenijad as an elected leader. >> after the turmoil of the last two months, at last moment when mr. ahmenijad could restore his dignity, pleing to serve iran for anoer four ars. >>but look closely, and youould see in pcs. this was boycotted some reformi members and oppositn leaders. there were no messages of congratutions. that proved a bitter riposte fromr. ahmenijad.
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>> nobody in an is waiting for your congralations. the irann nationoes not give significce to your friends or theats and congratulations d smiles. >> in man ways, theresident's problems are just beginning. the opposion inclus zero former presents -- inudes a former presidents, including the man o believes he won the elecon and a coecutive former allies. and the west is ramping up talks on the nucle issue. >> the countryis mo divided an it has ever been sie 1979. ahmenijad is t mostivisive politic fige in the history of the lamic republic and he has showno interest in yieldi. >> once agai thousands of demonstrators and alicia
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presence outside t parliament. -- a militia presence outside the parliament. >> theolice, they are in th square. never let any person stand in front ofhe parlianto make any demonsation or shot or anythg else. >> despite the show of unity, prident ahmenijad starts s own terwith an electi victory andncreasingly the ole iranian stem of govement under question. bbc news. >> more news for u briefly. the world health organizatn has confirmedore than 1000 deaths fm h1n1. a teenage girl was claimed de from the disea. e man who killed thr women
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in american and gm appareny wrote about hi plans beforehand on the internet. authorities have taken at th site down. the tack on an exercise class in penylvania left 10 others injured. internet addiction rehabilitation camp -- a boy has been beaten to death by his counselors. several employees have be arrested. a rmer israeli military commander has to the bbc that palestinian ildren are routinely bill treated in israe custody. our release correspondent reports from the west nk. -- our middle east correspondent reports from the west ban >> they are venting frusations
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at israel u.s. ocpation of thr home, the wst bank. the target -- jewish settlers or israelsoldiers during thi centrotest. >> israeli soldiers ve come to the barrier now. i do not know if youan see the canists through the smoke. they have disappeared, n away fromhe smoke, d erhere, you can see the palestian children continuing to protest. >> when ston are thrn, immediately arrayed often follows. usually late at night. as you s in this footage we obtained, israeli soldiers come toalestinian villagesn large numbs. ven when they are detaing one young bo human rights activist witnessed the scene. >> he is a ild. look at you. > the arrests cabe brutal. this boy i turn 13 when he
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was detained, one of many young lestinians to say they we abused. >> they drag mey -- fromy home by th scruff of my neck. my momas screaming. they tk me all e way to the jeep. they cut o my hands -- cuffed my hands and blinolded me and let the 24 hour >> detained chilen are taken to army bases like this one, often for interrogation. a former commandern israel's army told me thathe treatment is routine his experiences haunt him >> someone is blindfold and handcuffedas probay done something ally bad. they will kick him sometimes. >> palestinia youngsts are tried in israel's miliry
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courts. th did not want to film, but israel says hanothing to hide. >> if they thw a stoneor molov cocktail, it is aeadly weap. every week, we find a 14-year- o or 16-year-old carrying a dely weapon. we have no choice but to find them, arrest em, and hope that they will not turn to this. >> he has not slept properly nce the soldiers came. humanitarian are calling on the ternational community to investigate what th say israel's abus of children ghts. >> stay with us, if you can, on baitlah mehsud -- bbc world news. comi up,oan sharks preying on t port. >> firs in south korea the
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have been dramic scenes full protesting workers. staff have bee resisting ms job losses. they want to cut more than a thd of the work force. whave the latest on the industri dispute, just south of the capital. >> it began as dispute over job cuts, but this tued into this a violen confrontation with potentiay deadly conquences. police commandos descend from hecopters to take control of the blding being occupi by striking works at thear plant. other lice used ladders, but the workers -- tught to number 500 -- have ught back again hey are ocupying the paint shop, a buildin packed with flammae liquid. attempts to force them out with tear gas have been unsuccessfu
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so far. this hasitched worker ainst worker, for t small-to-ridden car maker. they need layff mor than 2000 staff, third of t total, inrder to svive. those alled to keep thr jo have been in clashes with their striking colleagues. the dispute has cost e company more than $200 million,nd will force it intoiquidation. for the moment, t striking workershow no signs of ving up. dons of police and proteers are repoed to have been injured. representatives of the workers saall jobs must be guanteed, and any attempt to remove them from the paint sp could lve --lead to violence.
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>> good to have you with us. one main heaine for you. two american journalists freed by nor korea after months of detention. a return he to an emotional family union. here in britn, two separate court cases have exposed the reality of life for se of the orest families caught up in th recession. loan sharks have been fod guilty of charging crippling interest rates, and we a talking up to 2.5000%. >> they are pickings for aoan sharks. hey are trying to capitalize on the recession. he ran ausiness and that lends small ms of money and demanded a hu sums of money in rern. he charged up to 2437% interest, d those who owed him lid in fear. one victim agreed to speak, b
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she was too scared to be identified. >> they did notven know. theyid not ow they had done something wrong. they wuld pass the house. every day, they would co several times a day. it would come through t window. i had to have an alarm if it did in the house. i was petrified. >> there a concern that many victims do not come forward >> loan the sharks get awa with because of tireputation, beuse of e disproportionate impact theyave on the community and thfear and ntimidation tactics the years. >> today, another loan shark was sentced. he eventually forc the family into0,000 pounds of debt. he took full advantage of thr needor money. >> i waill.
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even years of my lif i have not slept. >> she suffered two strokes and a brain hemorrhage. with unemployment rising, there are other criminals hoping people will take desperate measures in difficult time >> argtina is one of e world's mostelebrated football in the nation's, buts has had -- it has had toostpone its season. we have a repo from one star -- enos aires. >> in argentina, otball is like a religion andthe players areike gods. but people awaing the new season have been told they st wait. the argentine football associati has postponed all tches. ne of eiant arntine clubs heavily in debt. they have not play it --aid their players in months
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there is combined tal o $78.3 million. the head othe argenti associatio is hopg to negotiate an increase in money. it is proving me difficult than he hoped. by delayinghe season, the association maye trying to put pressur on levision rights holders, asell as forcing the clubs toanage their finances better. but the fans are angry. they say that they mand the resignatn of the head of the argentine football association. it will still bable to compete in the wider coughs - cups n america. international game in russia will also go ead as scheduled next week. >> producers of one of the world's most expensive essential
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oils is struggling, too. alstalf the supply of rose oil comes fr one of lley. >> early evening, d deep in the bulgarian countryside, they are getting ready to distillthe days lavender harve. they are packing these stocks intoats and forcing steam throughto produce a few drops of preous oil. a few week agothey were harvesting roses in a traditiol business that goes back more than a century. hear, -- here, we have a perfect micrlimate for growing ros. the oil distilled from the roses is valuable stuff, anat its peak it was selling for 200,000euros p kilo.
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b not this year. the recession means few travels pasng through d to de-free shops like -- duty-free shops likehese. the packers are among some of bulgaria's poorest citizens ha times mean harderimes for them some of them have n been paid. >> they ha not pd half of what people are owed, even for rose picking. they are still waiting, but he pays us likelockwork. as soon as you finish a job, you get paid. >> o this far the first distillery w built 1909. the descendants of their proper back in 1991. the crisis is threatening the instry's future. is a very specifi
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traditional business. even if you have money, it is and not enou to run it properly. this isot a gas station. you he to give it all your energy, love, and aention to throse to produce auality prodt. >> if things are bador this amily, they are worse here. this used to be the state monopoly. now it is virtuly not roducing any roseoil. >> they operate in a ee market, but that does not mean they can alwayfind a market for what they produ. in te rose valley,ulgaria. >> bees, essential to plants and mans are in decline. people inrban aas are being encouragedto putighs on their
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balcony's and roofto. >> inside our beives, something going wrong. cod it be ty a in trouble? researchers have been ting to help some, but now a possible answer has emerged. omsomewhere really unexpected, rightn the middle of the city. this is a new kind of pstic beehive, and is designed to encourage urbanwellers to keep bs on rooftop and balcony's. ou have a school right next door. >> definitely. the beesthey seemuite docile andamily. they are interested in intaining their honey stores. they are not genelly interested in ople. >> out in the field, this new urbainitiative welcome. the bee is so uful to our food supply in ways people may not
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reize. >> it is said thhoneybee is responsible for one in three of every mouthful so eat. imagine a piece so without the influence of t be -- you probay would not loong at any tomatoes. the ancient greek plosopher aristotle pruitt -- pised their rtues. and the hollywood star scarlett johansn just receiv a beehive. this was gathered within 3 les of this verurban setting. theig test -- how th city honey taste? very usual. quite distitive. actually, very good. from the country garden to the skies of the city, bees could be
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headingfor a comeback. bbc news. >> finally, russia and's prime ministers showing off his physique, agn. putidoes not jo like france's presiden but he does like to show hielf off. >> is e marketing of muularity. he projects a certain russian id. the froners man with theud of mother russia onis boots. heroic, fearss, and sor. he is the nation's better self in rippling o flesh and blood. it is an vertising campaign that makespolitical use of the prim ministerial ptorals. and it works. vladimir putin understood mething fundamentalbout russians- they' crying need r a strong mant the center. >> i think it works in russia.
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i thinkhe russians like to s their leader strong, toh, and caring f the people. >> is stark cntrast to what cameefore. the yeltsin years, the democratic expement are associat with chaos, unecked cminality, and a ader who lt control. >> the pictures on t internet today he goes on holiday just like other peopl >> we need morpictures like these. on the beach, other places. that would be great. >> under putin, rsia retreated from thedemocracy of the 1990's. that is the prudt paradox -- given the choice, rsians have again and again voted demoatically, 4 putin's manage
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retreat from democracytself. and at is t grandower of vladimir putin. >> just in caseour holiday is not as sunny as mr. putin's, you may want to book alight with a german airline that offers coensation if your vacation as a washout. $29 for every rainy day. they define a rainy day a day with 5 miimeters of rain per square meter thank you for being withus. >> "bbc world news" was presented kcet, los angeles. funding for this presentatn was made possie by the freeman undation of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolu, the newman's o foundation, and the john d. and catherine t. macarthufoundation, and union bank.
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>> "c world news" was presented by kcet, los aeles. presented by kcet, los aeles.
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