tv Worldfocus PBS August 7, 2009 5:30pm-6:00pm EDT
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>> tonight o"worldfocus" -- the most wanted man in pakistan, a top tiban lear isdead. apparently kild by a u.s. missile strike. will it bring an endo his campaign of violence? > we mark the anniversary of thebrief but brutal war between russia and georgia bruleft hundds dead. tonight we look a the lacy of anger that remains. > how they s it. toght, we g the british take on anmerican investnt bank, goldman sachs. s huge profts and big bonues in spi of a sputteri economy have some wondering out govement connections. and hell on earth tonight, we take you t a sulfur mine in java where the workers get a god wage, b may be paying with thr health. from the world's leang rerters and analysts, here is what's happeng from around the world. this is "worldfocus.
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made possibl in part, by the following funders -- good eveningi'm martin savie. for months, he was the top target of the cia and pakistan's military, baullah mehsud, the head ofhe taliban in pakistan. a notorious militt commander wh controlled a widearea of pakistan'snorthwest. a man whe organization kild ndreds of secuty force and civilian today a senio taliban commander ispps meddudend hisde wife had beenkilled. t a missile fired unmanned ameran aircraft. in the tribal ar. the latest in series of attacks aimed at mehsud. how badly did the united ates want him? there was a $5 milon bounto his ad. toght's "lead focus" we
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look at the death of itullah mehsud a what it means against the war against t taliban. it was reported that mehsud was at his father-in-law's hou at th time othe attack suffering from a kney ailment. although mehsud insisted h face not be swn he briefly -- >> caller: there waspretty good eviden in towards of t electronic intercepts and other kindof data that suggest that he was deadnd just today pakistan, one of mehsud deties called the associad press to say that he was indeed killed. but there's nobody. there's no devidence. so iraqi officials would li to go to the ea to confirm that he was killed. >> as head of the talibann pastan, mehsud is taughto have been behind some of the group'most gh-profile attacks in recent years. th pakistani goverent named him as the prime suect in the december 2007 ssaof former prim
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minister bena zhirbhutto. he was also thought to be the mastermind. in march of thisear in the pakisti city in lahor. that attack left several licemen dead. >>aller: he's avery charismatic figure. took nominal crge of the talibani groups in pakistanwo years agond sort beca the stratec thinker. thguy who brought them together. very ufying figure and also someone who wted to go towar th pakistan. >> in pakistan, newsf mehd's deathrovoked a mixedtion the leader of talibanfaction, zohammed told reporters, he was gl mehd was dead. >> translator: what he w doing was not prt of islam. en the religious scholars did not approve of what he w doing. >> mehsud' death was so a major topic ofdiscussion at iday pyers. is man spoke aboutehsud referring to him by his first
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name >> translator: baitull will born but another will be born. if w do not change our thinking lots of baitullahs will keep being born. >> for more on this storye are joinedy lisa curtis, e's a senior research fellowat the heratage foundationand she joins us from washington. ce to have youback. >> thanksor having me again. >> what doou think the impact will be the taliban in pakistan? will they recover from this, and if so, how long wll it take th? >> well, i thi this i a significant victory for pakistan, its fight against terrorismpecially coming on the heels of the pakistan military ability to oust t taliban from the swat valey region. but we know that military commande can be placed. this doesn't mean the end of the paktani talibanyet it is very significant development. and it could al ange the debate about drone strikes pastan. pakisti officials have been very critical of these one strikes but i thinkt would be hard for themo argue that this
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is an importa tool in the ght against trrorists that threaten pakistan itlf. >> that's an interting point because i was woering, what of ipact did youhink that this wold hve onhe cooperation between american and pakistani telligence agencies? beuse at least up unt now i think that they've be mistrustful of one another. >> well, there h been a lot frtration and tension between washington and islamab. particularly, over pakistan's enging in peace deal with the militants. however, i think this i ginning to change. as i said, pakistan has been on the offensive agast taliban in otr areas ofpakist. and thishows that by the u.s. and kistan cooperating together, by using.s. technogy and pakistani inlligence, they can work together toddress threats at affe both of their countries. >> will this deathhave an impa on the neiboring war in afghanistan? >> well, ihink it' clear tha the drone srikes that have been
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taking place in pakistan over a year now have had a significant impact in degding the leership of al qaeda and the taliban. and that'sertainly helpful, particularly in the immeate term, terps of defending against terrorism. hower, over the longerterm, 're going to have t do much mo than drone strikes. we're going to have to engain onomic development, reconstruction, improvinghe environment so that people will have oer opptunities and they won't turn towards militantacy and terrorism. so that's the key over the longer term. >> lisa curtis, thank you ve much for joini us this evening. >> thank you. in afghanistan, this is shapinup sentially to be the most deadly month for american and other western force at war. milita officials said today that three more britishsoldiers and an american rvice member were killed inttacks in uthern and eastern afghanistan. that brings to 19 the number of
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international troopsho have died in just the first seven days of this month. it was also a deadly day in iraq, where at least37 people we killed in series of bombingattacks. inhe most serus, a suicide r bomb struca shii mosque in norern iraq. that's outside ofmosul, killing at least 30 people in ghdad, a roadside bomb targeted mini bus covering iite pilgrims, killing four people and woundin eight others. the attacks on shiites are raisg concerns of a possible ne wave of sectarian violence in iraq. >>from europe, we want totake note tonht of the first anniversary of the sart of the war beee georgia and russia. that conflictbroke out last summerwhen georgia launched an attack on t attack. ruia responded with a counterattack. e five-day war killed at least 390eople displaced te of thousas and left fr that re fighting could erup the scars still rain as we hear ithis report from
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deutsche wle. >> reporter: relatives of those killed in the fighting commemored their loved ones by laying flowersin the georgian capita tbilisi. the hostilities m have only lasted fiv days but ty left behind countless rsonnel tragedie >> translato some call it a minor, pointless war,ut it was major war for us. our children aren't wh us anymore. my sons was killed on agust 8th. >> reporter: there still no sign of improvemt of relation between russia a georgia. ma in the region fear armed colict could erupt again. >> translator: we still feel it's dangerous. all friends and relatives are worried. all we can do is have fth and trust in the international community. >> reporter: the european union have some 200 observers along georgia' border with south assetia. russian troops are stationed o the are sidehe border. 12 mths on, the standoff
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continue the situation remains tense. >> that report om deutsche welle. and itay have been the commentsf a pro-russan blogger from georgia that caused someone to lach the cyberattack that sut down the messaging svice twitter for two hos or so yterday. th, according to a nonprofi organization thatracks internet traffic. hackers caus the eruption by apparently sending aleury o e-mail span ssages. thatad links to twitter d other websites written by that georgian blogger. we want to turn to e issue now of big bonus and banks. what happed here in theunited states is alsoappening in frce, where there is a good deal of outrage after report that one majorank has set aside almost $1.5 billion in bonus the bank is parabas anit was one of those who recved governmentbailout moey. the meeting with bankers today
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prident nicholas car swroezy. and whether they a living up toheir commitments to ep credit flowing. and that referenceo what i de to what happened here i about theexperience of goldman sachs, whichas you mayave heard, anunced big profitsnd hu boses in recent week. that set off a storm of negativ reaction even though goldman h paid back the billions i assistance it received from the u.s. govnment. in our continuing sment "how they see it," we want to show you w our british ptner, it has covered the sto with its reporter, faisal islam. >> reporter: the decades goldman sachs have been high priest of - may have been celebrated of such across arica, but since ty announce record profits and cord bonus- they'd been under attack as never before from se pretty unlikely quarters. >> i don't think in the history
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of t united states there has been a company with as much direct influence on publi pocy as goldman sachs since the days of maybe jpmorganr standard oil. reporter: for its critics, goldman's suess is due toit ing pluggedirectly into washington's -- power. there can beo doubthat goldman sachs alum are incredibly well placed in l positions of political influence, dmocrats or reblican. take the past fourchairma robert ruben, the secretar who regulated complex financi markets. jon corzine, close to preside obama. stephen friedman. bush chief economic advise until may, cef rulator of goldman while sitng on its board anduying millions of dollars of shares and then hank paulso presidentbush treasure secretary responsible r the controversl bailouts. >> goldman has an extraornary
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record of former employees joining the govement and occupying key positions. >> reporter: it s the rock magane "rolng stone" that sparked the stormof attenti the wall strt giant. matt, argued that goldman is a giant vampe squied wrapped around the face of hunity. sponsible for no less tn six disastrous financial bubble. >> what golan's doing is not the free market. is is using e leave and the power of t state to force taxpayers, to give them mone and turn it into bonuses, so it's exactly the opposite of t free market econic. it's lib a reverse kind of socialism where money is taken from the grounup and pushed up to the upp class. >> reporter: those wor were dismissed a conspiracy theory at goldman's current oices. that article's spawned other accountsenied by the company itself of t pac amongst paners here last ausums sharp share price falls treaten thr financial ruin the critic of goldman sachs's
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connections with the u. government crystalles around onepisode from arou last year, the government bailout of inrance giant, aig. that ce just days after goldman's -- lehman brothers s allowed tofail. d was decided treasury secretary that used to the boss ofoldman sachs. when this finanal crisis stru goldman d an initially $2billion exposureto aig, some of wich itad offset. had aig goneust there was a rea and paulsonecently said that there were signifint issues with goldman at the time. >> the biggest beneficiary of the billions of dollars pumped into aig, much of ich went straight through aig and onto s counterpart was goldman sachs which got $12 billi of it. >> rorter: meetings oer the second weekend of lt september here at federal reserve bank of new york had already condemned
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lehm brothers. just subsequent meeting on aig, goman's chief executive was the only chie bank present and treasury secretary paulson should have never ll about goldman's sensitivity to aig's te. he'd been bo of goldman when many of the aig deals we struck. >> theeo of goldman sachs was the room during these negotiations and i know this from somebody who s also in the om at the time. whereas t primary regulator of aig, none in the office o supervision in the room at the same time. >> it's the heir principle competitors who fell athe waysid their guy was ithe chair. their guy is goingo maintain so influence. yoknow thers ju a poi wheryou sort of -- you haveo art shrugging off the noons that this is some kind of conspiracy thinking. d you've got start saying,
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ge one plus onequals two there is a proem. >> reporter:oldman was also permitted to cvert into a mainstream bank giving access to limitless cheap fundingrom the u.s. central bank. with its mainompetitors out of the game, goman's profited handsomely. e firm recently chose to buy back the u.s. governmt's share in the company and to therofit to t u.s. taxpayer b freeg it fro restrictionses nuses and pay. they may haveeen too clever by half. alreadyongress has been questioninthe goldman old boys. >> you don't feel any knd of scintillof ethices on th thing at all? >> totally. >> and this is just the tart. goldman sachs was one of three banks issued subenas by u.s. senate fraud investigation examining whether the banks that soldcomplex poo of mortgages did so despite having private doubts about their worth. it's a bwing sto for the present, too. gladee a symbol of american prosperity printi money again,
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but unea about multimilon dollar bonuses. for the goelden boys of goldman sachs means getting used to a very public glare. 's time now for our frid roundtable and tonht we're going to diuss the news that was made thiseek by a power couple, bill and hillary clinton. a mber of you told us v twitr that bill clinns trip to north korea was the story of the week. th former presiden geing his groove back in the words of one twitter user, while in afca, the skatebegan a mor american diplomatic initiate identi that coinent. joinings tonit, nikhil deogun. deputy manager of e "wall street jrnal." and david anlman. a foreign correspondent for "the
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neyork times" and cbs news. welcome to you both. and again, boy, juat week forhispolitical dynamic duo, husband and fe team. let's begin with bill clint, surpring everyone by showing up rth rea. david, was this -- have we oped a new door to north korea in a dialogue, or this was st an unusualet of rcumstances for which bill clinn fit the bill? >> well, bill clton certainly di fit the bill in fact he was the bill that wasresented by the north koreans as e one person that theyould like to see ce there anday would release the two jrnalists. >> the named him? he w the one? >> exaly, he was the o that they chosen a wasnotn the there the list thatbama sent to them as suggestions so the estion is, who is really in arge now? i mean, the nor reans still want dialogue only wh the united stes. they do not want the six-power talk, the unit states, even afr bill's sit there they still want e -- uld that include china of cose and the north koreans don't want to see th.
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we'll ha to see th as it evolves but -- an also it's very interesting- it will intesting dostically to see how north korea and the kis, if you will, t father and son, ultimaly work all of this out. >> i's all about family this week. >> iis. father and son d husband and wif nikhil, at did america have to give to get these journalists back. >> didn'have a lot to give. they certainly gave concessions, if you wi, when you think of the fact that kim jong-il s got a big propaganda hit out of this. there waquestion about his health. he's now provedo the world at he's alive. that's something. >> and that was a bi question. >> and that was a big queson. he got big propanda boost in his own country. the frontage ofhe north korean pap had five pictures ofim jong-il with bi clinton. it wast uil you got to pa three tha you had a littl blurb at mentioned that the journalists had be freed. and finally, you've got -- you've got show the world that youtill had some control over yourountry over which
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there was some significant doubts >> well, whose crt is the bal in now to try to moveit forward? stereo we, what's interesting also -- and nikhil was right. it also showed t world that north rea is rational to a certain degree. it could sit down andtalk it a western leader of some state and come out of it looking not like complete crazi in that respect. so i guess in thatrespect, you know it's kind of still in the north koreas cot and although we'll certaly have to see just outinitiatives move forward and who makes the next move. right now the north koreans ve said we will talk to the americanone on one. the obama ministration has said, we'll talko the north koreans only in the framework o the six-powertalks includin china. in some rescts it still hasn't med that far off ofhe stalemate from fore, except atmosprically perhaps. >> it's sch a secretive sciety to us, north kore sohat now ll clintoneturns with perhapthe most iel that
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america has h about the leadership of that bizarre country. an we've had in a decade >> well, when you talk to senr officials in wasngton, i was down there a couplef weeks ago, and you're always surprised by how litt we know abt rth korea. mo our information, our best informion is probably coming from the chinese. you really d't have, a david was menoning earlier, th japanese fear of influens wasn't as robust as was in that region. so you ow you do have a former president who's experienced in deing with world leaders coming back with some inrmation and clearly it does se that kim jong-il issend ag message, that he is willing to lk. and what hapns next is going to be anybody's guesatthis point. >> and then the person who may next become involved i bill clinn's wife, the secretary of the state. i'm trying to figure out the dynamics her in the oma admistration. does thi set up a problem for
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either the secretarof state in her relationship with the president of the unitestates as a rest of what happened this week with her husband? >> well, it could conceivably in the longrun. now remembe hlary's still very powerful force ithe democrat party. snow we canalk domestic politics here for moment, if we suddenlyave these two forces coming togethe it almost becomes le a critical mass, if youwill. energizing her image as a -- or the family's image, the billary age as world atesmen. and the is obama o to the side somewhere worryin about the econy and so on. >> she's going forwa with this iniative to frica. this is important unto itself in the united states estaishing a dial wogthis ntinent. >> h it is absutely. d what i fond very interesting is the dercurrents of china in both places, in e nort korea and in the african equation. china, remember, is the largest play in so many countries in africa right now. it isasically, has movedhe uned states off centerstage. the inese are buildingvast projects, dams and so on, all over africa in rern for natural resources.
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they want oil in places, like angola and various -- numberf other places. sudan. so really this is critical quarter you said to try to get back into that area thathina has dominated. equally, china's importa in e north korean equaon as well. so find the interplay, t undeurrent of china in all of this, very intriguing. and the united states does have to reasrt itself especially if africa now. >> and then on t of at, chin owns a great dal ofur debt. >> well, and in terms of that and the united stas, theeen united states most werful weapon, maybe you have esident now who ishe son of kea, as hillary clinton meioned. and that ges -- y know that has a real resonance in terms of actually trying t affect change over there. a continent where it is ve hard to affect zmierl we're going toave to leave there beuse we have run out of time. david andelman, thank you very much. nikhil eogun, thank you ry much. time goes by too quick. >> thanks, martin.
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finally tonigh if you thk you've ha a long week, we wanto take you t a small corner of theorld where hard wo only begins to describe what's involved foa group of menho toil on the indonesian isnd of java working in a volcano. therthey mine sulfuthat's an essential mineral new many thin that we all take for anted likefertilizer, insecticides, gunpoer and matches. se step vaessen of al jaera takes us inse of their world. >> reporter:strual landscape twicing all ofheir work on eir shoulder like gigantic an scraping up a livin these miners climb in an out. once or twice a day. hauling bright yellow pieces of sulfur weighing between 60 a 100 kilograms. buhas been working as asulfur
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miner in volcano for the last 26 yearfacing ferno. suffocating from ske every timee starts to dig. confrontedith obnoxiousfumes, our cameraman loses direction trying to film him. >> i'm lost. >> reporr: claims that even after all of these years he is still in excellent heah. [ speaking in tive tongue ]. >> reporter: without weari any masks, this smell isabsolutely unbearable. iteels like it's chokingou an your lungs are onire and these man are not wear anything maskat all. afr more than 350 miners in
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theolcano only a few protect themselves against the smoke. the company at -- cannot afford to buy masks f all of them. >> translator: ithis conditions, a mask will not st long. after n days y can't use it ymore so it's too expensive to keep changing it. >> reporter: but enough sulfur in the bkets, the long and painful jrney up begins. nobody complains carefuy placing their feet, balancing from one stone tthe other. in absole silence. [ eaking in native tongue ]. >> rorter: the hazardous journ kelast up to three hours. the men regularly have tor op to relieve e immense essure onheir body. despite waings from exerts about theihealth the miners are cotent with their jo
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three kilometersdownhill they will receive up $6 for 100 lograms ofulfur and it is nearly dbt salary of a factory worker. step vaessengeez, east java. >>nd that is "worldfocusfor this friy evening a for the week. ifou miss idea of our progms, the good ne is, you can cah up with all of them at, where you will also find a lot more global news. i'm martin savge in new york. as alays, thank you for ining us. we'll look for you ck here on monday and anytimen the web. aun untithen have, a wonderful weekend. "wldfocus" is made possible, in part, by the following funders -- "wldfocus" is made possible, in part, by the -- captions bvitac --
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