tv BBC World News PBS August 10, 2009 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT
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and union bank. >> union bank has put its financl strength toork for a wide range of companies, from small businesse to major corporatio. what can we do for you? now, "bbc world news." >> dozens are killed across east asia. it is not over yet. >> me than 40 have died in dead attacksin iraq. >> candy rthmerican leaders fix the confidence problems -- can the north american eaders fix the confidee problems? >> welcome to "bbc wor news"
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broadcast arou the world. coming up later, achange of strate. the dali lama says that freedom for tibet is a chinese oblem. >> ther will be change in food, both how much and what we eat. ♪ > there are concerns f the safety of hundreds peoplen taiwan. typhoon has triggered a deadly mudslid. it is reported that one vlage has been bied. somereas have seen the worst weather in half a century. there iconcern thathe death toll cld grow hugely. at least 13 have died in japan up to million peoe have been evuated along e east coast of cna. taiwan is the worst affected.
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we have a report from our coespondent on the scene in just a moment. first, another crespondent has is. >> in taiwa they are still searching. scor of people went missing wh the typhoon spt across the island. manyere simply washed away. the srmumped 2.5 meters of rain. it was a record. they have not seen flds like this and have a centur hundreds arehought tobe trapped remote villages. their homes a farmland have been damaged. in some cases, they have been destroyed. this man ss he has seen dead bodies sliding dn the side of the mountain into the rive below. china hs also beenattered. the eastern province has be soed for more than a day no the athorities say that hundreds of villages hav flooded.
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the storm damage hasffected millns of chinese. some of the hundreds of thousands who have been k=n6wevacuated have been taken t safety. the decisn to move them looks like it has heed tokeep the numb of casualties on the mainla low. the waves were up to 9 mets high as th hit the coast. heav downpours are fecast to cause proble across six provinces for hours to come. in japan, there was another deadly storm. thione caused landslides and widespread flooding in the west of the count. nrly 50,000 people have been removed from their homes. thi storm has also claimed lives. the search for survivors goes on. >> ourournalist is in rural taiwan,ust 40 kilometers from the area worst affecte by t typhoon.
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ahorities i the nearby town. for hundreds trapped by the mudslide. >> authories say te landslide occurred sundayight or early monday mning. most of the villages were sleeping. most ofthe villagers were sleeping. the mud crashed in so suddenly thayou had the chance to escape. about 150 have been rescu. elderly toand childr are believed to make up most of the victims. rescues are colicated by t washed away ads. there's also unstle debris ground in the llage. that makeselicopter landings impossible. the national sasterelief ceer in taipei said that 150 villagers have been found alive. they had been given crackers and water to survive on. hicopters areunable to bring out thpeople.
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authities say they fr this glimmer of hope cod b followed by d news. that could happen as e tuation in the vllage becomes mo clear >> that was our report on the scene. he u.s. geologal survey is porting a large earthquake in the indian ocean mearing 7.6. a tsunami watch has been issued fosurrounding countries. he quake h north of the indian islands. is being monitored for any signs of a possibltsunami. they do no know if there is actually a tsunami a strong earthquake s shaken tokyo and surrouing areas. the firsteading suggests a magnitude of 6.6. there' no rort of casualties at this point. just when millions of iraqis were hoping d beginning to beeve that t country was
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becoming more stable, a sers ofoordinated bomb attks have killed at leas40 ople and woundedore than 200. the attacks were in baghdad a mosul. the bbc has ts report. >> it happened fore dawn. most of the pele inhe village we still asleep. hose who was up sawhis. their houses were reded to ruins. relatives aneighbors were dead. e survivors oked for anything that they couldind amid t rubble in their tiny village near mosul. the meantime two more car mbs exploded in ghdad. the iraqi government anes al qaeda fothe well-planned and coordinatedlasts. >> the ene is still lurking. there are stl many of tse who oppose the successes we have made so far. >> this is th testimony to the
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governme's success. the allies are starting to resemble -- teir lives are stting to semble normali. they can enjoy tea a beauty treatment. the men sit chatting and drinking tea. all of these things are sig that thing are much more relaxed here. but life in iraq is still very far fro what most peop would call norma the people herere well are that the pie is relative and friejob, especially now that the americans -- the people here are well awarehat the piece is relave and fragile, especially now that the american oops havepulled back. th government insts that its troops are well up tohe task. to showhat baghdad is now safe, but they've even begun dismantlinghe blast walls ross the city. it is a desion that many here qution
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nce the amerins have withdrawn, the bomb blastseem to havintensified. iraqis now have more control overheir fure than ever before. their hopes are still tempered byhe violence. bbc news in baghdad. >> t government of pakistan sa it intendto provide conclusive proofhat the leader of thepakistan taliban is ad. kistan and american oicials insist that they are certain he was killed in the u.s. ssile sike. a n claiming to be e of his aides says the taliban chief and anothe senior leader also reported killed a still le. :%uq jt 10 daysefore tionwide elections in afghanistan, taliban militants have attacked t provincial government in police headquarters in e east of e country. the assau with guns a rockets killed by poce and injured 26 it is bng called the summit of the three amigos.
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the leaders ofanada, the unit stat, and mexico are meeting in guadalajara. the host isn their worst recession sincthe 1930's. the economy has dominatedhe discussion they says crucial that ey work togethe that mnot be easily done. >> it is a get together of some close friends, tt is the image at these 31orth americans nt to ge. they have spent less than 24 hours together. for much of the time, at ast oneof the participan seed to hve his mind on what ur matter the issues that confront them woulnot appear to be of e type that can be solved ornight and a day in guadalajara. the drug war in mexico is largy financed by amerin consumers. it escalating. 850 have been kill in t last month. the swe flu seems to be returning to his birthplace
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mexicoecently noted a dramatic jump in cases. tourism here is almost nonexistent. the end result is mexican ecomy in free fall. two yea ago, this manufacturer wod be sending out two truc each week to consumers in the united states. these days, it struggles to fil just one. like many otr mexican compaes, is a family-owned enterprise. he inherited the business from his father andurned it into a $12 million per yea concern. then came008. >> lt year was terrible. it was very difficult. there were no exports. there was no money. >> back on theealed streets of guadalajara, no specific sotions were offered regarding ongoing trade disputes. instead, tre was reassurance.
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>> so much of our common prosperity and jobs depend on tre that flows acrs the borders. ere is billns ofdollars worth ofrade each day. need to rect protectionism. we are among each other's largest trading partners. as we work togethertowards lasting prosperit we need to expand that. >> theoming months will be a test of the vaunted friendship between theseen. what difference do when things get tough? do they stay together or dft apart? -- what difference do when things get tough? do they stay together or depart? hillary clinton is in the congo. she ys that more should be done to stop the ase of women and the use of re as a weapon of war. she reacted forcelly when a stent asked about her husband's ew on aoreign- policy iue. she said that her husband was not the secretary of state.
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representatives from almost 200 countries we in the german city of bonn trying to negotiate a n treaty on climate change. the treaty is no due to be completed til the conferen in copenhagen inecember. climate change one reason at the food production of th world nds to doubl by 15. that is according tthe united nations fo and agriculture ency. there couldbe me hunker poor countries and an end to cheaper food in te more wealthy world. >> in rich wrld, gettg food for the family tae has been easy. we will t be aeo takthis for grante as they become harder to g. scientists areredicting that ve soon, there are likely to be shortages that wod drive up prices. ome fans will not be available at a. what are the problems that will hit food production?
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there will be more extrem weather because ofhe climate ange. tre is a growing world populati that is set to top 8 llion in 20 years. the will be re droughts andless water for the crops. >> we will have to doublwith the production. it needs to be more nutrious. we will need mor meat as the developing countries become wealthier and ke on the sameort of guy is that we have in the west. >> unss action is sn ken, it could affect our eryday meals. instd of srting the day was ceal and milk, it will be to cereal. t will be just. at lunchtime fish for supp will beut. ou will be left with mushy peas. theovernment says that we should ste less fd and purchase sustainable produce. we will edo researc new ways of growi food more
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efficntly. these are traditional english strawberries. it usual takes this amount of water to produce one strawbey. researchers have managed to reduce that by more than 3/4. has not reduced theield. the strawberrie are higher in vitamin c an apparently, the taste nicer. scntists believe itill be possible to keep food on ou tables i governments vest now to research into finding new ways to gw food more efficiently. it is gd to have you with us on "bbc wld news." sti to come, when theolice commit t cris. there is an oicial report on lice corruption in ssia. a former ildren's care giver is on tri for aeries of indecent assaults. he is 78. he denies the 21 charges.
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from jersey off the northwe coast of france, we have this report. >> he was 40 years old whehe started to work as aouse pant. among the1 charges he faces, 19 are of indecent assau involving five tnage girls. the court hearthat in the early 1970' thisas home to children it gointorouble or whose families uld not cope withhem. the prosecutg counsel told e jury th he washere to take e place of the cldren's natul parents. he said thahe had abus the position. mr. baker continued and said that the caswas about a man who acted as a sexual bully who took avantage of his authity to touchirls' in a sexual manner. one forme residenwho is now 53 said that he had indecently
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saulted her on daily bis. she said that hewould laugh at of, but no one to it as a joke. thdefence council suggested to the witness that she did not compla at the time bause it did not ppen. sh said that she didot complain because it happened to everyone. she thought it wasormal. a secondlleged victim bke down andhe gave evidee of indecent assault and also of being rad on several occasions the heaaster of ahome. when asked why she told no on at a time,he replied that she was 14 and that no onwould have listed. the case is expected toast 10 days. meanwhile, the investigation continues. the hether there will be further arrestare expected in e next few weeks. here are the latest adlines. therere concerns for the safety of hundreds of people in
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taiw. a typon has triggered a deadly mudslides. >> at least 40 people havbeen killed in some of theadliest attacks in a rock in months. spent most of his life campaigning for autonomy for tibet. he has ld the bbc that there an urgcy to settle the issu in an exclusive ierview, the spiritual ader says the number generation tends to favor mo racal action. for the first time, he is also called tiben automy the chinese domestic problem. th statement could breathe new lifento the deadlocked talks ineijing. i understandhat there have been eight or ne rounds of tasith the beijing government since 2002. but the dialogue seems to now be in deadlock. what are the sticking point >> i think basicallyits
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suspicion andistrust. they always look at it fromne angle, howo keep their power and ntrol. they do n care aut the environment, education, relious freedom, all of these things. we are seeking mutual benefit through mual solutions. we say they do not care about our basic rights. ere is mistrust. >> have you noced that a ctv screened documentary, "one year to that." -- "one year in tibe." you take that as a positive signal? we havehe human language.
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that should send a message rather than just some sial here. secondly, the chise government should consider it it a domestic problem. >> but you are polical as well. you see the ynger generation tibetans. ty may not be thapatient. they manot taktheidway approach >>es, there are growing signs of frustration among tibetan outside and inside. there is reason for worry. the younger generation feel
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that t situation is very bad for them. owever, as long as the dlas, remains,- as long as the dalaiama remns, they must listen. it is their job to prect and serve the public. whatappens when the police. the law and theovernment fails bringhe problem under ntrol? that queion is bng asked with gwing urgency in russia. we have ts special repo from moscow. >> it late april in a supermarket i southern moscow. the pice chief has just walked in with a gun. he is about to start shooting. this woman manages a raculous escape. as the staff for their lives, three lie dead. six others are seriously wounded.
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he wasne of them. he s shot twice in the back and stomach. h is still recovering. he sll has a bullet fragments lodged near his heart. >> my view of the police has changed forever. now cannot see a poceman without feing scared. it is not just me. many people in ts neighborhood wi never trust the police again. > aive minute drive away in theame area of moscow, i have come to meetim. >> she tried to cross here. >> two weeksfterhe supermket shooting, his pregnant wifwas run over and killed at this spot by an off- duty policeman. he was speeding on t wrong side of the road and did not even sto >> those pple who work in the poli or other departmts,
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th understand that they wl not be charged. bacon drive is they want. they can do is they want. -- they can drive as they want. they can do as they want. >> few days ago, this moscow newspaper publisd aist of 32 crimeshat it alleges that the police have commied here in the lastwo weeks alone. when we approachedhe inrior ministryor comment, this is whathey told us off the rerd. the situatn is worse than thnewspapers are repoing. pole officers are not paid properly. we can only recruit the lowest caliber people. they do not understand the law or human-rights. some even consort withriminal gangs. >> as every motorist nose here, police corruption is endemi pulling er motoristsor traffic violation is a lucrive industry. this amateur videohows the kind of transactis that result. that is a 1000 rle note, about
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$30. it is little wonder that the russian police are seen by many he as part ofhe problem rather than part of the solution. we go to story that s largely dippeared from the news thanks to e peace process. it was 40 years agohat there was conict in irelan it happened in the ar of londonderr those who tookart have been speang to our correspondent. > e summer of 69 in belfas eight people werkilled in one week in gust. it was so bad that the army had to be called i >> we have found se more bombs. they are behind the roadblock. >>it started with catholics clashing with police in londonderry. it ende with hundreds o famies being burned outf
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their homes in belft. it was mainly catholics who were attacked by protestan. but there were sectarian attack on both sides. cholicsbelieved they were being treated as second-class citizens in ireland. protestants re afraidhat they were facg an armed volt. the result wamayhem. >> i went out the back door of my chuh last night and saw my sunday school making petrol bombs on the back steps of the urch. ucb effect upon people, e scars, wounds, tir lives are wrecked. the minds are warped and twisted for life. >> 4 years on, he recalls how some of the teenagers he trd to turn away from violencended up in jail >> i remembetwo of them saying to mehat they wisd to god
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that they had listened to . they said that theyhought i might tually get medal because they were fighting for god and ulster. instea they got life imprisonment. >>n the wake of the violence of augus 69, the modern ira waformed. belfast was mo divided than ev. >> on the oth side of the street. >> he wa 20 at the ti. he is now 60. he well rememrseing a yng belfast catholic who w willing to fig. >> i could say it that it was not for me. i left. thafully, i did. on the first nit, they moved
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in. >> 40 ars late the burned ouses of all been rebuilt. the troubles arever. he pace process is solid. in this part of belfast, protestants and catholics still cann live tether. that is wy there is this hug wall toeep them apart. in northern ireland,he wound of sectarianism islow to heal. bbc news in belfast you can find more o th anall of the internional news anyti on that you for being witus. -- thank you for bng with us. >>unding for this presentation was made possible by -- thereeman foundation of new york, stowe, vermont and luno wmnee an's own foundaon,the john d. ancatherine t. carthur foundation, and union bank.
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