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tv   BBC World News  PBS  August 12, 2009 6:00pm-6:24pm EDT

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> "bbc world news"s presented by kt, los angeles. funding for ts presentation is made possible by the freeman foundation of new rk, stowe, vermont, and nolulu, the newm's own foundation, thjohn d. and catherine t. macarthur foundation, d union bank.
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>>nion bank has put its nancial strength to work for wide range of coanies, from sll businesses to major corporations. what can we do for you? >> welcome to "bbc world news." the headlineshis hour -- the libyan jet over the lockerbie is to be releasedfrom a scottish prison. russia saying it willreinforce militaryases in abkhazia. georgia has called that a provocation. tie one sendg troops topeed rescue efforts after last week's deadly typon -- taiwan
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is sendingroops to speed up rescue efforts after last week's deadly typhoon coming up later, the mystery of arctic sea. the srch is on for the car ship that hagone missing. fair on liday afte weekend of mb attacks in the island o majorca, just how are tourists copi? hello to you. thebc understand that the byan man convicted of the 1988 lockerbie is to be released on a scottish pron on compassionate grounds. he h terminal prostate cancer. he has been rving a life sentence convicted of blowing up a pan airliner over the scottish town of lockerbie. al259 people on board were killed with 11 more on the
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grnd. has ways protested his innocence. he has be appealing his conviction for a cond time in scottish courts. let's go to washington now and our correspondent. we re just diussing this. it is like, isn't it, this news will be diffently received, pending on which side of th atlantic you are on? that is right as you say, 270 victims in the air and on the ground. 11 of them died in the vilge of itself. of the59 people onthe plane, 189 were american citizens, d that the great tragedof all. 25 of them we studentsfrom sycuse university in new york state. while ther are retives in scotland, many of them feel the conviction is suspt, that h may be an innocent ma the formal vtims group her very strongly fes that he is the bomber, that he was doi
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it as some kind o agent of the libyan govement, and they feel there should be no compassion shown toward him. speaking the mother of e of the students, she says that he had sho her s no mercy. heron fell from the sky in flames. and he should be treated in prison, and ay compassion should be imprisoned in scotnd. the should be noelease on mpassionate grounds and certainly no respecto libya where sh fears he could get a hero's welcome. the suggestion is he could be back in tripo, the libyan capital, in time fornext friday, a that is something that fills her wh horror. briefly, iit possible tse who feelo strongly about this
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on that side of the atlantic could in some wayhallenge this desion? >> tey are already making their feelingknown. there have bn workg for the s. attorney general, but whether th have legal recours against thiss pretty much in doubt. they could make the decision about releasing someone on compassionate grounds, anscott as parole ard, will be moving up the proce, has ruested for him be released on compassionate grounds it seem as if a decision has been me to do everything they can to get him home to lib in time f ramadan, and the suspicion is th given his canc is terminal, heould die fairly qckly.
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>> it is rtain toaise tensio between russia and i neighbor geoia. russia's prime mister has been in the breakaway georgian republic of abkhazia. vladimir putin promised to spend almost $500 million on russ's military bases and frtified its border with orgia. >> the russian prime minier arrived here ahort of a warm welcom. whilmr. ptin paid respect to those killed i previous conflicts with georgia, he also pledged massive reurces for thearge number of russian oops now peanently based he. in inforl talks between mr. putin and the eye because -- the abkhaz lear, it became clear
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that russia wanted t finance eir rdown region. the govnment described itself as loyal ally of mscow. t in this local hospital, small glimpse of how abkhazia has now perhaps become much more than that. thes twins will apparently be named after him anthe russian present. there wil be growing in what will be inhe very least a client state. >> the u.s. central bank, the fedel reserv is to keep interest rates close to zero for an extended period, despite wha it says are signs of recovery in e u.s. econom they say their last meeting i legiance adjust ecomic activity is leling out. the american sectary of state
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ha urged nigeria to more to curb corruption animprove governan. mrs. clinton said the u.s. h also ofred nigeria advice on electoral reform in time for voting in 2011 masked gunmen havehot and killed at least fiveakistani islamicreachers in a mosque in ceral somalia. twothers were wounded. it is reported the gunmaalked into the mosque after mrning prayers, forced t preachers outside, and then oped fire. a massive rescue operation is still unr way in taiwan and it's the worst floong in 50 years. there was a ment of relief. around 700 people were found alive in the chartte area. they esced mudslideshat had their whole villag, but there are still many more unaounted for. >> as the clouds clear, though
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the scale of this disaster comes more apparent. hundreds die here. the typhoon dropped almost a meter d a half of rain in one day. today, the taiwanese military lost a major operation to airlift 700 survivorso fety, flying into a highschool playin fieldturned operations center. the injured and the exhausted are arrived on the incoming flights and were taken to hospita or shelters. the outgog flits of food and war to dro to those they could not reach. undreds wll again spend anher night in the op. >> the conditions are really tough to try to scue the hundre of people whore still stranded the rain that is coming down. helicoptersave been coming in every 15 mnutes thisorning with peoplon ard desperately need of help. some of them injurednd rushed straig to the hpital.
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>eople have been waiting ys for ne of tir family, frnds, and neighbors, but ere has been little word wit mobile phones swept away. some are losing hope. they cam here in desperation to plead with thgovernment telling them whe peopl were left sranded, running short of food and war. >> ally family, i'm afraid they're a dead. family is there. i grew up the. >> the taanese prident came here and listened to eir stories. you still think tat hundreds of pele have been killed? >> i think so, b we do not know exactly now. we would not spare any effort to scue them. >> tonight,nother 200 people were safe shelters, and on their fit night back in those, they watched on tv the terrible
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experiences the've lived throh. here is a question fr you -- w does ship disappear near one the big is it -- busit shipping lan i the world? the sear is on right now for a carg vess in the last scene of theoast of northern france that has now been missing r more thanwo weeks. it may he been taken over by pirates before traveling the english channel, something unheard of in european wats. >> how can a 4000on cargo shi pass through the english annel two weeks ago and then simply disappear offhe face of the yes? dover coastguard received a routine call from the arctic sea ojuly 28. what theyid not know was that she had earlier been attacked and ordered in swedish waters by nmen for atteing to the swedish police. the mystery began in finnd. on july 23, the ship set o
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with a cargo timber. the next day, the gunman reportedly boarded it, tiedp the crew, lft, and th ship continued. on july 29, lascontact was madeithhe coast guardas pass throu the engsh channel. it was last tract on july 30. it never me it to it's destination, algeria. ships can usually be tracked by satelle using the automated identification system, but no one knows where this ships now. >> you would expect to ship to be transtting all the time. indications are that they la recorded positionwithust about on the 29th of july. sometimes these things gwrong. sometimes ty can turn themselves off, butgain, it is unual that a ship suddenly loses contact. >> what happened to the ship hen.
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did it say? its cargo would hve floated on the rface and been spotted. is it being repaed somewhere? agn, it almost ctainly would ha been spotted by w. the partnowis to find the ship and its crew mewhere out there. >> the russian ny has scraled five ships to join the search. crew are awaiting any news of wh happened to the mtery ip. >> a court in the united states found a man guilty of aiding terrorts groupsbroad by seing medea's of the pentagon, the capitol buding, and other washington numents. e faces up to 60 years in prison. schools and cleges have osed for a week in dia's cmercial catal to try to contain the spread of h1n1 swine flu. officls say mumbai is in a
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state that has seen 11 othe country's 15 deaths. israi government is funding a call otheir locales. there were inoduced to help 19th century explorers acrs vast areas of arab land, but ere are now at least 1 million, damaging vegetatioand infrastructu. animal welfare groups favor insteaa drug to make the camels and fertile- infertile. good ratin are vital for any tv show, but howar should pruce is there to make sure their progra days of the to the host of crime so in brazil iseing investigad by polic they think he ma have ordered five murders just to be first with the story. >> this was the crimerogram that police say usedo arrive at the scene of killings even before they did. back the studio, thtv presenter d local polician would leadhe way in denouncing the level of violence in the
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state, but policesay as well as reporting crime, he was instigating it as well, ordering at least five the killings featured on the pgram. the athorities allege he was involved in ug traffickingnd wanted to get d of his rivals, whilalso boosting h tv ratings. >> in truthe went as r as creating facts and ordering the crimes be mmitted to generate news for the program. >> he is a popular politician anhas been elected to his local state assembly three times. his profile clely helped by his television program. he emphatically denies the clams and said the aegationsagainst him are part of an absd smear campaign by h political opponents. >> his lawyers sy there is no evidence to suort the accusation. >> all th investigations me by the publ ministry and the police have so far noteen able
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to present any proof of any kind. >> however poce say that resech to find more tn $150,000 wth of cash, ammunition, and a list of weapons, and the bullet lied to a killing. there is an elected politician -- but as an elecd politician, he has immunity fm arrest, and only a vote of 2 is less 3 of the ste assembly can reme that. -- and voted to slasthree of the state assemb can remove that -- a vote of 2/3 of thetate assembly c remove that. >>t turns out indonesias most wanted man is still on the loose. police thoht they had killed himin a shootout last week, but d testsave proved he was not among the dead.
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it is a bitter bl to the authorits. >> a simple farmhouse in the midd of rice pades riddled with blets after a 17-hour shooto. itwas here tat indonesian police thoht they'd give the region's most wante terrorist thought they had killed t region's most wanted terrists, but they annound th they did not get their ma >> the dna sampl from thedead militants s compared to that ofis famy. do not have a match withll of these people. >> instead, the man killed during the siege was identified as a must. police say he issenior bringing the bomb material ed in the marriottotel attacks. the fact that they did not capture him in the raids a major blow
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he has been volved invery big atck on thindonesian soil for the last seven yrs. he mostnfamous is the bombings of 2002, which killed more than 200 people. moreecently, te attacks in ju on the maiott and tz carlton hols, which killed nine. hes believed to hav been a key reciter and finance are for a terrorist group, but anysts say he has now formed hisown smler group. forces have been searching for him for seven yea, and analysts say theact that he has aded cpture again means his legendill only grow among his disciple and o islamist weites. police say as long as he remains atlarge, he will continue to try and lnch attacks.
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>> the latest headlines for you on bc world news." the libyan man jaed for the 1988 lockerbie bombing is to be released on cpassionate ground he was convicted in 2001 for the boing of pan am ight03, which exploded over the scottis town kilng 270 people. georgia ha stngly condemned visit by thrussian prime mister.
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george oppose deeper into region of abkhaz. this just a year after th two countries fought a brief war over t territory- georgia's regionf abkhazia. >> he has served almost exactly a fortnight in jail for each of e 270 people he has indeed h is convicted ofurdering when pa am flight 103 blowup over southern scotlan in 1988. the bombing remas the deadliest rrorist act in modern british history. why? because the scottish justice settlement wanted to meet him ce-to-fe beforeeciding his fate.
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there haveeen condering one applicion to a spare him to be in custody for the rest of his fe sentence, and a cond to release him some jail on compassionate ounds. the parole board for scotland now being asked to prepa its opinion on compassiate lease. the libyan regime, which has be restoringnormal relation with the u.k. has so been advised to fly m home. for many retives of those who died, especiallyn the united states, his relea would be too ch to bear. >> there was angreement made betwn our nations and their nations that if he was found guil, which he was -- there is no questi of his th by the way -- hwould servehe prison term in scotland. is hes so ill that needs to to a hospitali personally uld not oppose that, but the
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spital would be in scotla. if he wants see his fily, his familcan come to scotland. >> but he has always protested his innocence a is aealing his conction for the cond time in the sctish courts. compassionate releaswill not stop the appls, but will ensure he cn spend the final days of hi life at home with hifamily. >> u.s. maris have carried ou anoffensive in southern afghanistan, aiming to take town hel by the taliban before next we's predential election last month also sought a majo operaon by american forces and an increase in the numr deployed. we havthis report now from the afghan capital. >> amecan forces trying to find their tget. but the emy is proving toug
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and resilient. the taliban is spread, and thousands of extra american troops have beeneployed. the job -- tohange the moment of this war. >> part of ourissions have beenn the defen's. >> moving into taliban stroholds in the south of the country. >> we are trying to libete the to fm the taban,who have been controlling it for at ast several year it is one of the keyowns in the area. th is where the bazaar is, so by liberating them, we free t local populac from the influence of the taliban. >> se afghans will s it differeny. while the west may hav put eir hopes in the government
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and upcominglections, the taban continues to have strong suppt. > f the past two weeks, the spanish islandof my oak has been targeted. bombs went off in a barnd restrant. two police officers re killed in an rlier attack. at least 3 million holidaymakers avel to the iand every year. ncan kennedy has been, too, to see wt sphere of terrorism is doing to the all-important tourist industry -- to sewhat ar of terrorism is doing to the all-important tourt industry. >> it has been a summer inteupted by a bombing campaign that has left the islandn full alert what and 4000xtra curity forces havnow been said here topping cars ancarrying out seches in the hope of finding those irresponsie. is was the most serious atta on a pice stn


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