tv BBC World News PBS August 13, 2009 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT
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>> union bank has put s financial strengtho work for a wide ran of companies, from sml businesses to major corporations. what can we for you? and now "bbc world news." >> the possible release from jail of the man convicd for the 1988 locker bibombings sparks outrage in the.s.. >> don't aow someone who has murdered, premeditated rder of 2 innocent people an let them walk away. >> taiwan appea for help as it battles to rescue thousands stl strabded by last week's typhoon. stranded bylast week
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phoon. france and gerny are out of recession pulling ahe of the rest of europe. welcome to "bbc worldews" broadcast to our viewers opbs in america also around the globe. cong up later for you, the rce of iran's fead be senged you militia. have an intervi with a former memr. anit's fewell to a pioer of roc music, the guitast les paul has died. hello. e u.s. governmt is making its view very clear. the man serving a lifesentence a jailf the bombing of a pa am jet should note releas early. he has ternal proste
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cancer. he could be freed next week on compasonate grounds. he served eightears of his sentence. the b correspondentllen little reported back othe saster in 1988. he has returnedo lockerbie now. >> t whole sky just lit up d it was le liquid fire starteto rain down on the car. >> like a atom bomb going off. it was a rrific mhroom of flames. >> i lost my broer-in-law, my sier-in-law. >> it was d winter, the longest ght of th yr. one ur into its flight. thpan am jumbo jet fell ou of the cd sky, the biggest mass murr in british history. he w sentenced to lif for plantinghe bomb i now likely to be releaseds early as next ek o compassionate grounds. he has terminal prostate cancer. fate thrusthis town into
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national notoriety it did not invite. it i a close-knit privateage andoesot like the intrion of the world's press. its people carry what happened that night wi them. walking through these reets afr the crash was unforgettable. there was aviation fuel hanging in the air and it mixedith the blacsmoke from the fires an coated e back of your throat you had to step over a chaoti jump be of fe hoses snaking off invery direction. u could only watc as the people of lockerbieoved thugh the darkness, t speaking, sileed by the shock of it 25 passengers and crew died. 11 people we killedn the ground here in lockerbie. he has served two weeks in prison for each of the 270 dead. dr. jim swire lost h daughter floora. oven s he wanthim to be reased. >> i don't believe he is guty
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as charged and very many over people havdoubts about this trial. so i ink it wuld be inhumane, indeedownright cruel to keep a mann prison to d away from his familyand his country. >> but in america, there has en no similar acculation of doubt. there families have reacte very fferently. >> w do i have to have compassion for the manho killed my daughter killed all those people? that doesn't make an sense. we have lost our moral compass. >> p am 103as en route from london heathrow new york in december 1988. the bomb tore it apart five miles above lockerbie. ter years of resistance, libya agreed release two suspec for trial in april 1998. a scottish court was convened in the nevererlands. in 200 he was found guilty. another was acquied.
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as thellow permently stands, permanent transfer can't take place while the lel process is ongoing hi appeal is stil before the cots. rease on cpassionate grounds would enable to continue hisppeal. the u.s. government also reacted today urging britain to keep him behind rs until he dies. >> we have made our viewclear the u.k. government, to t other authorities that we believe he shoulspend the st of his time in jail. >> but it is not matter for the u.k. government. justs to the scottish parliament. the sretary finished him in jail last week. now a scottishinister must take a decion that will have a lasting impact on british foren relations. >> clearly i have been listening to repsentations fromhe americans, from the families, and indeed l those with a legitimate interest.
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i'm confident i have to decide this aspeedily as possible. he is terrible ill and there are otr factors. i haveade no decision as yet. >> lockbie is synonymous now with an a of terror that was so singularly shocking and a the time unprecedented it is sll on the nrth atlantic flight path and ech sunny day, each clear sky brings its passing reminders. allen little, bbc news loerbie. >> you got sense of it there, en 21 years afterthis disaster, many questions remai aboutho exactl was responsible. there has long been conrn that the man was in fact a convenient scapegoat, thathe real perpetrors are still at large.3 correspondent, front gardener. >> it's the story that won't quite go away, britain's worst ever terrorist attack still has me unanswere qutions. e lobber biverdict lef an
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uncomfortable taste in t mouth, jus one convicd of all of those deaths. so the doubters qstion will more seen yor libyans shouldn't have alsostood trial. other suspect that libya may have takenhe rap forn atrocity perhaps committed by others. so was justice done inhe trial of the lockerbie bbing. the trial in the negligenterlands looked at a vast amount o evidence. n am flight 103 was instakingly rebuilt from the wreckage. this was a forensic investation conducted to extremelhigh standards but ba in 1981, libya was not the only country with a gdge against america. five mons before lkerbie, this u.s. warship st down an iranirbus over theulf killinall 29 passengers. the u.s. navy sid its radar mistook it for an attacng war plane. iran never acpted this blowing a u.s airliner in
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renge would have anbvious symmetry but no iranian complity has been proven a the cot found against the libyan man. >> hes a victim of gross miarriage ofjustice. i'm very glass that ahough the scotti executive have granted might grant a rease on compaionate grounds, his appeawill contin. >> one result of the trial, libya haseen largely habilitated. aftethe bombg, libya's prident was an international pa ryia offering up the tw suspects for trial, swalling e verdict and paying compsation was the price he had to pay to bring libya in from t cold. britain and america have th re-estabshed relations. >> is been on both side the outside world has bn grudging in its acceptance of libya and kadaf tinch and they have bee begrudging i giving the outside world what it
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wants. >> sohat happens next? this was t welcome home given to the other libyan suspect, acquitted eight years ago. en the other comes home, he'll like get the same. lins will consider that line h been drawn over lockerbie, others, though, m degree. frank gardener, bbc news. >> more of the in internationanews for you. ateast 20 pele have been killed, more than 30 injured in twsuicide bomb attacks in northernraq. the attack has targete two cafe sinj in the provincof mosul. the reon has been hitby a series of high profile attacks in the past twoeeks. north korea ha released a sout korea engeer. he had been deined since march for alegedly insulting the north common first leadership. there is still no sign of the malte registered ship the arct sea. e company that operates the vess sell now does believe it's
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been hijacked. it was last sighted off the frch coast last month. russia has sen five navy ships to helpin the search. at least 300 people are missing, feared de in just one taiwanese villag in the landslides trigged by typhoon morakot. the latest official figure is met by growing plic anger and will put mor effort into the scue operation. the military say 4,000 extra oops will now join te search teams. we report no from one of the worst hit areas of southern taiwan. >> it's a battle to keep morale high, but th srch goes on. even morsoldiers join the rescue efforts acrs southn taiwan. the war levels are still high and hundre of ople are still stranded. the difficulty topot from the air. but w troops are out on the
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ground. more are beingound and airlifteto safety. these froone of the worst hit villages. peoplereeing rescued however possible, ropes and wires bridging canyons. here a newbornaby is brout to safety. e conditio e treacherous, but moving fast is essential. it's incredible the impactof the flowaters have ha on the frastructure in thisrea, one of the worst affected in southern taiwan. the rd, the bridge has bn completelywept away. you can see how high theiver ill is days later. the weathehas improved. the operatio has been able to gather steam, but there are still hundredsf people trapped in e mountains. even here it tookn hr to ing one man acrs the treatment. progress is slow and clearly
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many have parished. >> the damage is huge with many casualties. a lot entered but even more dead peoe. >> taiwahas now aske for international help. heavy lting aircraft and disiffect tant. 1.5,000 body bags have been broughtn for the worse ce scenario, but many may not be foun >> after aear of negive growth, two of europe's bgest commission have unpectedly pulled out of recession. figures just release show the output of france and germany gr by .3% in th second quarter of this year spite focasts they would carry on shnking. we have this from our chi economic correspondent. >> there are oe orwo bright sps in theorldconomy. and surprisingly learn today two of them are right in the heart of continenl europe.
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france and gmany both recorded growth of .% in the second quarter of the year. europe's industrl powerhouse was perhaps theiggest surpse. german compaes are on the move again. they have had a term tme over the last year with the slump i world trade, but in recent months, thgs have been picking up. thisfirm which makes plastic components h seen an increase in orders. >> our turnover has increased by more than 15%. we're opening a new factoryand developing new products for the all nove iustry. >> car scrap o schem have helped the german economy, th areffered cash to tradein d vehicles for new ones. france has benefited from government invtment aid. consumer snding has pked up. shopperse spoke to in paris seem condent about their ospects. >> i'm spending a little more.
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>> i'm half optimisc. >> i think the economy stroer than it used to be over the last mont. >> and after months of doom and gloom, herfor once is a finance ministewith reasons to be cheerful. >> i was happily surpris. none of my forecasters or any of the oth forecasters, for that mter,ere planning positive growth during the second quarter of 2009. >> so with growt returning, france and germany can sayhat technically they're out of recession. it's not the same story in se other leading conmer commsion. us, for ample, here in the u.k., there was a decline in output of .8%. so why is btain lagging hind? e fallout from the nancial crisis is still hangingver the ecomy. >> because the u.k. financial sector is such a big hit from
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the receson, it's taking longero recovery than t other counies which didn't have sh a meltdown in the financial sect. germany and frae will hope this i't a flas in the pan with a temporar boost fom government spending followed by another dip, the briti government can only hope we catch up with the french and german bandwag. >> sll to come for you on "bbc world ns," 18 months after violence tore kenya apt, a new call for pee an justice. >> first, though, the uted nationsecurity council has pressed concern at the extension of hous arrest for burma's leadingpposition figure,aung san suu kyi. th have urged the ruling genels to begin a genuine dialogue wither and her politica parties. the prime minier of neighboring thailand, one of burma's y partners is tellg the bbc o his deep documents
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of theerdict. he wassked if the military leaders in ran go are paying any attention to internional concerns >> it habeen difficult and i'm sure that a lot of people have experienced this, but to then jump and conclude that they do not listen at all, i don't think that's the case. i think the fact that ey have formulating a roadap, it was clear response to the views of the internationalommunity and maybe that we just nd to have twork that mu harr make them seehat what is ppeninghere is still not enough. >> there ha been various enarios set out for the future of burma and one that i have heard often is that eventually this regime will change but when it does perhaps ma years the future, wh you' have against the backdropf a processrouse a peaceful asia is a despetely
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poor country with refugee coming io countries like thailand. >> we are already feeling that problem becau of the gap between the stage of development and also we are also feeling the effect of confli among te minority groups andhe govnment, regur figing, and most recently over the st couple of months, we have had to look after about 3,000, 4,000 splaced persons. so which is why we want to encourage the process of development. latest adlinesfor you on "bbc world new" the united stas is saying it still opposed to any ely release of the bibian man jailed for the 1988 lockerbie bombing. relativeof the victims othe tack are deeply divided about reports of his impending release. authorities in taiwan are ying more than 1,600 pple have beenescued sin typhoon
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morakot caused floods and mudslides. iran, onef the defeated presidential candidates has claimed so of those arrested since the disputed election have been torted to death. he has called for an iuirey. ahmadinejad took offe last week. now he res now as president will depend in anyways on the militia sent in to brea up demonstrations. this report from our tehran corrpondent who was exped byhe iranian authorities. >> opposition demonstrators are on the streets of tehra ddenly shots ring out from a rooftop. a shadowy figured has opened fire on the crowd these are the be seeinged,he -- be seeed government
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milia, thechief enforcers, often ing throughout crowds on fleets of morcycles. we have obtained rare footage as they re trained or indoctrinated taking the iran-iraq war for inspiration, they're drilled from anarly e for rvice to the regime and to god. they do seem remarkabl idealiic. >> our goal is move t whol worldoward greater spiruality. we want change the world, to save the worldnd its people from tyranny. saving the worldromyranny or cshing disnt athis seems to doing. one told his old lleagues adopteto their new roleith enthusia. >> theris no needo tell th what to .
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when they were given guns and batons to go, it's obviously whathey are met to do. it'sike letting a bu lose among sheep. >> he showed me a website h set up to identify former collgues he says are taking part in the cracown. he says some of them have contacted him toomplain about what he habeen doin but also some ve expressed doubts about what they are bing asked to do themselves. >> some of them have become disillusioned. i can't tell you how many, t i'm sure not my are not happy about what is happening right now. others are standingirm, supporti the revolution by taking up arm and oppressin people. >> i had many, many suspicious commanders, theyave problems with their children and their wis and they ask them why did you kill the people? >> there are pnty who show no doubts at all.
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watch this ainclothes militia man ase takesut two pistols and takes am into e crowd. the crowd chases him down. despite the casualties, iranians a losing their fear perhaps it's time r the govement to sta running ared. >> well, 18 monthsafter disputed election results led kenya to therink of civil wa there is ccern in a those responsible f the violence there couldvade justice. willoss rorts. >> call for peace in a communy that was rn apart by tribal clashes. they came tens of tusands for three days o prayers and repe dance.
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these lidge services have been backed by t government in an fort to heal the woundsrom last yeas st-election violence. th were asked to hand ov their weapo. some had bn used in defense, otrs to hunt down and kill peoplerom rival ethnic groups. handing over his machete, he says thisvent is what kenya needs. >> people are forgiving each other, you see. and people are-- >> but what about justicefor this? mo than 1,000 people were killed an half a million displaced when a commission of ine acquirey says cabine mite ters were tolame. it's now a yearand a half since kenya was torn apart by the st-election violence, but ere are plenty of reminders
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of what went on. this home wa looted and burns because thewner of the propertyas from one particular ethnic goup. there is some reconciliaon but do the politicns or businessman who instigated vienceill ever get their day in court. josephas returned tois village where his wife a his son were killed, burnt ave inde a churc ashey sough fuge from their own neighbors. now he struggles on his own to look aer his other children. he blames the polical leaders, but wants them toace justice at the internatial criminal court ithe hague. >> this country is country fo the rich, but the poor have no justice. so we as kenyans would like these peoples to be taken out ofhe country so that justice can work and the truth can be
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seen. >> the government s ruledut setting up tribunal in kenya which would ha featud internationaudges. it is chosen instead thlocal courtsbut iists politicns will not eape justice. >> matters of justi like international cri, youannot mediate, you cannot reconcile if theffense has been committed, you must face th music. you must dance to it. >> eveif you're a minister >> whether you are. >> if keyuspects evade justice locay, the best hope of ending immuty may be at the international crimal cour a last resort to ensure these horrific events are not ignored, will ross, bbc news kenya. >> finally, les paul, the american musici and guitar pioneer has died inew york. he w 94. he held develop the instruments an recorng teniques that changed the history of amplified music.
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we look at his legacy. >> the gibn les paul,he itar he invented anhat he gavehis name to became the instrument of choice for so many. acro a spectrum guitaris embraced it fo the sound from guns and roses ash to neil young. expermitte with guitar amplificion for years first coming up with a basic log shape to the bemument of gibson >> everybody thought iwas awful and terrible. >> les paul was also a succsful musician in hs own right,hree-time grammy winner w twice reached th numberne spot the united states in the 1950's. but he never expectedhe instrunt designedor which hel be remembered to become
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so influeial. >> in aillion years i don't believthat it ever entermy mi that it wod be as big as it is. >>e also invented ltitrack recording, a techque that led to the modern studio. that together with his sicianship andnnovation will ensure you'll aways be remember as one the architects orock and roll. >> les paul,ead at the agef 94. thanks for being with us. >> funding wasade possible by the freeman undation of new york, stowe, vmont, and honolulu the newman's o foundation. the john dand catherine t. macarthur foundation. and union bank.
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>> uni bank has put its financial strength to wo for a wide range of coanies from small sinesses to major corporations. what can we do for you? >> i'm julia stiles. >> i'm kevin bac. >> i kim cattrall. >> hi, i'm ken burns. >> i'm li taylor. >> i'm henry louis gat, jr., and public broadcastg is my source for ns about the worl >> for intelgent conversation >> for electn coverage you can count on. >> for conversations beyond e sound bites. >> a commitment journalism. >> for deciding o to vote for. >> i'merry washington, and public broadcastinis my source forntelligent connectis to my commity. >> "bbc world news" was presented by kcet, los presented by kcet, los angeles.
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