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tv   Charlie Rose  PBS  August 25, 2009 11:00pm-12:00am EDT

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a drought? >>ou know, there are kind of like... there have bn, but i really dt think they're... i don't think of them as dry periods. i think of them as relief. >> rose: or fallow. (laughs) >> relief. it's le... it's not happeng, i know it's going to happe so i me all i have to do is stay open and it'sgoing to happe rose: what does that mean "stay on"? >> right herewith you right now. just beg there and staying open. i ink staying open for me uld mean... no one ever ask asked me that before t i think it's like what i said.
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if i feel , i'm open to it. tt's, like, the boss. tht's where it's coming from. so i go there. so i'open to it. >>ose: there's a thing that actors ha said is that tey haveo stay open to being ae to access emotion ey feel. to touch base with themsees, to reach, toonnect with something tt's in themto say somhing in a way that reflect the dialogue they have at hand. >> they'll take aart of themselvesnd let that part naturally come out a go into he character. if it's in there, if they maybe get to a place where it will come out. up? actly. but thehave to make that connecti with it. it's there and thehave to let it come. >> they he to be open, they've got to let itome. because ifthey're thinking too much, it not going to work. it's not like you ink about it. >>ose: being open is not thinking but just...eing open. >> st being there. just beg there and being ready to accept whater happens. d believe that that is
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important. it's moremportant than at's going on. the only thing that wou stop me from doing this would be something where o of my loved ones was in trouble and that w more important. obvisly i had to dohis, this was the most important thing was to ta care of someone i my family, then th would be... or anybody in serius trouble. i d't think that i would... but that's aout it. >>ose: prow probably don like is word, but this is your genius. >> well, it's a ft. is a gift, chaie. it's a gift. >> rose: that's the way you see t. and en did you know you had it? >> oh,ell i guess when i started having success in selling a bunchf records and feeling this feeling and the songs would co and then i'd ow when i was performing them when i realed that i didn havto create a reco, that i could singt and then if i felt itn my own soul when was going do that i didn feel i
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didn't have to listen t it, i knew that was the mast and all i had do was mixit. that i didn't ce if i w... if iade a mistake or maybe would try to fixt. but we're not going to fixt at the expense of the performance. >> rose: it's alwayshe lyrics first? >> um sometimes i g aelody that rolls aroundn hi he and you ju end up going, wow... or a hook or something like that. but the are little renders, they just come to you and... but when t song really comes, it all.. you know, then the lyrics and the whole thing just tules t. >> rose: "u.s. today." >> yeah. rose: your sensef outrage about the waras alrady there when you saw >> yeah, i thnk it was, i... younow, it's a sad thing. and i see it like... i look at it, charlie, like why? why e we doing this why is the human rac doing is this? and is... i try to stepñi ba and see it and i... you know, in this record i got really
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involved in the psent, which i like, turmoil. it's trible to be involv in criticizinthe psident and ing this and that and taling about things in the first rson an getting right in there. it's like i'veot sucke into it. i was part ofhe turmoil self. which wasn't happy about. and i'm not happy about now. b it haened. >>ose: sucked ito the turmoil being part of the debate? >> being part of living with war. i was sucked into itnd i got angry. was angry about things that were happeni and... this is just not rht. ths is not the way it should be. i felt like w were being lied to andthings weren't true and we were gettingold... sold a bl of goods and even... you knw, we know the story. we've seen the news, we' seen the senate submmittees and the this that they've discovered that were wrong that... you know things weren't as they were told to us to be.
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but i don't want to rp on that. whe i want t go.... >> rose: well, you had an album. >> yeah, i d thelbum. i did thelbum, i said all of what i had to sy and n i don't likeo do it again. i don't likesinging the songs, i did it i'm not cnn. i on't play it over and over. >> rose: inow how you feel about that. tually, i agreeith that. (laughs) >> so i don't want to do that. i wa to... what i want to do is try to make a difference in anoer way. i really thk-- and somewhere along the line th year i figure out-- that, you know, i really can do mething else. i he a lot of other interes, you know? and one of th is mecnical and i look back at... d technology and all of the things. i look atwhat's going o and i go, you know, whyan't ibe one of the people who tries to do something? to replace the type of
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transportati that we use? >> rose:well, you arerying to do that. definitely. >> rose:ou've gothis hybrid car. >> yea that's what i'm trying to o. and i want to do that. i want to... i set a goa a loftgoal for my organization my friends that i'veet to iminate roadsideefueling. >> rose: i know, know. (laughs) >> you know? and you talkbout the audacity of hope >> rose: (laus) exact. >> that'swhat i want to d, though. and i don't think yocan get there unlessou aim at it. ion't... i think we are going to get tohat point. i think you know when you think about the world.... >>ose: the will be no more service stations? there may biofuels but... >> well, i don't eve know about. i'm just not sure. would just like to eiminate the need for us to have to use these this thatause all the war and all of the disturnces. rose: and addiction to oil and all of that. >> all of the suffering around the wod is all about energy.
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even the clite is based in th energy proble the environmenl problems and the social. the cultur... look what we've done. 's a 7,0 or 8,000-year-old city we were boing and the museum got looted. allhis old stuffhat's been there for centuries. w people don't know ere it is, you know? i mean, look what we... look wh happened. it'sust... itbothers me. i ook at it and i go "there's got to be... i've got to step back." wh is this happenig? and i'm just a bump on log. i'm just a pinad. i'm jt a needle in a hstack. if i can try to do this, maybe oter people can try to d it you know? i don't think at... i don't ink that... i mea, i don't have anywhere nearhe knowledge of, like, g.m. or ford or anybody like that. but i'm t a big company. but i have the internet. and now in thisge, this is the
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21st centy ande're smart. we've got to srt.... >>rose: well, 're also connect d that you can tap to the smartness of a lot o other people. >> yeah, we can art doing things w. we can sta working with people thatwe've never met. can find..we can go to yotube, we can look at people's sciece eperience... experiments. we can go to overunity,e can look for phycs things th are out that that demonstrate that there is a pssibility of no roadse refueling. >> rose: all righ you any that the idea of energy and having to reink it and having to find new ways has reached critical mass. >> i think america is ady to ma ha change and that sacrifice that it has to make? >> re: right. critical mass. > i think it's... we're approaching it. wee approaching it. but i do tnk that we're... that we're smt enough as well as there's eough of us who are... have engh of a cscience to do whatneeds to be done to srt conserving.
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bu it's capitalist... it' capital it's driveby a capitalist system >> rose: well, that's okay. catalism has been good to neil. >> eat. andhat might be the savio was the fact tt now it sts so much peoplare thinking about it. >> rose: so what go do you have in music today i mean,ou've had this extraordina life,rosby stills gnas and young. you've had this extraordinary success onour own. i don't know how you choose wh for what. but doou still have gos music or do y just simply... is what y do and it comes to yo >> my go is to respect the source, charlie, respect the source. be there for theource. >> rose: this iswhere we ban this conversation. >> that's right. be there. be ready that's my goal. that's my numbeone task. that what i do. >> rose: are u happiest wh you're on stage? >> you know, many things make me happy. >> rose: i can tell. that's w i like you.
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you haven't been boed in a lng time, have you? >> i don't get bored, i don like to get... i ha too many things too. my love wifeells me that she's worried aboutme because i do smuch. >> rose: h long have you been rried? >> 30 years. it will 30 years on augus 2. we' going for our 30t aniversary. and wt a great woman. i... look what i've donen 30 years of marage. w creative ha i been? i he been able to do l kinds of different ings? take on fferent characters? take on different personalities? do whacky things, get tally out of my nd drinkin tequila to get into one thing, doing this, doing that, doing all of these things fo all these aracters that i had to live my way through and she was sticking with me all th way through that. >> rose: so she serves a dal for sticking with you? >>she deserves a medal f being free and oen enough allow mto be myself. o you know how many people when they get married they change? they adjust. i have iave not had toake an adjustment. she's allowed m to be free and
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it taught me e beauty o the family. and so i'm very fortune. behind everyone who has... is doing something, the's a... somebody like tt, a partner. >> ro: what did the brain aneusm teach you, tell you? what was a... >> it gave me more faith. >> rose: di it really? >> yeah. >> rose: faith in. >> i don't know. i don't know. >> rose: just faith? >> i have faith. ion't know what it is. i know there's a lot of stories. there's the bibl there's the oran, there's all these things. even's got one. everybody has a fah. and there's sries that have gone through the ages and i respect all of th. bu i don't know where i fit i i just haveaith. >> rose: you beeve in nare. >> i love nature. my church is my fost. i like to walkin the trees, look up, t trees are so old, they're so tall, they're s natural and ty're so beautiful. and i jut like to toh them, hearmy foorints.
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i... that, to me, that's my chuh. at's my cathedral. i don't have a robe. i dot have a book. i don't know my bk. if i have a boo, i haven't read it. somehow it's missing. ... but i have ithnd i respect faith and sincehen i've bee very awe of that. so i don't know at it is, but i believe in it. it's a urney. >> rose: mickey rourke is here. in the 180s he was one of our most sought-after acts. shehowed early promise in gripping and raw perfmances in films le "body heat" "diner ""rumblefish" an of course, "9 and a halweeks." here's a look at miey rourke over t years. >> en after the ltdown there going to know it's our >> i don't careabout that. that's all there i to ?
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>> no, no, thatin't all there is to it. you've got to ge in; you've got to get out, you' got to pi he right spot, the right tim you've got totry not to get famouwhile you're in thect. i never did a l of... a lot of screwing around. >> yeah, of course. little. >> little? >> a little. >> you're a virgin, aren't you? >> technically. >> hey, you got a lot to learn see, when you were two yars old i was six, your mother dcided to leae. she took me with her. en the old man fnd out, h
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went on a three day junk. e told me it was the first time that... he ld me it was the fist time he ever got drunk. you >> youot no job to worry about. >> what'd you say? >> come on huh? say that ain. say it again. say it again. say... say what you jussaid again. out my suit. say... what do i don't need? tell me what i don'teed. >> what do youneed a tissue for chlie? you got no job to lear >> that's right. fine. here's your button. >> come on, man! > you work and yo work and you work and youeet with people th you don like, tt you don't ev know, thatou don't even wa to know. and they tryo sell you things,
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yotry to sell them things, then you go home at night, lien to the wife nag. youurn up thi]yv
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i t up to canada where it's shooting "get carter" and s... one of his aistants, i think was a bodyguard or training partner of his puld me aside and sa "schri don't want you to know this, but so ando wouldn't pay y the money, sly ok it out of his own pocket. and it was, likeoh, man. so, you ow, during that period of time i wouldget a delugof work re, two weeks work here. sly gave me, like, i think nine ys and ten sean gave me day in "th plee" which was a
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really greatritten scene. >rose: so aronofsky cal up, r an agent calls up and they say what? how does the "the wstler happen?" >> ll, befo aronofsky... my agent said darren anofsky would like toeet you. and ihought, wow, who's that? and then i wched a couple his films and i thought he was interesting. and then i made it my point to call a fewpeople and inquire about him and i got the sme feedback that've heard that reminded me of wt i heard aboutrancis coppola. he wavery, very very fright. very uncoromising, hes trying to be... pele wanted him to come out to california and make big commercial formula movies, he resisted that. stayed in his little thing with brooklynhis protozoa company where he kes films d movies that a different. and movies i think that a intelligent mies that take risksnd chances with integrity
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and that's what interests me. sothere was a meeting an we met, we said... this is darren aronofsky and... i think before hit the chair h went in "well, you rned your career for theast 15 years, i'm tring to do a movie with you a i can't raise any money." >> rose: nobody wants t back a movie you're in. " >> "nobody want to back a movie you're in." and i'm thinng, okay, i've heard this before. he sai"if i do th movie with you, you're goi to listen to everything i say, do everything i tell you and you'renever going to disrespecte in front of the cre and i can't pay you. and i've said this in a lot o interviewbut it went just like that. i liked the fact tha he got riht to the point. nd i also saw you could... i saw in his eyes how smart he is. i realized i not goingo be able to bl smoke up this guy's ass. hes... he hat it when i say it, he's tough. d i think he hates it when i
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say it bause he's afraid actors areoing to be afraid of that. but i wt someone who's tough. iant someone who's going to... he kew how to push my buttons. i would do a take and he would say... i thought it was good. and he'd go give another one, give me another one. i do it, thought i was good hen he'd walk over and he says "bring it." d i did it, it wod be better. i thought, okay, get... i ca t out of here now. i wa you to bring it, i just did. nd he'd walk away and jst fore the take he'd come over and he'd go "really bring it, mickey, really bringt." and he knew h to push my butts. he was like a footbl coach. he was like... or a boxing trair who saysust give me one more rod. and because fought for me to do the movie he puthis ass on the li, put his caer on the
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line, put his... the financrs dn't even want me to do the movi actually, i got replaced early on. rose: you got rlaced? >> i got replaced by aovie star and... becase they could only raise a vy little amount of mey on me and they cou ve raised twenty something milion on the other actor, who is i very ne actor. and you was okay wi it. verybody else was upt. my agentwas concerned andthis one and that one and and i thought, y know what? i've got to go dwn to mmi, i've got to work out for seven, eight months to pu on anywhere from 25o 28 pods of muscle d get... because ese guys are big. i walked around like 195 and these gu are 230. >>ose: so you keep the job, though? and y go through this regimen? >> right. >> rose: have the skills chnged? are they sw? it like mull thatou can sily back working and they all come back? you know what iean? >> yes, i kn what you mean really well and it's a very god
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estion. becae it wasn't a... you know, it wasn't ever a questionf ability, it was question of hat i h someissues... old sues that i hdn't come to terms with. and it was authority. it was authority figures. it was... it was... it was the fact that i couldn't be controlled couldn't betalked down to if i thought it was... it was a lot ofunk and garbage i had in m head that i didn't have the informatio abo to change andix. and you n only do that if you go to somne who's a professional that can help you. >> rose: y've got to sip away all the ings that are getting in between you and... >> i had to take my armorff, which i saw as my strength. and i was afraid dohat. because whe i come from it wa all about being a hard man, being a...ride and respect and l those things, k become a
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weakness. >> rose: which is a intesting. but you have tked a lot about is: i mea, there is... you are remarkably open or remarkabl... or you're puing ff a great performance. >> well, th's clever of u but i'm nothat clever to pull off that kind of perrmance. i have no... i'm nothat ambitis that i'm going to blow smoke up you ass, charlie. that's the wai am. but you also pay the price for that but i aso don't have to b that clear about it. i can be diplomat about it now ere before i didn'tare to but the rekar cushions are severe so i understan... >> rose:ut you seem to have... if you take itt face value, you have gned a remarkable insight abt yourself. that m have been therapy....
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>> hard work. >> rose:he fact is, you're sitting at ts table and you've ready won a number of awards fobest actor and you're nominated foran oscar. you have ma the journey an t've made it workorou. hard work, shot at a lifetime. i knowou've been ked this a thousand times before. is the fact th mickey h the light had fueled this performance a randy the r? because here s a guy coming back to the ana a guy who was not the same guy who he w 20 years ago. >> right. >> rose: and hewants it bac and he does it because it's what he knows and what he lovesnd what he is. this is also you. >> very muc so. that'shy when the role w taken away from me i was the only one who was okay with it. because inow why darr ronofsky wanted me to do this part.
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darren ew a lot about me. like i said, he got a ve large bryn and he knew..he wanted me to revisit those very ark places and physically h knew that i could g there. and, me i. i thought, wow, i'm going to haveo really work hard and so... a for n money. i didn't know if wanted to do that. but i think the partof my brain went, man, is guy can bring me ba. >> rose: and wh was it you wanted to come back to? being a movie star? youanted respect? ou wanted esteem? >> yes. >> se: you wanted all the things that were about who you... a big old prt of the problem? >> that i didn't have for 14 yers. >> rose: andou used to have. so u have tasted it bore and you knew whait was like? you knew what itas to have people say "youre very good what you do"? >> yes. >> rose: and then you ju pissed ate away for l the wrong asons? because you weren't.. >> i didn't have the too to... yeah. i didn't have thtools.
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i' give you a perfect examp, okay? maybe i'll t you in the position. let's say, okay charlie rose once had a job on tevision, great reputation, i looked a your biography, stock? something hpens, for whever and you're in the 7-eleven buying a pack o cigarettes in the middle ofhe night and ere's seven, eight people in line and you walk in and the it's:00 in the mning and somebody in t middle of the line goes "hey, aen't you... an't you u... didt you ud to b ..." >> andou're going "christ, i wanto get my singh cigarettes and getut of here." >> rose: did that hapn to you? >> all the time. >> rose: did i really. >> it crush me. >> rose: in eleven or 7-eleven is a metaphor?db >> nothat i recallone time the 7-eleven a that just... i remember walng for several blocks anit was just... it
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crushedme. >>rose: so did all this crushing feed e desire to fig in a different way? >>yes, yes. >> ros to come to grips wth this ia place i do not want to be? >> yes, because i learned instea of fighting a the time ke this i learned to figh in a different way. snul julian schnabel is here. is a painter and a fimaker. his nest work "the diving bell and the buttely" has eared him best director awards cannes and the golden gles. the film has bn nominatedfor four acamy awds: best editing, adaptedcreen pli, cinatography and the new yorker. tncomer wrote "it's a gloris uncked experiences w the most creative use of the camera and the most ding, cruel, heart breaking emotional ploration
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that hav appeared in recent vies." welcome back. >> thank you,charlie. >> tell me what your image i of yourself. what ishe selfmage jewel january schnab has? >> a fendlybearto some. >> rose: (ughs) >> a good friend to others. i think that there's a t of people tt i don't know th like me a lot and i think there's a lot of pople that i don't know that se to think tt i... theye scared of me and that i mig bite their head off for some reas. and so ihink when you're a young rson you want to be understood or you nt people to knothe way you are and think as you get older and maybe it doesn't wk out the way you planned it, it really doesn't matter. so we've knwn each otr for a longime and you, actually, prbably know more about that image than... as much as anyon
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so it's. can i.. i can't really complain abt being misderstood since i get to do he work that i like too. >> rose: and who do you want to be? >> well, me personally i like to makehings and ihink whatever i reay have to say is in the things that i make. and obviously i've beenoing in the public for a listeningtime and i've change somewhat since e beginning. you have different eds when you're a kid. i thinkas you get older... or in m case certaly you get used to being misunderstood which is fine. but it seems to me that because of th film pople understand me orhink they understand me mo or feel closer t me or less confus by my presee because they could seehat i think about people mny the movie. >> rose: when did u know that you wanted to an artist of y kind? youanted to mke things? >> since i was a baby. i mea, my brother and sister
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are much older my sister i elen and a half years older. and my broer's eight and a half years olr. and i was alone a lot. arents... inthose days. i mean, my..they were around 40 years older than me andso i wa alone a lot. and i start to make things and so had a plovian beginning. we said th before, myom just encouraged to do that. i went to the brooklyn museum. an i think a big momnt for me was probably seeing aristotle contemplating the bt of homer at the brooyn museum, when that rembrandt painting show up and i saw it glowingit had this lightglowing. it probably was as an important moment for m as watching the red sea open up when i saw "the ten commandments." but both of tho events were kind of, like, visual. >> rose: you like the freedom of an artist. you like the lmitation... the absence of litations of an
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artist. >> i don't lke the word "no." and, you know, if you declare sometng so, it can be and so i don't see there's any... i don't thin there's any reason to acpt things the y they are. and even the limitations death,hich are subject of this film, u can trsgress like john doe d by iting this book. i mean, he to this body that was not worki for him but he had h brain left and he knew at his death was imminent and he escaped dea by putting h life into art. he made this book. e created a job for himself. he workedeveryday, got up at 5:00 in the mning, thouht about what he was goi to say and worked all day and was tired at the end of the day.
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and at the end of the day he would travel ound and govisit his girlfriends or g to egypt or do whateverhe ll he wanted to do. and i tnk he lived a whole other life th year of writing. and without any distrction it is. i mean, first isaw the austrophobia of theituation and i thought, , to be locked in your o body. en after hearing what he said when he said "i'm aew person, i'm not the same gu" knew that he feltselected. and i ha a totally different attitude towards e character. and in that i thoughtokay, here'she guy, he doesn't ha go shopping, he doesn't have too to the post office, he doesn't have to do anything except think about what hin to write. for writer, for an artist he got to work every conscus moment and he managed to write the whole book in less than a year, really, if y think of thetime he was in the coma and thtime that it takes the print the book. he diin the about a year. >> rose: and what s the time beeen the printing of the book and his death? >> ten days.
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>> ros tell me about the significance ofhat. >> think when they say raison d'etre, they're not kdding, reason to be. >> rose: he had no reason after that. he had done whathe had completed. >> and what happens inhe movie... one of my forite moments in the movie is where he'having this attack and the sound goes t of the film and you hair a voice say "i havene more thought, we're going to be later ifhe theater then i sank into a coma" and you know he transfeed his life to us. and she picks up the baton and he then is in the hospital and saysis it aook?" >>. >> rose:ell me story of the book becausit has not oped wide yet and se peopl when we talk aut this book and what comes out of this movie, we want to have a rference to it. >okay, that's good idea. thre was a man who was 42 years d, he was in perfect health, he'd never been sick before. he ges to visit his family, he separated from his wife and kids, theyeren't mared but
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the mother of his cldren. and he has aassive stroke. and it happens theay that ere's a strike inrance. hs in the countryside and h wakes up in a hospital on the coast north of calaisnd he stuck inside of his body and he can only... well, he has two eyes but they have to sew one o his eyes up. so hcan only blink his left eye. d he's...t's called "locked in syndrome." soe's locked in his body. and the nurses speech therapist devise a system by which the letters thatare most frequent in the french phabet come in thatrder and blinks.... >> rose: yes, no,es, no, yes, no. >> and so in this lock winded... orno wind, long winded way,
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is arduous way, he blink ths is boo and the book.... >> rose: gves purpose to his life locked in? >> absoluty. and esseially what he says is "had i bee blin deaf would t that it take the hrsh light of disasteror me toind the new nature. and in that he has 2020 retrospect vion. describes his situation as being stuck inside a dying bell. that one of the... kind of loo like a dieval tortu chamber. u have a steel helt that's bolted to your che, weighton your fe ands that device for walking on the bottom the oan. so it was a pretty strong metaphor. i wadown under the water, not in it,but matthew almer rik, who is the actor who did a great job, he was actually in that ontraption and it is claustrophobic. >> re: and on purpo you wanted to create the claustrophobia in the beginning. >> yes. >> rose: before youreated the power of the mi.
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>> wl, we have to take that trip. i mean, a movie is just accumulation of events. it's the same thi in a paiing, too. ifou've got one corner ofthe picture that no good, the whole painting is no good. if you have one moment of your movie th's weak, the movie is no go. you can have a movie thas 95% good. it's ether all prfect or it's not. and so at the end, no mtter how yore going to tell that story, one pern might say, well, it not linear. it's not te. it's an acculation of events d at the end of an hour a fif-three minutes, you walk o of there and it er worked or it didn't. >> rose: yourad died before could see the movie. yes. >> rose: d how hardas that? that was... i didn't realize that it was going to be so difficult. since he was 92 i thought he'd live rever. i didt know... i mean, he didn't talk me until i was out 20. t the last 30 yars of his
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li we were very, very close. and anyway, i di't know tha it wasoing to. i was walking around, i was dizzy. i was litally... i feltike, you know, whenou have one o these inner ear infections? i was... pulses were all... i we actually an acupuncturist. her name is adel risg. brilliantady. you have a problem, go to her. >> rose: y problem. >> yeah. any probl. i'll intruce you to r. >> rose: i've got a lot of problems so she'd b good for me. >> she' put her hand on your pue, she'll feel your pulse and she'll. she's a aler. she's just healer. and she put me in balan in a way. i remember when i had... because was having a show in frankfurt so i'm showing 5 paiings from the past... 55 pntings from the past 30 years there. mafather died on satury, i
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buried him on monday, i flew there on tuesd, got there on wednesday and i have to te you i didn't see anyof the wo that made. i looked at i i think i was busy... i had this text. and this tix... my d never wrote a wordin his life, but darren mccormack, who stayed with him, i said, would you just write down atever myather says? and he did. and h handed me this text. >>rose: the only poem he ever wrote? >> the only poeme everrote. >> rose: here it is. the st time you talked said i wantedo see it and you se itto me so i brought it with me. "you're a gem of man, i wonder ere people like you are hatched, god snt you to me, you're an angel. do me a favor, gi me a scratch. put me to sle so i can b reborn. i'm going to ms you. you'rey little guy. wish my wife was alive, s would tell you what i good man i am. i'll give y the neckla for a drink. do me a favor,over me, put me to sleep. how should i slp? all of this mone and what gds it? something is missing, i'm dying.
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oh, i'm abou 55, everything is all right, i don't realize how sick i was. i didn't reali how sick i was. you know, sometimes i like to eat eggs. do me favor,give me a cratch. i'm so glad i have rich son who brought you toe. this place is bigger than y think. how are the kds? i wish you woul take care of julia i worry. dome a favor, takhis blood prsure. i would li to give him $200 fohis trip. do me a favor, give me a rub. i would like to li with drea. stevis strong. would you do me a favor? pume to sleep fo 20 minutes. nice coldars, what's going in my bly button. flying flies, green gss of y yopling. ive me horseubbles. make little mixture i can bd down and go to slee don't know who's more stubborn your me. i think i ought to give you a break. yeah, uh-huh i'd like to give your girl a big black bear now that's a good iron. whch way should i sleep. want to look at you. i need that round ting from the army. what did t market close? how much do you take in?
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in a year plenty stuff, i'm talkingbout the big stu. s that right? are we aake? i'm ad you regulte yourself. what am i thinking? put me in the middle. could you put me in the mile? no, scrch me in th middle. the middle. in the middle. i like the way theychange their slogans for the midle. want to be in the middle. wh's impressing me is that tub you've got the middle. ge me a workout, i should really is se alcohol. i like the stronger stuff. i got plent in me. y have to do something fo me. you've got to get me fatter. are we getting fresh air? you've got to shakee and take me. do me a fvor, give me a scratch. rub me in the middle. lk sure is good. bies like milk. is the bab asleep? i want toensure my money. i wod like to drunk so ood. coveme. hume. kiss me. love me. ock me in the head. give me some poiso i'd li to get a potion. some lotion. i'd like to hava woman that doesn't ink. give me a drink. giveme some courage, doc? what's my little sgh what
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where's my littleguy? everyone s cancer. i'd likto go to atlantic city. my kids dogood business. how's business? i'moing to marry her and move to spain. stevie, stevie, wre's debra? who's she goi with? yeah, i would like to give her $10,000. l of my kids are dying. i don't think i'dlike itmt is my wi asleep? life is short uld you put me toleep for an hour? uh-huh. life is short. don't hear nothing, don't see nohing. i want tolive with andrea. i'm losing her. i miss myife. i want to live with you. miss my mother. i s my wife. i want to clean my teeth. i want to take a bath. put me in the tub. yeah, uh-huh. at's it, wmer. i hope i can get something for my stomach, but thescrub bot my body. love me. this is it. lo me. i ss my mother. i missmy wife. i want you to te me, tke me, love me curl me,old me thanks, baby ll. jack schnabel, january 16, 2004.
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>>hanks for readingthat, charie. that was beautiful. that was very cool. >> rose: when you read this, theirst time... when i read that i actually... i actuay... when kathy sent me th sript and i met withhe people from universaand i met with stacey sceider, i just readmy fathes text to them. i sd if i make a movie, it will el like that poem. that's essentially what i'll do. and i think it... there's something in concert between this film and, you know, max von sydow played... 's 77 years old, but he played a guy that was 92 in the movie and hehad
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so much... ch a deep wll t bng feelings from. he'd never met matthew before. they met... th heard each other the telephone. matth heard him because he said his own lines.... >> rose: in theilm they're father and son. >> when they met, tt was the first tim they met a you they nigh knew open other their who lives, matthewhe way he rubs his cheeks and squeezes his nose so i n't know, what can i say about that? >> rose: i tell you what you can say. i'm so gd he said it, i'm so glad he didit, i'm so glad i ve it forever. >> it's an amazing thing to have. to have a father likethat. my m was great, too. it's funny, because iade a paintg of them that actually is owned bthe met andmy father's sitting on a tree trunk in the front it's a big painting. and my mother sd "howome i'm
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always in theorner? " and it's funny, because bill lieberman is deadow. he hung it therehen they strted to show modern art a the met and he ng it, actually quite high. it was abt, i don't know, almo 30 inches off the ground and i went and s it ands i said "you know, it's too high."gm] and he said "well, iane either it like that or take it down." so i said "take it do." captiong sponsored by re communications captioned by media access groupt wgbh
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