tv Charlie Rose PBS August 26, 2009 12:00pm-1:00pm EDT
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a drought? >> y know, there are kind of like... there have bee but i really denthink they're... i don't think of them as dry periods. think of them as relief. >> rose: or fallow. (laughs) relief. it's lik.. it's not happenin, i knowit's going to happen so i meanll i have to do is stay open and it's ing to hpen. >> rose: what does tat mean "st open"? >> right he with you riht w. jusbeing there and staying open. i think staying open for would mean...o one's ever ask asked me that befe but i think it's like what i said. if i feel it, i'm open to it.
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that's, like, the boss. that's where it's coming fm. so io there. soi'm open to it. >> rose: there's a thing tt actorhave said is th they ve to stay open t bein able to access emotio they feel. to touch base with thselves, to reach, t connect with somethin that's in them to say omething in a way that refcts the dialogue they hav at hd. >> they'll taka part of themsees and let that part naturally come o and go in the character. if it'sn there, if they may get to alace where itwill come out. p? exactly. buthey have to make that conntion with it. it's there andhey have to let it come. >> th have to be open, they've got to let it come. because they're thinkingoo much, it's not goingo work. it's not like you thk about it. >> re: being open isot thinking but just... being open. just being there. jusbeing there and bein ready to accept wtever happens. and believe that that is important. it's re important than what's
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going on. the only thing thatould stop me from doing this would be something whe one of my led ones was in trouble and that was more important. viously i had to do this, this was the mo important thing was totake care of someone in my family, thenhat would be... or anybody in srious trouble. i don think that i would... but that's abt it. >> rose: prow probably don't like th word, but thiss your nius. >> well, it's a gift. it' a gift,harlie. it's a gift. >> rose: that's the way youee it. d when did you kno you had it? >> oh, well i gss when i started having success selling a bunch of recds an feeling this feeling and the songs wouldcome and then i'd know when i was performing them whe i alized that i dn't ave to create a rcord, that i could sg it and theif i felt it in my own soul en i was goindown that i dn't feel i didn't have to list to it, i
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knew that was the ster and all i d to do was mix it. that i didn't care if i was... i made a mistake or maybe would try toix it. but we're not gog to fix it at the expense of t performanc >> rose: it's always t lyrics first? >> um sometimes i get a mody that rolls around i hi head and you justnd up going,ow... or a hook or something like that. but therare little remiers, they just come to you and... but when theong really comes, it know, then the lyrics and the whole thing just tumbes ou >> rose: "u.s.a.oday." >> yeah. >> rose: your sse of outrage about the r waslready there when youaw? >> yeah, ithink it was i... ou know, it's a sad thing. and i seet like. i look at , charlie, like why? y are doing is? why is the humanace doing i this? and it's... i try to stepñiback and see it and i... you know, in this record i got really involved in the present, which
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is, like, turmoil. it's terrible to be inlved i criticing the president and doing this and that aalking about things in the fit person and getting right in there. it's like i've got sked into it. i was part of the turmo myself. whh i wasn't happy about. and i not happy about it now. butt happed. >> re: sucked in the turmoil aseing part of the debate? >> being part of living with war. i was sucked into it a i got angry. i s angry about things that were happening and i.. this is just not rigt. thiis not the way it should be. i felt like we were being lied to and ings weren't true and we were getting td... sold a bilof goods and even... you kno we know thestory. e've seen the news, we've seen the senate subcoittees and the thingthat they've discovered that were wrong that... you know things weren't as they were told to us to be. but i don't want to ha on that.
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wheri want to go.... >> rose: well, you had an album. yeah, i di the abum. i did the aum, iaid all of what i had to sa and now i don't like tdo it again. i don't like nging the songs, i did it. i'm not cnn. i d't play it over and over. >> rose: i kw how youeel about that. acually, i agree wh that. (laughs) so i don't want to do that. i want to... what i wantto do is try to make aifference in anoth way. i really thin- and somewhere along the line this year i figured out-- that, you know, i really can do sothing else. i hava lot of other interest, you know? and one of themis mechacal and i look back at... an chnology and all of these things. i look at at's going on and i go, you know, why c't i one ofhe people who tries to do mething? to replacethe type of transportationhat we use?
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>> rose: ll, you are trying to do that. >> definitely. >> rose: yu've got tis hybrid car. >> yeah,hat's what i'm trying to d and i want to do that. want to... i set a goal, a lofty al for my organization ofmy friends that i've m to elminate roadside rfueling. >> rose: i know, i know. (laughs) >> you know? and you lk about the audacity of hpe. >> rose: aughs) ectly. >> that's what i want to do, though. and i don't thinyou can get there unss you aim at it. i don't... i think w are going to geto that point. i tnk, you know, when you think about the world.. >> re: therwill be noore service stations? there may be biofuels but... well, i don't even know about..i'm just not sure. iould just like to elinate he need for us to haveto use these thing that cse all the war and all of the disturbaes. >>ose: and addiction to oil and all of that. >> all of the suffering around the worlis all aboutnergy. even the clima is based in the
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energy problem. the environmenta problems and the social... the cultural. ook what we've done. its a 7,00 or 800-year-old city we were bombg and the museum got looted. all ts old stuff tt's been there for centuries. no people don't know whre it is, you know? mean, look what we...ook whatappened. it's jst... it thers me. i lk at it and i go "there's got to be... i've got to step back." whys this happenin nd i'm just a bump on a log. i'm just a pinhed. i'm jusa needle in a hayack. if i can try to do this, maybe oth people can try to do it you know? i don't think th... i don't thnk that... i mean, i don't have anywhere near t knowledge of, like, g.m. orord or ybody likethat. but i'm no a big company. but i have the internet. nd now in this a, this is the 21st centur and wre smart.
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we've got to sta.... >> se: well, were also connect sothat you can tap in the smartness of a lot of other people. yeah, we can strt doing things no we can start working with people that 've never met. we n find... can go to yoube, we can look at people's scien exrience... experiments. we can go to overunity, w can look for physi things that are out that that demonstrate that there is a poibility ofo roadsid refueling. >> rose: all right. you any that thedea of energy nd having to rethnk it and having to find new ways has reached critical mass. >> do think america is rey to makeahange andhat crifice that it has to make? >> ros right. critical mass. >i think it's...e're approaching it. we'r approaching it. but i do thi that we're... that we're smar enough as well as there's engh of us who are... have enou of a conience to do what eds to be done to sta conserving. but it's capitalist... it's
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capital, it's driven a capitalist system. >> rose: well, that's okay. capilism has been good to neil. >> grt. and tt might be the savioras the fa that no it costs so much pple are thinking abt it. >> rose: so what goal do you have inusic today? i mean, yu've had this extraordinaryife, csby stills gnash and young. you've had thisxtraordinary success on yr own. i don't know how you choose what for what. but do y still have goal in music or do you just simply... is what you do and it comes to you? >> my goals to respect the source,harlie, respect the source. be there for the srce. >> rose: this is ere we beg this conversation. >> that's right. be there. be ready. that's my goal. that's my number-e task. that'shat i do. >> rose: are yo happiest when you're ontage? >> you know,many things make me happy. >> rose: i can tell. that's why like you. you haven't been bor in a lo
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time, have you? >> i don't get bored, i don't ke to get... i haveoo many things to d my lovely wife tls me that she's worried about because i do so ch. >> rose: howlong have you been maried? > 30 years. it will be 30 yearson august. 're going for r0th anniversary. a what a great woma i... look at i've done in 30 years ofarriage. how creativehave i been? have been able to do all kinds of differt things? take on dierent characters? take on different personalities? do whacky things, get totly out of my mi, drinking tequila to get intoone thing,oing this, doing that doing all of these things forall these chacters that i had to live my way through and she was sticking with me all the way through that. rose: so she deerves a mel for sticking with you? >> e deserves a medal for being free and op enough to allow me be myself. dyou know how manypeople when they get married they change? they adjust. i have i he not had to mke an adjustment. she's allowed meo be free and it taught me th beauty of the
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family. and so'm very fortunat. behind everyone who doing something, thers a... somebody like tha a partner. >> rosewhat did thebrain aneury teach you, tell you? whatas a... >> it gave meore faith. >> rose: didit really? >> yeah. rose: faith in. >> i don't know. i don't know. >> rose:just faith? i have faith. i d't know what it is. i know there's a lot of stories. there's the bible, there's the kan,here's all these things. even's got one. everybody has a fait and there's stoes thathave gone through theges and i spect all of them but don't know where i fit in. i just have fith. >> rose: you belie in natu. >> i love nature. my church is my foret. i like to walk the trees, look up, the trees are so old, they're so tall, they're so natural and there so beautiful. and i jus like to touc them, hear footpnts.
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.. that, to me, that's my churc tht's my cathedral. i don't have a robe. i don' have a book. i don't know my boo if i have a book, i haven't read it. somehow it's missing. so... but i have faith and respect faith. and since tn i've been very awarof that. so i don't know wh it is, but6z i believe in it. it's a joney. rose: mickey rourkes here. in the 19s he was one of our mostought-after actor she swed early promisein gripping and raw perfornces in films lik "body heat""diner ""rumblefish" and,f course, "9 and a half eks." here's a look at mick rourke over theears. >> eve after the medown they' going to know it's ours. >> i don't care out that. that's all there is to it >> no, no that a't all there
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is to it. you've got to get in; you've got to get out you've got to pick t right spot, the right time. you've got to y not to get famous ile you're in the a i never did a lot of... a lot of screwing around. >> yeah, of course. little. >> little? >> a little. >> you're a virgin, aren't you? >> technically. >> hey, youot a lot to learn. see, when you were two yes old i was six, your mother deded to leav she took me with her. wh the old man fou out, he
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went on a three day junk. htold me it was the first time that... he to me it was the fir time he ever got drunk. you >> you g no job to worry about. >> what'd youay? >> come on, huh? say that agn. say it again. say it again. say... say what you just id again. abt my suit. say... what do i don't need? tell me what i don't ned. >> what do you ed aissue for chare? you got no job to learn. >> that's right. fine. >> here's your button. >> come on, man! >> you work andyou work an you work and u meet with peop that youon't like, that you don'teven kow, that you don't evewant to know. and theyry to sell you things,
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i geup to canada where it's shooting "get carter" and hi.. one of his asstants, i think itas a bodyguard or training partner of his pulleme aside and saidschri don't want you to know this, but so and s wouldn't pay youhe money, sly to it out of his own pocket." and it was, like, , man. so, you kn, during that period of time i would t a deluge work he, two weeks work here. sly gave me, like, think nine da and th sean gave me a day in "the pledg which was a really great wtten scene.
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>> se: so aronofsky calls up, oan agent calls up and they ay what? how does thethe wreler happen?" >> we, before aronofsky... my agent said darren arofsky would like to mt you. and i tught, wow,who'sthat? and then i wated a couple of his films and ihought he was interesting. and then i made it my point to ll a few ople and inquire about him and i got the sa feedback that ie heard that reminded me of whai heard about fncis coppola. he was ry, very, very fright. very uncompmising, he i trying to be... peop wanted himto come out to california and makeig commercial formula movieshe resisted at. stayed in his little thing with brooyn, his protozoa company where he makes films and movi th are differen and movies i think th are intellige movies that take rks and chances with integrity
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and that's what interests me. so there was a meetingand we met, we id... thisis darren aronofsky and... think before he hit the chair he wentinto "well, you ruined your care for he last 15 year, i'm trying to do a movie with y and i can't raise y money." >> ro: nobody wants to back a movie you're in. " >> "nobody nts to back movi you're in." and i'm thinki,okay, i've heard this before. he said f i do this movieith you, you're going to listen to verything i say, do everything i tell you and you're ver going to disrespect m in front of the crewnd i can't pay you. and i've said this in a lot of interviews t it went just like that. liked the fact that he got rig to the point. a i also saw you could... i w in his eyes how smart he is. i realized i am not going t be able to blow smoke up this guy's ass. he i.. he hates it when i say it, he's tough. ani think heates it when i say it becse he's afraid
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actors are gng to befraid of that. but i wansomeone who's tough. i wnt someone who's going to... he kn how to push my buttons. would do a take and hewould say... i thought it wasgood. and he'd go give me another one, give me another one. i'd do it, thoug it was good then he'd walk over and he sys "bring it." and i did it, itould be better i thought, ok, get... ican get out of here now. want you to bring , i just did. and he'd walk away and just before the take he come over and he'd go "really brg it, mickey, really bng it." and he knew how to push my ttons. he was lika ftball coach. he was like. or a boxi ainer who says just givee one moreound. and becaus he fought for m to do the movie, he t his ass on thline, put hiscareer on the line, put his. the finciers
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didn't even want me to do the vie. actually, i got replaed early on. >> rose: you got replaced? >> i got replaced by a movie star and... bcause they could only raise very little amou money on me and they uld have raised twenty somethin million on the other acr, who is is very fine actor. and you was okayith it. everybody else wasupset. my agent s concerned and is one and that one and and i thought, youknow what? i've got to go do to mia, i've got to work out for seven, eight months to put on anywhere from 25 t 28 poun of muscle an get... because the guys are big. i walked around like95 and these guys are 230. >> re: so you keep the job, though? and you go through this regimen? >> right. >> rose: have the skills changed? are th slow? is it like mull tat you can simply back working and they all come back? you kn what i mean? >> yes, know what you mean really well and it a very good question. cause it wasn't .. you know,
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it wasn't ever question of ability, it s a question of that i had some issues... old issues that i hadn't come to terms with. and it s authority. it was authority figure it was... it was... it washe fact that i couldn't be controld or couldn'te talked down to if i thought it was... it was a lot of junk and garbage i had i my head that i didn' have t informionbout to chan and fix. and u can only do that if you go toomeone who's profession that can help you. >> rose: you've got to strip away all e things that are getting in betwe you and... >> i had to takemy armor o, which i saw as my strength. and i was afraid to do tat. because where come from it was all about being a hard man, being a... pide and respect and alhose things, k become a
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weakness. >> rose: which is all intereing. ut you have tald a lot about th: i mean, there is... you are remarkably open or remarkably... or you're pullg o a great performance. >> well, that clever of yo but i'm not tat clever to pull off that kind of perfoance. i have no... i'm not tat ambitiouthat i'm going to blow smoke up yourss,charlie. that's the way am. but you also pay therice for that. but i al don't have to be that clear about it. i can be diplomaticbout it now whre before i didn't ce to. but theekar cushions are severe so i understand... >> rose: b you seem to have... if you take it a face value, you have gaied aemarkable insight abou yourself. that mayave been therapy.... >> hard work. >> rose: t fact is, you're
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sitting at thitable and you've alady won a number of awards for st actor and you're nominated for oscar. you have madehe journey and the journey... u've made it work f y. hard work, shot at a lifetime. i know y've been asd this a ousand times before. is the fact that mickey had the light he had fueled this performance asrandy the ram because here wa a guy coming back to the are a guy who was not the same guy who he was 20 years ago. >> right. >> rose: and he nts it back. and he doest because it's what knows and what he loves a what he is. this is al you. >> veryuch so. th's why when the role was taken away fm me i was e only one whoas okay with it. because i know why rren aronofsky wanted me to d this part. darn knew a lot about me.
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like i said,e's got avery large bryn and he kne... he wanted me to revis those very dark places and physical he knew that i cou get there. and, me,i... i thoug, wow, i'm going to ve to really work hard a so... and for no money. i didn't knowf i wanted to do that. but i thi the part of my brain went, man, this guy n bring me back. >> rose: andhat was it you wanted to come backo? being a movie sar y wanted respect? you wanted esteem? >> yes. ro: you wanted all e things that were about who you... a big old part of the proble >> that i didn't have for 14 years. >> rose:nd you used to ha. o you have tasted it before and you knewhat it was like? you knew whait was to have people say "ou're very good at what you do"? >> yes >> rose: and th youjust pissed ate away for all the wrg reasons? because you weren... >> i didn't have theools to... yeah. i didn't havthe tools. i'll give you a perfect emple,
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okay? maybe i'll put you inhe position. let's say, oy, charlie rose once had aob on television, great reputation, i looked at your biograp, stock? somethi happens, forhatever %% and you'rein the 7-eleven buying a pack of cigarettes in the middlof the night and there's seven, eight peoplein line and you walk i anhen is 2:00 in the morning and somebody the middle of t line goes "hey, ar't you... aret you u... didn' you use to be in..." >> and y're going "christ, i want t gety singh cigarettes and get o of here." rose: did that happe to you? >> all the time. >> rose: did it really. > it crushed me. >> rose: in eleven or 7-eleven is a metaphor?db >> no, hat i recall e time the 7-eleven and that just... i remember walki for several blocks and was just...t crushed .
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>> se: so did all this crushing feed th desire to fightn aifferent way? >> s, yes. >> rose:o come to grips wi this is place i do not want to be? >> yes, because i learned instead of fighting allhe time li this i learned to fight in a different way. snul julianschnabel is here. heis a painter and a filmker. his newe workthe divingbell d the butterf" has earn him best director awards at annes and the golden globs. the film h been nomined for fourcademywards: best editing, adapted seen pli, cinemography and the new yorker. t iomer wrote "it's a gloriou unloed experiences whe most reative use of the camera and the most darg, cruel,heart breaking emotional exoration that have appeared inrecent
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moies." welcome back. >> thank you, arlie. >> tell me what your image is of yourself. what is t self-ige jewel january schnabelas? >> fendly ar some. >> rose: (lahs) >> a good friend to others. i think that there's a lo of people thai don't know that like me a lot and i think there's a lot of pele that i don't know that seemo think tha i... they'r scared of me and that i might bite their head off for some reason and so i tnk whenou're a young peon you want toe understood or you wa people to know e way you are and i think as you get older andaybe it doesn't worout the way you planned it, it really doesn't matter. so we've kno each othe for a long te and you, actually, probly know morebout that image than... or as much as anyone. so it's.. can i... i can't
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really complain abou being misunrstood since i get to do the work that i'd likeo do. >> rose: and who do you want to be? >> well, me personally like to make tngs and i tink whatever i reall have to says in the things that i make. d obviously i've been dng in the public for listening me and i've changed somewhat since th beginning. you have different nes when you're a kid. i think you get older... or in myase certain you get used to being misunderstood, which is fine. but it seemso me that because of this film pele understand me or tnk theynderstande morer feel closer to me or less confused by my presenc because they could see wt i think about people ma the movie. >> rose: when did yo know that you wanted to be anrtist of ankind? you wted to ma things? >> since i was a baby. i meanmy brother andsister are much older.
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my sister is eleveand a half years older. and my broth's eight and a half years olde and i was alone aot. my pents... in ose days. i mean, my... ey werearound 40 years older than me and i waslone a lot. and i started to make thingsnd so ihad a pavovianeginning. we said thatefore, my m just encouraged meo do that. i went to the brooklyn museum. and think a big mome for me was probably seeing aristotle contemplating the busof homer at the brookl museum, when that rembrandt painting showed p and i saw it glowing, had this light owing. it probably was as an important moment for meas watching the red sea open up when i saw "the tencommandments." but both of those eventsere kind of like visual. > rose: you like the freedom of an artist. you like the litation... the absence of limtations of an
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tist. >> i don't li the word "no." and, you know, if you declare somethi so, it can be. and so i don't see there's any... i don't thinkhere's any reason to acce things the wa they are. and even the limitations of death, wch are subject of this film yo can tranress like hn doe di by wring this book. i mean, he took this body that was not working for him but he had hisrain left and he knew tht his death was imminent and he escaped death by putting his life into art. made this book. hcreated a job for himself. he worked eryday, gotp at 5:00 in the morng, thoug about what he was going toay and worked all day and was tired at the end of the day. and at the endof the day
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would tral around and go visit his girlfriends o go to egypt or do whatev the hell he wanted to do. and think he lived a whole other lifthat year of writing. and without any distraion it . i mean, first i w the clstrophobia of the suation and i thought, gd, to be locked in your own body. th after hearing what he said en he said "i'm a n person, i'm not the same guy. inew that he felt lected. and i had a totally different attitude towards th character. and in that thought ay, here's t guy, he doesn't have too shopping,e doesn't have to g to the post office,e doesn't have to do anything xcept think about what hints to write. for ariter, for an artist, he got to workevery conscio moment and he managed to write the whole book iness than a year,eally, if youhink of the me he was in the coma and the me that it takeshe print the book. he did the about a year. >> rose: and what wa the time betwn the printing of the book and his death? >> ten days. >> rose:ell me about the significance of tt.
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>> ihink when they say raison d'etre, they're not kiing, reason to be. >> rose: he had no reason after that. he had done what had completed. >> and what happens in t movie... one ofy favite moments in the movie is where he's ving this attack and the sound gs out of the film and you hair a voice s "i have one more thought, we' going to be laterf the theater then i sank into a coma" and you knowhe traferred his life to us. and she picks up the batonnd he then is in the hospital and sa "is it a book?" >>. >> re: tell me story of the book beuse it has notpened wide yet an some pple when we ta about this book and wha comes out of th movie we wa to have reference to it. >> okay, that's a good ide there was a man who was 42 yrs old, he was in perfect health, he'd never bn sick before. goes to visit his family, he's separated from his wife and kids, ty weren't rried but the mother of his children.
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and he has a massive stroke. and it happens the day that there's a strike in france. he's in the coury side and he wakes up in a hospital on t coast north of calais ande's stuck inside ofis bod and he can only... well, he haswo eyes but they haveo sew one of his eyes up. he can only blink his left eye. and he's... it's call "locd in syndrome." so he's locked in his body. and the nurs devise... his speech therast devise a system by which the letters that are most frequent inhe french alphabet come in that order and he blinks.... >> rose: yes no, yes, no, yes, no. >> and so in this lock winded. or no wind, lo winded wa this arduous way, he blinthis
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is book. and the book.... >> rose: gis purpose tois life locked in? >> absolutel and essentally what he says is "had i been blind or deaf would ithat it take the hah light disaster f me to fnd the new nature." and in that he has 2020 retrospect visi. hedescribes his situation as being stuck inside a dying bell. that isne of thes.. kind of looksike a meeval torture chamber. yohave a steel helme that's bolted to your chest, weights your feetnds that device for lking on the bottom of the ocen. it was a pretty strong metaphor. i was wn under the water, not in it, t matthew almer ric who is the actor who did a great job, he was actually in that ctraption and itis claustrophobic. >> ros and on purposeou wanted to createhe claustrophobia in the beginning. >> yes. >> rose: before you cated the power of the mind >> wel we have to take that
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trip. i mean, a movie is just an accumulation of events. it's the same thingn a paintg, too. if y've got one corner of e picture that'so good, the hole painting is no good. you have one moment of your movie that weak, theovie is no good you can'tave a movie that' 95% good. it's eier all peect or it's not. and so at the end, no maer how you' going to tell that story, one persomight say, well, it's not linear. it's not tru it's an accumution of events and at the end of an hour and ifty-three minutes, you walk out of there and it either workedr it didn't. >> rose: ur dad died befe he could see the moe. >> yes. >> ro: and how hard was that? >> that was... didn't realize that it was going to be so difficult. since he was 92 i thought he'd live fover. i didn' know... i mean, he didn't talk to me until i was abut 20. buthe last 30 yes of his
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lifee were very, very close. and anyway, i didn know that it was gng to... wasalking around, i was dizzy. was literly... i felt le, you know, when y have one of these inner ear infections? i was... my pulses were all... i went actually ton acupuncturist. her name is adel risin brilliant ly. you have a problem, go to her. >> rose: an problem. >> yeah. any problem i'll introde you to he >> rose: i've got lot of problems so she'd be good for me. >> she'llut her hand on your puls she'll feelour pulse and she'll... she's a heler. she's just a healer. and she put me in balance in a way. i remember when i had...ecause i s having a show in frankfurt so i'm showing 5 paintings from the past... 55 paiings from the past 30years there. may ther died on saturda, i buried him on monday, flew
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there on tuesday got there on ednesday and i have to tellou i didn't see any the work that iade. i looked at it. i think i was busy... had this text. and thistix... my dad never wrote a word his life, but darren mccormack, who stayed with him, i said, would you just write down whever my fher says? and he did. and heanded me this text. >> se: the only poem he ever wrote? >> the only poem h ever wote. >> rose: here it is. the la time you talked iaid i wanted t see it andou sent it me so irought it with me. "you're a gem of a man, i wonder whe people like you are hatched, god se you to me u're an angel. me a favor, givee a scratch. put me to sleep so i can be reborn. i'm going to mis you. you're m little guy. i sh my wife was alive, she would tell you what i good man i am. i'll give youhe necklaceor a drink. me a favor, cver me, put me to sleep. how should i slee all of this moneyand what gd i it? mething is missing, i'm dying. oh, i'm about 55, everything is
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all right, i don't realizeow sick i was. i didn't realize how sick ias. you know,sometimes i like to eat eggs. do me a favor, ve me a satch. i'm so glad i have a rich son o brought you to m this place isigger than you think. how are the ki? i wish you would take care of julian. i worry. do a favor, take s blood presre. i would liketo give him $200 for s trip. do me a favor, give me aub. i would like to live with anea. steve strong. would you do me a favor? put to sleep for 20 minutes. nice cold bs, what's going on in my bel button. ying flies, green gra of wh yopling. ge me horse bbles. make alittle mixture so can bendown and go to sleep. i n't know who's more stubborn you ome. think i ought to give you a break. yeah, uh-huh'd like toive your girl a big black bear. now that's a good iron. whi way should i sleep. i nt to look at you. i need that round thg from the my. what did thearket close? how much do youake in? in a year plenty of stuff, i'm
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talking aut the big stuff ithat right? are we awe? i'm gl you regula yourself. what am i thinking? put me in the middle. could you put me in the midd? no, scrat me in the middle. inthe middle. in the middle. like the way they ange their slogs for the mide. i nt to be in the middle. what impressing mes that tub you've got inhe middle. givme a workout, i should really is som alcohol. i like the strongerstuff. i got plenty in me. youave to do something for me. you've got to get me fatter. are we getting fresh air? you've got to shake m and take me. do me a far, give me a scratch. rub me in the middle. mi sure is good. baies like milk. is the baby asleep? i want to sure my money. i woullike to drunk some blod. cover . hug . ss me. love me. knk me inthe head. give me some poison. i'd likeo get a potion. some lotion. i'd like to have woman that doesn't thk. give me a drink. could you give me some courage, oc? hat's my little sghi what where's my little y?
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everyone hacancer. i'd like go to atlantic city. my kids do od business. how's business? i'm gng to marry her and move to spain. stevie,stevie, whe's debra? who's she going with? yeah, i would like to give her $10,000. alof my kids are dying. i don't think i'd ke itmen is my wifesleep? life is short? cold you put me to sep for an hour? uh-huh. life isshort. don't hear nothing, don't see notng. i want to ve with andrea. i'm losing her. miss my we. i want to live with you. i ss my mother. i seemy wife. i want to cleany teeth. i want totake a bath. t me in the tub. yeah, uh-huh. th's it, warr. i hope i canet something for stomach, but the rub big my body. love me. this is it. lovee. i mi my mother. i miss wife. i want you to tak me, ta me, love me,curl me, hld me. thanks, baby dol. jack schnabel, january 16,2004.
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>> tnks for reading at, charl. that was beautiful. that was very cool. >> rose: sohen you read this, the fst time... >>hen i read that actually... i actuall.. when kathy sent me this scpt and i met with t people from universal d i met withstacey schnder, i just read father'text to them. i saiif i make a movie, it will fe like that poem. that's essentially what i'll do. and i think it... there's something in concert between is film and,ou know, max von dow played... 's 77 years old, but he played a guy that s 92 in the movie and he d
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so much... su a deep we to bri feelings from. he'd never met matthew before. ey met..they heard each other onhe telephone. mattheweard him because he said his own lines.... >> rose: in the fm they're father and son. >> when they met, tha was the first timehey met and you they nigh knew open other their whole lives, matthew t way he rubs his cheeks and squeezes his nose so i dot know, what can i say about that? >> rose: i tell you what you can say. i'm so gla he said it,i'm so glad he did , i'm so glad i ha it forever. >> it's an amazing thing to have. to have a father like at. my momas great, too. it's funny,ecause i me a paintinof them that actually is owned by e met, and father's sitting on a tree trunk in the front. it's a bigainting. and my mother sai "how ce i'm
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always in the cner? " and it's funny, becauseill lieberman is dead n. hung it there wn they staed to show modern art at he met and he hu it, actually quite high. it was abou, i don't know, almost0 inches off the ground and i went and saw it ands said "you know, it's too high."gm] and he said "well, i ce either lit like that or take it down." so i said "take it down captioninsponsored by roscommunications captioned by media access group awgbh access.wgbhrg
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