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tv   Charlie Rose  PBS  August 26, 2009 11:30pm-12:30am EDT

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but i thin he grew as much asre any politicn i've ever seen, because he had, as john mentioned earlier,ome dreful low points.ea >> rose: well, w there a moment iwhich he changed or was it an evolutionry change? >> i think it was a.. thereas we some key... there were somere key junures in that. think oas post-chappuiddick after he was defeated for sateeadership. anoth was after his il-fated esidential run which i thoug he did out of aense of family bligation rather than that's geinely what he wanted. i think he then returnedo the senate famore comfortably. and thehird would be his marriage to vicki kennedy in 92 where i think fr the first time he found genuine personal ppiness. >> we always com back and talking abo thisan to familyecause he had to play a role tat almost no one alse hasver had to h play. because there was so much m tragy. and youad to be the strong core. and he had too and talk too
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that convention ater he lost,nt whicwas not aboutamily butno it was about a personal loss. he gave the eulies at robert kennedy's neral. he gave the eugy for john kennedy's son. >> he gavway caline kennedy in i sometimethink of him the unkely patriarch. the responsibilities fell h. history and fate dea him in hand anby all acounts he executed it beaufully. and i think there's... there's some poet justice, i think, in the idea that the yule gis who had to be t patrrch of is vast clan who went to the weddings, o went to the wakes and was at the christmases, was
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athe easters, he was given a, gifhis brothers wereot given which was th gift of yrs. >> rose: that was cleay in evidence when ty had theid birthday rty in kennedy center al. >> oh, it w one of the most magicalights i've er seen. it also fittingly irish. but that night senator kennedy was there, it was i march, he got a profile in courage award, a special awardhat night. every major brdway entertainer peormed. and he was sitting in the president's box with michelle obama the vice president, senator key and his wife and hisife vicki and then at the end everybody cameut, allhe broady ensemble ce out to ng happyirthday and they troduced the president of the united states who ledhe singing. it wasreally an credible moment. >> rose:e did not like toe or was not ichruned to be introspective, was he, al? >>it will be interesting to seel his back because i think with, i
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assume, bob slum and others on this befe he passed and it will be interestingo see how introspective is. he didn't like that. >> rose: his memoir are outn, i think, ocober. >> september 14. >> rose: september 14? >> is that it?>> >> edited by the greatjonathan and the book is.. i've sents. throughout manhaan to do a send story m job on every publisher'office i could get to find it. >> ros there's no word in terms of wha's in there that he says as his own summer of hisr life? >> no, it'scalled "true comss." so that givesou some sense. t was very much, obviouy, a view in twilight and the life in completion. and tnk as we all know om books that john hasone, i think it will be a remarkae memoir. se: his happiest moments,
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al? d his... not saddest moment n which is he been public for alof us but his regrets. and suspect he would n put not winning e predent i on his list of regre. >> i think you're right. i think his biggest regret was not gettinthe health careth overhaul through congress in his last hisappiest moments i think we with family, paicularly vicki these lt 17 years. he alsoad 1 a... he had a great relationship withis kids. he had magical relationship with caroline nnedy. to see the two of them together they wld almost look at each oth and they could see herot ther and his brother in the other. and that waa very, very special lationship which he would... obvious brought great joy to his le. >> rose: thiss a tough summ for you, al hunt.u, bob nok was a fend. senator kennedy friend. >> it has. i lost mmentor allen oten and jackemp died a few months ago. a lot of peop who i considerede among the greatest people i'v ever known. and it's been
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that's what ppens, charlie, i gueswhen you get w olr. >> rose: al, thank y for sharing thir i know is has been a difficult time. what can you tell us about the funeral service? >> charlie, all i know is what s read on the wires whh is it's going to be in boston i believes at 10:00 saturda morning at ang tholic church that he went to when hisaughter was for cancein boston andhe prayed for her recovery. anthen the... he's going toe buried at arlingto cemetery next to his brothers. and i am... ieel rasonably certain-as a matter of fact i'm totallyertain barack obama will spe at the funel. >> rose: we often say this and rhaps i should say it here dt not so much in other cases,we shall not see hi like again. >>o.. taken all and al,we shall not see his lke again is the old line. if youhe had written... if youf went off and wrot a noel about a family that had this number children, using only the sons,nl
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not the formidabl women of theda family, one would d in the second word w, two one shot down in the service their cotry and a third wou livehi this icredible life of highs and lows, but ultimately winning ut andwinning the war,here was a war in him i think between light and dark. ansome battl went to thees dark side. but the war nt to the light. a.... >> rose: andhe wa.. and the lig triumphed, clearly.ri >> t lightriumphed. >> rose: jon meacham, thank you. "nsweek" here."n here it is, spial s commemorative edition "t last other, edward m.ennedy, 1932-2009." and mythanks to myfriend al hunt on the loss of his frie, ted kennedy. we'll be right backnd see two interviews with d kennedy, one 2005 and onen 2007 which n which y will see his passion for health care, yo will seeal
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how that humor is there and u will see him slightlyig introspectiveut n much but what more important sr. that pasion for the things that heat lieved in andhat is what people are remembering today. not only the causes but als the deepness of family. ck in a stay with us. stay witus >> rose: do youthink where you are on important issues of our day is whe the cntry i or where you'd le to see e country ? >> where i'd li to see to country be i believe that individuals and the naon does best when it'sen allenged. i thi this countryas demonstrated it over itstr history. i mean, look how this nation camout of the deprsion. look how we responded in terms of world war ii.of look how we've even... finally
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when we were confrted the issues segregation by . king really facings, even though we'd writen slavery into the constitutionnd we had the civil war,inally when dr. ng confroed us, we responded. we've made portant progress in knocking down walls ofll discrination. this coury has always done well when it's beenhallenged. i don't feel thatit's being hallenged. you c't have the b tax cuts we' had and be still involvedst in wars on is and asking ain small gup of people to takeal t burden and everybod else enj themselves. i thinkwe have to understand now that wee facing a ry different challenge, and th is the issue of globalizati, and 're either going toet runin out of town with the rush towards ler wages and tsourcing, or we're going to embrace it and say w are going a to equi every citizen in this nation with the abity to be able toeal with the oblems ofal globalization. an in that way ensure we're going to have the strongest
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economy in thenext 20 and 3 years and we will have a national serity that will be second to none. d we..., i think, are pretty, much de in the water. he administration's polics are catching up with them, tt's anotherssue. but i thi just generally speaking, this country does best individua do best, and we welmed these challenges.ed americans like this, but we'rehi not.. that's not part of the whle polital discsion at this time. and i think it's th... i think. that's wherwe ought to be as a polical party and where w ought to be as individuals. i think the whole issues in terms of what's happening to our citiesnd poverty are moralov issues. could talk about that. but i think beyond that we need to loo at what the centralat challenge is for us as individls and for our countr and i think most of us undersnd and the great phlosophers pointed out, i mean, t great struggle between good and evil, beten challenge
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and response toynb coined it, t world is challeng and response. and thi country has always done better in ctermsof challenge. and wt we're just doing now is ju sort of responding theof tides that are coming our way. and think that is not what thi country really is about. >> rose: this is a place that you have spent morthan 40 years.úh read what they say about you isemarkable. ny people on both sides of e aisle believe thatour contribution to the country from this service the senate-- and they can take f leglation and everything el-- is asel great as if you had run for presidenand had two ter ind the tell how you feel about this place an about being a setor d the legacy that you are building. >> well, it's... first of all, it'an enorms honor. it's the greest publ honor you could psibly have. and i rlize that d appreciate the kind of tst
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that the people of masshusetts have given me to be ab to reprent them in the senate. and we've tried t... i've always perceed my roles to try to getome things done. it's been frustrating in thene sense, someone that's passionate abo national health insurance and ive been figing for that over 0 year and still we sees these every single day the human tragedies of human families that have n been ablema to do to it. but we've made some progress over it. and i aays feel that as ng as i can keep making some progress and the pele will keeppr it's wonderul to serve. >> rose: and you'll run for reelection? >> i expect so.on >> rose: aughs) will >> le you let me me an annouement on your show? arnold ds it. >> rose: w not you? there you go. i tnk it's anppropriate choice for you. polics is about coalitions, it's about ao about judgment.
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u had the judgment in 2002 to sa this was the wrong wa an i don't thk thisro adminirationn' doing the right thing and you voted no for thereasons you f said. how shouldhat test b applied to people who want t receive the nomination ofif democracf party in 2008?8? whaought to be the testor aor democratic nomine >> well, historicallyt's been...heir particular positis on particular issues. d that has been... that's enormouslimportant. but i you gos and listen to these conferences, fr a historias point of view about who thgreat presidents were,gr they will ivitably come to the concsion that the... wha matters most is charter, judgment, how they're going to... how they iolve themselves with people friends and family, thenternal kinds of makeup o individuals. there's a muchore powerful
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less about how it'soing to be sources of inspiration, gatheringogether. >> rose:ut the coure to make the vote tt you made it, t an st of the democrats who want to be esident didn't have the same courage or wereisled in their ownind. >> all right. but i think. i put that out as a start out. so within that, hey have to be able to justify or tel theif american peoplwhy they made at judgment at that partular time, the reasons forit, and whatheir views of that vote is at the... at the time....e > rose: but there seems to ba dference between former senator edards and former senar clinton. well, that's for others, people are goingo have o toake a judgment whichay they'rju satisfied with those kinds off explanation that's what elecons are about. we'll find outhe results of th in new hampshire andut iowa pretty soo fairly soon >> rose: just one more estion about iraq. what isur moral responsibilityli there to the aqis? >> well, certain one that
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we've treated very harshly andy very, ver poorly to date. i think we've treated very. particularly the human aspects and the human conditions.e let meust give you a rough ample, and that is we'veot iraqis tt have workedor thed american milita, have been theirranslators, have workedra with them, and they cannot esca. their lives are in danger. their names are putn the mosqu for being kled. and we refuse... our embassies have closed to tse people in offering them any kind of waym out or a kind of resettlemen not just here inhe united states but in anyther place. that's absolutely immoral. >> rose: there e those who say t the following: thathis is urg: momt inongress. after0 pl years. >> aughs) >> rose: bear with me. bear witme. >> i haven't had mitch connellit say that. >> se: you'veever heard mitch sayhat? >> e republican leader. >>ose: well, despite a histopi of accomplishments i legislation, many ve sai..
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some have speculad that what you have beenable to do in the legislative career is perhs more importanthan what youre could havdone as leave that tothers to settle, i just put it on the table. tell me what you ho to accomplish now in terms of health care, in tmsof other o important social issues. >> well, i think this election is for chane. i think it's prarily a change p with regards to iraq. that's. ought to be the nuber.. one issue that w in the coress should address.ho secondly it was cnged because of public/prive perception people wanted e congress address the kind of concernsad that are affecting wking families, middle-class families- rher than special interess. i think the avage family are concned about it... witut getting in a long.. trying to keep this answer short, in are here i can be most act is in the areas of health and the areas of education,he area of emloyment and the areas of
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research, the pitch tha reseah. we' in the life science century. naich.nt we've sn opportunity there is with.... >> rose: what... >> so wa stem cl progress terms of the life sciences.. i want to trynd make sure that are going to equip everyo child in is country to able to deal individually with e hallenges of globalization. every child. every one not ju states, not communiti, every child. every rson to be able to deal with that indvidually. that what our education process, ongoing, continuing, strting very early, continuinger all the way throug >> rose:ut let mesk you.e nohild left behind. you supported the preside, youu negotiated with theresident. >> that's... we haveo work that out. 'm disappoint that... that wasreform inunding, we didn't get the funding. th one aspect o the ledge station that sill rngs, thats is we mean every child. it should bevery child.d e administration still leaves
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ou 3.7 million outof it. but we want toroy and make sure that no o's left behind t in ter of the educationth system. that's what we're ing to try to do. we get a lo of bps with that. but an educaonal system thatti really is the second to no and then obviously the health care. i've support ten differentup bil. single player going back 35oi years. i'm hopef that finly in 2008 we're going to elect someone that's going to actually getthee univers health care. and i hope il be around lo enough to be able tope be a strong sporter and help get him through theeng co. >> rose: y seem in pretty good sha to me. universal hlth care is where we oht to be? t that's where john edwards says we oughto be. paul kgman.we >> i le that, medicare for l.or i think that does it. but the point abou it is if you
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ask me to si down withohn in a room on this thing and our different proposals, weouldn'ts have any problem worki it ultpr out. th's the test, isn't it?th he has bitten the bullet in terms of a propal that's vy, very real. and i thi it's very productive proposal. >>ose: can you say that it's no longer a third rail inhi amecan politics to be supportive ofniversal health care?rs >> i think i's true. i think... think we're there. i think in trms of the bate and discussion. we're not ite there in termsqu of the politics still st. t it s on the floor th afternoon.... t >> rose: it would not... >> we still cldn't get that thrgh. pple would have prettyoodop reasons, tey'd nt to review it ortudy it. won't give you much on it, butt medare is an instituti whichan people have relianc on. it appli to the populations. aumber of the elder obviously and the number of e disabled. noeason if you had thechip
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program, the children's health insurance going up and eup medaid coverage of all thedi children and then we took the medice, it covers the senirs onhat.e then you have to group in the middle,ry to squeeze that down into a benet that's given to evermember of congress h, o that would be a y of doing and it'smanageable. andepending on the kind of president we have, we'll do in the a shorter period of me. >> se: eight million children e don't have health ca. >>es. >> rose: eght million children. i mean, beyond the educational issues:. >> it is te... i think cerinly the first healissue for the congress. what we call children's alth insurance and i worked o it th a number of our other colleagues, work very closely on it. we had a very similar programn my own state of massachusetts that was the ispiration. we hadthe surplusof the toacco money. nd this program ought to am extended inerms of the authorizatn, but we ought to w reach out to these chdren.
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we have a real oppounity to do it.l it would be over five-year period tdo all of thod hildren. we're talking about $35, $40 milion on it. but we ought to beable to as a nation. you're looking at a $two trillion sevenhundred billion dollar budgell not toe able to get $5 billion just this year over the next five years to cover childre would be absolutely irresponble. and i thine're going to... we're working on tat. i think senator baucus, airman othe finance coittee and budget committee kent crad, others, harry rei, others on ou side, republicans as well. >> rose: are you taking some lead from the government of caifornia on health care. >> i wonder he's watchinge. i have to be very careful. listen, i wrote h a littlett note. youet i did. >> rose: you' looking lik a democrat what?
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>> he's working it through out there. he's got some very ambitus aspects. >> rose: as hemb conlted with you?on >> he doesn't askme abo.... >> ro: you've had no phone conversaons about health care with the governor of californiav >> we s each other usually ly at cape co maybe on opposite sides of t senate floor. if i get marie on my side.... >> rose: youwin. laughs) >> st quickly, i think he's got a go proposal out there and think we've t 13 states that e trying todo something. i think fact that t preside's budget cuts back on the medicaid, cuts ck on medare. you know,he budget is a moral document about a nation's prior's th and it's gng to make it very,ery difficult r he states... the prident nts to states to do somethings abo health care and insance. bu you don't cover t chip program on if stat and u're a tting back on medicid and medicar the states aren't ables to... >> rose: as u know, onear of t greatest ings in this cntryst or the next couple deces is wheth we are going to be able
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to fund the existing commitment we have to entitlent unless here's an agonizing reappraisal whereof the ney is coming fromy and what to do. >> well, that's true. in terms of social serity, o we're whats it 2040n th. t we've got to take another lookt at it with rard to...n the medice, 14, 16, 18. let meive you something, s thoug you've g 7, 80% of the medicare expenditures are basicallfor people in theirba lastix or eightonths ali and also for those that hav signficant disabilities. 17% or 18% of the elderly. if you move that 17% down to 15% you extend the lif of medicare for anoer ten years. what a wefo going to be able tot do wi the break thughs? if you have a break through in h alzehimer disease on that, wer' empty two-thirds of the nursing ho beds in my state of massachusetts.
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what about nano technology. >> rose: so you'reaying fund the n.h.... >> this id of just saying this is a zero-sum game is craz the republicans lieve it, they thk it, they're wrong. for those that really belie, understand abo health care>> and what is necesry in terms of doing thiis maki technology,ch preventativcare, case management, bt case practices, encouragg the brethroughs in tems of prescription drugs, new kindof technologies. we can de withthis and if we ever got univeal coverage, we can meet these kin of t the naysars just saywell s les look at the bottom line on this thing" a just say we're hded for disaster. >> rose: pple are sing therepl is too muchisparity in americasp between the wealthy andthe middle-class. t-c >> ihink theyant... they want... arican people want to know who's on their sid, who' on their side in edating their kids. who's on tir side onealthhe care. who's on their side ojobs. who's on their si t in terms o the environment. and that is o the opportuni
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given to t democrats. that's the opporunity given to democrat you said are they thr yet? that's our opportunity. and we oughto be there and we t ought to havehem there an i believe we'll have a candidate hopefully that will get us the. >> rose: you'r notpefu going tor tel me who that is? >> (laughs) >> rose: let just cse wit this. trent lott has this thing on your wall in whie said... nowack in power ashe number-two man the senate inwo whiche says "if ty onlynl knew." what did he mean? >> wel it's that thre are people here, tre lott, a numberf very fine republicans, collgues as well, that really want to make the institution work and find ways to try d work together. 've tried that in the uniteded states senate, m trying now i'm very port gnat to have a goocolleague, senator enzi is our ranking member, hewas the and we're worki very closely
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together and we' hopefully'r getting things done. 'll be down just below the surface but we'll b gettinge' somehings done. and i think that's the w it will be. we'll be up at the top, too, to ound off. but the meantime hopefully we'll get somehings done in theseareas: educatn, health, others.he >> rose: therhave been many eloquent things said about teddy kennedy and more ll come certainly betwe now and the time of his funeral and for a lo time because itis the arc of a life that fou meaningnd expression in the unid states senate whe he changed notnly the country but individal lives with his rk in the snate. so we repuican andppreciated that serce in this program this evening. thank you for joing us.oi see you next time. e yo
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12:00 am
narrator: it's anoer weekday morning, and the mad rush ion. but t for you. you are taking the day off. ♪ i'm so glad ♪'m so glad ♪ i'm glad, i'm glad, i'm glad ♪ in the next halfour, weta will show you where to go and what to do withour precious time. 's a quest for the unique-- over 15 mory-making ideas that will tu a day off into a day on. welcome to take the d off, the weta gde.
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ma we're going to head over toward that lake over the. narrator: rule number e for your much-deserveday off: ditch errands for adventure. n: just like in car, you justurn very gently to t right. narrat: expand your horizons, terally, with an introductory flig lesson. you can pilot a cessna 172, one of the most trusted small planes in the world. montgory aviation in gaithersbg offers affordable lf-hour discovery flht lessons, with nexperience necessary. it adventure for a lifetime. ople just want to experience what it's like to try, just in very safe environment with a certified instructor. we start by doing kindf a general inspection othe plane.
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narrator: jal myry is chief flight inructor. and eila cuchlow has never fln a plane. eila: i'm a big scuba dir, t i've always waed to know what it walike to fly. and so i took advantage of the day, i had someime, and so i did it. i did it! i'd like you thelp me take off tay, sheila. you're gng to tell me when to pu in the gas, and i'm doing thgas? u're doing the gas, and you're doi the rest of the plan i've just got the steeng. okieoke. jal:he best part of my job is when i have the student help mtake off for the firstime. push forward all the way. good, and w just relax this. just start swly. now just start slowly pling back. just pull. can you pull, too? just pl. o.k. i'm pulli. oh, my g. this is wonderl! jal:retty neat, huh? [sheillaughing] nstrumental version of "fly me to the moon" playing
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sheila: it was thrilling but it was really lming to be up there with all of that clearlue and to be able to seforever. very cool. i had a ole other idea in mind ofhat it was going to be like. jal: just look outde. sheila: ahh. ohmy god! it was wild and wonderful. that was fun! you did a fantastic job. i'm coming back. i'm coming back! naator: if you prefer ur adventure a bit cler to mother earth,
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then try an outdoor ouitter. river d trail outfitters, sed in knoxville, maryland, has guided trips, from cross-country skiin and rock climbing to history trs all year round. if the potomac river iraging wildly on your dayff, then you might want to try kayaking on antietam cre. guide: is section that we're on is pretty much like what you'd call a pull and drop sectn. narrator: this expition offers easy espe tohe world-class beauties of the blue ridge. thiss, by and large, whatntietam's all about. narrator it's a serene paddleostly, but it has itsxciting moments.
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at antietam, civil war history flows deep guide: we'll be in the balefield from the time weut on until the time wtake out, and it's kind of neat. narrator: historic burnside brid is amo the most photographed in america. you can take out belothe bridge, ride the rapids furtr downstream. in eher case, let the ne adventure begin. man: yeah! narror: now, if your sense oadventure includesind games, then try letterboxing-- a scavger hunt for grown-ups. letterboxings a treasure hunt inublic places with a little piecof art as a souvenir. ten it's in the woods, but sometimes it's in urban plac and surprising plas. n: "hunter aims his b
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at the v-shapeface of taurus the bu. will miss." rrator: letterboxing clues are posted on websites, like some clues appear as riddles or poems. thousands of lterboxes lie hidden and waiting, right now, all over the world. one prolific letterbox plar in our area goes by the myerious name "scarab." woman: one, two, the, four... thirteenfourteen. o. this would be thcedar. ma this is the cedar. scar: part of the mystique and the etiquette of letterbing to be secretive and discet about it, and not be oious in finding it orutting the box back, so tt muggles don't find it d destroy somehow. man: i got it! it two little canisters. woman: oh,ook at that! arab: when you open e letterbox, it's fun to lo through the journal
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and see all the ople who visited that pla. there are stam from people from other pts of the world. man: "lindsay snown, cincinnati, ohio." narrator: u add your own stamp the box's journal. man: cool! narrator: ere's also a stamp kept ithe box for you to use to mark yo discovery inhe letterbox journal thatou keep. scarab: the are some letterboxes that only a few ople have ever found or no one has ever found. narrator: now, se people who look foridden treasures want ttake them home. anque row in kensington, marand, is aeccentric enclave of0 shops, chock full of treasures, and it's just inside the beltway. pritchard'antiques has been on ward avenue r over 20 years. woman: initial, my husband used to ke stained glass window
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then we started speclizing in the art declighting, which is very difficult to fd. narrator there's lots more he, too. next dr, jill rotter and say shaffer knocked out partf a wall to join theishops 30 yea ago. jill and cpany carries collectible ericana. sally shaffeinteriors goes for the wm cottage look. woman: some ofhe people are scalindown, d we're buying back items that we may have sold tohem 25, 30 years a. narrator: next door again, discover carolyn's. carolyn: i would say my specialty is mirrors, ic-a-brac, crystal, and i'm very eclecti narrator: shops in aique village offer everythingrom quirky to esoteri several ops in antique row coribute a percentage of pfits to charity.
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ke a day of it, easy. lunch at country cupbod tea room, a community landrk. and have fun browsing their well-thumbed colleion of local high hool yearbooks, or drop to the european-styled cafe monet for cappuccinond a chat. man: kensington is one of the nation's best-kept secre. narrator: if you'rthe gamblin' kind in youruest for treasure, thenpend your day off prpecting for real gold. first st: monroe park, home of the mining cp museum, in goldvei that's in fauqui county, virginia. parkanager bob sinclair ll show you how to pan. bob: thiss your starting point. weill teach you the fine art of panning for gold. narratorthen head out to the publ lands and tributaries of the raphanock. bob: the first itial gold rush s in the eastern part of the united states, incling the state of virginia.
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narrator: yourest bet's to hook upith experienced and totally obseed prospectors, like theorthern virginia gold proectors club. man: gold real heavy, it goes right to theottom of the pan when you swirl it around and you sift it. man: i've found twnuggets since i've been digging in virginia. i got lucky out a week ago and found two diamonds. narrator: you probably won't strike it rich. t then again, a troy ounce of gold these days fetcheabout 600 bucks. if theong shot you're goingor is on thgreen rather than gol then try north ameri's first computerized golrange. topgolf, recentlopened in alexaria, virginia, is aevolutionary high-tecexperience. learn w to play or perfect your drive
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with tir patented microchitechnology at automatically mark tracks, and scores every ba hit into any one ofhe targets on the course. man: it's golf for everybody. topgf is a place where alage groups, all demographics can com and real learn golf and not be intimidated by the first-t jitters of a big coue. narrator: monday thrgh friday, you can hit a bucket of 100 balls for the weekdaprice of 12 bucks-- a re day-off deal! the bays are coverednd heated soou can golf year-round when regularourses are too wet,oo hot, or too cold. volitois: the greatesthing to me is most people dot have five hours to spend playing a round of golf, yet they love the game and they want to pctice up for that oneay where they do have t time. golfer: it's a greatlace to come if you're just starti golf and everything. you can eat and ve a couple of drinks
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golferi think it's a great ace to come and hit because you've g targets out there, and u kind of get rewarded. two thumbs up. narratorthis high-tech golf s developed in england and has scored hole in one here. vougtois: it's the bt british import nce the beatles. narrator: if the uan sporting life is f you, but you crave more physical challenge, check out earttrek's and new climbingym in rockville. man: what yohave here is 16,000 squarfeet of climbing, with about 200 route indicated by color otape. ybody can come in any day the week, and wee going to try to really ve them the best that we can d really show them what climbinis about. narrator: but don't you need, like, tons of upper body strgth? we asked mark, here with his nephew. mark: i'm 45 so anybody from 5 to... i've seen 70-year-olds do is. so is a sport for everybody. narrator: but isn't scary?
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crysl, here, competes. crysta i am scared all the me when i climb. that's maybehat got me addied to rock climbing. naator: what brings 'em back? joe's regular. joe: normal exerse, you don't rely have a sense of aomplishment until monthsown the road. with climbing, yoaccomplish something, and you get a niceorkout with it. narrator: a lot of peoe head to a mall on tir day off, but what about going to the mall here's a really cool spin-f from the museums. from mid-novemr to mid-march, the founta at the national gallery art's outdoor sculpture gard is transformed to sparkling ice. you can join the "in-e-know" regulars. skat: i come to the ice ating rink at the sculpture garden every wednesday. it's a lot ofun. narrator: or join the out-of-towners
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who come on a whim. tourist: we are here inashington, d.c., for e weekend, and we we going to do the muums, and we just me across this skati rink. and it's suca beautiful day, we dided to give it a shot. narror: don't forget stea hot chocolate at the pavilion ca... withhipped cream, of course! woman: i can't thinkf a more picture-perfect ace to skate than in the city ♪ my mama told me, "you better shop aroun ♪ narrator: but ifou really do prefer opping malls to the mall, then how about trying a personal shopper? think you can't afrd that luxury? man: the's no char for you at all. but usually the goal is get you in something that you want. special events such as r mitzvahs, weddingsbridal showers. it varie narrator: francis dent is the "at your service" personal shopper
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at bloomingdale's white flt in rockville. april coee-- a loyal bloomiesustomer. francis: again,ou look go in, li, burnt oranges and ight colors... it's allbout trying something th you normally wouldn't do. it's all about stepping out of the box. i doave another one, which is like goddess-inspired typeown. so wcan always go with th as well. francis: with april, isually like to go for anying that's more a classic look, a stylish look, something in a lean lhouette. april: beina single mom, i really don't have e time to try to figu out what would lk good on me. i love playing e dress-up part. it makes you fl all luxurious and amorous, and it's aery good feeling. i'm plead to say the majority of my clients do come back. ♪ oh, lord, won't you buy me
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♪ a mercedes benz? narrator: now, if yo notion of "sleek siouette" involv four wheels and a ge shift, then try capital dreamars in tysons corner ey lease exotic cars the day or week. choose your style: the ferrari sports rac, orhe bentley, thultimate in sophisticed luxury. man: the thing that kes this bentley so specl are thdetails. come on in and have look. narrator: check out e paddle-wheel shifters. james: just like ithose exotic formulane racecars. narratornote the hand-stitched leher and fine wood. james: all the modern amenities you would expe in a luxury car. r the enthusiast who's alway wanted to drive a feari ju once in their life, this is definily the car for them. this ferri's got a 3.6-liter v-8 gine. it's good for 400 horsepow. it'll hit 0 to 60 in under 4 seconds. when you te the car out for thday, it's your car,
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and you' the star of the show. narrator: but if you have a wicked commute and the la thing you want to don a day off is drive, chill ou refresh, revitalize at one of three area natul body spas and shoppes. pamper the whole you with products friend to your body and the environmt. man: our aburn location is a greenpa because we use renewable resources, we ud recycled materials, energy-efficient appliances. we use natal products in our svices. it jusmade senseo... the next logicaltep was to make our builng as natural as possible narratorchoose one of the signate services, or make a day of pampering. bart: our signate facial's a really uque service. we include seaweed in the ocn in all of our services
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our signure pedicure is probablone of our most popular svices. the big dierence about it is it's done in indidual, private rooms. it's just a great rexing service. narrator: you en have privacy for a macure. bart: our signature ssage is probabl our most popular serce. it comes i30-, 60- or 90-minuteervice. thspa experience is not just to help you relax; it's also to help noish and feed the skin and he the body. it h benefits both emotional and physically. narrator: petsike pampering, too. end your day off indulging your four-legged friend. visit one of the dog parks in our area, or head to takoma rk, maryland, where there's a special ace the dogs know by nam
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man: when we approachhe store, all i have to say is, "ooh, we're going to big badoof," and that's it. he's at the or. he knows exactly wre to get his treats. he knows where he n get a drink of water, and he kws where he can get aoy. what better in le? is there anything el you'd want? narrator: lie paez is co-owner the big bad woof, for thsocially conscious pet. julie: we try our best to provide goods that are natal, holistic, and made in an envirmentally safe manner. narrator: some folks and ps come just for the mmunity. julie: our vion was to create a ace whe animal lovers could be, where animals could be, where it wasust a joyful place tbe. and it has become that. woman: i want people to love food narrator: take a day off to fulfill thaperennial vow: "ie always wanted to learn w to cook... atever."
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you ll in the blank, or in this case, the phyllo cone. woman: we're going to do ep-fried shrimp spring rolls and we're so going to do fresh lls. narrat: bonnie moore is culary director for, and a regular teaching che for cooking classes at sur la tabl in arlington's pentan row. bonnie: taking class at sur la table gives peop an opportity to really have a handon approach. philosophy as a chef is to teach people things that they really can do at he. woman: i took the day off so i can spe it here all day and lax. man: i'm absolutely t a gourmet cook. i've gotounger kids, and ort things and fast things are definitely what i like to do, but it's nice to try some different things, t. this is actually my sth class here, and wind up doing a lot different things that i wld have found challeing iny own home kitchen. bonnie: wh you're finished, ju put a few on there.
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the students definitely get to eat, and th for me the best part becauswhen they realize th they made it, they are just so jzed and so excited. that's aood day's work for me. narrator: now, ncook worth their salt would entertain wiout the perfect wine. to figure t what that is, trwine tasting at linden viyards in virginia. acally, our favorite customers are ople who know very little but want to learn. we grow grap at three different diinct vineyard sites, d each site has its n personality. and we taste theside by side. at is it about our place at gives a certain expressio and personality to t wine? and, qui frankly, we're learng what that is. narrator: enjoy a ass of linden wine with locallyroduced cheeses and usage.
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and savor the view from the deck. it's our favorite viinia vineyard. narrat: now, if your epicurean aptite runs to art, check out the toedo factory in old town, exandria, virginia. this one-time weaps plant has bloomed intone of the nation's rgest visual arts centers, housing zens of open artist studios-- all ee admission. wah the artis work, or visit the six exhition galleries. check out classes offered by the art league. iner studio on the secd floor, cynthia coo-poli handcrafts one-of-kind jewelry. her specialty? wedding bands eneled with mysteriousrivate symbols.
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the days, cynthia is also experimenting with glass. nthia: seeing the glass move is very exciting, and moves sometimes in its o way. naator: ann diplacido is one of the original torpedo factory artists. an i came in as a painter, and i mimy yarns a lot like people mix their paints. it not a problem at all toork in the publi i nd it just evolves as people come in and out of the stuo. narrator: nd sculptor carol len's studio on the first floor. carol: the wonderful tng about multi-media eces is that i have the world to choose from. some of the animal they're just a wayf expressing a feelinof mystery. man: it was a great opportuny just to walk around anstroll, see some art and enjoa day off. narrator: what the ultimate way step out on youday off?
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a drop-in dance class at joy omotion. ♪ they say the neon lhts are bright on brdway ♪ ♪ obroadway... dance isy passion, and i find that on a d-to-day basis, wh we do here at joy of motion changes people's lives. a five, a six-a, a five, six, sen... it brings vitality to the life, brings energy toheir life, brings quaty to their life, through dance. narrator: joy of motiooffers over 350 class per week, across all genres, at four c.-area locations. try drop-in class: ballet, yoga, or... ladies and gentlemen broadw jazz! doug: hello! i thk the great thing about broadway jazz is certainly theusic. and it's aopportunity to kind leave your shell, leave ur inhibitions behind,
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and just dancend be a broadway gyp for a day. in real life, i'm a cpa, a grandmother. and thfirst time, i was hoed. for an hour ana half, we're transfmed, and the group of women a men who come to this cla are so diverse. ybody's who's ever lip-synch or thrown a a around their neck and sauntered off... that's what heoes for you. narrator: doug class starts with wa-ups, then mes to improvising cheography r a final performance. woman: i a very newcomer. i can't believe homuch fun it was, andoug was such a wondful teacher, that i felt ve comfortable. doug: i fi that there is safetyn numbers, and so people, fore they know it, they're dancing up a storm and actuly don't even realize it. i've beeteaching this class probably for a goo10...
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15 years. and it's sorof a friday morning danceeligion, so to speak. d, yeah, i never get red of it. it not my ultimate desire take over the world from dance perspective, but, god, wouldn't that great? there is no such thing as a day off. toy is not my day off, actuly, and i'm playing hooky. on my day off, my favorite thing to do is take more classes. on my day off, i love to shop. on my day of i like to shop for ses. i go hiking, running, lking... something ouide. i like to garden or re leaves, oro something outdoors. i go antiquing, anbelieve it or not, that'shat charges my battery. on my day off, i like to ck. ony day off, i cook. narrator: to find out more about the ples featured on thweta guide and to watch therogram again, visit us online at
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