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tv   Charlie Rose  PBS  August 27, 2009 12:00pm-1:00pm EDT

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on: welcome to the oat. edwho died latesdhe at his he hyni maachuses. 'ltait driwi arooinil fen ddeiahiri al jourli i washitoned wh vesenatokeedy and john meacham,he editor of ewsw magaze ich is cong wh a commerative issue. d we'll hr frenator kennedy h ow words in rviewst heiditme one i00 and e in he'sn ex>> this is aplac tt youa the sutou peoplon bothsisf the
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cobuti tth f is ser inhesetehat can tick off giatn evythinge, u as grtas if you had r foes a hadtwo ter in presiden. placanbout bei a sator ane gacy thatoure il it's a enormous hon. mean, 's the greest pubc nor u uld ibly have. an rea and prte the tst thahepeople of mase gito me. to be able teprent them e nate. and we' tried to... i've alwaerceivedy ros try toetso in . 's bnrustrang in the o seone th's psione t naon hlt iurce and s en fighng that over0 snd istil..we see tse.very sin day maragedies h
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falies tt ha been ab to do i buwe've some pgrs ert. ani as fe that asg as c keepge ogress tnd the people willp m, i..t's >> donan you'lln for ti? xpecso. willou let me ke an >> i wlndeed.our show? >>rnolhis, not me?n aroia ch. tif of tekennedy en wenu
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captiongpoor by se communitis rose: looso mple rng and led thets keedwho dd la yard gh i ewelp the h tisble w wend ha taed his hievndmany mes remaleife. 's lif t ll kwn ma pplbeof mi, becausof htrmp, cae h tge a causas forfead h of theat storthe uneds talabout ttli beginninithdos gowin, a filendand talk wit u barndell phone on ray fm
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anspt to bton. yo bn hisrt da ve mns t pce thla--ndnkt'ngbo whso my mes heom down ao nyple e rlly whe miho.sha 's we ysame intriuh a f.'s eleio rosicri a whe eyamn s. d u ryave a elg athiasha bndha falyher. rall or e rl l or t coy a lway ce bk he. so it'so ttgn a rtn alyse fev iouimage tamily. >> rose:henew thend wa ar and inceai yno i w him last ge the rex ga wn ut thfi bl a w tsi hithoaordiny it
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fohio allhe l aolesbo hielintheseon that h s been anin contras t h bth whudjoe in rl of crs,nd bulls, hsadthat lengthf me t s a h i thino aor e whe cotrhafe aut him viheen h dit s. i ep thig out he ngy ot rl breaneng ro at thnples." how foredendy eny teflongthe rebrhe a a sis bee reac s0s t dnkg zing d apdi a w rn to shat faed98run found a ho. gacy heas tre i ins him an uarled thos us who ledn tt isge wll ways rember
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parch of theamy enhe othersie don't ow aasy t rk in thsena. itoesn't mak gre si to cpr with h t wh you tnkabou h was ab tdonterms t lesliove hhe mimuwas r op, ilen hlt immian, notiting aes leop's right cting ionsf , at real lac th iceis o not en ecd tohe brot f whe alys com him. >> ro y k t w was fatalisti and unders t phis desnys e a god e na had seenatrthanoe id yw, ata i ink onhe di ke tt cio runor t esnymo aer h sein rea cfo wh ents was ofll t broths t
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moproaab, theos narapoti almost le s gndth,yit te, talkopl,i nsto pe. ani th idcy wlws ch enorimecf h brotrsing n
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down there saydon't need t be presi, me jusdo the of decracy ghhere i the nate." >>ose: wl, wheok at the imcte' legi trere 500 significant eces o legislatn. wh you t about tmpt livest's ag,oweringl ement rbeyond pridts. >> aolel fard my i an tt'th t soal jtice ate sabtowas to bring aut t gislatatempne al aected t y pee, yhee th he, cncth heobs bwithheamiehe somebodyetsi this mecalee inrehu iacts people'sailyves. >> rose: to see himwalk d e halls of th seith
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osogwa aig. i ch a wondfurid le couple whheirdo schleng thhemve ty nt w a ndful g. thin fnd ki se rb, omodheuld real rax wit aepni his engito ge evmo tneyack to the >> r youmentione t d whatt m t mi and him. he wanted goom t diend bthe to die. it i t s andarthe sea and saing t grt y ofportfo h. oit qst i ani remr so t taywhendind i us tgosail withim ebbnndt u ow u' tll. n he'd akgth edrocalrisnd you'dbeging ♪y ldri rose anncdibly theg
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when wldstumin afr esigs tithof athoan o pa ouocen ufe had to ov for t sena and he ff wld deimnds on you ca o hwaedoal rious ay wve tlkut e wa,ow g g is rough? hielanyet wkat tam set n ten found, tnk so, leuln dimens. >>os bend tragy,which nt toeak t a moment, know t famil wh... how wahe sha ro u son jonend ros theon of r kennedy, e broer of hn and bert d joe euniceat >>elhe'soquesti he ay tyai t anthen hecameth einf theamter hibr
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bumo iornt stf ia rt nsis it did,ndeed,nd hianceo siut it bug h bk tohat me chpaidcke cko3 meer reangike mafid idweome ho, dd ts wouelg." son a funny y found thk erhe wasos coortabl maybe wldavbe aoo presid setend he woulhave hadthe that same aff t ho but nonetheleshe fndhe belonged, ink. >> rose:e so rectly hisieunice shrer t famy a h ac lationipo bthers. >>elune oma ways, asoe kne,, onc sd, hash a b e woul caolic pdentf e it at. enorri anormous will. ershs the fil.. me,everybple in that fil s impoan unrsnd. ouavthe thegold deembe,,jrac, romary, ou in the midd othat. but cae er iss wit
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r meal ste east p tsmbituspl. enet eic,ortf meor for t whole yng raonncdi rosemary, even tugh ry w aea and eme as littlensitive t t s of h young slis anofroma. it wasaiheparentwod have to t o ks uld yomakeur remy lensowo ays wld yota h to town shopping oner ownul justit anmehow thatonctn ben herelhito is extna fusnhatce couldbe de forally rerded peopl the ial olpics. d she willave hewn pce history for heein so ws eear a mont and soti lde of impa politian a moventoveeoe hadiicultenlrobls a acinietyan g tm tt possibilitiesnd
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pouniean cpetiti d thas areat ing. tsy reall hn imctn riminiv lives d ourctlai ve in waprobab nod sinth am fil wbain94 lord bvetett j kne,r. in wch he sa... he pdied at val thda.ywould somay erwanoaye cha seen i. >> rose: anyove mh, dis youost e,harl. >> re:t'.. foate toave th much have av bk toon. >> thank y, i' t to so e. >>ose:oris k odwin. contie a rbrnd preciationf ddy knedy. st wh rose:ntue ection senatordy th alunoflobeew
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wha filennd w cored ser k cr in senate an meaam, ed of "newswe magazi which is coming amemorave i begin withho dhe last interviewhat setor kennedy did on telision i wa simply set thatp, d en wl go to a be th ier , lle autheas te crl w y 00 cpl.. igus ou wk tda borseto keedwaiaos whth drdf bin nc d t s he inasngn. amin een w u thomat lly s il aanda d er binngo a loofal ou oba/inn eatiet an aedenoren w s e c tnghe w to kg mer t decric ptyndthw ldatllerha ia sanowa ct lly inn. whh thk w ect wt ra oma wtehio
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ansethrecafo scsionin the nexew wes. reres ptf that nvtion. al hunt, senatorennedy at nator keedy'shome. wld h tt d alsoive condera somebo tha has. is intune wi his a thenobler asratis of therican pe. i me ithinthis ... he hastruc a ton amicans are epared as th ve in t p, freeny, not always, to deal withe challengeshat we' fac and americans are thirstyto do it. d k ie h real leer a dith rack obama in tr-two s as well it woubeenorus heful. >>oue think aut crtials. nionalsecuty well, ihithat.. 's uful a rtant t whit fnk bacs unrsndin foreignolic an lteningtalk aut naity he s e ur camig
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think he'seen eloquen, ins yive and i think 'seen right. rose: aooing m j me cch. this is thover o "newsweek's"pecial brher, ward. kenne last 1932-200" in hry w d we put thi rson? >>ne o t or three senators who wil rembed rever. henry clay, daniel webster, ted kenn i think that it gets. e' fallg there hamtquite a would an my min, it's great amican lifan ireat and intesting because it's so lex. this ist sry of td camelo and tkind of gr rtaradg into t sunset. is i story of very troublednd yettimaly triuhant m who faced incredibledemonsand setes
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th w tate a sotimes he did. anhe so mindas straelynspir tionale because see his life, anyway, as a search foredemn as opposed the uomiced unfolding a desny. >> ros twohi begin th:umbe o, the famy hwas th cr,e was e core o this family r so manyears. secondlyhe was a js center. having said that, me ories,eleedendy wl,haieha ctures . gr whoh tte lle e throrfo grt rs iry anhi sryas jt ts exaoiny rilnc a meck sh rrle tred se ot se-iuc. fothamythwa w tceer tishvetood at
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teddcod alwa metee alt,atr at the agy s. cfoin pseora a erne wh hbrgh tlicsas maab ahi rehaitr o h broer bug tsradiry coinioof mmme a ssn angithncdie uban. endy al..eot on ledheuses h kepele heik ppl ofifri inofie hehoht.hirichs ddol meegh everodhaan ierti sty d meinto ntbu.henderstd colethings ai a a,e led pele heheardestorr i' ereen. nead btesete encovereim e na diarcoite,ie hithe stafrs sff mbs-we kfirg w sci mteofan wetmi ecuve mpsaonn shgt. vibos,hefaedawr nk w psete miost d felw ned
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stenbrer atast ad sff upat tbeupme c ste,es >> acy. he. n o er h afli teddy noneord rd. buhis sre wndd e ulli ledeoe,he kwhe t mpmi, he kextl w heould g h r ulgethotruyo . ryeweoe ve tt tant eneoe o me i a sclay yor q. way hter, ahoh hewa quite brht. >> rose:l meor about edrd knedy the pician, edrd knedy'salen, edwd nnedy's place. well,e was, as al issaying as rm and grious i y ttneithe ofhis broths were. j.k.'s libalism waser cool. his favori... one ofis political idol was mbourne. fafs kind detachme.
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bby. genal kennedy was ryot in those j.f.k.'s liberalism wasery cool. his favorite... one of h political idols s melbourne. fafsind of detachment. bobb.. general kennedy was very hot in those last ds but had... wasamously ruthless and toh up until that last in it seems to me that ted kennedy actually joyed politics for the people. and he grew up in the snate. he was someone who had a work ethi that isuite at odd with the caricature of a very rich man sailing around and probablou drinking a little too much and not bei the... he does not ave the reputation for the workhorseualities that i tnk he deserves. there are very few exampl, it seemto me, in american politics ev of the distance e between the caricure of someonand the reality. he was see as an
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unreconstruct unflching new deal liberal. he was,as al was just sayin,st one of the grt compromisrs. always wanted t get something and then try to make it better lat, which belies thats caricare. and ws someone who sawast the tradition ideological labels that peop wore. i think and like churchill in a way i think because always understood that this mornng's enemy might be toight's ally. andf you grew up in the legislative body, you build colitions from issue to issue. so you really can't affo if u are going to be a master leglator to cut pople f on one issue becse you're robably going to need them in two hrs on something else. >> rose: republicans, al. in some cases there we deep friendips. orr hatch being one. >> yeah. hn mccain being other. b when john mccn got the profile in courage ard ten or so yearst ago, he never forg thatted
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kennedy threw a sprisew birthday rty for john's th 11-year-old son. lindseyen graham came t congrese thking that tedennedy was thencarnation of everything, of everyiberal evil andgrew to he enormo respect for m. some of it was his legislative talent and what joust described. he was honey fitz's grandson w much more than eher of his brothers. and some of it was this extraordinary person touch. one the most touching stories i' ever heard, gordon smit the senator from oregon, a centris mormon republican h a bipolar son who commited suicide. and he told me the first person inis office was t kennedy who he said"became my comfortinpresence for months andbecame a central figure in mlife." he had an abili to do a maybe in part becausehe underwent such trial and such tragedy himself. but he was able to fason personal relationship that no one would ve epected in
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keeping with what john said about how different he was tn the caricatur george w. bh, who had very few relationships be w a democrats in th town for eightears, would in private tlk... would regale people with what a eat legislator a what a greatally he thought edward m. kenne s. i don't know oany other decratic senor that he spo in those terms. >> rose: the's a wonderful phrase o franklinoosevelt's that doesn't get picked up much which is that great politician, a great country masters the science of human relationships. master it is science of human relationships. >> rose: that defines him, esn't it? >> th's it. that's it. >> rose: there is th on his wall in hisenate office.n i askedim to talk abo it and he diin one of two interviewsof i did, one in wife the and one in 200 t it is trent lott wrote him a letter basical said "dear ted, if they onlyknew you the way we do." whadid he man by that, al? >> well, that he was..he was
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lightful company, everyo loved to be around him. he's auy thats we discussed thlast few minutes of this show who cldcompromise. he was notnreasonable. he did't demonize ople at all. he demonized positis but not peope. bob boque might have been a rareexception of that. and almost eery senat that i ever tked to reall liked ted kennedy. charlie, we o the outside just... yoknow, we observe and we hr from other reporters... or excuseme, hear fro other of his colleagues but when i was on thatrofile in courage committee and have been forhemm last seven years, i had so of an insidelimpse. it was number of quite a impressive people, present compy excluded, o that company.ed senatored that cochn and olympia snowe,great historians and his beved niece caroline. sometimes we would be deadlocks because there were lotof great minations and ted kennedy
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would then weh in. the beginninit was consing where he was going. in a coupleinutes you knew exactly where he was gng and a consensus mediately formed ands we went fored's choice. and i mention this process one time toed that congress cochran and he said "now you know how 99 senato feel." he d that touch. >>id where did that come from, is deep, a, understanding, and b, viscera feeling about bingee able to do things for those who could not do for themselves? early robertennedy had kind of epiphany when he beganhe to go to appalachia and see a things, and ssissippi. >> one theor of the case is that as the runt of the mily,am he understood what i was likest to get cked on. >> roseas the youngest? >>s the youngest. the yngest of those powerful formable son
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and helearly had a kind of rooseveltian nobles oblige, i think far moreo than robert kennedy and certaly more than president kennedy. president kennedy greatest fear was be called a liberal. hated it you know, his relationship with adelaide sten son isne of the great tension and didn't want to be seen as soft. and think you would neverave heard, i think,s the politics t ofhe last 40 years uolded, you would not have hear president kenedy speak of leralism in e defiant tones in which senator ted nnedyid d because he believed and ca om a generation in whichat governme was not airty wd. and to some extent, the reagan yrs and the george w. bu yea were a reaction to... remember the phrase "tip o'neill and ted kennedy liberalism"?
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and so he came... he was a... he was an intesting product of a me and an intellectual time when government had larg le to play int people's les. >> rose: there is tis also, al. and he said this tme in a conversation tt i did, w'll e in a few minuts. his proudest vote in the senate was agains the iraq war. when he stood up and all o the people that hisellow seators... not all of them, but most of them, most of them, senator clionandsenator edwards anso many hers voted yes and he stood up in a reunding speech and said no. al? >> and he later got into quite i i have the wh bill clinton in th 2008 camign behi the scenes when former president clinton sisted it was not a te for the warnd he said "you' damn right it was a vote for the war, that's what i said at the time."
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which senator kennedy d. i slightly... i don dsagreen' with john, but i'm notuite sure that this sense o chamoning as passiona as he did the rightsf the underprivileged was there ashe youngest chi. i think in the early yes that he was a much mo cautio and, if you will, centri democrat. i talked to one of his oldest h friends o was withhim in '62 tod and i said "if we had been sittinaround in boston in 1967" which is when i fit covered senator knedy" "and we said 47 years fom now hll die andbe thought of as o of the gre liberalions of all time and one of the most effective senato ever, what would we have said?iv d we would have said you're unk, go get another drink. reqsts that's not whate wast cast as the i thk he grew. i think h really grew. i think he grew in a sense of having these much more... much m greater commitments i think he leaed. he was affected by his brhers last campaign a grea deal. but i think he grew as much asre
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any politicia i've ever seen, because he had, as john mentioned earlier, se dreadl low points.ea >> rose: well, was there a moment in ich he changed or s it an evolutiona change? >> i think it was an. thereas wersome key... there were somere key junctes in that. ihink one w post-chappaqddick after he was defeated for sene ldership. anotheras after his ilfated pridential run which i thought he did out of a snse of family oigation rather than that's genuely what he wanted. i think he then returned t the senate far re comfortably. and the trd would be his marriage to vicki kennedy in 19 where i think fothe first time he found genuine personal hainess. >> rose: we always comeack and talking abouthis m to family bause he had to play role th almost no one a ese has eer had to h play. cause there was so much m traged and you h to be the strong core. and he had to g and talktoo
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that convention afr he lostnt which s not about fmily butno it was about a personal loss. he gave the eulogs at robert kennedy's fural. he gave the euloy forjohn nnedy's son. >> he gave aay carone kennedy in i sometimes ink of him as the unlily patriarch. theseesponsibilities fell to him history and fate dealt him in hand and all accnts he executed it beautilly. and i think there's... there's some poeticjustice, i think in the idea that the yule gistwho had to be the patriah of th vast clan, who wentohe weddings, whwent to the wakes and was at the christmases,was at t easters, he was given a,
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gift s brothers were n given which was thegift of yea. rose: that was clearl in evidence when thehad theid birthday pay in kennedy center al. >> oh, it was one of the most magical fhts i've ev seen. it's also fittingly irish. buthat night senator kennedy was there, it was in march,e t a profile in courage award, a special award tat night. ery major brdway entertainer perfmed. and he was sitting in the president's box with michelle obama,he vice president, senator kerr and his wife and his wfe vicki and then at the end everybody came o, all t broadwa ensemble cam out to si happy bthday and they inoduced the president of the united states who led t nging. it was ally an inedible moment. >> rose: h did not like to b or was not inruned to be introspective, was he, al? >> will be interesting to seell his back because i think with, i assume, boblum and others on
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this beforhe passedand it will be interesting t see how introspective hes. he didn't like that. >> rose: his memoir are out i, i think, octer. >> september 14. >> rose:eptember 14? >> is that it?>> >> edited by the great nathan and the book is. i've sents. throughout manhatt to do a seco story m job on every publisher's fice i could get to find it. >> rose:here's no word in terms of what in there that he says as his ownummer of his lif >> no, 's called "true ompass." so that gives you some sense. it was very much obously, a view in twilightnd the le in completion. d i think as we all know from books that john has done, i think it will be a remkable memoir. >> rose: his happist moments al?
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an his... not saddest moment n which is havbeen public for all us but his regrets. and i suspecte would not put not winning th presint i on his list of regrets >> i think you're right. i think his biggestegret was not getting e health careth overhaul through congress in his last his hpiest moments i think wereith family, partcularly vicki these las 17ears. he also h 1 a... he had a great relationship with s kids. he had a magicalelationship with caroline kenedy. to see the two of them together, they wou almost look at each othernd they could see herot faher and his brother in the other. and that was very, very special reationship which he would... obviouslyrought great joy tois lif >> rose: this i a tough summer or you, al hunt.u, bob nova was a frid. a senator kennedy ariend. it has. i lost my ntorllen ott and jack mp died a few months ago. a lot of people who i consideree among the greatesteople i've ever known. and it's been that's what haens, charlie, i
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guess en you get w olde rose: al, thank you for sharing this.r i know th has been a difficult time. what can you tells about the funeral service? charlie, all i know is what is read on the wires whic is it's going to be inoston i believeos at 10:00 saturday morning at ang caolic church that he went to when his dghter was in for cancer boston and prayed for her recovery. and en the... he's going to b buried at arlington cemetery next tohis brothers. and i am... i fl reonably certain-- a matter of fact i'm totally crtain barack obama will speakt the fneral. >> rose: we often say thisnd perhaps should y it here ant not so much in other cases, shall not see his likegain. >> n. taken all and all, shall not see his s li again is the old ne. if youhehad written...if youf went off and wrote a nov about a family thathad this number of children,sing only the sons,nl not the formidableomen of theda
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mily, one would dien the second word war two one shot down in the service of their couny and a third would livehi this inedible life of highs and lows,ut ultimately winning o and nning the war, tre s a war in him ihink between light and dark. and me battles went to thees dark side. but the war we to the light. and.. >> rose: and t war. and the light triumphed, clearly.ri >> theight tiumphed. >> rose: jon meacham, thank you. "neweek" here."n re it is, specl s commemorative edition "the last brher, edward m. knedy, 1932-2009." and my anks to my iend al hunt on the loss of his friend, ted kennedy. we'll be right back a see two interviews with te kennedy, one in2005 and one i 2007 which n which youill see his passion for health care, youill seeal how that humor is there and yo
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will see him slightly introspective b notuch but what isore important sr. that pason for the things that heat beieved in and tt is what people are remembering today. not only the causes but also the deepness of family. bak in a ay with us. stay witus >> rose: do you ink where you are on important issues of our day is wherethe coury is or where you'd lik to see th country be >> where i'd like to see theo country be. i believe that individuals and the nati does best when it'sen chllenged. i thinkhis country h monstrated it over itstr history. i mean, look how this nation came t of the depreson.he look how we responded in termsre of world war ii. look how we've even... finally
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when we were confroned the issues of segregation by dr king really facing u, even though we'd writn slavery into the constitution a we had the ivil war, fnally when dr. ki confront us, we rponded. we've made imrtant progress in knocking down walls ofll discrimation. this count has always done well when it's been callenged. i don't feel that 's being cllenged. you can have the b tax cuts we'vead and be still involvedst in wars on th and asking ain small gro of people to takeal theurden and everybody else enjoythemselves. i think have to understand now that we'r facing a ve fferent challenge, and thiss the issue of globalization and were either going to g runin out of town with the rush owards lower wages and outsourcing, or we're going to embrace it a say we areoing a to equip every citizen in this nation wi the ability to b able to deal with the problems ofal globalition. and in that way ensure we're going to havehe strongest economy in the next 20 and 30
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years an we will have a nional security that will be second to none. and we..., i tnk, are pret, much dead in thewater. the administrati's policies are catching up with them, that's another issue. t i think just generally speakingthis country does be ndividuals do best, a we welcomed these challeng. americans like is, but we'rehi not... that's n part of t whole political discussion at this me. an i think i's both... i think. tt's where we ought toe as a political party and whre we ought to be a individua. i thinkhe whole issuesin terms of what' happening to our cities and poverty areoralov issues. we could talk about at. but i think beyon that we ed to look at what the central challenge is for us as individuals andfor our country. and i think most of understand and the great philosophers pointe out, i mean, the greattruggle between go and evil, between cllenge
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andesponse. toynbee coined it, the world is challenge and response. and this country has alwaysone bett in c terms of challenge. and what we're jst doing now is just sort of resnding to theof tides tt are coming our way. and i think that it' not what thisountry really is about. >> rose: this is a place that you have spent more an 40 years. toead what they say about you is rmarkable. may people on both sides of th isle believe that yur contribution to theountry from this service in the senate-- and they can take of legistion and everything else is asel great as if you had run for president d had two terms ind the tell meow you feel about this place andbout being a senar anthe legacy that you are building. >> well, it's...irst of all, it's enormou honor. it's the greatt public honor you could posbly have. and i reaze that an appreciate the kind of tru that the people of massacsetts
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ave given toe to be able to represe them in the senate. and we've tried to.i've always perceiv my role a to try to get se thingsone. 's been frustrating in the o sense, someone that'sassionate aboutational health insurance and i' been fightng for that over 0 years and still we sees these every single dayhe human tragedies of human families that have noteen ablema to do to it. but we've madeome progress over it. and i alws feel that as lo as i can keep makingome progress and the peop will keeppr me it's wonderf to serve. >> rose: and you'll run for reelection? i expect so.on >> rose: (lghs) will >> letyou let me mak an aouncement on your show? arno does it. >> ros why not you? there you go. i thi it's an apropriate choice forou. politi is about coalitions, it's about als about judgment. yo had the judgment in 2002 to
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sayhis was the wrong war and don't thin thisro administtionn' isdoing the right thing and you voted no for the asons you f said. how should tt test be applied to people who want to receive the nomination of democratif party in 2008?8? what ght to be the test f aor democratic nominee? >> well,istorically is been... tir particular positionon particular issues. an that has been... that's enormously portant. but ifyou gos andisten to these conferences, from a historian'point of view about who the eat presidents were,gr they will inetably come tothe concluon that the... what matters mosts characr, judgment, how they're going to... how they invve themselveswith people, friends and family,he iernal kinds of makeup of individuals. there's a much me powerful lessonbout how it's gng to
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be sources of inspiration, gathering tether. >> rose: b the courag to make the vote thayou made it, t and mo of the democrats who want to be prident didn't have thent same courage orere mled in their own md. >> all right. but i think.. i put that out as a start out. so within that, ty have to be able toustify or tell the american people y they made th judgment at that particar time, the reasons for , and what tir views of that vote is at the... at thetime....e >rose: but there seems to be difrence between former senator edwds and former nator clinton. >> well, that's for others, people are gng to have o to makv a judgment wch way th'reju satisfd with those kds off explanaons. that's what ections are about. we'll find t the results of that in new hampshire andut iowa prettyoon. fairly on. >> rose: jt one more question about iraq. whais our moral responsibilityli there to the iris? well, certainly one that
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we've treated very harshly andy very, very poorly to date. i think we've treated very... particularly the human aspects and the human conditions.e let me jt give you a rough exple, and that is we've g iraqis tha have worked f thed american military, have been their tnslators, have workedra with them, and theyannot escape their lives are in danger. heir names are put o the mosquesor being kild. and we refuse... our embassies have closed to the people in offering them any kind of waym out or any kind of resettlement. not just here in te united states but in any oer place. that's absolutely immoral. >> rose: there ar those who sayt the following: that ts is yog: momenin cgress. after 4 plus years. >> (lghs) >> rose:bear with me. bear with . >> i haven't had mitch mconnellt y that. >> ro: you've ner heard mitch say tt? >> th republican leader. >> re: well despite historypi of accomplishments in i legislation, many ha said. me have speculate that what
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you have been le to doin the gislative career is perhapiv more important tan what youre could have ne aspresident. leave that to ohers to settle, i just put it on the table. tell me what youope to accomplish no in terms of health care, in terms other o important social issues. >> well, i think this election is for chang i think it's primily a change p with regards to iraq. that's.. ought to be the numr.. one issue that we in the congss should address.ho secondly it was chaed because of a public/privat perception. people wanted th congress to address the kindsf concernsad that are affecting worng families, middle-class families- ratr than special interestsp i think the averge family are concerd about it... witho getting into long...rying to keep this answer short, in areas wre i can be most act is in the areas ofealth and the areas of education, t areas of empyment and the areas of
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research, the pitch that researc we'ren the life science century. naich.nt we've see opportunity there is with.... >> rose: what... >> so i want stem cel progress in terms ofthe life sciences.. i want to try a make surehat were going toquip everyo child in th country to be able to deal individually with th cllenges ofglobalization. every child. every one not just states, not communitiesevery child. every peon to be able toeal with that indidually. that'shat our education process,ngoing,ontinuing, starting very early, continuingr all the way thugh. >> ro: but let me ask you.e no child left behind. you supported the predent, you negotiated withhe president. >> that's... we he to work that o. i'm disappnted that... tha as reform in funding, we didn't get the funding. the one aspect of the ledge station that still rings, thats is we mean every child. it shoulbe every child.d the administration still leaves out 7 million out of it.
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but we want to troy and ma sure that one's left behind t inerms of the education system. that's what we're going to try to do. we get alot of burps with that. but an ecational system thatti really is the second tonone and then obviously the health care. i've suprted ten differentup lls. single player going bac 35oi years. i'm hoful thatinally in 2008 we're going to elect someone that's going t actually get thee unirsal health care. and i ho i'll be aroundlong enough to be able tope be as a stro supporter and help getr him through eening co. >> ros you seem in pretty good ape to me. universal heah care is where we oug to be? t that'shere john edwards says we ought be. paul kruan.we >> i lik that, medicare for alor i think that does it. but the point aboutit is if you ask me to sitown with jn in
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a room on thishing and our different proposals, we wuldn'ts have anyroblem working it ultpr out. that the test, isn't it?th has bitten the bullet in terms of a propos that's ver, very real. and i think it'sveryproductive proposal. >> re: can you say that it's no longer a third rail inhi amerin politics to be supportive of uversal health care?rs >> i think it true. i think... i think we're there. i think in tes of the dete nd discussion. we're not que there inermsqu of the politicsstill st. pu it s on the floor thisfternoon.... t >> rose: it would not... we still coun't get that throu. peoe would have pretty godop reasons, th'd wa to review it or sdy it. i n't give you much on it, butt medice is an institution whichan people have relianceon. it applies to the populations. a nber of the elderly obviously and the number of th disabled. no rson if you had the ip program, thehildren's health
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insurance going up and thup medicd coverage of all thedi ildren and then we tookhe medicar it covers the senio on tt.e then you have to group in the middle, t to squeeze that down into a benefi that'siven to every mber of congress has, o that would be a wa of doing it and it's nageable. and dending on theind of president we have, we'lldo in the a shorter period of ti. >> ro: eight million children e don't have health care >> y. >> rose: eit million children. i mean, beyond the educational issue. >> it is the... i think rtainly the first alth issue for the congress. what we call children's health insurance ani worked on it with a number o our other colleagues, wked very closely on it. we had a very similar proam in my own ste of massachusetts that was the inspiration. we ad the surpus of the tobacco money. and this program ought beam extendein terms of the authoration, but we ought to reach out to thesehildren.
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we have a real oportunity to do it. it would be oer a five-year peri to do all ofheod children. we're talking about $35, $40 million on it. but we ought toe able toas a nation. you're lookingt a $two trillion sen hundred billion dollar bget.ll noto be able to get $5 billion just this year over t next five years to cover chiren woulbe absolute irreonsible. and i tink we're going to. we're working on that. i thi senator baucus, chairman of the financeommittee and budget committee, ke conrad, others, harryeid, others on our side, republicans well. >> rose: are yo taking some lead from t government of california on health care. >> i wond if he's watchg me. i have to be ry careful. listen, i wrote him a littlett note. you b i did. >> rose: you're looking like democrat orhat? >> he'sworking it through out
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there. he'sot some very ambitio aspects. >> rose: as hemb consued with you?on >> he doesn't ask about.. >> rose you've had no phone conversatis about health care with the governor of californiav >> we see eachotherusually up at cape cod. maybe on opposite sides of the senate floor. if i get marie on my side.... >> rose: you n. (ughs) >> ju quickly, i think he's got a good proposal out there and i think we've go 13 states that ar trying to something. i think fact that the president budget cuts back on theedicaid, cuts ba on medice. you know, t budget is a moral document about a nation's prior's thend it's goi to make it very, vry difficult fo t states... the present was to states to do somethings aboutealth care and insurce. butou don't cover the chip program on if states and yore a cuting back on medica and medicare,he statesren't ables to.. >> rose: as yoknow, onear of te greatest thgs in this couryst ovethe nextouple decad is whethere are going tobe able
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to fund the existing commitment we have to entitleme unless tre's an agonizing reappraisal whereof the moy is coming fromy and what to do. >> well, that's true. in terms of social secuty, o we're what i it, 2040 o that t we've got to take another look at it with regdo... o the medicar,14, 16, 18. let me ge you something, s though. you've got 75%, 8 2 of the medicare expendituresre basically r people in theirba last s or eight mths alive d also for those that have signicant disabilities. 17% or 18% ofhe elderly.he if you move that 17% down to 15% you extend the life ofedicare for anoth ten years. what areefo going to be able tot do withhe break throhs? if you have a breakthrough in h alzehimer'sisease on that, wer' pty two-thirds of the nursing homeeds in my state of massachusetts.
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what about nano technoly. >> rose: so yore saying fund thn.i.h.... >> thiidea of just saying this is a zero-sum game is azy. the republics believe it, they think it, they're wrong. for those that really lieve, understandbout health care>> and what is nessary in terms of doinghis is ming technology,ch preventive care, case management best case practices, encoaging thereakthroughs in terms of prescription dru, new nds of technologies. we caneal with this and if we ever got uversal coverage, can meet theseinds of but the nsayers just say "well s let's look at the bottom line on this thing" and just say we're headed for disaster. >> ros people are saying therepl is too much disparity in americp between the wealthy and the middle-class. t >> i tnk they wt... they want... amecan people want to know who's on their side who's their side in educing their kids. who's on the side on hlthhe care. who's on their side on bs. who's on their side in terms of the environment. and that is o the opportunity given to the democrats.
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that's the opportity given to democrats. you said are they thei yet? that's our opportunity. and we ought be there and we ought to have tm there and believe we'll have a candidate opefully that will get us there >> rose: you'reotpefu going to'r telme who that is? >> (laughs) >> rose: let me just clo with this. trent lott has this thingon your wall in which haid... now bk in power as t number-two man inhe senate inwo which says "if the onlynl knew." what did he mean? >> well, it that there are people here trent lt, a number of ve fine replicans, colleagues well, that rlly nt to make thenstitution rk and find ways to try and ork together. i've trd that in the uteded states senate, i'm trying it no i'mery port gnat to have a good colleae, senator enzi is our rking member, he was the and we're working very clely together and we're hopefully'r
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tting things done. we'll bdown just bew the suace but we'll be gettinge' some things ne. and i think tha's the way it ll be. we'll be up at the top, too, to sound o. but in the meantime, hopefully 'll get some thingsone in these areas: education, health, hers.he >> rose: there have ben many eloquent thin said about teddy kennedy and more wi comeke certainly betweenow and the time of his funeral and for a longime because i is the arc of a life that found meaning a expression in the unite states senate where he changed not oly the country but individu lives with his wo in the sete. so we republan and areciated that servi inhis program thisevening. thank younioroi j us.oi see you next time. oi captioning snsored by
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rose mmunications captioned by media aess group at wgbh
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