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tv   BBC World News  PBS  August 28, 2009 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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>> "bbc rld news" is presented by kcet, los angeles fuing for this presentation is made possiblby the feeman foundati of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolul the nean's own foundation. the john d. d catherine t. macarthur foundation
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and union bank. >> union bank has pu its financial strength to wo for a de range of companies, fro small businesses to maj corporions. what can we do for u? >> and now "bbc world news." >>aycee dugd's captors plead not guiy as authorities admit they had a chanceto fix save her three years ago. >> we missed opptunity to bring earlier closure to this situation. >> and unemployment i japan
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reaches recorlevels in anchor grs. sunday's election looks lost >> we are a generatn that has been lt behind. we are not being valued enough. >> iran's presint says t leader of the opposition should be punisd for the post- ection turmoil. very warm welcomes youbbc world news we are broadcast on pbs in ameri and run the club. mname is mike embley. coming up later for you -- a 13- year-old girl goes to court so she can still run the world. and why one of brain's most creati industries is under threat. i loveou. details emerged about th18
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years jaycee dugard spent in captivity and cafornia, the husband and wife accused of keeping her captive ha pled not guilty. police admitted they missed t chance to rescue her three years ago wh they responde to a 911 call reporti still with chants -- reportin suspicions. we have this report from antioch, califoia. >this is jaycee dugard in happier times. soon after this video was tak, the 11-rolled disaeared. many thought she was dead. but this man, illip garrido, knew wre she was. he was are registere sex offder with past convictions r kidnappg and rape. police say he ke the gir prisoner for 18 years. >> having those two children, those two girls -- [unintligible]
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i never touched them. >> policeay this house was the scen of shocking crimes. it is where phillip garrido raped jaycee foced her to live in a shed in the backyd. the hou in northern california as less tn 200 miles fm lake tahoe, where jcee wa snched 1991. it is a quiet residential neighborhood. she was made to live in a shed with no nning water. the buiing was hidden from view over the neighbor'fence, you can see impsesf the structuresolice found the. his next-dooreighbor told me he acted on his concerns. >> when yoet past, yo can see this whole little setup, you know? >> what did you thk out it? >> i callthe police. >> when was that?
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year or two ago. >> what did they do? >> nothing. > nell local authorities admit they were tipped off three years a -- now local authorities admit they were tipped off three ars ago, but th failed to act. >> one knows if we cod have found them on that dayn november 26, and i cannot change the course of events. but we are beating ourselves up er this. >>ver the last day, plice have been here in large numbers searching the house. they took away a car they say tches the e used in the original had nhing -- kidnping. is tv reconstruction and it shows jayce bei snatched by rangers. >> she feels guilty for bonding to this man. he has had her longer than we have sr. he had her for 18 years.
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his sepfather -- her stepfather was once a suspect in e case. now jaee and her daughters ve been reunited with their long-lost family. clacks it looks like of virtual certainty fort -- > it oks like a vtual certainty for the worl's second-biggest economy unemploymentigures are the hhest in 16 years in japan. polls wer suggeing the liberal democratic party faced defeat in sday's election. is looks like a death blow. from kyo, we have this report. >> after the worst recession in decades, it is difficult to ignore the signsf povty. unemploymenhas beenising in pan. so have te numbers the desperat temporaryworkers have borne t brunt of t recession.
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the future looks bleak for this woman after she lt herob in febrry. she worked fo a card company for six years. -- for a ca companyr 6 years. >-- for a car company for six years. >> we are the geration at is leftehind. we are not appreated now. >> it is hoped at this would bring this man to the prime minister's offi. he promises to focus more on consumers and workers, rather an corporations. a backbench member of parliament for the governing party is working hard toefend his pay. he sms to have plenty ofocal support,ut he understds the
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roblems weighing against his part >> we wanto make theeople like t economy better. people have suered quite set because of the derelation and other -- the kind of policy. people are looking for work. we are now paying the price. >> the japanese are generally apathetic about politics, b people are turning out toee the campaignthis time. this ithe most hotly-contested election for yea. the messagef the opposition i simple -- it is timeor change in japan, a country that it's been nominatedy one party for cades. -- a country that has bee dominated by one-party for decades. th would be the second time that thepposition has taken wer in more than 5years. bbc news, tokyo. >>arliament has approved a
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coroversial piece o legislation in icelan. does meanthat iceland will ne more help from the i. the governor of nigeri's centrabanks has assured a meeting in london that the nigerian baing system is sound. he told foreign investors tha thei money was safe. the latestigures in britain showed the recession in the seconduarter of this year was noas bad as predicted. fall in mfg. meant gdp fell betweenpril and -- between april d june. there are still conces about the recory. a ship h been seized carrying apons fro north kea to iran in olation from the united
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nations bargo. at this seizure w some weeks ago. eyhave posted a sers of actions -- sanctions to punish pyongyang about its la of cooperation. iran ewing's president has asked -- iran's president has set up iticism of the opposition. he has cald for t leader of e opposition to be punished. >> psident ahmenijad did not name it anyone specifically, but he says the senior individuals in the post-election unrest should be dealt with cisively. he says there needs t be a serious corontation. e president and a pension will again rect the psident's interventionill -- the president's intervention will have applications in an.
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>> it should not bthat the key elements of enjoying -- the key elemes enjoy security, while sser important elements ar punished. >> earlier this week, the preme leader rected that the opsition leaders had been ting on behalf of foreign powers. trials havbe taking plac of some of those allegedly involve in the unres but analys are warning that if more people are put on trial, the situatio could beme elicit and unpredtable. bbc news. >> beijing has ged burma to restore stability as thousands of burmese people crossed the bordernto china. according to chinese media, some 10,000 injured china from burma's northeast this month. -- se 10,000 entered china
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from burma's northeast is month. the s angeles coner has formally nounce the verdict of homicide in the death of mhael jackson. because of the singers thas an acu intication caused b the anesthetic drugs profol and lorazepam, both generally only used in hospitals. psecutors wiñ conside possible criminal charges italian pre minister suing several european mia outlets for their coverage ofis private life. primminister blusconi controls much ofa lease and medi he is suing europn media tlets for a seriesf stories about him including teenage models and paid escorts. pakistan's presidt has been meetingritain's prime minister hoping toeassure him that his country is doi all it can to hunt down t talan and control its border with afghanistan. on thursday, suicide bomber
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killed two -- 22olice officers. the president says that his forces are on top of the -- are on top of the situati. >> they are comi to bury their de. borderuards, who sat down to thr evening meal, andere joined by a suicide bomber militants lind to the taliban claimed reonsibility. thiswashe first big attack sincthe killing of thei leader earlier ts month. they rob these boysf their fathers and remded pistanis of at they can do. the attack was here, on the border with afghantan. it s congested and tentse when
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we some of this act spot earlier th week. this is a ky artery for nato's supply convoys, and it is avorite target for thnew taliban lead. he made his name bombg the convoys, and the are fears he could renew attacks a send mo figerscross the border at commanders told us they cannot stop them. >> undefended roads at night. is it still retively easy for them to dthis? > yes, its. >> from militant poinof view, this remote frontier is not a border -- is a thoroughfare. britain is deeply concerned. pakistan clms it has the taliban and al-qaeda the run. >> i have warned them they have no room in pakistan. it will not be tolerat. [unintelligible]
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>> whene folwed the taliban trl to a place cled bahra, we were told the militants were moving in and wereutting up resistance. troops targeted two militant hiouts. those who fought back- more than 100f tm -- the battle raged for eight hours. it is believ that senior talin lears are among those whfound refuge here after they were flushed out elsewhe. >> they started coming he in biggerumbers. but the moment, tre are around00 in this area. liban. they may be organizing in this area. pakistan has bee hunting th militants as nevbefore, but
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some worry th have declar victory tousint and not willg to reject victo far too soon and are not lling to fight to e finish. >> in the u.s., thounds are payingheir final rescts to nator ted kenned they have ben filing past his coff which has been placed on view at the presidential library in boston. he died of brain cancer he is being held as one ofthe mar legislators of the last century. good to have you with us on "bbc world news." sta with us if u can. still come -- freshelp r korean families separated fo decades. in north d south -- deal. -- the north and soh -- deal. first though, scotsh people oppo the release of the man convicted of the lockerbie boing. ed an opinion ll was conducted
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by a b news. omicron he was returned to libya to a her's welcome st week. >> of lockerbie. pan am 103expded over the small town. al-megrahi convicted of the killing, t released early on th grounds that cancer has brout him close to deh. rom jail to a jubilant welcome in libya -- from confement, tolobal controversy. scotsre deeply unhappy with the decision. pls conducted by icm research terviewed 1000 people throughout scotland. theinding suggests that 74% lieve scoand's reputation has been damaged, while 60% belve al-megrahi should not been released. it's got this governmt insists this was quality-judicial
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decision prompt by mercy a dying man. scotsre skeptical. 68% think e other factors ayed a part. and street insist the prime minister played no part in the decision, but o polls sugst, gordon bro's repution has been damed. the real political hi is in scotland. 76% wreck and the standing of the scottish government s been damaged. -- reckoned the standing of the scottish govnment has bee damaged. right now, the sctish fag is hanging just a little limp. >> theatest headlinefor you on "bbc world news." the couplconvicted of obstructing jaycee dugard - of
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abcting jaycee dugard pleaded not guilty. north and southorea have reached an agreement to restart a program ofreunion of families separated since the koreawar. the annuaeetings for long- lost relatives from oer de of the border were hald two years ago amid worsenin relations. we have ts report. >> the news that the reunion's can begin agaihaseen welcome in the south. families ha been separated for mo than 50 years by one of the last cold war front years. --rench years. -- frontiers. th hrtrending meetis used to take ace up to ree times a year
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recently, th have been suspeed for almost twyears. the were held in a special toism resort. the reunit families are allowed to spena few days together, sharing meals, but the contact is a too brief. was the visit is over, the relatives froeach side return -- once the sit is over, other retives from eachside return to tir hes, knowing it is on likely it will seek othe again. ly afraction of the tens of thousas of koreans on th waitinglist have been given the opportunity. buthere have recentlyeen renegotiations that wod allow only 200 people -- from the north an the south- to meet thr relatives during six days at the end of september there are as yet no plans in place for a subsequent reunion, d for many, aft five decades, time is runng out. the south also views this week
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-- used this ek'sdiscussions to rse other humanitarian concerns 500 other citizens are believed to have been seized ithe decades following theorean war and ner returned. but pyongyang refuse to discuss the issue, claiming theyll voluntarildefected. >> here's a question for yr. shld a 13-year-ld girl b allowed to sailolo around the worl she and her parents say yes. dutchchild perhaps -- drop -- dutch child prottion services say no. wehave this report >> confined to dry land, the woul be around the worl yachtswoman his dreams he been thwarted. she planned to spend two years at sea, a love.
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>> d the aged 10, i wanted to sail ound the world. i want to live. >> for thdutch ahorities, ey think she wants to live a bitfar too early. they have made her a temporary wards of the court. job protection experts will decide if she can emrk on her voyage. >> we are concerned. the decision of the court -- we will do re research. >> this is what she wants to emulate -- the record-brking trip of our british teenager, a 17-year-old, who stillome triumphantlyesterday. >> the are lots of differt ways t go around the world like grandma and grandpa, we take the easynes with the gd
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climate. she may have some delightful experiences. >>sailing around the world has never been eier. technologilly vances mean that boats are equipped with sallite navigation and even autopil, so you should ner be of course. but leaving thcomfort of the adopte and months alone on t ocean requires a certain ntal strengt whichany questioned whether a 13-year-old could possib possess. but tonight, she remains determined to provshe is old enou to nquer t ocean. bbcews. >> we will let y know. madonna has said she felt compelled to comment on discrimination against roma gypsies on stage she was cheered when she said at the discriminationade her feel sa
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-- she was jeered. a lump of rockfrom the first demanding has turn out to be a ece of petrifiewood. it was giveno the dutch ambassador shortly after the 1969 missi. people are using the internet t watch pirated copies of tv programs. the americ drama series of heroes" was the most popar. "top gear" also featud pretty gh. ildren around world are concerned the fund may be comin to an end. the creator of bobuilder and many other enttainments is -- thcreators of bob the builder d many other energy emi is under threat. >> $70 billion worldwide in the
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animation industry. this is sothing britain is good at. but an nader said the industry is under threat. -- but animators y the industry isnder threat. th is one a handful of british animators t making shows in this couny. we asked him to illustrate the difficulty he is facing. here is the problem -- an animator in gland comes up with a amazing idea foa new program. it takes it to the finance year -- financier. he lovest. but when he does the sons, he reales if it came from ireland, 23% of theroduction cost would come as tax break. if it came from france, 20% of the cost would be a tax break. there are similar centives all
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overhe world -- but not in england. th mns that more andmore animation comes from erseas. the english animator is told thks, but no thanks. the aunt of animation proce in the u.k. hasmore than halved by the past five years. take fo exampleand a tonic program --and iconic program like "bob the builder." wher were they made? >> los angeles, taiwan, canada. >> he was upt. >> if you can g to australia or germany wherthey offer subsidies dax grants -- absolutely. you go there. >> tre are subsidies for animators in scotla and wales, but tax breaks for animaon in
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england would be unfair to the rest of t tv industry. it means a lon tradition of animated children's pograms may be coming to aend. bbc news. >> thasound like a plucked om an animated film -- a sheet habeenought in scotland for a rerd amount -- aheep has been bought for a recd amount in scoand. he hopes to make more mone selling the animal serces. the freemafoundation of ne york, stowe, vermont and honolulu. the john d. d catherine t. carthur foundati. >> union bank has put its
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financial strength to work f a wide range of coanies from sml businesses to majo corporations. what can we do for you? >> i'm kevin con. >> i'kim cattrall. >> hi, i'ken burns. >> i'm lili taylor. >> i'm henry louis gas, jr., and public broadsting is my source for news abt the world. >> for intellent conversation. >> for ection coverage you can count o for conversations beyond the sound bites. >> a commitment to jonalism. i'm kerry washington, and public broadcasting is my srce for inlligent connectionso my communi. >> "bbc world news" ws presented bycet, los angeles. presented bycet, los angeles.
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