tv Inside Washington PBS August 29, 2009 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT
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>>his week on nside washington"he life an legacy of edward moore kendy. >> an extraordinary life on this earth has ce to an end. the extraordiry good that he did lives on. to his family he was a guardian, for amera, he was the defder of a dream >> d kennedy followed his brother's jack and bobby into politics and after their sassinations he became the family patriarchnd eventually the political on. after nearly five decades in e senate, h was the leading voice hisarty's liberal wingn his 1980 convention sech, it is a ted kennedy claic. >> for all of those whose cares have been ou concern, thework goes on, cause indoors, e hope still lives and t dream shl never die. ♪
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love him and or hate him -- d there are still some ted kennedy haters out there -- it is fair to say th washiton will note the same without him. he died at h home this week in massachusetts the age of summit-77. he was diagnod with a brain tumor in may of 2008. we knew and knew that there was no cure, only delayin action. >> the torcwill be passed into a new generation of americans. thhope risesagainnd the drealives on. >> despite his weened coition, kenne made an appearance at barack obama's conventi and denver its -- in denver year ago and the inaugurion in january. hepent his final daysin cape cod surrounded by his family. çbut clearly,ashington and the issues of the day re never far om his mind, particulay
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health care, one of it signature issues being debated in t capital. >> you never could have a better advocate than te kendy. ife was in your cner, he was in it forever. >> we became very good friends even though we fout each other mo of the time. he would get up there and flling his arms and his face would get d and he would make all of these leral comments and just expienced our side and then come up and say, was that all right? things like that, you could not help but like h. >> senators chris dodd and orrin hatch. ted kenny's final resting place will be at arlington national cemetery next to his brother'jack andobby curan >> how will he be remembered? >> ted kennedy from those of u to cover demanded new him slightly will rememb him as the remarkle feat -- w covered him and knew ms. saile remembed -- w covered him
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d knew him slightly wi be rembered in him as likable pers. altmanecome a people like ted kennedy because ofho he was and he genuine liked them. it was an incredibl asset and strength as a political leader curator >> charles? >> he was the most important sectors since lyndon johnson surel the mostimportant in u.s. history that ner became majority leade also, you are the leader of americaniberalism - you have the leader of american liberalism. he tooit from the century of his brother, john kenne, to the left liberalism of obama. he sta that era and helpe to prepare th change. >> alof this is true and me. he could bremembered as a trulyshakespearean figure, tragic, flawed, who achieved tention through gg is both
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in his professional and personal lives. -- who achieved greatness both in his professional an personal life. >> those us who remember the kennedys wilrembert john kennedy and rort knedy as theromise. but ted kennedy s the fulflment of that promise. >> if you lo at his record, people tend to say that healt care was his signaturissue, but i think it was civil rights beuse from his eliest days in the u.s.enate, that was his issue all the way tough the americans thdisabilities act. andou could even argue that heal care, in his md anywa is a civil rights issue. >> absolute right. people forget one of its fst legislativachievements in 1955 was- in 1965 was to rewrite themmigration laws which at the time per fo
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ropeans and about asians and africans to emigte on the same level. >> where did that come from? he waa child of privilege, the son of one of the wealthy men in america at the time, where did this concern for others me from? >> to whom much is given, much is expected. he joined th senate and hi brother ha just promised a civil rights bil he did n see it through. he was there. ted kennedy ce along at the time that t civil rights movement was at its heig. he was the to see this civi rights legislation moved through,n my opinion, into law. he was a fiter for civil rights than an he remained all the wayhrough. one thingeople do not rember, it was the behind-the- scenes kenny who was really interested in the people. for emple, during the vietnam
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wawhen they were talking about bringing home -- gettingut of vietnaat the end there was a closed-door briefing and the geral was talkg about how thewere going todo this eaking in tes of uni that woulbe moved between theipeline to gethem out othere. nnedy said, it a minute, general, we are not talking out units or pipelines. we're talking about people. that was the kennedy siature. e really saw the peopleehind the numbers. >>in 1968 he was somewhat ambivalentf the war. after 1968 he was very much ainst it. his political skis were the sete will n be the same without him, will ? >> yeah, and one ofhe great stngth that he had was highlighted in most of the memorial's paid to him.
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he had aick -- a great self- deprecating humor. in janryf971, robert byrd upset him in theemocratic caucus. heecame1-24 for the senate -- fothe democratic whip. kennedy handled it well. it was damaging to y national ambitions. he said, but what i want to thank the 29 senator who plged to support me and i want tohank in partilar th24 senatorsho did votfor me. >> [laughter] he had, for a senator anyway, relatively lite ego he was lways interested in getting something done. and not taking th credit that was the way he aceved it. he came bk year after yearo get a ttle more, a little more. >> whehe did run for presiden in 1980, the word tha we heard over a overgain with
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chappaquiddick. dithat cost him the presidency? >> for sure, i mean, he was the heir to the royal famil there wano way that he had - would have been dend the pridency had that not happened. was lucky he was a kennedy and becae of the proximity of the death of his brothers, appaquiddick did not end his career hisehavior was inexcusable, he himself h said. he said heould live with t memory every day of h li, and yet,e transcended politilly. 1980 w not a good year. what is ironic in tha speech, as you all remember wh weaw, "the dam shall never die." he was not writing -- running againstthe coervative. he was nning against the cerist at theime, a demoat, for president. he was always in a struggle with that centralism juryt.
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tt centralism was in my ways personified by joh kendy. if he would have ever r ainst jon, in theory he would have been o the left and john would have been in the cenr. >> there are obviously dferent times d a host of different issues and thcold war was over. but he changed the language of the 1980 speech, "the dream will never die" and in 200 " the dream liveon." he said in 1968 ani do not -- he said in 1980, i do not mind ing preside, ijust mind that somebody else is. >> -- i do not mind not been president, i just mind that somebody else is. >> his ideas and ideals are stamped on scores ofaws and reflted in millions of lives.
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seniors to no new date inhi, families who no new opportuny, children who know educatio's promise and all who canursue eir dreams in an america that is more equal and more just, including mylf. >>resident obama speaking from martha's vineya where he has been on vacation. your member and a veure in washinon in which carolinand ted kennedy passed the torch to obama. why did he go with obama instead of hillary clint? >> i think he ated in tt very srring speecat american university. he recognized the countryas ready go a new dection and change was the watchword he sout in obama and what obama could bri to the residency, to the couny. itas a good apal for the clintons, but th represented e st and kennedy saw e need to mo forward.
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>>ith out -- witht ted kennedy would barack obamae presidt? >> i thinke still wou have been president. i do. in fact, ted knedy could not even car massachusetts in the primaries for bark obama. >> true. >> i thi it was psychologally an important moment, but that is all it was was an imptant moment. >> goobarack ama -- cou barack oma have becom president thout th 18-year- ì(lc@&c ted kennedy had enormous appeal among young voters, 221. -- 2 to 1. i think it was two thing ted keedy's suprt for obama. d he alsoaid the most important vote that he cast as a senator was his vote against iraq. he agreed withbama on that and
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disagreewith eri clinton bil clinton had, in fact,een quite disparaging and dismiive in conversations with ted kennedy of barack obama. and d kennedy was offended by it. >> there was also a political, ideological component clion's reesented centralism in a way and kenny was more on the left i thk that was pa of the reas. irais one example of that. also, clint is the e who abolished welfare, which kennedy opposed. i'm not sure that t endorment of obama release wait a lot of -- reay swayed a t of votes. but he used the words open with thtorch had bn passed" which john kennedy had usedhen he
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was lking about the eisenhower generation passg theorch to his. and i think this was a change. and i think oma was regarded as a keedy-esque figure. >> let's talk abo health care. you did me reporr ought -- reporting on howhe debate is shing up despite theabsence of ted kennedy. tell us about how that is aping up. >> a very promint and respectablrepublican polter put it vy well this week. he said, senator- president obama, excuse me, people nt himto succeed, people like hi republins and better understand that. the problem is that he hasis owdebate to make and thebama plan and e numbs and support have gone down.
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they had better me up in every with a recanng, a repackaging, new and improv changed plan if it is going to bsuccessful. qui honestly, if people say te kennedy is ssed, he is missed in theense that te kenny could have told ry earlyn what theroblems we and whatto do abouthem. his ability to forge coalions is just sompressive. >> also he cou sell. it is goi to be a compromise. he could have sold it to the liberals. >> the expression that youave heard at the table before [unintelligible] but th's not close the book on this health care debate.
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re, there's still oppotion, but bone count their 45 hard senate votes for the public pl. 45 hard senate votes for the public plan ths hardly something to throw away. at this poi, barack obama has to find the votes, ether it up to 50 or a lite mo, but it is not impoible. i think kennedy is. to help him%ver the top. -- ihink the kennedy legacy is the way to lp him push tha over the t. >> ted kennedy wrote a letter t the gornors sayin i would likehis seat filled and i will have the person prise that he she will not run again. what is the situation? >> the situation is that the democrats are caught ia
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hypritical acted in004, mitt romney sting in the govnorship believing that john kerry was going to elected president, thmassachusetts legislature wanted to vote for republicans. they overwhelmingly voteto deny the gernor the appointment and have a specia election. now they're only 59emocratic setors with senatorçennedy's debt and they want to feel that that the magic number is 60. why all of a sudden is t gislatureanted to change it so the governor camake this inton appointment? >> i am shocke they are reluant at first to do this. >> there is great tension between the goverr and legislure. legiators do not like the governor, the governor doe not like the legistors. the queion is,ill there be
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ough of a demand to force the legislature to do something other than change the ripe? >> there really is away to finesse the issue and to keep from having to change the law with the change of the governorship i think what they ought to in massachutts is simply pass a law tt says, the governor will appoint successor if the senator dies in offe if the gornor is a democr. otherwe, if he is a republan, there will be a special election than they do not have tchange the law again. [laughter] >> i do not thi that will be a problem. >> i think the people of massachusetts woul think its a great idea to dinberre like at. -- to do something like that. >> io nothink that thewant be without a senat for five mohs. it st saw what happened in nnesota. why did they change ? >> they changed it for political reasons.
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they will change it back for purely political rsons. hypocrisy leads to schear cricketcrookedss. >> in9 -- between962 and thisast week, there has been one senate vacan in massachusetts, in 1984 when jn kerry waelected. poticians milk middle age and beyond have been planning eir senate campaigns. i think people need to take a long and surging persol look at this rac becausit is a no lo. youo not have to give up you current ofce to run, so why not? >> canou give me some names? >> maschusetts never elect a woman tohe senate,s
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governor despite its liberal traditions. a demoatic member of congress from somerlle, steve lch, a decratic member ocommerce -- congress succeeded joeoakley. kennedy was leaving thpolls in the last poll i saw appeared -- was leading inhe polls in e st poll i saw. the congressmanho is married the chancellor at the university ofowell who has $1.4 millionn his kicker,ot a bad start to cpaign. >> what about the pple of massachusetts? what do the think? >> aqsa the. >> general -- attoey general holder is deali with the cia interrogation techniques again
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with that e release of a heavily redacted report from 2004. it included a mock executio timidation with a handgun and a power drill. where is ts going? >> ihink it is unlikely that there will actuaye inctments, in part because these guysad an investition before a under thejustice department regs, you have t thinkhat you have a pretty goodhance of convtion. the more you- the re people ll say, they told us to do anhing we couldto get infoation, the more up the chain of comnd to go, the more ere is authorizaon and the president has saiand the torney general has said they will on procute unauthorized conduct. >> some of this stuff did not seem to be that bad to me. >> that ishat they do not wa you to see the pictures. thictures will show you what
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kind of condition people were in. >> they got the guy in the next room screami as ihe is being rtured to try to get the fellowhey are interrogating to ta. >> i thinke need to distinguish between firg a gun inhe next room or threatening to hurt somebody's familyç or people actually beenkilled -- an people actuallbeing killed. >> that is true >> what happened to causethe death individua who were in the custody of the u.s. government? >> we have not seen half of this report. hal of it blacked out. >> does it disturb anyonehat we areebating this in the open wre america's enemies can see this? >> it disturbs me tt we did it. >> the report itself makes it pretty clear that wgot extraordinarily -- extraordary informatn out of this.
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you look at the time line of this, it is noa coincidence that pileggi monnat in this port is said to have sai -- khalidhaikhohammad is said to rep said nothing of importance until after the waterboding and afterwards became a rolodex on operativ's and plots to crashed airples, blow up airplanes, attack our embassy, our consula in karachi. the same is true of e interrogation of another detainee who was apparently cooperative in the beginning >> really does notay that. >> it says exactly that, over and over ain. >> itis not clear in threport how much ca from the fbi and how much camefrom the cia. >>he complication of the geneva convention and thun convention on torture, whichas endorsed and embraced by ronald
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agan and the u. ultimately did not ratify, it totally outlaw rture and cruel and degrading treaent. that is t obligation. the division at emees politilly is between tse who seed in the military and those who did not. when you get people like tony vinny and john saakavili a john mccain saying it is not who th are and what they do, b who we are we talk abt prisoners ofar like pete person coming out against , and i think we have to listen to them. >> final thought on ted nnedy's dea. >> ted kennedy was indivual with thoands of best friends. hetalked to people and they will relate to youspecially ship that they haas individual we know what he did for the country, what heas done for the wor. but tentimes, those acts of charity that he did with e
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time that had re on earth were never noticed there was t a tv camera thereas not still photrapher. therwas not a reporter. >> thoands of unreported acts of kindness. >> there are iredible stories. one staffer, a ung sffer his fath was dying of brain caer. kennedy got on a plane, went see the fher to tell him what a great j his son was doing and then sat with the sun for a couple of hour and got on a plane and went back to washington. the are probably thousandsf storielike that. >> my good friend and longtim colleague, robt novak, who died last weekf the same illness, was diagnosedith brainancer shrubby after ted kennedy was. bob novak in his bottle -- autobiogray, by his own knowledgment, did notave a
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complimentary rd for ted keedy. when heot diagnosed he got lls recommending procedures, advising on surgeons. he was overwhelmed by the time is. >> i saw m sitng across the table when there wasn editorialt the of the shington post -- all of the cord -- s passion was as great in prite as it was in public. that is what he will be remembed fo >> i've feel as if i am -- i feel as if i amrushing an irh wake. he w a great setor. histy will judge whether his brand of liberalism was suited to lat20th-century america a the verdt is not really in yet. >> thank you charles. see you ne week. > rianscpt trriscpt of this broadcast, go to.
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