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tv   BBC World News  PBS  September 9, 2009 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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bbc world news is prented by kcet los angeles. funding for this presention
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was made possible by th freeman foundation of new york, stowe, vt and honolu, the newman's own foundation, and t john d. and cathine t. macarthur fodation, and union bank. >> union bank hasut its nancial strength to work for a wide rge of cmpanies from small businesses to major corporations. what can we do for you? >> annow "bbc wld ns." >> psident obama is going t tell congres tt the timeor bickering over health-care reform is over. 3 afghans and british soldr died in afghantan.
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china becomes the first country inhe world to start matt- a mass vaccinationor swine flu. welcome to bbc world ne. coming up later, the heavst rain in years these parts of is temple under water. -- anisn ball -- istanbul under water. > the ne few hours but crucial for bara obama and the serious debate in t u.s. ove health care reform. it is a measu ofow high the stakes are a rare event for amican
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presiden he nts to tend health insurae to 46 million who do not have it. their opnents have a bill to a campgn on ease oer by government-run health care. this is crunch time. his big y opened with th heroes of 9/1in new yo, t last time the psident called congrs together for a special adess was in the wake of the attack. is in washington putting th final touches on thepeech to sell th contversial idea that all americans should hve helped iurance. -- health iurance. >> i want to ge congre the ability to do the thing and not step on their toes, probably left too much ambigui out there which allow the opponents of reform come out there a
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fill up the airwavesith a lot of nonsense. >> the publi meetings over the opponents of health re reform de it clear that they we incandesce. >> do not nt this untry turning into russia, turning to a socialt country. >> some compared to counism, other said it was nazi. a government -- goverent run insurance plan inompetition wi the big companies. >> and august, the american people spoke loudly and clearly. they did n want goverent messing with their healthca. >> we will not see a governmen auction. we wil not see a gernment trigger. we will not see a governmt replacemen of the health-care system in this country. >> we do not want our health care hijacks.
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>> a stent and part-time waitress from west virginia as part of the president's figh she has called up for people to come forward with her own stories. she may loo younger than her 24 ars, but looat her hands. she has rheumatoid arthris. her our original health-care plan would have paid $500or prescription drugs per year. that would ge her a two weeks' supply of the mostimportant drug that she takes. she had a carccident. >> should have died. i had to gt cut out of the car. was hoible. michael thght process was that cannot t in this ambulance because cannot afford i that is asinin it is so selfish to think that because somebody does not make muchoney as them, they
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should die. >> politic is high wire pubc spectacle. iran as a packagof proposals on its nuclr program to the six world powers most concerned. an agency said that theyill be sdied carefully a hopes thatit will be constructive. in may have a a enough enrich uranium to produce at least one that nuclear weapon. they said that israel was linked tohe interceptionof a car hip. russia said that it was hijacked. ey td moscow that th knew that the vessel was secretly carrying an air defense stem bound foiran. israeli human-rights groups saying that many more palestiniacivilians were
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kied in israel's offensive ga andhen the army has admitted. this rearch has established that more tn70 civians were kild. 25 of em were chdren. aournalist kidnapped in afghanistan has been rescued in a raid by nato. stephen farrellasreed an unheard. an afghan journalist, two afghan civilians and a british ldier were killed in theperation. hey investigated last week's nato air stre. >> stephen farrell, seenn the left and dreed in local close the day before he was kidnapp. this mrning, munadi's body was brought to theenior the gun battle. a britissoldier died in the fighting.
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the ime minister paid tribute him, sing that his bravy would not beorgotten. the afghan govnment and filled journalists are asking for an inquiry into the operation. >> we ndemn this killing. this is a careless opation. they were not properly planning how to do this the area was ainsurgent stnghold. there was an area in which many afghan civilians we killed. wi the journalist's car was found abandoned on the side of the road, efforts began to found them -- find them. btish forces found whether two journalists were beingeld. we were all in a rm. it w obviously a rd. thoht, would they kill us? thereere bullets all around us. i could hearbritish and afghan voices.
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he had been kidpped briefly bere inraq and spoke about the risks that he fed. >> there are an infinite number of variables althe way to your colleague through t judgment in bagad. there is no cookie cutter approach tohis. you cann have one appach that works for all. > foreign journalists rely heavily on local staff. >> he is incredibly brave. we go places that i would not eam of going. when heoes do that, if finds out importan pieceof information. >> the natur of this oveight raid sends a message tthe hostage kers. the highrice paid lives lost was both british and afghan.
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>> when they were kidnped, stephen farrell and mudi were reporting on the air stre that killed 70 civilians. pakistan'president told the bbthat there shod be an international investigion. the question why to aeal fuel tech-nkers were targeted. he was speakin to someone from the bbc. >>hey should do the investigation. i fe that th have it. they were in th position to do these inquiries befo. there is the outcome of the electionnd afghanistan. if hamid karza is confirmed as the president, do you think the whole process will be tainte -- prost will be tainted?
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thats my position. >> you are not ccerned about the serioullegations against the eight u.n. electn commission sing that they have evidence of fraud? >> i think the judgment till outon that. irust that the are enough international monito. >> pakista's president. a dge has peared in the supreme court inadrid as a defendant. a complaint brought by two right-wing orgizations. there were investigating the unexplained deaths of00 dozen people duri thfranco era. the briti football fan-- 100,000 people during the franco era.
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he has alwa denied aacking mebody ater a liverpoolatch four yrs ago. thousands of couples eushing to get mried. on sunday nights of the ninth months of 2009. inchinese culte, it allows longevity. health autrities in chi are taking an aggssive stance on swine flu. it i the prest country in the world to announcelans for mass back --vaccinations an bassett-bas on clinical trial. -- china is throwing everything it has got at stopping swine flu. the target is to vaccinate 65 million people by thend of the year, more than the total population of the uk. there not an of faxing to go round.
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millions of chinese schochildren will receive this. aeady trying to stop the spread of h1namong the people. they take their temperatur every day before they enter the gate i think the school is doing what they're capable of. >> har the virus's spread qukly. the threat here is changing. before it was mostly foreigners like the british schoothat had the virus. now 95% cases are domestic. the chinese vaccine y have sideffects. >> it haseen proven safe in clinical trials on a small scale in a small gup of people. when you administe it to a large group of people, some adverse reactions cou come up.
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>> the country is preparing for a national holiday, another opportunity for the virus to spread they will be vaccinated bfore the big day. even that will not be enougho stop swine fl in its tracks. >> good to he you with u sharper, brighter, better. the hubble sce telescope it delivers never before seen pictes. authorities in paris are urging people to stop kissing. in some parts, and grazing wh a kiss on the ceek has been banned because of swine flu. up to 20,000 frenccaseser we are being reported. >aris, the city of romance whereverybody is in the mood folove. l is not well. swine flu spreads rapidly across
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the country. the freh authorities have issued a heal warning. kissing spreads germs and should be avoided. ome schools and businesses have no bend the tritional peck on e cheek grting used by eveone from children to esidents. especially presides. they flonitoring agency has just aounced that france may have as many as 20,000 u cases of swine flu ea week. thats disputed by theealth ministry ey are suggesting that handshaking and carsing it should be off-limits. >> office workers have agreed takmany different measus to stop the spread of the disease suchs constant hand washing and even wearg masks. many people have been given lapts to wk from home in the event serious outbreak.
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whilehe french may be happy to give up their desks,hey are unlikely tourrender their kissing culture so readily. while the french may think ey're practicing a harmless social ritual, orre they offering w at the kissf death? the government is suggesting is keeping up 1 meter btween you and issuspected ine flu sufferer >> president oama is about to tell congress that the tme for health care reforms over. he is expected t mand immediataction on the issue. troops have rescued british ish journalist kidnapped by the liban. a british ldier and two afghan vilians have died.
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hijacking of a mexican passger plane has ended peacefully security forces free more than 100 htages without firing a shot. the plane was only briefly hijacked. it was flown to mexico ci. >> t drama d flow - unlded inthe trmac on a mexican airport. it left --ed several men fom the airplane in handcuffs. there was concern that there was just one hijacker who s a bolian national who claim to be on a divine mission. officis wereunable to get access tthe cockpit. the bomb squad and a controlled exosion was seen near the plane. speang shortly after the incident ended,some of the passengers described their
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deal to local television. this said that the hijackedid not communicate with them directly. she had not realized that the plane had been hijack. a m carrying a bible was a board. th incident ende amost as so as it began. passenrsleft the plane carrying hand luggage. >> flash oods swept thrgh a turkish city on sund. they killed at let 20 people. fueled bhe worst rain in0 years, it closed e highway conflict many vehicles over. rescue crews a scrame to the stnded peopleff of rooftops. t is describeds a disaster. >> enguldy flood water, and this man misses a lifeline by inches print his friends dnot ive up. monts lat, helunges into this turbulent river, once a
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road. he is swept be on t rescuers. heis one of the survivorsf the worst flding in northwtern turkey has seen for 80 years. not everyon was this luy. in this temple, several women drowd when -- distensible -- istaul,everal women dwned. survivors we left struggling to cope. it was shocking that water camerom nowhere. >> helicters and boats he been deployed do with the disaster. the scale of which is pln to see. this i the second day in which it has been hitby torrential in.
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in the few places the water h already begun to recede. this woman saythat she desperately needhelp from the gornment. a government that islready faci questions abt why these floods have result in so many dead. >> and emergency relief program across large parts of western africa. heav rains have forced tens of thousands from their homes and left reliance on aid ageies to survive. she is bring the brunt. the west africa correspondent has this. >> scramble to rescue positions of se of the victims of the unusually heavy rain that h hit the region. that makes roads and accessle and destroying crops and causing havoc in a world struggling agnst poverty. this has been e of the worst
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hitountries. peopl are hoping to get a break from the torrentialownpours that have caused chs and claimed at least eight liv. at ast 100 people have died in sierra leone in recent weeks. e united nations say that ts is the start of the rain season back in june. about 6000eople have been affected. they have either en displaced been able to get onith heir lives as normal. much of the flooding has been in west african ties. some people have built this on on suitablland. all this region has bn hit by floods, east africa is battling trout. twin proems which will become re promint in due to climate change. >> we wanted torevisit for you a ment of greahistorical importce. the still resonatesoday. on the nig of the 10f
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september 1989, hungarian auorities open their borders. he portedn the fa of the berlin wall at theime. he wanted to see why it had come so important in t revolution. >> she trained as a musician. despite his great history, aqui's -- saw no future of the communist rule. when he sought ahance to reach the west, and fled. >> you could not trust yr friends. some fries you trusted. you never knew who was a spy. that was quite awful. >> h joined thousands who took ruge in the west germa embassy. they camped out until they were offered safe pasge to west
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germany. to save face, the eas grmans insist that theyo through the territory. at dresden's station, thetrains had fiveays of rioting. dozens of people wanted to get on board. they erued with furious wn they got back. police were stopd. >> it is not possible. >> people to noto that. >> neverefore. >the people cried. e are the peoe. it is our count. weust have the gernment of th cuntry, not the old man in berlin. >>hey took the governme for themselvesecause of this. >> a local communist leader was a reformer.
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he gotiated with the protesters while the communist leaderip stayed frozen within decision. > beten the lders, there was tmosphere of mistrus no one would tal to anybody lse. little groups started to form. there was no agreement. n this situation, nobody was talking. no decisions could be reacd. no agreements on the reform that were needed >> tha brought to t surface all of the despair felt by ea germans. with this one spectacula miscalcution, the communist unleashed what they were ied to suppress. it created a popular opposition which spread until it ew away the rlin wa and then the enre country. >> keeler is ing treated in the hospital fr a minor stroke. he is said to be ming good
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progress he had sgery to repair a valve. he is best knn for his sories about life in miestern america. the hubble telescope has been fitted with new camera. s first images are brighter and sharper aneven better and stunning. he has been looking as what has bn beamed back. >> for years, the hubble space telescope hasaptured the beau and majestyf the universe. these pictures a the best yet. th one is of a dng star. its contents spi out like the wings of a cosmic pue of light. inside this cluster is a sta being born. thesere pictur taken using a new camera. it is able toee things in the universe thatave never be seen befe. >>hese instruments give hubbl
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a fantastic capability it has not had before. ithows you more detail. it shows you a richness of phenomenon. it sws yothe things that are furtr away d more eiting. > thr, two, oe, liftoff of e space shuttle discovery. >> it was launched in 1990. it gave as completely new vi of the unirse. hubbell or it's just a few hundred miles above e earth. itis able to capture stunning images of galaxies b our universe. some of them are so far away that they occurred billis of years ago, not long after the universe was form. for years hubb has spe-cent bet pictur that have been icon. to the public the hubble is more tn a space telescope.
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>> it is ready to capre the enthiasm that many o us have for astronomy. >> what beautul space ship. >>stronauts completed its final srvicing mission earlier this year. before the telesco and its days wth its new instruments, there are morestunning pictures to come. >> just before we leave you, a reminder of our main story. president obama is abouto address th u.s. congss on heth care reform. he says congress agrees on out 80% of what needsto be done. his ideasould incorporate ideas from both democrats and republicans. >> funding was ma possibley the freen fndation of new york, stowe,vt., and honolul the newman's own foundation, the jo d. and cathene t. macarthur foundation, ad union bank.
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>> union bank has put its financial strength t work for wide range of companies from small businesses to major corporations. at can we do for you? >> public broadcasting ds my source for news about the world. >> for intelligentonversation. >> for election coverage u can count on >> a cmmitment to journism. >> befor deciding who to vte for. >> public broadcasting is my sour for intelligence connections to my communit
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