tv Worldfocus PBS September 15, 2009 5:30pm-6:00pm EDT
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tonighon "worldfocus" -- > u.s. commandos kill a ading aqaeda militant wanted for boing an israeli hotel in kenya. we'll examine how the united states is doing in the w on terrorism. human rights activists protest a new law in donesia that would have adulters stoned to death and lead to the caning of oers who drin or gamble. britain, bringing up baby. th almost a year of paid pantal leave. now mom and dad canivide it. and our signature story. a new series, prerving history. we will take to you the o the
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pahenon and greece's effort to rega statue illegallytaken >> tantamount tourder. from the wor's leading reporters and analys, here's at's happening from around t world. this is "worldfocu" made possible in part by t following funder-- major support has also bn prided by the peter g. peterson fndation, dedicated to pmoting fiscal responbility and addressing key economic challens facing america's future. good evening. i'm daljit dhaliwa president ama says that while afghanistan isot vietnam, the are dgers in not havi clea goals on afghanistan and not having strong support from the american people. but polls show support for the war dereasing. the airman of the joint chiefs, is country's top
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officer, told coress today that more s. forces i afghistan are probably quired. but afghastan isn't t only ttleground in the fight agains extremistsnd terrorism. there arey tonight in pakistan and somia. all this is how we start with tonight's lead focus. intelligen officials have descrid him as one of their st wanted terr suspects, and late yesterday it was reporte that sah ali saleh nabha was killed in an atack that took placin southern somalia. naan, a kenyan with links to ringleader of the 2002 bombi of hotel in the kenyan sort of mombasa. 13 people were killed in the attack. he's also bieved to have been bend an attempt to shoot dn an israeli rliner that had taken off om the mombasa airport the same day. the rocket missed the airplane. u.s. officis say american
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rces were involved in yestday's raid perhaps signaling a new williness by the obama administrati to use troops iide somalia. somalia h been thecene of heavyfighting in recent mths betwee a transitional government back by the united ates and an islamic mitant group al shaba connected to al qaeda. it has also been reported that somalia has become a destination for al qda militants fleeing the fighting in places like pakistan and afgnistan. despite nabhan'shigh profile, some donplayed the broader significan of h deth. >> we qution whether itould be a ver significant eventn somalia itself whatt will do is i thinkt will certainly make al shab aders much more cautious when they'r operating bause obviously t united stas has very prise intelligence abt thrmovements. as for afghanistan,president
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obama responded to critics of his poly in an interview publhed in today's"new york times. taking issue witthe noon that the war could be fought thout large nuers ofround troops, obama said,quote, i sure you that if that were the case, you wouldn't see68,000 of our youn men and women deploy in afghanistan. the is also ne from neighborin pakistan. today's "new york mes" is repoing that pakisn's army maye responble for scores of reprisal killings agains d members of the taliban in pistan's swat valley. in may, pakistan launched an offense in e swatalley aimed at driving o the taliban. according to the ticle, the stematic nature of the dths s led hun rights groups to conclude that the pakistani military is behind manyofhe killings. pakiani officialsdeny any involvement by the military. fo more on u. effos to
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fight terrorism, we want to turn to a man who specializes the subjt. is juan zaate, a senior adviser at the cter for rategiand international studies in washington, d. he served as deputynational securi adser forbottom batting terrorism durg the bush admintration. soow significantrehe killings of indivial al qaeda aders like sale nabhan? >> this i think was significanevent. saleh nabhan was a senior al qaeda eutenant who helped to run teir east africa opation. in the context of his curren activi, he was r of the keyho was trying to utilize a lot of the activity of the al shabab movent, the radical islamist vement there in somalia and leverage it for al qaeda's brder global agenda. these kinds of individuals are the accelerants to make the local groups more gbally relevantndaj russ.
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>> don'tewleaders just emerge >> they can and they do. i think what's important, though, ishen you hav somedy like saleh bhan who was a longtimeember of al qae responsible forhe emssy bombings in kenya and tanzia, the mombasa attacks in 2002, these are special and important ople for the orgazation because theye got deep ti. they're trusted. they've got the cachet to build the training campsand the local infrastructure toctually then operate ll beyond the region. and so it's very hard to relace aleader likethat. and the fact th the this ministration and the prior administration contins to take out seor learship, not just in eas afric but also in the pakistan and afghan bord region, the pace o that maers because you start to deplete the bench which not asdeep as one would think. >> from a military point of view, how ishe obama ministration conducting the so-called war on terror differently than the bush
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adminiration? or do yo not see any real differences? >> well, thisis an interesting se study bause i think this is actuallyotentially more gressive than the bush admistration was insomalia. whathe press reports indicate is that ny s.e.l.s actually operatedn theground to ll sale nabhan and his coatriots. and so in a sen it's a bit more aggressive. d in a sense, idon't think there has been a ndamental change in how the coterterrorismactivities, the day-to-dayork, the killing and cauring ofindividuals, the defense againstplots, i don't think much that, frany, has changed. i think there's fundamental continuity. >> just very briefly, where do you think that the united stes and its allies standin the war on!bk18ea terror eight years la? >> well, that's areat question and a diffult question to answer. i happen to think that al qaeda itself, qaeda as an organizations we' known t,
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isuch weaker now. itas been degraded. its key leadership is on its heels. you look at how theyalk to each other, they spe publicly. it's an organizion under stress. u have leaders like saleh nabhan continue tobe taken off the battlefield. that'sgo. thr ideology and thei agen is being attackedrom within. people are asking what h al qaeda broht us? is their ideology gitimate, is it mora all of th is importa that said, you've got afghantan tipping in the balance here. you've got other places like somalia rife with conflict. and so ts is a long-term ttle and struggleagainst a movement and an ideology that is not tvanquished. >> all righ juan zarate, thank you veryuch for joing us. >> thank you. we als want to har from u. how you see . our questiononight -- is the united states being aggressive enough or too aggressiven its efforts to combat inrnational
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rrorism? tell us at you think by going to the "ho you see it" seion ofur webte. you can find thatt from elsewhe in the muslim world, a judge in malays has ordered a slim man t b jail d whipped six times for drinking alcohol in violation of islamic law. the man plead guilty to drinkingiquor at a restauran in july,the same judge sentenced a malaysian woman craning for drinking beer in puic. that takes us to anher story on stri islamic lawnown as shariah. it cos from innesia, the province of eh where a tough new law governing personal behavior has justeen ssed. for mre on that story, here's gan fang of abc i austraa. >> reporter: aernoon prayers in aceh's capital bandaaceh. it is deeply religious part of indonesia,slamic teaching
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reaches far beyond the mosque dos into the veryd homoxuals, rpists and people ught gambling o drinking will face100 lashes with a cane. >> reporter:he new lawsre due to come to effect in ac in amonth. aceh has special autonomy. t human rights grou say jakartac9 to have the shaiah bill overturned. >> this bylaw is introducing, legalizing a very cruel method of crinalizing people which has a lot of possibilities on
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the criminalizations of incent people. then t centralower wants to take very rm ction. >> reporr: but jakarta m not ve to interfer the shariahrime bill was one of the last acts of aceh's old parliament. and the politicalarty partai aceh says it may revise th legislation. >> repter: aceh's govern is also belied to be against the la gavin fang, "lateline." >>in baghdad, the iraqi jourlist who threw his shoes at former president bu to protest the wain iraq w freed today.
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muntadhar al zeidi says nine months in jail which was deepl embaassing to iraq's nuri al maliki who was stding next to bush at the time. today al zeidi accused iraqi security forces o torturinghim wi beatings, whiings and electric shocks. he promised to release the names of senior offials in the government and thermy who he claims mistreated him. also in iraq tod, vice president joe biden arved in baghdad for an unannounced visit to meet with iraqi leader and to sh thatthe white house remain focused on aqespite increasing attention on the war in afghantan. thisevening, the protective green zone in baghdad that is me to the u.s.mbassy came under fire as fourortar shel were firedinto the area. it is not clear if biden w in e embassy athe time. a uted nations fact finding miion issued a harsh report today on the ree-week war i the gaza str. it said that both the israeli
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vernment and armed palesnian groups comtted actions amountin to war crim and may haveommitted cmes against humaty. the report sd that the israelis ud disproportionate force agnst palestinian civilians d in some cases inntionally attacked tm. it faulted the paleinians for rocket fi into southern israel, sing that caused terror, death and physical and mental injury. theeport sa that neither isra for the paleinians had carried out crible investigatns themselves. when it comes to taking time f after having a child, the united state lags bind my countries. federal lawrotects jobs, it does not require paid leave. and many cpanies provide six wes of pay or less. but considerhis -- britain,
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it's the aministrative nightmare that' volved especially for a small employer trying to juggle all the pressures on t business. with the extension of the fathers taking six month off, thenhat involv two employers cross-checkingith each other. and that can be open to abus >> reporter: comparedith bor's 2005 manifesto which was to cover maternity pay for an entire yr, today's proposals are a letdown f new mothers. they are to b the first casualties of an inevitae government speing squeeze. worki as a journalist i the uned states isenerally a pretty safe profession eve
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though at times some people may not like wt they he or read in the media, but inrussia, it can cost you your life. the committee to protect jourlists in a rept out today sys that 17 edits, porters, phographers, columnistsnd a publisher have be killed since 2000. in only o case had t killers been convicted. the cpj saysritical media coverage is effective silences discussion on sensitive subjects like corruptioand human right abuses. and for more on this, weare joined bjoel simon who is the executive director of the committee to protect journalists here in new york. joel, good to see you again. >> thanks for having . >> why aren more killers russian journalists being brought to justice? >> in our report we as examined a number of reason, conflict of interest, mcompetence. but the overarching issue a ck ofpolitical will. th putin/medvedev government is
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not fuy committed to investigating these murders. until they are, we will not s justice. complicity? >> it's psible. cannot beuled out. a number o the journalists who were killed wer looking at national surity maters. they wer looking at the interception beten corrupt govement officials, the mafia, the organized crime in russia and so there is a lotf concern about possle government complicity tt must be examined. >>ow does this afct the qualityf informaon that russianset and how doest afct their demracy and the way that journalists a able to write about important stories around rruption, around cre in russia? >> well, democracys based on having a citizenry tha's fully formed. that's n the case in russi you have the print mea has been marginalized, thers essentially been broht under the corol of the government. and what's left is a small kind of elite print dia that reacs a small sectorf the populati inoscow and
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journalists for at print media that write about national securityissues, that write about the conflict i chechnya and the north ucasus, they fear for their life. >>hen you bring out reports ke this, is the russn government payg any attention? >> they're paying attention absolutely. ou delegation in moscow met toy with investigators who are looking into these cases. i talked t our people on the ground there, i understand the meeting was somewhat frustrating. but the point is we' having a dialogue. 're talking tothem. they know about our concern. ey know about the leve of inteational concern. hope to see some progress. >> let move on to cuba and etnam where we're seeing a growincommunity of bloggers. how are the gernments in those countrs reacting to the owth of onlinejournalism? >> it'sery interesting. there's no question that t internet is inome ways harder to control thanraditional prt mea, for example. and there's a new geration of blogge emerging in both counies. it's laer and more vital in vietna it's small and more
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incipienin cuba in vietnam, what we're seeing is the government rlly isetting concerned out this and crking down. in cuba, we're keeping a watchful eye this is w phenomenon in cuba to see how the government sponds. >> joelsim, tank you very much for joini us. >> thank you so muchor having me. talking about cua, president obama has tended the u.s. trade embargo on tt untry for another year. a move tha was expected even thou there has been a lot of talk i the administraon of trying to improve relations. the presidt has reached out to cu by easing travel and financial restrictions on ericans with families on the island. inally tonight our origina signature story, the first of three rorts thiseek on preserng history and the challenges involved in dng so.
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this summere went to geece to take a look at theong dispute over some of e orld's most famous sculptures. the problem, as t greeks s it, issimple, the slptures were stolen fr the parthon almost200 years ago and brought to britain. but e british say the ritful place is just where they are in ndon. "worldfocus" special correspondent lynnherr take us to one of history's gre battlegrounds. >> reporter: you cant take a bad shot of the parthenon, from any anglein any light, a temple of marble commissionebyhe statesman pier ocallies during the gold days aient greece. 2500 ars ago embodied the peak of artistry. today it remains a symbol of modern grece, still rening over athens from the acropolis. but centuries of wars and neglect have left their mark. somethg is missing from this picture. some things. they belong here, a pade of
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sculptures comprising the friese thatnce encircl the inner builng. here 92 carved panels depicting scenes from greekmythology. re on the pediment free-staing sculptures gods and other mythological beings so of the statues have just dispapd some have been removed from display by the grk government. but most are in the btish museumin london. the source of the longanding international debate. the marbles here were requed from the partd that none bylord elginsuring the ottoman emre, then carted across the seas and purched by the brith government in 181 for £35,000 today th're pricess. depending on your point of view, lordelgin eitherrescued the sculptures from the cmbling parthenon and removed th to a safe place legally or -- >>e just cut the marbs.
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he just took the marbles away. and ihink isrchaeological it tantamount to murder. >> repter: greek culture minister is one of many cal greeks and non-greeks who say the elgin or partnon marbles re stolen and belong back in greece. the ntroversy has been raging forenturies but was reignited this sum wer the long awaited opening ofhe new acropolis museum in athen this earthque-resistant structure withlimate controlled galleri and state of t art surveillance means that for the first ti greece s the means and the space to preser and presentts heritage. >> it's like mus, like a concert. >> reporter: museum director gave us a privte tour of the sun-ight sky-it will glass gallery dedicated to t
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parthenon sculptus. you can ok up at the actually buildingthen walk around the carvings that once adorned it in a spethatchoes the original mensions. for thfirst time in modern h history, the fries has bee reasseled, pieced together with originals or reproductions of those lostr in other museums. they gw with the honed pa tina o realgreek male. th missing pieces are cast in stark whe plaste the contrast has en deliberatelylayed up. look at this hlf and haf. a perfect example. >> the head is in athens, the body in london. look at this here. >> reporter: the word ey use here is unification, not turn. because th believe the pieces belong togetr like a family, that the fragments need to seen as a whole context. and at a time when questionably acquired artifacts are being repatriated by museums around
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th world, greec says it's not about getting every greek ulpture in the world back. these e special. >> well, imane the states being under occupation and somebody tak the head of the statue of liberty, and then takes theorch from the statue of and one i placed in loon, the other is, ion't know, in romania, the other in the stas, wouldn't the americans feel offended? >> reporter: the opposing argument goes le this -- the parthenon isn't just aboutfifth century ahens and it's not just for the heirs of perocle it bongs to the wod, it has global significance. keepingts treare spread out guarantees an ev grander dience for ese very special work of antiquy. millions of people vew them in london each year says the britis museum, insiing their acquisitiowas entirely legal. the muum also points out that six othe museums psess some of the wor, too, and in an
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e-mail message toworldfocus" theyoted there are no pla to return the slptures. but that hasn't stopped a stdy stream of protests from marble uniters across europe. their facebook ges boast more than 150,000 suppters, and this smer its founder tried to organize a ptest in thehadow of theyvj parthenon colete wit fire-breathing statues. last spring he smuggled a video camera into themarbles galle the british museum toake his case. >>this is a shameful affair. we're trying to get marbles back to greece. do whatou can t support . >> reporter: the museum has also been the site of a sing-i by greek students. and an influx of flyer ampioning their cause. throughout the millennia it served as a temple, a easury, a fortress, a chriian church, a mosque and a mun igss dump today it is stila ttleground as thetruggle over its sculptures shows no sign of
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fading away. i'm ly sherr for"worldfocus" in athens, greece. and tomorrowwe will goo rome whe they are struggling preserve allof the discovies that are being made, struggli to find the money, that is. and that is "worldfocus" f this tuesdayvening. i'm daljit dhaliwal inew york. for me and the rest of the "worldfocus" team, thank you so much r joining us. we'll see you tomorrow bye-bye. "worldfocus" is de possiblen part by the foowing funders -- major pport has also been provided by the peter peterson foundion, dedicated to promoting fiscal reonsibility and addressing key economic challengefacing amera's future.
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