tv Charlie Rose PBS September 18, 2009 12:00pm-1:00pm EDT
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>> >> welcome to the broadcast. we continue our corage of the crital debate taking plac in the congress onhealth care reform with senar jay rockefeller, democrat of west virginia who signares on the senate finance committee. >> you can't put another insuranccompany out there one that doesn't have to make pfit pay attention to wall street just payttention to consumers, their needs and have lower costs. >> crlie: we ctinue th conversations about movies wi charlize theron and guillermo arriag >> wheth you do 20 films every
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time is a new experience and you'llither fail or not but you can't -- it's like a relationship. you can't enter th relationship not hav100% trust. you just can't. >> we're very timistic beuse in the end people who go they always hav a hope an they always he a chances to redeem themselves. >> charlie: the health ce deba in washington and all about movies when we condition. >> charlie: additional funding for "charlie rose was also profided by these funds.
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ptioning sponsored by rose communications from our sdios in new york city, this is charlie rose >> charlie: we begin this evening with e ongoing debate of health care reform. presidt obama attend a rally of mostly ung peop. it was the administraon's latest effort to restore public supporfor a democrac overall ofhe health care system and he said congress had taken many meaningful sps towards form. >> the good newsis we're closer to reform than we'v ever been. after debatin the issue for the better par of a year there's four out of five committees in congressave cpleted their work. sterday the fance committee
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put out its own bill. each bill has its strengths and simirities between the a our overl eorts have bee helped by groups, businesses, drug companies en. most importantly doctors and nurses are supporting th effort. ve also said tt one of the options in the insurance exange should be republica. leme be clear it, would only be an option. no one would be forced to choose it. no one with insunce would be afcted by it but what it uld do is provide more choice and more comtition and put pressure on private surers to ke policy a polies afford and a
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better >> charlie: senar jay rockefelle roefeller joins me no after meeting with presiden obam obamd meetin with about health care reform. i'm plsed to haveim. welcome. >> thank you, charlie. thank you very mh. charlie: tell me where we a at this moment as we record this broadcastt 28. >> we're not there yet. th 80% tha the president mentiod may be a little bit high right now. that'saybe too optimistic but this ithe first meetinge've had just democrat because no republicans areoting for bill and 're hoping we get olyia snow and whe we getloser to vo than just give spehes and
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you focus morend think with the people of your stateore and health care policy and how it makes individual peop and faces come befe you and i think you do a betr job of legislating. now at's very optimistic say, let's see if it works during the amendment procs in e finance committee is goi to haveo be substantial and successful to make the bill bstantially better than it is. >> charlie: you're n hay wi the bacas recommendatis. >> no, i said that and i sai it won't vote for it as it is today. otr people said that in the meeting. you see, it isn'that it is today buwhat change us maken the amendment process and knowg you'll have all republicans ybe minus one voting against you. that can make it better and
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hopefully something th i could vote for becau it's a tter product. >> charlie: are you gog to vote for a bill that doesn't include a publioption? >> you know, i would be ha-pressed too. i'd behard-pressed to. people say there'swo ways of looking at a public option,one the president just said very well a that is th it's not the government taking it over, it's not- is just an entity. it doesn't give government money. itas tget money from its premiums from the ople who decideo go with it and it's nogoing to have to make profit. it's a totally nonprofit insurae company, insurance entitynd that in turn force and people will comeo derstand this more and more as me goes by thatit force other surance companies to lower the cost of tir insurance. at's the whole point of it.
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you can't just put another insurance company t tre but one that doesn't have t make profit or pay attention to wl stet just pay attention to consumers and they're needs and have lower coast coast lower co? charlie: and the quality will be as good tt's private companies. >> it h to be. the predent said that. >>hat if it drives theprivate companies out of usiness. >>t will never happ. it's not st the presint but others have said t coressional budget office it will never ce cle to driving e giant insurance compaes out business. now iave my moments sometimes when i wh that wld hapn becae of insurance practis.
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is fellow from cigna came before the congress committee and became a sort of a folkero antalked about their responsibility a his responsibility t and he grew sickf it from purging people from the rol and finding -- thiss overdramaticut it w ue and someone had acne when they were younger an therefore they don't qualify being insured. thgs that are horric and alwaysappened in americand der the radar >> crlie: is that going to chge? >> you're da right it's going to have to change or it won't get my vote. >> charlie:o you believe there will be health care reform in is congress, first question? i want very much to. charlie, you're aski me a favor question and i'm not givi you a fair answer but t best can i hope so but it will have be better product coming out of
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finance. fince committee has a particular kd of a weight in all of this. then you say maybe it doesn't comeut of finance committee so we but so whatecause youan have amendments the floor and you conference with the house and get together. acally, it doesn't work nearly as easily as it sounds. it's very hard with blue dogs the house an if the house ives us to the left you ve get60 people to pass thi vote and some of them cld drop off if we do get pushed toouch tohe left. it's all very delicate, 59-60 type process. hence the tension and hence the fun and e excitement. >> charlie: if you don't have the 60o you have any problem with gog to a reconciliation? >> i don't. at's also not easy becau of the bird re, senator robert
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seberg my colleaguewhich means everything has to paid for and that all points. i'm not denigratingthe republicans but you know when yohave none of them voting for you -- th you, it does make life a littl hard and does make you me skeptic saying you have the use, senatend use but when every single thg is challenged or filibusted, we have to get 60 votewhich means you got tget more tn we have. we've got to t a republican or two republicans or notose two or three democrats who are particularly conservative. it's hard. it's hard stuff. >> charlie: e democrat said that theroblem is tt democrats are being asked to support a bipartin bill tha
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doesn't have any bipartisan support. >> you sort of hit the nail on e head, in fact y sort of nailed tough the floor. we havehe stimulus bill which most democrats voted for and one reblican and it was referred to as a bipartisanbill. you know, in truthin leing it wa't really correct on the vote in health cares wit a republican vote than that repuican vote is magnified in its size because coun'tave got d the 60 votes without the republican vote. charlie: what do olympia snowe needso go for this? >> don't know but she's the most popur person on the floor of the senate.
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from the repubcan point of vi she's the leastpolar. i have endless symthy for her and i've sn heron the floor taking tgh votes that siding with the democrats and the pressure the republan caucus is able to bring on its members is something to democratan understa. 's interesting otherwise but substaively. when clinton wa president and theycaucused to discuss policy for two hours and he president came iand the georg mitchell said respectfully, mr. president, we have our role, you have your role. you have yr own re bute want to discuss policy and we want to do it as a legislative
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branch, would you plse leave and it was somhing i'll ner forget the psident and the secret service hustling out of the democratic offi room but that's separation of powers. now dk cheney on the other handeverissed a repubcan caucus hencehe terrible pressure wn wwere investigatg were ere chemical weapons in iraq and all of it as far a health care reform >> charlie: was it inevitable because health ce was so tough itould be thisay or have therbeen oer judgments made earlier that would have made this smooth sailing? >> probably but that'sot where we are. >> charlie: exactly. >> i'm not going to worry about at. legislating a controversial subjects and legisting health
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care, above all inclung milita policyiscomplex. it is possible to say wh all respect my colleagues the probly aren't mor than ten percent ofhe congress and housend senate that understand the weeds o health car what you really do have to undersnd at a deep leve in orr to make good public licy. or bad public policy but you have to know what you'r talking about. >>harlie: some aue, lot of republicans dot want to see health care reform because they thinkhe president wou benefit and his party significantlyin the next congressiona elections. >> i thi that i a very strong factor. a very strong factor. and i hate toay that becau i
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am very rching acrosshe aisle and everything've been able to do is because i' been able to do with republicans so i hate to make statementike that but it's the nate of the -- a the things goi on,ll e presidents programs, the recession, people being angry, ople not having work, people t liking congress,ot trting government,hen still government plays major role in their lives. i me, i say to people y get govement out of health carry say you wt medicare to o? u want medicate to go and the v.a. sysm to disapar? bupeople don't have to look at it that way. they can ve feeling and can simplify the feelings becaus it's eaer to have a strong negati feeling. charlie: the billhat might get through thisongress wl
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satisfy -- will be 70% of wha ja rockefeller wanted to s d what do youhink that you wanted that you think now unlike toe there? >> let me ge you acouple examples in a time wheedicare is bei stretcd and the mecare trust funds gog to start declining in the year 2017 which is like next week in the world of healt care, i don't like congress people in the house or thesenateaking decisions of howuch a hospital r a doctor is r reimbursed for the seice they provide because it makes it political. there are ,000 lobbyist has it work on health care. that wasrue during the clinton health care bis and te today anthey all represent e lile piece of health care and that go after that healt care and they can only go back to
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their bosses and say i'm doing my job if ey get an increase. it's total the wrongway. the questions what's important in health care. how should you -- we need to ha more people who are geriatricians because erica is getting older and they train to do th and they o so mh for their certification ando it a fewears and gointo something else to make more money. i won't try to explainit but it'sed m 'smedpack a group of officia has itnow health care policy cold. they don't give ahoot about lobbyistand they canake these decisions, how mucho you reburse a hospital, not just fee-for-service which weeed to start getting away fm but reimburse em in terms of how
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are they're outcom. how mu recidivism and do people need return to hospits oroctors because they didn't dohe job right in the fit place are they spendingoo much on mris becausit's a prestige thing wh you can dohe same thing withet scan. is is where profeionals who are dde detached from policy. and gail medski and they all trust her and so do and he's a republican and she know it cold and you get themto beef up sure staff to do the resrch on wha needto be reimbursed at a higher rate, same rate or maybe a lor rate, people not taking
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advantage medicare and i'll give you anxample. ophthalmologist. we did something back in 1989 toll reduce speciaies and bring up primary ce fissions and obns and that kind of ing and lasers had been invented to people were having thei eyesight problems treated by laser but the doctors were still chargin what they used to chargehen theywere doing procedures, operatio on eyes. well, wetopped that. you he to stop at. there isn't th kind of era money to throw around. >> charlie: hers what's interesting to me, you just heard the president say doctors and nurses are in favor of ts but you are saying als that this health care reform that you expect to see and hope to see and believe will go a long way
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will changthe way these doctors practice medice. >> i thinkthat's true. >> charlie: d they're in favo of that it will ke their life etter? >>yes. fit of all, we need to get away from fee-for-service ands the re you provide theore fees you get. >> charl: therefore you get things you may or may not need. >> that's correct. >> they did a survey in the journal ofedicine did a survey, extraordinary results, 20% physicians, doctors in thisountry want asingle-payer system. >> charlie: 20%? >> and incling that number up 80% are in favor of the public option. now explain that to me charlie? they want th system to change. they want it to change. they want competitiono become more acute. they wan oversight to be more
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penetrating toead to betr results, better outcomes, l ese things which are subject to words people don't want to hear but which are really important r good health care. >> crlie: he one ise i see ople tking about and certainly people writing about health care is ty think t numbers are ju not going work. >> well, i mean, y know, i don't have to accept that do i? that's why ou billn the senate which i'm not satisfied with you at the finance committee comes in at about at $100 blion lesshan what peop were saying we'd do was we wanto as the say bend the curve. save money and reduce deficit, duce debt over a period of
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years. we'll have to do thatin ma areain order to survive. that's t argument for efficiency and not having fee for servic that's the argument forot having intelligencoversight in group of calm professnal oversight what works and wha doest and what doctors are doina good job. we need more geriatricians and obgyns and real health practitioners an centers so let's give them more money as an intensive. that's theay you use professionals and specifically don't use congss whoever's working on them andthat's a little unfair and unkind to y but if you have lobbyists working down lg enough and you don't know how to arg back they'll probably do what ty say because they me a good case it ll be good for your
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constituts. they may berong and i wt loyists and congressmen out of the process an i think the president agrees with this. >> crlie: we know certain stat operate more efficntly than oers and there are differens in regions do yo buy you ough to be able touy yournsurance in any state you want to? >> n i'll tell you exactly why d i'll make some pple in oklaho mad when i say this. i come from weirginia and let'say i y aealth insurance policy from a company in west virginia a our overite of heah insurance tends to be pret good, ptty rigoro. now suddenly i'm attract to somethg in oklahoma because they p up a good sales job on me or something. in oklama i bet they do hardly anyregulating at all, and i'm
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sure i'll get aot of letters for that and i don't ca. i thini'mpeaking the truth. states are so uneven in the job they do it's bette you keep health insuranceithin the contours othe state understanding all the companies that sue is are nional. mostre national. andunderstanding also tha as in alabama has been used 90% of all health insurce is introduced a given, sold, by e company. they can get away with athing they want. they c cutpeople off, purge people out. find ty had something in their backgrou which they didn't ow about thestory of the fea that had gallstonesnd he said he didn't know anything about it and they said hehad him ande was cut out. they do that charlie and they're incentived to find wt's wrong with ople to cp them oftheir rolls and thuseduce
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their risk andake more money. >>harlie: well -- >> it's a hard business. it's a ha-edged business involving the most sensitive part, prious part of people's lives. >> charlie: when will we know what bill we're going t see? how long's this going totake? >> i don care how long it' going to take to do it. you want me to say it will be soon, next week or two months. i want it to be right. i nt a real irovement in health care and ts if the senate process and finance committee and i have a 17 i m fer and another 17 i may offer and others fl this is my way and this is my chae not being part of e gang of six to introduce what ieel strongly about andtry to get pport for it and if i carry a majority of the votesven if it's just a majority of one my polic
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prevails a beces part of the senate finance package and that -- the whole process couldake a couple months. >> you'r not thrilled b the game a you? having said all this, charlie, it's exhilaratg and in th intellectually process and you're seeg the faces of familiesand nursg center and in-home care a it changes. >> charlie: cuts to th heart of thr existence. >> yes, a maybe cuts to the heart of what you feel.
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>> charlie: thank you senator. i hope we can do mor of this and do i again soon but i thank you very much this ening. thank you. >> charlie: jay rockefeller ll be involve intimately in this process. we'll be back in a momen stay with us. >> charlie: charlize theron and guillermo arriaga are he. he's the oscarosr-nominated screenwriter and ty've teamed up for his debut, "th burning plains" here's a look at the film. >> i guess so. >>hat a you talking about? [ inscernable ]
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>> i don't undersnd. >> yesr no >> charlie: i'm pleased to have charlize theron and guillerm arriaga at this table. >> thank you vy much >> charlie: how is t shift from screenwriting to directing? >> one of the most enjoyab thgs i've don in my life. part of the eoyment is working with the team and having the woerful people behind an in front of cama make myjob ry joyful. >> charlie: sting is a big partf t, isn't it? >> casting is a big part of it and i enjoy. i like itecauseit's like having your wife pregnant and you don't know what your kid's gog to look like. >> charlie: te us about the film. how you saw it and wha is it
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about that wehould anticite? >> i tnk this is a movie aut love. >> charlieyou got me already >>ut not love in the kind of valentinkind of le, heart, you know. >> charlie: right. >> intense lov tt can hurt, desty and heal. love that can always open for someone d this is a story of of someone who wal through the destructn and has the ability to come back through ve. >> charlie: these are the kis of stories you want totell? >> i think the movies i write are ver oimistic becausen the end the people whogo through rk packages they ways have light, a hope and a chance to redeem themselves. this is a movie with the loss of identity and how slowly through
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love, the love of daughter, friends, any kind o love y n go back to. >> charlie:his is also a seual film and it's about passion. >> of course. >> charlie: tell me your character, my ar? >> he did such aeautiful job. she is somebod -- i'm a massiv fan of h write something the idea of getting a guillermo arriaga script was to me aming. >> charlie: l right but tell th sto bause this iss at's been written whe you first got the script and you knew his reputatn of being brilliant screenwriter and he said he haone to read and you had not metim andouhought this could be one more, word yo use usedas "a-hole." i would ver. not me, charlie. >> charlie: d then i met him and i found out he was in fact
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differt. zmo >> he'sokay. 's a b of an a-hole. i knew i'dove his writing and love the scpt because thers a ice that h has if you ad "babble" and "21 grams" and othershere's a voice i love. >> charlie what's thevoice? >> guiller is onef the people that i very rary worked with directors or writerirectors who he such an innate natural understandg of the humanondition and it's effortless forim to understand human struggle, human sife and thereforhe makes an amazing journey r a hum being t go with a to have dier with this man was incredible and i think that vce, thatind of
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story tellg, i like thathe ays with time. i like that it's nonlinear. i think he writes how humans think and i thinthe strule is hest and agree with him. i think there's beautifulight and optomism in his stories >> charlie: yoalso like a direor that you get involved. >> i likeffortless is what i like i guess. i like sitting down with somedy and feeling that it's not a circlebeing pushed in a square. from the momt i met guiermo it w effortless. effortless. when it's that, tt's what love is and what chemistry is. you have to have that in order to feel like you can jump off a clf with someby. >> charlie: the film is jumping off a clif >>t haso be. peoplere always like asking me working with first-time directors and isn't that scary but you know, wther you've done 20 films or not, everytime going tbe dierent, right? every time is going to be a new
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experience and you'reither going to faior yr notut you n't -- it's li a relationship. u can't enter that relaonship not having 100% trust. you ju can't. >> charl: when you get scripts likehis you lk at the direing and you'reoong at e script. what else e you looking at? wh is it thatakes you say, wow. >> i guess it's thething that you dot look it, it'she thing that you feel >> charlie: yeah. >> i thi sometimes our smart caget in the way of making a choice you know and i thi it's actual -- i bring it full circle. it's about love. you can't reayoverthink love, right? when you fl in love with somebody there'sa lot of things to consid, is this the right pers and looks athe problems but at the end o theayou can't articulateomething -- >> charlie: it's not an equation or mathmatics. >> and that's the thing i lk
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for. >> crlie: tell me about your character's ansformati here. >> well, we meet not to give the opening way or some oe movie away -- >> chaie: but get someone understanding they may want to go to the theatre. >> the opening to this film is my favoriteo any i've seen, you'll just say that. after theov starts we meet a woman where it's very evident there's somhing about her, there's anenigma. she'sehaving in a way we don't normally see women bave. >> crl: reckless. and instantly yourinigued. you may be turned off oreel award ittle uncomftable t urnted and iredibly intrigued. so mee silvia she woman that has my
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crets and shs tto survive the best she knows ho to. >> charlie: jennifer, casti of jennifer in is film, we're ing to seeer w. irst of all, the film you can't build it way cornston and tt was charlize. e was the foundation. theorner stone. you beginuildintheandscape of human -- e human landscape around that rnerstonendit has to be cohert with tt first approach. i was loong at the vy first day whe have luh and this beautiful woman accepts me in the film she said you have to be careful witthe casti of marianna. a 15-year-old girl whois -
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this is very important story the first day wahe the casting that brillit casting dictor st me and i said that i war. >> c: she leapt of the >> yeah. when you cting someone think that i c someone for ree reasons. obvisly tant, wha t persona brings to the chacter thowat means they stand h eyal and mt impoants the tast >> crlie: taste? >> taste. how theyxpre their emotion is tas. how much they ca veal something ofhe character wit the movents ofhe body is taste. i personally don't like overacngver faces. i like a act orctor that can beab to say a lot of
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things with very little and i s impressedith how this very young girl was able to do that. i sa ian her. e v firstay and also who plays ntgo. people wer lik -- people were like how directorou e? cha: a you h he in m >>charlize? im >> chaie: all right. ro te. >> why do u want to see me? >> i d't. dhinks okay r u t >>o you lookike ymom? >> no. >> your dad?
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n nouea in a noinea wa ha:ooeen enmbleasant'sriwh d a ne ave yo t alwa kin youno i' fe slu yoctl a d kno said no i thk tngyou. m alwayspen tot threw we dere to produce and i don't have the same desir as for ting and i don't hav any of that fordirecting. >> charlie: if you look at the body of wk where it is day, has it p you in essentially a place in rms of experience, in terms of optis,
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in terms o offy o of future you li to be? i feel blessed. part of me make me feel i work hard to get he. i'a hard worke i've h some incredibly lucky moments but my hrt a so's ways been in it in very honest way and i've done everything for a real honest reasons. i haven't done anything in my reer for dishonest reasons or put my creativitin a compromise that would live it and for that i'm incredibly blessed becausi no so many actors that have had to do tha soay their rent. >> charlie: are there muses you wantto create more?
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>> always. that there alws needso be room to want to exploreand by no means at this time in my life feel like i have the answer and i love that. i absolutely love at. charlie: what's the bestay for an actor to ow? i believe it's the people you surround yrself with and feincredibly lucky i'v had e opportunities with the people i've had . i can look back in my career and every single pern that i've worked with and i've been policeto work with amazing people and oducers, dictors, writers, actors, i'm talking abou cinemographers and i've beenucky and those have been my teaches h teacrs and mentors need to have a real interest d fascination with filmmaking and if you hav that andou work th good pple and you become a sponge and soak up tt energy and informion, that'she best
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scenario you c hope for. >> charlie: you've said yove been extraordinaryucky o. what with yo were you referring to >> i met my firstanager in e bank. >> charlie: you made a eposit. >> i was making a deposit in a bank one othe oest stories in the book. >> charlie: he camep to you and said you suld be in movies. i wasaving a tantrum because it was out of ste checand she wouldn't cat it and i s stang in a cheap tel tha was going to kick m t and i was desperate form me and they write i was interesting a ntrum and is man tried help me out, that kind of lucky, ght. >> crlie: if he was a good
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manager he lucky and a lot of is not lucky but being ready for when the opportuty kind of shows up and i was always -- i've always bee that person. i' always been -- i think it comes from any ckground in ballet, i come -- my head and my chine works really wit work and discipline. you ow, i'm not one of thos pele -- there's a constant need for knowledge and i thi i'm a searcr at hrt so there's a constant need to kd of evolve and with that whe you can kind of spot and notice an opportunity you n be prepared for it. >> charlie: if you look back a e roles that you have ken, those you have taken risk with and for whatevereason perhaps th put you ia certain cation and work with certain actors u like an it will be fun, just th. th's okay.
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do you find commonality and common denominato the with the characters you've inhabited. >> i have done that. i've learned. iave definily -- i'lgive yoan examp. i was a huge fan ofohn frankenheim and i gooffered a film and it wasalled "reindeer games." it was a script at needed work but i took the jobbecause i love him and to me mentoring is perfect as it mes for me. the expeence was incredible working with him and getting to know him. it was -- i think tt makin that lm taught me way much more as a producer than just the logistic of what needs to happen to make a movie and watching him
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worknd watching him work with actors than the movie didn't turn o grea the character didn't tur out great than probably any other movie where the charact turns outetter and my performance turned out bette or the performae turned outbetter. i think every filmou walk away with diffent -- >> crlie: do you knowwhen you walk away though it's not going to work? >> sometimes, yeah. yeah. i can usually tell if there's going to beroblems and i'v alwa been surprised the other way around. >> charlie: the editing room it turned t to beokay. >> i've been surprised and this is are great editors -- an amazing editor walked i >> charlie: can i talk about xico for a bit. >> sure, go ahead. >> charlie: others worry about laessness and n-state actors. >> i think mexico is going one
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of toughest peri of ourecent history. when there'soney from dgs it very difficult for atate to surve. the ug lords to corpt the syem is hu. this is -- i'm goingo pay, yore the police chief, i'm going pay you $400 a month,you do not accept next tim it's your kid' head in a shoe box. >> charlie: so is the dollars or youkid's head. >> i talked to people and you try to fight the buthere's too much money invold that it's difficult and the only solution is to have a bh sides many sides dialoabout it. personally, ihink that legalization of drugs wld
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ally help a lot. i know that some people in the stathave said no, it will not solve anything because therime oups will goo other area of crime which i dot think so because thisrime didn't exist when iwas a kid. >> charlie: take out the profit motive. >> it would te out the finaing and i thi for mexicans wha hilry clinton did accepng the uted states blame and >> charlie: respsibility for thdemand. >> it walike it really alleviated us and madeus feel that at least we're no alone in the program becausewhere the guns come from they ce from the state. >> charlie: and thd demandfor the drugs come from the ate. wh's interesting wn i was in mexico recently, there was some -- there was that, that our
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probm is also your pblem and 'd like to you recognize it the otr thing was there was a see that mexico was doing pretty good about the glol economy collapsed and then it suffered and there was some blame d want the united states to say i'morry for what happened to the global econy. do y sense that? is there a sse of that in mexi. >> they say that when united stes has a small old, mexico has the flu. >> charlie: it different der president obama. >> at let the perceptn is th're willing to acceptnd work togethewith everyone. that's a relie >> charl: than to speak to their aspitions. >> the was some elections --
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fake elections, who will mexicans vote for and 97%of mexicans would vote for obama. >> charlie: this again mexicans. >> t micans couldote they would vo 97%. i think ts is the onlyway things can wk is through dialog. >> charlie: does mexico get the politians it deserves? >> i don't think so. >> charlie: when the political policies are n filling the gaps, societ has to fill them. we mus not aept that everything comesrom the poticians. we must lve the problems i the sociy. >> crlie: is there a film i
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this for you. >> yes. theovie instead of talking about drugs in the border i talkabout love cause on the board is not jus drugs but friendship and lov and many her thing and this is our points of encountere can have between both countries. >> chaie: nice to work r a man who spea like that. >> i love that. i love tt you can tell a story that dealswith the border and tosay there is no border because when you dealith humanity is all th same. >> charlie: just we saw y sitting in the ithe box watching tennis and you looked enthusiast >> you were watching tens?
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>>harlie: in the esident's box andvery time the camera took one away fro the courtt wept to her beautiful face is what happened. >> i envy her. >> charlie: you like tenni too? >> iike tennis very much. >> charlie: it's about what? passion? >> becausefederer's mom i south rican. >> charlie: you said you're a nadal -- >> i like them bot they're both incredible and this incredib -- look, they've been amazing to theport and they've been amazing to watch and they've defitely made me a gger fan d i watch way more relarly because ofhe two of them and think if you're rooting for one of them the other your number two and i think you can preciate them both. >> charliewhat i love about it, it's two pple engaged and if you look at federer and rdy roddick wbledont their best but as two people and what i do affects what you can do.
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unlike golfssentially you're playing against the court and yourself. >> i think what you said is very true. i love it because of tha menl thintoo. really is you and yourmind. think you physically areat tennis player but if you don't have a greatind you can't do it and at the end the gs sincely shake hands and that gentlemen aspect it's agent men's ort. >> charlie: we talko herbout the finals becausehe has not en is and everybo watchin thinks i'm an idiot because i haven't talked aboutit. >> i'm going home tonight and watcng it at like 3:00 a.m. >> you don't know who won. >> charlie: i couldn' have waited. >> the winner was -- >> chaie: don't tell her. >> let meell you a story about
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teis. e united states team was playing against mexico and a wanted to see how they were training a a went to the stadium and the was no one. the stadium was where i used to go. they sd -- themerican am, was a huge fanf jimmy connor they were going to arri at:00 and i was the only pern and they closed the door. and was the only sctator betwn jimmy connors and my stadium. and they didn'tsay who's the cree guy watching us? >> no, they said o's the sexy handsome guy watching us. >> charlie: he muste a famous coach. that's great story. >> i was 17 and for a kid having en the only one in the stadium with the united stat practicing and w jimmy
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connors,ne of the greatest of all times. >> aming. wow. >> charlie: so why didn't y become a tennis something. because the greathing about being a director you can be ten feet frothe bestctors in the world. charlie: thank you for comi. much ccess. opens friday night. thank you for joininus. see you ne time captioning snsored by ro communications captioned by media acss group at wgbh
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