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tv   BBC World News  PBS  September 18, 2009 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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>> "bbc world news" presented by kcet, los angeles. funding fothis presentation is made poible by the freeman fodation of new york, stowe, vermon and honolulu. the newman's n foundation. e john d. and catherine t. macarthufoundation. and unn bank. and "bright star," a new film by jane campion. ♪ >> unionank has put its financial strength to rk for a wide range of companies, from small businesses toajor
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coorations. what can we do for you >> he was a dreamer. >> she was a alist. with every word thate wre, inspid the romance that wld live forever. >> i must warn you of the trap that y're walking into. >>ou know th i would do anythi. >> "bright sta," by ne campion. and now "bbc world news." >> t defeate iranian kennett it joins thousands of hi supporters in the most visie sign of dissent. russia tls me to note it is ready to talk about sred defenses. -- rushed it tells meo note
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that it iseady to talk about shared defenses. welcome t "bbc world news," badcast to viewers on pbs in america and arounthe globe. is she keeping hr cards close toer chest? back on stage for the first time six years. the oscar winner rest -- wrestles with greek tragedy in washgton. ♪ >> it waseant to be an official government-sponsored rally in tehra. despite warnings not to disrupt it, thousands of position supporte turd out. eyewiesses' report governmt supporters we attacking opposition leaders.
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the president of iran seized his chance again to describe the holocaust as a myth andparked outrage in the west. we haveore on the vionce and its implations. >> it was theate staged by the regime. the oppositn had been warned not try to jack this annual event. prident ahmadinejad sought as a chance for another hardline speech. >> he said the holocaust was a myth and that combatin israel was a sred duty. as he was speaki, the opposition seized their moment on the street tose their mobileelephones to film it. grn was the symbol of th reformists in the city presidential election in june was stolen by ahmadinejad.
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is footage appears to show teargas being used to disperse them. theyall on the president to resign. the prime minister also talk of skirmies and arrests. since e disputed election, almost all attempts at protests ha been crushed. dons have bn killed. thousands of been arrested. there have been reports of rape in jail. >> it seems lik iran is gng furtr to the righ and ignoring t possibilities of inrnational reaction. the attempts made by obama to bring some kind of peac or negotiations withran, is making impossibl >> thepposition has shown it is still a force to be reckoned with. it is a challenge to the rgime that inot going away. >> moscow has said it will respond sitively tohe american dision to scrap the
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missile defense stem planned foeastern europe. the secrary general of nato has call for a stragic partnership th russia. >> the day after the obama ministration announced that it would no longer try and station a missile defense shield in eastern europe, an offer came russia's way. it is part of a move deepen cooperatn between russia and nato. the ne secretary-general of the organization suggested they share the missile defense system >> we should explore the potential for linking th.s., native, and russian defense missile systems at an appropriate te. he was short on details, b the offer wapart of the speech the tending to warm up the frosty relatiohip between rsia and the western allian. afgnistan was other area whe he sa that russia and nato could help it each other.
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he said it was a tter of necessit itame on the heel of a thursday announcement about a missile defense shield. it could ala some nato countries th borderpressure. >> enhances the curity of our nato allies. it enhances our cooperation with to. it places re resours in more countries. >> the russian invasion of georgia last year sent relatns with nato pluing to a post- coldar low. se in the alliance think that russ should not be trusted folling such aggression. others like the secretary general believe the allian must concentraten the areas that unite rather than divide em. >> this was hs attempt to rhape the relationship that
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s gone sour over the pa few years. there are many members of nato that fear russiand its motives. mr. rasmussen will have ttread carefully. >> the united nations has issued its strongest warnin yet of an unfoldingcatastrophe in east africa. thworld food progm says the worst drought in almt two decadehas left millions an urgent need of food aid. across kenya, ugand somalia, and ethiopiarivers have dried upnd crops have died kilng thousand of wild animals and cattle. a warning om the british general will soo take charge of troops in afghanistan that progress musbe quick foany chance of success again the taliban. mr. rter says there is sti an opportuni to make a difference. the gernment of sri lanka has seout a timetabl to replace
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people. u.s.nvoy says he expects 70% to be reseled by the end of november and the rest bthe end of janua. the troubled northwe of pakistan has been hit by another atta. a suicide bomber drove a vehicle packed with expsives. it was also the scene o a bombing on thursday. e latestkilled 33. more casualties are believed still trapped der the rubble. the bbc correspoent in pakistan reports. >> the bomb went off in a busy marketplace. there were shopping ahead ofhe muslim holy day. many were kill. a hel and several shops collapsed kiing others. >> this man says it was about 10:00 in the morning when a car drove by with th bomber inside. there was huge blast. many were killed. many were wounded. >> according to police, most of
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the dd and injurewere members of t shiainority. this district of the northwest has suffered sectarian attacks the past. it is an ar where the taliban opates widely. one of the man radical groups that operate under thealiban banner says it carried out the bombg. earlier this year, the armyf pakistan launed a major offensive aainst the taliban. an americaair strike kille the lead of the group. bomngs lik to date showhe militants sti have the ability to hit back. >> it ia cruel act against thisrea. th taliban slaughternd harm people w have done notng wrong. >> in spite of the gainshat pakist says it has made, there are dangerous sis that the taliban isrying to reassert itself underew leadership.
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>> it was a fres aempt to get the pea process rollg. once again, israel and palestinians have failed reach a deal tha would restart negotiations. e u.s. speci evoy has been inhe region trying to ing the two sides togher. the maintumbling blocis the israeli settlent activy on palestinian land. if smiles tcreate peace, he migh have sething to repo. after months of diplomacy, he i no maned to persuade prime minister netanyahu to freeze building in jewish settlements t amecans want a freeze as well. if mr. mitchell cannot change min, it is aerious blow for president ama's peace itiative. orinally, the settlements were supposed to make israel saf. but the u.s. is tellg israel
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at its secuty now depds upon making pce andhat it is time to live up to its promise to op settlement building. israel has been builng homes for jews in occupied terrory in defiance of rocky -- international law for 40 yrs. roads are being built to the sidesf future settlements. the settlent project hasaken ssive state resours and an iron wilto ignoreforeign sentimen at the heart of th conflict is thidea that once jews with thr, it makes it difficult or impossible to ge the land ba. in a townoverwhelmingly pulated by palestinian a big military force projects a sml jewish settlement. isrl has a tight grionhe cupied territory. even so, the palestian prime minister wants peaceful inpendence within two years
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whether the israelis agreed or not. >> theoccupation should be left up to iael to decide. it is a case occupation that eds to end. >> for ma palestinian that sounds hopelessl optimistic. ttlers and their supporters will be pleed to the israeli government has not given in to pressure. but everyone knows that the next mo comes from washgton. jereowen for bbc news on the west bank. >> stay with us. still to come, 55,000 people are on the runrom increasingly bloo conflicts. we wl have a special report fromemen. the c has learned that two police officers from northern ireland hav ben helping to train libyan offirs. this development hs come under heav criticism because libya
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provided arms to the ira. >> been pvided guns and rounds of ammunition. durin 3g t years of trouble, the ira use them to atta the police. the officers are w helpi the libyans. they are training tir police force. >> the fir reaction is shocked. the let, it is insensitive that we're backing aolice officers over there. libya was responsiblefor mh of the trouble and tragedy in northern ireland relations between the u.k. and libya ha been transformed in recent yes. there been ade deals an the controversial releasof the lockerbie bombing. now comes news o the police linked up. one of the main reasons whyhis is sh of sensitive iue in belfast is thatictims of the ira violence ve been trying to
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get compensation from liby at the moment, libya it is saying "no." the police federation has called any collaborationn sensitive and called for the cooperatioto stop imdiately. it is a difficult timeor the police in northern ireland. the troubles may be over but there is still vience. five vehicles were hijacked lt nigh. it is believed the tuble was orchestrated by the ntinuity ira, the sa splint group that killed a police offir here sixonths ago. in spite of the peace process, parts of nortrn irela remained vatile. the past still casts a long shadow. mark simpson in belfast. ♪ >> see the ne unfd. experience the end up reporting bbc news line.
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click to watcthe test news summaries. you can read the ltest headlines, get the top stories from arod the globe, and click to play the video reports. discover more about a subject that really intere you. find out what issues the world is talkingbout right now. for bbc wld news onne, and go to ♪ >> this is "bbc world news." we he one main story this ho. the defeated iranian candid it has joined oosition supporters on the streets of tehran. "forbes" magazine has declared her the most powerful woman the world. itis her popularity at ho that will beut to the st next wk in parliamentary elections. our correspondent has been
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considering why aela merkel still seems to be the case in the political pact. >> they often sathat politics are like poker. if yowant to be a winner, you need luck, skill, andust know how to bluff. around the poker table in germany, there ionelayer that ihard to beat. ♪ angela merl is the poker- meist ogerman politics. she h outmaneuvered her opponents to becomehe untry's most powerful politicians. >> she is the most skillfulf a player and pokerace in recent hiory here. you can never see what she els. she s a very calculated cha. e has proven to be extremel successful atilling her opponentsf necsary. was just a few days to go before e election, she enjoys
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some strong card the german ecomy is recovering from recession. foopel factories he been saved from closure. she is seen by many in a good light. >> she ges you the feelg that she can pull the country together. that is why they gave. the nickname "mummy." >> you ght think th election relts will be a foregone conclusion. in germany, pele do not vo directly for a chancellor. they vote for a party. her party is not nearly as popular as shis. hat party is the christian democrats. ev with her face onts posters, might not win enough tes to get wh it wants, coalitn. as for her main rival, he has problems of his own. his social democrats trail in the opinion polls.
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if they fail to rally, mrs. merkel is almost guaranteed a second term as chancelr. back in the casino, the bck mamba belves that angela merkel wiltrump all of her ponents. >> she has made it to the top a world dominated by men. i tnkhe voters will reward her for that. >> the end game has begun we will soon s if she n convert her personal popularit into a winningand. ♪ >> t government of yemen should face an official investigation, aording to the u.n. high commissionor human rights, overhe raid on the fugee camp thateft at last 80 dead. in the past month alone, about 55,000 peop have fled the colict in the north of the country.
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the bbc has been in one camp less than 8 kilometers from the line dividing gornment and rebel forces. >>he yemeni government operation is scorcd earth. the air strike has left refugees killed, mnly women and chdren. the officials say it happened because the rbels put their artille nearby. the governme denies bombing indiscriminate. >> io not think anyone can prove this. doing that means you will turn the people against you rather than consider that this is a fight for their safety and security. >> the rebels look far fr crushed. the shia muslims a fighting
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mainly aunni regime. now, they want to overflow the government -- overthrow the government. the conflict is eslating. yemen is now suffing the worst refugee crisis of the civil war. we went tone refugee camp just a w miles from the front lines. of the tens ofhousands of refues who have fledheir homes in the pastonth alone, only a tiny fractn made it here to the official camp. most are stuck in the mountains, and beyond the helpof internatnal aid agencies, betwee rebel and goverent frontlines. many families were fom towns just captured by the rels. they fled on foot. the gunfire wa ringing in their ears. >he says that they were taking away 1year-ol to make th child soldiers he said the rebels killed anyone
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whreturned to check otheir homes. he was loyal to thgovernment. here were troubles supporter here, but they uld not speak with so many armed guards around. this manriticized the govement and was quickly shut down. the u.n. has launch an emergency appeal for $24 miion for the regees. so far, no wesrn government has offered to help as the crisis worsens, se now talk of yemen as the world's next failed statea place for a credit to fi a safe haven. if this connues, the westay have to pay attention to th civil war thatas ignore for so long. >> the gianbritish metals co.
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is snding tin purchases from the democratic of coo. many of the mines are eance of rebels. the purchases are not illegal but play a significant part in ending the cil war. a gas explosio at a coal mine in southern poland has kille12 mine. officials report that 15 others were siously injured. the d been working more than 1 kilometer belowground. the former morgan -- managing directorf morgan stanley has been sentenced to the maximum possible stence for insider trading. he was found guilty of bung shares in the comny before announcing a major acquisition netting more than $4 million profit. it is the biggest convtion for insider trading since hongko made it a crimin offense in 2003. fashion week in the u.k. began
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today with a six day extravaganza. it ll feature some of the biggest names in fashion. there will be 59 shows. how willhe recession impact the designerand buyers? the bbc has this report >> this ent haslways had a bit of a reputatiofor creativitand desn. it is abo big business. the u.ashion industry is worth nely $4 billion pounds per ar and is one of the biggest employers. they are setting up a new ven. host of brith designers are returningo the capital to prome their wares. a shor distance away, th designer is getting his llection ready for the catwalk. he says in the recession that buyers and cusmers are loong for value fotheir money. >> the cession has affected the industry. there iso doubt about it.
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e consumer does not want the same thing as last ason or the season before. it has mde as increase creativity and keep a certa commercial factor well. >> at fashion week, the fus is on celebrating a quarter of century of british fashion. ey are also hoping thathe collectionwill sell. >> the oscar-nning actor is len mirren is back stage for the first time in x years. s is playing the tragic greek queen in a city beer known r political theaics. our correspondent had elusive access to the final rehesal. ♪ ♪ they say the neon lights are brig on broadway ♪
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♪ they say there i always magic inhe air ♪ >> this could be broadway. he usuallyis. th exclusive american staging is playing in waington, d.c., laching a yearlong collaboration with the naonal theater inondon. this perrmance is intense. helen mirren is the great qeen who gives in to hurt illicit paion for stson. it is aut sexual longing, jealousy, pride, and rage. the tragedy lies in her loss of ntrol. we joined the theater staff but e final rehearsal. tonight, these ses will be filled. the ne-day n sold out in just five hour heres why. >> can i speak to you? >> i spoke to the directors
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launching the artistic partnershiwith the performance tonight. she is so otionally availae and rock. -- andaw. the experience she is having an unntrollable desire forhe least propriate and available object is a universal experience. it is the universal human agony. >> looked ate! >> one of the things that is wonderl about this pruction and tt appeals to american audiencess the depth of emotion. a long time ago, we thought that english actors were unemotional. the english thought tha america andns coulnot talk. it is a great moment r washinon. washington has become a really great theater town. it ia real attraction for
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grt company like the national theater. my he is that -- i think that it has become a livelier and more cosmopolitan town. >> this collaboration will see the production shown live in moe theaters across the united ates. for the few luckynough to see it in person,it opens tnight. bbc news in washington. >>ere's a brief reminder of our top story. thousands of opposition supporters he turnedut of a govement-organized lly in the iranian capital despe the rnings not to disrupt . ere's been reports of fiting betwn the government and opposition leaders. thank you for being withs for "bbcorld ws." >> funding wasade possible by the freeman foundaon of new york, stowe, vernt, an honolulu. the newm's own foundation. the john d. a catherine macarthur undation. and ion bank. and "bright sr," a new film by jane campion.
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>> union bank has p its financial strengtho work for a wide ran of companies fr all businesses to major corporations. whatan we do for you? he was a dreamer. she was a realist. wh every word that he wrote, it inspired the roman that would live for ever. >i must warn you of the tr. >> i wld do anything. >> "brit star,"y jane campion. campion.
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