tv BBC World News PBS September 21, 2009 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT
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>> union bank has putts financl strength to work for a wide range of companie from small bunesses to major coorations. what can wdo for you? >> hwas a dreamer. >> i was floating above the trees with my lipsonnected -- >> were th my lips? >> she w a realist. >> msister has met the author. she wants to read it for rself to see if 's an idiot or not. >> but every word herote -- >> a thi of beauty is a joy forever. >> inspired the romanc that would live forever. >> iet anxious if i don't se you. >> i must warn you othe trap you are walkininto. >> you know i would do anytng. >> "bright star from jane campion. red pg, now playing in selt cities. >> and nowbc world news. >> the top american commander in afghastan calls for a search of troops to avoid failure. scaping with auspended
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sentence. a form frenchrime minister go on tri, chargedith plotting to discredit presiden sarkozy. coming up ler, the last night for hundreds of migrants livi illegalloutside of kelly, france, before there can is district jered rers make an unwelcome discovery in shespeare's parish church. >> hello to yo the commder in afghanista sincthe western powers are close to sing the wa stanley mcchryst says many more troopsnd a change of strategy are needed hislatest report talksrankly
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of corruption within e afghan gornment an an internatiol force under nht -- undermined. change, the genel says, must come witn a year. >> thewarning is stark. wiout change, and soon, nato troops are facing mission failurein afghanistan. jim mcchrystal's reports in jacks a new urgency into a cheerls milita assistance. he says cuent strategy is no longer working. there is an urgent need for significant change to r strategy. take ts mon's to air strike on hijacked will tnkers. chenowith castr- geral mcchrystal says not enough efforts are made to proct the afghan people. he wan the forces to be closer
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physically and pychologically to ordinary afghans. there are more than 100,000 trps here. genel mcchrystal says more a needed. he waed it isealistic to expect that afghan and clition casualties will irease. this is t key to trp numbers. the training of afghans to fight the insurance themselv. the currentlan is to boost th afghan natiol army to 134,000 by t end of 2011. the general says that needs to happen much more quickly, by october of next year. the sensof urgency is not limited to theilitary. >> we haveto have an intitution-builng program. we have to demstrate that over e next few months. , it is a hard sell. last month plus presidentl
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lections were designed to entrench afghanistan's transition to democracy. there have been allegations of aud. general mcchrystal's requestor troops com at a time of growg political skepticism in washington, whi many asking whyoalition troops are being asked to fight d die hre in afghanistan for government whose democratic legitimacy questionable. the mlitary imperative may be urgent, but the politil doubt is also acmulating. the enemy now na faces is growing more fordable. the rept warns the ovell situatn is deterioting. therre three main insuent groups, and the insurgency is a musculaand sophticated emy that is extending itseach. withou more troops and a change in strategy, it isn enemy which a yr from w like get to become so strong that it will be imposble to defeat
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>> whi begs theuestion, where es is leave president obama? we will ha full analysiin this program. the post on during preside has returned t the capital. he has taken ruge inside the brazilian emssy. he is prepared to ta to e interim president. th country'de facto rulers have clared a cuew. on the eve of summit with obama is real d the palestiniahave accused a blocking of process. at least 100 peopleave been killed in an attk by tribesmen in southn sudan. aed m attaed men in a viage on sunday. troops fled the area.
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the fnch formula one team s escaped an immedie ban from the sport en thou it has admitted causing arash and fing the outcome of our race. the world motorspos council sad e team has put lives at risk. its former boss was banned f life. >> it was a crash that left a person unharmed. it seems thathe dver aso emerged unscathed from one of spark plugs most extraordinary deceptions. was asked by his tm to crh his car and on lap 1 wanted the citicor outaid his temate, who had already made a pit stop, could cmbp the leaderoard. heent on to win the race. today the world motorsports uncil described it as a breh
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of unpalleled severity that stopd short o keeping him out of formulane. >> disqualification d suspended forwo years. providedhey do not do something simir -- simir within two years, they have no problem. >> how did he escape the band? they admted their guiltnd offered anpology. they make surehat the teen principleal left formal one, and th agreed to pay the fl crashednvestigation cost. instead, onef the sport's most flamboyant characrs, is active been banned for life. anher person said has sorry. as for the drivers, one was grante immunity from prosecution because he blew the whistle. the cocil cleared e other driver of involvement ithe
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crash. they can carry on pretty much as noal. after all,this is one of the worst examples ofheating in sporting history, and that the teen invved looks ave gotten away with it. >> in total, they arehe big engine provider to a number o teams,nd they ara previous world champion. i can see by the comi clean they hav certainly been on the leniency of thisarticular event. >> compromise or not a means alonso can return to sinpore thiseek,lbeit in different circumstances. >> it is theost public part of the biggest polical scandal france has seen. dominique de villepin has gone on trial accused of running an elaborate smear campgn against nicolas sarkozy.
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the affair is shining light on the rivalr between to politicians, but also the workings of france's inlligence services and business whirled. >> in the dk, the man who was once the internional face of france, prime mister, and before that, for molester under president chirac. day domenic the villen is o trl for his political life. he fes charges of using manipulation t try to bri dow his hated rival, nicolas sarkozy. outsidthe courtroo a ste of the venomous personal battered that this case ha become. that he is on trial at all is the president's doing. >> iope that the demands of justice will be met. i a here by the will, i am here
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by the oession of one man, nicolas sarkozy, who is also president of the french republic. iwill emerge free and have my name cleared in the name of the fren people. >> the complex tale noknown as a cle stream affair begins in 2004. a time when both the llepin and sarkoz are set to take over from shipwreck. thatis when a list of bank of crowds and merchants that reports to ow that nicola sarzy, mentionednder his hand durg fmily name, was repient of illegal backnders from arms sale the question i what was dominie de villepin role? the algation is not allege that he made the list.
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t claims he learned about it at anarly stage establied it was a fake, but nonetheless encouraged friends to leak it to a judgeall in the hopef destying the career of a man he kw, despise, and feared. over the next months, t court wil claims that dominique de villepin saw is as a god-sent chance to destroy his ril. if there was such an attempt, clearly ifailed utterly. as forhe dense, sarkozy, who is now wreakinhis personal revee. >> a slight healthier panet, thanks to global recession a study by the international energy agency says cbon dioxide emissions ll e its biggest fa in ur decades this year. the size of the drop has caught
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many by surprise. >> new york has more than its fair are of the world's aleutian. commeral part of the nion ich produces a quarter of all the greenuse gas emissions. thegathering here is trying to chart path away fr catastroph clima change. the campaigners are setting up all over town, urgi the nation's to move boldly. >> it is critical. it is urgent because each moment that lt we get geometrically closer to an impossible situation. >> in ceral new york, a cox caught up to date'sstimated emisons, just as the energy agency finds glol co2 emissionsave falle significantly th year against thtrend. because ofrecession, but ao government rulation. mt this person who was the fit new york cab driver to
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abandon the gas-guzzlg taxis. he tellse governments need to offer mo incentes so people can follow his lead. >> the economics, with ts car, are fanstic. for every $100 a regular cab driver spends, i spend $25 >> the findings enurage people like tsdriver, who poce going gre to make a differce. me skeptics oppose the radal action st. our economy is already rting. now you are telling us essions are falling, s let's relax, t job is done. the climate changeminister utterly jects that. >> it urgent we get this agreement. every month that es by, more corporate its em that will heat up the planet, ha a devaating effect. >> tomorrow, at united nations,
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buthe american and chinese president will be under tense pressure to lead bexample. the two big polluters with to make a stark copywrits compromise >> stay with us, if you can hr it still, iflite is a state funeral to six of its soldiers killed in afghanistan last we. a blic inquiry is under way into the death of an iri man. wyers for t man's irreonsibly for his death lies with the highestevels of government. an iocent man killed in itish custody. he had 93 separate injuries iniry heard that head been screami please leave me alone, i am going to die. who was responsible?
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date the lawyer for himsaid this inot just about beatings or a few bad appl. there is something rotten in t whole barrel the abe and not take place in a secret dungeonehind closed doors. one of the sdiers even filmed some of it. thiss a corporal, the owne soldier thought to be punish. one of series of interrogation techques w banned in 1972. there was confusn over teir abuse in iraq. al this was officially allowed. the ministry o defense repted its apology, the abuseeted out in the facity in 2003. it expressed regret at the way the interrogaon had been used. itaid they had not in
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themselves caught the juries. the ministry tolthe inqui the appallingehavior of brish soldiers de us feel disgusted. th brutality wa complety unacceptable. it hasained aeputation of the brith army. latethe inquiry will hear from its first witness,theman's fath. he wants to see stice done. >> on headline, the u.s. commander in afghanistan is warningo western mission is likely to fail unless troop numbers are increase. -- are increased. for more on th, a special correspondenin washington. we talked to a seni fellow on theouncil of fort relations.
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he believes obama is committed to the afghan w. >> he said it the rht war, that iraq was therong war. i thi he has tstand by hi statements. he has to some extent say mightot give you everything you k for, but i willive you enoug to see the way through to the next measurement, whenever that is. do you think presidentobama will granthe thousand or tens of thousan of more troops that are expeed? > he will not geverything he asks for, and on hears that could be as gh as 45,000. i do think thatbama will do two things. one is to rethink the is strategy and phaps to sce back the ambition, to pull in the reins of the nation-building component and to do more to train afghan forcesnd to go after al qaedand extrists,
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and that he brings down the game, the commitment, and slightly increases the resources, may be another 20,000, th may be that he can get that elusive bance between what he's aiming for and the resources he is going t commit. >> wre is your see of whe this leads predent obama? >> this com at a difficult time for obam domestically, which a bipartisan centerhat ppeared fleetingly early on in the presidenc is gone. the democrac party is going wobb on the war. you havthe situation in afghanistan, where karzai apparently won the election, but wiout much legiticy. the coalition is woly. some europeans artalking about leavg. corruption is rampant. when obama needs to do is say the mentum is heading in the right direction. we may not succeed in the sens treating a functioning state but wantsobuy and time to
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get him to e midterms d to get the police andhe afghan military up to sff. so they can do what u.s. forces are n doing, allowing the u.s. forces to begin thead for the access. >> if there is no sign of progress, by thespring, and the midterms are looming, the president obama say we he to cut our loss? >> i do not think he will get to that pnt in the rst term, saying we are heading home. it is the question of putting in the right direcon, showi that progress is being made, but t midterms i did the best of circumstaes will be tough cause many of the independents who voted for him last time around on the war ahanistan, on health car on the economy are beginningo have second thoughts. a state funel has been held in re for six italian
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soiers killed by as suicide bombing in afghanistan last week. applauding their service, membering their sacrifice, the people basilica of st paul outside the walls, the setting or today's gathering of collective grief. six soldiers from an average o andilled in italy's single biggest loss inhe afgh conflict. some were wearing tir father's per res. there sarre, defining it lee's each man'name was read it out, the hun cosof the afghan confli in words. already expericed by so my other cntries, and now here, too.
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the primeinisteras among the conjugation. he has tried to balance e natial sense of shock with the need to maintain italy'forces in afghanistan. with casualties like the, it makes tt calculation that mu harder. if elite ows there is a price to be paid. tt is why some are saying it is time to get ou others say it itime to remember the sacfice that has toe madeor a goal that is yet to be achieved. it is the demma of all contributed nationand will main so for as long as afghanistan's violence lts. >> french police are preping to raise to the ground the illegal camp nea kelly, france, known as e job. near the entrance of the channel tunnelit has becoma
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makeshiftome for refugees. >> a small hom comforin the middle of ualor. there no sanitation. it is al these afghan migras have a they did not wanto give up. >>eare afraid. a loof peoe are afraid. we have no solution, we have no mind too to another place. where do we go? >> @ there are 200 peop. where do they cop wher can theyo? >> the authorities have se the last of illegal immigrants when th clos eight red cross center seven yearsgo. the migrants adjusted their own camp. they know thaty tomorrow morning their home,hisjungle,
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will havdisappeared. most of the people say they have no idea where they are going to go or what wi become of them. ford now they are just carryin on with the daily routine until the police com eryone in the trouble is desperate to get to britain. the government has been uder increasing pressure from london to stethe flow of illegal immigrants. franceuggests its neighbor d a nation identity card sysm, then it wou not quit be quite as attractive. >> [unintelligibl >> thicamp was clod, but where will the nt be? most people say they will just
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come back. in the makeshift mosque, final prayer, perps for a better ture. >> a broketimber in e roof above the final resting ple of shakespeare is in danger. now the church where shespeare is buried is appealing for money to repair it. the report fm stratford upon avon. >> it is a shrine that draws vitors from around the world. the parishhurch whe he was christene and he is buried. experts sayit is a vital part of the shakespeare sre. >> the monument here, the best here. it is one of the only t authenticated images that have come down from his lifetime, and more important are the inscptions' underneath it which identify the man from stratfd as a great writer, which pacify with him great figures of antiquity.
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>> some the windows had their original people glass. they uncovered something serious. you can see the problem. that gre tarpaulin marks the int where workmen doing minor repairs on the lids covering o the risk discoved the main been running the length of the chancel was badly ruste it isot in immediate dger, but it i unsafto walk on. the problehas been discovered and cannot be iored. just down th road, the royal shakespeare theatre is building itsew theater. the church needs a modest 50,000 pounds. bmi getting a grant in a hur isifficult, and grants athe moment are hard to find. english heritageust pulled thr who cathedral budget because they saidhere is no moy there.
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ithink it is disasous. the effect of the credit crunch has a bit of a ow lead, bt they foundhis year they do not have any income. > on of shakespeare's mmits speaks ofare, ruin choirs. >> before we go, a reminder of our main store. a report by the u. commander in afghanistan. he wants the military effort there will faiwithout an increase in troo numbers and a change in rategy. thank you for bei with us. >> funding for this presentation is made possible by e freeman foundaon of new york, sto, vermont, and holulu, the nean's own foundation, the jn d. and catherine t. macarthur fodation, union bank, and "bright star," aew filmy jane campi.
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>> uni bank has put its financial strength to wo for a wide rangef companies, from small businesses to major corpations. what can wdo for you? >> he was a dreamer. >> i was floatg abovehe trees with my lipsonnected - >> were th my lips? >> she was a rlist. >> my sister has methe author. shwants to read it forerself to see ihe's an idiot or not. >> b every word he wrote -- >> a thing of beauty ia joy forever. inspired the romance that would live forever. >> get anxious if i don'tee you. >> i must warn you of the trap you arwalking into. you know i would do anythin >> "ight star," from jane campion, now pying in select cities. >> bbc news was presend by kcet, los anles. kcet, los anles.
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