tv Tavis Smiley PBS September 23, 2009 12:00am-12:30am EDT
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collaboration, new cd called "athing goes." we are glad you have joined us. >> there are so many things that wal-mart is lookg forward to doing, like lping people live better. but mostly, we are looking forward building strong relationships. because of your he, theest is yet to come. >> natioide insurance problem suppor tavis smiley. tavis and nationwide insurance, workinto improve financial liracy and economic empoweent that comes with it. ♪ natioide is on your side >> and by contributions your pbs stations fm viewers like yo thank you. ♪ \ çtavis: we are pleas and
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honored to welcome her robert and of lani hall to this program. they fnded a&m records and would become one of the most successful in the producing history. he founded the tijuana brass. it would include sam cooke' wonderful world. just a f years after performing at a&m he met a beautiful and talente singer, lani hal she was discovered by sergio mendes and wt on to sing for brazil '66. bere the first time in at their illustrious careers, herbt and lani teamed up together and iis called a&
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"anything goes" and hershe is. >> ♪ ud you know you never can win ♪ i need to stop bore i begin because i've got you uer my skin and i love you under my skin and i've got you under my skin ♪ tavis: almost 4years to gather curate-40 years together. [laughter] the obvious question, what took so long? >> to do a cooperative oject? weere botdoing music pusts -- weere both doing music. i was doing latinnd herb was
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doing moreazz and producing. we did our concert with a sergio ndes to celebte the 40th anniversary of brazi'66 in 2006 and a drummer, michael shapiro, was so excited that we did a few songs and he kept hounding us, why don't you t a group together, let's play tother. and finally, we looke at each otheand said, if not now, when are we going to do that? and we decided too it. tavis: the condion sound right,s you just expla, to do the project whe you did, but prior that, there had never be a thought about it? >> well, we had work togetr, but no, we really did not. ther s an alb that i adored when i was growing up with nancy wilson and cannonball adderly and i had always wanteto do something ke that, younow,
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having a cversation with the musician that is plain. that is really what we kind of went for wh this. but in our own way with our own voice. tavis: i wanto go way back and then come forward again. because i respe marriages a after almost 40 years i do not want to break you up. who should i ask t question of hoyou met? >> i will takthe question. tas:take theuestion, mr. alrt. >> i will take door . 4. [laughter] 1966, addition -auditions for a&m and i walked into the auditions and i was more thinking abouthe soundf the grp then looking at lonny, but we signed the grp to ann a&m and we started traling wit brazil '66 and sergio.
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lani and i became friends. there was like awo-year time frame, a ye and a half, it might have been eight nths. [laughter] we became very good friends and we are still great iends. we are some has stilleen a greaexperience for me. shhas changed my life. she is myuardian angel. tavis: watch how th works at home. the of you who are mried, asd who should i ask -- those of you are married, you ow how this works i asked who should i ask, but narwhal askedlani to tell that -- now i willskani to answer the same question. >> i have something to add pureed [laughter] in 1960 to t -- in 1962 i was doing a lloydaxton show and
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she happendt to seee and she was ling about -- a living in icago at the time as she was about nine or 10. >> i was 16 tavis: -- i was 16. tavis: [laughter] >> ias prepared to meet him. i knew what he oked like. tavi do youecall about tt our vision in 19? >> i recall asking him to drive me home. it [ughter] tavis: that was left out of the story. he was actually checking you out at t audition. souch so, that action -- after the auditn he had to dre you home. and what did you sa >> it no. >> but i yeaand-a-half, o year eight months later. [laughter] >> i year-and-a-ha she was calling mer. hubbard. mr.lpert.
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tavis: after spending that eight months, o years together, you both knew you had a lel of music -- a love of music, what did you know aut a a a lotf each oth? >> for some rean, i never thoughi wouldall in love. when i ft the power of that and e transformationhat it crossed in need -- that it used in me, i had never felt that kind oforce and power and at is what did it for me. tavis: i cannot leave this hanging. iave got to come back andet this now. i know therere peoplwatching that have had this feeling. ey have had that feeling that they do not ever think they are going to fall in love. tell me why yo think the spirit
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and your senior braziliamusic. you are singing love music. you are sinng brazilian music. you ar sinng love mus. >> i have always felt very passiote about things and sic is definitely a passion of mine, but really give myself to a person and be that trusting and open my heart to somee to be that vulnerable, i just really did n think i h that in may. i did not think iould do that. ias just too guarded. an had never met someone with such kindness before herb has a tremendous amountf kindness and i started to believe at it w real. and once that happene that is wheny heart open. tas: onceou got past he
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lling mr. alpert, sometng happened to you as wel >> you know, i group in a very quiet home. i was very shy. and i had lot of nt-up feelings. did not know h to identify. an lani just had this in eight abily to explore some of the things i was thinking out. i was not as happy as tught i could because i had the americanream come true. i had t americas, the tijua brass, and i w doing concert. but i d not really perience it becse i was too wored about the soun the audience, are they hearing it propey, is it coming across? it w a little overwhelming. i came out oplanning weddings and parties. this thing hit and all oa sudden i was thrust into this much bigger picture. laniwas thereo identify som
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feelings that we trapped in may. one o the reasons we are dng this tour and are rording this cd ishat i wanted to see if could have fun playin if i couave concerts' and have the joy and experienc the joy of doing it. this is what is happening. th is w that album, that cd is, i think my joyful. its honest. its de with a te expression of our love f each other and the feengs that i now ha. tavis: i am fcinated by that comment you just made. tell me about that process of ming to find joy in what you do, even if you do well. for allour site itas joyous for you, you wer still doingt well --or all of t years it was ined lejoess for you unt a certain time, tell me about that. tavis: i had a pivotal experience i germany in 1969.
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i was on stage and suddenl i was in the third were watching the band and myself and i've been thinking, man, this guy on stageseemed like he was having good time, but why dsn't he el that good when he gets off the stage and his in the ddle of a party or one-on-one with somebody? there was a real disconnect between how ieel when i mplained -- i feel like i make a joul music -- what i am playing, i feel like make a joyful music. i tried to be as honest as i can. th honesty usuallyranslates into a positive feelin i was ting to find, how could i put those two elephant -elemes together. and until i s feeling -- >> more balanced. tavis: are you're therapist? [lauter] >> how mh your iou?
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-- w much do i owe you? [laughter] tavis: wh somebody gs on a journey and says the ran into joy, i want to know that >> yeah, that is a good question. i will have to asss this out toeally lay it t in a wo level. tavis: butlaniha something -- but lani had something to do with it, obviously. >> she did very much. how do y explain it? we wereatching what we did withorest wtaker a forest played charlie parker. and when youhink of jolie parker, n you expla why you ve his solos -- when you ink of charlie parke can you explain y you love hisolos? is one of those things tha
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you cannot put into wos. i spent a goo partf my life in the other level of, it's a feeding, you kw? in 1962 when i recorded, if you liked theovie, great, if you do not, i am ok with it. >> h is such an artist iso many terms. he is such intuitive, feelin person. he can eress himself through painting, sculpture, music easily. ilows out of m like ia river in sprin tavis: obviousl you both have love fo music, as we bo know. you were talking about j. what madyou know, lani, that music was your gi?
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i am going to ask youheame question. >> now am prepared. [lauter] tavis: you g aeads up here. but how did you know that sic was yo gift? well, thought everyon sang. i thoht everyone was doing what i was doing it did notccur to me that anyo was doing a thing different th i was for a lon time. i was kind of a closet singer, ohr was not out there singi for a lot of people. i was just singing in my room withy albs and jun krise and frank sinatra andudy garld. i was just in my roominging with these artists. then when i joined brazil '66, kind of thought everyone could do wt i was doing. i thought everyone could sing in portuguese. you justearned phonetically and you can do it. i did not realize there was se kind of gift there.
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until her startedeally saying -- until herb started reay saying, you kno you have your owstyl a lot ofeople do not have that yet. theyried to sound like somebo else. he started bringing th o in me. you kn, through self examination, through my own journey as a woman. i had to start lking at self and seeing, well, where are my rengths and weaknesses and w can i make myself stronger in t weaknesses and how can i really appreciate wt i cado? and that i how ievolved. tavis: you starte playing so young. >> a serdar plankinton whei was 8. it took awhile before you can -- i started playi when i was 8. it tk awhile before you can make any sense of a trumpet. when i was in hi school, had a trio called th fairfax
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tr. we entered the right talent a about zero a our little trio -- tavis: jt likehe oldchool " the idoamerican idol." [laughte >> i was like the trumpet in the band and orchera. then whei was sent into the army, they sent into kentucky d i was shocked that i w around 12. -- a trumpet players becker play higher and the louder d faster than me. -- i w around 12rumpet players whcould play hire and louder and faster than me i had to come up wit my own sound. i started working that. i got touched with that wit thatles paul les paul did wheree
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lared theound on p of itself i tried the macne and about the ninthime all you could hear was his, but there was this the sound coming outnd that was the nesis of the tijuana brass sound. vis: we talked abouyour being a kid d we talked by your being in thmilitary. we a going to come to a&m in just a second. but i saw usc the other day a i know they wanto forget wh happened. >> serdar ride. tas: iote -- >> so do i.. tavis: i kn you do too. but tell me abouthat experience aa&m. >> we were playing pictures by
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mr. ski and i was in the ba row and the orchestraas playing and ias leaning forwarand thinking, what a beautiful sound. you can hear the stereo coming across the orcstra and i was listening and i forgot to come in. i hady part, but i got so engaged in what i wasistening to i forgot the whole thing. it wast that point i realized i dinot want to play other people's notes. i wanted to play my own notes. i was into the we are strong d the great clifrd brown and thought -- into louis armstrong and the grt clifford brown and i thought, that is what i nt to do. tavis: yogo from having that moment of epiphany about your music to starting a record label whereou are allowing other people toromulgate and promote and exposother people. i know this is a qstionou have been aed 1000 times, but
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please hang in with me for a second. tell me about a&mnd how that came to be. >> prior to a&m -- i do notnow if you remember sam coo and lou adler. i did some recds and a are dinchanted with the record industry. this guy said i should bn moviesnd i thought, ay, put me in. i took lessons and i realldid not have it. i did t have the real thi. i wasriting songs all alo and i wrote this sonthat i thought was greator an artist thatas recording for rca victor. i called the director -- and he regnized myame because of the sam cooke, d other stuff. i was playing a song on the pian for this guand he said, i like it and why do't you
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record it? i said, me and he said, yeah. so, i recded at rca for about a year. shorty rogerwas my a &r man and i was in the studio and listening t a playback. and it was like a white on white on white. i'm in the control room liening to the playback an i'm thinkingit couldse a little morspace. i go to theontrol panel and put my hand onhe base and the enneer slaps' my hand. tavis: [lauter] >> i said, what is wng? tavis: [laughter] >>e said, do not ever touch that ain. and i said, is this compy supposed to revolve ound the artist? i also had an idea for the double trumpeting. and he sd, you cannoto it. itsgainst union regulation. tavis: [laughter]
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>> i am thinking, if i ever get a chance toç he my own coany, it is going to revolve around the artist. and a handshake. met jerry moss and we staed a&m on a handshake e only time we never signed anythingas when we sold the company yearlater. it was on a handshake. it was a beautiful experience. we d some of the best artis in the world reporting for us. we reached the point where artists werealling us to record. tas: he is a modest guy. it started with a nd slap, an a handsha and when they so thatompany it was $0 milln, if i recall. lani, te me aboutanything goes." >> it is a lo affair. it is a list o songs that
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occurred and iad been riding through the ars. -- that herb nd i had bn riding through t years. tavis: how did you narrow it down to just 14? >> well, w had about 40 and we decided to do some songs from the show. some arenstrumental, some are brazilian, two are original and the re are american songbook. the arrangents arehere our signatur is. hearing the songs thapeople have heardhrough the decades in a fresh way where you have just never heard it like that before. vis:were you intended by that, or did you wcome the challenge of doi your own flavor on these songs? >> we could notave done it any other way. there was no reason do the songs the way other ople had done them. there just wasn't -- wasot any reon.
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that is wherthe fun was, puttg our flavor on it. tavis: i'm countg 14 on the cd i am not a mat major, but you stard with 40 or 42 and there are only 14. this has been so well received. it sounds to me like there is material left rnother prects. -- anotherroject. >> we will see what happens. we do not have any solid plans. we are just grateful that we could be doinghis together an making this our life right now >> and the beautart for me is that when we started, we wanted to play some small clubs. i tught, oh, man, i'm gog to be in a situationwhere people are ing to be calling out, py, "spanish fleet." and we heot encountered that. it has been a great expeence. tavis: as is the story of their
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ves, it is a gexperience. it ia wonderful le story, a wonderl record. and i know you will nt todd it to your collection thank you for coming on. an honor to meet you. thank y for havinus. tavis: it is my delight that is our shotonight. i wil see you back here next time on pbs. until then, good ght from l.a., thanks for wating, and as always, keep the faith. ♪ >> forore infoation on today's show, visit tavis smiley at pbs got bored tavis: i'm tavis, we will have
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pants and daviduchovny next time >> there are smany things that wamart is looking fward to doing,ike helping peopllive better. but mostly, we are lookg forward to helping bld strong rural communities a relationships becau with your help, the best is yet to come. nationwide probab supports tavis smiley. taviand nationwide insurance, working to improve financi liracy and the eight -- economicmpowerment that comes with it. ♪ nationwidis on your side ♪ >> and by ctributions to your pva stions from viewers like you. than you -- to your p stations from viewers likeou. thank you. ♪
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