tv BBC World News PBS September 23, 2009 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT
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>>bc world news is presented by kcet, los angeles. funding r this presentation is made possible by the freeman foundaon of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu, the newman's own undation, he john d. and catherine t. marthur foundation, union bank, an"bright star," a new film by jane mpion. by jane mpion. >> uni bank has put its
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financial strength to rk for a wide range of companies from small businesses to major corporations. what can weo for you? >> he was a dreamer. >> i was floating abov the trees wi my lips connected to those of a beautiful figur >> were they my lips >> she was a realist. >> my sister haset the author. he wants to read it to see if he's an idiot or not. with every word he wrote -- >> a thing obeauty is a joy forever. >> inspired the romance that woullive forever. >> i get anxious if don't see you. i must warn you of the trap you are walking in. >> you kw i would do anything. >> "brig star," fromane campio rated pgnow playing in select cities. >> annow bbc world ne. >> preside obama tes the united nations the u.s. cannot fixhe world's problems oits own. >> those whused to chastise americaor acting alone in the world cannot sta by and wait
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fomerica to solve the world prlems alone. >> but colonel gaddafisesis first spee to tell the un bya does not recoize its charter. unprecedented results. and new drug give hope to people with skin cancer welcome to "bbc world ws." we are broadcasting our viewe on pbs in the states and around the globe. coming up latefor year -- color d chaos in austlia. two major cities hit ba storm. ande does not want to be real or not. prce williams tells the bbc about his new chary a venture. -- prince wiiamsells the bbc about his new chari venture. the united states is ready to begin aew chapter of
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international cooperatn. that was the message from president barack obama as he made his firs eecho the united nations general assembly. unr the bush administration, the relationship with the ited nations was difcult, but e new american president was singing a dierent tune. however, his appeal was followed by a defiantesponsefrom colonel gaddafi of libya our editoreports from new york. this does containa flash photogray. >>to the united natio. >> theresident stresses his and merkel not scorn the idea up -- his united states wi not scorn the idea of worki with the world presidents, prime ministers, diators,ndemocrats hung on his words. he said he was humbled by the expectations his predency has ised. >> the expectaons are not abou me. ther, they are rooted, i believe, and the discontent with e status quo tt has allowed us to be increangly defined by
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our differences. >> iran and expresident ahmenijad liened intently roughout the speech. present obama said there had been feeling u.s. acted alone, without regard, but as america changed, soust others. >> make no mistake. this nnot solely be ameri's endeavor. those whosed to chastise america for acting alone in the world cannot n stand by and wait for americao solve the world's problems alone >> from ps to prosrity, his agenda is an immense -- from pie to prosperity, s agenda is an immense. urgent problems keep crowdin in. so, too, the appeal for help with those pblems. he warned i ru's -- iran's program continue the world uld have to act. >> ifiran in north korea but
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the pursuit of nuear-weapons ahead of regional stabity and securityf their own people d they are oblivus to the dangers of escating as races inast asia and in the least, they must be held accountable. the world must standogether to demonstrate international w is ot an empty promise and trees will be enforced. w must -- and treaties mt be enforced. w mu insist on the future. the conel swept to the dium to lecture for an hour- d-a-half, up waving the united nations charter, losi his place, ad tearing the charter, ciming that the unit nations had rendered smaer nations powerless and sang swine flu waman-made. >> in may be one of thviruses that was created in the laboratory and has gotten out of control.
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was meant to be a milita weapon. >> no nch for the diplomats, but colone gadhafi's conversion is a victory for t west. bbc newsnew york. >> the spch at then genal assembly conrmed he was considering -- mrbrown said it nations neededo work togethe to achieve deep long-rm ambitn of a nuclr-free world. here's our defense correspondent,arolyn white. >>btain's nuclr dterrent, appalled -- powerful disinctive to any would-be atcker. this ian insurance poly at is firmly back at the center of political debate. the natio's nucar warheads mound on four submarines, able
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to sail steahily bbc's fothe past four yes. a weap that gives britain its seat at the top table not least,t the unite nations where gordon brown propod what he calls a gnd global bargain to kicked -- to kickstart mov. >> a nuclear weapon states must reciprocay play their part in reducing weapons as part of agrmenty non- nuclear states to reunce them. in line with maintaining ou terrent, i have asked the security comttee to report to me on the potential future rection of our nuclear weapon submarines from fouro three. >> today, they ntinually operat as a terrent. always one is amed and on patrol anotr may be on maintenanc the third anfourth are on standby. now, wh the fleet is replaced,
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one of toseummaries may not be in use. -- submaris may not be in use. some say this remains a little more than political gesture. experts warn at any potentl avings would b relatively smal the drop in the oan would mean current pressures of public spending. bbc news. > now look at some of the day's other news storieso far. the pilot of commercial rcraft is underuspicion that he was involved in the deaths o 1000 pele during what is known as aentina's dirty war. he alleged pilot aircraft that dumped the victims. e government -- for the vernment in 1976. airports honduras ll open temporarily.
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they lifted the curfew impos when theeposed president's manuel zelaya meanwhile. the united nations has suspended cooperati with the election commissi, ahead of a esidential poll in november. an accident at a power pnt in the central indian state has killed 22 people. rese work is ill going on to reach morethought to b trapped after a chimney, being built after the blast, collap. >> reports from salia say at least a dozen people have bee kill i the latest escalation of fighting between ismist rebels and military forces. the battles in mogadishu follow battles in which americ forc killed a nior al-qaa operatives in the south of the country. our correspondent h been monitoring developments from ighboring kenya. >> early on wedsday morning,
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but another attack on the soli government a african union troops helping to defend their quarter othe capital. the o sides exchanged machine- gun firend artillery in what appeared to be renewed rebel offensive. at least 20 people are claimed to have been killed. the government insists at with the helpf a.u. forces, it secure inside its enclave the security forcesave been increasingly targ. there appears to be a change in strategy by the rebels. earlr this ek, ther was a video released showing fighters. the rebels openly welcom foreign governmentlike yemen d saudi arabia. now officials are worried that they a prepari for attacks elsewhere. for now, the soli government
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remains the cef target. theres no evidence collapse is annette, but the rebels also seem tobelieve that if they keep the offensive up, they will brea througthe defenses. bbc news, nairobi. >> accord in tanzania has sentenced three men death after being convicted of murdering an albino b. more th 40 have been kled in tanzanian -- tanzan 2007 cent potions made from their body parts are believed someo bring good luck. the international criminal tribunal based in taania -- these men are urch with genocide in viotion of humanitarian law. he is accusedf coniring to extenuate thentire civilian population in 1994. he pleadg not guilty to all
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charges. i new initiative aimed at ridding the continent of all deaths related to malaria. llions of dollars have been raised to fund the project. malaria currentl aounts for one-quarter of all deaths of chiren under the age of fiv ientists have present startling results of an experimental new drug which has significantly shrunk skin cancer tumors. e researchers descrid the resultas unprecedent. our science corrpondent has the tails. >> 8 pill twice a day. an experimental drug has changed his life. he ia dentist. this is his first a ckup work after a year ago this. he has caer.
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a few mons ago, he was getting ready to die. >> the first tng i did six months ago was to call a funeral director a pay for my funeral. i have everything at he. you know? all thpapers. w i am thinkingabout coming back to work. it is beyond exciting. >> mikhail works close to new york's cony island rort. he is involved in trial of an experimental drug. itorks differently than cventional treatments. it blocks one of the genes involved in thespread of skin ncer. his docr noticed an immediate effect. >> you noce on e scan some of the tumors were much smaer. within two weeks of starting treatment, some of the palpable lesions on thechest wall were no longeralpable. >> the drug tal is smallnd
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at an earlstage. ne treatments caseem promising to bin wth, but had disapinting results in later, largerrials. but doctors here say they have ver seen a drug works so uickly for some many pients. forxample, thi is a scan of a patient ose skin cancer spread to their liver. two weeks lter, it is gone. like all pients in the trial, this cancer is probably at too le stage to be held up for much longer. but it has the potential he thousandof people whose cancer is ls advanced to live healthie longer lives. but they a grateful for eh extra day the new eatment has givethem. bbc news,ew york. >> you are watching "bbc wod ws." leap for india's space progra ey launched seven satelles.
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the fath of an iraqiivilian who ed after being butally beaten in british milita custody has brokenown in tears after dcribing the impact o s son's death. he told an iuiry in london that hbelieved his son had been abused in revenge for a compint made about the conduct of british fors in 2003. r >> fr by hisaw was flown in -- flanked by his lawyers, he was flow in from ir. he identified his son'body. he said he lost his wife to cancer a few months earlier and had 9 separate inries -- and his son had 92 separate injuries en he died. t was early in the morning when soldiers raided the hotel ere he worked as a receptiont. they were looking for three surgns.
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the inquiry has delighted the family. today, he said he was seekg juice from a democratic cotry. he was sure would come out. is afternoon, one of the men detaed it cannot be a entified, gave evidce. he suffered broken ri. he told t quiry th treatment was believably cruel. "it would have been bter its you died." [beep] the tel worker was one o the net filmed here. when he uld not stand up, he d been so badly beaten, and he felt like hadeen in car crh. the inquiry is due to ar fm other detainees to try to unravel how this was allowed to happen. bbc news.
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>> this is "bbc world news." welcome. if you're just joini us -- esident obama has urged world leaders to join the u.s. in helpingto solve glob problems. i new drug has startled scntists -- a new dru has startled sentists for its results on skin cancer . to untilcom downturn, s africa he enjoyed yeaf terric hundds hav t jbsperhaps unrp collectors a a. t is from jannesburg. theeng the cliensem, men linikt thstart ofother busy day tr trecover unpa
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>> there are five bs on his bos today. next stop is dotown johannesburg >> i wt to see your job at 6 -- a1:00. >> this time, se success. a pristopay later in th week. he says south africalinks recession provina mixed blessing for him. >> i'm getti money from other people. the end up getting money well i am all lotusier. >> with a recovering on pected until next year, he i one of the few at south africans mang plans to expand his busins. bbc news, johannesburg. >> now helicopter highs it may sound like a sce from llywood crime caper whether the real life,ut that is what happed in sweden. robbers used it at our read in stkholm.
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>> cght on camera in the act. the man in his helicter had just stolen thousands of bank notesfrom a cash dealer. officers powerless to stop them. the reason? because of a package with e word "bomb" had been placed ouide the hangar. you can see just were they landed before breaking into the building. wiesses described hearing explosions from inside and then seeing two m emerged carrying bags. then, withhe lice lookg on, the helicopterlew off. d this is where the abandoned it. 10 kilomets north of the capital. sweden has se a sies of spectacular robbery sign in the last few years, but ne on th scale. >> i have never heard of anyone usina helicopter like this to break i and make their getaway.
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>> it is not clear how much money the robbers go away with, but police are mounng an inteive search for anything th might ad them to the men who carried out the helicopter his. bbc news. of large parts of the coast of australia hav been plaed in a thick orae haze. powerful wis blew clou of dust fro the outback and through the tranortystem into tmoil. from sydney, phil mercer. >> sidney wol to a sinister orangelow. -- sydney "o a sinister orange glow. the herbert was smothered by gale force winds. there was chaos on athe roads an frustratio at the airports were many ights were diverted while ferry services were nceled.
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some cmuters that it feltlike there wereeing sandblasd as brave one of the worust storms on cord. few would have experienced a morning hazo eyrie or thatening. >> i thoughthe ci was on fire or somethin it was so red. > the color w amazing. i have never seen it. i have never seen nothing in my lie before. >> beh and storm is again on the mo. ithiftedfromydneyand is being down on tropil queensland. this was trigger by tnderstorms in drought-ravaged areas of the isrillion outbk. environmental oups are convinced this extordinary torm i an undeniable symptom of man-made clime change. other australians believe the such epic events are simply the result natal variability. either way, the unprictable australian contint is
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indisputably one of the wild weather hot spots in the world. bbc news, sydney. >> india has underlined its ambition to a major payer in the spacrace by successlly launching seven satellites in one mission. from theeli, chris morris. >> 7, 6, 5, 4 -- >> a perfect launch. >> lift off. >> on boa seven satellites. it will help identify gd fishing at sea and tracthe progress of monsoons and cyclones. the other six satellitesare a reminder that india is becoming a plar in the lucrative business of commercialatellite lauhes. >> it is clely indicated they
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have been placed at thisexact time. i am extremely proud of yo really. you have done a faastic jo. going through althe systematic tests. really. >> the success of this launch will be a welcom boost to the indian space pgram. is the fir since the abrupt termination of the inaugural mo mission. despite the lo of conct, india offials say the moon mission net " -- that more than 90% of the scientific objectives. important information about data thered will be released shortly. there i speculaon it could include data related to the search for wateon the moon. ris mors, bbc news, deli >> here in uk, prce william says h is determined not to
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become what he describes as "are royal bartt." the prince sd he nted to concentrate on tually doing this stuff >> prince william is the british monarchy's fure. he is inching slly to life as full-time member of e royal family. tang on charitable cses is pa of tha with harry absent fm this meeting, away training in the army, william ha a brotherly date. >> sorry harry is not here. he is flying. but he is not as good, so he has to do more thame. >> he is thiing out of the box. princeilliam told me he wants make a difference. >> i do not want be an ornament as such or shaking hands and showing support in th way. a think there is a lot more to
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actually dog stuff. i want to actuly be involved. here at the lace, prince william and his adviserhave been ckling an age-old royal challenge -- what to do with the futu king what y're waiting to filyour destiny? -- to fulfl your destiny? the charities in aion. iwill improvetheir self- coidence. william klein' with this man. i woul love to it again. i would li to climb everest xt. >> with his brother the prince is sting up a charitable foundation which will give grants to organizatns. prince william says he s been inspir by his grandmother's dedication and by his pants. >>it is just trying to, you know, find yo own way. >> y could just turn u cod
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you not? but he cut. there's alws a rason to do that >> that's report from peter hunt, a royal correspondent. u were watching "bbc world news." for more news go to >> funding for ts presentation is made possible by the freeman fountion of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu, the newman's n foundation, thjohn d. and catherine t. carthur foundation, union bank, and "bright star," a nefilmy jane campi. >>union bank has put its nancial strength to work for a wide range of compies, from small busisses to major corporations. what c we do for you? >> he was a dreamer.
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> i was floating above t trees wi my lips connected to those a beautiful figure. >> were they my lips? >she was a realist. >> my sister has methe author. she wants toead it to see if he's an idiot or not. >> with every word he ote -- >> ahing of beauty is a joy fover. >> inspired the ronce that would live forever. i get anxious if i d't see you. >> i must warn you ofhe trap you e walking into. >> you know i would donything. >> "ight star," from jane campion, now playing in select cies. >> bbc newsas presented by kcet, los anges. kcet, los anges.
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