tv BBC World News PBS September 25, 2009 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT
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"bbc world news" is presented by kcet, los anges. fuing for this presentation is madpossible by the freeman undation of new york,towe, vermont, a honolulu. the newman's own undation. the jn d. and catherine t. macarthur fodation. and union bank and "bght star," a newilm jane campion. ♪ >> ion bank has put its
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financial strength to work f a wide range of compans,rom small busisses to major rporations. what can we door you? >> he was a damer. >> i was floating above the trees. >> she was realist. >> you havto see if he is an idiot or not. >> ever word that he wrote inspired the romance at would live forer. i getanxious if i do not see you. >> i mustarn of the trap that you are walking into. >> you know that i woul do ything. >> "bright star." >> annow "bbc world news." >> the international pressure mounts as iran and its to building a second uranium enrichment pnt. >> the configuratioof this facili is inconsistent with a peeful program. irais breing rules at all
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nations must follow the world's economic werhouses agreed. >> the suici bomber that managed to hide detectiony hiding t explosives iide his body. lcome to "bbc world news." cong up later, the joy and heartbreak at fami reunions. no prepares to meet south in korea. me on in, the water is lovely. a pacific isla unveils the world's fit shark sanctuary. ♪ >> the internatnal concern over iran's nuclear program escalated tay to scathing condemnatifter tehran confirmed it has a secon
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uraniumnrichment plant. demands were issued for construction tstop immediately. iran has said iis not developing nuclear weapons the leer says the plant is not seet or opetional we have this report from pittsrgh. >> this is whait is all about. iran denies theyare building nuclearrsenals. the grim-aced trio declared that they have been caught red handed. >> iran is breaking rules that all nations must follow. they are endangering the global noproliferation regime and denying their own peopl to the opportunity -- the aess to the pportunity they deserve and uptting the security ofhe world. >> the level of deception by
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the iranian govement and a scale what we believe is the breach of internional ommitments will shock a anger the whole international community. it was hard and our resolve -- itill harden our resolve. >> this is not the first time a plant was discovered when one was down in 22, it was the first hint o a secret weapons program. amican andfrench intelligce discovered ather secret base. it is n creating enough uraniu enrichmt indtrial use b it is enough for weapons. they do not believe ahmadinejad iclose to getting a nuclear weapon but want to act while the is time. afr the revetion, he caceled one news conference planned to be held in w york. this was t first reaction. >> we have no secrecy ande
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rk within the frameworof the iaea. >> the snior sour in the american governmt says the revelation itself was aig setbacfor the iranians ogram. some countries were doubtful o puttg pressure on iran. will the chinese dpping their oppotion to sanctions? what are thoptions? there is a meeting wit iran ne week. the ba is in their court. sanctions, cutting off oil and fuel supies, manof hesitat france wilet a decemb deadline. there is the military option of bombing the facili. that is something thatisrael is in far ofbut america is unthusiastic about. at ng last, they have a fe- to-face meetg. they weomed the chae to sound tough to the vots. the revetion was that just right -- was just -- was at just
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the right moment tighten the plomatic scres. >> th are in pittsburgh tocus on the global economic crisi ouspecial correspondent at the summit. on iran fst, allf the focus is on tober 1. how muchressure do you detect for a deadline on more sanctions? >> i sen a great deal of pressure. the language used by president obama in theast hour or so was ha hitting. iran has to come cle. it is not enough for tm to show up for theeeting on october 1. it haso do me to convince e other globalowers th the second fility was meant for peaceful purposes. president obama has already said today he believes it was innsistent with a peaceful outcome.
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i think the ball very muchn the core oto in -- in t court of tehr. what do you thi we are liky to seemportant cnges in the balance between richernd more developed nations? is it all lk? >>here has been quite a shift. somef the eerging untries may say thatt has come too lat in recognizing the powerf countries like china, india, brazil. t there has been a real change in the power to ructure. they want to focuson the g-20 and make ithe main foru for deciding global strategy for the econo. i tnk tt is a recognition thatas been weomed by china russialready. it also gis the u.s. more ability to have more seats of
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e table and more boats when it matters. they will want to ep up on the g matters like global climate change. >> the british pme minister has lked abouto return to the bad old day he sayshere will something meaningful to the fina communique. >>t does talk about doing mething about the cultu of cess and says we cannot go back to thdays of excess. it talks in detai about how the coensation culture cane changed. they can cut backn bonuses when firms fail to make the profits pected. bacon say th there will be no multi-year guaranteed bonus fobankers. -- they can say that the will be no multi-year it guaranteed bonuses for banks. these are recommendations. >> t organization
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vestigating fraud in afghanistan is saying it is ageing to allowccounts of just 10% th the vote is disput. t election mplaints commission says it meansf around 3 accounts. osambin laden seems to be urging other countries to end their alliance with the uned states and withdrrom afghanistan. an audio message on the intert has appeared with subtitles. >> police he arresd a5- year-old tradition and ey suspect a postg in al qaeda vio on the internet. it threaten attacks in germany unless it withdrawsrom afghantan. security and intellince experts are eply worried b new developmentin suicide bombing. it has emerged that an a qaeda assassin that di last month as he tried to bw thingup, kid
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e exploses in his body. he managed to pass through securi checks undetected. >> t immediateaftermath of the suicide bombing - with the difference. the bomb did not appear to be carrying anything. instead, investigators believ he had hidn explosis inside his own body. his target the head of saudi terrorism. the body bombwas part of an elaborate al qaeda trick. this is wit worked. here is the bomber hiding in yen. he rang at the prince and pretend he wanted to surrender to him personally. later,he crossed into saudi and flute in the prince's bme. no ondetected a hidden bomb. some sahe was not evenearch.
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others say at he pasd through severalayers of securi. he was next to t prince. another al qaeda milant was trying tbring him in. this is e actual recorded conversation. [foign language] the prin wabeing duped. a mobile phe tothe bomb and shcked the security rld. >> thi incident has tremeous implicatns for airport security. it will make it more comicated to get onto an airane. if it is true that the metal detectors could not detecthe dden explosive device, that wld mean the metal detect s that cuently exist are etty much useless. >> the were assembled in yemen in one of the wild, uncovered areawere al qaeda has reestablished a mide eastern
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presen. th issued this propanda video afterwds. here is the bomr brandishing the device is going to put inde of him. hi address is pakistan, implying he mayave spent time training inhe trib areas. using annternal device is a radical departure of e bombgs of 2005. it is also step further on frm the al qaeda signature plots of 2006. that scare trged a host of ew measures a airports. those measus may have to be rethought and updated onc again. >> the united natio secuty council hacondemnedhe actions of the interim government in honduras. the troops of en under sge since he returned to e country unexpeedly on monday. theeposed president has been shelred in the brazilian embassy o the hondan capital. the c has this update.
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>> to give you an idea of the going situation, a few moments ago, one of zelaya'supporters to lis of the people inde the emssy are suffering ill health. they are bleeding. they may be gass with mind- altering gase a police officer came out and told the journalist is n true. he said if the was being used, his officers wod be affeed as well. th shows the kind of argument and counter argument is calling on her -- that is going on here. the tension is mounting. everyonehere is still waing for a meeting between mr. elzelaya in the interim government. the stamate continues. >> the president of zimbabwe has used his address to the geral assembly of e u.n. to criticize western sanctions against his country. he said thatouth afran nations had made sacrifices to
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help his nation of theestern section has not beenifted. authorities in mexico have arrested five n accused of carrying out dozens of reprisal llings. police believe the men were behind two aacks where 28 people were led up agait a wall anexecuted. investigators in italy's city may have found two body isn board the wrecked ship off the southwestern coast. they have been emining it. itis thought to contain radactive wastes. it is belied the ship was sunk as part of iraq to makeoney from waste disposa the house of the polish parliament hasassed legislationupporting chemic castration for pedophes convicted ofaping children. the lost andas to be approved by t upper house and signed by the president fore it would go into effect he was oncehe israeli prime minister nowe is in court on couption charges.
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he insists he's not guilty. e bbc mide east correspondent has is report fromerusalem. it is the first time in israe's history at a former prime minister has bee rosecuted in a criminacase. mr. olmert arrived i court ptesting his innocence. >> i he been going through an alst inhumane orde over the past tee years. anders, investigatio, i have paid a heavy price. >> therere three ts of allegation he is accused of taking $600,000 in illegalampaign contbutions from amecan businessme. it is claimed that he grant lucrative deals to business paners. it also says that he defrauded
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charities of $92,000 by doubl billing them the money was legedly spenon family holids. in a bbc interview just before e trial, mr. olrt scoffed at suggtions that he might go to jail. >> i know you believau.n. ove your innonce, but have you had to wrestle witthe prospe you might go to prison? >> i laugh. >> in ur mind, there is absoluly no possibility o that? >> the former prime minist did not testify today. that will come after his lawyers ve examined all of the prosecution's cuments. the case is eected to last as long as four years >> it is good to have you with us on "bbc world news." the show is atracting thousands even though the store habeen
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deador 100 years. -- even thoughhe star has been dead for 0 years. th government ofri lanka defeatedhe tamil tigers in may. undreds of thousands of displaced people have en kept in camps. the governmt is now beginning to send them home. the bbc travelled to meet some them whore leaving the cas at last. >> these of the choresf everyday le. it is a bessed return to rmality. she and her young family are back home. they've been caughduring the finalays of the war in the shrinkin tiger-held zone. >> because of the constant shelling, we moved into the other son. weot slled there. peop were killed an injured. we movedfrom place to plac taking nothing but the tent,
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utensi. we tried to dig bumpers for the sand was too soft. >> the fishern prepare for the day. it is not fadown the coas from the cataclysmic for mark wsen. it is now a world apart fr it. nearby, we need another war refue just home. he 61 and was wounded in rebel territory just days before the my victory. >> shell landed. ere was fire. my son-in-law's rickshaw caught fire. i was injured. we managed to dig anher bunker and t up a tent. there were dead bodies lying ound. >> the refugees are not being allowed to gotraight home. in the camps, they were vestigated for possible link to the tamiligers. returningo towns like th, they a further screened. some of the refugees are finally comingome. the traumasave been intense. at least the war over and they a no longer fugitive
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♪ >> here arthe latest headline for you on "bbc rld news." western leaders are threatening further sanctions. it has been realed that iran has a secd nuclear enrichment plant. thg- summit has approved a greater voice for erging countrs. it is a clear recognitn of the rising influence. 200 koreanamilies preparing for a rareoment th is both joyful and hrtbreaking. it is a chanceto meet relatives on the other side of the rder that divid the nation. a family reunion program was suspded two years ago as relations worsened between the north and south. it has been restod. it welcome news. for many, it is too late. >> they are packing winter clothes for the colderorthern weather.
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this 100-year-old is preparing for remarkable journey she is going toe the daughter e lastaw more than half a century ago. her daughr was just 16years old and lt behinin north korea durinthe chaos of war as the re of the famy fled to the south. they ve now bee given the extremely rare ance to see her again. >> sh prayed foher safety every morning. that is part of my childhood memories. >> for t past half century, i have never forgten her. every day, i thoughof her. >> the reunions e a rinder o the humanitarn ct of th caribbean divion. in the early part ofhis decade, there re held regularl the last one ok place in007.
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that is as tensions beeen north and uth began to rise. this time around oncegain, only tiny numbecan take part. just 100 famils from each side the names of beeselected at rand from t tens of thsands of people stl waiting for a chance to find their long-lost relaves. but for some of those lucky enou to make is latest short list, it is still too late this is information retned from north koreabout one particar individual relative's. after more than hf a centy of waiting, it makes for pretty grim reading. father,ead, moer, dead two youer brothers, both dead. he last saw his pregnant wife and 7-year-old son in 1951. at the age of 85, he is only now putting his name on the
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tabases of those seeking a reunion. >> at first, i thght about em all of the time. as the yearrolled by, t memories ban to fade. i just lost hope. >> no date his dea ma cent. no de has yet been sent for the next reunion. for my, time is running out. >> this migh be bad news for some. it is delighting many conservationists. the tiny pacific isld is a clear natnal waters the first ean sanctuary for sharks. --seclaring nationalaters as the first ocn sanctuary for sharks. >> these giant fish from the oceans their fins are heavily in demand. the ma marke is chinese
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cuisine. the suit a prized commodity. -- e sou is a prized commodity. as ma as a hundred million fins are hacked off ch year. for years, conservatio have looked f a way to put the ight of sharks on the agenda >> science is onur side. not a natio consider it fins as delicacies. we feel the need to the sharp -- we fl the need to protect the sharks outweighs theeed to enjoyable a soup -o enjoyable of sp. > seenganctuary will not be easy. it does not have a fleet of patrol boats ableo corner of illegal fishing boat has this o past with
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monitoring and ocean as b as france. the president admits that one small countryannot do much. he argues that seone has to make start. coervationists are ected. as many as half of theorld's biggt oceangoinsharks are threened with extinction. at least inhese waters, they should not be safe. the president will be urging other leaders follow his exple. >> sciensts inhina are al aflter since they discovered fossils with the others. they believe thconfirms tt birds evolve from dinours. the five well-prerved fossils were at least 15million years old, predang any previous example. an engli dver that drove his rolls-royce to a supermarket has bn jailed for 16 months. e admitted his dngerous driving. he had a grudge against t
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store over its ll year to deliver a bed. he had drunk a bottle of whiskey fore taking t wheel. a curious crowd gathered at a hospital in sutra to catca glimpse of the world's heaviest ba boy. he was borby caesarean sectn. he wait a recor8.7 kilograms. the dtors said that the glucose from his diabetic mother probably led to his treme size. at least 20,000 people have flocke to see the bones o the 19 century frenchman. e remains are in liverpool today. our rrespondent was there today. >> the relics of already vit thedrals in other locatio. e last 24 urs, the caske containing two o fhef her bones has been in liverpool.
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r many catholics, th is the biggest ent since the pope visited. >> hiit was qite nice toook at it. it said on the program stinks it was quite weird. > say to race was a nun at died more an 100 years ago. st. terese was in a add more than 1 years ago. she was recognized by the churches been extraordiry. >> anindividual has to be credit with amica. that is what has brought many people here today,o lose to theemains of th staint. outside the cathedral, not everyone is enthusiastic abt the event. >> i think it is an iddol. >> to touch it for0 seconds, i
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think it is a lile crazy. >> how can touching the casee seen as relious instead of serstitious? people used to touch the gaentf our savior. we do believe in the importance of touch. >> more than 4000 people have lined up tsee the relics so far this week. they sill have many miles to go bere it leaves behind important memories for many catholics. bbc news in liverpool. >> we will have more information on that on our web site. >funding was made possible by the freeman foundati ofew york, stowe, vmont, and honolulu. the newman's own foundation. the john d. and cathere t macarthur fodation. and union bank. >> and "bght star a new film by je campion.
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♪ >> unn bank has putts financial rength to work for a wide range of compies from small businees to major corporations. what can we do for you? >> he was a dreame >> i was floating above t trees. >> she was a realist. >> she wants to see if he is an idiot or not. >> every wd that he wrote inspired a romance that would ve for ever. >> i get anxious if i do not see u. >> younow thati would do anything. >> "writes star by jane campion. campion.
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