tv BBC World News PBS November 9, 2009 6:00pm-6:30pm EST
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>> bbc worldews is presented by kcet, los angeles. funding for ts presentation was made possible the freeman foundation of new yorkstowe, vermont, and honolul the newman's o foundation; the john d. and catherine t. macarthur foundaon; and union bank; d by "pirate radio,"a new comedy from fos features. >> union bank haput its fincial strength to work for a wide range ocompanies, from
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small business to large rporations. what can we do for you? in 1966, the british governmenbanned roc'n' roll on the radio until onemerican deejay. >> and a band of renegades ided the airwaves from a boat. >> a ni young man has lo his virnity. >> we're going to shut them down. >> they can't ld us down. we're pirates. > rock on! >> this fall comes a comedy ant the moley crue th saved rock and roll. "pirate radio" rated r. >> and now bb world ne. >> celebratis in germany 20 years after the fall of the berlin wall. >> and giant dominoesymbolize the toping of the world war leads pay tribe to the braveryof the people of berlin. it was the ginning of e en of the cold w. we'll be askingow much the world has changed since then.
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>> wcome to bbc wld news. broaast to our viewers on bbc in america also around the globe. my name is mike emory. >> coming up laterrers an illegal raidundercover of darkness. wh troops are trying to prevent fragments of te past from disaparing forever. >> and t giant del cassie that fetched a moh-watering sum at auction. >> hlo to you. it'seen a day ofelebration and rembrance in the once divided city of berlint the art of the once divided ntinent of europe. in is 28 years the berlin wall signified repression and fr. but on this night in989, the first crosng point opened and berlinerssurged tough. effectivy marking the end of a
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come uniist empir works have gathered in pouring rain at thebrandenberg gate to mark remembran. bbc world news reporter >> a new generati cebrating freedom and the end of a world order they ner knew. theberlin wall to these childrenjust something fromthe story books or from the recollections of their parents and andparents. behind them world leaders stridg through the braenberg gate, onc the border between east and west berlin. politician --politicians joing thousands remembering the brecking downf that tradition 20 years ago. >> amongthose addressg t crowd,ussian president edvedev. >> heroes of the soviet union at that time were indecisive, all in therocess of peaceful reunication germany.
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and those events brought europe freedom and progress. thy became the turning point for th fate of the entire world. >> gordon brown said bcause of th courage of those who te down the wall, two berlins, two germ inks and two europes wer now one. >> tis wall was orn down not by leaders, not by from on high, not by military might, this wall was torn down by t greatest force of all, the unbreakable spiritf the me and wome of bein! [cheers] >> it is indeed a honor and a great personal privilege to be here on behalf of president obama and the united states of amera. >> and the u.s. was reprented by secretaryf state hillary inton who after her own speech introduced a video message.
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>> let mentroduce a message from president barackobama. >> today there are still those wh live within t walls of tyranny, human bngs who are died the very human rights th we celebra toda and that ishy this day is for them as much as it is for . it is for those who belve even in th face of cynicismnd doubt and pression, that walls can truly come down >>he german chaellor angela merkel gave psonal memorie fm 20 years ago. as a germa she crossed the border in 1989 >> for me it was one of the most joyful days of my life. anladies and gentlemen, it was a pivota time o change. that'something that w kw today, that brought closer together germany, eope, and indeed the whole world. [cheers]
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>then along a stretch where the walls had once stood, a line of dominoes mbolized w that barrier had crumbled. form solidarity leader lech walesa set off the dominos showg how his movement helped provide thencouragement that led to the events in berlin and beyond. daniel bircher, c news. >> well, when it fll,families reeunited after 30 years. the course of history, it's no exaggeration to say, was change within weeks of the commist governmentin eure fell. bbc's brian hanrahan wa there then. he reports now. >> openingthe wl wasure joy. afte28 years, the people of a divided city cld ite and celrate. but after a turbulent century, th fiesta put gmanyback on emotional roer coaster. at i notedhat night was just the begning of another bout of
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mental turmoil. >> the gates haveeenroken and tusands ofeople are pourin over to take a look, in some cases their firstook, at the other sidef berlin. the people i met that ght thught they were settin off on a stroll to west berlin. but ts couple weren a urney towards a new nationalis >> we want to have the ght to experience t go this wy and we want to goback to our country. > you don't wantto stay in e west? >> no, never. >> wn i went back for the 10th anniversary the change from socialism to capitalism had brought her close to despair. >> think i have no chance for a job. this what i see forhe uture. >> back in989, 1990 and voting on wha should happen, would you have wanted unication?
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-- uniivecation? > no. >> todayhe still tears up at the memories of the old way of life. >> dot get me wng, she says, we don't want the od state back. >> are yu happy after this time? we yearned to be he ia new system, love for life here. and we have all we need. people startedo hack away at the wl and the pa within hours of the openi. one of the first bricks was brought to a leading opposition activist, ls reich in the bbc studio. >>and when a stoneas thrown on the table, i was really surprised to say the least. this is somethin that showed us that, wl, history is prressing. >> forthose who lived alongside the wall, it ga them a whe new wor, ambitions horizons,
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ev failures they'd never dreamed of. for them this isn't hisry, this is aife they're stil coming to terms with. bri hanrahan, bbcnews, berlin. >> do stay with us. just a little later in the program we'll hear from the c.i.a.'s master of disguise aboutis experice during the cold war. > well, the symbolic protest coincided wi the anniversa in berlin, paltinians breached he barrier that separes israel and t west bank. they used aruck to pull down a six-meet erhigh seion. israeli soldiers responded with tear gas. -- israel gan barriern 2000 after atcks by palestinian litants. palestinns saw it as a way for israel to seize their la. >> elsewheren the wrld people have been celebrating,oo. in south africa german nationals -- outside the gman cultur institu in johannes bg. a parisian chocolatemaker
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tore down his own replic of the wall. ny found themselves with free chocole provided by the shop. chise authorities have executed nine men convicted of murder and other offenses durin july's rots in otumchi. around 200 people dd in the clashes between ethnic wgers and china's dominant tn group. just a little earlier, bbc's china editor ld me on this ocsion the cnese authorities do seem to be paying some atntion to iernational opion about their actions. >> from the chinese authorities' point of ew, they wanted to get the procedure appear right and ty didn't want the outside to accuse them of any sort of injustice in ter of the routine man rights. but human rights groups and those inside china says today there is sometng to be said about it, the who process, the
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ver short hearing, five hours, a some chinese peop even say, hey, these people, theyay have committed murder, whaver, but the way they were kind o man handled into te court and son. so from ttpoint ofview, ople are conscious that maybe something can improved in that process. > and of crse there are other ople who are not happy. thi is think cha's worst ethnic olence decades. there seemed to be quite a few han chinese saying you stil haven't got all the people responsible. >> that's right that's why in thi very brief news item published by china's --news agencies theyt the same time announced further 20 suspects. those ll be tried in the near future. bu so far as theituation on the ground is concerned, i'm afraid it's still quite simmering there.
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only last week, the region declad that they ar going t strike rd, tt's the usuay term they wa to get it done quickly andhey strike against the suspec the very heavy-handedly. but that's just a way to say the mitary, the paramilitary, the police and so on, willave to maintain their presence there. an the local people, the business people, th ae suering. because tourists cancelled thr trs, normal tradecross the borde within the regi or between therovinces have very much reduced. so t will take some time for the thorities to bring the nohwestern region back to normal. >> bbc's china edito there. >> the sunni-iranian psecutor has decred that three america cizens who entered theountry om iraq are be chard with
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spying. shane bher, sarah short and josh battleere arrested when they crossed ov a mountain in july. the families say they strayed accidently while hiking. the white house saysthere is no evidence toupport spyharges. the new lebanese prime minister has foed an unity govement fiv mohsfter general ections. the 13ember cabinet iludes ministers fm -- 10 from the oppositionncluding two hezblah ministers and five nominated by te prident. pirates have attacked an oil tanr almost 2,000-kileters fromhe so maul lee coast. an u.n. naval force says rockets and enades were fired at a hong kong-registered oil tanker. his was further from land than ever before. it may suggest e pirates are gaing in sophistication ort is more difficulto opera arer the land. sta with us if you can. still to come on the anniversary
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of the fall of the berlin wall, the.i.a.'s former mast of disguise reflts on his battle of wits with the -- first, though,stanbul this wk hosts a summit of islamic nations. turkey hasong since straddled the east-west divide but can it hold onto eurohile forming iendship the east doest suppt. >> the roll ca of leaders arriving this week in istanbul says a lotbout the directi that turk is looking these days, mostly east towards its muslim neighbors. thi economic summit of th islamic conference organization has been a low-key event f the past 25 yrs. but thisyearit's being tended by headsf government d some of those are cotroversy mahmoud auction i here, one of tu -- mahmoud
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ahmadined is here. following a ground-breaking state visit to iq last month b turkey's prime nier there are now ambitious pls to link the two economi. iran nuclear ambitions seem to posno barrier. missing at the summit, though, is saddam'spresident, he's under indictment by the international criminal cot for war crimes in darfur. yetover the weekend the turkish prime minister said h invitation stilltood, but he didnotelieve aellow musl couldbe linkedo such atrocitie earlier th year turkey was fated by president obama as a model mslim country and a one o america's most trusted partners. but it's now clear thatn many global issues, turkey and the west no lonr see eye t ey the idea that turkey's european aspirations wouldnevitably ign the interests of westn government would turn out to be an illusio this country se no need now t
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choose betwe east and west. and right now it's selecting its friends regardless of the feelings of its western allies. jonathan head, bbc news, istanbul. >> you'r watching bbc world news. one main headline this hour. wld leaders past an prest today have joined thousands of germance markinghe 20th anniversary of the fal of the berlin wall. ll, as the ci.a.'s mter of disgui during the cold war, tony mendez wasaught in a batle of wits -- at the berlin wall meum in washgton he reflected for us on a lifetime of espionage. >> he was obously deay serious but i was also gat fun. we ued to say if we weren't doing this we'd be robbing banks. but in fact what we wer doing was robbing the enemy's bank of information and we had to do it so that he dn't know it was
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go so that we couldo back next week and get some more. weere just like in james bon our office w the oice of te knowervice. the there we 900 to 1,000 peop who were all a little crazy. and they were innotive, little geekyaittle off the all, buterribly effecve in solvi probms. so we put together teams. and woe had concealmen devices because you needed these f all sorts of storage and tnsfer of information a so forth. typical good dguise for blendingin would be somebod who is hdicapped, somebody w is elderly,omebody whos not threatening, sort o part of the
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landscape. well, i think the mood was fundamenlly trust no one. at's the feeling w had to work against. we ha to find those th we could trust. we were offering something bett, and we finally got that word through. and then we started recogzing people who wanted to help us. andur trick was to keep them alive, keep them in pce, have timely and sure communicatns. hopefully the people might get assigned abroad or have a trip or something lik that where you cou -- then you uld have them not come back. but i many cases, tt was not poible. so we had to bld ascenario that basically s a script for them toollow and hope that they could fit within the role d pl the part spy capital of the world was berl.
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there were other spy capitals but it was the one most recognized. and the wall certainly put a cap onhat. so you uld stand d look at th wall and think about all those or souls inside and what were you going to do about. that it was quite a big deal to have it come down and hav it sort of happen magically a if someone wished it aw. we didn't employ it upr break it down. e people inside did. that wasreat. >> tony mendez there in washington. now the reporthave been emerging while on airhat the man suspectedfilling 13 ople on a military base in texas last week tried to make contact ith people connected to quaid. major nidal malik hassan was shot and wounded b police after he shooting at fort hood, the argest milary installation in the united states. he is now conscious. he's been speaki to medical staff. let's get moredetailson this
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bbc's correondent richard watson isith me in thetudio. richard what ae you hearin >> it's a very instant pie that's going t appear in the "new york times" tomorrow our time. and sily what it suggestion is that intelligee agencies in e united states were mitoring communications of me kind between nidal mal ssan and a radicalleric who ud to be based near washington, d.c.ut who fled the countryn effectn about, well, after 9/11 attacks. now, if true this sheds some light on what's being said oer the past 12 hrs, wich is th some intelligenc agencies in th united states were aware of some attempts byidal malik hassan to contact qud leads. theleric in question is anwar al lachy. he was cented near washington, d.c. it's significanfor this reason he's already admitted in the 9/11ommission inquiry to knowing one o the 9/11 jackers. and th f.b.i. believes he knew anoth two hijacks.
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so that makes him a person of extreme interest. >> inow there's some talk of a possible u.k. cnection as well. inevitably i all raises the issue of whether re perhaps could have been ne to stop this beforeit happened. >> i think we're going to se that debate rled out in the united states now exacy if these reports werenown about metime ago what step were taken, what inrmation was pass on to the f.b.i. and th army. in tms of the u.k. cnection i w briefed tonight by security sources here in ndon. and they tell me that this eric is ofreat interest to them as well in t u.k. because he bee broaasting via the inernet, preaching messages which they sayould amount to condoning jihad. -- document from him here, 4 4-ways to support the jihad, so he says, it includes teaing your children to reve the jihad. it talk about arms struggle. it talk about thearms struggle for islam. so he's quite a radical cleric, big supporter of jiha across
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the world d sort of uprisg of the islamic revolution if you like >> more to me on this, richard,hank you very much indeed. now iran's opposition movement has fnd an unlikely hero, a math student who publicly challeng the untry's supreme leader there hs been an absote outpoing of support for hi our bbc correspoent reports. it was jusa routine meeting. the audience at a tehran iversity listened defendxly to the words of wisdomrom the supreme leader, i yeah toela co y knee. for the years thate'suled iran, chaenging the leader in pubc has been an unthinkable taboo. then e student amazed everybody. the. >> mahmoud -- award-winning math student launched an astonishingttack on the leader that lasted 20inutes.
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why was it fordden to question the leader, he asked. en he went on to raise allegations that oppition members detained following president mahmoud ahmanejad's disputed re-elections d been abused in pron. what abouthe disputed coverage by iranian tv he questioned. then at one point he even called the leader an idt. >> d't think i approve of everything that goes out iranian tv either, replied the sreme lead. he insisted he did recve plenty of criticism that's certainly trunone appears on ste-controlled media. iranian-state leader sugsted the lear encouraged te young student to come forward. accordingo other accots, he appeared a litt flustered and left e meeting early. a few days later, state tv broadcast a brief accou of the exchange in order to deny reports that mahmoud ahmadinej -- -- had been arrested.
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in demonstrations lasteek there were other unprecedented scenes when -- pulle down a st of the leader and marched over i another sign that the leader of authority hs taken -- after supporting the electi of hmoud ahmadinejad. >> the first virus of iphone s been stggling in the wild in australia. the self-progating program changes the pho's world pap to a picture of rick isly, i.t. specialists say it's generally no harmful but more malicious variants could follow. stealingaluable artifacts from historic ses using metal detecrs, the conservion group clculates there are thousands of illegal raidslike this every yearndercover of darkness in the u.k. alone.
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ey call for actio to prevent vital fragmentsrom. >> center stage athe british museum items from the largest llection of anglo-saxon ld items ever discovered surrouing cases, more priceless treare all found by legitite metal detecting around the u.k. others, thou, are not so scrupulous. dead of nightn a protted historic site in susex a bbc documentary team -- sus ex a bbc dumentary team watched the night hawks ell-organized, equipped wi what they need to recover fragments of our history and prparing to sell tm on to the highestbidder. for e night hawk the mathis simple invest twor threeundred poundsn a metaletector, trespass on and steal from somebody else's land, and perhaps you could end up with an it like this fnd in a kent fiel and worth around
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10,00pounds. >> peopl go out and do it illegall anddon't record thei finds are hugely damaging. not jt the financial aspec and t fact they're stealing off of landowners. we're all victims ofhis crim because the lo of knowledge. >> enish heritage claim mny police forces teat night hawking as a low priority. bu here in knt, ofcers have eamed up with official metal detectg clubs to help identify those responsible. >> wat we're hearing fm the detectivg community, please do somethingabout these people. thepolice cannot d this alone, and i think what we've developed here in kents a mode that can be rolle outcross the country. >> back in sussex,he ocumentary crew haa close encounter th two of those they beieve to have been breaking the law. >> veryice met detector. nice nightor it. >> sures. >> details of things dent he now been passed on to the police. >> take tt out of face because you're making me nervous.
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>> brish -- have warn that nly tougher seences in the courts will deter th night hawks fro their activiti. robert hall, bbc news. >> finally chinese tffle lover has snapped up 750 grams ofisavorite food the 100,000 euros. t truffle was auctioned in northern italy. it attracted rival bids from rom from london and adabi. truffles are prized for their tte and alleged aphrodisiac properes. this one i regarded so special it travels first class. thanks for beg with us bbc world news. >> bbc wod news is presented by kcet, los angeles. funding for this prestation was made psible by the freeman foundation of new york, swe, vermont, andonolulu; the newn's own foundation; the john d. and catherine. macarthur fountion; and union
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ank; and by "pirate radio,"a new comedy from fus features. >> union bank has put its financial strenh to work for a wide range of coanies, from small busine to large corporatis. whacan we do for you? >> in 1966, the british government banned ro 'n' roll on the radio until one eran deey. and band of renega raided the airwave from a boat. >> t's rock! >> a nice young man has lost his virginit >> we're going to shu them down. >> they n't closes dow we're pirates. >> rock on! >> each ll comes a comedy about the mottley crue. that saved rk and rl. "pirate radio" rate r. >> bbc world newsas presented
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