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tv   Religion Ethics Newsweekly  PBS  January 10, 2010 10:30am-11:00am EST

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>> abernethy: coming up: musm frs about the new airline security les. we talk with a muslileader. d, pastors from nigeria her to minister to nerian immigrants and eveually, they say,o reform all of america. plus, auneral director, a woman of faith, whburies the victims violence in the inner city. i don't think they know it' real. they thi they get back up. iemember some guy in a funera home,like man, "get up, get out." wl, they don't get up. captioni sponsored by the lilly dowment
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>> abernhy: welcome. i'm b abernethy. it's good thave you with us. in the wakef the failed christmaday airplane bombing, the oma administration took new steps this week tomprove airline saty. president obama orred u.s. agencieso move faster and more accurately torevent future trorist attacks. he said while the vasmajority of muslims rejt al-qaeda, the u.smust develop a strategy that addresses t challenges sed by lone recruits. under new t.s.a. proceres, passengers treling from 14 nations, mt of them predominantly muslim, arfacing enhancescreening.
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many amecan muslim groups say while they are ccerned about security, they are sti worried that their community is beg unfaiy targeted by what they call "religio profiling." joining me isalam al-marayati, executivdirector of the muslim publiaffairs council in los angeles. mr. marayati, welce. what's the matter with toher airline secuty? >> nothing wrong with ugher airne security, but when we stigmatize and profile opulation, that divides our country, making imore difficult to counter e threat. we have be united against extremism and uted against hat >> abernethy: ll, for instance, are head scarves a problem? shouldn'.. and certainly sobody who... a lone guy gets on airplane and pays cash for a onway ticket, shouldn't the things raise alarms? >> the's a difference between havior profiling and religis proling. if soone buys a one-way ticket
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with cash onlwithout baggage, flying from afri or asia to the united states, of course thashould raise suspicions. but going after womewith head scarves is inefctive. >> aberneth so are you saying that yound other muslim leaders ce down more on the side of individu freedom that you do on curity? >> no, i think we have to ve both. you are going to stigmatiz or isolate a polation, that feeds into radicalizatn. part of the racalization problem is when a commity feels isolated, and whenne person. and we're talking about n the concern over lone wols or lone recruits, if that person feels despere, depressed, then he becom prey fo extremist recruiters, and w should do anything and everything to help accelerat integration muslims into american soety. >> abernethyafter the christmas day near-disaster
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the air near detroit,nd some othe recent events, too, do y sense a growing backsh against muslimin this country? >>here's a rise of the mob mentality. you read the comments a number of stories, you gethe emails,ou get the phone calls. and i feel, unfortunaly, that the level of hostility ainst islam and musls is at an all- time gh, and i'm very concerned. >> aberney: many americans think that mlim's leaders in this country and the middle east should be doing aot more to combat and conemn the interpretation of islam thais so popular among manyoung radical extremists. do you age with that? >> ll, i think that we as muslims have done a lotn terms of the message against extremism. our problem is that we ve not been able to develop an effective way get the message out. we don'have the capacity in
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terms of blic relations, if you will, in terms of maki our essage of moderation more newswohy than the sensationalist mesge of extremism. >> arnethy: do you think there a role for the unites state government in combatinghe ideology of radical islm? >the unites states government will not be ablto defeat ideology ofadicalism. it needs t muslim american community in parership. for tose people unfortunately who are beingecruited by extremists, they n't regard the united states governnt as an ahority, but they regard muslim leaders as authoritie so it is our tas muslims, who will lp win the victory against radilism and extremism >> abeethy: many thanks to salam alarayati of the muslim blic affairs council. in another case, ter strong in other news, inouthern
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egt, rioting broke out between muims and christians after a adly drive-by shooting at a coptic church. coptic christns celebrated chrimas on thursday. just after a midnightervice, gunmen in a car fired intohe crowd of people leavi. seven were kled. interfaith tensions in the aea have been high nce november, when a ristian man was accused of raping of musligirl. pts make up fewer than 10% ypt's population. all through amican history, iigrants have brought with them their own forms oworship and their own pastors, a that's happeninggain,xr dramacally, with immigrants from nigeria and their redeed christianhurch of god. it's a pencostal form of cistianity, emphasizing speaking itongues, faith healing and strict fami values. andas betty rollin reports, the church's lders want to minister notnly to america's
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nigerians but to every famy in the world. >> reporter: thmusic, the joy, the hats! all are in evidence evy sunday morning at the victory mple in bowie, myland, one of 400 redmed christian churches of god in north amica. today's sermon by pastor ba adokunnu is about money. >> you must have a savis account, nmatter how much you are making, and this can ce through so my areas: money market, mutualunds, savings accounts, 401(k), amen. >> reporter: congregant tresa nortn, a school teacher, used to attend a cathoc church. e prefers this church's emphasis on e bible and on practil matters as well. >> i'm rlly making money because of what the paor is always tellinus. yoknow, even if you have your
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job that you're doin you need to have something by e side. >> porter: like all of the pastors of th redeemed church, pastor ayokunnu has great ambitis for his church. >> our goal is to do erything possible to win souls fothe kingdom of god. after ey are won, then we teach them, we discip them how to make a living,ow to benefit the ciety, how to make a difference within the commuty. >> reporter: and e victory mple's goal is to grow. churches this part of maryland, mtly attended by their fellow africans.s a od start, they say. >> we wt to start churches, if possible, like arbucks. >> repoer: like starbucks? >> this bowie crch is located in the afran-american comunity, so we are trying to attract ople within this
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community, and very soon are going to reach out to the wtes within the neiborhood. >> repoer: you will be reaching out to whites asell. >> ye ma'am. >> reporr: why do you want to do that? >> becauschrist died for everyboy. >> oh, lordgod almighty, heal this natn. heal america. bless america. defend america. >> reporr: so speaks the vered and powerful leader o the globalhurch, pastor enoch adebe, a former math professor in nigeri called the general overseer, adeboye is the man in char. he sees his role as reoring ristianity and morality to merica and the rest of the world. one of his emissaries, w atteed this yearly meeting of pastors, is dael ajayi- adeniran.
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his assignments church exnsion. >>n every household, there will be at ast one member of redeemed chrisan church of god in the whole worl >> reporter: every famiy in america? >> in the whole world. not only in ameca, in the enre universe. >> reporter: and whis telling you ts? who is setng these goals? >> it is our leader,he general overseer. >> reporter: andwho is setting hisoals? >> god. >> reporter: and th believe it was d who directed pastor enoch adeboye to gathein this remote place noreast of dallas. here at headarters in floyd, texas, populaon 220, the church has bought 55acres of land. plans include building a schl, perhaps a colleg and an auditorium thatill seat 20,000 people. >> i believe god takespecial interest in this country. god will not allow ameri to
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drown, to be stroyed, because this country has been great lper, a blessing to the entre univse, including people like me. >> reporter: but y think we are dwning now? >> yes. there iso family value anymore. before it used to family values, but it is no more. our teenagers,hey just doing atever they like. no fear of god. >> repoer: so you are helping us? >> we a working together for god's will to come to ps, and we ll do our best. >> reporter: dana rert is a pressor of world christianity and mission theoly at boston iversity. shettributes the remarkable growthf the redeemed christian church of god a demographic shift in christianity rldwide. >> now there are ove450
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million christis in africa. a century ago, tre were only eight million, so thhuge owth of christianity in afri and latinmerica and parts of ia means that when they come he, they think of themselves asissionaries. >> reporter: prossor robert says immigrants ve always brought their regions with them, but few have expand as muchs nigerians have. >> they come om a huge, overcrowded englis-speaking country, so they can landith their feet on the gund and get up anrunning with outreach, chures, building schools, buiing homes very quickly. they don't have theanguage barrier that a l of the other immigrantsave when they get to the unid states. >> reporter: in addion, professorobert says, people are attracted tohe pentecostal style of worship. >> pentecostalism s swept all over the world in the lst several decades, so t immediacy of the supnatural,
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the etional worship style, the fos on lifestyle and holines- these are thgs that american chuhes has gotten soft on >> reporterspeaking itongues which is a wayf praying and, me say, a sign of god's gra also as an appeal. >> you enter not quitan alter state of consciousness bu you're suspending your rational mind and justetting your tongue loe. by releang your conscious mind, it lets mystery flow int you. >> reporter: nerians also emphasize hling as a part of eir service. >>i believe in the healing power of god. i don't use medication. if for any reasoi'm sick, i don't go to hospital. i prato my god, because he createme. god manufactured me. if anything is wronwith me, he knows hoto repair and fime up. >> reporter: like ny
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conservative christi churches, wh it comes to issues li homosexuality e redeemed church believethe bible forbids it. >> it is spelled out ithe scripture. when god cated adam, he created eve for adam. hwould have created another adam, man. but he created am, a man, and eve, a woman. >> reporter: e church believes that homosexuaty, as well as otr kinds of behavior they consider immal, is the work the devil. >> it's a paradox th these are such highlyducated people, but their substratum of african traditiol religion has a very vigors spiritual life of irits, evispirits, ancestors. things that are pceived as evil or negativhave to be vigorously fought in thchurch, and that's consistent with african traditional rigion. >> reporter: profsor robert says thathe most negative
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action to african churches comes from african amerins. >>so you see you get africans coming iwith no racial chip on heir shoulder living alongsi and competing with afrin americs who've got the weight of their counal history that in so respects is dragging them down, a there's tension right on the ground. >> reporter: numbers matte and there'no doubt that the number of reemed christian churches of god has grown, and cleay e leaders have the desire, e energy, and the ney to keep growing. but soar they are mainly reachi fellow africans, so tir challenge is to reach bend their base. for "religion & ethics newsweekly," i'm betty llin in floyd, xas. >> abernethy: longtime
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washington newan brit hume of fox news provoked spirited reaction lasteekend when he said on television that tige woods should turno ristianity for the quote, "remption and forgiveness he badly nes." hume is a christian. woods has asciated himself with buddhim. ome buddhists charged that he had been disrespectful otheir belfs. ome journalists complained- and hume denie- that he had used his publiclatform to proselytize. chlene wilson-doffoney is a funeral director in uth philadelphia. she knows all too we that life for poor, young men america's inner cities caoften be dangerous, violent and short we have a stor from lucky severson today that getso the tragic heart of the suation. >> reporter: the middle-aged woman cleaning uthe big motorcycle is charlene wion-
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doffoney who's on her way t rk at her funeral home in south philly. she says she took up cyclingo geaway from the dying. philadelphia may be st known as the city of brothey love, but charlene says her ighborhood has also been called "killadelph" because there haveeen so many murders, so many young victimof drive- bys, gang waare, drug deals gone bad, and simp disagreements-- 333 killgs overa in 2008. >> a little y got shot. reporter: a little boy got shot rig here? >> well, yeah. this part here, it is nad ter a young man who got kild as well. >> reporter: did you buryim? >> we did hm. we did hann i just passed his familyome around the corner. >> reporter: why do y do this? it just seems to be ssad to do this. >> well, i aa caregiver to their family. i watch over their chdren that pasd away. job is to protect them.
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>reporter: she knew a lot of the victi whose names are on the mul. she buried a numr of them. she buried r brother-in-law who was murdered recent. she bied the three sons of close friend. she's buried so my gun-shot victims, s tore up h own gun pert. one funeral she recallin particular. >> iemember breaking down, because i w tired of seeing young boys get killed, d you tell t young men, they don't get it, that we tired. they st don't know the pressure for a ther. when iee that mother who lost her son, wish i could bring him back. i wish i could bring him bacto her. wish that they got a better ance. >> repter: police say fourteen-year-old keem law was sh by an eighteen-year-old who was angry, because tyke didn't move hibicycle out of the way fa enough. you like to have these younmen be there while you are prepang the body and serving as ll bearers. >> yes. i don't think they knowt's real. they think th get back up, and
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i remember somebo dying near the funerahome, like man "get up, get up." well,hey're not going to be back up. they don't get backp. >> repter: charlene says she got thcall to be an undertaker when she was 23 ana single mom with a very dimuture. although it's en a difficult struggle, she w owns her own funeral parlor. she is aoman of abiding faith, but rather than preach to ki inthe hood, she tries to lead by example. >> beuse i am a believer. my job is to wiess. every day i walk, i am a tness as you get a chance to tl somebody at they can make it. the thing for me in sou philadelphias to let young people know if i can dot, you n, too. >> reporter:ven in the worst of the neighborhood kids treat charne with respect, partly because ey know that she will treat them with respt in death and she ll look after their moms. none of the young men grew up with a faer in the home. some ve been in prison. soe have dealt drugs. all ve a friend or relative
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who has been murded. whato you want to be in 10 year wherdo you think you are going to be? >> i want to be ali. >> reporter: a lawyer? >> ive. >> reporter: so you mean youet up a lot of times a say, "i hope live through the day?" >> yes. >>ou don't know what's going to haen to you, because half the peopleround hereust shoot whoever-- daytime, nightme. it don't matter whethey do it, and u don't know when you're going to be hit or y're not going to be hit. >> anday could be your day. i see pele walk by me-- they get up t blocks away you see em laying out there bleedin >> ihink it goes by what you see. when i see my ung boys on a corner, they want to sebetter but nobodyakes them anywhere to see anythinelse. >> reporter: do you hava responsibility with tse kids who are 15 an14 that charlene isurying? do you try to ta to them, or what doou say to them? >> it is just like lking to a brk wall. you can talk b they ain't going to lisn.
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>> they plan for tir funeral. they know. some peopledo come to me and say "miss chaene, you got me?" a i am like, "yeah, i got you." >> a lot of them say wh i get buied i want to have this on, wanto have that on. they say, "at my funel, i'm going to have all the girls there >> and you arelike is there anything i can d can i turn you aund a different waor anything, and they know that ty are going to go down. >> reporter: theids themselves agree that too ofn their problems begin ahome. >> most of these parentsust run aroun and worry about themselves now. thy didn't want to have kids and then once they he the kid, they just let himo. they had these kids toet on welfre. they ended up with the sy way out. >> i get a chance tcome into the prison a lot, and i seall them black en. who is there for the blacboy? the fatrs that you see are in jail, andhe kids are raising their selves, and the motrs, they got their own ises going on-- not havinthe man around, having to provide,nd they don't have jobs. >> repoer: reverend edward winslow ministers to e young
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peoplin the neighborhood. he says parents and eir kids have stoppecoming to church, so it's difficult to rch them. >> and where wwould be able to teach the kids aut character building, we don'to it anymore because they are not there anymore. >>eporter: charlensays there is plenty oflame to go around- - broken families, noobs, no le models, and ministers wh are missing action. >>you have a lot of minister oday who don't care. they don't evangize anymore. they areot out to save souls. they don't care about e loss as long as it dsn't affect them. >> reporter: rerend winslow cares about ese kids, but too often he gets to kn them after it's o late. >> i s more now lately in the end than in e beginning or in the middle, and that's aad thing. at's what keeps this place running, thdeath. that's her busess, it is true, but t point is how do we get to them beforthat? >> i think the otheray there was a shooting. >> reporr: the police, t
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grieving moms, e kids-- they all know charlene, but not always the way shwants them to know her. >> i know where i've bn, and if it wked for me-- the little girl from north philly tha didn't know how she was gng to make it-- it ll work for them, and am just hurt to see the kidthat don't know that it work >> reporter: the cri rate in soutphilly has been going dow the mayor says it's becau there are more lice on the streets and more citen involvemen the business of buryinis less brisk thait once was. so charlene canpend more time doing what she would rather doing. for "religion &thics newsweekly," i'lucky severson in philadehia. >> ernethy: we remember two prominent women who psed awayxú this week. radical feministheologian mary daly, o pioneered women's religious studies, died at t age o81. e taught for more than 30 years ajesuit-run boston
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college anwas considered by many the mother of dern feministheology. and veran newspaper editor deborah howell w killed in an accidenwhile vacationing in new zeand. she provided leadship for religion news svice and was a feisty advocate foreligion reporting. howell was 68. finay, because of differing church calears, coptic, armean and some eastern orthodox christians aroundhe wod celebrated christmashis past week. but many greek orthodox christians follothe western calend, so they celebrated epiphan the orthodoassociate epiphany with the baptisof jesus as an adult. in istaul, ecumenical paiarch bartholomew threw cross io the bosphorus strait, and as is traditional, some the faithf jumped in to retrieve it. for stern christians, epiphany marks visit of the wise m to
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the infant jesus. may traditions re-enact that event. at the vatica pope benedict thsixteenth celebrated ephany amid heightened security aftere was knocked down by a worshier during chrtmas eve services. in mexico, celebrations inuded the traditional three ki's cake, anthis year, it was a giant, worldecord-breaking cakehat weighed more than 23,000 pounds. that's ouprogram for now. i'm bob abernethy. we have much moron our web site. you can coent on all of our stories and are them. audio and video podcts are also ailable. join us at
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the russian orthodox chstian service. ctioning sponsored by the lilly endowment ptioned by meia access group at wgbh
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