tv BBC World News PBS February 26, 2010 6:00pm-6:30pm EST
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>> union bank has put its global financial strength to work for a wide range of companies. what can we do for you? >> and now "bbc world news." >> four hours of battle and the afghan capital. taliban attack -- taliban -- taliban attack still 16 foreigners. >> you can see all the windows are completely blown now. >> confiscated -- thailand's supreme court sees as more than $1 billion from former prime minister thaksin shinawatra. clashes in the west brand -- west bank over protests
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concerning religious sites. welcome to "bbc world news," broadcast to our viewers on pbs in america, also around the globe. coming up later for you -- the british security forces are accused of misleading parliament about the torture of guantanamo bay suspects. and friends at the reunited in cuba. but what chance for warmer relations with the u.s.? we will hear from our man in havana. the indian government says up to nine of its citizens, including government officials, have been killed in a series of militant suicide attacks on a guest house in the afghan capital of kabul. at least 16 people were killed in gun battles involving afghan security forces. the taliban says the carried out
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the attacks. from kabul, chris morris reports. >> the afghan war on the streets of kabul. the early morning calm violently interrupted. there was a car bomb, followed by other explosions. and then volleys of small arms fire. the target this time -- guest houses and hotels, all of them frequented by foreigners. for hours, heavily armed police battled against taliban gunmen. this huge security operation swung into action. people who survive the initial explosions found themselves trapped, sometimes with nowhere to run. one of these rooms, all the glass was gone? once it was over, stories of lucky escape. the editor of the bbc world
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service in kabul had arrived from london the night before. he was in one of the hotels attacks, a terrifying experience. >> it went through my room window, and it hit the wall. my window and the room and bathroom were broken. i heard people crying and shouting, a big explosions. so it was a nightmare. >> it was the second major attack in kabul this year. the city is bracing for more to come. >> this is the crater caused by the initial explosion, the car bomb. you can see the extent of the damage done in what is supposed to be one of the most secure areas of the city. a chilling message from the taliban that while nato and afghan forces press ahead with their offensive in helmand, insurgents can come here and create havoc in the heart of the capital. chris morris, bbc news, kabul.
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>> meanwhile in washington, officials say the current initiative against the taliban will be extended to kandahar. it has been a hotbed for the insurgency. speaking in washington, an unnamed u.s. official said bringing security to kandahar said he would be the centerpiece of the operation this year. there was a tragedy at a mosque in timbuktu. several thousand people were celebrating the birthday of prophet mohammad when an elderly woman trips and cause a bottleneck. turkish authorities have detained 18 more officers in connection with an alleged plot to overthrow the government seven years ago. a giant iceberg tore away from a
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glacier in antarctica and could affect weather patterns. that is according to scientists who say the iceberg is on a course to upset the currents of the world's oceans. the supreme court in thailand has ruled that more than half of former prime minister thaksin shinawatra's assets inside the country must be confiscated. the assets came from the sale of his family's telecommunications company and were frozen after he was overthrown in a military coup. here is rachel harvey from bangkok. >> the police were ploys. the media out in force. but the judges were not in any hurry. it took them more than seven hours to read out the verdict. the final decision -- mr. thaksin was guilty of a conflict of interest during his time as prime minister, that he pursued policies that favored his
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family's firm, and more than half of his assets should be confiscated by the state. the papers were full of dire predictions the decision might provoke another round of violence here, but as you can see, the police are relaxed and there are no protestors anywhere. but sidestep decided to step back from the brink, it -- both sides have decided to step back from the brink, at least for now. all eyes then on mr. thaksin himself. he may be in exile in dubai, but he still gets its message across. his reaction to the decision -- characteristically dismiss it. >> the world will laugh at this. the verdict is 100% political. >> songs of the finance. mr. thaksin's supporters promised to continue their campaign against the current government. this case has done nothing to
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change that. it merely exposes once more the deep rifts in thai society. rachel martti, bbc news, bangkok. >> more clashes between palestinians and israeli security forces in the west bank city of hebron. there is protest against the israeli decision to include two religious sites on the national heritage list. we have this report. >> hebron is always a volatile, but now five days of this. even the united states has called israel's new heritage plan provocative. protesters say it amounts to an attempt to anax disputed holy sites. >> does it make a difference to throw a few stunts? >> it is what we can do, so we need to do it. our culture is under assault by
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israeli soldiers. >> the prime minister came into hebron to pray in the most important of the two sites. two jews, it is the site of the cave of the patriarchs -- -- to jews, it is the site of the cave of the patriarchs. the mosque is an inseparable part of our palestinian lands occupied in 1967, this man says. our process demonstrates our insistence to continue to hold onto it. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu says his heritage plan has been misunderstood and will not change the status quo. critics say he caved in to right-wingers in his government to abdicate the patriarch's to the natural -- to the national heritage list. israeli security forces did not have much trouble dealing with
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what was a small protest in hebron, but the anchor senior is widely felt among palestinians. -- theanger seen here is widely felt among palestinians. anything to do the religious sites touches a raw nerve here. bbc news, in hebron. >> one of the most senior judges in britain has secured -- accused security forces of misleading parliament about the treatment of the guantanamo bay detainee. he said that some officials had a dubious record involving the mystery that. the government has rejected the lord's criticisms. >> is cases and about the mistreatment of a detainee in pakistan, then tortured in morocco before being sent to guantanamo bay. it is one of the most senior
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judges in england and wales affectively accusing mi5 of misleading parliament. he said that in evidence to mp's, security forces said they denied knowledge of mistreatment, and yet that does not seem to have been trip. he observed some officials appeared to have a good a dubious record"-- "a dubious record"involve -- involving the treatment of prisoners. that was the second draft. and the first version, he criticized security forces more strongly and generally. he then amended his remarks to focus more specifically. >> these are judges that have been looking at this for 18 months, a vast amount of information you and i cannot see, and they have come to the
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conclusion that there were dubious practices -- their words -- an incentive to suppress the truth. these are serious things to hear about a british agency. >> ministers leapt into the intelligence service's defense. there is a very -- >> there is a very strict eat those of human rights with men -- ethos of human rights within our service. they adhere to this. >> any allegations of a cover- up have been denied. but those protesting for a campaign for openness in this case say that mi5 needs a complete the briefing. >> and we have to go back to first principles and decide what we think about torture.
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if there is any suspicion torture is going on, we should be critical about how they react. >> abisaab is far from over. one of the mi5 members known as a witness b still being in the interview by police. -- interrogated by police. >> two years after winning the fa cub, pompey is in debt and will be docked nine points, which means almost certain relegation. >> how quickly the joy turns to sorrow and the silver loses its sheen. portsmouth, the first club up from the super rich premier league affected week to go bust. emotions are running high. >> come on. are you going to tell centrist?
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you have lied for 18 months. >> andrew andronikou, a spoiled all the realities of the plight -- calmly spelled out the realities of the plight. he was confident he will keep the club in business -- at a cost. >> we had in some revenue streams. this is the first thing i have to address. in my general experience, i have got to cut below where it hurts. >> pompey close at 12 and in towns to the tax man. in addition, other clubs and creditors are owed 10 million. ellen into liquidation reaches beyond the nine. reduction that barrett -- virtually guarantees there will be relegated.
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creditors will receive a fraction of the money they are road. people like this man had not been paid for expensive work they have done. >> every time you bring, you get put through to somebody, and i never answer. they answered in various different departments out there. no one has come back to us. i think we are getting a bit of a raw deal in the matter. >> fans are nostalgic for what they see as iconic. >> all our money just those in there and these people walk away with millions, they buy clothes, sell them for profits. and they leave the club in an absolute mess. >> sadly, the fortunes of portsmouth are likely to fall further before there's a chance to bounce back. >> you are watching "bbc world news." still to come -- microsoft shut down on massive network of high- tech computers.
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>> discover what the world is talking about at >> researchers in denmark have found a temporarily stopping blood flow in the arm prevent damaging -- damage from people having a heart attack. it is thought its kickstart natural mechanisms in hard to counter it you lack of oxygen. a century of women may have released more than 100 million tons of carbon into the atmosphere. whales still regarded in their bodies and when they're killed, it can be released. and the 71-year-old comic book featuring the first inventor of the superhero batman was sold at auction in the united states for just over $1 million. but for only 10 cents, the book has broken the record for sale said earlier this week when a 1938 and " superman" comic sold for exactly $1 million. >> discover what the world is
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talking about acting >> this is a "bbc world news." the headlines -- the taliban has launched a coordinated attacks in kabul killing at least 16 foreigners. aunt thailand during supreme court has seized more than $1 billion from the former prime minister thaksin shinawatra. the computer giant microsoft has won court approval to shut down a global network of computers that is said to have fired off more than 1 billion spam e-mail today. this is the first time it has been allowed to do so. a judge allowed microsoft to disable the network without warning those running it in case they destroyed the evidence. we have this report. >> they are taking dramatic and innovative action against a network of affected computers sending span e-mail's around the world. let's have a look at what they mean by a botnet.
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they produced a graphic year on their website. here is the botnet. thousands of computers all over the world. computers whose owners do not know they have been affected. they are infected with software, they possibly click on something. that puts them in the hands of criminals. here they are, the stammers -- spammers, and they are sending stand out all over the world and earning a good deal of money for that. is a big business. and these bonets are being used -- these botnets are being used to great effect. what has microsoft done? they have gone to court and they have gotten permission to create a barrier between these computers and no itself. the computer is sitting there, unable to do anything. what is innovative about this is
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that microsoft had to go to courts and get a court order without the knowledge of the people out there. it was of crucial importance that when they went out to sever the connection between the bot server and the actual bots, that had to be done without the criminals knowing. that is why microsoft this case to court. what impact has it had? we have announced -- excuse me -- this is a spread of the computers run the world to work in ball. all of the united states, across europe, and basically right around the world, these computers are part of the botnet with out there and knowing. these computers may still be infected, said there is an opportunity perhaps for other criminals to take control, and there is some skepticism about the actual impact of this.
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one expert on the stand threat said this particular botnet was only responsible for 1% of spam traffic. another said microsoft has taken dramatic action against its major threats of the botnet. >> the supreme court in burma has rejected an appeal against an extension of prolonged detention under house arrest. yes and the past 20 years in some form of detention. -- she has spent the last 20 years in some form of detention. the un has described mark gaddafi's comments about switzerland as inadmissible in international relations. 1000 shoe owners are being reunited with their property. police believe this man stole more than 1700 pairs of shoes.
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killer whales shows at the sea world park in orlando will resume on saturday, three days after a trainer was drowned by a performing work. she died after a whale, already indicated in the death of two other people, dragged her into the water. trainers will no longer be allowed in the water with killer whales. we have this report from florida. >> lomas after the video was taken, this killer whale attacked and drowned his trainer. dawn brown was one of the park's most experienced trainers. this was the third time this whale was blamed for human death. >> when he raced around the tank and came back, he bobbed up, came down with a person in his mouth, was shaking her violently. as you flew off, and sirens went off. -- a shoe flew off, and sirens
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went off. >> based on these incidents, we had a very specific training processed around him. >> despite the fact he had killed before, the board says there will shows will continue. there will not be new rules. -- there will now be new rules. >> all direct contact with these animals has been suspended in all three parts. this includes shows and our dining program. we will resume performances, i believe, tomorrow in orlando, san diego, and san antonio, but our trainers will not enter the water. >> sea world says this will is still a valuable member of the team and procedures will be carried out. >> we will only resume in water interactions with our killer whales after we have implemented any changes in procedure that we
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feel will ensure the safety of our training staff. >> animal rights groups have called for killer whales in parts across the world to be freed. a funeral for the trainer will be held in her hometown of chicago of the next few days. >> relations between cuba and the united states remain cool after a meeting in havana last week. q. but acknowledges that president obama has the sense travel restrictions -- has loosened travel restrictions, but the embargo remains. our man in havana reports. >> emotional reunions after years apart. delors left cuba nine years ago. she is one of thousands of americans are writing a daily flights from miami now that
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president obama has eased restrictions for visiting relatives back home. they come loaded with gifts -- clothes, medicines, choice. for the past 50 years, communist cuba has lived under u.s. trade embargo. even basics are considered luxuries here. >> this card should be -- this card should be in a museum. >> on key issues like the trade embargo, washington still demands q. but show signs of reform. -- cuba shows signs of reform. >> the embargo is embedded in our law. the president does not have the authority completely do away with it, even if he were interested. as president obama has said he would need to see more evidence cuba would change policies, release political prisoners, so many more issues.
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i think what we are doing is moving the ball forward. >> political prisoners remain one of the key stumbling blocks. the unofficial cuban human rights commission estimates there are some 200 dissidents behind bars. cuban authorities say their mercenaries paid by the u.s. to undermine the system here. despite the differences, there are exceptions to the trade embargo. i have just gone to a supermarket shot, and everything here from frozen turkey to barbecue slaw to tinned carrots -- and all of it comes from the united states. this is an american container ship sailing into havana bay. for the past 10 years, uncle sam has become cuba's largest food supplier. it is the business of over $500 million a year. there is an anchor -- anger that
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cuba remains on at washington's list of state sponsors of terrorism. the islands called -- communist system is not open to negotiation. >> we believe the united states government has to leave behind the policy of putting conditions with cuba to change policies towards cuba. we do not see the united states putting them on other countries, even countries they have differences, the same conditions they are requesting for months. >> at times, both sides can move to the same tune. thousands thought d.c. kool and the gang. cultural exchanges are not. change is not proving easy, for either side. bbc news, havana.
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>> and uncut diamond the size of a chicken egg has been sold in london for the record price of $35 million, weighing 100 grams. it is the 19th largest ever discovered in has the potential to become one of the world's most foremost gm's once it is cut and polished. it was found in south africa in september. you can catch our headlines at >> funding was made possible by the freeman foundation of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu. the newman's own foundation. the john d. and catherine t. macarthur foundation. and union bank.
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>> union bank has put its global financial strength to work for a wide range of companies. what can we do for you? >> i'm julia stiles. >> i'm kevin bacon. >> i'm kim cattrall. >> hi, i'm ken burns. >> i'm lili taylor. >> i'm henry louis gates, jr., and public broadcasting is my source for news about the world. >> for intelligent conversation. >> for election coverage you can count on. >> for conversations beyond the sound bites. >> a commitment to journalism. >> for deciding who to vote for. >> i'm kerry washington, and public broadcasting is my source for intelligent connections to my community. >> "bbc world news" was presented by kcet, los angeles. presented by kcet, los angeles.
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