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tv   Charlie Rose  PBS  October 10, 2011 11:30pm-12:30am EDT

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>> rose: welcome to the program. tonight a look at the metropolitan opera. >> so why is it tough? >> well, it's... it'seally very difficult. it has a huge range and it has to have plenty of emotions and you cannot just sing it like... like a bel canto. it is bel canto but it has so much passion, so much... yeah, so much emotion and you have to act a l because without that it's not complete. >> rose: and a conversationith the great golfer from south africa gary player. >> how can somebody ke myself, a small person, say i did it? i never did it. of course, we all have different liefs. i believe it was a gift that was
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loaned to me by the lord. i believe that. and, you know, why should he give it to me? i don't know. but it's a gift. i can't be that good. it's just something... i really believe it's loaned to you and it can be taken away just as quickly as we've seen it throughout history. >> rose: opera and golf when we continue.
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captioning sponsored by rose communications from our studios in new york city, this is charlie rose. >> rose: the new season at the metropolitan opera is under way. this year's lineup features seven new productions including the last two installments of wagner's ring cycle and mozart's don giovanni. it kicked off with the first performance composed in the 19th century based on the final days of henry viii's doomed wife ann
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bow lynn. here's a look at the opera.
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(applause) >> rose: joining me now two r two of the stars of this opera, anna netrebko and stephen costello, also peter gelb the general manager of the opera. congratulations. >> thank you very much. >> the reviews are ver, very good. you were watching that and you noticed something which was a small... >> yeah, the one who was shoung it was me. (laughter) see how the lastote it didn't really come out well? but it's oy. i will correct it next performance. >> rose: why did you select these sevenperas?
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d when did you select them? >> well,he crazy thing about the world is opera is we plan four or five years in advance and because the great stars of opera are like anna and the rising young stars like stephen are booked far in advance so we have to... we're competing for their services along with la scala and the royal opera and the paris opera. so so we chose them partly because of the singers who were available to sing them and partly because of our need to present a balanced repertoire of interesting operatic experiences. a big emphasis at the mets to bring in top stage directors to work with great singing actors and actresses to find new ways to electrify the public and in the case of "anna bolena," we would never haveone this opera quite frany if not for anna
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netrebko because this is a real we believed, i believed and she was convinced... d she was convinced that she could pull off. it's one of the toughest roles, maybe the toughest role she's ever sung and one of the toughest roles in all of opera and only the greatest divas can tackle it with success. >> sage, sage. (laughter) >> rose:o why is it tough? >> well, it's really very difficult. it has a huge range and it has to have plenty of emotions and you cannot just sing it like a bel canto. it is bell canada but it has so much passion, so much emotion but you have to act with that or else it's not complete. >> rose: it's one of tee often thout of together, correct, peter? >> thought of together specifically because of beverly
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sills who decidedhe was going to take these three operas by donizeti that dealt with the tudor queens and perform them in a relatively short period of time. my idea at the met was to do the same thing so in fact i approach anna... >> rose: about three? >> about doing all three, she chose one which we're grateful for but the other two will be performed in fure seasons with different casts. >> rose: it's said you chose this one because you felt good about this one, thoughts you could handle this well but you weren't quite... thought the other two wer right for you. >> i choose this because of intuition, nothing i do not know the score, i do not know the music. >> rose: but you looked at it. >> i looked at it. >> rose: but it's said you've been thinking about her for a while as almost a permanent... as much as it can be permanent. >> rose: >> my plan is to make the audiences want to ce to the
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opa house so that's having the eatest singer and to be a great opera star you have to be a great actress as well. so anna represent what is a great opera star will be. this particular opera was brought back into vogue in the '50s by maria callas. >> rose: '57. >> she did this famous production at la scala and then beverly sills cast a spotlight on it en she did hit in the '60s and now anna is doing the same thing for it today and what's thrilling i think for the audience is they're getting not only a fantastic performance but also discovering an opera that most people in the audience have never seen before. since this is the first time the met has put this on in its entire htory. >> rose: stephen, when did y make your metropolitan debut? >> i made my production in "lucia." >> rose: so this is not your first opening night? >> no.
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>> i was in the audience for that. >> rose: and the role of lord percy? >> it's extremely difficult. i think all the roles in the era have extensive ranges. it tests the ability t go up and down the scale of a singer and also dramatics. it's very dramatic and the orchestration can get very big at times so you don't really want to push too much but sometimes you haveto a little bit and you also have to pull back in certain areas of the opera. so for every character involved it's very tricky. >> very difficult. >> ihink peter could answer the question. it's probably hard to find casting for that. >> absolutely true. i should say that the cost of this opera, every role, every one of the principal roles is an incredibly difficult part and we're fortunate. some operas don't get performed or produced for years because you can't cast them, at least by a house like the met where the audience is spoiled by having great singers. there's some operas you can't put on without... because singers aren't available. >> rose: okay.
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so here you are playing a role that great divas have played before. do you listen carefully to their recordings? or do you not want to hear their recordings because you want to make sure you only hear what you want to sing? >> well, i tell you, the preparation goes with me in this way. i am listening several recordings and i'm choosing one which i kind of like more which is more clo to my view on this opera. >> rose: wch one was that? come on! callas? >> i will tell you in a moment, yes. and after that i'm listening to this while i'm studying the music to get to know the music to understand the style, to understand which way i want to go. after when i start to put the role on my voice-- that's how we say, when i start really to sing it, i'm stopping listening to any of the recordings because i want to find something for me.
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i have to find my own way to that and so that's how it works. >> rose: you look for the peg to... first for the acting, first for your interpretation of the character? >> first for the vocal ability. >> rose: so you first think about how the voice wraps around it and that determines the actor? >> because in bel canto you can have many different versions of that. you can put some of them octave up, you can put more a cholera tour a if you want you can go lower. and which version you wa to do it's on you to deci. >> rose: how did you see lord percy? >> well, for me the character s hard at first because he was exiled from king henry and he's brought back by king henry. and he realizes henry and anna
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are still married. he has a hard time approaching her because he doe't want t do too much in front of the king because he is the king and he will have you killed that the very moment. so he goes to her bedroom and he tries to win her back in private i think it's one of the greatest duets in music. (singing in italian) >> rose: did you dream of being what you have become or did you dream of something else? >> well, of course we're all dreaming about something but i
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think i never could even imagine something like that could ppen to me. >> rose: but did you think more of being an actresor it was always singing. >> no, i wanted to be actress. >> rose: that's what i thought. >> like everybody. >> rose: (laughs) >> but after that i lost m interest and fell in love with opera because it's so beautiful, it's life, it's very difficult and it's imessive. >> i thi it's exciting hearing anna and stephen talking about w they get inside their characters and it's so typical what opera has become today because they have worked in the case of this production with david mcvicar who is a marvelous director of theatrical action and all the directors who are working at the met now, the ones who are bringing, are directors who come from the world of theater and who do not accept the idea that opera is some kind of a theatrical compromise. so for these directors to work
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with performers like these it raises the fwoor a point that performances that we're put tong stage of the met can really appeal to any interested party who is aligned, who is open to an artistic experience. you don't have to be an opera lover to love this perfmance of "anna bolena." you have to be a theater lover and music lover perhaps. >> well, coming right now we have michael grandage who won a to award for "red" who is directing our new "don giovanni des mcinoff is directing our new production of faust. we're getting a new ring cycle. >> rose: do they know opera and know music or do they know that they can learn that part of it as long as they understand eater? >> it varies. first of all, none of them take on these projects without loving what the... the work they're going to do. th don't need to do this. michael grandage knows every note odon giovanni."
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des mcinoff is a musician. so, you know, they are musicians and it's not surprising that so many directors who direct mucals can also direct opera. but it's really changed in the same w that movies and straight plays have raised the aesthetic approach. i mean, this opera of "anna bolena" is a perfect period reproduction. it's set exactly in the 1500s. >> rose: 1536. >> with costumes inspired by hans holebin to the most intimate detail. but as a theatrical experience it's a very modern acting and directing aesthetic. >> rose: that's your mission. your mission in life no at you've... >> for the moment, yes.
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>> rose: the general manager of the metropolitan opera is to make opera access to believe wider rangand a younger audience across the world using all kinds of technology. >> without offending the older diens. >> rose:ou don't have to offend them. you just say we're going to add to them. >> that's my mission. >> rose: what's the hurdle you ve to overcome to do that? >> there are many hurdles. first of all, roop is the most difficult fot rm to produce because there's soany moving parts. we have a symphony orchestra, we have a ballet, we have a chorus, we have a repertoire company where every minute of the stage time is occupied by a rehearsal or performance in the evening so our biggest menmy may be time and not enough time because we are racing against the clock every moment to achieve these productions but because there are so many moving artistic parts it doesn't come together. we don't the benefit of previews like on broadway. very often the first run through of an opera from start to finish is the dress rehearsal. which is very nerve-wracking
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experience for the performers, too, i can tell you. >> rose: how long did you prepare for this? holong was your own rehearsal period? >> well, we're here at the met for about four or five weeks before we actually started the show. i sung the role before. but even though you've sung the role before you can sing through it but, you know, you're dealing with a who other cast. i'm doing it with anna who is incredible on stage so i kw she's going to up her game so ch that i have to bring something in the scenes with her. >> rose: stop that. when y up your game, what do you do? (lauter) >> well, i've... >> rose: i want to see you up your game. >> well, i don't know, you just have to perform. u're coming on the stage and you have to do b e best you can. >>t's said that the opening night of the met this year that waa defining moment o your career. do you see it that way? >> i don't know. (laughter) >> rose: give me another 20 years. >> rose: but it is... this is
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special. i don't want to overdo this... >> well, it is very special. >> rose: you did well, the reviews were very good for you. >> thank you, ey should be. (laughter) >> rose: so you were happy with your performance? there's nothing that you would... >> no, i never can be totally happy with my performance. i will never really criticize myself but i knowhat i have to correct, what was not perfect. it's not... >> rose: well, then tell us what that is. >> there's some things i ca correct. >>ose: what other things are you doing this season? just at the met? >> well, i'm... no'm at the met until the enof the run and then i go on to vienna and then i meet with anna again and nova scotia t royal opera house when we sing traviata together. >> rose: we can go to that, can't we? >> you want a ticket >> he's singing in all the top opera houses. it's a very busy season. >> rose: do yo prepare
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differently for different opera houses? obviously you prepare differently for different operas but does the house... >> no, i mean, you have to... the house hires you based on a level of expectation. so i mean if i perform well at the met and i'm going to co-vent garden they want the same performance at the met. >> they hired him because he's cute. >> rose: what does the general manager do i terms of wating a performance? not in terms of opening night but in terms of watching it from the time the rehearsals begin until opening night? >> my routine is basically i'm in the theater wherever there's a rehearsal going on. particularly if it's a new production. because i see the met is such a big and dficult place sometimes that ieel it's my responsibility to protect the team that i've brought in of directors and designers to... so that they can get in and to make sure that they achieve what they want to achieve and it's many
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little things that go wrong in rehearsals, lights are not where they're supposed to be, scenery doesn't move when they're supposed to move. ngers don't like the way their costumes look. i'm sort of aroubleshooter and... >> rose: and they feel better because they know you're there. >> hopefully. >> rose: why are you smiling? >> nothing. (laughter) >> hopefully they feel better because i'm there. >> rose: you won the richard tucker award. >> yes. >> re: that's what? >> that's the top pze of american opera singers. people from different opera houses will pick a singer out of the united states, an american sing, and give them that award. >> rose: how do you see the next ten years? what's the goal? >> ping. going very slow. but also taking good opportunities. i had a good opportunity to sing "anna bolena" at the met with david mcvicar. so to work with him, that's a great opportunity. taking things, like taking job just because they throw a lot of
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money to you isn't such a great... because it can happen. you get a certain amount of exposure and people can say "why don't you do this and we'll give you this to come?" and you kind ofave to back off and watch because too many things can burn out a singer. it can also burn out any kind of performer. i mean, because it's such a physical thing that we do, singing, being on stage. it requires a lot ofour body. we were talking about when you have a cold, stay in bed the next day. it's a very disciplined rear. there's so many things you want to do but you can't do them in between shows. my obligation now is peter gelb in the met in the run of "anna bolena. sqots after a perfoance if i know i'm catching something and not feeling well, i'm going stay in bed the next two days and not go out. take my time and pace what i'm doing so i can perform the next show. >> rose: so you could have been resting today and we drove you over here to be on this show. >> no, f you we'll make exceptions. (laughter) >> being a 30-year-old tenor is the equivalent in pop music of bag 15-year-old pop star.
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he's at the beginning of his career. >> rose: because fame came in your 20s. i didn't realize you were in your 20s. >>t takes a certain number of years to the point where you can sing on the stage of a big opera house so he's extremely young for an opera singer. >> re: is it different for women? >> same thing. >> rose: it's opera. >> it takes time to develop and, for example, in the case of anna her earlier roles were much lighter roles than what she's singing now. so anntelligent opera singier gauges their careernd their development and not to take on roles that will burn out and kill their voices too early. >> rose: do you have a role model? is there somebody who is is in the back of your mind and you're saying i want to be like she was? i want to sing a role she sang. >> i'm not at that age anymore. >> when i was aeenage probably i had several models. but now... >> rose: so young singers are thinking about being you now? >> a lot of young ngers.
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(laughter) >> rose: beauty helps. beauty. helps. >> of course. always. >> rose: now when you were growing up in russia did they... were you separated and had opportunities cause of that. >> of the beauty? >> rose: yes. >> they didn't think that i'm beautiful in russia. >> rose: because you didn't fit like everybody else. you were different. >> i was different. i was... >> rose: how would you characterize the difference? >> i don't know, i was very boyish, you know? i was not beautiful when i was very young. i think the... what you call beauty is coming with experience with self-confidence probably and back the time, 20 years ago, no, i was just wanted to be on the stage, i wanted to sing. i was very... >> someo said you're in the prime of your career, would you
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agree with that? >> probay. well, what else you want? (laughter) >> rose: i don't know. >> i would agree with that. >>. >> rose: the h.d. thing is going well? >> remarkably well. in fact, we just added russia so... >> rose: oh, my gosh. >> o of the 5 daunt countries carrying these shows live. so the 15th of october "anna bolena" will be seen live by 250 people in movie theaters all over the world and in russ where we're just beginning in russia there's seven movie theaters. six theaters in moscow and one in st. petersburg. but that the tip of the iceberg. >> rose: you're a friend of our friend here, valery? >> yes, of course. >> rose: did you start there in st. petersburg with him? he was a mentor? >> absolutely. yes. >> rose: what did you learn from him? >> >> i learned from him how to love what you are doing because
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that's... that was driving him, you know? >> rose: he works harder than anybody i know. >> i know. he's crazy in a good way and i love him. he's even... he's doing to this not for money, he just loves it. his passion. >> rose: and how n.o.w. he's making loren ski great. greater than ever. >> yes. absolutely. >> rose: thank you for coming. >> rose: gary player is here. he is a legendary golfer who won nine grand slam events. he's one of five people to have one each major at least one time. it'snown as a career grand slam. during the 1960s and' 80s his duals with jack nilaus and arnold palmerlevated golf's stature around the world and next year the bi three will reunitas honory stters at augusta national for the masters. i'm pleased to have gary player at this table for the first time and thank god for that. welcome. >> thank you very much, charlie.
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an honor t be here. 7,000 or more people, all heroes of mine, have sat at this table. you've done a great job. >> rose: who would have believed let me go back to johannesburg. how did you learn to play this game? >> we have a lot of good courses, a lot of good climat. my father played golf, a poor man but insisted i play golf thank goodness because i was playing other sports. started playing when i was 14 but turned pro at 17 to his disgust. he wanted me to get degrees and i said traveling around the world will be a degree. i'm going to be a world champion because i people going to outpractice them all. >> rose: is that what you said? >> that's what i said. this hair of hands has hit more balls than any man ever lived. if vj singh lives as long as i do he might hit as many or maybe more. >> rose: is that the secret? >> i think a world ethic is something the world needs more now than ever before to get
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through to young people. there's none... entiement that people think they're entitled to so i think a love and a desire and energy. >> rose: if you have all those it's not work. >> that's right. i think energy is a special gift given to people. i think everyone is loaned, nothing is permanent. >> rose: do you think you had a gift or... that enabled you to play the game well once you put in this practice? >> charlie, this is frequently asked and you'd think i won the grand slam on the regular tournament and the grandlam s on the senior tour. grand slam on senior tour is more difficult because you have to do it after 50. how can somebody like myself, a small person, say i did it? i never do that. we all have different beliefs. i believe it was a gift that was loaned to me by the lord. i believe it by the lord. why to me? i don't know. i can't be that good. it's something that i really believe is loaned to you and it
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can be taken away just as quickly as we've seen it throughout history. superstars many of them, champions that couldn't play tomoow for a while. >> rose: so what happens to them en that happens? >> i don't know. >> rose: how can i guy win a british open and then never again win a major tournament. >> people have won several majors and took ten years to come back. >> rose: so what happens to the game? >> charlie, we don't know. i'm in the racehorse business and e golf business and i've studied genetics and gol and i've been a pro now for 58 years and i know that hang of a lot about nothing. >> rose: that will get you a long way. did you ptern your game once you began to play? >> ben hogan. i thought they was best golfer i've ever seen in my lif the best striker of a golf ball. >> rose: better than sneed a a striker? >> over the years far more control than sneed, far more. he hit fairways. sneed never won the u.s. open.
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hogan did that when he was in his prime. they was king. he never missed fairways. >> rose: i always thought sneed had a swedish sing, people said. >> most natural golfer that ever lived. ben hogan is the best striker of a golf ball. he didn't have jets or a million dollars prize money. he won $750,000 in his life and his career. and he went to war for five years and he had an accident for two years. what would have happened if he never had that? how many majors would he have won? it's like rod laifr in tennis, won two events and wasn't allowed to play again because he was a pro. >> rose: he would have had the all time record. >> ielieve he would have. >> rose: mcinroe, i think rod laver is the best. >> rose: well, he was in his prime for 20 majors, makes you so you admired hog. when you look today who has hogan's swing. >> rorycelroy. jasonay has magive in dent...
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there's a lot of... you take the young guy from sou africa who just won the masters, the british open, therare a host of them. and anyone can come through here agn you don't know who is going to do it. >> rose: what is it we don't know about winning a grand slam? a lot of men and women on her side with enormous talent don't get it. probably people as talented is as you have never won a grand slam. >> i've played with people that were better than me. >> rose: why did you win and they didn't? >> i think it's because of the passion of am desire of never giving up but i think the p word to accepted a versety i think that's the big thing. >> rose: you he said that... you knew... as hard as you wanted to win and tried to win if you didn't win you never thought it was the end of the world. >> that's right.
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i believed i was ing to win every time. >> rose: we have been nicklaus and palmer. is >> i believed it. >> rose: when you teed it up on the first tee, i'm going to win this turnment. >> i played nicklaus over 36 les in the final and beat him 6-4 and 5-4 the next year head to head. 36 holes because i believed i was going to do it. nobody else did but i believed i was going to do it. >> rose: if you belve and visualize it it n happen. >> exactly. >> rose: he would hit the ball how much further than you off the sfwhe >> 45 yards. >> rose: is that right >> yes b i could play bunker shots better than he could. >> rose: you can play bunke shots better than anybody. >> and i could play chip shots. >> rose: if somebody said gary player can hit a shot out of the bunker better than anybody that played the game? >> i don't know about that. we have to look at the record book. (laughter) >> ros how is arnold different than jack and you? >> he fell out of bed with charisma and everybody loved arnold. i loved arnold. jack loved arnold. we played against each other.
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we wanted to beat each other badly but we had great love for each other and when i think of what arnold did for the game it's unbelievable. so for jack... but he had charisma and he had... we had time for people. it wasn't this commercial big money business. itas a different life. you'd stay at people's homes at a tournament. you know? i don't think anybody... very seldom is that done today. so really arnold is being.... >> rose: did you say, in fact, that this has been a tribute to someone-- it may be you-- that all of us aulgt to give 25% of our earnings to arnie because he changed the game because of his potential endorsement ability? >> he did because the game was probably on the wayne to a certaindegree and here comes this charismatic man and he goes to britain and he had this... he had a... he had it. how do you explain it, you kw? >> rose: you also changed the game in giving it an international dimension
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>> rose: >> i hope so, i traveled more miles than any athlete. maybe more miles than any human being, i don't know. but i traveled all around the world and went into little towns and played for $25 a game. we loved the game and we gave people pleasure. there was a different time and there was none of the sums of money. that wasn't the criteria. we wanted to win and we had great camaraderie with people. when arnold was signing autographs he'd stand there until everybody was gone and we had to do that as well. >> ros tell the story of your brother going to world war ii and he says to his younger bler? >> he's standing there, he's 17 years of age, came to world... going to world war ii to fight alongside of the americans and british and alliest that time and he said "you want to be a professional sportsman?" he bought me a set of weights, he said promise me you xer xer
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size until the day you die. i'm 76 and i've exercised adhered to his promise and it's the greatest thing he ever did. he came back and became one of the world's leading conservationts. saved e rhino whererom becoming extinct and got his doctorate and thank goodness i did because of my stature when i think of the fitness how it helped me traveling all these miles, traveling with time changes is not easy a you know. youery well know, so the fitness is being... and my great dream is for young people to know this because i started doing weights long before these guys thought about it. and i'd love to be able to know... people to say well, that man introduced weight training an exercise and diet into the sport of golf. >> rose: what do you shoot today >> i shoot anything between 70 and 74. >> rose: so you can shoot your age. >> break my age. unless i have a windy lousy day i break it almost every time. 70 to 76.
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what's difference between your swing today and when you were winning the grand slam. >> strength. >> rose: strength? >> strength. >> rose: obviously club head speed. >> which comes from strength so i would have hit the ball... at least 50 yards further. >> rose: does that mean therefore that the strongest... physically strongest players are often the best players? >> no, not necessarily but in my cases i needed that but if you look at the best players in the game today, tiger woods and phil mickelson, if you look at their stats on driving, they don hit many fairways but they'rup there winning majors because of the short game and this is what members misunderstand. everybody's... you know, they've got thisdream and this idea about hitting theall a long way. the thing that winsolf tournaments, putting, chipping, bunker shots. >> rose: why is it even pros can't make frequent puts? >> well, because the mole is not very big. sometimes under the pressure it looks like the size of a by aer aspirin.
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... bayer aspirin. (laughs) >> rose: what did you say when you were under pressure andgrslt grand slam event was at stake and off putt that will make you either the winner or runner-up. >> whi i had. >> rose: what do you say to yourself? >> i can make it or miss it but i've practiced har the odds are i'm going to make it. don't you think attitude is a big thing in life? >> rose: of course i do. it's always half full for me. >> yeah. >> rose: so today if tiger was playing with jack at his best, who would outdrive. >> it would be the same. >> rose: really? >> yeah, i've played with them both and studied that. >> rose: that's about00 yards? >> oh, around 3 so 10, 320. >> rose: both of them? >> o yes. people forget it's not fair to make comparisons between different eras, you can only say... >> rose: well, the equipment is different. >> the equipment. the golf balls today,hey've got at five piece ball for the
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pros, a three piece ball for the amateurs. things i never dreamt of. drivers want to draw the ball, they havto draw a bias. grow there and sigh you see what they do and they have the test the spin on the bl and you're hitting it too hard and they take the screw and it's beyond one's imagination. >> rose: i've read you said the following, that tiger will come back >> yeah. >> rose: why do you believe that? >> well, i have to. the man has been so great. he's been so talented and i really know it's important for the game that he comes back so i want to be positive because i love the game and the game needs him to come back. i can't say definitely but how can you be that talented and suddenly lose it all? it can happen... >> rose: but do you think it's physical or psychological, i.e. he has an injury in his left leg. >> that's a debatable issue that i don't know and can't give an opinion on. but when you have three operations on a nina concerns me. >> rose: he pounded that knee.
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>> yeah. and i also feel... i can't help but feeling i was looking at this thing on televisiowhen he was younger. his hands were higher and hi had the club on line and i just feel he's getting too big on to top of his chest and arms. >> rose: working out! >> but i kneel he's getting too big here which shortens the swing. >> rose: ah. >> but that's only my opinion. the man is so talented, so focus. i can't imagine he's not going to come back and win these majors. >> rose: so he'll wing more majors than jack in your judgment? >> he's got to win five more to beat jack. that's a carr. i don't know about that. that... who knows? only the gods know about that. anybody who makes predictions about that is stupid. but he's so talented and all i can say, the game really needs him badly. >> rose: what was the moment that you wish you could most replay? >> reshea from. >> rose: yes, replay.
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>> the masters. i won the masters of 1961 and in 1962 i was shot ahead of arnold palmer and he missed the green to the right. now anybody who know it is green to the right knows you cannot get it out in two because you have to hit it way out to the right and it gathers speed and i said to caddy "we've got him." and it came down that hill at 100 miles an hour, it this fairway. >> rose: what'd you say to your caddy then? >> the golfing gods decided at the moment but we still got him one shot. hooked it into eisenhower's tree. took a five-iron knocked it on the green. >> rose: it was his day. >> i had an 18 hole playoff. he was 36. he had a bad shot of ten to the right and the putt was coming across the green and he won. the year before he finished with
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a double bogey. it all evens out in the long run. this business about he's a lucky player, i've heard peoe say all the great shots you see at the last few holes ty say it's luck. i rememb playing with nicklaus in the british open and they were going head to head and i beat him in the last round, i hit a three that far from the hole and a par 5 and people said that's a lucky shot. well the harder you practice the luckier you get. >> rose: (laughs) about everything. >> yeah, yeah. >> rose: so wearing black. where did that come from? >> my father who was a miner and a poor man said one thing you have to do is have arand and my son ran my business and he said you have to have a brand. >> rose: man in black. >> and then i saw "haveun will travel" and he had black and have a silver holster. and i said "i'm from black africa, i have to wear black." and i became known as the black knight. and the ople i've met, elvis presley... >> rose: yes.
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in 1961 i go on one of the morning shows and i say ♪ one forhe money, two for the show ♪ three get ready, now go, pat go ♪ you can do anything but don't step on my blue suede shoes ♪ and he saw that and said he wants to meet that guy so i'm in los angeles and the fm producerook me to meet him. elvis puts his jacket on, "how do you do, sir?" i'd like to play golf. head a grip like this. looked like a car giving birth to a roll of barbed wire. he said "what's important?" i said "elvis, learn to use the hips." he says "the hips? i said "yes." he says "baby, you talking to the right man." >> rose: (laughs) is that right? >> i loved elvis! >> rose: is this on film sir? >> i don't think so because it was just spontaneous. but, man, i loved that man and u think what his music did and live today my daughter from
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south africa on the ipad the other day elvis singing bl suede shoes. young, thin, handsome man. he was something. >> rose: you've written one book called "don't choke." what's the lesson to not choke. >> the pressure is self-abearing and you've got to make comparisons and i think the tough times i've had with my mother dying and my father in the gold mine and my othe at war and ming homeo a dark house and there's a black gentleman there called john who made me a bit of food occasionallynd i'd have to get up and travel to school and travel back but ient to a great school, you had to stand up when the teacher came into the class. you had to take your hat off. and great sporting facilities. so it was tough. >> rose: butoto choke... that taught you not to choke because... you knew how to handled a versety? >> i think so i always made a
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comparison. is this as tough as what you had as a kid? no. everything's in the mind, isn't it? >> rose: you've got ten commandments, i want to find them out here. i found this interesting and i wrote them down here somewhere. ten commandments you have. here they are. >> ten business commandments. >> rose: but it applies to life doesn't it? i'm going to read them and you can comment. change is the price of survival. >>e all have to change. otherwise you don't survive. i get a kick out of politician when one man says he has a different idea that he had a few years ago and they call him flip-fpping. everybody flip-flops in life. do you believe the same things you believed five or ten years ago? change is the price of survival. winston churchill said that. >> rose: and churchill always said if you see new facts and don't change somhing is wrong with y. >> exactly. >> rose: then you say everything is n business is negotiable except quality. >> you can't do deals without quality. yohaveo have quality. otherwise it doesn't last. >> rose: a promise made is a debt incurred. >> well, people are inclined to forget their promises when it
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suits them. >> re: for all we take in life we must pay. >> we are taking so much out of life and what the great john kennedy said, ask not what your country can do for you, it's what you can do to your country. we he toontribute to society beuse society gives us so much. >> rose: did you see that story about the kennedy peopl sending arnie a film of kennedy's swing asng arnie during the '60s to look at it. >> (laughs) i didn't know that! >> rose: and they called and schedule add game for afternoon noi go down to florida and the president had to cancel because his back was bothering him. he had a bad back. arnie was very excited. he looked at the screen... he had a good swing. >> yes. >> rose: he dn't like it to be known he was a golfer because eisenhower... >> exactly. >> rose: he'd gotten so much... >> you knew president eisenhower. >> had dinner with him and spent time with him. a wonderful man. >> rose: what other presidents have you met? >> well, had dinner with president carter and nice
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letters for from president reagan and president ford. >> rose: ford loved golf. >>nd both opinions and the oval office with the sudden and... when jack and i kept in the president's cup forced america and the rest of the world. so in place to meet all these wonderful people and such a great admirer of the united states because you've been such a contributor. such a samaritan to the worl unfortunately to peopl the world is forgetting what you've done for them. but winston crchill also said why does he te he? what have i done for him lately? and the that old saying about no good deed goes unpunished. that's a true saying, isn't it. >> rose: persistence andommon sense are more important than intelligence. >> people put such a great emphasis on education. there are a lot of people that are highly educated derelicts looking for jobs but people have persistence and personalities and a smile and love in their heart, they can surpass those people. >> rose: this is not a
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recommendation for anybody but the late steve jobs never graduated from college. dropped out of college but hung around and didn't want to be part of the process. >> there you are. >> rose: the fox theater is not the man who boasts by night but the man who rises early in the morning. >> the man who stands in the old english times they have to be hunting foxes and he's getting drunk and standing at the bar. the fox is not going to worry about him because he won't get up early in the morning. the man who gets up early the morning looking for the fox is in trouble. >> rose: accept the advice of the man who loves y though you like it not at present. >> how many times with children, we all have families, do you tell your son or daughter something and they don't want to accept it. i know i have a son that plays golf but jack told him the same thing and it was fine. (laughter) >> rose: trust instinct to the end though you cannot render any reason. >> instinct is a special gift. it's another special gift. you must trust that instinct. >> rose: and the height? >> thiis my favorite. >> rose: the heights of great
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men reached were not attain bid sudden flight but while their companions slept were iling upfwhardz the night. >> in other words one of the reasons i became champion, when a lot of my fellow pros were sleeping i came home after dinner and went to the hotel manager and got the key for the jim and exercised. i didn't want to do it. the thing is the height that great men reached, is many people reach a pinnacle in golf but don't keep it. you never hear of them again. reached and kicked. were not attain bid sudden flight. it didn't happen. you had to have dedication, application and dedicate your life to maintain it. >> rose: there's no substitute for personal contact. >> well, that's right. you have advertising companies an magazines and people turn over. you have them... i just did a day for verizon and s.a.p. in california, i played with tir guests, met them, had pictures, breakfasts, clinics and time with them and sent them pictures. that means something. it personal contact.
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>> rose: do you believe you got the credit you deserve for the game youlayed because you played at the same time of two people who had so much attention given to them-- arnie and jack? >> i do believe so becse remember i was an international player and they look at the records in golf and they put in the perspective and say "okay, let's look at the records." and i was given hing lon ff any the sport i was give an lot of credit. i don't blame the american people for putting arnold and jack before me that's unable. i accept that. that's something that... >> rose: apartrom them do you think they've gotten full credit for what you achieved on the course? >> i think so because the record book can't lie. the record book doesn't tell lies and if you look at the number of majors in the years it doesn't tell a lie. >> tell me the people whose game you admired over the years that you have played with. baluster baluster roes?
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>> he was a scrambler. ballesteros. >> ben hogan. sam snead. i mean, jack nicklaus was a tri player. you think of the number of major championships hefinished second in. imagine if tigered that 18 majors on the board and nicklaus was coming back and saw that. nicklaus would have won probably 22. he would have worked harder to achieve that. >> rose: nicaus was a hard worker? >> reasonable. i wouldn't say... >> rose: here's what he said about you. he said pound for pou you weighed at your best playing weigh 150. is what do you weigh now? >> 140. >> rose: that right? >> i don't teet same. i'm on a coletely different diet now. >> rose: fruits and vegetables? >> i'm very much vegetarian. 85% vegetarian. >> rose: off campaign against childhood obesit you think it's ruining us. >> charlie, to me this is the most important question y've
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asked me today. childhood obesity is one of the most serious things on the planet today. we talk about wars and economies and things like that. almost between 23% and 30% of the united states youth are obese. how could america afford it? how can other countries when their children are also becoming obese. not china, not japan, although they're starting. wealth breeds bad health. how can governments afford to pay for this? diabetes... my one son is a diabetic. it's so serious it's coming at us the diabetes, the high cholesterol in kids of eight and ten years of age like a tsunami. and the parents have got to see they eat more vegetables. some of these ki dn't even know what cauliflower, spinach and cabbage was. so as parents we brought the children into this world. we have to start getting them to exercise, come home from school, sit in front of your computer, but make them go outside, make them ride their bicycle.
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buy every ki a bike sol you can sit in front of the computer after you've ridn your bicycle >> rose: tell me what your fitness routine is today. what have you done so far as we tape this at 6:00? >> well today i had to get up early to come. >> rose: what's early? >> 5:30. >> rose: when dough do you normally get up? >> about that time. >> rose: that's what i thought. >> it varies. i try to go to the gym asany days as i can. i did a thousand sit ups in the gym. >> rose: a thousand? >> a thousand. then i did the treadmill, the weights. i exercise my entire body. rose: what do you do to your neck? >> as you get older your neck gets stiff. so you have to do this. you have to exercise every muscle in your body. you look at the average man of 70 today, he's existing, not living. so we have to change our philosophy. >> rose: so sit ups, what else? >> i do wrist rolls.
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>> rose: do you still bench press 300 pounds? >> i do bench pressing to loosen me up. >> rose: so you don't want to get o muscular? >> no. then i do running on the treadmill. >> rose: what do you run three or four miles? >> yeah. i end with a lot of speed to keep the muscles waking you up. don't let them go to sleep. they go to sleep quickly. exercise is like reading for the mind. >> rose: so i would don't, this i'm not going to do this because we don't have the perfect studio. but if you're the doing a morning show and somebody says to you do a thousand... get on the ground and do a thousand situps. >> rose: pushups? >> i couldn't do a thousand pushups. >> rose: how many could you? >> i don't know. >> rose: a hundred? >> i could go close to that. i've never tested mysf. i do maybe 50 in the morning just do keep... >> rose: but a thousand situps? >> yes. >> rose: and i do them in all different ways. >> rose: sometimes a hundred
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pound weight i do it then i'll get on the ball and do it all different ways. if i can show you there without boasting at 76 it's like a... plank man. some of these guys it so much they haven't seen their knees. >> rose: you're that hard, huh? >> i work out hard. but that doesn't mean to say... >> rose: you have no illness? nothing. >> w knows, i just noticed... little marks on your skin. >> rose: so you'll see a dermatologist? >>ell, you never know. >> rose: do you take vitamins? >> not a big vitamin eater. i have some but not a big vitamin eater. if you eat properly, the right foods they contain it. >> rose: and your docto says yourrters are clean? >> with my cholesterol, sugar, things like that. >> rose: does diabetes run in the family? ly father had type two bu my sohas... >> rose: it often skips a generation. i want to be carul about this because i'm not... >> my son takes that little old
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needle. if you one at school... and school should be teachinthis, could see,hey should beb showing film of typone diabetics how ey put them needle in them four or five times a day. they should be showing this to kids in school and i beg of the schools in america to incase physical training to three times a week. don't take it out. they're taking it out sdplfrjt i was invited by seven congressmen through callow way company to dress seven congressmen a i said please increase the exercise in your states and schools and make sure they give a good food. you have to have-to-admire mr. bloomberg, what he is' trying to do. and mrs. obama what she's done. you know, it's... >> ros on childhood obesity. you're 76. >> i'll tell you where i've traveled. johannesburg, amsterdam, italy, japan back here then i'm going to honduras and then to handicap and china and japan and johannesburg. >> rose: commercial? >> commercial.
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yes. that's not don conducive to gd health. >> rose: commercial? >> flying period. >> rose: that's what people tell me all the time. they say stop flying so much. i'm off to turkey this week. >> let me justay this before we hang up how much i admire you and what you contributed to society. your shows have been unbelievable. the people you've interviewed and the pleasure. and isn't that nice to give people pleasure? >> rose: will you play gol with he? >> i would love to. would lo to. when you're traveling this way and i'm traveling that way may we'll meet in the middle! >>ose: i'llome to south africa. >> all right. >> rose: tnk you. pleasure to have you on this program >> thank you very much, i enjoyed it.
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captioning sponsored by rose communications captioned by media access group at wgbh
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