tv PBS News Hour PBS December 19, 2011 7:00pm-8:00pm EST
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a bomb in a year or potentially less. secretary panetta spoke with us at an end of an overseas trip during which he reviewed strategy in afghanistan and officially ended the war in iraq. on the way home, he boarded the jet nicknamed "the doomsday plane." this is the command post where he and the president would direct a nuclear war. in an interview for "60 minutes," we sat down in the compartment where he would execute the commander-in-chief's orders. panetta told us iran needs only one year to build a nuclear weapon. so are you saying that iran could have a nuclear weapon in 2012. >> it would be some time around a year that they would be able to do it. perhaps a little less. the one proviso, scott, is if they have a hidden facility somewhere in iran that may be enriching fuel. >> pelley: so that they could develop a weapon even more quickly than we believed? >> that is correct. >> pelley: if the israelis
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decide to launch a military strike to prevent that weapon from being built, what sort of complications does that raise for you? >> we share the same common concern. the united states does not want iran to develop a nuclear weapon. that's a red line for us. and it's a red line, obviously, for the israelis. if we have to do it; we will do it. >> pelley: you just said "if we have to do it, we'll do it." >> that's right. >> pelley: what is "it"? >> if they proceed and we get intelligence they're proceeding with developing a nuclear weapon then we will take whatever steps are necessary to stop it. >> pelley: including military steps? >> there are no options that are off the table. >> pelley: a nuclear weapon for iran is unacceptable. panetta told us while the iranians need a year or less to assemble the weapon, he has no indication yet that they have made the decision to go ahead. the erratic, impoverished nuclear power north korea
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announced last night that its dictator kim jong-il died suddenly of a heart attack. he had been frail since a stroke. standing between north korea and south korea tonight are more than the 28,000 american troops, a force in place since the end of the korean war. the kims have ruled north korea for 63 years, the longest running her red take dir tateorship in the world. and it appears they continue to will continue that streak. there was an outporing of grief for the man who served his people while building a nuclear weapon. his youngest son and apparent successor kim jong-un remained out of sight today. we don't know much about kim jong-un, he's thought to be in his late 20s. the c.i.a. had only one photo of him from his time spent in college in switzerland under a false name. it's not known whether he's married or has children. he was named his father's successor after king jong-il's stroke in 2008.
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his debut came last year at a parade when he strode to the reviewing stand along with his father. our jim axelrod was there. >> reporter: the military government has invited the western media in not only to see the country flex its military muscle now send an important symbolic message about its future. >> pelley: the message delivered today by north korean state media stopped short of calling king jong un's the country's next leader but it did call him "great successor." one of the few american's to negotiate with north korea is former u.n. ambassador and former governor of new mexico bill richardson. he's gone to north korea as a special envoy eight times. >> what's interesting in this situation is kim jong-un, the successor, has not been in the military, has relatively little experience in policy making and is also untested. so the military now will, in my judgment, assume even more
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power. >> pelley: you don't expect the younger kim to actually be running things? >> well, he'll be the titular head. he'll have power, but not like his father. >> pelley: north korea is given to sudden unexplained spasms of violence. last year ittor pitoed a south korean navel killing 46 sailors. and then it rained 180 artillery shells in a south korean island killing four. the kim dynasty began with kim il sung in 1948 when north korea was born. kim jong-il inherited power in 1992 and since then he's presided over a series of famines. it's estimated as many as two million north koreans have starved. kim jong-il lived a lavish and eccentric life-style. he was a fan of hollywood movies and owned 20,000 of them. former ambassador richardson sees his passing as a rare opportunity. >> it's very important that we
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not provoke them, that we let them have their transition, that we engage them, that we continue talking to them. because isolating them as never worked. >> pelley: north korea is isolated by its poverty, best illustrated by a satellite photo. when you look at the world at night and zoom into the korean peninsula, you can see the lights burning brightly in south korea and china, but hardly a flicker from north korea. the obama administration said today it hopes the changes in north korea will lead to better relations with the united states. norah o'donnell is at the white house tonight. norah? >> reporter: scott, tonight there are some real concerns about the transition. a senior u.s. official tells me that the jury is out on kim jong-un, that he is young, untested, inexperienced, and has "shown proclivities towards violence." u.s. officials say kim jong-un
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is a volatile personality. u.s. intelligence believes he encouraged the attacks on the south last year, including the sinking of that south korean naval ship, killing 46 and the shelling of an island. belligerent moves that u.s. officials suspect were meant to bolster un's credibility with military leaders. mindful of south korea's vulnerability, president bush placed a midnight call to one of his closest allies in the region south korean president lee and he reiterated the united states' commitment for that country's security. secretary of state hillary clinton today hosted another leader with a vested interest in a stable korean peninsula, the japanese foreign minister. and together they urged calm. >> we both share a common interest in a peaceful and stable transition in north korea as well as in ensuring regional peace and stability. >> reporter: the u.s. had been in talks that they hoped would lead the north koreans to take concrete steps toward
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denuclearization but officials are unsure whether the death of the dear leader will lead to any sort of progress. >> we reiterate our hope for improved relations with the people of north korea and remain deeply concerned about their well-being. >> reporter: the well-being of north koreans with millions of their people starving has actually driven them the bargaining table. the u.s. was set to announce this week a massive food aid program where in return north korea would agree to suspend their nuclear enrichment program. that deal, scott, is now in jeopardy. >> pelley: what may become of the food assistance deal at this point? >> well, i spoke up with a number of u.s. officials today who said it is still an option. they're going to let north korea go through this period of mourning and they'll see whether the new leadership, the new power is open to tying those food aid to north korea ending
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their nuclear weapons program. >> pelley: norah, thank you very much. tensions of another kind just up pennsylvania avenue. it appeared over the weekend that congress had struck a compromise deal to extend the payroll tax cut. the senate passed a two-month extension but then house republicans revolted, demanding a one-year extension. congressional correspondent nancy cordes has the latest from the capitol. nancy? >> reporter: house republicans say they will vote down the senate deal later tonight. they believe two months just creates too much uncertainty, so the future of this tax cut is very murky right now. house republicans railed today against the two-month tax cut devised by the senate. >> two months? really. come on! that's really do nothing. >> what they sent us over was an insult to the american people. it was an insult. >> reporter: the revolt by house republicans took the senate by surprise. senators had already headed home for the holidays. >> i'm glad i worked.
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>> reporter: after voting overwhelmingly on saturday 89-10. >> the amendment is agreed to. >> reporter: in favor of the two-month compromise. >> this will be the last roll call vote of this year. have a happy holiday, everyone. >> reporter: a two-month extension of the payroll tax cut was no one's first choice. but senate leaders could not agree on a way to pay for an entire year's worth of tax cuts so they came up with this two-month stopgap. when house speaker john boehner briefed house republicans on the deal this weekend, they balked and so he turned against the measure, too. >> i think it's time for senate democrat leaders to follow the president's example, put their vacations on hold and work in a bipartisan manner to finish the nation's business. >> reporter: not happening, said senator chuck schumer of new york. >> to go back wouldn't accomplish anything because, again, they would come up with another proposal that just would never pass. >> reporter: so with the tax cuts set to expire in 13 days,
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congress is engaged in yet another high-stakes standoff. are you prepared to let these tax cuts lapse all together? >> i think we've made it perfectly clear to we believe that a full-year extension of these tax cuts are very important. >> reporter: white house officials made it clear they intend to blame tea party house republicans if these tax cuts expire, scott, and 160 million americans end up paying 2.6% in payroll taxes instead of 4.2% in the next year. >> pelley: we'll keep watching. nancy, thanks very much. in the race for the republican presidential nomination, it's just 15 days to the iowa caucuses. today front-runner newt gingrich trying to appeal to some conservative voters attacked federal judges he accused of legislating from the bench. dean reynolds is in davenport tonight. with a gallup poll suggesting his momentum is stalling and he's now in a virtual tie with rival mitt romney, newt gingrich is fighting back by stressing
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his conservative credentials and talking up an issue dear to the hearts of social conservatives. the idea, that elitist judges are undermining the country's values. >> are judges above the law? are judges in a position where they dictate to the president and they dictate to the congress? >> reporter: in a question-and-answer session in davenport, gingrich said some judges have an exaggerated view of their own importance. >> the court has said we are supreme. we are the last word. that's bologna. >> reporter: he cited examples of past presidents-- franklin roosevelt and abraham lincoln among them-- ignoring court rulings in the interest of the nation and suggested it might happen again under a gingrich presidency. the remarks furthered those he made on "face the nation" on sunday. >> we've had rulings that outlawed school prayer, rulings that outlawed the cross, rulings that outlawed the ten commandments. we've had a steady secular drive to radicalize the this country away from its core beliefs. >> reporter: as a remedy, gingrich suggested federal judges be subpoenaed to go
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before congress and explain any controversial rulings. how would you enforce that? would you send the capitol police down to arrest them >> if you had to. or you'd instruct the justice department to send the u.s. marshal. >> reporter: but that view would seem to conflict with the constitution and its separation of powers doctrine that says all three branches of government are equal and not subject to any other branch. gingrich's views on this and a number of other subjects have alarmed some republican party regulars who worry that what may go over well with with the republican party base, scott, may prove a liability in the general election. >> pelley: dean, thanks very much. the last u.s. convoy leaves iraq and jim axelrod is in it. blizzard warnings are up from new mexico to kansas. and dozens of students may have taken part in the deadly hazing at florida a&m when the "cbs evening news" continues.
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band. mark? >> reporter: scott that large number of witnesses partly explains why investigators are still building a case that could result in murder charges. and today trustees rejected calls to suspend this university's president. florida a&m trustees let president james ammons keep his job in part because of florida's politics, worries about the school's accreditation and the board's asserting its independence. the pressure is still on him? >> the pressure is very much on him. >> reporter: al lawson, an alum, is a member of the task force ammons appointed to tend school's decades-long culture of hazing. to >> to his critics ammons strikes them as a guy who wasn't on top of it. the board was not prepared to name an interim. if you suspend him today, the university floats along as a ship without a rudder. >> reporter: the crisis began when drum major robert champion died from injuries suffered in a hazing ritual on a band bus last
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month. that death, officially ruled a homicide, spotlighted their decades-long hazing history. there's also allegations of fraud linked to the school's marching band. the board of trustees were urged to suspend him which board members resented and students protested. but today the parents echoed calls for him to go. >> he's the president, your expectation that he should know as the head of any organization you are responsible. >> reporter: but ammons' supporters say he rescued the school from a financial crisis when he became president in 2007. did ammons catch a break today? >> i thought he caught a break today. i thought, you know, given a little chance to breathe and at the same time look at the direction that the university is going. >> reporter: the crisis for ammons and for the school will get worse if criminal charges come, as expected. scott, hazeing in florida is a felony, punishable after five years in prison but second degree murder charges can mean
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life. >> pelley: the homicide investigation widens. mark, thank you very much. a powerful storm is sweeping across the southwest and the great plains tonight. some places could get as much as 18 inches of snow. blizzard warnings are up across five states. snow is already blanketing roads in new mexico and in texas. he was the playwright who had a starring role in a drama that brought freedom to eastern europe. remembering vaclav havel next. you found it. wow. nice place. yeah. [ chuckles ] the family thinks i'm out shipping these. smooth move. you used priority mail flat rate boxes. if it fits, it ships for a low, flat rate. paid for postage online and arranged a free pickup. and i'm gonna track them online, too. nice. between those boxes and this place, i'm totally staying sane this year. do i smell snickerdoodles? maybe. [ timer dings ] got to go. priority mail flat rate shipping at a simpler way to ship.
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>> pelley: there's a perception that crime goes up when the economy is down. but the f.b.i. said today that violent crime was down nearly 6.5% during the first half of this year and property crime fell 3.7%. scientists in england have solved a mystery-- locating the source of some of the huge stones at stonehenge. they matched stones that formed the inner tring a site in western whales 160 miles away. how the ancient britains moved the stones that far more than 4 years ago remains a mystery. former czech president vaclav havel has died. a young dissident playwright when soviet tanks rolled into prague in 1968, havel spent four years in communist prisons. in 1989, he led czechoslovakia's velvet revolution-- a
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non-violent transition to democracy. havel was elected president and later oversaw the czech republic split from slovakia. he was a magnet for western leaders. in 1994, president clinton played sax in havel's favorite jazz bar in prague. long a heavy smoker, vaclav havel died yesterday from respiratory disease. he was 75. the last u.s. convoy leaves iraq. the last u.s. convoy leaves iraq. we'll take you along next. no problem. you want to save money on rv insurance? no problem. you want to save money on motorcycle insurance? no problem. you want to find a place to park all these things? fuggedaboud it. this is new york. hey little guy, wake up! aw, come off it mate! geico. saving people money on more than just car insurance.
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>> pelley: president obama promised they'd be home for christmas and their families were waiting as some of the last american troops to serve in iraq return to bases around the u.s. parents were reunited with children they hadn't seen in months. no better holiday gift than that. jim axelrod was with the last convoy to leave iraq. >> reporter: testing weapons on the firing range one last time, specialist tris mcdonough from tacoma, washington, knew his third tour in iraq was about to become his last. >> let's hope this is the last time i have to fire a weapon in iraq and we're able to get back without having to fire. >> reporter: mcdonough's platoon would be driving out on the last convoy. the gunner his vehicle, mcdonough would have to stand
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behind his .50 caliber machine gun in the dessert cold for five hours to get to the border. but after a total of nearly two years in iraq, if that was the price of leaving, he was thrilled to pay it. >> it's going to be the first time i've ever driven across the border so it's going to be almost kind of a relief knowing that this place is no longer where i'm at. >> reporter: the convoy traveled by cover of night and arrived at the border at first light. eight years, eight months, and 28 days after the start of the iraq war, we are now just moments from crossing the border into kuwait. the soldiers in this armored transport vehicle will be among the very last u.s. troops to leave iraq. while some vehicles crossed the border horns blaring, mcdonough followed strict orders not to show boat. this was the face of an honorable departure. >> it's definitely an amazing feeling to know that the biggest
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mission of my military career went smoothly, without any hiccups and we were able to get across safely. >> reporter: almost immediately, his attention turned to one last mission-- getting home to his wife and three children for christmas. >> i'm looking at a picture of them running across to dad. i haven't seen them in eight months so it's going to be amazing. >> reporter: it looks like tristan mcdonough and thousands of other troop fresh from iraq will make it just in time. jim axelrod, cbs news, camp virginia, kuwait. >> reporter: that's the "cbs evening news" for tonight. we'll leave you with a last look at iraq. and for all of us at cbs news all around the world, good
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now, "entertainment tonight," the most watched entertainment news magazine in the world. j. lo and marc anthony, together after the split. >> i can get a lot there. >> what this exclusive video may reveal about their relationship now. >> brittney's engagement. the ring. who is her fiance. big bang wedding news. >> the kardashian's christmas card with kim posing alone. >> your favorite star's children growing up fast. >> tom's older son and daughter. which kids are following in
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their famous parents' foot steps. chelsea handler's new show. >> you cannot date my ex-boyfriend. that's very slutty. >> is it too racy? >> mission impossible mondays. brand new tom cruise. and neil patrick harris malled on the price is right. the out of control contestant. now in depth on the biggest entertainment stories from around the world. >> hello and welcome to "entertainment tonight." i'm mark steines. nancy o'dell is on assignment. right now, let's go to samantha harris in the "e.t." control room. >> it is all about engagements and the kardashian christmas card. kim's estranged husband is kept out of sight as britney spears shows off her diamond ring. >> britney's vegas engagement and the video of the happy couple after his proposal.
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britney and jason kissing for the cameras and showing off that diamond sparkler. the ring, a neil lane creation, 3 carat round cut setting ado adorned with 90 smaller diamonds. the vegas getaway was supposed to celebrate jason's 40th birthday in style. jason had other plans. britney tweeted "tonight was one of the most magical nights of my life. such an amazing time with my new fiancee and our closest friends and family." who is britney's fiance? he is jason trawick. he's a former agent for william morris endeavor agency. jason and britney first met in 2006. later, trawick began representing britney. he broke her the deal which got
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her on an episode of "how i met your mother." they started dating in 2009. merry christmas kardashian style. their formal card, bruce and kris surrounded by the kids. khloe and lamar together. kim stands alone in the ilk. "e.t." got a card in the mail. later it was posted on celeb and yes it comes in 3-d. >> it looks beautiful. >> here's video of kim and kris posing for the year end issue of the hollywood reporter featuring four special covers on stands today. kim got her cover solo. now some big bang engagements. kaley cuoco engaged to josh. the cast was on the red carpet celebrating the taping of the
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show's 100th episode. >> it is an achievement. i was thinking it feels like it blew by and it feels like we did 100 episodes at the same time. >> 100 episodes, a huge congratulations, guys. we are tracking jennifer lopez and marc anthony, back together months after splitting apart. the story behind this new video that only we can show you is coming up. right now chris jacobs has the latest on tom and katy. >> we are keeping up with the cruises. tom was in new york with katie and surri. tom has more to celebrate today here on mission impossible monday. we are counting up the box office haul of mission impossible "ghost protocol." >> $11 million in domestic imax. $13 million for its u.s. limited release. that makes "ghost protocol" the highest grossing debut ever,
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setting up tom's return to the big screen. >> when we come back, we are a target or we don't come back. >> who exactly was in tom's aim? the film opened with 425 theaters in the united states, mostly metropolitan areas. 300 of those screens were in imax. tom's worldwide media blitz increased the foreign numbers with stops in munich, london, and dubai. prime to challenge mission impossible three totals $263 million. expectations are high when the film opens wide on wednesday, and we have a peek at one of the movie's lighter mission. >> your mission, should you choose to accept it is to penetrate the kremlin. >> no mission impossible would be complete without these famous words. >> this message will self-destruct in five seconds. good luck. >> as always, tom's assignment starts with a bang, or does it?
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i guess they don't make them like they used to. >> tonight is the big new york premier of "ghost protocol." christina mclarty will bring you the excitement from the red carpet tomorrow. christina is sitting down with the stars of another huge movie. take it away. >> the "girl with the dragon tattoo" just scored three golden globe nom flagss. fans of the best selling book are excited to see daniel craig in action. >> who do you think you are? >> i'm the guy you know better than my closest friends do. >> what was your first introduction to the dragon tattoo phenomenon. >> i read the book very quickly, two days. that was it. me and millions of other people thought it would make a good movie. >> daniel is the disgraced journalist who hires the goth
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like computer hacker to help him solve a decades old murder. >> he's honest. he is who he presents himself to be. >> 26-year-old rooney mara cut and die edyed her hair. her first name comes from her grandfather, the late art rooney. her last name mara, from great grandfather timothy mara, the owner of the giants. rooney could bring home a golden globe. >> congratulations on the golden globe nomination. >> thank you. we had just come off -- we had three premiers in three countries in three nights. i was really tired and half asleep. i was forgot it was even happening. >> in the thriller out wednesday, liz beth is a sexual being. and had to shed her clothes. >> how did you it feel about taking it all off? >> we rehearsed and blocked it out and walked through it.
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we talked about it as much as you could. you show up and forget all that. things happen that are unexpected. you can't prepare yourself for a scene like that. >> daniel craig is already busy filming his next bond film. producers say they hope to sign him to five more 007 films. new video of j. lo and marc together in puerto rico. all your favorite star kids are growing up. chelsea handler's racy new show and why this princess could be the next big soap star. check out when christmas comes, brand new video from mariah carey featuring john legend. "we're going to get together to celebrate ♪ ♪ we're going to help the world in a better
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behind the scenes of a star studded price is right. let's go back to samantha harris in the "e.t." control room. >> why are neil patrick harris and heidi klum trying their luck at the longest running game show in game show history. we're there as they hear the famous words. >> come on down. >> is it the price is right or one game show of the past? neil takes one for the team during the team's celebrity week during january 2nd on cbs. watch out jenny mccarthy. stars like heidi klum and snoop dog turn into models. >> we're going to take you on a ride in your brand new car! >> this brand new mercedes-benz. >> brand new hybrid car! >> you'll be the talk of the runway, but only if the price is right. >> ladies and gentlemen. >> this actress, probably doesn't need a brand new car.
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she is princess theodorea of denmark. her father and prince charles are cousins. she has real royal family connections. her parents and brother went to the wedding of william and kate. green elizabeth was at her christening. >> she's my godmother. my father is prince william's father. i grew up with william and harry. >> this princess has a real job, starring on the bold and beautiful, weekdays on cbs. >> it's been a really great experience. i'm really happy to be here. in new york, christina mclarty with a busy new cbs star. >> i'm not worried about the sleep thing. i'm so ready to go, but i'm thinking i'm going to set the alarm for 4:12. >> gayle king is set to hose the new cbs this morning, and the world according to gayle makes
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its debut in an issue of "0" on stands now. >> i talk about tv shows, movies. >> what are you crazy about right now 70. >> i love shoes, i love food. i love music. >> gayle's also crazy about maple bacon cupcakes. >> i love this. >> debuting on lifetime next month, a new talk show from demi moore. it's an interview series called "the conversation." demi is working behind the scenes as a producer. still to come, is chelsea handler's new show too hot for prime time tv. see your favorite stars' kids now. the new video of j. lo and mark together. when "e.t." rolls on.
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from the stars of "2 broke girls" to zoey deschanel's show. >> the ladies have taken over prime time with edgy new shows. get ready for the raciest yet. >> you cannot date my ex-boyfriend. that is very slutty. >> barely getting past the nbc censors. >> what are you going to call it vinnie and see what time he gets done at the cigarette factory. >> that's chelsea in a dark wig. >> i'm kind of surprised you didn't eat him, fatty. >> oh, a fat joke to a pregnant lady. how original. you've gotten so much funnier
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since your dui. >> who is chelsea handler. she's 36. she authored four "new york times" best sellers. best buds with jennifer aniston. two hit shows on the e network. her talk show alone earns her 3.5 million. >> look at all these people. >> are you there chelsea is going to have a very outspoken side. >> matt roush for tv guide magazine points out when the show premiers january 11, it joins whitney, the nbc show created by whitney cummings. >> tv is doing very well by these outspoken women. maybe chelsea and whitney could work. look how well it's working at cbs with "2 broke girls." >> i don't know if i can do this. >> you can do this. girl at the prom do this all the time. >> i have a feeling the show is going to keep the network
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censors on their toes. nbc standards and practices recently yanked a line from the script as they looked it up online. not exactly a show for kids. >> kids sure do grow up fast enough on their own. when it comes to the children of celebrities, they often do it right in front of the world cameras. take a look at how much the sons and daughters of your favorite stars are changing. this superstars in vegas taking on cirque du soleil's michael jackson's show. there's brad and shy low. do any of brad and angie's brood have the acting bug? >> when you have parents that have global stars, play the percentages, you're bound to see one of the six kids in the spotlight. >> matt of the hollywood reporter says 5-year-old shiloh is the best bet. >> she has played a role in curious case of benjamin button.
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she is more outspoken. >> willow smith drops her new song fireball with nikki minaj. she making her parents proud. their half brother trey is ready to entertain. >> will has used the family fame and access to help promote the kids. >> tom cruise and nicole kidman kept the kids out of the spotlight. sfeen-year-old conner goes by a deejay. he's been performing different venues around l.a. he had a higher profile. he shows up in pictures and magazines lately. i wouldn't be surprised if this is the first step that he's making into the public eye. >> meryl streep's three gorgeous daughters at the iron lady premier. two are actresses. mamie, who was in it was v's off
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the map, told us her mom is a big fan. >> my mom was really lovely. she's just, you know -- she thinks that the stories we're trying to sell here are worthwhile. >> another oscar winner's offspring, colin hanks. >> i'm the alpha and the omega. >> the 34-year-old son of tom hanks playing a killer in dexter. his dad glad about his career path. >> he's been supportive about everything i've done. >> mark harmon and pam dawber's son sean gets his screen time playing the younger gibbs on "ncis." >> keeping it all on the family, lord is, madonna's daughter is a fashion designer with the material girl's clothing line. >> i'm looking at my daughter and saying she's dressing like i did. >> all these children have grown up with stars in their eyes. >> if you grow up in that world,
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that's the world you know. you can reject that world completely, which a number of them do, or you can embrace it. when you embrace it, you try to do it your own way. >> they're getting so big, so fast. look for new music from madonna next year. she will reduce a new single in january, followed by her first album in five years in march. let's go back to christina mclarty in new york. >> i have news on the celebrity parents of twins. jennifer lopez and marc anthony called it quits back in the summer. now only we have new video of the estranged couple together again. >> marc and j. lo side by side seemingly intimate moments with the couple that split five months ago. the pair sitting in the sand last month in puerto rico, looking very comfortable as they travel latin america, searching for talent for their documentary.
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>> i think there's a lot there. >> are they together or is it business as usual? >> in this case, jennifer is doing a very close, tight to the body arm cross, protecting her upper body and her heart. she doesn't want to send any sexual messages to him. >> body language expert patty wood telling "e.t." although there is obvious tension, marc and j. lo have a mutual respect. >> there's a push-pull. she's sitting slightly back from him. her body is closed down. there's that moment of intimacy as their knees touch. >> i can feel it in your singing and emotion. >> weeks away from the premier of "american idol," lopez is honoring her commitment to her soon to be ex-husband which will air live in three languages january 28th. >> we have made a packet to go on this journey to uncover the world's most extraordinary talent. >> jennifer and marc have twins together. they're always going to have that bond, always have that
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connection, through the holidays, through birthdays and years to come. they have to have that trust with one another. here's a way to make your holiday brighter. the "e.t." 12 days of christmas giveaw giveaway, go to click on the 12 days of christmas giveaway button. don't go away just yet. more to come. we'll be right back. in tonight's "entertainment tonight" birthdays, which kadiny award nominee received his first driving lesson from paul newman? is it jake gyllenhaal or mark wahlberg? your answers next in the "e.t." birthdays.
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