tv PBS News Hour PBS April 19, 2012 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT
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captioning sponsored by macneil/lehrer productions >> woodruff: western leaders called for more united nations observers to be deployed in syria, as new attacks there violated a fragile ceasefire. good evening, i'm judy woodruff. >> brown: and i'm jeffrey brown. on the "newshour" tonight: we have the latest on the ongoing violence and the diplomatic moves to stem it. >> woodruff: then, we examine the veterans administration's move to beef up its mental health staff adding some 1,600 new psychiatrists, social workers and clinicians. >> brown: kwame holman reports on the investigation into the scandal at the general services administration over a lavish las vegas conference billed to taxpayers. >> it goes beyond public trust. it goes beyond the thought that how can we get to a point of
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that type of selfishness, when others are being asked to do more with less. and to be honest with you, it actually makes me sick to my stomach. >> woodruff: we look at the vatican's reprimand of american nuns, accusing them of radical feminist views incompatible with the catholic faith. >> brown: the daily download looks at the presidential campaigns and social media. tonight's focus: using google searches to target voters. >> woodruff: margaret warner talks with british journalist and author edward luce-- his new book offers a sobering account of america in decline. >> brown: and spencer michels has the story of an artist who's created a new army of chinese terra cotta warriors. >> well, the first thing i said to myself was "wow, this is beautiful." >> woodruff: that's all ahead on tonight's "newshour." major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by: >> citi turns 200 this year. in that time, there have been some good days and some
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difficult ones. but through it all, we persevered. supporting some of the biggest ideas in modern history. so why should our anniversary matter to you? because for 200 years, we've been helping ideas move from ambition to achievement. and the next great idea could be yours. >> and by the bill and melinda gates foundation. dedicated to the idea that all people deserve the chance to live a healthy productive life. and with the ongoing support of these institutions and foundations. and... this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you.
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>> woodruff: new pleas for peace fell on deaf ears in damascus today. syria's rulers largely ignored appeals and threats from an international conference and the united nations. ( explosion ) government guns blasted away in the syrian city of homs today, oblivious to a u.n. cease-fire negotiated by special envoy kofi annan. amateur video showed clouds of smoke rising skyward and fires raging in shattered buildings. at the united nations, secretary general ban ki-moon condemned the ongoing assault. >> despite assurances from the government there has been not meaningful progress on the ground. this is unacceptable. >> woodruff: ban proposed sending as many as 300 military observers to syria and he
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insisted that they have freedom of movement and the use of helicopters during their mission. meanwhile, the u.s. and other nations making up the friends of syria group gathered in paris to try to put more pressure on the assad government to comply with the cease-fire. secretary of state hillary clinton called for a new u.n. resolution, including an arms embargo and other measures, if need be. >> we are all here out of sense of great frustration and outrage over what we see occurring in syria. we also are hopeful that despite evidence thus far the mission of kofi annan can begin to take root. >> woodruff: worries that failure in syria could lead to a civil war which could spread to the whole region were expressed by french foreign minister alain juppe.
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>> ( translated ): we will encourage the security council to deploy, as soon as possible, a robust and credible observer mission made up of hundreds of men with the aerial and terrestrial means to be able to see if the annan plan is being complied with. >> woodruff: russia and china have twice vetoed u.n. action against syria, and it was unclear if they would support any new attempt. in washington, defense secretary leon panetta told a house hearing that no one has an obvious solution to the syrian problem. >> from every angle the situation in syria is enormously complex. there is no silver bullet. >> woodruff: but democrats and republicans alike warned against direct military action. >> i am not recommending u.s. military intervention. particularly, in light of our grave budget situation, unless a national security threat was clear and present.
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i also agree with the chairman in the fact that i don't see a military option for us in this area for a wide variety of reasons. >> woodruff: panetta, in turn, played down the likelihood of u.s. military involvement. >> at this point in time, congressman, the decision is that we will not have not have any boots on the ground and that we will not act unilaterally in that part of the world. >> woodruff: back in syria, thousands supporting the opposition warmly welcomed the head of the u.n. observer team in the country's south. but with syrian shells falling around the country, it was far from clear whether there will be any real truce to observe. >> brown: still to come on the "newshour": mental health services for veterans; taxpayer money for a lavish conference; the vatican criticism of u.s. nuns; social media and the campaigns; author edward luce on america's decline and a new army of chinese warriors. but first, the other news of the day.
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here's hari sreenivasan. >> sreenivasan: bombers struck today across central and northern iraq killing at least 30 people. the bombs went off in baghdad and the ciesrk okif uk, samarra, baqouba, dikians d taji. mortar fire hit two other cities. the rapid fire explosions unfolded over an hour and 15 minutes, wounding nearly 100 people. half of the bombs hit security forces and government officials. there was no immediate claim of responsibility. in afghanistan, president hamid karzai denounced photos showing u.s. soldiers posing with the corpses of insurgents. they were published in yesterday's "los angeles times". karzai called the images disgusting. he said they underscore the need for foreign forces to speed their withdrawal. india successfully launched a new ballistic missile today-- capable of reaching beijing and other cities in china, its long- time antagonist. the missile was test-fired from wheeler island, off the indian east coast. it has a range of 3,100 miles and is capable of carrying nuclear weapons. the u.s. had condemned last week's missile test by north korea, but white house spokesman jay carney had a more measured response today.
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>> i will simply point out because comparisons have been made to the d.p.r.k. and its actions that india's record stands in stark contrast to that of north korea which has been subject to numerous sanctions as you know by the united nations security council. >> sreenivasan: chinese officials declined to discuss the indian test. republicans in the u.s. house pushed through a $46 billion tax cut today billed as a job creator for small business. the one-year measure would mean a 20% tax deduction for companies with fewer than 500 workers. that's almost 99% of all u.s. employers. democrats, including minority whip steny hoyer, said it was too broad, and too generous. >> this is a fiscally totally irresponsible piece of legislation and you know it, and i know you know it. and america ought to know you know it. ladies and gentlemen, what this bill does is blows a $46 billion in the deficit this year alone.
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>> sreenivasan: republicans argued that democrats know tax cuts would help, but they're pushing tax hikes anyway. congressman aaron schock of illinois: >> they know what we know and they know the truth and that is raising taxes will hurt the economy raising taxes is not what you do when you want to put people back to work it's bad policy. if ever there was a starker contrast between the republican party and the democratic party's vision on how to get the economy going it's what's happening today in washington dc. >> sreenivasan: the house bill is expected to die in the democratic-controlled senate. wall street lost ground today after reports that home sales and factory activity are slowing. the dow jones industrial average lost 68 points to close at 12,964. the nasdaq fell nearly 24 points to close at 3007. those are some of the day's major stories. now, back to jeff... >> brown: and to a response from the veterans administration to a growing backlog of mental
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health cases from current and past wars. today, veterans affairs secretary eric shinseki said the agency will add 1,600 professionals, including psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers. and another 300 clerical workers to speed up processing of claims. a federal appeals court issued a blistering ruling last year demanding the v.a. offer better mental healthcare for veterans. next week, senate committee hearings on the issue are scheduled as is the release of a report from the v.a.'s inspector general. to discuss all this, we're joined by sonja batten. a senior mental health offical at the v.a. welcome to you. >> thank you. >> brown: the criticism you faced is that the v.a. has been underprepared and not responsive enough given here is numbers. is that fair? >> in v.a., we take the issue of access to mental health care very seriously and we've been instituting a number of measures to make sure that we're
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identifying where there may be gaps in care. and so we want to make sure that as we do our site visits to every v.a. medical center around the country we identify where there may be gaps, problems with staffing. and that's why secretary shinseki today announced and we're so delighted that we're going to be adding 1,600 new clinicians so we can provide the care we need. >> pelley: well "may be gaps." sounds like critics see gaps. the judge i mentioned in this case, that was a very strong report, he said "the v.a.'s unchecked incompetence has gone on long enough, no more veterans should be compelled to agonize or perish while the government fails to perform its obligation." tough language. what is the problem? >> in the v.a. we're proud of advancements we've made in our clinical care. in the past seven years we've added 7,000 new mental health professionals. we've provided training and instituted the veterans' crisis line. we feel we've made great
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progress and there's more to do, we acknowledge there's more we need to do in order to meet our own aspirational standards. >> brown: has the "more to do" been a shortage of personnel or using the right personnel or the personnel you have not able to do what is necessary given the needs? >> the primary issue we've identified is having enough personnel, which is exactly why we've announced today we'll be hiring new people. >> brown: what will happen now with these new hires? how specifically will they be used? >> so the money will go out to v.a. medical centers around the country beginning immediately. we'll start recruiting immediately and we'll be able to hire psychologists, psychiatrists, social work yeshg mental health nurses and one of the things we're very excited about is actually that we've just finished the qualification standards for two new sets of mental health professionals that have previously been untapped resources. >> brown: meaning what? >> those are marriage and family therapists and licensed professional counselors.
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so we've been recruiting for psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, but now we'll expand to other counselors as well. >> brown: this a question of identifying specific problems and trying to address it with professionals that have those specific abilities? >> exactly. so each facility will be identifying if they have gaps at a facility that doesn't have enough of one type of professional or they want to expand the services they have for couples and families they might hire more marriage and family therapists. >> brown: i gather one issue has been the problem with finding and hiring qualified people, especially in rural areas. how do you address that? >> one of the things we think is important is, for example, today being able to come on your show and we really are looking forward to recruitment. these positions will begin to be posted immediately. all of these positions are posted on and
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even f there are people they'll look for those positions. >> brown: where does this funding from? >> we have the funding in this fiscal year's budget to finance these positions and we'll start looking at what we have for fiscal year '13 and identifying if we have enough to support that. but we are committed to keeping these positions full. >> brown: how serious a problem is this? suicides, depression is something you've looked mat times in this program. it's not new. it seems to continue and now you're addressing it with this but how serious is it and why hasn't it been addressed up to now? >> >> well, since the beginning of warfare if you go back to the trojan war we have reports of these same issues. so these are not new problems and we have been addressing them. we have more mental health professionals than we've ever had before.
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we have more well trained professionals than ever before. we have 24/7 crisis line that veterans can contact. we've added a chat feature and texting feature so veterans can contact us anonymously if they prefer. we have made significant advances but there's always more we can do. >> brown: is this the idea that these 1,600 are enough, do you think or will this be reassessed and more will be needed? >> we're going to continue reassessing this. we're not going to stop at this 1,600. we are doing site visits to every v.a. across the country. we're looking at our administrative data. we're talking to veterans at every v.a. and getting their input. it turns out if a few months if now we feel like we need more we'll ask for more. >> brown: you're continuing to take heat from, i mentioned, senate hearings next week inspector general report that
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may have more detail. is that causing some of these changes leading to some of the changes or rethinking of how you do it? >> we appreciate the adifference the senate, from the i.g.. we share with them the commitment to making sure that what the veterans need they are receiving but this is a process we've begun months ago. we started with surveys of our own mental health professionals and last summer we began site visits and this is the next step so this is something we've had in process for months. >> brown: sonja batten of the veterans administration, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> woodruff: more details have emerged about over-the-top spending at the general services administration. and that was the subject at several committee hearings on
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capitol hill this week. "newshour" congressional correspondent kwame holman has our report. >> it goes beyond public trust. it goes beyond the thought that how can we get to a point of that type of selfishness, when others are being asked to do more with less. >> reporter: even with bipartisanship at the capitol in short supply these days, one issue has had democrats and republicans speaking with a unified voice: the spending scandal at the general services administration. >> i don't know where to start. i mean, we could probably spend weeks talking about all the abuse and the different items of abuse. and to be honest with you, it actually makes me sick to my stomach. >> reporter: the uproar stems from a report by the inspector general at the g.s.a.- - the agency that oversees federal property and supplies. it detailed a lavish 2010 las vegas conference for 300 people that cost $823,000. the event featured a mind
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reader, a clown and a $31,000 reception. the over-the-top details prompted members of congress to call four separate hearings on the g.s.a. this week, even as the revelations had already resulted in the resignation of the g.s.a. administraton, the firing of two deputies and ten career employees being placed on administrative leave. included in that group is the organizer of the las vegas conference, jeffrey neely, who also took agency-approved trips to the wine country of napa valley, california, and to hawaii, both after the 2010 event sparked an investigation. at a house investigative hearing monday, neely declined to answer any questions related to the investigation to preserve his legal rights. >> mr. neely, was the original-- what was the original budget for that conference? >> mr. chairman, on the advice of my counsel, i respectfully decline to answer based upon my fifth amendment constitutional privilege. >> reporter: the g.s.a.'s inspector general brian miller was asked at a senate hearing yesterday if his initial report was just the tip of the iceberg.
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>> every time we turn over a stone, we find 50 more, we find other instances. even today, we found out that the wife of the regional commissioner had a parking space throughout the entire year of 2012 at the federal building. we just find one thing after another and difficult for me, even now, to quantify it. >> reporter: ed o'keefe has been covering the story for "the washington post." he says the las vegas conference brought to light a problem with the g.s.a.'s culture. >> the agency has a lot of interaction with corporate america, whether it's i.t. vendors, defense contractors, food vendors, office supply companies, technology firms of all sorts because they do most of the purchasing for the federal government, so i think because they interact so often with big business they feel like they should act like a business, not only in how they spend their money and manage the agency, but also in how they party and how they interact with potential customers and with each other.
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>> reporter: the furor also may become fodder for the fall campaign. likely republican presidential nominee mitt romney said yesterday he would clean house at the g.s.a. and at the secret service rocked by the prostitution scandal involving agents there. a day earlier, white house press secretary jay carney weighed in. >> the president believes that everyone who serves the american people by working for this government needs to hold themselves to the highest standards of public service. >> reporter: still, g.o.p. lawmakers are saying the administration deserves some blame. congressman jason chaffetz of utah: >> management in this case has to be responsible. there have to be checks and balances in place. you know, there's a very good whistleblower in place who stood up and she said, "you know what, this isn't right. this should not have happened. and what's concerning is the pervasive nature of it. it's not just one or two people, it's just so widespread. >> reporter: the senate's number
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two democrat dick durbin of illinois said wednesday congress has a responsibility to investigate, regardless of the party in power. >> i can tell you, if it happened under a democrat or a republican, congress' job is to ask the hard questions. this is our responsibility. we appropriate taxpayers' money to these agencies. when it's wasted, people have to be held accountable. >> reporter: and the house speaker republican john boehner expressed a similar sentiment at his weekly news conference yesterday. >> this is outrageous behavior regardless of whose administration it is. and, you know, i wrote my checks out on sunday to pay my taxes. i can imagine millions of other americans wrote their checks out. and they're taking their hard- earned money and sending it to washington, and this is outrageous that their tax money is getting wasted in this fashion. >> reporter: the post's ed o'keefe says it remains unclear if the universal outrage will
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get lawmakers to work together to address problems at the g.s.a. >> there are lawmakers who said "yes, i'm going to bring up legislation, we're going to push for this." we'll see. right now with congress unable to do most of anything, it's possible this is something that could get rammed through before election day, but if it doesn't get done before election day and the longer we get away from this, the longer we forget about this scandal, it may just be that it goes the way of all the other scandals. >> reporter: in the meantime, the spotlight will stay on the g.s.a., at least for now, with additional hearings expected next week. >> woodruff: now, a new report from the vatican criticizes the largest group of catholic nuns in the united states. the assessment of the leadership conference of women religious comes from the vatan'sic congregation for the doctrine of the faith. it says the group of sisters promoted quote "radical feminist themes incompatible with the catholic faith."
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it concluded that the sisters had contradicted church teaching on homosexuality and male-only priesthood in public statements that, quote "disagree with or challenge the bishops, who are the church's authentic teachers of faith and morals." to discuss this assessment, we're joined by donna bethell, a former nun, she is now the chairman of the board of directors for christendom college in front royal, virginia. and jeannine hill fletcher teaches theology at fordham university in new york. we thank you both for being with us. >> thank you. >> woodruff: let me start with you, donna bethell, you agree with what the vatican has done here. why is what the women religious did offensive to the leadership of the church. >> well, i think to understand this correctly you have to know that the church expects a great deal of people who are publicly consecrated in the church for its service which is what women
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religious are. and at the very beginning of the document they quote pope john paul ii to the effect that it's important consecrated persons in the church be faithful to the teaching of the church and witness to it in their life and work. the second point is that the leadership conference of women religious is an entity established by the vatican, approved by the vatican, its statute is approved by the vatican for the purpose of supporting the women religious in their life and work. so it's the responsibility of the vatican to see that the conference is doing its job and that's what it's done. >> woodruff: and the finding is that they strayed from vatican teaching. >> yes, as you summarized, and in other areas they found that they either put out materials that are troublesome, not presenting the full doctrine of the church, they supported speakers at their conferences who... some of whom challenged the further or simply ignored its teaching in various aspects and that they have not been a
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positive. it's one thing to contradict the church but it wasn't just their job to avoid contradicting their church. it's their job to present the fullness of the catholic faith and help their members to understand it and live it and that's where they had been found short. >> warner: jeannine fletcher, how does the women religious group see this? do they acknowledge, in your understanding, that they've strayed from the doctrine? >> well, my work as a feminist theologian... i am not a religious, i'm not ordained, i'm a lay woman so i don't have an insider's picture on this. what i do have is the sense of the life and work of women religious around this country and the globe as being people who very much carry on faithfully the catholic tradition, especially the work of social justice. so these are women religious who are at the u.n. defending human rights. they are in our colleges and our universities. they are running our hospitals. and so from the perspective of being faithful to the church
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they are in my understanding as a feminist theologian, as a catholic feminist theologian, they are continuing the work of the church. now, at issue is the teaching, the doctrine of theurch, the authoritative stance on issues. now, the one element of the report seems to suggest that they'd like for the women religious to go back to the catechism more. present the catechism more or take up the issues that the bishops have found important. the issues against women's reproductive rights or denouncing homosexuality and what i see women religious doing really are looking at the world that we live in. the issues we face, the signs of the time and thinking through church teaching and tradition in light of those new questions. and they're doing so in.... >> woodruff: i was going to say, let me stop you there and ask donna bethell. is that what is... what the
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vatican sees as going against what it sees the role of these women religious new >> well, the vatican in its document actually commended the kinds of activities, apostolic, social justice activities, that the sisters are carrying out. it recognizes those. it says you must... but that's not enough. that's not if fullness of the catholic faith. we are also engaged in primary justice in the defense of life, for example, from conception to natural death in the issues of abortion and euthanasia and the church expects its consecrated publicly... public witnesses to be fully on board and to be advancing the catholic view of the right to life. so that's just one point where it's not that they're being criticized for all the great work that they do, that's recognized. they're being asked to be fully in the church. >> woodruff: jeannine fletcher,
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are the two things incompatible? >> i'm sorry, i'm not sure of "the two things"? >> woodruff: i'm sorry. on the one hand we heard ms. bethell talk about the issue of life, contraception and abortion and euthanasia were the points she brought up but is that teach compatible with the other teachers you were... teaching you were describing that has to do with social justice? >> well, i think what i see the women religious doing is really looking for the various ways they can engage in the well-being of humanity, the fullness of life for humanity and what they're being criticized in this document is about what they're not doing. they're not taking up these issues sufficiently. they're not making them the head of their agenda. at least that's what the document proposes. the other thing the document does is it criticizes the women
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religious for the things they seem to be thinking or discussing or exploring. it criticizes their theological investigations within their own private conference, within their discussions among themselves. one of the problems for me as a scholar of women and religion is the document seems to be trying to tell women religious to stop exploring the dynamics of the faith and simply take the tradition as it's been handed to them and i think that's one fundamental difference. as theologian i think the life of the catholic community is to continue to engage the life of the faith with the questions that are at hand. >> woodruff: in the just little bit of time we have left, donna bethell, is there room for debate in the church on these questions? >> well, there's room for debate on some questions but not on all questions. there are doctrines in the church which are not open for debate. everybody knows that. if that weren't the case there
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wouldn't be a catholic church and there are things that are open for debate for discussion about how you apply this principle. there's lots of room for prudential judgment, especially in the area of social justice but there are things not open for debate. >> as.... >> woodruff: go ahead. >> let me just say as a scholar of religion and theologian, church teaching does change and i think that's one of the fundamental issues here, especially around the issue of l.g.b.t.q. persons and homosexuality. one of the issues that we've seen is church teaching that we've second... from the second to the 16th century church teaching was no salvation outside the church. now there's a different relationship between the catholic church and faith to the truth and faith of people of the world. and so to suggest that there are some things that simply will not change, i'm not sure that that's been the tradition of the catholic church. >> woodruff: big subject with
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room for more debate and we are going to have to leave it there today. i want to thank both of you, jeannine fletcher and donna bethell, thank you. howard kurtz is "newsweek's" washington bureau chief and host of cnn's "reliable sources." let's start with something that kicked that you have week, the outreach of the campaigns to hispanics. we talked about it a bit on last night's program. but this is also playing out, lauren, online, right? >> it is, latinos for obama has relaunched its site. it began in 2007 and got a big makeover. that now have a new twitter handle "latinos for obama" and
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they've done several things. you can text "unidos" to your phone and get updates. you can sign in with an e-mail and get updates on your e-mail. then there are two other areas, you can find out where parties and events are in your hometown. so that would be.... >> brown: very local and specific. >> and they have a lot of chapters having house parties launching this new initiative. >> brown: both campaigns have this but this is an example of targeting a group. >> brown: the romney campaign hasn't been doing as much online. a romney campaign official told me they have been through a series of bruising primaries and going state by state and they're trying to gear up for the general election so when i looked on twitter, for example, the top search that came up was a mocking twitter handle called "mexican mitt" making fun of his latino outreach effort. >> brown: thinking of... speaking of searches and targeting, you've been looking at campaigns using a corporate
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model. google ads. >> just like coca-cola or general motors, the obama campaign has been bayh up google search terms. you can do it on yahoo! or other engines. if you're sitting at your computer and want to go to "obama economy" or "oop stimulus." when you get to that page with the results you will see ads created and bought by the obama campaign to attack the other guy. for example immigration reform takes you to an obama campaign ad titled "mitt's extreme views." so it's carefully targeting people searching for information online. >> brown: give us an example. >> sure. let me show you an example. this was the search called "buffett rule." we know warren buffett the billionaire, this is a rule that is basically saying let's tax people at the millionaire and billionaire level. so look at this when you do the search. it goes to the white house blog,
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basically, talking about ywh the buffett rule would make sure everyone plays by the same rules. >> so someone types in "buffett rule" and up comes the search but also comes up the ad. >> exactly. and that's what the obama campaign wants you to see. >> and the theory is someone interested in the buffett rule, the campaign thinks might also be a supporter. >> or if someone is looking for negative information. here's a dose of positive information from the administration's point of view to counter negative perceptions. >> pelley: and the romney campaign does this as well, of course. >> they do. here's another example. when you search for "george romney" mitt romney's father. and you want information you will be taken to an ad for his son, mitt romney, and it takes you to the contribution page where you can send in a donation >> brown: how often does it change? is it tied to events in the
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campaign? >> i have a good answer on that. the romney campaign, which has been going for the primaries hasn't bought up as many of these google search terms, george romney being an exception. but at the same time during the primary if you searched information on rick santorum or newt gingrich you would often get romney ads telling you not so flattering things about the candidates and here's how agile these campaigns. can be. the last couple weeks the whole flap about democratic strategist hillary rosen taking a swipe at anne romney. if you search during that period for hillary rosen you got an ad bought by the romney campaign on the google search page that says "stand with mitt's better half" and took you to either a video of anne romney saying nice things about her husband or you could buy a bumper sticker "moms drive the economy." >> brown: so responding right to the news cycle. you wanted to show us a larger site, right? moat? >> yes,
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it essentially shows you where all of the ads are on the internet. so if you look at moat right here, here's a president obama ad that was just seen on daily kos or black voices. >> and you can find without the ads are running and how recently. >> nine minutes ago the ad ran here. one hour ago it ran here and we can take a look. this site is very large. you can just scroll through and see how many of the ads that the obama campaign has launched. >> we called to ask why only a few romney ads were showing up on the site and an official told me that romney is doing some online advertising but their engines are picking up much more from the obama campaign which at this point is much more active in the online advertising world. >> brown: targeted politics. thank you so much. >> thank you.
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>> woodruff: next, it's a tradition as old as alexis de toqueville: friendly foreign voices commenting on the united states. but this time, a british author is much more pessimistic. margaret warner has our book conversation. >> warner: for seven years, edward luce has reported on the united states for the british and global audience of the "financial times." he's now turned his insights into a book portraying an america that's falling behind and seems unable or unwilling to meet its challenges going forward. it's entitled "time to start thinking: america in the age of dissent." we met at luce's washington home to talk about how he came to this gloomy appraisal. so what's at the heart of this for america? >> i think the heart of this is the condition of the middle-class because i think the middle-class, the greatness of
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the american middle-class explains the greatest generation of the 20th century, its rise to being the world's first mass middle-class in the late 20th century was key to america's success. i also think a strong middle-class is key to a democracy, not just an economy. the massive breaking down which is such cause for concern over a long period of time if you look at the pay rates and if you look at the securities and their ability to move up to different income levels. so that core american value, income mobility, is something where you're doing worse than other countries. >> warner: you had a particular poignant story about a family called the freemans in minnesota and how they exemplify what the middle-class is going to. >> they both work full time day and night. he, mark freeman, has three jobs. they have a son with severe
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autism and they volunteer... they're backbone american neighborhood types who volunteer for the little league, to coach the little league, neighborhood watch, all sorts of things they're plugged in into. and their plight, the fact that they work harder and harder and harder and get less and less and less in a neighborhood that was once decent and civic and has now become quite dangerous struck me as emblematic to what middle-class families are looking at. >> warner: what about the jobs being created as we come out of this recession. >> they're much less well paying. they're much less likely to come with health care benefits and retirement security and they're much less likely to involve on-the-job training. these aren't necessarily the cognitive cerebral jobs that economists told thus brave new world of america becoming a service economy, an intellectual property economy while others do manufacturing. these jobs don't fit into that.
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the jobs as food preparers, these are not the kinds of jobs that are going to tackle america's trade deficit with china or others. these are not the kend of jobs that are going to build a new middle-class. >> warner: the part of the book i found most discouraging it was chapter you had about innovation because in america we always think we can invent the next new thing, the innovation is our ticket to the next level. you find that stagnating? >> i find aspects of it stagnating googles and facebooks and twitters. it's hard to imagine producing those. but innovation as a core concern because it's america's get out of jail free card. it's what people always say, okay, washington's dysfunctional, the middle-class is hollowing out but we are unrivaled and unmatched as the world's leading innovater and that remains true but less true than ten years ago. considerably less true in some sectors. >> what do the people involved
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in innovation on the capal end and innovating tell you what the problem is. >> they said it's very difficult to bring a small company to market. america's had an extraordinary trend where you've seen the number of listed companies slip. it's gone down to about 30%, that's unprecedented. it's never happened before. one of the reasons far is it's very hard to find patient capital anymore. old-fashioned venture capital investors who believe in the product this company is going to make. the industry is being taken over by investment bankers and it's been what has been called the wall streetization of the american economy with much shorter term metrics. there are entrepreneurial opportunities mushrooming up all over the world. so it's partly about the rest of the world. i don't think america's losing its ability to innovate but i
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think it's overwhelming unlimited advantage is no longer to be taken for granted. >> warner: do you see what's developing here akin to what happened... as a brit, do you see this to great britain 100 years ago, the turn of the 20th censurely. >> there are very, very interesting similarities with what happened at the dawn of the 20th century. britain had a very big debate over the rise of america, the electrification, the internal combustion engine, edison's america was beginning to show up britain as was bismarck's journey. i think when you're number one and have been number one for many decades others emulate you. you don't emulate them that was the inclusion of the british debate and i feel that's the default mind-set in washington, d.c. it's less the automatic
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defense mechanism than it was before lehman brothers melted down. it's still very much, look, we've got out of trouble before and we'll get out of trouble again. >> warner: detoqueville said america was great because she could always repair her faults and you say america is losing its ability to tackle its problems >> that's the spirit of what troubles me which is that this american sense of pragmatism pragmatism is a word invented by america which is practical, resolving actual problems not in theory but in practice. i think by that yardstick, by that measure that detoquevilleian spirit is missing in action, at least in washington. >> warner: so this is an obvious question but let me end by asking it anyway. did you conclude these two years
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reporting on this optimistic or pessimistic about america's prospects? >> i am pessimistic about its ability to stop others from growing and it's going to mean america's share of the global economy is going to keep growing. it was about a third of the world economy. that's not going to change. but america always has the capacity to surprise. i can't put my finger on what or when it will be but america isn't going to continue on this trajectory and if it does continue on this trajectory, namely taking threats that make that relative economic decline worse rather than responding pragmatically, if it does continue on this this trajectory things will get worse. but i don't believe americans will stand for that. i don't quite know how they won't stand for that. >> warner: out there reporting did you find evidence of that? >> i find evidence the whole time of americans who have a kind of self-fulfilling optimism
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which is always very refreshing to a european and particularly to a britt because for us it's cultured to be pessimistic and i want to make a big distinction between what that... i think my book is a hard nosed analysis rather than a cultured look at america but i find that the optimism we sometimes come across might be way improbable and can sometimes be self-fulfilling because it creates energy. that's something that america is seen a decline of but it's still way more noticeable here in spite of the fact people are more pessimistic, it's still much me inevident amongst americans than other countries. >> warner: thank you. >> thank you. >> brown: and to the story of an artist who uses the past to create an archaeological dig of the future. "newshour" correspondent spencer michels explains.
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>> reporter: half a mile from california's state capitol, in a store-front studio in sacramento, a 52-year old artist from china has replicated 2,200- year-old-warriors discovered in an ancient tomb. gong yuebin, who came to the u.s. in 2004 speaking no english, has fashioned a exhibition that uses the past to comment on the future. those ancient terra cotta soldiers-- 8,000 of them-- were discovered by farmers in china in 1974, buried in the tomb of china's first emperor in 210 b.c. and meant to protect him in the afterlife. the carefully-crafted army, including horses and chariots, has drawn thousands of tourists to the site; and some of the objects themselves have been exhibited in america and elsewhere. gong was a teenager when the soldiers were discovered. and their large military
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presence inspired him even then. >> this project i have been thinking since my childhood up to now. now, i'm standing on the world stage. >> reporter: he lived through china's cultural revolution, when his own family was ordered to the countryside. they had little food, and lived in fear, as the government cracked down on intellectuals and political opponents. gong survived and eventually went to an art academy where he produced traditional paintings on silk. but his life experiences had instilled in him a desire to go beyond the expected. today, he is using his own newly-created army of terra cotta soldiers, to make social commentary on war and greed and government. >> people kill each other, then comes revenge. and this could last forever.
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desire and greed from those in control. this is a big problem. >> reporter: all that translated into plans and models for the creation of 210 terra cotta soldiers-- most of them, but not all-- very similar to the ancient warriors. gong took his idea to sacramento's crocker art museum, the oldest museum in the west, and pitched it to scott shields, chief curator. >> i went over and i saw what he was doing, and i thought, we have to show this piece. the first thing that really interested me in this piece was the sheer scale of it. the ambition behind it. it's a huge undertaking. >> reporter: it took a year to mold the soldiers and have them manufactured, somewhat ironically in china. today, the exhibit is housed in the ballroom of the crocker gallery, and it's a striking image and a bit of a puzzle.
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200 warriors from the past and ten modern soldiers hidden among them with dilapidated nuclear missiles cradling new-born babies carried on high by entire troupe. >> i think it's about empire building, and it's about man's inhumanity to man, and i think that's all part of what he's trying to say is that, "look, you know 2,200 years have gone by and we haven't changed all that much, and we need to do better." >> reporter: gong's idea is that 800 years from now, archeologists will unearth his soldiers-- made from clay dug from the same mountain as the ancient warriors-- and try to learn about the past from them. >> by titling the piece "site 2801," he wants us to stand from the vantage point of the future and look to the past, the past being our present. >> reporter: the past is very much a part of chinese art, according to pat chirapravti, associate professor of asian art at sacramento state university,
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who greatly admires gong yuebin's work. >> you know traditional chinese way of learning is to copy the past. so if you want to be a painter, you started painting bamboo until you became one with the bamboo. you copy the old master and gradually you would add your own style onto it. so i think yuebin did what traditional chinese supposed to do, is to copy the past and project the new symbol into his work. >> reporter: chirapravati says the ancient tomb soldiers found in china symbolize the control of power by a great emperor. >> what yuebin was trying to do is to represent so many generations of power, the control of power, the control of people. >> reporter: in the new work, the babies, housed in the
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missiles, represent hope. but, she says, the new exhibit is more complex than a simple anti-war, anti-greed message. >> i think it's more like conceptual art, you know he sells his concept by the use of previous symbols that we kind of know, so once you look at it, you know, but at the same time you don't know. because you try to figure it out what he's trying to say. >> reporter: at gatherings like this talk for museum docents, gong is often asked what his display says and how his own background shapes what he is trying to convey. but for all the interpretations, it's the visual experience of seeing yuebin gong's work displayed at full force that leaves the most lasting impression, even for art teacher pat chirapravati. >> well, the first thing i said to myself was, "wow, this is
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beautiful." >> reporter: "site 2801" remains at the crocker museum through april. >> woodruff: spencer has more on the "site 2801" exhibit and other large scale works by artist gong yuebin in a blog post on our web site. >> brown: finally tonight, we remember levon helm who died today of cancer. he was the drummer and singer for the band named, simply, the band. known for its blend of rock, blues, and folk for songs like "the night they drove ole dixie down" and for its work with bob dylan. in recent years, levon helm held regular concerts at his home in woodstock, new york, called "midnight rambles." just two months, already ill, he was still performing. here, in an excerpt from a signature song, "the weight".
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>> brown: levon helm was 71 years old. on our art beat page, you can find a 2009 conversation with him recorded at his home in woodstock. >> woodruff: again, the major developments of the day: western leaders called for more u.n. observers to be deployed in syria, as new attacks there india successfully launched a new ballistic missile capable of reaching major cities in china, it's longtime antagonist. and the department of veterans affairs announced it's adding another 1,900 mental health workers to address the needs of iraq and afghan war vets. and a correction. earlier we identified senator dick durbin as minority whip. the democrats control the senate so he is the majority whip. on our website, it's science thursday. hari sreenivasan has a preview. hari? >> sreenivasan: ever wonder what a space tornado might look like? find out on our science page, where there's a slideshow of new images from nasa's spitzer space telescope including baby stars and ancient galaxies. and we update another science story about suitcases carrying solar power to light up delivery rooms in the developing world. viewers have donated enough
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money to dispatch five more devices. plus, on our health page, we all that and more is on our web site: judy? >> woodruff: and that's the "newshour" for tonight. i'm judy woodruff. >> brown: and i'm jeffrey brown. we'll see you online and again here tomorrow evening with mark shields and david brooks, among others. thank you and good night. major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by: >> and by bnsf railway. >> citi. supporting progress for 200 years.
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and by the alfred p. sloan foundation. supporting science, technology, and improved economic performance and financial literacy in the 21st century. and with the ongoing support of these institutions and foundations. and... this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. captioning sponsored by macneil/lehrer productions captioned by media access group at wgbh
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