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tv   Frontline  PBS  October 9, 2013 10:00am-12:00pm EDT

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- hi. i'm murray from "sesame street," and i'm looking for the word on the street. what's the word on the street? - habitat. - what is a habitat? - a habitat is a place where an animal lives. - because there's food, water, and a place to sleep that's safe. - there's aquatic habitats, and then there's desert habitats. - this is a butterfly habitat? - yes. - oh. what about an alligator? what's that habitat? - in the swamp in, like, florida. - keep listening for the word "habitat" today on "sesame street." - habitat! - that's the word on the street! is helping families turn everyday moments into learning opportunities. ♪ you can find out more at female announcer: it's fun to stay in shape
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with foods of every shape. proud sponsor of sesame street, united healthcare: helping people live healthier lives. - beaches family resorts is a proud sponsor of "sesame street" because families who play together grow together, sharing wondrous adventures and turning precious moments into a lifetime of memories. (boy) earth's best organic baby and toddler food is a proud sponsor of "sesame street." nurturing your child the natural way is the earth's best way to grow. - "sesame street" is also brought to you by the corporation for public broadcasting. and...viewers like you. thank you. - ♪ can you tell me how to get? ♪ ♪ can you tell me how to get? ♪
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♪ sunny day, sweeping the clouds away ♪ ♪ on my way to where the air is sweet ♪ ♪ can you tell me how to get ♪ ♪ how to get to sesame street? ♪ ♪ can you tell me how to get? ♪ ♪ come and play ♪ everything's a-ok - ha ha ha! ha ha ha! ♪ friendly neighbors there ♪ that's where we meet ♪ can you tell me how to get ♪ ♪ how to get to sesame street? ♪ ♪ can you tell me how to get to sesame street? ♪ - [giggling] [barking] - oh. hi, barkley. hey, bob. - oh, hi, big bird. bye, big bird! - see you. oh, hi, leela. - hi, big bird! - leela's taking elmo to play catch! - have fun! - hi, big bird! - oh, hi, kids! ha ha ha! oh, boy. hey. welcome to sesame street.
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oh. i'm just doing my favorite thing while i wait for my lunch. i'm friend watching. - wait for me! - here's some more kids. hey, friends. - heya, big bird. here's your lunch, a nice hot bowl of cream of bird seed soup just like you like it. - mm. thanks, chris. i could use a bowl of soup today. i'm kind of cold. - did you say you were cold? - well, yes, i did. - uh, who are you? - the name's freddy flapman from flychert real estate. - heh. flychert real estate. - that's right. flychert real estate--our homes are for the birds. - well, what are you doing here, mr. flipman? - it's flapman, and i'm here to help you find a new home. - new home? i don't need a new home. - you did just say you were cold, didn't you? - well, yeah. so? - well, maybe it's time for you migrate. - migrate? what's that? - you're a bird and you don't know about migration? - no. i've never heard of it. - well, big bird, migration is moving from one place to another place because you ran out
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of food or the weather changed. - that's right, and a lot of birds do it all the time. - well, but not me. no, no. i like living right here. - but you might like living in a new habitat even better. - habitat? what's that? - a habitat's a home where birds can find food, water, and a nice place to sleep, and i have some great bird habitats that i think you'll love. - i don't think he's interested. - come on. what's the harm in seeing a few habitats? - well, i guess it would be fun to see how other birds live. - now you're talking, but what kind of habitat would be perfect for you? hmm. ooh! i got one! let me show you! - oh! ok. i guess we're gonna see some pictures of bird habitats. - pictures? i can do better than pictures! let me take you on a virtual tour. - ooh. a virtual tour? - oh, yeah. show me the habitat! - whoa! - wow! - how did he do that? - just a little real estate agent magic. ♪ open up your eyes ♪ gonna show you where it's at ♪ ♪ as we take a look around at a new habitat ♪
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♪ don't need the hard sell ♪ won't make a stump speech ♪ because this place is really awesome ♪ ♪ yeah, this habitat's the beach ♪ - are you sure you can live on the beach? - sure. lots of birds do it. - they do? - of course. if you live at the beach, you'll have ocean views, salty sea air, and fresh seafood anytime you want. - wow! - wow is right! ♪ this beach is so exciting, and it's hardly ever dull ♪ ♪ you can live next to a pelican or live next to a gull ♪ ♪ there's lots of elbow room for your wings to expand ♪ ♪ it's so fun to stick your big bird feet in the sand ♪ ♪ where's it at? - ♪ the beach, the beach - ♪ it's a habitat - ♪ the beach, the beach - ♪ where's it at? - ♪ the beach, the beach - ♪ that's a habitat, that's a habitat ♪ ♪ that's a habitat - wow! he's good! - and i'm about to get better. so what do you say, big bird? ready to move to the beach? - uh, well, i do like the beach. - oh, yeah! another sale by freddy flapman, flychert real estate. come on, big bird. let's go migrate to your new habitat. caw! - oh, no. i don't want to move to the beach. i just like to visit the beach.
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- but you're a bird, and you're cold. you should migrate! - sorry. i'm not interested, but thanks anyway, mr. floatman. - that's flapman. - oh, right. well, bye. - see you, big bird. take it easy. - he's a tougher customer than i thought. - ♪ la la la la - hey, big bird. - oh, hi, maria. - i've got something for you. - oh. what is it? - ta-da! - a new scarf? - yes. i thought you could use it. - oh, boy. why, it's beautiful. hey. i could use a scarf because it's kind of getting cold, you know. - yes, it is. - you wouldn't need a scarf if you migrated to a warmer place. - hey. who are you? - freddy flapman's the name, bird real estate's the game. there's my card. - bird real estate? - yeah. he wants me to move to a new habitat, maria. that means home. - a new habitat? well, that's ridiculous. sesame street is big bird's home. - come on. this is no place for a bird.
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- well, lots of birds live in the city. - does he look like a pigeon to you? - well, no. - of course not. a bird like this needs a special habitat! - really? like--like what? - i'll show you! habitat, please! - hey. what's going on? - it's real estate agent magic, maria. - ok. - ♪ open up your eyes ♪ gonna show you where it's at ♪ ♪ as we take a look around at a new habitat ♪ ♪ it makes we want to clap ♪ and it makes me want to stomp ♪ ♪ this habitat's mad muddy, yeah, buddy ♪ ♪ it's a swamp - a swamp? who lives in a swamp? - birds, that's who. it's quiet, it's private, and it's got its own in-ground pool. - get out of town! - no. you get out of town and get down to the swamp! ♪ the swamp has got a lot of water ♪ ♪ swamp has got a lot of muck ♪ ♪ stuff you want to have your home to have ♪ ♪ if you're an owl or a duck ♪ lots of trees and shrubs, there may even be a bush ♪ ♪ so there's lots of nesting places ♪ ♪ to go rest your birdie tush ♪ where's it at? - ♪ the swamp, the swamp - ♪ that's a habitat - ♪ the swamp, the swamp
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- ♪ where's it at? - ♪ the swamp, the swamp - ♪ that's a habitat, that's a habitat ♪ ♪ that's a habitat well, what did you think of the swamp? - i think the swamp was cool. - yes! another sale by freddy flapman, flychert real estate. - oh, big bird, you can't move to a swamp! - oh, ho! i'm not gonna move there, maria. - oh, come on. - but i think the habitat was cool. um, oh, so thanks for the nice scarf, maria. - you're welcome. - and toodoloo, mr. floopman. - it's flapman. - right, right. - i'll find that bird a habitat yet. - ♪ la la la la ♪ la la oh, hi, gordon. - hey, big bird. hey. i just brought down some extra blankets for you. - oh. oh, thanks. that will be great for these cold nights! - your nights don't have to be cold! - who are you? - that's mr. fleepman. - it's flapman, freddy flapman, flychert real estate. here's my card. - birds have real estate agents?
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- of course, and i'm here to help big bird find a new habitat. - uh, that means home, gordon. - i know what a habitat is, big bird. i'm a science teacher, and big bird's habitat is sesame street. he's got everything he needs right here. - look. this is a lovely starter home, but it's time for big bird to move on to greener habitats. - oh. i do like green. - then have i got a habitat for you. show me the habitat! - whoa! what just happened? - he's working his patented real estate agent magic. - ♪ open up your eyes ♪ gonna show you where it's at ♪ ♪ as we take a look around at a new habitat ♪ ♪ it's got a ton of plants and flowers ♪ ♪ more than any florist ♪ it's got really big trees ♪ and it's called the rain forest ♪ - a rain forest? you can live in a rain forest? - absolutely. it's warm, colorful, and it's full of high rises. check it out! everybody loves the rain forest. - they do? - you bet! ♪ animals of every color, animals of every size ♪ ♪ tucans, macaws, monkeys, frogs, sloths, butterflies ♪
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♪ lots of animals above, lots of animals below ♪ ♪ the rain forest is the perfect place ♪ ♪ for a bird to grow, go ♪ where's it at? - ♪ rain forest - ♪ that's a habitat - ♪ rain forest - ♪ where's it at? - ♪ rain forest - ♪ that's a habitat, that's a habitat ♪ ♪ that's a habitat so what do you say, big bird? - i say-- - i know, i know. you're not interested. - actually, i want to live there. - what?! - sure. i want to live in a rain forest. - yes! freddy flapman makes the sale! boo-yah! - but--but, big bird, you don't really want to live in a rain forest. - no, i do. the rain forest is so beautiful and so colorful and so filled with life. it's the perfect habitat for a bird. - but you can't just move. - well, of course i can, gordon. lots of birds migrate. that means we move. i better start packing.
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- big bird's gonna move? - ok. i'm ready to move to my new habitat. - great! let's go! - but, big bird, you can't just leave sesame street. - oh, you're right, gordon. - oh, thank goodness. - not without saying good-bye to everyone. - what? - good-bye, gordon. - wait! - bye-bye. bye, susan. - bye? - bye, barkley. - big bird, where are you going? - he's migrating to the rain forest. - bye, luis. bye, gabi. bye, maria. - bye? where's big bird going? - he's--he's moving to the rain forest. - the rain forest? - bye, gina. - uh, bye. where you going? where's he going? - bye, leela. - wait. - bye, little elmo. - but sesame street is where big bird lives, big bird. - bye, kids. bye, alan. - bye? what?
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- he's moving? - hi, snuffy. - hi, bird. - bye, snuffy. - bye, bird. i wonder where bird is going. - he's leaving sesame street. - big bird is off to find a new home. - a new home? - good-bye, sesame street. - it's about time. come on! - now wait a minute. - hey. what's going on here, you? - what's wrong? - you can't move away, big bird. - oh. well, yes, i can, maria. i'm a bird, and lots of birds migrate. - but if big bird leaves, big bird won't be able to see all of his friends anymore. - oh, sure i will, elmo. we can have play dates in the rain forest every day. - no, you can't, big bird. - well, why not? - big bird, the rain forest is very, very far away. - it is? - yeah. - oh. does that mean that alan and chris won't be able to bring me the cream of bird seed soup whenever i want it?
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- i'm afraid not, big bird. - yeah, buddy. hooper's doesn't deliver to the rain forest. - well, maria and luis will still be able to visit me, right? - well, we can come visit. - but only once in a while. - but if snuffy's not gonna be there and all my friends on sesame street won't be there, i don't think i want to be there. - good for you, big bird. - they're not birds! you're a bird, and lots of birds--caw caw--migrate. - look, mr. flurpman-- - flapman. - right. listen. i'd like to see the rain forest and the swamp and all the places in the world that birds live, but sesame street is where i belong. - that's right, big bird. - you're making a big mistake. - no. don't you see? ♪ this is my habitat ♪ this is my street ♪ the place where i live ♪ the place where i tweet
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♪ a great place to flap my wings ♪ ♪ and to grow ♪ with my family and my friends ♪ ♪ that i love so ♪ the rain forest is someplace that i'd like to see ♪ ♪ all the colorful birds ♪ and the green canopy ♪ i'll walk through the swamp ♪ ♪ and the beach i will comb ♪ but this is my habitat ♪ this street is my home ♪ this street is so great ♪ and i can't get enough ♪ of the people and monsters ♪ ♪ and of course my pal snuff ♪ ♪ all the letters and numbers ♪ ♪ there's so much to learn ♪ it's the place that i'd always ♪ ♪ like to return ♪ i want to go see the world ♪ ♪ wander far from my nest ♪ see habitats in the north, south, east, and west ♪ ♪ but wherever i wander ♪ wherever i roam
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♪ this is my habitat ♪ this street is my home ♪ sesame street is my habitat ♪ ♪ sesame street is my home ♪ sesame street is my habitat ♪ ♪ sesame street is my home - well, i guess there's no sale for me. you can call me mr. flopman. - that's flapman! - right. - well, it looks like big bird is home to stay! - [cheering] - come on! let's celebrate! - party at hooper's store! come on! - welcome back home, bird. - aw, thanks, snuff. ha ha ha! - heh heh heh. - ha ha ha! - heh heh! - hi. i'm cameron, and i'm here to tell you all about the word habitat. now a habitat is--
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- a place where animals can find food! - hey. yeah. that's right, and also a habitat is-- - a place where animals can find water. - that's true, too, and a habitat is also-- - a place where animals can find a spot to sleep in! - right again. hey. how do you guys know so much about the word "habitat"? - because this is the woods. - this is where we live. - yeah. this is our habitat. - oh. - habitat! - are you ready to twinkle think? good! because abby's flying fairy school is coming soon, but first, it's time for the letter "h". that's why we're gonna play bring out your "h"! what sound does the letter "h" make? - hhh. - hhh. yeah. - hhh, hhh. - hhh, hhh. that's a really good sound. come on! let's find some things that start with the letter "h"!
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bring out your "h"! bring out your "h"! what do you got that starts with "h"? - hula-hoop. - hula-hoop starts with "h"! do you have anything that starts with a hhh sound? - hair. - hair! hair starts with "h"! what letter does hug begin with? - "h"! - "h"! hug! mm-whaa! do you have anything on you that starts with the letter "h"? ooh. i see something! it's at the end of your arm, and it has fingers. it's your hhh, hhh...hand! right! hooray! now let's check out more about the letter "h"! - "h" is for home. - hands. - handle!
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hide! hook! - hat! - help! hose! healthy! happy! "h" is for home. - hey, carson. tell them what's coming up next! - abby's flying fairy school! - that sounds great! [horn honks] - ♪ look up high in the sky ♪ it's a school, it can fly - ♪ let's all hurry to the flying fairy school ♪ ♪ grab your wands
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- yee-ha! - ♪ bring your wings - yeah! - ♪ we will learn magic things ♪ - ♪ let's all hurry to the flying fair school ♪ ♪ how to make us grow ♪ and how to make us shrink ♪ - whoa! - ♪ how to solve a problem with a simple twinkle think ♪ ♪ the school is really magic ♪ ♪ and magic's really cool ♪ let's go in, let's begin ♪ it's flying fairy school - ha ha ha! - ha ha! - oh! well, hello! welcome to flying fairy school. did you meet our class pet niblet? he's a gerbilcorn, you know? - oh. can we take him out now? ooh! can we take him out? - of course. gonnigan, i believe it's your turn to take niblet out. - me, pick up a gerbilcorn? i don't think so. - gonnigan? where's gonnigan.
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- he's gone again. - that's ok, gonnigan. he'll pick him up when he's ready. - i'll pick up that cute, little gerbilcorn! come here, nibs! give me a hug. - eep. - watch your wand, blogg. - why? - you know what they say. give your wand to a gerbilcorn and rue the day that you were born. - huh? - don't let him get your wand. - eh, he'll never get my wa--ohh! - eep eep! - oh, no! he's got your wand. - oh, this can't be good. - oh, where's that pesky gerbilcorn with my wand? - [whistles] - there he is! - ooh boo ooh! - and there he goes! - come on! - let's go, gonnigan! we need all the fairies we can get! - you know gerbilcorns. they love to be chased. a little fairy chase music, please! [banjo playing] - whoo! - where is he? - where'd he go?
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- i don't see him. excuse me, officer. have you seen our gerbilcorn? - [grunts] - thank you, officer! - wait a minute! - [laughing] ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh! [tarzan yell] - oh, we'll never find him. - never? do fairies say never? - never! - do you know where niblet is? - oop oop! - wait. i think i hear something. - [grunting] - what's that noise? - ♪ oop oop oop oop oop oop oop ♪ - hey. keep it down in that picture! we're trying to find niblet! - niblet! - follow that gerbilcorn! ow! - uh, are we in the picture yet? - i don't think so.
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- ooh. maybe we need a little help. uh, spot, oh, spot. [barking] how do we get into the drawing, spot? - fetch, spot, fetch! [barks] [clacking] [clock ticking] [clattering] [click] [telephone ringing] [click] [squeaking] [barking] - spot, i'd love to use a door to go in the picture, but there are no doors here. - let's twinkle think. - twinkle think, twinkle think, twinkle think. - wait! niblet is in a picture gonnigan drew. - hey. yeah. maybe i can just draw a door in my picture. - now that's a colorful idea!
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- it worked! yay! - let's go! - [whimpering] - we're in! - yeah. now how do we get out? - wait. don't fade on us now, gonnigan. we have to get niblet back. - right. niblet. - ♪ oop oop oop eep eep eep eep eep ♪ - niblet! - [chattering] - oh, no! a raging river! - now we're sunk. - oh. no, we're not. we can fly across. - wait. we don't have our water wings. - we need something that floats. oh! how about this? - a pumpkin? - you can't cross the river on a pumpkin. - it's floating.
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- i have an idea. - a pumpkin boat! - no, no. what was i thinking? - that's it. the sail will get us there faster. you are a fairy genius. - i am? - let's go! - ooh! - whoa! - oh, no! we're on top of a mountain! - and niblet's at the bottom! - ooh ooh! - how do we get down? - hmm. what makes things move on land? - how about this? - wheels! - whee! - ha ha ha! - ooh! - whoa! we're at the bottom! whoa! now we're at the top! - ooh hoo! - whoa! bottom! top!
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bottom! top! bottom! - we're at the bottom. - and so is niblet! - and my wand! - [chattering] - he's headed for the border! - he's out of the picture! ouch. - ouch! - ouch! - a perfect 3-ouch landing. - he's over there! - in the block corner. - we've got him cornered! - and blocked! - [whimpering] ooh hoo! - ooh! it's locked! - it can't be locked. my wand is in there. - we need an open the door spell. what rhymes with door? - snore. - floor. - zsa zsa gabor! - whoa! that's sounds magical. let's try it.
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- open the door, zsa zsa gabor! - whoo-hoo! it worked. - eh, on every door but niblet's. - ♪ hee hee hee hee hee hee - mrs. sparklenose! - good rhyme, fairies. - but it didn't work. niblet's still in there. - ah. alas, there is no magic spell for that. - huh? - no person, fairy, elf, or troll can open the door to a gerbilcorn hole. - then how will we ever catch him? - oh, you can't catch a gerbilcorn unless he wants to be caught. - i'll never get to pet him again? - and i'll never get to try to pet him again. - and i'll never get my wand back. - now, now. do fairies say never? - sometimes! [crying] - oop? - i'll miss his soft, furry fur. - i'll miss his gerbilcorn horn.
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- i'll miss my wand. d'oh! forget about my wand! i'm gonna miss the way he says, "eep eep"! - [sobbing] eep eep. - yeah. like that. i miss it already. oh, oh! niblet! - eep eep! - oh, niblet! - oh, ho ho! my wand! thanks, nibs. - eep eep? - uh, ok? - eep eep. - oh. this feels nice. - i guess gonnigan was ready. - good job, fairies. stars for everyone! you, too! catch! - it's almost time for bert and ernie's great adventures, but first, what's today's number of the day! aah! that's a huge number!
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how many is 40? 5... 10... 15... 20... 25... 30... 35... 40! 40 candles! how many are you? - 40! - 40 nurses! 40 is fabulous! let's see more about the number 40! - ♪ oh, oh, oh, oh - ♪ yeah - ♪ oh, oh, oh, oh - ♪ here we go - ♪ now here's a song about 40 ♪ - ♪ 40 - ♪ how are we gonna count that high? ♪ ♪ lift up your hands way up - ♪ way up - ♪ now let all your fingers fly ♪ - ♪ yeah - ♪ first, we're gonna start out easy ♪ ♪ right, count all your fingers with me ♪ - ♪ uh-huh - ♪ 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 - ♪ i see - ♪ like that - ♪ say, margarita - ♪ yeah - ♪ danny - ♪ here - ♪ hey, time to pull in your friends ♪ - ♪ kayla - ♪ t.j., got you covered - ♪ let's count to 40 by 10s - ♪ oh, oh, oh, oh ♪ say, 10, 20, 30, 40 ♪ yeah, that's the way it goes ♪ count 10 by 10s when you got all your friends ♪
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- ♪ let's count to 40 and dance ♪ - ♪ and dance - ♪ let's count to 40 by 10s - ♪ just use the fingers right here ♪ ♪ that's what you got in your hands ♪ - ♪ oh, oh, oh, oh ♪ say, 10, 20, 30, 40 ♪ yeah, that's the way it goes ♪ count 10 by 10s when you got all your friends ♪ - ♪ let's count to 40 and dance ♪ ♪ yeah, count to 40 by 10s ♪ - ♪ just use the fingers right here ♪ ♪ that's what you got in your hands ♪ - ♪ whoo, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪ everybody, 10, 20, 30, 40 ♪ yeah, that's the way it goes ♪ count 10 by 10s when you got all your friends ♪ ♪ that's a big 4-0 - hey, guys. tell them what's coming up next! - bert and ernie's great adventures! - oh, boy! - [snoring] - ♪ every night when i lie in bed ♪ - oh, no. - ♪ i see pictures dancing in my head ♪ - picture sleep. - ♪ buddy bert - what? - ♪ buckle up, and we'll fly away ♪
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- whoa! - yeah! ♪ we're adventuring ♪ every time the bed starts tapping ♪ ♪ something special's gonna happen ♪ - this is kind of catchy. - ♪ my favorite kind of traveling ♪ - hyah! ♪ we're adventuring ♪ come along with bert and ernie ♪ ♪ we're gonna take a little journey ♪ ♪ "bert and ernie's great adventures" ♪ - gee, bert. isn't it exciting being detectives? - it would be more exciting if we had a mystery to solve. [knock on door] - aha! - come in! - hello. my name's veronica lambshank. where can i find the world-famous duck detectives? - right here. - what can we do for you, miss lambshank? - i've come because i have a very strange friend. - hmm. - tell us more. - his name is malty, and he says he's a maltese duck.
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- well, he looks like a duck. - yes. he waddles like a duck, too, but never, ever quacks. i'm wondering what he really is and want you to investigate. - duck detectives on the case! - meet me at the sheep meadow. malty hangs out by the pond, but i don't want him to know i've hired detectives. you'll need a disguise. - just leave that to us. - byyyyye! - malty, i'd like you to meet my cousins from out of town. - pleased to meet you, malty. - enchanté. - cousin ernie, can i talk to you a minute? - sure, cousin bert. excuse us, malty. - that malty does seem like an odd duck. he didn't quack at all. [squeak] - what's that, rubber duckie? great idea! rubber duckie says that if he's a real duck he'll quack when he swims. - but how can we get malty to swim? - i know. jump in the pond, bert. - oh, no, no, no, no.
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i don't like cold waaater! aah, aah, aah! - malty, help cousin bert! - hmm. still not one quack. - [french accent] here you are, cousin bert. you seem to have lost your ears. sheep cousins. strange. now if you'll excuse me, i must fly. ciao bella! - he mysteriously leaves like that every afternoon. - we'll get to the bottom of this. there he is! - wait, ernie. i think someone's following us. i hear footsteps. - bert, those are our footsteps. we're the ones following--malty? oh, no. we lost him. now what will we do? rubber duckie says to keep our ears open for clues. - [singing in foreign language] - that sounds like him, and it's coming from over there! - get out of my house!
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- guess that wasn't malty. shh! hear that ernie? walk slower. let's walk faster. - let's try a little dance. [dancing footsteps] - someone is definitely following us. all right. come on out! - miss lambshank? - i was too curious to stay and wait at home. - [whistling] - what was that? - sounds like whistling coming from that door. - well, ducks don't whistle, so we know that can't be-- - malty! - miss lambshank. - what are you doing there? - i have a secret to confess. - what is it? - uh... [british accent] i'm not a maltese duck at all. i'm a black-bellied whistling duck. - a black black-bellied whistling duck? - why didn't you tell me before? - i was afraid you'd laugh at me for being a duck
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who can't quack. - laugh at you? never. i'll always be your friend, even if you can't quack. besides, i love whistling. only, i never learned how. - it's simple. you just put your beak together and blow. - [ppppttt] - try this. [whistles] - well, malty, you won't have to hide your whistling anymore. - why don't we all celebrate with some whistling? - [whistling] - [whistles] [clock ticking] - good night, bert. - good night, ernie. uh-oh. - [snoring] - elmo's world is almost here, but first, i want to show you upside down. want to see upside down? then just yell, "upside down!"
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- upside down! - see? i'm upside down, and now... - right side up! - i'm done with upside down. - upside down! - whoa! ha ha ha! i guess i'm not done with upside down. keep hanging around because elmo's world is on the way! - oh, oh, oh, hi. elmo and his friends are here with someone very, very special, the first lady mrs. michelle obama! - hi, everyone. we're here digging up soil because we're about to plant a garden. - yeah. yeah, yeah. so we can grow our very own food. - right. we're planting vegetables like these right here, and veggies taste so good when they come fresh from the garden, don't they? - oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - yeah. so now what we need to do is plant the seeds. who has seeds? - i do! - great. what kind of seeds do you have? can you show us?
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- i've got tomato seeds. - ooh. tomatoes. there's nothing like tomatoes from the garden. why don't you go ahead and plant them? that's right. you make your hole. that's it. put them in, cover them up. good job. - oh, cool! - and, ross, what about you? what kind of seeds do you have? - cucumber seeds. - oh! - cucumbers. i love cucumbers. - elmo loves cucumbers, too. - all right. you go ahead and plant yours now. and what about you? what kind of seeds to you have? - lettuce. - ooh, lettuce. that's gonna make for a great salad. - yeah. - go ahead and plant them, and, elmo. - huh? - you and i, we are gonna plant some carrot seeds. - wow! look at how tiny those seeds are. - they sure are, but these little seeds are gonna make some great-tasting food. - wow! did i just hear right? the first lady eats seeds? - well, big bird-- - well, i love seeds! i didn't know you ate them, too. are you part bird? - no, big bird, i'm not. - you sure? ha ha! you and i are both really tall.
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maybe we're from the same family. - i'm sure, big bird. you see, i really don't eat these kind of seeds at all. - oh. - but i do eat what grows from these seeds. - oh. - lots of carrots and tomatoes and cucumbers and lettuce! - like these right here. - yeah! - really? all those grew from tiny, little seeds? - that's right. all these seeds need to grow are some sun, soil, and water, and you know what, guys? if you eat all of these healthy foods, you're gonna grow up to be big and strong just like me. - and me! well, i'm still growing. - well, elmo can't wait to eat the food we grow so elmo can grow, too. - me, too! - me, too! - well, you know what? i know you're gonna like these vegetables because in addition to being healthy they really taste great. - thanks. we think you're great, too. - let's hear it for the first lady! - [cheering]
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- ♪ la la la it's time for... - elmo's world! - ♪ la la la la la la ♪ elmo's world ♪ la la la la la la ♪ elmo's world ♪ elmo loves his goldfish ♪ his crayon, too ooh! yeah! ha ha ha! ♪ that's elmo's world hey, dorothy. hi. oh! hi! hi! welcome to elmo's world. elmo's so happy to see you, and so is dorothy. say hello, dorothy. ha ha ha! ooh! guess what elmo's thinking about today. ♪ ya da da da [doorbell rings]
10:39 am
- ribbit! - come in. hey. that's funny. elmo doesn't see anything. do you? do you see anything, huh? - ribbit! ohh! - did you see something? well, where? - [grunting] - elmo doesn't see anything. hmm. not over here either. - ribbit! - oh, ho ho ho! there you are! ha ha ha! that's right. frogs! ribbit! you know, frogs! wait, wait, wait! come back, frog! that's a very hoppy frog! ha ha ha! [ribbit] [hiccup] [grunting] [croaking] [gurgling]
10:40 am
- oh, look. dorothy's been thinking about frogs, too. ha ha ha! huh? what's that, dorothy? huh? oh. ok, ok, ok. dorothy has a question. how do you leap like a frog? oh, good question, dorothy. hey, dorothy. let's ask mr. noodle. mr. noodle! [ribbit] ha ha ha! shade has a frog in his throat. hop to it, shade, please. oh, thank you, shade. ha ha ha! ho, hi. mr. noodle, do you know that you have a frog on your shoulder? ha ha ha! - ribbit! ha ha! - ha ha ha! mr. noodle! mr. noodle? dorothy has a frog question.
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are you ready, mr. noodle? good. how do you leap like a frog, mr. noodle? - yeah! - how do you leap like a frog? - go ahead, mr. noodle. - wait. what is that? - he's dancing. - mr. noodle! - that's leaping like a dancer, mr. noodle, not like a frog. - leap like a frog! - you can do it. ha ha ha! - and go! - that's not a frog! - those are kangaroo hops! - you need to leap like a frog, not like a kangaroo. - you got to leap like a frog. - mr. noodle, elmo has an idea. squat down. - yeah. like that! - what is he doing? - he's waddling like a duck. - mr. noodle! - well, that's very good, but listen, mr. noodle. push off with your legs. - where are your legs? - yeah. 1 leg,
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2 legs. - now use your legs, mr. noodle. - i think he's got it. - he's being like a frog. - now leap! - leap, mr. noodle! - he's got it! good leaping, mr. noodle! - that's leaping like a frog! - he's a leap frog! ha ha ha! mr. noodle. ooh. huh? what's that, dorothy? oh, ok. dorothy wants to ask someone else. how do you leap like a frog? - dorothy, this is how i leap like a frog. i squat down and push off. - i squat down and push off, too. - me, too. - ribbit, ribbit, ribbit, ribbit, ribbit! - ha ha ha! thanks, kids! oh! and thanks, dorothy. now elmo will ask a baby. [humming] oh. hello, baby! hi! whuh, whuh, whuh, whuh! whuh, whuh, whuh, whuh! ha ha ha! baby, how do you leap like a frog?
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ha ha ha! oh, thank you, baby! kiss, kiss. mm-whaa! ha ha ha! and now elmo has a question... ♪ for-or-or-or you ooh! how many frogs can fit on this lily pad? let's count them and see. - 1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6... 7... 8... 9! - 9 frogs! yay! [ribbit] and one very big frog! that makes 10 frogs! oh. be careful, frogs. whoa, whoa! ha ha ha! boy, that made quite a splash. great counting, everybody. oh, boy. what's that, dorothy? huh?
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oh, yeah. elmo's all wet. so's dorothy! ha ha ha! ha ha ha! boy, elmo made a funny. ha ha ha! now elmo's wondering something else. where do frogs live? let's find out. oh, drawer. [ribbit] ha ha ha! drawer has a frog in his throat, too. let's see, drawer. ribbiiiiiit! do frogs live in a nest, in a hat, or in a pond? - in a pond. - very good. do frogs live in an igloo, in a tree, or in a hammock? - in a tree if it's a tree frog. - do frogs live on a cake, in a wheelbarrow, or in an apartment? - in an apartment.
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- if it's someone's pet frog. - or if it's kermit the frog. - now this is my kind of pad. ha ha ha! - thanks, drawer. - elmo has mail, elmo has mail! - yay! boy, elmo loves getting e-mail. - elmo has mail, elmo has mail! - look, look. ha ha ha! computer, you're so funny. computer has a frog in his throat, too. oh. oh. maybe elmo has e-mail from a frog. mm-hmm. oh, that's not a frog. it's grover. elmo has e-mail from grover! - hello, elmo. it is i grover, your frog expert. i am here in the woods with my class, looking for froggies. say hello to elmo, class. - hello, elmo! - elmo, did you know that some froggies live in the woods? mm-hmm. it is true. see? right here. that is a froggy.
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- no, it isn't! that's a rock! rocks aren't alive! frogs are! they eat and breathe! - that is what i was going to say. oh! now here, here is a froggy. - that's not a frog! it's a butterfly! - butterflies have wings to fly. frogs don't have wings to fly. - i knew that. - ribbit ribbit! - did you hear that? that is the sound a frog makes. there must be a frog around here someplace. froggy! - ribbit ribbit! - there it is on your head! - do not be silly. that is not a frog. that is my hat. - ribbit ribbit! - it's under your hat! - what did you say? i cannot hear you with all that ribbiting. - ribbit ribbit!
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- look, class. this is very rare-- a hopping hat! - that's not a hopping hat. it's a-- - ohh! - ribbit ribbit! - a banana? - no. it's a frog! - well, of course it is. i recognized it at once. i am a froggy expert, you know, and there you have it, elmo, a frog. - ribbit! - um, keep it under your hat. - ribbit ribbit! - thanks, grover. thanks, froggy. thanks, computer! elmo's friend sean went to see a frog exhibit at the museum, and he told elmo all about it. - i love frogs, so one day, my dad took me to the frog exhibit at the american museum of natural history. they had frogs from all over the world. i never saw so many kinds of frogs.
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there were poison dart frogs from central america. their bright colors are a sign for animals to stay away, danger, don't touch. there were big frogs like the african bullfrog. it's bigger than both my hands. and there are little frogs. the golden mantella frog is the size of a penny. most frogs live in or near water. they're pretty good swimmers, but some frogs don't live near water. my dad showed me a picture of a frog that actually lives in the desert. the mexican dumpy frog is a tree frog. tree frogs, of course, live in trees. they have sticky feet that help them stick to the branches and occasionally to another frog. it took me a while to spot the vietnamese mossy frog.
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they're camouflaged to blend in with the things around them. there are two frogs on that moss. can you see them? frogs eat mostly bugs and worms. they're really good shots with their tongues, but sometimes, they miss! i even saw a chinese gliding frog. they have special feet that help them leap and glide from tree to tree. i love frogs! frogs are my favorite kind of animal. - aw, thanks, sean. ooh. the museum sure has a lot of frogs. now elmo wants to learn more about frogs, don't you? how can we learn even more? ooh. elmo knows. we can watch the frog channel on tv. tv, where are you?
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tv, yoo-hoo! ha ha ha! boy, everybody has a frog in their throat today, even elmo. ribbit ribbit! oh. that means turn yourself on, tv. thank you. - this is the--ribbit-- oh, pardon me. i have a frog in my throat. this is the frog channel, ribbiting entertainment for everyone. today on the frog channel, "a frog is born," starring jumpy garland. - there she is--jumpy garland, the most famous frog in the pond. - uh-oh. the peeperazzi. - tell us, jumpy, how did you get to be a frog? - tell us! tell us! - i wasn't always a frog, you know? i started out the same way you did. - no! - yes. i was born in this very pond. i was just an egg drifting in the water, but deep inside, i felt a change coming, and one day, it happened! i became a tadpole. i had little gills for breathing and a mouth
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and tail, and soon, i started to swim, but knew i could be more than a tadpole. that's when my life changed. i started to grow legs, my body got longer, my head looked more like, well, a head. before i knew it, i had arms and a tail! but i still wasn't all that i could be. after a while, i lost my tail, and i hopped out of the pond. - and you became a frog! - that's how we became frogs, too. - yes. my story is your story, except i wanted more. that's why i became a singer! - sing for us, jumpy! - sure! ♪ forget your troubles ♪ come on, get hoppy ♪ leap all your cares away - that frog's a born singer! - next on the frog channel "the tales of peter ribbit," followed by "raging bullfrog."
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- oh. oh. thanks, tv. thank you. boy. elmo wants to learn more about frogs. how can we find out more? [doorbell rings] well, who could that be? come in! - hiya! ha ha! want to talk to a frog? ribbit! ribbit ribbit! - oh, yeah. we can talk to a frog! yay! - if you can catch me. whoa! [ribbiting] - frog! oh! ha ha ha! frog, frog, frog, frog, wait, wait, wait, frog. wait, wait. elmo wants to know what it's like to be a frog. - i haven't the froggiest. ha ha ha! ribbit! ooh, ooh. watch this! i have a long tongue for catching flies. [fly buzzing] - oh! - whoo! - ha ha ha! fast food! - yeah. ha ha! oh, and i can breathe through my skin. breathe in, breathe out. just like that.
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- oh. elmo bathes through elmo's nose like this. [inhales] [exhales] - ooh! ooh, ooh! that's not all i can do. i can camouflage myself! [grunts] - camo-what? oh, boy. - camouflage. that means i can change the color of my skin to blend in with things. watch this. - ok. - now you see me... now you don't. - wow! - now you see me... - yeah? - now you don't! - ha ha ha! look. an elmo frog. - ooh, ooh! i'm a great leaper, too. i have long, strong legs. ribbit! - wow! you sure do. - yeah. - look, look, look. dorothy is imagining elmo as a frog. - oh. - oh. watch this. elmo frog is gonna leap onto that lily pad over there. whooooaaa!
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uh-oh. oh. elmo frog has webbed feet. coooool! ha ha ha! boy, elmo frog can do the frog kick. ha ha ha! ribbit ribbit ribbit! ha ha ha! - take it from a frog--always look before you leap! - ah, thanks, frog. - you're welcome. - elmo will remember that. - oh, good. - elmo loves frogs. ribbit ribbit ribbit! - ribbit ribbit! - and so does dorothy. that's why dorothy wants us to sing the frog song! - ooh. can i sing, too? frogs are great singers. ♪ ribbit ribbit ribbit what do you think? - sure, frog. - thanks. - now where's piano? - i don't know. - piano, where are you? oh! oh, there you are! [ribbit] ha ha ha! oh. piano has a frog in its throw, too.
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♪ ribbit ribbit ribbit ♪ frogs, frogs, frogs, frogs, frogs, frogs ♪ ♪ frogs, frogs, frogs, frogs, frogs ♪ sing along if you want. ♪ frogs, frogs, frogs, frogs, frogs, frogs ♪ - ♪ ribbit - ♪ frogs, frogs, frogs, frogs, frogs, frogs ♪ - ♪ ribbit ribbit - ♪ frogs, frogs, frogs, frogs, frogs, frogs ♪ - ♪ ribbit - ♪ frogs, frogs, frogs, frogs, frogs ♪ - ♪ ribbit ribbit - ♪ frogs, frogs, frogs, frogs, frogs, frogs ♪ - ♪ ribbit - ♪ frogs, frogs, frogs, frogs, frogs ♪ - ♪ ribbit - oh. say good-bye, dorothy. ha ha ha! say goode-bye, frog. - ribbit! good-bye! - bye! ♪ do bop bop do do bop bop do ♪ ♪ do do do - ♪ ribbit ribbit ribbit - ♪ do do do do do - ♪ ribbit ribbit - ♪ ribbit - ♪ ribbit - ♪ that's elmo's world - ♪ ribbit ribbit ribbit - ♪ do do do do oh! - ribbit! - ha ha ha! ribbit! - "sesame street" was brought to you today by the letter, uh-- by the letter--um. i can't remember. let's rethink the day.
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look. there it is! what letter is that? - "h"! - right. "h" is the letter of the day, but what's today's number? there it is. what number? - 40! - right! 40 is the number of the day! so "sesame street" was brought to you today by the letter "h" and by the number 40! this is murray saying see you next time on the street. peace! today's show is brought to you by the dancing toe company. dance! dance! the dancing toe company-- may we have this dance? announcer: he's curious george. wooo! whoever comes closest to guessing the number of balls gets to keep them all. this calls for some math. ha ha! announcer: "curious george,"
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weekdays on pbs kids, or watch anytime you want at! is helping families turn everyday moments into learning opportunities. ♪ you can find out more at female announcer: it's fun to stay in shape with foods of every shape. proud sponsor of sesame street, united healthcare: helping people live healthier lives. - beaches family resorts is a proud sponsor of "sesame street" because families who play together grow together, sharing wondrous adventures and turning precious moments into a lifetime of memories. - "sesame street" is also brought to you by earth's best organic, the corporation for public broadcasting, and...
10:58 am
captioning made possible by sesame workshop captioned by the national captioning institute - go to to visit your "sesame street" friends for videos, games, and sunny days! - ha ha ha!
10:59 am
11:00 am
- get ready to blast off, neighbour. today we're going to play outer space at our friend miss elaina's house. and then we're going to play at prince wednesday's royal castle. i'm so happy u're my friend. ugga-mugga. be right back. is made possible in part by... the richard king mellon foundation. dedicated for over sixty years to south western pennsylvania's quality of life, and competitive future. and by these pittsburg undations. working together to enhance and enrich the lives of children for more than seventy-five years. and by the arthur vining davis foundations. dedicated to strengthening america's future through education.
11:01 am
adcasting, dedicated to strengthening america's future and contributions to your pbs station, from viewers like you. in the neighbourhood ♪ and contributions to your pbs station, ♪ a beautiful day for a neighbour ♪ ♪ would you be mine? ♪ could you be mine? ♪ won't you be my neighbour? - ♪ it's daniel tiger's neighborhood ♪ ♪ a land of make-believe ♪ won't you ride along with me? ♪ - ♪ ride along - ♪ it's daniel tiger's eighborhood ♪ ♪ so much to do, so much to see ♪ ♪ won't you ride along with me? ♪ - ♪ ride along - ♪ i've got lots of friends for you to meet ♪ ♪ in this land of make-believe ♪ a friendly face on every street ♪ just waiting to greet you ♪ it's a beautiful day in the neighbourhood ♪ ♪ a beautiful day for a neighbour ♪ ♪ in daniel tiger's neighborhood. ♪ - hi, neighbour. we're playing at miss elaina's house today.
quote quote
11:02 am
she lives in the museum-go-round, and she is a very fun friend. verrry fun. - (robot voice): daniel tiger, i'm so glad you came to play. (all laughing) - hi, lady elaine. hi, miss elaina. my neighbour came to play too. - miss elaina has been waiting for you all day. - greetings, daniel tiger. i'm so, so, so, so, so, so glad you're here! - wow, what's that on your head? - it's my helmet. i'm an astronaut! - astronaut! whoa! - and i'm going to zoom to outer space! - wow! i would love to zoom to outer space! can i be an astronaut too? - you betcha. i even made you an astronaut helmet like mine. ready? - whoa! here comes one, here comes the other. thanks, miss elaina. now i'm astronaut daniel.
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- astronaut power! - astronaut power! - well, astronauts, should we zoom inside the house? - (elaina and daniel): yeah! - let's zoom to my room. - zooooom. - zoom! zoom! - zoom with me. like this. zooooom. - zoom! zoom! zoom! - (all): zoom! zoom! - zoom! i'm zooming to the kitchen. (both laughing) - welcome to... outer space! - whoa! did you make all of this outer space stuff? - sure did, toots. and... i made us this. it's a telescope. we can use it to look at the moon and the stars. see? i see a star... and a daniel star!
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(laughing) - i'm a shooting daniel star. watch this. whoooosh! whoosh! whoa! (both laughing) - do you want to look through the telescope? - sure. thanks. - oh, wait, i want to look at one more thing. - ok. (daniel gasps.) (elaina gasps.) - oh, no! the telescope bent. - we can't see anything through it. - but... i wanted to use the telescope. that was my idea. argh! i'm upset. now we can't play anymore. - boomerang toomerang! everything ok in here? - our telescope bent, and miss elaina is upset. - can you fix it? - oh, it's too bent. hmm. some things just can't be fixed.
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- well, if we c c't play with the telescope, then we can't play at all. - oh, elaina-berry. i'm sorry your telescope is bent, but that doesn't mean you and daniel can't play anymore. - it doesn't? - no. ♪ a friend just wants to play with you ♪ - ♪ a friend just wants to play with you ♪ - yes. daniel is yououfriend, and he wants to play with you, not your things. - i do want to play with you, miss elaina. it doesn't even matter what we do. - and i want to play with you too, even without a telescope. daniel, do you want to play again? - yes! (elaina and daniel laughing) how about we make pretend telescopes with our hands like this? (elaina gasps.) - a pretend telescope is a great idea! - now, that's using your noodle! - make a telescope with us. - i seeeee youuuu! - i see you tooooo. - wee!
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- hoo-hoo-hoo! hmm, where are-- oh! i see both of you! - woo! yay! - woo! ha! ha! ha! miss elaina, , u're fun no matter what we play. ♪ a friend just wants to play with you ♪ - thanks, daniel. i feel much, much, much, much, much better. and thanks, mom. - well, that's what i'm here for, toots. zoom! (laughing) - ooh, what's this big box? - that's our rocket ship! look, these are the wings. - whoa. i like the wings. good idea. - thanks. but the rocket ship isn't done yet. let's colour it some more, ok? - yes, great idea! cool! - rocket ships have lots of buttons and, uh, stuff. - oh, yeah, lots and lots of buttons. - great idea! i'll be right back! - this looks like a real rocket ship, doesn't it?
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zoom! heyyy... what if it was a real rocket ship? do you want to make believe with me? let's make believe... that we could zoom in this rocket ship to the moon! ♪ we're zooming on our rocket through outer space ♪ ♪ let's zoom, zoom, zoom to the moon, moon, moon ♪ ♪ i'm astronaut daniel and this is captain tigey ♪ ♪ there's an empty seat, why don't you sit beside me ♪ ♪ as we zoom, zoom, zoom to the moon, moon, moon? ♪ ♪ up in space there's lots to see ♪ ♪ i can see the stars, they're twinkling at meeeee ♪ ♪ we're zooming in our rocket through outer space ♪ ♪ let's zoom, zoom, zoom to the moon, moon, moon ♪ wasn't that grr-ific? - attention, astronaut daniel.
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the rocket ship is all ready to go to space. now we count backwards to blastoff! (daniel laughs.) - will you count backwards with us? let's start at five. - (both): five, four, three, two, one... blastoff! - zooooooom. - zooooooooooom. - zoooom... waaaa! - whoa! - grr. we zoomed a lot, huh, miss elaina? (elaina gasps.) miss elaina? - oh, no. oh, no, no, no. - oh, no. - the wing ripped off of our rocket ship! now the rocket ship is ruined. ugh! now we can't play outer space. playtime over. - but, miss elaina, i still want to play. - well, we can't. no rocket, no outer space, no play. - but, miss elaina, remember? we don't have to play with a rocket ship.
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♪ a friend just wants to play with you ♪ - ♪ a friend just wants to play with you ♪ but, but, but i wanted us to play outer space in a rocket. - i know, but i just want to play with you, even if there's no rocket ship. - hmm... well, maybe we can pretend this box is... something else. - ok. hmm... hmm! you know what it kinda looks like? it kinda looks like... a boat! see? ♪ row, row, row your boat gently down the stream ♪ - a boat! i love it, toots! but... can it be a space boat? 'cause i still want to go to outer space. - a space boat? i've never heard of that before, but i like it! - ♪ row your space boat - ♪ down the outer space
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(both laughing) - let's cououown backwards so we can blast off. - (both): five, four, three, two, one... blastoff! weeeee! - look over there. i see stars. i see the moon. - and i see... (elaina gasps.) fish! glup, glup, glup! (both laughing) - miss elaina, i really just love playing anything with you. - thanks, toots. i love playing with you too. (both laughing) - ♪ you can blast off every day with lots of fun ♪ - ♪ we can get together and play out in the sun ♪ - ♪ i just want to play with you, it doesn't really matter what we do ♪ ♪ a friend just want to play with you, ha, ha! ♪ ♪ a friend just want to play with you ♪
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- ♪ when we're together we bust out laughing ♪ ♪ with silly dancing all the time ♪ ♪ we can zoom, zoom, zoom, zoom to the moon ♪ ♪ as long i am zooming there with you ♪ ♪ a friend just wants to play with you ♪ ♪ a friend just wants to play with you ♪ - ♪ keep a smile on your face for everyone to see ♪ ♪ 'cause play time is the best time for friends like you and me ♪ - ♪ i just want to play with you, it doesn't really matter what we do ♪ ♪ a friend just wants to play with you ♪ - ha! ha! ha! ha! - ♪ a friend just wants to play with you ♪ ♪ a friend just wants to play with you ♪ - ♪ row, row, row your - ♪ space boat - ♪ gently down the - ♪ outer space (both laughing) - ♪ merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream ♪ ♪ dreeeeeam (elaina laughing) - i liked playing outer space with miss elaina today.
11:12 am
what do you like to play with your friends? i like playing with you, friend. ugga-mugga. hey, neighbours, this is my friend isaac, and he and his mom are going to build a cardboard rocket ship. i wonder what it's going to look like. wow! look at how much fun this is!
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i like how isaac designed his cardboard rocket ship. we have to make it just right. it's almost done. should we do a countdown? yeah! four, three, two, one... blastoff! zoom! whoosh! vroom!
11:14 am
thanks for taking us to the moon, isaac. (trolley dings.) hi, neighbour. (trolley dings.) we're at prince wednesday's castle to play. come on. i'm going to ring their doorbell. whoa! (bell tolling) weeeee! ha! ha! ha! (king humming) - ah! daniel tiger, i presume. - hello, king friday. i'm here to play with... - hello, hello, hello! - ...prince wednesday. - hello, hello, friend daniel tiger. - - llo, hello, friend prince wednesday. my neighbour is here too. - hello, hello, hello. - prince wednesday, look what i found in the garden for our collection. - a purple rock. thank you, dad.
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- wow! this is the purplest rock i have ever seen! - i have lots of rocks in my collection. want to come up to my room and see all my rocks? - oh, yes, that would be grr-ific! - on you go. - this way! - yay! wow! you have bunk beds? - yep. - cool! and a rocking horse? - double yep. heh! heh! (horse neighs.) (daniel gasps.) - what are those? - those are my knights. - really cool. whoa! and a puppet theatre! - yep, yep. and i'm the king of the castle, and... i'm the boss of stuff. (both laughing) - that's so funny! - i can't wait to show you this. ta-da! this is my rock collection. the new purple rock will go riiiiight here. and someday
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i'll find a gold rock, and it will go right here. - oh, a gold rock would be special! - i know. i always wanted a gold rock. - you already have so many rocks in your collection. - my dad and i look for rocks wherever we go. - ooh, you're like explorers. - ha! ha! ha! yeah, rock explorers. this rock was found when we explored the royal garden, and this rock was found when we explored jungle beach. - jungle beach? that's where i live. - you could explore for rocks on jungle beach too. see, this rock is actually a piece of coral. from the sea! - wow, prince wednesday! you sure know a lot about rocks. - i know. ♪ i'm a silly, silly rock explorer ♪ - ♪ silly, silly rock explorer come on, rock explorer, let's play with your rocks. - no! no, we can't play with the rocks. - what? we can't play with the rocks? why not?
11:17 am
- well, the rocks could break. - oh. so we can't play. - we can't play. - hmm... my, but the purple rock looks so good in your collection. - yeah. - it is too bad that youuannot play with the rocks. but they are fragile; they might break. - yeah, they could break. we can't play with them. - so we can't play at all. - oh, i think you can still play. you know what i always say? - what? - ♪ a friend just wants to play with you ♪ - ♪ a friend just wants to play with you ♪ - a friend doesn't need to play with your things; they just want to play with you. - but daniel wants to play with my rocks. - i do want to play with your rocks. but i want to play with you more. - really? you want to play with me more than my rocks?
11:18 am
- yes! how about we play something else, friend? - ok, friend. we can play something else. ♪ 'cause we are friends, friends, friends! ♪ - ♪ we are friends! (all laughing) - well done! ♪ a friend just wants to play with you ♪ - yes! - i'll be in the royal garden. call me if need me. ♪ 'cause i'm tt daddy, daddy king ♪ heh! heh! what a lovely song. (both laughing) - so, if we can't play with the rocks, how about we pretend to be explorers like you and your dad? - good idea, friend. let's explore for treasure. - where could the treasures be? - i'll crawl through the tunnel. - whoa-ho-ho! oh, are there treasures over there? - nope. let's keep looking. - i think i see some treasures over here! - nope. (daniel gasps.) - what's this? can we play with him? - that's my lizard.
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he's really special to me. he goes here. but i don't want to play with him. is that ok? - yeah, we don't have to play with your lizard. ♪ a friend just wants to play with you ♪ come on, let's keep exploring. - oh, treasures, where are you? - come out, come out wherever you are. ha! ha! there's got to be some treasures over here. do you spy a treasure? oh, i spy a treasure! look! - oooh, i wonder what's inside this treasure. - let's open it to find out. - oooh, look! our treasusu is a picture of you and me. ♪ friends, friends, friends - ♪ we are friends - hey, i have an idea. do you want to make believe with me? let's make believe... that we are on a real treasure hunt.
11:20 am
♪ i'm on a treasure hunt on the beach ♪ ♪ i know the treasure's here within my reach ♪ ♪ is it under the sand? - ♪ sorry, try again - ♪ is it under this rock? - ♪ nope, but better luck - ♪ is it up in this tree? - ♪ nope, it's only me - ♪ there it is! ♪ inside there's a picture of my friends ♪ ♪ and friendship's the treasure that never ends ♪ wasn't that grr-ific? - come on, explorer! let's go to the castle garden to explore some more. - let's go! (daniel humming) whoa! - looking royally hard. - looking, looking... - oooh, explorer daniel, spy something red that tastes delicious.
11:21 am
- you play too, ok? what do you spy that is red and tastes delicious? red strawberries! - that's it. mmm! deee-licious! - nom, nom, nom. delicious! red strawberries are my fav-our-ite! ha! ha! ha! explorers, looking for treasures... - what treasure do i spy? - oh! i spy something green and hoppy. do you see something green and hoppy? - woo! a green hoppy frog. - that's it. isn't he so hoppy? - so hop-hop-hoppy! (both laughing) - look over there! - exploring, looking for treasures... looking, looking...
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- looking, looking... oh. i spy something special. it's shiny and gold. - a rock. a shiny gold rock! i always wanted a gold rock for my collection! - i'm glad we explored and found it together. - i know! you know what? - what? - i want you to have the gold rock. (daniel gasps.) - me? - yeah. you can start your own rock collection, friend. - wow. that would be grr-ific! thank y y, friend. - ♪ friends, friends, we are friends ♪ (both laughing) - i spy... something else that's shiny and gold. - another gold rock? - no, a gold crown. - a gold crown? - aha! you found me. jig's up!
11:23 am
(wednesday and daniel laughing) - you were hiding. so funny. (king whistling) (wednesday and daniel laughing) you know what? - what? - i like playing with you. ♪ it's play time today ♪ let's laugh while we say ♪ "i just want to play with you, it doesn't really matter what we do" ♪ ♪ a friend just wants to play with you ♪ ♪ a friend just wants to play with you ♪ - ♪ let hop, hop, hop all day long ♪ ♪ and let's jump, jump, jump while we sing this song ♪ ♪ we'll find a rock over here and a treasure there ♪ ♪ as long as we are doing it together ♪ - ♪ a friend just wants to play with you ♪ - ha! ha! ha! - ♪ a frieie just wants to play with you ♪ - ♪ it's friend time with you ♪ we'll have a great time, its true ♪
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♪ i just to play with you, it doesn't really matter what we do ♪ ♪ a friend just wants to play with you ♪ - ♪ a friend just wants to play with you ♪ ♪ a friend just wants to play with you ♪ (both laughing) - hey, that was fun. - royally great! - thanks for coming with me to prince wednesday's castle to play. you know, i'm happy that we are friends too. ugga-mugga! - ♪ it's such a good feeling to play with family and friends ♪ ♪ it's such a happy feeling when they lend you a hand ♪ ♪ you wake up ready to say - hi! - ♪ "i think i'll make a snappy new day" ♪ ♪ 's such a good feeling ♪ a very good feeling, a feeling you know ♪ - ♪ that i'll be back
11:25 am
♪ when the day is new ♪ and i'll have more ideas for you ♪ ♪ and you'll have things you'll want to talk about ♪ ♪ i will too because it's you i like. ♪ it's playtime today ♪ let's laugh while we say ♪ "i just want to play with you, it doesn't really matter what we do" ♪ - ♪ a friend just wants to play with you ♪ - ready? - yeah. - let's go. - now let me look where we are now. - where are you? - on the highest mountain of the sky. - ♪ a friend just wants to play with you ♪ - ha! ha! ha! - ♪ a friend just wants to play with you ♪ - now let's have a snack.
11:26 am
- hey, how about your bag be the clothes bag and my bag be the food bag? - ok. - here, you want a banana? - sure. i'll try to fit everything in there, but it might be hard... - the last thing. - zip up. - ♪ a friend just wants to play with you ♪ - it's fat. - ♪ it's friend time with you ♪ we'll have a great time, it's true ♪ - ♪ i just want to play with you, it doesn't really matter what we do ♪ - ♪ a friend just wants to play with you ♪ - ha! ha! - ♪ a friend just wants to play with you ♪ ♪ a friend just wants to play with you ♪ (girls laughing) ♪ where letters and packages are sent out every day! ♪ ♪ can you guess what's inside of us? ♪ ♪ come on let's play! ♪ you'll wear these on your feet all day, ♪
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♪ what's inside? socks! all: socks! ♪ this is a soft, little, snuggly friend. ♪ ♪ what's inside? a teddy bear! all: a teddy bear! ♪ we're having fun pretending, ♪ ♪ but our song must be ending. ♪ ♪ we're going to be sent in the mail! ♪ announcer: get ready to take off to see what bees, lions, and hummingbirds are really up to. just don't get stuck in any goo. "the cat in the hat knows a lot about that!" weekdays on pbs kids or any time you want at is made possible in part by... the richard king mellon foundation. dedicated for over sixty years to south western pennsylvania's quality of life, and competitive future. and by these pittsburg foundations. working together to enhance and enrich the lives of children for more than seventy-fifi years.
11:28 am
and by the arthur vining davis foundations. dedicated to strengthening america's future through education. adcasting, dedicated to strengthening america's future and contributions to your pbs station, from viewers like you. by sette inc. and contributions to your pbs station, - visit the neighbourhood at
11:29 am
- ♪ she goes down - ♪ he stands still - ♪ she runs around - ♪ i run fast - ♪ you run slow - ♪ and this is what you call opposites ♪ ♪ opposites black - ♪ opposites neat - ♪ opposites sour - ♪ opposites sweet - ♪ oppositigh - ♪ opposites hello
11:30 am
hi, it's me, whyatt. ready to go on a reading adventure? super! wow, it's "snow white". in this story, we'll practise the alphabet... rhyme with words... and use the power to read to change the story. let's go! "super why" is funded by: a co-operative agreement of the u.s. department of education and the corporation for public broadcasting's "ready to learn" grant, and by pbs viewers like you. sometimes the greatest adventure can start with one click.
11:31 am early learning academy, proud supporter of pbs kids and super why! [ female announcer ] fun for everyone makes a family strong. chuck e. cheese's proudly supports pbs kids. kiddie academy child caren for everyolearning centers...trong. proud supporter of pbs kids. providing educationally focused child care, preparing children for school and for life. kiddie academy... ♪ who answers the call for friends in need? ♪ ♪ super why ♪ super why ♪ he's the guy he's super why ♪ ♪ who's got the power the power to read? ♪ ♪ who looks into books for the answers we need? ♪
11:32 am
♪ super why ♪ super why ♪ and the super readers we're gonna fly ♪ ♪ come along ♪ with the super readers ♪ adventure waits when you're with super why ♪ ♪ super why and the super readers ♪ ♪ yeah ♪ super why and the super readers ♪ ♪ adventure waits when you're with super why ♪ ♪ yeah! super why [ ♪ ] [ ♪ ] hi, so glad you're here. it's me, whyatt!
11:33 am
welcome to storybrook village, where all our fairy-tale friends live. [ cellphone ♪ ] oh look! princess pea is at the storybrook carnival! let's go! [ carnival ♪ ] hi! [ effort grunts ] oh-h-h. hi, princess pea. having fun at the carnival? oh yes! we went on some rides, ooh! played some games, and now i have a yummy soft pretzel. mmm, mmm, mmm. mmm-mmm. [ munching ] yummy, yummy, yummy. mmm. scrumptious! [ giggling ] [ chuckling ] [ stomach gurgles ] [ gasps ] ohhh, oopsy daisy. huh. maybe i shouldn't have eaten so fast. i don't feel so good. oh my peas. [ stomach rumbles ]
11:34 am
oooooh, bad tummy ache. hi, whyatt. hi. hi, princess pea. [ giggling ] i have some popcorn to share. ah! want some? oh sure. yummy! hmm. princess pea? huh? what about your tummy ache? [ stomach gurgles ] oh-h-h-h-h, my tummy. split pea! i really want some popcorn, but my tummy hurts! what should i do? this sounds like a super big problem. and a super big problem needs us, the super readers! we need to call the rest of the super readers. call them with me! [ cellphone ♪ ] say, "calling all super readers!" children: [ in audience ] calling all super readers! [ remote phone ringing ] to the book club! to the book club! children: to the book club! come on, to the book club! [ ♪ ]
11:35 am
whyatt here. [ ♪ ] "p" is for pig! [ ♪ ] red riding hood rollin' in! [ ♪ ] princess pea at your service! and you, say your name. great. we're all here. and together, we will solve princess pea's problem! let's go! [ ♪ ] [ electronic beeps ] okay, princess pea, state your problem. i really want to eat some yummy popcorn. but i have a bad tummy ache! oh boy! oh boy! pig & red: that's a problem. what should i do if i want popcorn
11:36 am
but my tummy hurts? [ stomach rumbling ] good question! when we have a question we look... all: in a book! which book should we look in? [ ♪ ] peas and carrots, carrots and peas... book come out, please, please, please! let's read the title of this book. we know what to do. we need to jump into this book... and find the answer to princess pea's question. first, we look for super letters... and then put them in... our super duper... computer. super duper computer, how many super letters do we need? [ beeping ] oh-h! in this story, we need 12 super letters,
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and then we'll get... [ triumphant ♪ ] our super story answer! it's time to transform! ready? all: ready! arms in! put your arm in! [ ♪ ] whyatt: super readers... all: to the rescue! [ ♪ ] alpha pig! with alphabet power! [ ♪ ] wonder red! with word power! [ ♪ ] princess presto with spelling power! [ ♪ ] super why, with the power to read! [ ♪ ] and super you with the power to help!
11:38 am
[ ♪ ] together we are... all: the super readers! why-flyers! we're ready to fly into this book! [ ♪ ] ♪ super readers ♪ to the rescue! ♪ ♪ it's time to fly with the super readers ♪ ♪ 'cause we've got a problem to solve ♪ ♪ super readers ♪ to the rescue! ♪ ♪ super readers ♪ working together with powers to read ♪ ♪ into books we fly ♪ to find the super story answer ♪ ♪ with super why ♪ super readers to the rescue! ♪ presto! oh, we're in the "snow white" book!
11:39 am
let's read! why writer, highlight! read with me. hello! dwarves: hello! i'm going to trick snow white with this present. [ gasp ] oh no! oh, don't take the present, snow white. i-i-it's a trick. oh! oh no. i want the present, but it might be a bad trick. just like i want the popcorn, but it might make my tummy ache worse. and that, super readers, is why we are in this book. [ ♪ ]
11:40 am
snow white and princess pea both want something that might be bad for them. we need to see what snow white does. to snow white... and the dwarves! let's roll! [ ♪ ] oh, there's snow white's cottage. [ ♪ ] snow white: who is it? we're the super readers, and we want to talk to you. oh hello, super readers. come on in. [ ♪ ] [ doorbell chimes ] [ straining ] oh no! i-it's the bad queen! she's going to try and trick you. oh, the queen! oh, how exciting! hello, deary. would you like this... ah... magical box? if you open the lid, magical things will happen.
11:41 am
oh-h. oh wow, nifty! no, not nifty! it's a trick! oh, it looks so lovely. i'll take the box. both: she took the box! who-o-oa! all: uh-oh! [ gasps ] [ evil cackle ] i tricked you! it was a bad spell! [ cackling ] who-o-o-oah, whoa! oh my chinny- chin-chin! oh no! i'm stuck on the ceiling. how will i get down? [ ♪ ] alpha pig to the rescue! with my amazing alphabet tools,
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i can find the letters in the word "down" and help get snow white down. a-b-c, sing with me. [ ♪ ] ♪ sing with me amazing alphabet singing! first we need the letter "d". hmm, now where's the "d"? children: there! there's the "d". whoooo-ooo-aoah! it's working! now we need the letter "o". where's the "o"? children: there! there's the "o"!
11:43 am
wheeeee! [ giggling ] now we need the letter "w". okay, where is the "w"? children: there! there's the "w". wha-hoo! oh so close! and finally, the letter "n". now, where is that "n"? hmm. children: there it is! there's the "n"! whoo! "d", "o", "w", "n". down! whoo-ee! [ giggling ] phew! snow white & dwarves: hurray! lickety letters! we built the word "down" and helped snow white come down from the ceiling!
11:44 am
let's give ourselves a big thumbs up. thank you so much, alpha pig! [ kiss ] you're welcome! be sure to look for super letters. [ ♪ ] you see super letters? which letters did you find? children: "o", "n", "t", "k"! "o", "n", "t", "k". oh yeah! let's put them in... our super duper... computer! [ beeping ] eight more super letters and then we'll get... our super story answer! [ triumphant ♪ ] way to go, super readers! [ doorbell chimes ] ohhhh! a visitor?
11:45 am
how nice! not "how nice!" it's the bad queen! ohhhh. [ gasps ] hey-hey! hello, queen. would you like a magical watering can, deary? oh-h-oh. use it for your garden and magical flowers will grow. [ gasp ] magical flowers? [ ♪ ] b-b-but, snow white! the watering can might be another spell! oh, i do love flowers ever so much! yes, i'll take it! not again! yep, again. [ ♪ ] ah! whoa! ooh! ee-yikes! oh no! it's so prickly and tangle-y. [ evil cackle ] i tricked you! ooooh! it was a bad spell!
11:46 am
[ cackling ] i'm all tangled up! i'm stuck! [ ♪ ] wonder red to the rescue! [ ♪ ] [ struggling ] with my wonder words basket, i can help snow white get unstuck. let's read this word. what letter is this? children: "w"! ah, "w". and what sound does "w" make? children: wuh, wuh, wuh. wuh, wuh, wuh. and this part says "eed". wuh-eed. wuh-eed. what word is this? children: weed!
11:47 am
weed! that weed is an icky plant. but it's also an "eed" word, and i love "eed" words. it's time to rhyme! ♪ eed, weed, seed ♪ wonderific, you're terrific ♪ ♪ need, feed, speed ♪ wonderific, you're terrific ♪ eed! we need another "eed" word. how about this word? hmm. what letter is this? children: "s"! "s"! what sound does "s" make? children: sssss! ssssss. and this says "eed". ssss-eed. what word is this? children: seed! seed! [ straining ] let's change "weed" to "seed".
11:48 am
[ rumbling ] [ pop ] phew! wonderific, you are terrific! we changed the weed into a seed and got snow white untangled! thank you, wonder red. you're welcome. [ giggling ] [ ♪ ] you see more super letters? which letters did you find? children: "t", "a", "h", "n"! oh yeah! "t", "a", "h", "n". now we need to put them in... our super duper... computer! [ beeping ] four more super letters, and then we'll get... our super story answer! [ triumphant ♪ ]
11:49 am
right on, readers. [ ♪ ] bad queen: [ cackling ] oh no! it's the queen again! [ gasp ] the queen? hello, deary. i have a delicious red apple for you. ah! take one bite, and magical things will happen. oh-h-h, i do love apples. [ gasp ] don't take the apple, snow white! it might be a bad spell! i know, but it looks so delicious! i'll take it! lovely, dear. let me just polish it for you. [ ♪ ] apple, apple, a la mode, snow white will turn into a toad! [ cackling ] snow white, you can't eat this apple. it's another bad spell!
11:50 am
oh dear! but i must eat it. look at my story. ah! what can i do? [ ♪ ] super why to the rescue! with the power to read, i can change this story and save the day! let's change the word "eats" in this sentence. zzzzap! why writer, write! super readers, what should snow white do so she doesn't eat the apple? let's try "throws". which is the word "throws"? hmmm. it starts with "t"-"h".
11:51 am
children: there! there. now let's zap "throws" into the sentence. zzzap! [ giggling ] let's read it and see what happens. [ ♪ ] bad queen: [ cackling ] did throwing the apple stop snow white from eating it? children: yes! yes! super job, super readers! we changed the story and helped snow white not to eat the apple! now she won't turn into a toad! what's the matter, deary? don't you want this delicious apple?
11:52 am
it does look delicious. oh, but wait! let me stop and think about it before i eat it. the enchanted box was a bad spell and i got stuck on the ceiling. the magical watering can was a bad spell and i got stuck in a big icky weed. so now that i've thought about it, no, i will not eat this apple! you tell her, snow white! yeah! oh, come on! just eat the apple. what's the big deal? [ munching ] see? easy! [ gasps ] uh-oh. ribbit. ribbit. ribbit. ribbit. [ ♪ ] you see super letters? which ones?
11:53 am
children: "s", "p", "d", "i"! "s", "p", "d", "i"? let's put them in... our super duper... computer! we found all of our super letters. now we can get... our super story answer! [ triumphant ♪ ] goodbye, super readers. dwarves: bye, super readers! bye, snow white! goodbye, dwarves. thank you. why-flyers! back to the book club! [ ♪ ] ♪ we found the super answer ♪ ♪ with super why [ ♪ ] [ beeping ] super duper computer,
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give us our super story answer! [ beeping ] read with me! space... space... the super story answer is... [ triumphant ♪ ] but... why? red: because when snow white decided to stop and think, she realized that the apple was a bad spell and she shouldn't eat it. so my question is: "what should i do if i want the popcorn,
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but my tummy hurts?" and the answer is... all: "stop and think!" ohhh. maybe i should stop and think before i eat the popcorn. then i'll know what to do. let's get back to the carnival. [ carnival ♪ ] hi, goldilocks! hi, princess pea. so do you want some popcorn? oooh, i do want some, but... wait. let me stop... and think. i have a tummy ache. so if i eat popcorn, my tummy will hurt even more. so, no thank you, i don't think i will have any popcorn right now. hey! let's go on some rides! oh yeah, let's go on this one. we can ride together. hip, hip, hooray! the super readers saved the day!
11:56 am
[ ♪ ] ♪ hip, hip, hooray ♪ hooray! ♪ ♪ the super readers save the day ♪ ♪ we changed the story ♪ we solved the problem ♪ we worked together so hip, hip, hooray! ♪ ♪ hip, hip, hooray ♪ hooray! ♪ ♪ the super readers save the day ♪ ♪ hip, hip, hooray ♪ hooray! ♪ ♪ the super readers save the day! ♪ ♪ vocabulary, vocabulary, how many words do you know? ♪ ♪ what word is this? ♪ friend ♪ read it with me ♪ f-r-i-e-n-d ♪ a friend is a buddy or a pal ♪ to the end ♪ vocabulary, vocabulary, how many words do you know? ♪
11:57 am
♪ with the power to read, your vocabulary ♪ ♪ can grow, grow, grow ♪ with the power to read, your vocabulary ♪ announcer: it's "super why!" why writer, write. let's roll. we climbed down to the bottom of the wall. hooray! super duper. announcer: "super why!," weekdays on pbs kids, or watch anytime you want at "super why" is funded by: a co-operative agreement of the u.s. department of education and the corporation for public broadcasting's "ready to learn" grant, and by pbs viewers like you. at, we believe that learning is the greatest adventure of all. early learning academy, proud supporter of pbs kids and super why! [ female announcer ] fun for everyone makes a family strong. chuck e. cheese's proudly supports pbs kids.
11:58 am
kiddie academy child caren for everyolearning centers...trong. proud supporter of pbs kids. providing educationally focused child care, preparing children for school and for life. kiddie academy... [ ♪ ] calling all super readers. come play and read at... [ ♪ ]
11:59 am
[ remote phone ringing ] to the book club! tto the book club!d:


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