tv Tavis Smiley PBS October 9, 2013 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT
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>> this is "bbc world news." >> funding of this presentation is made possible by the freeman foundation, newman's own foundation, giving all profits to charity and pursuing the common good for over 30 years, and union bank. >> at union bank, our -- a>> at union bank, our relationship managers use their
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-- work hard to understand the industry you operate in, to help provide capital for key strategic decisions. offer expertise and tailored solutions in a wide range of industries. what can we do for you? >> and now, "bbc world news." >> this is bbc world news america, reporting from washington. talibaner of pakistani says he is ready to negotiate but will not stop attacking americans. the man thought to be responsible for thousands of deaths spoke exclusively to the bbc. fed, janet yellen is nominated to be the next head of the central bank. she would be the first woman to get the job. as captain richard phillips. you might be surprised to hear
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what oscar winner tom hanks would be doing if he was not acting. >> i would be a park ranger. i would be the guy who says, welcome, let me tell you the history of our national park. >> welcome to our viewers on public television in america and around the globe. recently the taliban in pakistan has attacked aid workers, civilians, even young girls lobbying for an education. now the group's leader says he is ready to negotiate with the pakistani government. in a rare interview in his hideout in pakistan's tribal areas, hakimullah mehsud said he would continue to target america and its allies. this exclusive report from islam a lot -- islamabad. >> he has wreaked havoc across
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this country and now says if the government wants to talk it has to come to him. >> we believe in talks. the government has taken no serious steps to approach us. the government needs to sit with us. then we can have our conditions. >> this is how we used to see hakimullah mehsud, in propaganda videos. on the left next to the man who blew himself up and killed seven cia officers in afghanistan. it is why there is a $5 million bounty on his head. >> praise be to god. we targeted those, america, and continue to do that. as for attacks against the property and lives of muslims, we deny any link to them.
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>> with his track record, who would believe him? muslims are dying. in the most recent in a series of horrific attacks, a car packed with explosives went off in the heart of a market. the results were devastating. .ou specially for this man 20 members of his family were in a minibus passing by the bomb. 15 died, including his wife, three daughters, and son, and grandchildren. what should i say about the people who did this? it makes no difference now. my home was like a garden of roses, but it is all gone. the attacks that brought so much misery, even after they said they wanted peace. hakimullah mehsud says he did not have control over the militants that did this.
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in either case, the crucial question is, why bother speaking to him? but last month the prime minister and other senior politicians decided they didn't want talks with the taliban -- talks with the taliban, facing severe criticism in some quarters. >> now we have the top taliban guy looking very confident, a very commanding position. actually telling the government we are ready for talks if you want to come and talk. again, this is something that to government -- it is going be a very divisive issue inside the country. >> this extraordinary footage we obtained shows the taliban, including hakimullah, at play. they are man thought to be responsible for murdering thousands. and -- leavings afghanistan, the government
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entering dialogue, it is becoming clear that the militants in the region feel more and more that they are calling the shots. talibanore on the leader's remarks, i am joined from new york by the director of the south asia center at the atlantic council. we do not often hear from hakimullah. how significant do you think this offer of talks is? >> this is a very clever move on his part. clearly he is using the media to his benefit, having said the government should negotiate through the media, he has chosen to use the media. i think it is a bit of a trap for the civilian government, which has talked about having talks but it also realizes that in the past talks have not yielded the end result they wanted, which was peace. the other part of the trap is that he wants to be seen as representing all the people of the border area, the federally
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administrative tribal area. because of the widespread destruction caused among the civilian population the telemanagement on represent the entire population of the area, -- >> in the bbc interview, hakimullah said he would only negotiate on his own terms. she includes sharia law for pakistan and reasonably there is no chance of getting that. >> absolutely not. there is not much to talk about if he does not change his position, does not accept the constitution of packet and and -- pakistan and does not agree to talk to the government as just one of many groups within that represent the people of the region. on the government side, the weakness has been they have not yet come up with a plan for what to do about the region. neither did the previous government, which actually had a on methods,d study
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never implemented them, left the entire job to the military. and there is no military solution to this problem. >> looking at this from the point of view of the west and america, how concerned would they be over what appears to be the weakness of the new government in pakistan? has a sharif government huge raft of challenges that it faces. difficult toing it fill cabinet positions, to make decisions simultaneously across a broad front. the approach they have taken appears to have slowed things down, and this is affecting their credibility internally and externally. i think the prime minister needs to get a team together that will work quickly and across the wide front. >> joining me from new york. thank you very much. >> thank you for having me. >> the united states is
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suspending much of its military and financial aid to egypt. the state department announced it will withhold the delivery of major military equipment and cash transfers to egypt's military backed government pending progress on democracy and human rights. for the first time, a woman could be leading the central bank of the world's most powerful economy. the prospect came closer to reality when president obama nominated janet yellen as his pick to head the u.s. federal reserve. our north american editor has the story. >> he knows what it is like having the weight of the world on his shoulders. she is about to find out. 67-year-old janet yellen has been lined up to run the central bank of the world's largest economy. her decisions will reverberate around the globe, affecting us all. she made it clear where her priorities lie. >> too many americans still cannot find a job and worry how they will pay their bills and provide for their families.
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the federal reserve can help if it does its job effectively. >> the daughter of a doctor and teacher from brooklyn, she served longer at the fed than any other senior official, on and off since 1977. she has been the number two there since nine -- 2010. in the 1990s she chaired bill clinton's council of economic advisers and has an impressive teaching career. shene thing from her cv -- spent her time between the fed and academia. she never went to wall street to make loads of money, and the democrats like that. at,thing else she is keen balancing employment and on -- inflation, certainly during the economic crisis she has put the stress on policies that create jobs. the nobel prize for economics in 2001. >> she has been a consistent
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advocate that when unemployment is high that is one of the main focuses of the fed, so long as inflation is also not high. so i think what she would bring as a balance -- is a balance that sometimes was lacking in the years before the crisis. >> the markets seemed to like her, bouncing back this morning. many think she will put on hold the fed plan to reduce the amount of money they are pumping into the u.s. economy. if it happened, it could send shockwaves around the globe. not everyone will be pleased with that. if you in the senate voted against yellen getting her current job and will be more worried now. >> liquidity is always popular. nobody complains about that. it is really when you take the punch bowl away. i do think she has the fortitude to do that if necessary. he question is, will she? i am a skeptic that when the time comes she is going to make the really hard choices. >> she has been given a tall
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order and started boldly, apparently signaling measures adopted in the crisis will not suddenly be curtailed. bbc news, washington. >> for more on the island, i , i spoke withlen a "washington post" communist. i asked if she is -- columnist. i asked if she is likely to be chosen. >> very likely. if things get wild with the government shutdown and that disrupt the balance. she is a safe candidate. it seems like all the democrats will support her, and probably a few republicans. >> is she going to lead a massive change? she is more focused on the employment side. is that going to see a shift, do you think? >> this is a vote for continuity at the federal reserve. appointing somebody who has been a key engineer of ben bernanke's
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policies to encourage employment. the quantitative easing of $85 billion a month. janet yellen was a key engineer of that. she will now likely the chairman and followthrough. she has been, as you suggest, on the more dovish side of ben bernanke. if anything she will lean toward keeping policies in place longer, more aggressively, doing everything the fed can to keep unemployment down. >> at some point the fed is going to have to turn off the spigot of money, and the chances are janet yellen will oversee that. how tricky is that going to be? it is find a pump money in, but to be the person who says we are stopping that money? >> that will be the challenge. it is not just a question of what to do, but a question of when to flip that switch, how quickly to turn back the dial and pull back the liquidity they have been pumping into the global financial system. getting that wrong could have tremendous cost for the u.s. economy and global economy. if you move too soon you nip the economy in the dot.
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if you do not, you have tremendous bubble problems. >> most people around the world could not name the chairman of the u.s. federal reserve, but when we look back, paul parker, bernankenspan, ben now, they are people who have an outsized influence on the u.s. economy and therefore on the rest of the world economy. is janet yellen going to join the ranks of those important figures, another defining chairwoman of the federal reserve? >> when ben bernanke was appointed, he said he wanted to be the lower key fed chairman, someone who is less high profile. but then the crisis change that and the fed has a greater role in the global economy than it ever had before. she will inherit a $4 trillion balance sheet, a huge set of challenges that has affected every market on earth. any help you might have the federal reserve chair as a pure technocrat, somebody who does the job in quiet, that has gone away. she will be somebody who the world pays attention to to understand the path of fed policy and what that means for
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markets in every emerging market, every developed market in the world. >> first woman in the job, that is a landmark. >> not just the first central banker of the federal reserve, but of all the major central banks. bank of england, ecb, bank of japan. >> thanks for a much for coming in. rush.esburg's second gold everyday thousands of men had underground to sift through the remnants of south africa's abandoned mine. they are hoping to find what is left of the precious metal. as andrew harding reports, it is dangerous and often deadly. >> on the edge of town, a small hole. the entrance to a vast and dangerous world. these men are illegal miners. they have been burrowing under johannesburg in search of gold.
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not today. instead they are holding up the body of a dead colleague. it is a regular occurrence here. age 28, he was killed deep underground in an abandoned tunnel that collapsed on top of him. it took three hours to carry the body to the surface. >> i know seven people who have died down there now. this job scares me. >> big mining companies have been digging for well over a century. when they finish in one area, illegal teams -- move in. it is a new gold rush. the south african police arrive buteal the whole, -- hole, they know they will quickly find another way in. >> it is a huge problem. >> why is it huge?
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>> the number of people underground. >> the security, the safety? >> all aspects. >> nearby, a body lies in the open. if this is a huge industry, incredibly dangerous. , but also highly illegal lucrative enough to tempt thousands of men down into the mine shafts beneath johannesburg. after all, gold is gold and jobs are scarce. there is nothing we can do. we want money. >> so they gather around the body. a traditional miner's sendoff. the police keep their distance. when they have left, they will go back underground. andrew harding, bbc news, johannesburg. >> panning for gold at too high
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a cost. still to come on tonight's program, playing politics in the kitchen. bands's frequent food have some people crying foul. a passenger who landed a plane safely after the pilot fell unconscious at the controls. two flying instructors were called in to help the man bring the light aircraft down. the planetarmac, surrounded by emergency services. after it had just been landed by a man who never had a flying lesson in his life. at the controls, a 77-year-old man. after his friend, the pilot, collapsed. >> we did not know what the hell to do. how long can i keep it going? my math was so dry. i would have given a million pounds for a drink of water.
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>> a full scale emergency had been called and john was asked to bring the aircraft to the airport. >> i just did not know what was going to happen. the uncertainty of it all. mark said you will do fine. that gave me confidence. >> i am replaying it and replaying it. >> here is that friend who gave john the confidence. one of two flight instructors brought in to help him land the plane. >> there was a particular moment when i was on the runway surrounded by the helicopters and the plane and fire service and the emergency services and everything going off. i cannot describe it. it is an image that will stay with me. >> after three failed attempts, next came the landing. >> we touched, two or three
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bumps. i suppose it was a controlled crash, really. >> what was keeping you going? >> survival. >> amazingly, he says he will fly again. ♪ , a quiz that may stump you. what do american turkeys, georgian wine, and ukrainian cheese have in common? give up? they're all food products that one time have been banned in russia. werets from lithuania added to the list, raising suspicions about moscow' politics. steve rosenberg spent his lunch time exploring the connection between the kremlin and the kitchen. >> if you like cooking and are in russia, let me give you a piece of advice.
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up onure you swot international politics before you choose your recipe. that could affect the ingredients available to you. whenever russia has a political row with another country, it ends with moscow slapping a ban on food imports from the country it has fallen out with. when the russian government squabbled with the georgian government a few years ago, russia suddenly declared georgian wine and georgian mineral water were of poor quality and refused to import any more. that resulted for big losses in the georgian economy. then russia got cheesed off with ukraine. there was a row over gas prices, and what a coincidence, ukrainian cheese was declared dodgy and band. the latest food feud is over dairy products from lithuania. suspendedmoscow imports, again citing concerns
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over quality. but the lithuanians smell geopolitics. after all, next month lithuania hosts an eu summit aimed at forging closer ties with countries traditionally in russia's sphere of influence like ukraine and georgia. that is a recipe to make moscow map. by the way, this is the man with the bands -- bans. he is the official who always seems to announce the suspensions. he claims they have nothing at all to do with politics, that it is simply about protecting the health of russian citizens. i should say that the suspensions are normally temporary, and georgian wine and ukrainian cheese are back on the shelves. personally, i hope russia does not follow with everybody, because if that happens dinner could be a bit of a problem. steve rosenberg, having far
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too much fun in the kitchen. one of hollywood's best-known actors, from "forrest gump" to a man with aids, tom hanks can transform himself into any character. just as his new film is about to open, hanks revealed his latest role may have led to his recent diagnosis of type two diabetes. star earlieret the to talk pizza, pirates, and his dreams of being a park ranger. captain richard phillips, whose cargo ship is hijacked by somali pirates. of all the roles that he could've taken, what attracts him to this one? >> the details of a guy like richard phillips i found out slowly fascinating. all the marriott of problems, he is the captain and has to deal right out the window the moment to skiffs filled with armed bad guys show up. >> it is black and white,
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literally. the africans, the bad guys, the americans, the goodbyes -- good guys? >> they come from a very particular part of the world that is rife with chaos, rife with corruption. a place where unless you can get out of there, a land of hopelessness. >> hanks has been making films for over three decades. has the business changed? >> the advent of really fabulous longform television has changed the game. the level of expectations as far as going to the movies is different because the audience has access to so much visual storytelling that it has to be somehow more special. >> hanks lost a lot of weight for some films and gained it for others. physical changes that have not
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been necessarily that good for his health. >> i always had "high blood sugar." part of it is hereditary, but also a lifestyle like mine, what can you do? i now have type 2 diabetes. i'm 57. in some ways, it is right on time to get a wake up call like this. got to maintain the temple. i got to maintain the temple. >> what is your guilty pleasure? >> pizza is the most delightful thing ever invented. for me it is diabolically dangerous. >> if you are not an actor, what would be the job for you? >> i would be a park ranger, the guy who says, welcome, let me tell you the history of our national parks. i would be a guide at a historical place. that would be the greatest job in the world for me. i would love that. >> he has been getting in practice at disneyland, playing walt disney. the other films showing at the
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london film festival. >> tom hanks as a part -- park ranger. hard to see. you can watch us on a 24-hour news network as well. for all of us here, thanks for watching. back tomorrow. >> make sense of international news at >> funding of this presentation is made possible by the freeman foundation, newman's own foundation, giving all profits to charity and pursuing the common good for over 30 years, and union bank.
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>> at union bank, our relationship managers work hard to understand the industry you operate in, working to nurture new ventures and help provide capital for key strategic decisions. offer expertise and tailored solutions in a wide range of industries. what can we do for you? >> "bbc world news" was presented by kcet, los angeles.
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