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tv   Charlie Rose  PBS  October 11, 2013 12:00pm-1:00pm EDT

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narrator: today on paternity court... i've been trying for the past year and a half to convince him that this was his son. i go into the living room, and she's under the covers with her ex. (all gasping) doing what? i don't even know if i wanna know. i was betrayed. you're suggesting that she was sleeping with other people during the time of conception? yes. i'm the grandmother, not the father! and you're gonna take responsibility, not me! i still love her. i... you still have a girlfriend, now? yes. oh, okay. this is... this is really good! i have sacrificed so much to make sure my son has the things he needs, and this man can't even spare $20 for a pack of diapers. it makes my heart hurt. it breaks my heart. you may be seated.
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hello, your honor. this is the case of mahan v. shrum. thank you, jerome. ms. mahan, uh, you claim the defendant, your ex-fiance, mr. shrum, cheated on you while you were pregnant, broke off your engagement and now is denying paternity of your one-and-a-half year old son, blake. mr. shrum, you deny that you are the father of the plaintiff's baby. you state she cheated on you and had sexual relations with an ex during the time of conception. shrum: yes, ma'am. now, ms. mahan, why are you convinced that the defendant is the father? your honor, i am extremely upset with this man. i have tried time and time again to convince him that he is the only man i had unprotected sex with when my son was conceived. but he refuses to believe me. i've been trying for the past year... that's not true. i have been trying for the past year and a half to convince him that this was his son. but he denies the fact that it is his child, and he will... yeah.
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it's kind of hard. like i say, i deny the fact, because i said, you know, one night, i woke up and she wasn't next to me. i go out to the living room and she's underneath the covers with her ex. okay, let's... let's start from there. you were living together and in a relationship? yes, ma'am. yes, ma'am. you're in the bed one night, wake up, she's not there. nope. and you do what? you go where? i go out to the living room to see if i can find her. and she's underneath the covers with her ex. ms. mahan, is that true? the only reason he's saying this is because him and my ex did not get along at all since day one of mine and his relationship. i am... was your ex over there? he was living with us at the time... shrum: yeah. ...because... oh! judge lake: so, wait. was this a three's company? what was this? (shrum laughing) no, your honor. no, it was not. i had had a brief relationship with this man... she... ...and we broke it off several months prior to me and mr. shrum getting together. i knew things were going on before i moved up there.
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oh, so the ex lived there before you? yes. he's lived there for quite a while. and also, one night, i caught her, you know... i woke up another night... and she... okay, before you get to another night, i got to understand this night. you walk in and they're under the covers. yes, ma'am. doing what? i don't even know if i... snuggling... i was nowhere near him. i was on one end of the couch, he was on another. i had my blanket and he had his. that's not true. they weren't even watching tv, they were face to face. i felt like i, you know... i was betrayed, you know? like i said, would she rather be with him or me? you need to pick which one you need to do. now, when you moved in with her and the ex was already living there, did you feel some kind of way about that? oh, yeah. i said i didn't like it at all. i figured, that, you know, she has her ex and her current boyfriend living there? i figured, the escalation... did you suggest, maybe, he would need to find somewhere else to live? oh, yeah, he had other places to live. he had...
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no, did you suggest that to her? yeah, plenty of times. but she just didn't want him to go because, supposedly, he'd have no place to go. okay. so, how quickly after you met and got together did you get pregnant? it was about a month after me and him got together and he moved in with us. i never knew she was pregnant. that is a lie! i called you and i told you that i was pregnant the day i found out i was pregnant. no, you told me that you were pregnant after we split up after i called your mom's cell phone when you were at the hospital. so you were pregnant and you're saying that you told mr. shrum from the get-go, "i'm pregnant." yes, your honor, i did. we had spent a month up at his mother's house. we bought a pregnancy test while we were up there, it came up positive, and during the month of conception... you bought the pregnancy test together? i bought it and he just watched me use it. judge lake: oh... yeah. (laughs) ...and i'll leave that alone. no, i... now, mr. shrum, surely you wouldn't forget that visual... (both laughing)
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...if that had happened. but i never remembered that. at all. you don't remember that happening? no, not at all. his mother sat there and told him just because both of the blue lines on the plus sign were not the same exact shade of blue, that it was a faulty pregnancy test. you don't remember that, either? nope. judge lake: wow! well, let's move forward. so, you guys were still a couple at this time when you told him you were pregnant but he never heard you? yes, your honor. we had gotten into a big altercation. (stammering) it was hot one night. he was complaining because it was hot. i told him to quiet down, my mom had to get up the next morning to go to work. at 4:00, he started hollering and screaming at me. i slapped him on the arm and told him, "you need to quiet down. "you're gonna wake up my mother." he turns around and bites me. i scream and my mom comes in the room and tells him he needs to get out or she was gonna call the cops... well, if you wouldn't have, you know, like you said... did you bite her? both: yes. yes, your honor, he did. but, she... he's admitting it, if you all give him a chance to talk.
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he's admitting it. mr. shrum, why would you bite ms. mahan? like i said, this one night, you know, she just got all mad at me because i was trying to talk to her about her ex, you know, to see if she still loved him and cared a lot about him. mmm-hmm. and you know, i guess she wanted to sleep and so i was laying on my stomach and she just started beating the crap out of me from behind. the only way i could get her off of me is, you know, bite her on the leg. were you beating him? no, your honor. all i did was slap him on the arm and tell him to quiet down or else he was gonna wake up my mother. and i do not like dealing with my mother when she gets woken up in the middle of the night. she's a liar. (laughs) no, she's not! okay, so, mr. shrum, you don't see it this way? she attacked you... yes, ma'am. and you had to defend yourself? yes, ma'am. you bit her? yes. and so, you had this huge altercation and then what happens? he bit me. left a bruise about the size of a half-dollar. real nasty purple color, on my thigh. my mom comes in the room after i scream and tells him he either has to get out, by the time she gets off of work, willingly, or she was gonna call the cops and have them remove him from the property permanently.
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mr. shrum, it has been determined by this court that you... did you sleep with anybody? my ex that was living with us. i had slept with him. okay. whenever i tried to call, her ex said, "she never wants to talk to you. "she's with me." and then hung up the phone. he answered me, "what's wrong, did you lose the baby?" he wanted me to lose the baby. i am the grandmother. he is a two-faced liar. when he gets older, he's gonna ask me, "why doesn't my daddy want me?" that's always been my biggest fear. it makes my heart hurt. it breaks my heart.
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@@@ arrator reading) if so, call toll free. (narrator reads phone number) that's 855 883-6223. i've been trying for the past year and a half to convince him that this was his son. i deny the fact, because i said, you know, one night, i woke up and she wasn't next to me. i go into the living room, and she's under the covers with her ex. at this time, i'd like to call the plaintiff's witness to the podium. please stand, ma'am. state your name. candise mahan. hello, mrs. mahan. now, you are the plaintiff's mother. yes, ma'am. and what would you like to add? uh, that he is a two-faced liar. oh! i am the grandmother. i am not the father. i have raised this child. he's almost two years old. i have done nothing but raise him, clothe him, diaper him, made sure he had food in his belly and a roof over his head.
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so, you're pregnant, now. during this time, is he supporting you, at all? is he... candise: no. is he helping? no, your honor, he did not. he's a deadbeat. we made a promise to each other to get married the day after my 18th birthday, and he does not give me any prior notice that he is leaving me for another woman. he had been sleeping with this woman for two weeks after we were still together. is that true, mr. shrum? i was with another woman. but, like i said, we were broken up at the time. during this time, you're suggesting that she was sleeping with other people during the time of conception? yes. is this true, ms. mahan? did you sleep with anybody? no, i did not have any kind of sexual relations with anybody else. i have my doubts, you know. i really do. no exes, nobody... not one person? the ex that was living with us, i had slept with him, but... when? before me and mr. shrum got together. mr. shrum, was that your understanding, or did you believe they were still kind of hooking up?
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yeah, i did believe that, and there was still stuff going on between them two. i really do. when the baby was born, did you come see the baby? were you there for ms. mahan? i've never seen the baby at all. i called him five days after i had my son, when they finally let me go home, and he answered me, "what's wrong, did you lose the baby?" how, mr. shrum, do you ask her, does she lose the baby, if you never knew she was pregnant? because i talked to her the same day that she had it. and she's like, "oh, yeah, i was pregnant with your son." i was like, "okay. how was this?" and when he asked me that, it made me very upset. it made me feel like he wanted me to lose the baby. so he would be free from any kind of responsibility he'd have to have towards this child. well, speaking of responsibility, did you accept any, mr. shrum? have you helped support the child at all? no, i have not. no, because, as i said, i've never met him, never seen him. my son does not get a phone call.
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his birthday... why should i support a kid that's not mine? he never once called! he did not send him a birthday card! or a present! it broke my heart that this man does not want anything to do with my son. mr. shrum? like i said, i want to know if he's really mine or not. i really do. because, like i said, if he is mine... then you can step up, because i'm the grandmother, not the father. exactly. and you're gonna take responsibility, not me! all right, when it comes to the matter of baby blake, mr. shrum, it has been determined by this court that you... currently, he has been trying to get me to leave the man i am with right now and go back to him. he said that is the only way he would take care of his child. i still love her and i still want to be with her. wait a minute! we just had a newsflash come through the courtroom. it's not my parents' responsibility to take care of this child, it's his!
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he doesn't have my ears, eyes, nothing. looks do not matter, doyle! what you're suggesting is that, "he's just not mine." i want him if he's mine. i really do.
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if so, call toll free. (narrator reading number) that's 855 883-6223. she was like, "oh, yeah, i was pregnant with your son." i was like, "okay.
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"how was this?" you know, i was like, i've never seen the baby at all. like i said, i wanna know if he's really mine or not. i really do. what i'm not getting from your story is why, specifically... what evidence you would have, that would suggest that you are definitely not the father of this child. and if you were with her during the period of conception, how are you suggesting that this is an impossibility? because, like i say, he doesn't have my ears, eyes, nothing. looks do not matter, doyle! yeah, it does. oh, really? i look just like my mother but that doesn't mean she went and cheated and had me with somebody else. you think we look anything alike? i don't think we do, no. yes, he does! he's got your eyes! no, he don't! this is a picture of you as a baby and of blake... yes. a baby. you say you see absolutely no resemblance? none whatsoever. i think what i need to know going forward is your intentions. what if this is your child? i'll step up and become a father. are you sure of that?
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mahan: no. yes, ma'am. (stammers) currently, he has been trying to get me to leave the man i am with right now and go back to him. he said that is the only way he would take care of his child. is that true? wow. no, ma'am. i still love her and i still want to be with her. if you still love me and you still want to be with me why'd you hook up with somebody else? oh, wait a minute! we just had a newsflash come through the courtroom! (laughs) you just stated that you still love ms. mahan. yes, ma'am. and you still want to be with her? yes. together, as a family, with your son, should this be determined this is your child? yes, ma'am. okay, what about if it's not your child? do you still want to be with her? yes. mahan: (stammers) i'm sorry... even though all the, you know, the bullcrap she's put me through, and, you know, all the stuff i've put her through, you know, like i say, i still care about her. you still have a girlfriend, now? yes. your honor, i have no problems remaining in a civil relationship with this man... does she know this?
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yes, i know. he told me himself. no, does the girlfriend know that you really want to be with ms. mahan? yes, she does. oh, okay! this is... this is really good. um, okay, so, ms. mahan, you hear now, mr. shrum has indicated to the court and to you that he really wants to be with you. do you really want to be with him? no, your honor, i do not, because i am afraid he will revert back to his old ways. i told him a while back, the only way i would get back with him is if he took another month of anger management classes, and after we got back together, he'd have to continue taking them for a year. he refused to do so, so i told him that, "i cannot be with you." i love the man i am with right now. we've been talking about getting married and i am not gonna... i am not gonna give up my happiness for him to be able to take care of his son. but either way, regardless of if you two get back together or not, you do understand that the child, blake, is the most important thing in this situation, right? mahan: yes, your honor. shrum: yes, ma'am.
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"she said this and he did this and then she did this and..." i don't hear as much talk about the baby. your honor, that is the only reason i have been fighting with this man for the past year and a half. it is because of my son. i have sacrificed so much to make sure my son has the things he needs. and this man can't even spare $20 for a pack of diapers or wipes or milk or anything my child needs. we have a hard enough time making sure we have everything we need. then we get into a scrape where we have to ask one of our relatives to help us out. and we hate doing that. it is not their responsibility. it is not my parents' responsibility to take care of this child. it's his. well, the court needs to say this to both of you. before you embark on activities that produce children, you may want to consider if you could afford them. now that baby blake is here and is a blessing,
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if it's determined that mr. shrum is the father, you both will be responsible to take care of him. but understand, ms. mahan, if something happens that he is not determined to be the father, it is still a responsibility that you have brought on yourself. and, as you can see, it has overwhelmed your mother. because i'm sure she's thinking about just raising you. and getting you... i've raised my kids. she's raised her kids. you heard what she said. but now you've put her in a position where now she's raising yet another... a grandchild. a grandchild! now, getting to the dna results, um, it's time for you all to know whether or not mr. shrum is the father. and... not just so you will know whether she cheated and she will know... at the end of the day, it's not about that. it's about baby blake.
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mahan: your honor, my biggest fear with my son is that when he gets older, he's gonna ask me, "why doesn't my daddy want me?" that's always been my biggest fear with my child and every time i think about it it makes me... it makes my heart hurt. it breaks my heart. i want him if he's mine. i really do. if he's mine, i will... i want him. he sounds sincere, ms. mahan. and despite his mistakes, would you be willing to accept he does want him and he does want to be a part of his life? yes, your honor. good. well, with that being said, jerome, do you have the results? i certainly do. thank you. all right. when it comes to the matter of baby blake...
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mr. shrum, it has been determined by this court that you... narrator: promotional consideration provided by...
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? my ex that was living with us, i had slept with him. i've never seen the baby at all. i want to know if he's really mine or not. i really do.
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jerome, do you have the results? i certainly do. thank you. all right, when it comes to the matter of baby blake, it has been determined by this court that you are the father. booyah! you are. judge lake: tell me what you feel. it's okay. i can't believe i wasn't there for him. you have regrets? that's honest. do you hear him? yes, i do. tell me what you feel. i want to see him.
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judge lake: good. because i know he wants to see you. what would you want to say? i love him. and i'm sorry for denying him. is it okay if mr. shrum meets his son for the very first time in my chambers? yes, your honor, he may. judge lake: beautiful. this has been a good day because we have done something, not just for you, but for baby blake. because he has a mom and a dad that both want to be in his life. and that's what every child deserves. i wish you the best of luck and i will see you in chambers. court is adjourned. (gavel banging) so, mr. shrum, are you ready to meet your beautiful baby boy
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for the first time? yes, i am. good, 'cause here he is. i love you. mr. shrum, i want you to be a great example for him. step up. provide for him, take care of him, and be an example. (judge lake laughing) heartburn. aw, come on. [ male announcer ] rolaids gives you rapid relief and neutralizes 44% more acid than tums. [ fieri ] rolaids -- that's how you spell relief.
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narrator: today on paternity court... the last count i got was $60,000. what up? what up? what up? child support, here i come. i had my doubts, because their mother slept around. he always denied me. she never called me, period. and... the lord is gonna send you straight to hell for these lies. well, i won't be going alone. judge lake: were you ever just there? no. were you talking to me? i was talking to you. then, shut up. oh, no, no, no, no. you may be seated. hello, your honor. this is a case of rubin v. davis. thank you, jerome. good day, everyone. ms. rubin, you and your sister are here today because you say that the defendant, mr. davis, the man you've always been told was your dad, is now stating that he is not your biological father.
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you say his actions are motivated by greed, and he has torn your family apart. mr. davis, you claim you have legitimate reasons to deny paternity, and claim to be a good man with grave concerns for the rubins' well-being. uh, all right, ms. rubin, when did the defendant start denying he was your father? he always denied me. he always treated me differently. i mean, it's... i mean, i just feel like he never treated me fair. with my brother and sister, he will bring things around. like, one christmas, he brought a whole bunch of toys around, get them toys on top of toys. and then tell them, "oh, play with your sister." never bought me anything, always treated me differently. it's just, he never showed no love towards me. i'm always the one that was begging for his love when he just giving all his love to both of them. and i felt like that was wrong. and how did you feel about it? i didn't like it at all 'cause that was my little sister.
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i mean, we all his kids, why he just won't do for her but do for us? and you noticed this? you could see this as a child? genita: yeah. now, mr. davis, is this true? johnny: yes, it is. it is? it is. genita: that's a shame. judge lake: okay. i'll tell you why, your honor. is because her mother slept around. you're a liar. you're a liar. your mother did sleep... my mom never lies. first of all, neither one of you all was in there when it started, okay? she had three kids before i met her. okay, that don't mean she slept around. she was with him first she supposedly had you three with me. and now she has how many more after me? a grand total of 13? come on, you ain't did nothing anyway. judge lake: ladies and gentlemen. (banging gavel) ladies and gentlemen, in order for me to be able to understand what has happened, i have to be able to hear what has happened. and i can't understand you when you are all talking over one another. you're right, your honor. judge lake: mr. davis, exactly. exactly. you were in a relationship at the time? exactly.
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which caused you to then doubt whether or not you were her father in particular? not necessarily her. all the children? you're correct, you're correct. okay. did you express this concern to her? no, i didn't express it to her. mr. davis, i need to know from you whether you ever were in all of their lives as a father? were you ever just there? no, no. were you talking to me? i was talking to you. then, shut up. oh, no, no, no, no, no. you shut up! mr. davis, first of all, i control this courtroom. now, you can take it to the street and you'll be out on the street. 'cause we're not gonna act a fool in here. now, you came to get some answers, (audience applauding) and i'm gonna try to give it to you. don't think for one minute that i am minimizing the pain and the anguish and the absolute frustration that i see all of you feel. but unless you give each other a chance to talk,
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we cannot get down to the facts. you want answers, you gotta let him talk. might not be what you wanna hear, but at least you know. what would make a man go to the store and get toys for two of three children, and walk into a house and disappoint a child for no reason? you should have brought her a toy if she wasn't your child, if she was your enemy's child. you should have brought her something, because she's a child. that's what i want you to try to explain to this court. (sighs) as i said before, their mother slept around. okay. when we first got together, when i first met her, she was working at a restaurant. that's when i first spotted her. of course being the man that i am, okay, i'm not going to say i was an angel, 'cause i wasn't. judge lake: okay. you know, i slept around, too. before i met her. okay. so, it wasn't like i was a deadbeat,
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as they may want to presume that i was, but i was not a deadbeat. if they knew the whole picture instead of half the picture. you just take care of him and not the rest of your kids. judge lake: so, when you were in... i believe i was talking to the judge. judge lake: when you were in a relationship with their mother, you would have a child, but then you would question whether or not that child was yours? exactly. but then you'd end up back in the relationship... we see-sawed back and forth. only to have another child... i don't even know if that child is mine either. then you'd question if it was yours? exactly. right after my first child... like i said, when i met her, and she had three kids before i met her... that's got nothing to do with what's going on now. oh, you know... while we was having a relationship... (women shouting over johnny) i believe the judge was talking to me. i want an answer. why make broken promises then? johnny: okay. why sit right there, act like everything cool? that's on me. that's on me. my graduation. i own that. that's on me. i told you, i forgive you... can i answer your question? can i answer your question? for everything you ever did. can i answer your question? if you show up to my graduation. what did you do? johnny: first of all, that is a lie.
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mr. davis, let her speak. let her speak. let her explain it to you. i asked you... 2005. that's the last time i saw your face. it's 2013. i asked you, i say, all you got to do, i'll forgive you for everything you've ever done wrong to me, if you've doubted me, whatever the case is. show up to my graduation. you could say i'm lying or whatever. i brother right here to vouch for it. (arguing) you told me "yes". i saved two tickets for you and carletha. judge lake: at the end of the day, when you called to confirm or when you walked that stage, he wasn't there? at all. he's never been there. johnny: she alleged the call. she never called me. she never called me, period. the lord is going to send you straight to hell for these lies. well, i won't be going alone. i swear to god, you is a liar. i won't be going alone. i was not thinking. i did not use my head. yeah, i used it, but i didn't use the right head. so, you were sleeping around, you were promiscuous. apple don't fall too far from the tree. he's showing who he is. i had my doubts, because their mother slept around. are you behind in child support payments? yes, ma'am.
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it's been killing me. i'm not running around rolling in no rolls royce. judge lake: it has been determined by this court that you...
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@@@ take a paternity test? if so, call toll free 855-tv-dna-23. that's 855-883-6223. you believe their mother had slept around and was unfaithful to you. you were in a relationship at the time? johnny: exactly.
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which caused you to then doubt whether or not you were her father in particular? not necessarily her. all the children? you're correct. i understand that you're saying this relationship was on and off. you were kind of out there. she was maybe cheating. but you're saying that this happened throughout the relationship. why so much difference when it comes to miss rubin? sheryl, why so much difference when it comes to her? as i explained to you before, and i had my doubts, because their mother slept around. not only on me, but before me. judge lake: but why do you... why do you act that doubt out? why is it that... johnny: i treated... your doubt is projected on to her, singly? johnny: i treated johnathan and genita... actually, i embraced them. matter of fact, genita, i treated her like gold, just like my oldest child. if i'm your golden child, you would have been there for your golden child. really? okay. even if you not giving money, call, come see. every time i talk to him, he ain't got money, he don't do nothing. you never talk to me. genita: no, you is a liar. talk to the court. as dad, i didn't have a man figure in my life to tell me how... how to treat guys, how guys treat me, so you know i...
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if the guy is, like, for love and everything. i can like 'em one minute and be gone the next minute. i can have sex one minute and be gone or whatever. just he has not been... so you were sleeping around, you were promiscuous, you could not... apple don't fall too far from the tree. judge lake: you feel like you were for a father? leave it alone and talk to me because he's showing who he is by his statements. leave it alone. (applause) mr. davis, all i'm suggesting to you is as you condemn their mother, keep in mind you've already admitted to the court that you were in an on and off relationship with her for many years. so, you say the apple can't fall too far from the tree, criticizing her. what i'm saying to you is that you were with their mother... exactly. whether they're your children or not. if you're talking about me, why are you throwing her in? i never said i was an angel. obviously, there's something there that you want. i never said i did anything that it was... halo. judge lake: i want to hear from the plaintiff's witness. sir, would you please state your name? my name is johnathan rubin.
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hello, mr. rubin. how you doing? now, you contend that you are mr. davis' son. yes. am i correct? and you are ms. and ms. rubin's brother. yes. what do you have to say about this? far as me hearing about this dna test, it's surprising because, you ask for a dna test and you claim i'm yours, and all of a sudden, i hear it's about uh, disease in the family. why would you wait after 27 years just to come to me with this? it's something you should have told me on the phone. do something. let me know what's happening. can i address that, your honor? so, now, disease in the family. mr. davis. okay, here's what i mean by the disease in the family. i want my kids, if they are my kids, i want them to be protected. i lost my father to prostate cancer. i lost my mother to septus. so, there are various illnesses in your family and you are concerned... i'm concerned for my kids, because, like i said, my daddy died of prostate cancer. he's... he treated... okay. and to... like i treated them, he treated me the same way.
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so this is purely altruistic? this is out of the goodness of your heart, that you really want to take this dna test... johnny: they need to know, as well as i need to know for our peace of mind, plus financially, it's been killing me. i'm not running around rolling in no rolls royce. i'm not walking around with no rolex watch. i was not thinking. i didn't use my head. yeah, i used... but i didn't use the right head. judge lake: this has really hurt you. i can see that. it does. there is no child that should have to go through what you went trough. judge lake: it has been determined by this court that you...
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paternity test? if so, call toll free 855-tv-dna-23. that's 855-883-6223. he always denied me. he always treated me differently. i mean, he never showed no love towards me. i had my doubts, because their mother slept around. mr. rubin, thank you so much for your testimony. you may have a seat. uh, mr. davis, were you paying the child support? yes, ma'am. (snickering) judge lake: how long have you paid it? i've been paying this child support since 1993. women: whatever. i have proof to show what i have been paying. i don't know where it's going. (women shouting over johnny) i went to the children and family services. sure didn't come our way. (banging gavel) (all arguing) let's have some order. ladies, how far behind do you think he is? i think about $7,000. i think he never even started. probably that, too. now, mr. davis, are you behind in child support payments? yes, ma'am. yes, ma'am.
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judge lake: do you have any idea how much? my rough guess, like i said, i have proof showing here from 2012... judge lake: what proof is that you're saying? okay, this proof shows the last date which is in pink that you can see here. mmm-hmm. jerome, can you hand that to me, please? johnny: september, 2012. and it shows the... right there it says $48,000. once they update... $48,000. that's what it's saying there. but like i said, the last account i got was $60,000. carletha: it's not true. and i don't know where the money's going, because they garnish every check i ever gotten. it's not true, sheryl. i don't quit my jobs because i'm paying child support and run off to another job. i don't do that. i stick up to my responsibilities because that's the reason... i was there. carletha's paying. carletha's paying for me to survive. carletha is paying. she's paying for me to survive. mr. davis, i will see this. i see small payments here, throughout the years, that you have been making payments. i have nothing to do with how the system... judge lake: what i'm trying to understand is, is this whole issue with you and the dna tests and wanting to know whether or not you're really their father, is this really about the illnesses, or is this about this...
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it is both. it is both. it is both. huge child support debt. sheryl: child support. regardless of what they want to think, and neither one outweighs the other. i would like to hear from your wife. please, step up to the podium, ma'am. state your name. my name is carletha davis. hi, ms. davis. how're you doing? so, please tell me, this child support situation, and this huge debt that he owes. carletha: yes. are you aware that he was making these payments? yes, the point of it is they take it. i've been married to johnny 22 years. never our income tax check has came into our house. it goes to y'all. i don't know where. i filed with my husband, with my three childrens that i have. they took it. it took me three years to fight to get back $700 for my three children. judge lake: of your refund? of my money. this is what i'm saying. but if they are his children, if in fact they are his children... carletha: yes. he should be paying child support. and i don't knock them for him not paying it.
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but what i'm saying to you is... they take it out of the check, they take the income tax. i mean, you got... if i didn't work, he wouldn't have anywhere to stay. thank you so much, ms. davis, for your testimony. sheryl: can i ask her a question first? or talk to the court, not to her. but what? i'm sorry. what is it that you are curious about? because, i want to know 'cause she ain't never lied to me, not one time in my life. are you here because it's child support? be honest. no, no, darling. i'm not just here because of child support. no, and i wouldn't just... now, i got love for you... and i got love for you, too. and i'm not going to lie. genita: i don't have anything against you, carletha, it's just johnny. ooh. it's not you. it's not you. sheryl, i see... when you were speaking to ms. davis, you were more emotional than when you were speaking to mr. davis. she treats me right. when he treated me differently from both of them, she was the person right there, "don't do her like this, show her love. treat her the same way."
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she was always the mediator. (audience applauding) i love her. i got a lot of love for her. judge lake: this has really hurt you. i can see that. it pisses me off. it does. genita: don't cry. there is no child that should have to go through what you went through. like i said, i don't care if you were his enemy's child, there should have been a toy there for you, as well. genita: true. because you were a child. i want you to tell mr. davis, why do you have those tears? what is that hurt, specifically? let him know what that is. dad, how you gonna treat them two just so holy, and she didn't even care. she didn't even want to be around you. i'm the one chasing after your love. then you get up here, you wanna act like all this never happened. come on, dude, miss me with all that. genita: i know that's right. come on. as far as a relationship, any of that? all that's out the door, i don't want to talk to him, lose my number, don't try to contact me, none of that. i don't want none of it.
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judge lake: mr. davis, those are really strong words to hear from two women that could potentially be your daughters. it hurts. and i was wrong. and i, i, i'm not saying that i was right. nothing i did to sheryl was right. i should not... you're right, your honor. but i was not thinking like that. i was young. i was not thinking. i didn't use my head. yeah, i used it, but i didn't use the right head. i did not use the right head when i came to see her. but if they deny, there's nothing i can do. i did... i did make an effort. johnathan, i'd like to have you step to the podium, please. and i think it's time for us to learn the results so that all of us can finally know whether or not... (audience applauding) you two are family... all of you are family, i should say. jerome, do you have the first envelope? i do, your honor. so, we've administered a test for each child because you said you have doubts about all three. johnny: yes. and this first test relates to johnathan rubin.
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in the case of johnathan rubin, it has been determined by this court that mr. johnny davis, you are his father. yeah, i never had no doubts on that one. mr. davis, you told me you had a doubt on every child. i said i was having all of them tested because i had doubts in their mother. that's the reason i said i was having them tested. so, that means you had doubts about johnathan. yes, that's what you said. i was there. johnathan was there. i had to have... i mean... it was all three of them. the doubt has now been put to rest for johnathan. moving on. in the case of sheryl rubin, it has been determined by this court that you... narrator: promotional consideration provided by...
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t provided by dna diagnostic center. you were in a relationship with their mother, exactly. and you found out that she had been sleeping around on you? exactly. which caused you to then doubt whether or not you were her father in particular? not necessarily her. all the children? you're correct. as it relates to ms. genita rubin, it has been determined by this court
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that, mr. davis, you are the father. so this can be a laughing matter maybe to you, but i am hoping that you can support your sister, sheryl, because she's the one that always felt different. because this is a big moment for her, and you deserve to know. jerome, please. in the case of sheryl rubin, this court has determined that you are her father. genita: tick-tick-boom! you already knew that. oh. you already knew that. oh, oh, oh! what up? what up? what up? child support, here i come. i ain't worried about it. come with it. just... it's continuing. it ain't stopped yet. so why should it stop now? you're doing this and i want you to do this. genita: you losing anyway. johnny: good. now, i got something to show the judge. you lost all of three kids. so, therefore it's like you got one. sheryl: can i get a copy of that?
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i find it interesting that you're reducing this now to the child support. that now it's all about, "just pay the money, "and we don't have anything to do with you." but the emotions that i saw displayed earlier today, it didn't have anything to do with the child support. you all were talking about how he wasn't there. what you came here believing as truth is truth. mr. davis is your father. all three of you. one thing the court can't order is for you all to get along and act maturely and try to have a relationship. johnny: exactly. but what i can encourage you to do is to make apologies for the things you know you did wrong by these children, because at the end of the day, they're only here because you made them. exactly. and all they wanted from you was love and attention. what every child wants.
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there's so much going on here and only you can start making amends for this and start changing it. i wish you the best. court is adjourned. sheryl: thanks. i think today's results are really upsetting. i mean, there are some good points and there are some bad points. the good points are now i know all three of them are my children. there's no denial in that. the bad points is this. my relationship hasn't been repaired with them. i think today's results just pretty much, i already knew what it was but it just makes me close this chapter of my life, like this is something that i'm never going back to, so i'm glad i found out the results. heartburn. aw, come on. [ male announcer ] rolaids gives you rapid relief and neutralizes 44% more acid than tums. [ fieri ] rolaids -- that's how you spell relief.
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