tv Charlie Rose PBS October 16, 2013 12:00pm-1:00pm EDT
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you asked for a dna test, right? that is correct. if i don't recall something, i don't recall something. it's all her fault. this right here could be your grandson. does this matter to you? he has your laugh. a laugh's a laugh. i mean... how certain are you that you are not ms. wisniewski's father? ninety-nine and ninety-nine percent. (crying) i wish that you would understand the pain of being thrown away like trash. you may be seated. hello, your honor. this is the case of wisniewski v. cortez-wisniewski. thank you, jerome. good day, everyone. ms. wisniewski, you claim that both of your parents are the reason you grew up in a very unstable home. you say that your mother, ms. cortez, was extremely promiscuous, and she pushed away your alleged father when you were very young. you also say you've never been sure that mr. wisniewski,
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who is joining us today from his hometown, is your biological father. you claim you've waited 25 years to get that answer, and will finally learn the truth today. mrs. cortez, you argue that it wasn't your behavior that pushed your daughter's alleged father away, but instead, it was his fault that she had a tumultuous childhood. you say, he never believed he was the father and you had to force him to take responsibility for her. now, mr. wisniewski, you claim you are not ms. wisniewski's biological father, and say you left her mother because she slept around. you also say, you believe, your alleged daughter's desire to name you as father is financially motivated. now ms. wisniewski, please explain to the court why you are blaming your mother and alleged father for why you're here today.
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my mother was a whore when she was with my dad... (crowd exclaiming) ...and she slept around, and that's the reason why my mom and my so-called father are broken up. and i wanna know who my dad is, because i don't know who he is. if this is my dad or another jim was my dad. my mom's been with several other jims in my life, and it's confused me, growing up. explain to me, what it was like growing up without this knowledge that so many of us take for granted. it was very difficult. there's many things that i missed out on. it's more of the daughter-father support that i needed in my life. they both were selfish, they could care less about me or my siblings. mrs. cortez, how does it feel to hear your daughter speak that way about you? um, it's very hurtful. please explain to us the circumstances as to why this beautiful young woman doesn't know who her father is.
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um, because i made mistakes, and yes, i did have an affair, but... he also had affairs. so now, mr. wisniewski, can you please explain why you doubt? i have doubts, because while we were together, i was in the military, and went ahead, and... you know, i don't mind people buying drinks for ladies in bars and stuff like that, 'cause that's what they do. bottom line being is, that she's an alcoholic, and here she is at a bar, hitting up people for drinks. (audience exclaiming) then i would have people showing up to my house, knocking on my door, asking "where's sharon?" and i'd always play it off... that's... i don't... that's a lie, your honor. excuse me, i'm talking. i'm talking! quiet. just one second, just one second now, we need you all to speak one at a time. mr. wisniewski, please continue. you felt doubtful because of mrs. cortez's actions. yeah. i definitely do. 'cause of... i had people actually coming over to my house, knocking on my door, and then i would turn around and i would say,
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"excuse me," i'd play it off like i was the roommate, instead of, actually her husband. you would act like you were her roommate. yeah. then i'd find out names, people would be coming over... (audience exclaiming) ms. cortez, is this true? no. that part is not true. the part about the bar... judge lake: please. tell us what is the truth, as you see it. the part about the bar is true but that was a setup, because i more or less was a drink hustler, not a man hustler. because i like to drink. and a lot... but you do admit to having infidelities. specifically what happened was, on the way home from work one night we were having an argument, and he threw me out of the car, and it was late at night. hey, wait a minute. you're supposed to be christian. you shouldn't be lying. i've never thrown you out. i had somebody pick me up. because they saw me crying and i was very upset. was it a stranger or someone you knew? i didn't know that person. judge lake: okay. and then what happened? she's a whore. cortez: we got to know each other. (audience exclaiming) that's part of the consoling?
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yeah, and it's not an "oh," either. judge lake: what is it? we got to know each other and then i had an affair and that was a one-time thing with him. one time thing? it was seven years. so that would be why mr. wisniewski has doubts, am i correct? correct. (smattering of applause) mr. wisniewski. yes, your honor. this is the situation that created the doubt in your mind? correct. mrs. cortez, you say he also was cheating on you. yes, your honor. no. i've never cheated. oh, yeah, okay. i've never cheated. the thing is that i'm all about customer service, i'm all about customer relations and everything, i might be flirtatious, but i've never cheated on her, ever. all right, i wanna go back to the day christina was born. mr. wisniewski was there, am i correct? cortez: yes, we were at the hospital together, he was with me when i had her. it was your thoughts that he was most certainly her father? yes, your honor. judge lake: you had no doubts? i had no doubts.
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mr. wisniewski, did you have doubts when you were at the hospital? i did have doubts, but because of the fact is that... i'm in there, and i was in it for the long term anyway and i figured here she was as my wife, so i just went with the flow. so you felt like, "i'm not sure if this child is really mine, "because i know there'd been an affair, but since i'm..." yeah, i felt like this. i felt like this, yeah, when the divorce came up and everything else, then i decided to let all my true feelings out. and when you filed for divorce, ultimately, your statement to the court says that you asked for a dna test, right? this right here could be your grandson. he has your laugh. a laugh's a laugh. how certain are you? ninety-nine and ninety-nine percent. (crying) i wish that you would understand the pain of being thrown away like trash. judge lake: it has been determined, mr. wisniewski, you... but you can blame your mom for doing this. no, no, no, no, no.
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your statement to the court says that you asked for a dna test, right? that is correct. and don't lie on this, sharon, you know it. you know it, 100%. i don't recall it, your honor. yes, you do. i don't recall that at all. judge lake: you don't recall the conversation. not at all. you changed your life over to christ... if i don't recall something, i don't recall something. so you don't remember this conversation? cortez: no, i do not. wisniewski: you know it! your understanding was, i want a dna test, but she wouldn't give it? yeah. your honor... okay, ms. wisniewski, yes. they both missed big parts of my life, and it's been very painful. i just wanna know who my dad is. and my mom really wasn't the greatest mother in the world... (laughing) and you missed everything too! this right here could be your grandson. does this matter to you? mr. wisniewski: well, you know, the thing being is that... you know, when she was born, christina was born... you even missed him! you missed the birth of him. does that matter to you? do you even care?
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that he's four years old, he laughs kind of like you. when i hear you on the phone, he has your laugh. and you're gonna sit there and you're gonna deny him? a laugh's a laugh. a voice is a voice. really? this is a child here. you messed up on my life, you can't even come around and be a grandfather? (audience applauding) you're almost 50 years old. man up! you missed my life. and you know what? yeah. you're just wrong for that. even if you thought you had an obligation, you thought you had an obligation to be my dad, back when you were married with my mother, then you should have had an obligation to stick through it! (audience applauding) yeah, if i was the father, and if i could be the father back then, we would never have lost out on time like this. it's all her fault. ms. wisniewski, your understanding was that this was your father. yes, your honor, i've seen pictures of their marriage together, you know, so i knew, growing up,
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that this man that i don't know is my dad. but then, other people are telling me, "oh, why don't you call me dad? "you know, why don't you call me dad?" so you think mr. wisniewski is your father. ms. wisniewski: i'm hoping so. but people show you a picture and they say this is your father. yeah. mr. wisniewski: your honor? exactly. you wrote a letter to your parents. yes i did, actually. and you submitted it to the court. do you have that letter? yes i do, your honor. may i read it? can you read that, please? yes. (crying) i wish that you would understand the pain of being thrown away like trash. judge lake: you put her in baby contests, and then all of a sudden you disappear on her, and that's what her frustration is about. why should i have been the one at eight years old, to want to get to know my dad? how certain are you that you are not ms. wisniewski's father? ninety-nine and ninety-nine percent. judge lake: it has been determined, mr. wisniewski, you...
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you do admit to having infidelities. you know, i had an affair, and that was a one-time thing. you wrote a letter to your parents. yes i did, actually. and you submitted it to the court. do you have that letter? yes i do, your honor. may i read it? judge lake: can you read that, please? yes. "dear so-called parents, "it's been over 20 years "since i have been able to talk to both of you at the same time. "my whole life i've been suffering from your stupid and selfish decisions. "i want to tell you how much you have hurt me, "and all i wanted was to be loved and accepted. (crying) "i wish that you would understand the pain (sniffling) "of being thrown away like trash. "i wish you could, like, one day be in my shoes. "mom, i blame you for jim leaving, "and i could care less if you're even in my life. "i don't even want you in it, actually. "i live better without you. "i'm happy to know that i will never be like any of you.
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"because i'm a better person than that." you know, i feel your pain, and... wow. this is so difficult because i see you, and i understand what you've been through. the only reason why i had a chance to even get to know my dad when i was about eight years old, i found a number in my mom's black book that said jim wisniewski. i kinda got to figure that maybe that is my dad. wow. so i called up that number, your honor, and i said, "well, i really want to get to know you. "can we set up something?" and i was eight years old at that time. why should i have been the one, at eight years old, to want to get to know my dad? why couldn't i have weekend visits like normal divorced children have? judge lake: mr. wisniewski, why is that? if during the divorce, you had this child at issue,
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why not go through and establish visitation, and what happened there? okay, i did follow through with visitations, i did go ahead and i met. the thing is, when i left, her mother would always change her phone number, for one. the other thing is, that i'm not here to be played with. she knows that i am not the father. mr. wisniewski, i need to ask you this as well. how certain are you that you are not ms. wisniewski's father? ninety-nine and ninety-nine percent. judge lake: you feel that certain that you are not her father? wow. (sighing) mr. wisniewski: yes. ms. wisniewski... (sighing) (laughs) mr. wisniewski: you know why, your honor? is that christina was a very beautiful baby. extravagant baby. she was so extravagant i would put her in baby contests. judge lake: and that's why i need you to understand you love this child!
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you put her in baby contests! she's your beautiful baby girl, and then all of a sudden you disappear on her, and that's what her sadness, her frustration, is about. do you understand that? yeah. (audience applauding) but see, your honor... judge lake: ms. wisniewski, how does that make you feel, to hear that at some point, you were the apple of his eye? he's parading you around at baby contests, saying, "look at my beautiful baby girl." mr. wisniewski: i think she even gave you a picture. it was never... it was never there after that, after so many years. mr. wisniewski: because i was getting played. i was getting toyed. no way i was going to put any kids in a relationship of being questioned and used. he thinks i'm after his money, too? like an inheritance he's supposed to be getting? i don't want nothing to do with his money. i just want time. mr. wisniewski: no. i don't want money. i just want time, your honor. mr. wisniewski: excuse me, your honor?
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judge lake: hold on one second. not only mine, but my folks', okay? i mean, they got a nice, extravagant, nice motorhome, they've got their own house paid for... your father's not even around, he's dead. mr. wisniewski, you really believe this girl is standing here in tears over a motorboat that your mama owns? (audience laughing) why the heck would i want a motorhome? i don't even have my license, come on. that doesn't even make any sense! because they live a lot closer than i do. and they're over there trying to get their feet in the door. mr. wisniewski, i'm disappointed to hear that you would reduce this young woman's pain to that. ms. wisniewski, i need to ask you. what do you want to happen today? you have heard from your mother, your alleged father. what do you want from today? i just want to build the relationship with my dad that i never had, so that way i don't have to feel empty anymore. i want him to be able to come over for christmas, if he can.
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i wanna have time with him that i've missed throughout these years. just to fill the void... you know what, i understand where you're coming from, and that's not a lot to ask. mr. wisniewski. yes, your honor. i know you have said that you believe ninety-nine point nine percent that this child is not yours. judge lake: this young woman is not your daughter. yeah. exactly. we don't even look alike! judge lake: but what if she is, then what? if she is, i mean, sorries can't say enough, because of all the years that are gone, the pain and everything, things being is, if she is, i'll take on responsibility, i will build a relationship with her and everything else. and hopefully try to make up for some lost times. but if she's not, i can stay a friend to her, she can call me if she wants 'cause i'm just another jim or another tim... (audience exclaiming) keep them all within that category. judge lake: all right, mr. wisniewski, i've heard enough. i'm ready for the results. (audience applauding) jerome, do you have the envelope? here, your honor. thank you.
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when it comes to the paternity of christina wisniewski, it has been determined, mr. wisniewski, you... you can blame your mom for doing this. judge lake: no, no, no, no, no. (banging gavel) hold on, hold on, hold on, mr. wisniewski. narrator: promotional consideration provided by... trust icy hot for powerful relief. [ male announcer ] the icy hot patch. goes on icy to dull pain, hot to relax it away. so you're back to full speed. [ male announcer ] icy hot. power past pain.
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you know, i had an affair, and that was a one-time thing. ninety-nine and ninety-nine percent. these results were prepared by dna diagnostics and reads as follows. in the case of wisniewski v. cortez-wisniewski. when it comes to the paternity of christina wisniewski, mr. wisniewski, you... ...are her father. cortez: (whispering) thank you. so, what now? what are you gonna do now? are you gonna come over for christmas, and try to play make-up, or what, you know?
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but you can blame your mom for doing this. i mean... judge lake: no, no, no, no, no. hold on, hold on, hold on, mr. wisniewski. (banging gavel) now, i'm tired of hearing about mrs. cortez, now, 'cause at this point, that's done. it is the opinion of this court is that you need to find a way to love your daughter more than you dislike mrs. cortez. because every time we talk about the issues with your daughter, how to mend them, the fact that she wants you in her life, you come up talking about mrs. cortez! you're divorced now. it's done. can you be a father to her? my hands are open, my heart's open to her, she's welcome down to my house anytime. i'm very sorry that you had to go through the 25 or 26 years of all this. i will be there for you till the day i die. or you die, whichever comes first.
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(audience laughing) i'll be there for you. judge lake: i don't think he meant that humorously. i think he meant that he will be there for you. i sure hope so. judge lake: mrs. cortez, how does that feel? it's about time, your honor. now, ms. wisniewski, i'm so happy, because now you have the truth. now you're not coming in here saying, "this person lied to me, they're selfish, they're selfish." you know what, ms. wisniewski? they were. (audience applauding) want your child to have the benefit of knowing his grandparents. you want your child to have what you didn't. and that's going to require you to do some forgiving as well. your honor, could i hug my daughter? judge lake: court is adjourned. yes, you may hug your daughter.
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i think that judge lake had to say a lot of good things, and i'm hoping that we can have a relationship back as a family with my daughter, i mean, because i really miss it. (voice breaking) and i get to call my dad "dad," and it feels good. it feels really good. heartburn. aw, come on. [ male announcer ] rolaids gives you rapid relief and neutralizes 44% more acid than tums. [ fieri ] rolaids -- that's how you spell relief. if your family's on medicaid or any of these state programs, we understand good dental care may not always be easy to find. that's why there's kool smiles. quality and convenient dental care for everyone. our dentists are all fully licensed, our staff is trained to work with children as young as 1, and we accept nearly every type of
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narrator: today on paternity court... i'm like the hottest rapper around, not to be sounding cocky. see dollar signs basically. he's dead broke! i probably hooked up with her one time. that's a lie, we had sex several times. she came to the club with her baby in her arm, yellin', "you are the father, this is your baby. "why aren't you taking care of your baby? you're a deadbeat dad." i cannot believe what i'm hearing. i received a message, "you are the potential grandmother of my daughter." and i know when you see dollar signs and you're struggling... you do whatever you got to do. he don't even got no money! i don't want nothin' from him, for real, like, real talk, man, i never asked him for nothing! for me to have a daughter and then she don't know who her daddy is, is like, pitiful. i need to figure out what's going on, man.
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you may be seated. hello, your honor. hello. this is the case of hunt vs. tinsley. thank you, jerome. you're welcome. good day, everyone. mr. hunt, you have petitioned the court for a paternity test to prove that you are not the father of ms. tinsley's three-year-old daughter, jaziya. jamarcus: yes, your honor. lake: you say that she is a gold digger and that your relationship with her was brief... jamarcus: she's a gold digger. no i'm not. no i'm not. lake: ...and purely sexual. furthermore, you claim that the defendant has defamed your character and she is claiming you're the father of her baby only because you are a successful rapper in your hometown. yes, your honor. jame'e: not at all. not at all. now, ms. tinsley, you state that you could care less about mr. hunt's rap career, or his money and that your only concern is that your daughter grows up with a father. yes, ma'am. you admit that you were confident another man was her father,
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until a previous dna test proved otherwise. but, now, there's no question in your mind that mr. hunt is your daughter's biological father. jame'e: yes, ma'am. no. lake: all right, now, mr. hunt. why would ms. tinsley claim you're her baby's father if you are so sure you're not? your honor, i'm more... in my city, where i'm from... jame'e: he's nothin'. i'm like the hottest rapper around, not to be sounding cocky, you know, tooting my horn. but i'm on radio, i do shows for any major acts comin' to the city, i'm doing my thing. she's a groupie. she's a groupie. no i'm not. i'm far from a groupie. she's got nothing going for herself, she's dead broke... broke? i keep a job! she's comin' at me for, lookin' at dollar signs, she sees dollar signs basically. he's dead broke! she sees dollar signs... lake: all right, wait a minute now, so, let's hear about that. no! no! (audience cheering) let's hear about that. how did you all meet?
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on myspace a long time ago, a while ago. and then we originally met in person like in '08. no, your honor, that's not how it happened. jame'e: yes, it did. i found out about this on... i met her, yeah, okay, a few years back, but i only hooked up with her one time. that's a lie! we had sex several times. lake: only one time? one time. jame'e: we had sex several times, your honor. jamarcus: and several other guys. what about them? i'm single! i don't got no man. i ain't married. now, this was just a one-night-stand kind of thing? she's a jump-off, your honor, she's a groupie. that's what she do. i'm a jump-off, i'm a groupie all of a sudden? i found out about this chick, when she came to me with the baby. i found out about it on facebook, over at my mother's house. jame'e: that's a lie, your honor, that's a lie. jamarcus: i was on the internet, i was scrolling down the newsfeed, i seen it on the internet, she put my picture, she took my picture... jame'e: i sure did. after he put statuses about me on his facebook. jamarcus: ...puts it next to her daughter and put, "you are the father." this is on the internet, your honor. jame'e: so? so? i sure did. lake: wait a minute... jamarcus: this is three years later too, now, let me get this right, your honor, i've been incarcerated and everything, this is three years later now.
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because i thought another man was her dad. and i tested him and it came back negative, okay? and you are the next possibility 'cause i was messin' with you around the time i got pregnant. are you serious? yes, i'm serious. no, this is wrong. let's recap this... you claim that you had a one night stand with ms. tinsley. yes. ms. tinsley, you contend that you had sex more than one time. yes, ma'am, we sure did. at least... no more than five. lake: it was a sexual relationship that was ongoing? no, it was like over... jamarcus: what kind of drugs are you on? ...a couple of months' period. and i'm sober. but what you also admit to is that you were having sex with someone else during that very same time. yes, ma'am, i was single. and i was kind of doing me, but if i was so much of a slut, i would have five, six, seven kids by seven different men. i got two children by two different men. so message me what you're talking about. i'm not one of those men. lake: ms. tinsley, you tested one man... jame'e: yes, ma'am. ...that you thought was your child's father. jame'e: my ex-boyfriend. yes, ma'am. 'cause that was your boyfriend at the time.
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no, not at the time. it was my ex-boyfriend, we were still kind of messing around though. all right, so it's the, "go back to the ex" kind of thing? jame'e: yes, ma'am. okay. he turned out not to be the father. yes, ma'am. and then, prior to him, before even the blood test came back, i told jamarcus, i said, "jamarcus, if the blood test comes back negative with my ex-boyfriend, "you're the next possibility." "cool, cool, everything's cool." then people started finding out what was going on, that's when he thought he was a big rapper, which he ain't making no noise. jamarcus: lies. you're local, you're not even on... lies. lake: so, ms. tinsley hold on, hold on one second. how did everybody start finding out about it? i ain't gonna lie, i wasn't parading around the whole city, but i told a few of my friends, i sure did. jamarcus: your honor, she waited three years. i went to jail for two years, and i'm on the radio and opening for major acts, and then she came to me with this baby. jame'e: i cannot believe this man. she's trying to put a baby on me after she's seen that i'm doing things. i'm moving places, i'm going around. this is what fame does to people! it changes people. let me ask you this... why would you come to me three years later then?
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because i thought my ex-boyfriend was her daddy! why would you wait three years till after you see that i'm doing things though? why didn't you write to me when i was in jail, visit me... i did write you! put it on god! you can't... that i didn't write you! we're blaming god now? i wrote him when he was in jail! come on, i never got any letter or anything. boy, don't lie! lake: wait a minute! wait a minute! you said your ex-boyfriend is the person you thought was the father. when did you get the dna test from him? how soon? it was a couple of years later when we got into it. he demanded a test, so i got it. and then it came back negative, but he still loved my daughter, he was still helping my daughter. still to this day i can call him, he'll send me some money, western union, if i need it. lake: so, but now, mr. hunt, clearly you understand the answer now as to why she was a tad bit tardy on the request. your honor, she's a groupie! jame'e: i'm not a groupie! your honor, she's showing up at... i told you i open for major acts, she's showing up at the club with this baby on her arm, your honor. jame'e: that's a lie, your honor. she shows up at the club with this baby on her arm... never seen this in my life! i never came to the club with my daughter!
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she's showing up at the studios. (gavel banging) jame'e: he's lying. she came to the club with the baby? your honor, i kid you not, she came to the club with the baby on her arm, yellin', "you are the father, this is your baby! "why aren't you taking care of your baby? you're a deadbeat dad." i cannot believe what i'm hearing. so, that didn't happen? ms. tinsley, you never... i never had my baby at the club! not only the club, your honor, she's come to the studio, i'm leaving out the studio, with me and my friends and my partners... we're leaving out, she's showing up at the studio with this baby, your honor. jame'e: he agreed to do the blood test, why'd you agreed to do it before then? what made you change your mind, jamarcus? lake: so, ms. tinsley, you're saying that there was a time when he agreed, flat out, i'll take the blood test. yeah, he agreed to it, and they was gonna cut off my welfare check if i didn't get nobody tested. so wait, let me understand, was this about the welfare check? or the welfare of your child? lake: it has been determined by this court... mr. hunt...
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you... jamarcus: she inboxed my mom, your honor. yes, i sure did, 'cause i wanted her to know what's going on. 'cause he sure wasn't gonna tell her. i'm blown away at this point. i'm not raising mamma's boys, i'm raising men. and if he is the father then he's gonna step up and do what needs to be done. she must've gotten a buzz that he's about to get that deal, 'cause why are you showing up three years later? it's not about his money! i have never asked jamarcus for a dime!
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(narrator reading) if so, call toll free... (reading) why would ms. tinsley claim that you're her baby's father? i'm, like, the hottest rapper around. she's comin' at me for, looking at dollar signs... she waited three years, she waited till after i had a buzz in my city, i'm on the radio, i'm opening for major acts. and then she came to me with this baby. were you coming after him and trying to figure out who your child's father was because the court demanded you do it? or was it because you truly wanted to know? i really wanted to know. both, kind of, to be honest with you. jamarcus: she inboxed my mom, your honor. yes, i sure did 'cause i wanted her to know what's going on, 'cause he sure wasn't gonna tell her. you inboxed her where? on facebook. i need to hear from ms. moore. ms. moore, please stand. please tell the court. your honor, i received an inbox in my facebook from a person that i had no idea who they were.
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and what that message said to me is, "my name is jame'e. no, you don't know me, "but i used to mess around with your son, "and you are the potential grandmother of my daughter." i'm blown away at this point. so my response to that was, "let me talk to my son first, but i'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt." because i'm a woman before anything else. and i've been a woman far longer than i've been a mother. (audience applauding) okay. i know what it is to have to raise a child with the father being absent. and the catch-22 to all of this madness is, i'm not raising mamma's boys, i'm raising men. and if he is the father then he's gonna step up and do what needs to be done. but the fact, the fact, i'm gonna give you facts. that's what i want to hear. juadalyn: the fact of the matter is i've already drawn my conclusion about this young lady, when she inboxed me and after she told me that somebody else had been tested, and here you are coming at me three years later, my first impression was that she's a whore. how am i a whore? lake: let's use proper language in the court, okay?
12:43 pm
but i've been single many times, your honor, but i didn't sleep with multiple men because i was single. and i'm not telling her how to handle her business, but if that's her choice, all i'm saying is strap up 'cause you could come up with more than just a baby. jame'e: okay. you could come up with more than just a baby. but i do wear condoms. we're testing for dna, but we might need to test for stds! jame'e: i don't got no stds! okay. doing all of that i ain't got no stds! what i'm saying... (both arguing indistinctly) (gavel banging) jame'e: okay! okay! (arguing continues) lake: order! let's get some order in the court! ms. tinsley, i will say that ms. moore waited patiently while you gave your account, i've asked her to give hers, i need you to let her speak! juadalyn: thank you. please. here's my thing, in order to deal with that baby, i've got to deal with this mother. and the things that i've seen on facebook, because i don't know her personally, there's always an argument with other women... jamarcus: groupies. "stay out of my business!" because i got haters! "why is everybody hatin' on me? "why is everybody worried about my baby daddy," you know? and i'm lookin' thinking, "who does this?"
12:44 pm
what makes you a mother is setting up a fine example. why do you think she is saying, your son could perhaps be the father? because, like i said initially, your honor, i'm a woman before i'm anything, and i know we can be some of the most scandalous creatures on the planet, i wasn't always 50! i've been 20! and i know that when you see dollar signs, and you struggling, you'll do whatever you got to do! jame'e: he don't even got money! you don't know what he has! he ain't making no noise, he ain't got no record, nothing! all right, she says he's not doing anything, he's doing major things. and clearly, she must've gotten a buzz that he's about to get that deal, 'cause why are you showing up three years later? listen, i don't know nothing about no record deal. he ain't signed no check yet, i haven't even heard none of that till i see it. as far as three years later... jamarcus: google it. because it took me that long to find out that the potential father that i thought was, was not. that's what made me come after jamarcus. because i was messing with him around that time and my daughter does look like this man. jamarcus: this does not look like me, your honor. jame'e: this is not about his money! i never asked jamarcus for a dime! this does not look like me, your honor.
12:45 pm
lake: it has been determined by this court... mr. hunt... you... why do you post her picture alongside this man's picture without confirmation that he's the father? don't try to make me seem like i'm a bad guy! i'm a good mother! i take care of my kids! and i'm not gonna have you, him or his mamma tell me anything different. let's get one thing straight! i'm not here to judge you as a person. (sobbing) i don't want nothing from him, dawg! for real, like, real talk, man, i never asked him for nothing!
12:48 pm
(narrator reading) if so, call toll free... (reading) he thought he's a big rapper! he's doing major things! and clearly, she must've gotten a buzz that he's about to get that deal, 'cause why are you showing up three years later? this is not about money! i have never asked jamarcus for a dime! i'm trying to understand, as a mom that loves her child, why do you make that move? why do you post her picture alongside this man's picture without confirmation that he's the father? why post that on your page? jamarcus: why? why do that? because it's not just making your child the subject of speculation, but also your credibility,
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because, truthfully, what mother does that with their child's picture? oh, don't try to make me seem like i'm a bad guy! i'm a good mother! i take care of my kids! and i'm not gonna have you, him or his mamma tell me anything different. let's get one thing straight! i'm not here to judge you as a person. there's not a person in this room, including me, that has not made a mistake, a bad decision, done the wrong thing, or hurt somebody! what i am here to judge in order to get to the truth, ms. tinsley, are your actions! because the actions are the evidence. when you post a picture of a man that you think might be your child's father alongside your child's picture, you're not just putting that father at risk, or exposing his personal business, you are exposing your child! that's my point! and that's what i'm questioning in this moment!
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and asking you, why is it that you made that choice? it was just to get back at him for putting what he put on his page! he put it in his page first! another thing i need you to understand along with everyone else is... all this facebook posting and texing all your business out in the air! you cannot get mad if later you are judged on those actions, when you put them out in the universe for everyone to see! i know. no one would know your business unless it was out there! and so, it's not just the fact that you posted it. i'm trying to get behind the reasoning! now the truth that i will take is, you said, "i did it to get back at him." but what i'm saying to you is, and let's keep it really real, you didn't have to go that route, for your child's sake! that's the point! i know you're defensive 'cause this is difficult for you, and that's why we're about to get to the results for everyone involved, because i know that this is a very difficult thing.
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but i wouldn't be the woman that i am if i didn't tell you that! jerome, the results please. lake: jame'e, what's the matter? talk to me. (sobbing) i don't want nothing from him, dawg! for real, like, real talk, man. i never asked him for nothing! he's calling me a groupie! i've never even... ...stalked him or did none of that! i'm a groupie now and all 'cause he's wow. that's messed up, dawg, because we was cool before all of this happened. listen, you love your children. and you love this child regardless... she loves being a groupie! no, no, no. mr. hunt, let me speak. look at me! that child is counting on you to be strong and pull it together. you made a mistake, so did everybody else in here before. it's not how you fall down, it's how you get back up again!
12:52 pm
now, i want you to get back up! not be so worried about getting back at! do you see the difference? yes. so, i know you say that you've never asked mr. hunt for anything, it upsets you that he's calling you these names. but, ultimately, just tell the court what is it that you want from this? you just want your child to know who their father is? yes, ma'am. i don't want nothing from him. my mamma left me in the hospital when i was born. i actually didn't even grow up with my mamma, i grew up in foster care. so, for me to have a daughter and then she don't know who her daddy is, is like, pitiful. i need to figure out what's going on, man. mr. hunt, what would you like to know in terms of if the child is yours? if she's mine, i'm gonna take care of my daughter. that's exactly what i wanted to hear. if she's not mine, i would appreciate an apology... i do owe you an apology if she ain't yours. lake: all right, i think it's time for the results. our results today were prepared by dna diagnostics.
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12:55 pm
(narrator reading) she's a groupie. far from a groupie. she's got nothing going for herself. she's dead broke. but i only hooked up with her one time. she waited three years, she waited till after i had a buzz in my city, i'm on the radio, i'm opening for major acts and then she came to me with this baby! in the case of hunt vs. tinsley... when it comes to three-year-old jaziya... mr. hunt... you are... not her father! juadalyn: thank you, jesus! yeah, well, thank you. thank you. (cheering) okay, i'm sorry, jamarcus. good luck to you, jame'e, on finding your daughter's father.
12:56 pm
jamarcus: thank you, your honor. lake: ms. tinsley... are you okay? you okay? i'm still gonna do good! i'll take good care of my daughter. she'll be straight regardless. i'm her daddy. this may be embarrassing, this may not be the way you wanted this to turn out, but i don't want you to be deterred from finding out who your daughter's father is. but i want you to go about it in a more respectful way. and keep things private until you know the results, you understand? yes, ma'am. don't let the anger or the shame or resentment of any guy, stop you from finding out who her father is, because she deserves that, are we clear? yes, ma'am. i wish you the best of luck. i know you're gonna do good things. i see it in your eyes. i know we had a little moment today. you okay? hold your head up. we've all made some bad choices. lake: see? now that's another woman in the room encouraging you.
12:57 pm
juadalyn: keep your head up. there's nothing to be ashamed of. pick yourself up, dust yourself off and keep it moving. lake: and on that note... court is adjourned. amen to that. (audience applauding) i know it was a tough day. (sniffling) and i know those weren't the results you were expecting nor you wanted. just pitiful, man, for real. you said some touching things about your childhood, while you were in that courtroom. and i know you've been through a lot. and i'm happy that you're making sure that your children don't go through what you've been through. no, they won't. i'm here for you. i'll be checking in on you. okay. good luck to you. give me a hug. it's gonna be all right. heartburn. aw, come on. [ male announcer ] rolaids gives you rapid relief and neutralizes 44% more acid than tums. [ fieri ] rolaids -- that's how you spell relief.
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