tv Tavis Smiley PBS October 28, 2013 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT
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>> this is "bbc world news america." >> funding of this presentation is made possible by the freeman foundation, newman's own foundation, giving all profits to charity and pursuing the common good for over 30 years, united health care and union bank. >> at union bank, our relationship managers work hard to know your business, offering specialized solutions and capital to help you meet your growth objectives. we offer expertise and tailored solutions for small businesses and major corporations. hat can we do for you?
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>> and now, "bbc world news america". >> this is "bbc world news america" reporting from washington. another day, another revelation of u.s. surveillance. this time it is spain, where reports say more than 60 million phone calls were tracked in just one month. inmates at a south african prison claim they have been given electric shots and forced medication. the british company that runs the facility denies the allegations. and if you thought halloween was child's play, think again. tonight we meet the master carver who makes art out of the humble pumpkin. >> welcome to our viewers on
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public television in america and around the globe. first it was france. then germany. now spain. which is demanding answers about u.s. spying tactics. the latest concern steps from a spanish newspaper record that claims the national security agency monitored tens of millions of phone calls there. once again the white house is on the defensive about perhaps which have caused a rift with its alleys. this starts our coverage. >> another day, another embarrassment, another american ambassador simmondsed to see angry european -- sum oned to see angry utep officials. >> the newspaper on monday revealed large scale american intelligence gathering in spain. as many as 60 million phone alls scooped up in one month alone. they met congressional leaders in washington to discuss the surveillance. >> many of my colleagues are
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angry and disturbed that friends are spying are friend. you have to register the anger of my german colleagues and others who don't feel that should be the case. >> the revelations keep coming, and they are acutely embarrassing for washington. there is already a review of the way in which intelligence my be gathered. but the administration is quick to defend the need for large-scale intelligence gathering. >> the work that is being done here saves lives and protects the united states and protects our allies. and protects americans stationed in very dangerous places around the world. >> it is not just europeans that are angry about surveillance. in the u.s., too, there is serious disquiet about the bread this and depth of spell
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finally. this has taken weeks of gradually escalating actions by european governments. they understand the predicament. countries do gather intel janssen on one another, but the scale and the scope of the n.s.a. revelations have been massive, and there needs to be a response from washington, and so far there hasn't been. last weeden the ference president and chancellor angela merkel had angry conversations with the president. i think finally we are going to a point where something is happening. >> and the europeans are now threatening practical repercussions about american access to terrorist funds. is that the first sign that the europeans are not just going to say we are angry, we are going to do something about this? >> it is. it is about waking washington up. a review of our intelligence gathering is not going to be enough. we have to change the approach and the relationship. the swift agreement is in peril. other things could be in peril. safe harbor agreements, passenger name recognition. all of the important data that , not re transatlanticly to mention the trade and investment partnership.
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>> while they want to send washington a message that they are not happy, they don't want to jeopardize economic relations with washington. european allies are also benefiting from some of the information america is gathering. >> absolutely. that is why it has taken so long to get some tracks to wake washington up into doing something. i think european governments have tried to be pragmatic about it and understand what is at stake. but they have public opinion that every time there is a revelation, the outrage grows and grows, but we are not seeing any change to behavior. this week we have a lot of visiting european parliamentarians this week, and a visiting german delegation. they want to hear a strong reaction from washington. they are hagadone good sounds from the hill, but i am not sure they are getting the same reaction from the executive branch, and that is where we have to see the action happen. >> at the risk of sounding too
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skeptical, the american argument and the white house argument has been the europeans are making a fuss about this because they have to for their audiences? >> i think that was right for the initial week. in the summer i think it has changed. are in a new point of relationships. things have gotten very specific, just as angela merkel's cell phone number. washington needs to take some meaningful steps. >> thank you for coming in. she joined me earlier. a british security firm has been accused of shocking abuses at one of south africa's most dangerous prisons. they have already taken over management from g 4-s. they say they have seen no evidence to the complaints. here is our report from
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jonesburg. you may find some of the images here disturbing. >> the bloody aftermath of another gang fight inside one south africa's most dangerous prison. for 12 years, britain's gs-4 has been in charge here. no easy task. >> today we can reveal claims from inmates and guards of a prison in crisis, of widespread abuses, including allegations of electric shots and forced injections. this leaked video filmed for the official record by security guards shows an inmate being treated in hospital, an area not controlled by g 4 s. listen to the clicking sounds in the background.
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>> it is alleged those are electric shocks being administered to at least one other prisoner, who begs for it to stop. a former prison said he had been soaked with water and shocked until he passed out as a punishment. >> when you are complaining, this is what they do. we are not dangerous to anyone. >> an investigation has heard that powerful anti-psychotic drugs were forcibly administered. >> one of my clients today raised a complaint about food. he was tired of having viennas and said he wanted meat. he raise his his concern in a way that didn't suit the supervisors, and he was being carted off to the medical section and jabbed. the message was if you complain, you will suffer the
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consequences. >> in a he could would, over 300 guards here were sacked after going on an owe official strike. he said the abuse of prisoners was routine. asked his identify would be held. >> he worked nice. and then he shocked him again and again. until they tell you what you want to hear. we want them to be afraid of us because we are few. we cannot afford to be attacked. >> so that is the only way you felt you could control the prisoners? >> yes. >> even though it was illegal? >> yes. >> clearly i will le? >> yes. are things got so bad here that the south african authorities in to seize control from g 4 s. they said the conditions are shocking and inhumane and that the situation was out of
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control. nod admit to any wrongdoing and questioned them. >> those things are coming from convicted criminals who are inmates in our facility and dismissed employees. that doesn't mean they don't warrant investigation. if there is anything that merits an investigation, well investigate. we work with complete transparency. if there were these type of extreme abuses, it it would be there for all to see. >> so it didn't happen? >> all i am saying is if they happened, i haven't been made aware of it. ed government report shows concerns about their role at the prison three years ago. a new investigation into the alleged abuses here is now under way. andrew harding, "bbc news."
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>> alarming images there from that . other news now from around the world. a u.s. indictment issued in new evening s a man from has allegedly hacked into thousands of american computer systems, including nasa. he has been charged in the u.s. but not in britain with accessing a u.s. governmenter without author dation. luke putkonen is promising to make sure that gay as has bean athletes competing in the olympics next year will be made to feel comfortable. he made the comments in front of the head of the international olympic committee. he has been widely criticized for introducing a ban on so-called homosexual problem ganda. >> ma people were injured when a vehicle crashed into a crowd
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in tiananmen square in beijing. the main route through the square was briefly closed. police evacuated the main part of the square. meanwhile, also in china, three activists have gone on trial. their crime, campaigning for greater transparency by government officials. they have been charged with illegal assembly after they got together a dozen people at their home. here is our report from outside the court. >> and i am afraid we don't seem to be able to bring you that report from china. still to come on tonight's practice. , ear after superstorm sandy many residents are still struggling to recover.
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>> making a meal in india is getting more expensive by the day with the price of some staple foods quadrupleding in recent months. the cost of an onion has tripled. why are prices rising so fast? here is our report. >> it is bitter and green, but one of the most widely eaten vegetables in india. the price, which is one of the cheapest vegetables in the market has gone up nearly three times compared to the same period last year. this farmer says that this year's crop costs more to produce, and that is why he has to charge more. farmers use trucks to transport products across the length and bread this of the country. here also the cost has gone up. >> the cost of transportation has gone up in the last year
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due to higher fool costs. we transport vegetables to mumbai to far-off places, so we have no choice but at the charge more. >> after a long journey, it reached its first destination. farmer sell their crops to these, who in turn tell them to consumers. people often blame the wholesalers for the increase in flight. he said it is basic economics that is causing the inflation. >> vegetable prices have gone up due to many things. there is a shortage of vegetable supply in the market right now. >> they expect prices of vegetables to moderate after the next month or two until the next crop is introduced into the mark. until then, consumes tsunamiers
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will have to pay more and hope for prices to come down. >> 99-mile-an-hour wind rushed across northwest europe this weekend in one of the woes storms in decades. at least eight people were killed and hundreds of thousands are without power. a year ago it was the other side of the atlantic that bore the brunt of a big weather event. high wind and flooding from hurricane sandy created massive destruction on america's eastern seaboard. hardest hit was new york's staten island. 23 people were stilled there. we traveled to staten island to check on the progress of the recovery effort. >> on a clear day the view from staten island is run rivaled. but the island's very position is its vulnerability. it is here that the death toll from superstorm sandy was highest. the floodwaters ripped homes from their foundations. help was slow to arrive, say
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locals. there is still so much work left to do. >> this used to be my house. >> in midland beach, he barely survived the storm with his family. >> my mom started going in the ter, so i had to swim in the water and put the cordon my mom and lift it up. i didn't know how to swim, neither my mom or nephew. we asked a neighbor could we do in, and they said yes. >> everything is gone. he has been in a who tell no most of the past year. he put up tents where a house once stood, starting a charity for other victims,. >> the way it looks, it is going to take years to rebuild. we shouldn't be suffering like this after a year. >> on a nearby beach where three drowned during the storm,
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changes were made. this entire neighborhood will be demolished, return to nature, since it is likely to flood again. the federal government will buy the houses at their prestorm value. a real estate agent came up with the plan. >> this is a win-win. people say they shouldn't get bought auto. no one ever suspected this would ever happen. so from the government's perspective, they are going to save money. then for the inland portion of staten island, it is going to act as a bare yes. it is great for them and for the people who were victims of the storm. >> new york city is so vulnerable to storms because much it have is as sea level. now officials are shoring up coastal defenses. one way is to send in rocks like this. the idea is that they will
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break up waves and protect the beaches from erosion. other beaches they are building sand berms. these are some of the solutions that new york is working on because no one wants to back away from the coast line. >> entrenchment is not an option. we are a city of islands, and we are going to be protecting our shoreline and homes beyond and ensuring that we create a resilient city for the future. >> sea levels are predicted to rise if our climate changes, and new york is not taking any chances. >> too many people in new york feel they have been abandoned after hurricane sandy. when you think of hit musicals, you probably think of new york and maybe london. we are pretty sure, though, you don't think of lagos. but maybe nigeria's biggest city will be up there with
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broadway and others. a big musical has just opened there, and we attended the premiere. ♪ >> for the first time on stage, the city of lagos has its own musical, which did he pictures the very people who make up this megacity. >> it is the story of mmigrants who came into lagos. it was a story of union slaves who come in to lagos. we have a lot of immigrants coming into different parts of nigeria. so we are trying to tell the story of immigrants in logos, d we are portraying it as, which it is, the land of opportunity. red hat musical also has a modern twist. >> this is uncharted territory for performs arts.
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they are referring to it as ryu lution area as they hope it will set a new trend to nigerian theater. >> music is at the heart, and with the hope of reaching a wide audience, there is a bit of something for everyone. >> we don't just play the music. we do it differently because we want everything we do in this production to be unique. >> it has taken up to three months to put this together. what a task for the cast and crew, who never worked in anything like in this-. >> as an actor, it is not evans are you day you come across work like this. you usually say your line. but here, you task yourself. you bring to play everything you have learned in acting school, singing, dancing, acting. everything comes together.
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>> the production opened to a full house in lagos. old and young alike were captivated by the first musical. >> i thought it was really good because it incorporates the different elements of art. >> there is like a light finally shining on people who have been working for so many years. they are going to finally emerge, and i think this is one of the first of bigger things to come. >> they hope to take the show on the road at home and abroad. "bbc news," lagos. >> we are going to see that if only for the costumes. now it is that scary, ghostly, sugary time again. this thursday children across the country will be knocking on doors hoping to get halloween treats. there to greet them is often a
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pumpkin. but few will come close to the creations by one father in suburban virginia. he is a master of the art, and he let's us in on some of the tricks of his trade. ♪ >> the magic of a pumpkin, is this is an art which is only available for that one night only. my name is noel. i have been carving pumps along with my family. i started in 1998. i traced the pattern on to the pumpkin with tracing paper. a couple of years back i looked one that looked like r 2 d 2. >> the death star carving, i am looking for one that is fairly round. >> i am starting to add details. it this is a monkey from oz. so i am making hair on its face and legs. >> some pumpkins are fairly
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easy carves, you can do them in 30 or 45 minutes. i have spent over 30 hours doing some before. >> it is a shaded pattern. you are taking the skin off, leaving it on or cutting all the way three. there are three colors. >> people when they are coming ash the neighborhood with kids dressed up as power rangers or anything else, they want to escape. they want to see spiderman. they want to see wolfman and fantasy transition. a first problem in carving pump is not making it thin enough. i want to take a picture of them as soon as bubble. it is a way to build an archive. he was in romania a few years ago in december of 2011. i was doing this event and this gypsy guy comes up to me, and
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he doesn't know me from ad. he said i know you, i carved your angry bird pattern. i was floored. the reason why i think my wife puts up with it, is how often do you get to suspend spend a monday around the kitchen table with your family. you come together. my daughter started carving when she is five. she is 15 now. my son is 20, and he started at 67. it is a great family time, something we look forward to every year. >> pretty awesome. that is pumpkin art, and it brings this broadcast to a close. you can carry on watching on our 24-hour news channel as well. if you look at your local listings, you will find our channel there. for everyone here from "bbc world news america," thanks for watching. see you back here tomorrow.
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>> funding 0 this presentation is made possible by the freeman foundation of new york, stowe, newman's nd honolulu, own foundation, giving all prop its to charity and pursuing the common good for over 30 years, union bank and united health care. >> my customers can shop around, see who does good work and compare costs. can also work that way with health care. with united health care, i get information on quality ratings of doctors, treatment options and estimates for how much i will pay. that helps me and my guys form decisions. i don't like guesses in business, and definitely not with our health. >> that is health in numbers, united health care. >> at union bank, our relationship managers work hard
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to under the industry you operate in, working to nurture new ventures and help provide capital for key strategy decisions. we offer expertise and tailored slupingses in a wide range of industries. -- tailored solutions in a wide range of industries. what can we do for you? >> "bbc world news" was presented by
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