tv Right This Minute ABC February 5, 2016 12:30pm-1:00pm EST
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a guy getting out on the elevator. this ends. gets even. >> what the heck? >> the jet ski buddies arettle trick riding. now, it is this guy's concern. by scooting between two boats doesn't go as planned. >> a reporter is doing an interviewhone in one hand. >> and a mushroom in the other hand. zt trouble when he forgets which is which. >> maybe he might have some shroom. >> the buzz word for your chance to win an ipad mini.
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why she is finest but her boyfriend, not so much. mother nature has him speaking in tongues. >> we all know this is well. the guy in the white jacket has had quite a bit of wine according to local media reports. you can see he is tussling with somebody or shall i say some you will never believe how this ends. he is going up to that elevator bank. he kicked the door in. >> why? is he trying to get store are you y is not over. take a look at what happens next. >> what the heck? >> let's watch that one moreme. >> how far did he fall? >> is he on the 2nd floor or the 20th floor? >> he is on the fourth and fell he kicked the door.
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oops, maybe i should chill out. open the door, boom. >> that will sober him up. >> going down. >> the people floor fell to the first. >> that's a pretty good fall. >> was he hurt? >> yeah, he was hurt. fractured his leg. this is what he looked like after. >> he is lucky it was that. >> on jet skis with your ng to do. >> the boats in this situation are creating a double wake. two boats, a side by side and their wakes off the back are nice double wake for the jet skis to have a good time on. you watch, you will notice the guy with the helmet cameras caught a few of his the front of the boat and going straight between those two boats to jump there way through. >> so >> now, it is this guy's turn. gets way out ahead of the boat,
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to shoot between >> here is exactly what happened. the guy in the boat on the right of the video had noticed that one of the other jut ski thaers just passed through the wake hadin off. hit attention was on the guy who had fallen off. he wast for him. watch itin. >> oh, new york's where is his jet ski? hurt. looks like there may have been a little bit of damage to the jet ski and the boat. >> you can get another jet ski. get another you glchlt is when you are out on the field as the reporter p so many things can happen.
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so he is holding a microphone in one hand and a mushroom in the other hand. >> i would just lovehe heck is he doing with a giant mushroom anyway. >> this happened in 2014 but it is just now am so glad it is. >> watch what happens as he turns back to the camer >> i think maybe he might have had some shroom before he started y'all back up. sometimes your hands start doing their own thing. they are both the same shape and size. so he was like, yeah, yeah, yeah,ho. >> he went as far as putting the microphone down and continues
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are you really talking into that mushroom. >> how do we know it wasn'ts sense of humor? was he trying to be funny, goofy? >> we know because of his reaction once he figures it. >> the interviewer points to the microphone and the guy realizes the complete starts cracking up. >> it's time to give away another ipad mini. >> to enter, you are going to need the buzz word, be 18 and a nt. >> the buzz word coming up in a bit. minigiveaway. >> i hate to say it. these videos prove that a littlean go a long way. this first video takes place in milwaukee at bank mutual. you see a guy walk in.
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he stays back. he waits approaches the teller. >> it just looks like a normal conversation. not even the other bank tellers turn around. what we don't see or hear isis hand in his pocket and he is letting the teller know that he wants the money and he wants it now. >> there may or may not be a weapon in >> i am going to guess know but you can't take that risk. >> exactly. you see the teller lean drawer, take the money out and hand it off to the guy and he leaves. >> what? >> he was patient, walked in like a normal human, walked outey in his pocket. >> it happened in broad daylight attempt. soon, you will see a man eframe, leaps over to the fence, heads over to the boat, started tugging at the paddle board. he is trying to get it, trying
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it, hits the ground. >> once he hits the ground, he goes, you know what, ive this here. >> he realized paddle boarding was not his thing. he can't even carry when it comes to sending ladies drinks at the bar, these bartenders are here to -- here is their advice to get it >> oh, sorry. >> and, emergency responders head out to help. lights and sirens in the world, this is the universal sign of move out of the way. >> see what happens when some people don't get the memo to oh! >> when you order now, you get a >> and get a free pizza . papa john' hey mom. yeah? we've got allstate, right? uh-huh.
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called allstate quickfoto claim. it's an app. you understand that? you just take photos of the damage m to allstate. really? so you get a quicker estimate, quicker payment, quicker back to normal. i just did it. but maybe you can find an app that will help youyour father. quickfoto claims. just another way allstate for good. tim thinks you need to be a mastermind to do your own taxes. so, we flew in a mastermind to help him. well, did you buy a home? yes.ress there.
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hanging out at a bar and a guy sends you a drink. we ladies find ourselves in this situation quite often. it seems like barpretty slick on how it should work. >> how difficult can it be to send her a drink? >> if someone wants to buy someone a drink, ir or not they are going to be receptive to it. >> i ask the woman across the bar if she would like a drink. >> if i sense the woman doesn't want to talk to this guy, i'll busy, make myself unavailable. >> you are the bartender. you take orders. >> i don't like to operate like a dating service. her court. i don't want to create an uncomfortable situation for another guest to make another guest feel uncomfortable. >> i didn't realize there thought into it. >> i do appreciate that instead of bringing it up and make you have to decide whether you want
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>> the last girl i bought this for didn't want it so here. >> people offer to buy to drink when they already have a drink in their hand. >> the first thing i look at, does the woman already have p a drink. >> ordering an extra drink someone way beyond what their comfort level is. >> go up to somebody and say, hi, how you doing? my name is. let me buy your next drink. >> i think he should man up and and offer to buy her a drink in person. >> if you want to talk to a woman, go and talk to her. come say hello first and see if she is >> you are in a better position to get a number or a conversation out of that. >> there are some story that is are still eren't caught on video, you would never believe they happened. this first incident was captured on p cctv. down the street. it looks like it is dark out. there is a car pulling up in
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>> whoa, whoa. >> the vehicle strikes that the vehicle makes a quick right-hand turn and completely takes off, leaving that man as you see him sitting back up, you see the vehicle come back on the same street, drive right past the victim but keep going. >> oh, man. chances to make this not a hit and run and they didn't. >> were they targeted him?s was just an accident but they released the video because they want to get to this driver. so far, the video has gotten thousands of views online but no one has in connection to this accident yet. the man fortunately will make it out of this okay. people also not in this next video. you see these emergency responders, look like firefighters. they get into the truck.
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you can hear the whoa. i think anywhere in the world, this is the universal sign of move out of the way. >> legally, you are supposed to move out of the way. >> yeah, but people well, there is that. they go to make that right-hand turn and you see a woman on a bicycle try to beat the truck. >> no,truck. >> like i said, people are stupid. >> they are able to stop the truck but you can see the guys are not happy with this person at all z there group of cycle. is and also this vehicle that is kind of in their way but they tell it to move out of the way and they are able to pull into the street they are try tog get hopefully, they go the there in time to render the aid needed of them. >> when i first saw this video, i thought i was looking through r door, that crinkly glass but not at all. this is in ottawa, canada. you are inside a car.
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that is a solid freezing rain stuck on the outside of the car. what do you do? >> butl inside the car. it is still pretty freaking cool. >> cool and it is a lot easier than sitting there and trying to scrape all that off from the's warm things up. head on over to grand island, nebraska, where it is not warm and nice at all. this is a blizzard. over 24 hours, a lapse here to show how the cold stuff just all piled right up. >> i'm sorry. i like this. >> i love it. i want to do that like leave. >> that's not how it works. >> look that the, though. grand island sound. it sounds tropical but notr in nebraska. quite cold. quite snowy.
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>> i love what they've got going on. >> those are like >> still to come, a comic uses a childhood game to give his show a romantic twist. >> he invites a special lady on to the see why the fortune teller is about to give her a surprise. >> aww. >> plus,ipad minito give away. don't miss friday's buzz word
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part of the firefighters job is keeping things in tip-top shape. if you live in w auchlt kee, iowa, you may have fire truck rolls into this station over this sprinkle of water and cleaning solution. he continues to go. stage two is the high pressure rinse wash. >> it is a car wash for instead of them having to wash it themselves. >> basically, it is a wash for the undercarriage of the truck. in iowa, they use and sand on the roads. that can be very corrosive and very expensive equipment and prior to this little invention that the the waukee fire department came up with themselves, they would have to get underneath the truck with the power washer and do it by ake hours. then, she can run the whole department through in about 30 minutes. >> that is great. they are using their own firefighter hoses for the
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it is y need to give this idea to other fire departments, charge them a small little fee and that will take care of their pension. >> you are right. they posted this video. a lot of and people were like, oh, where did you get that? we want one. the guys put this second video together and showed whatow they built it and what they used. >> how much you want to bet people in the neighborhood want to be stopping by, hey, can we get in there and doinguld be stopping by and giving them high-fives and saying, thanks. firefighter equipment is taxpayer dollars and the longe service, the less money you have to spend on it. these guys really thinking here. >> have manners.
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good you go, sweetheart. good girl. >> do you guys remember this? the old paper, finger game.number. >> i want to. >> look, there is nothing inside of this one. this is ken, the c, lie which is. >> i tried. would happen but that chain letter i send never happened. it cursed me. >> you pick a number and have to go through it so many times. then, youk another number. she picks her final number but
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flap to see what's under >> oh, the boogeyman. >> finally, it worked. >> he breaks out the ring and drops on a knee andy goes to the makeout session. >> if she had gone with another number like 7, was it a dump. >> i am he has rigged it to his favorite. >> no longer left it to chance. >> good for that guy. that's kind of cute.o give away another ipad mini. >> to enter, you are going to need the buzz word, be at least 18 and a legal u.s. >> head over to win an ipad. >> enter the buzz word on facebook, twitter. you can enter on each every day. >> let's reveal friday's buzz s current. >> get over on and
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>> this couple in sydney is heading down to the rocks, down to the water. >> i didn't think it would be as tells her, slow down, baby, slow down. >> those rocks can be hard to walk on, rough, hurt your feet.over them like it is nothing. >> with the weather, it is pretty slippery z she . >> she carries on. this beach babe has got to go. >> what the -- not what i waspecting. >> mother nature is like, slam, yeah. >> the camera gets a little shaky. when it comes to, you see, she is okay. >> that man thinking? >> i distinctly heard, jesus, mary and joseph and a few things
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>> he just threw it all in there >> that's what has everybody talking about this video. >> that he was able to string all those different words together. >> mother nature has him speaking in>> is there any chance this could be fake? something just feels a little odd to me about it. >> well, there are sceptics online like i think her reaction was real. >> you capital make up reactions like that. >> that was too joining us. we'll catch you on the next
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