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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  February 9, 2016 12:30pm-1:00pm EST

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foreign language ] >> crews try to reach a child dangling from a truck. see the delicate mission to free him b falls. an elderly woman's caregiver raises a daughter's suspicion. >> so she set up a cctv camera. >> the wants the world to see. i didn't even notice. >> her mile a minute chatter made for a viral video hit. >> because we don't even like >> now josie and her dad talk life in the big league. >> what do you think about your
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plus buzz word for your shot to win a new ipad mini. and a prankster takes a fall for laughs. and see, i'm with [ laughter ] >> it just funny. >> why this video has christianne reliving a moment in rtm history. winds and rain in israel are apparently to blame for this pretty incredible situation. you see a huge truck has left this raised areawn over the barrier and has been caught by the support beams on the side. now as you can see, there's all sorts of fire engines and rescue people there trying to figure they're going to fix this situation. but you don't realize just how dangerous it is. until you get a look from underneath. because there were two 48-year-old man
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what you can see here, is 10-year-old son dangling from the cab of that truck,feet high. >> he's like hanging on for dear life. >> that's what they said, he grabbed ahold of some concreted that's what he's doing. it did require some very special equipment, a cherry-picker, the only way they were able to get rescuers up from underneath torom falling. they were slowly able to get close enough before being able to take him out of the cab. >> how long did that take to get that thing in place? this 10-year-old hanging on this whole after such a violent accident. got to be able to handle him with such care. >> at the same time people are calling it very lucky situation. the fact that the truck was able to be caught by the instead of falling the extra 50 feet down. and the fact that he was able to grab himself as well. the son and the dad were both rescued and have been reported to be in
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>> think of the relief when they saw those hands reach for his son and grab him. knowing everything was going to d this video on the internet because she wants everybody in buenos aires, argentina and other places to see this the two people sitting on this couch. the woman on the left, 94 years miriam's mother, she has alzheimer's. caregiver. she's been taking care of the woman for three years. her mother's miriam, i suspect something is going on. so she set up a cctv camera and picked this up. of many hits and kicks, it's disgusting. at one point she takes a pillow that was in her lap andan with it. >> it's so hard to see, not go running into the room and exact revenge.
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there are many incidents pic video of this woman preying on this defenseless 94-year-old woman. >> this is all like, the occurrences in one day. you've got to think about three years. what she's had to go through. >> this is the type of thing that's front and center when you have a child or an aging parent. >> you trust these people to take care of your loved their mercy. because you're trusting them. at one point she does change the woman's clothing. but after she changes her clothes, the hits begin again.t's just the worst. >> the tape has been given to the police department, but they have not issued a statement, as to what's going to happen to this woman in the video. >> you've got to be a sick person to do this with those needs. >> and to sustain that kind of evil behavior day after day. m the police, it never
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i have exhibits a and b. starting in our beloved russia. the dash camice are out and the blur you just saw on your screen was a man on a snowmobile. >> it's russia. >> there are certain places you aren't supposed to be snowmobile this is one of them. >> what speeds are we reaching here in this chase? >> not sure, but it looks like he's going a nicechase goes on for several streets. >> this thing won't even turn because there's no snow on the road. he was trying to use his feet to turn the thing. >> he hits the corner, the police jam him up. >> hey, get into the your snowmobile zblext sat there on the bike for a little bit. they try to arrest him, he's not having any of it. >> they rejected him. >> he's arrested. >> this guy was trying to get police.
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>> oh no! >> i'm like, dog, you got up by a dude looking like a gq model? they're saying he might be a suspected drug dealer. police are thanking for helping them out. it's time to give away another ipad mini. >> it's easy. you need tuesday's buzz word, be 18 and a legal u.s.>> the rtm buzz word is coming up right after this. when you come out to your car and you see is like this, it's a bad day. >> put me [ bleep ] i have on the front of my car. >> this car has been hasn't paid his road taxes. we don't have road taxes, but it's basically like registration. this guy claims the motor vehicle department said theyis vehicle to
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it. here's the genius solution to that. >> they want me to pay money. let me show what they'll scrap there's two tires now -- flattened. hetires. but that's just the beginning. >> oh, goodness. this is the definition of cutting off your nose to spite your face. >> okay. so was he going to this car anyway? was he going to sell it? what was he going to do with it? >> apparently this is his car, he calls it a scrap heap. he doesn't think it's worth much of n his mind, it's not going to be worth anything at all. trying to damage it so much that the dbla won't be able to auction it, 0or auction it for less money. >> the thinking of that is ifse enough money. they're going to come back to you for the taxes. >> any way this guy damages it,
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>> you're off your he's under the hood now? >> the final straw, he takes a sledgehammer -- and goes after the mechanical bits in the engine. so it's not just cosmetic, he isng this car. as much as he can. >> are you finished now? >> almost. a guy brings somethingecial to his lady's office, where she wasn't expecting it. >> why this romantic surprise was just what the doctor ordered. [ scream ] do it. >> one of the slow-mo guys is about to get trapped. >> this is so, so bad. >> see what happens when his tongue takes it. $12.99. f 10 favorites to enjoy on one plate. plus unlimited salad and breadsticks. the best tour of italy is the one you create.
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yeah? we've got allstate, right? uh-huh. yes. well, i found this new thing called allstate quickfoto claim. it's an app.tand that? you just take photos of the damage with your phone and upload them to allstate. really? so you get a quicker estimate, quicker payment, quicker back to normal. i just did can find an app that will help you explain this to your father. quickfoto claims. just another way allstate insurance for good. floyd doesn't believe he can get his taxes done for nothing. so we brought in dr. kaku to explain what we mean by nothing.
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i >> announcer: closed captioning provided by -- relieves five frustrating symptoms
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i have heard this story time and again for men. they say they want to propose, but every time they plan to do it, the girl always ruin it is, saying is this a good time? is it now?w? >> i have to do this. because there's no other way. well, this guy, david, is like you know what, this is why i had to go to her office to>> yeah, right. i understand his pain. it's like they're expecting it. you want to make it a surprise, tough get imaginative. >> the only way to surprise heruestion at the office where she wasn't expecting it. >> why don't we play "waka-waka" to propose. t might be their
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>> you get right back in the car and drive. >> exactly but these are screams of joy. >> wow! she really wanted to get married, huh? >> i'm going to take that as a yes. i never actually heard a yes. >> i don't think she could grin any aximum grin. the three stooges, jack tripper, charlie chap ade the pratfall funny.
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i think it's funny, still. a couple of the guys from the studios give the old chair fall a try. i'm with you, i'm with you. it's just funny. >> it's ridiculous, but it's what makes it so funny is the people around him falling. they're like, whoa, whoa! okay. >> this group of girls here,uite funny. but they feel a little bad for him. the girl on the right is trying to hold it together until he walks away. and then she just loses her mind. >> buts the reason it works. because no one is paying attention and suddenly some guy is falling off in the background, by the time you turn around, you don't realize thathis whole thing up. you just see some poor dude falling, crashing to the ground. that's actually pretty cool. >> especially when they do it in all of these quiet library study places. >> this girl doesn't even blink. >> she's got her headphones in.
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>> i couldant talk about people falling out of chairsg my favorite clip. >> oh no. >> oh! nt to do that. did you see how quick i was, i was totally pranking you guys. >> a way back to season one. our friend christianne can't sit down. >> i caught myself. >> notice how gracefully i gotg happened? >> oh! >> are you okay? >> yeah. check out this being towed by a drone on the next "right this minute." and still to come -- this turtle is ready to get a taste. but the thing is -- >> there's always a bigger fish. >> why lunchtime is about toshort. >> meet my cousin. plus, don't miss tuesday's
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an ipad mini. with heat.rubs that mask the pain, thermacare has patented heat cells that penetrate deep to increase circulation and accelerate healing. let's review: heat, plus relief, plus healing, equals thermacare. you. so you have 10 years experience? i do but no phd... i do have a masters in early childhood development you don't mind if i record this, do you? here's all the numbers, food's in the fridge, oh and lucas... ...likes to pull on jewelry, so you might want to... ...lose the nose ring by their second kid, every mom ...likely to choose luvs than first time moms luvs locks away wetness better than huggies snug & dry and with large tabs for easy fastening
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if you're going to say "better ingredients. better pizza." you better deliver. which is why i'm introducing our new papa's quality guarantee:r get another one, absolutely free. pget any large pizza up to 5-toppings pfor just $9.99. online only.
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itch relief. scratch relief. winter rel >> announcer: promotional considerations provided by -- plus an extra strength itch fighter. gold bond .now. apparently, people think i'm too perky. so now i'm not being perky, telling you that drivers that switch to progressive save an average of $548! whoo! the first few seconds of this video looks like the. there's a fish being nibbled at by this turtle. but you had no idea -- because there's always a bigger fish. >> meet my cousin. that's bass, isn't it? >> that bass comes out of nowhere, like something out of "jaws" takes the fish and theo scared, it actually spits water out as it
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watch it. >> wow. >> dude, totally surprised in that case. >> >> it looked like it could have swallowed the turtle and the fish. >> never seen anything like that and i've never seen anything like this second video as well. adorable andtime. >> is that a pig suckling on a cow? >> going up under this cow, reack legs to get at the udders and have some lunch. >> any teat in a storm. >> do they say that? >> they do now. >> i love how this pig up. >> the cow seems to think nothing of it. >> this getting a lot of attention on facebook. 10 million views, hundreds of thousands of so darn cute! step right up, the opened the request line.
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to go through with this video. this is highly suggestive and in a mousetrap. >> you did it to yourself, there you go, you opened things up to the internet. they always find a way of getting you. >> i don't want to do it. do it, either. the thing is it's the smallest mousetrap possible and it still packs an absolute wallop. >> they use this nice-the-art equipment to pull off this random thing. the top. >> this is so, so bad. >> what? >> it takes them a few tries, because i think he knows what's coming for him. >> there's a lot of pain. >> my only fear, though, is will you lose your sense of that's for real. >> it happens really fast. so don't blink. >> time to watch it in slow-mo.
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it is, i can't wait to see the slow-mo, ow! >> that's a lot quicker than i thought. >> they got it slower, don't >> yes. >> did that draw blood? >> no blood, thank goodness. >> slow-motion. >> honestly, i can't believe you that was impressive. i'm impressed. >> not that bad. >> not that bad, no. it's time to give away another ipad mini. >> all you need is the buzz be at least 18 years old and be a legal u.s. resident. >> head over to and click on win ipad. >> you can enter the buzz word on facebook twitter or oday's buzz word is march. >> get over to click on the win ipad button, enter today's buzz word. march, m-a-r-c-h. are week we'll have a bonus give-away you
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flat-screen tv. good luck, everybody! she's a got a lot to say. >> i didn't even notice. >> the 3-year-old's funny gal talks about being a viral sensation.
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esk to do stuff while you're working. >> i wish she knew how to program it, too. josie is going -- no big surprise, that this video went viral. we all saw this on our show a
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>> ons just perfect. >> little josie describes an incident where she bit a cousin. >> i bit andrew, but i didn't even notice. i just did -- but i look at the tv. >> that was aed by hard to follow. >> yeah, right. >> josie finding her words, finding her vocabulary andet to the chatty stage of her age of her growing up. she's got other cute videos out there, too. like this one. >> josephine, wake up. >>erneath the shopping cart. well tell as you little bit more about her growing-up process, we're joined "right this minute" by josie and dad. eric, hi, guys. so josie,you think about your new-found internet
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>> is all of this attentionving you a headache, josie? >> dad, maybe you can fill in some of those blanks for us. >> it's been interesting. i can't compare it to anything we've ever experienced, it's been fun. we meet people from all over the but to remind you of how small the world is and how connected we are with computers and technology. it's been a wild ride. >> why do you think josie seemed to really capture people's >> that's why. >> i mean she's got a cute face. she's very animated. and -- it's just her, it's herity. we'll keep her, i think. >> who are you wearing? because i love that pink leather jacket. is that your tv clothes? >> maybe. i go to school. >> what have you learned about biting? >> just nothing. >> are you supposed to bite people on purpose?
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>> should you bite people accident? >> i did a card. >> show them the card that you made for the person she bit. >> that's how you do it, josie. >> that'ss for her cousin, drew, who she bit. it's a little valentine. >> and it's for my cousin, too. >> did you bite her? >> glad we clarified. >> clarified. thanks for watching, everyone, hope you caught that
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(donkey sound) (elephant sound) there's a big difference between making noise, (tapping sound). (elephant sound) (donkey sound) when it comes to social security,n lip service. our next president needs a real plan to keep social security strong. (elephant noise) hey candidates.
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