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tv   Teen Kids News  ABC  February 13, 2016 5:30am-6:00am EST

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to "teen kids news." i'm veronique. here's this week's top story. as much as life would be great if we never had any issues with our family and friends, the fact is issues happen. and too often and too quickly,ems. emily gets some advice on how to deal with conflicts. >> we've all experiencedven our closest friends.
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like, stopped talking to me. me. >> since we're such close friends, we argue a lot because we spend so much time together. >> but usually, like, if have a disagreement, we might, like, blow up about it. handled resolving the conflict well, or would you have wanted some advice on how to fix the situation?hought the issue was really bad, and i was very upset about it, but then once i started making new friends, i got over it really quickly, and i don't even think about it anymore.t pretty well because we're still really good friends today. we hang out a lot. so that's good. >> i wish i had, like, just ace on, like, how to make it better, i think. yeah. >> getting into an argument is easy. what's hard is preventing ito resolve it before you damage your friendship. author and therapist melissa cohen is here with some advice. here. >> if i'm having a problem with a friend, is that a sign we
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>> of course not.nd it's inevitable. it's something that we all do. it's just how we deal with the conflict that's ways that people deal with conflict. so let's start with one of the most common responses -- avoidance. >> avoiding. over and forgetting it ever happened. it's very common. >> then there's >> accommodate means that the relationship is more important than the issue, so we tend to let it go. >> force is next.nd too promising. >> no. this is when we'll do anything to win at all costs. we want it our way or nothing else. opposite of winning at all costs -- compromise. >> compromise is when we give a little and we get a way. >> finally, there's collaborate or negotiate. >> okay, this is when we workth
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>> okay. so, summing up, the ways most people deal with conflict are... with those in mind, what suggestions do you have to help us deal with conflict? >> well, first and foremost, we need to make sure that everyone down. then we need to listen because every situation has multiple perspectives. however, there are a couple of to have a positive negotiation outcome, and the first one is to speak to the person directly. do for you because you never know what they're gonna say. number two -- take the time to calm down. this is also your opportunity to ask questions. number three -- use "i" statements when telling people how you feel.i feel angry when you ignore me." four -- apologize.
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responsibility. and number five is to come together to work out a creative solution. come up with a few and then can implement. >> just so we're clear, let me give you some real-life situations, and you tell us how you'd resolve the conflict.ou of about her. >> first, if you did it, apologize. your own rumors. unlikable. then work with the person to find out where it all started. room, one of you. >> okay. even though your first inclination is to push back, don't.down. remove yourself from the situation. when everybody's calm, then you guys can talk about it. thanks. >> thank you. thanks for having me. >> clearly, we can't always avoid running into a conflict.g it
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for "teen kids news," i'm emily. >> "frenemy" isn't a real word.ow what it means. it's what's called a blended word because it's made up of two other words -- in this case, another popular blended word is "bromance," comprised of "brother" and "romance."o guys who get along well. it seems that new words are being created all the time and then made popular bymedia. guess you could call that "telsociedia"? or maybe to protect all of us from a serious threat. i'll have the story
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>> for this next story, you need to understand that the word "vulnerability" means a kind of weakness -- a weakness that can make you a target. a computer system makes it a target for hackers. if you read the headlines, you
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be vulnerable. cyberattacks, as they're called, are a real danger. and that brings us to eric's report.ont lines of future battles against cyberattacks. these teens are among the winners of the nationalmpetition, also known as the cyberpatriot competition. >> we put the two terms together -- "cyber" becauset, and "patriot" because we're teaching good citizenship -- and you end up with "cyberpatriot." >> to compete at the finals in meet challenges back at home. >> after three online rounds of competition in which they're judged on how well they fix28 teams are selected and flown here, all expenses paid, to the national capital, where they competehe other teams that have qualified for the national finals competition. >> at the finals, the teams had to ward off cyberattacksal engineers.
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[ drum roll ]tilly academy. [ cheers and applause ]me more than awards and scholarship money. they also take home a deeper understanding of the importance of protecting our computer systems. the internet. and we put all of our important stuff on, you know, files on the computer or something, so it's really important to know how to protect them.ay to keep everybody safe. just like police on the street, how they keep everybody safe, it's the same way through the internet.r force association, the competition is sponsored by northrop grumman. it's a company that specializes in protecting us from cyberattacks.ook for in future professionals in the cybersecurity business isn, communication.
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in action, they're demonstrating all of those skills.of the cyberpatriot competition is to inspire more teens to become interested in stem -- science, technology, along with cybersecurity, these are all considered vital to our nation's future. for "teen kids news," i'm eric. attacks on 9/11 may have happened before some of us were born, but they are still a very powerful andy. after years of controversy, one world trade center was finally completed. it now soars aboveine, towering a symbolic 1776 feet. two world trade center has also had a rocky start.began in 2010, it was halted. the building has now been redesigned. slightly shorter than number two features a stair-like exterior, grassy rooftop terraces, and large glass interiors. d by
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of the 9/11 attacks. >> this important message isnational road safety foundation. [ bell rings ] >> all right, guys! >> so, guess what!rday! >> are you going? >> yes. let's all go together. >> oh, that sounds awesome! [ engine starts ] >> okay. so, you know the themespirit., everything spirit... >> rachel! rachel! >> so, red and black... >> hey, rache! >> seriously? >> oh, yeah, face paint! rachel, you have -- >> rachel -- >> rachel -- [ echoing ] [ heart beating ] >> choking -- it can happen to anyone anywhere.
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>> knowing what to do in a medical emergency can be lifesaving. th
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>> attila the hun, jazz musician tommy dorsey, and the man who wrote the play "streetcar named desire," -- they all had one thing in common. they choked to death. >> choking is very common, and with the proper training, yousomeone who might be choking. >> what is choking? >> choking occurs when something gets stuck in your throat. >> how do you know if someone's choking? make any noise, they can't cough, speak, breathe, then they're choking. they might even be making the universal choking sign, but it somebody's coughing or making any sort of squeaking sound, they're not actually choking. it's just the body trying to get the object out. >> so, what do we do?end cami here. she's gonna help us learn what to do if somebody is conscious and choking. so, first, i need to make sure
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are you choking, cami? she might nod or make a big face at me. i'm gonna tell someone else to call 911, 'cause i want to makey. and i am gonna place one of my arms across her chest and have her bend forward, all the way, at the waist. and then i'm gonna find a spothoulder blades and give five really forceful back blows right in between the shoulder blades.mi back blows, 'cause she's not actually choking, but in real life it would be really forceful. if that doesn't work, i'm gonna have her stand up.n you show me your belly button? just point to it." perfect. i'm gonna make a fist. thumb side of my fist goes right. grab my fist with the other hand, and i'm gonna give five abdominal thrusts to force air underneath the object.cooping motion when you're actually giving the abdominal thrust. if that doesn't work, i would go back and forth, back and forthgo and abdominal thrusts to try and get the object out till the ambulance arrives.
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>> come on over.e've confirmed she's choking. we've sent someone to call 911. take one of your arms all the way across and have her do what? >> bend over for me, please. >> great.ulder blades. >> right up here. great. and it would be one, two, three, four, five., so stand her up. what do we need to find? >> her belly button. >> great. yes. beautiful. good. and how many? >> okay. so one, two, three, four, five. great. and hopefully that works.p going till the emts get there. and how are you feeling now, cami? [ laughs ] >> a lot better. you need to act fast. it's literally a matter of life and breath. for "tkn," i'm tip that's more than 5,000 years old --
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honey is not only lower ina number of other added benefits to help increase energy and memory retention. sweet. a baseball star, a bit chubby and not particularly attractive. but he changed sports forever.
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>> he's probably the first superstar of the name george, he was better known to fans as "the sultan of swat" or "the bambino" or more simply as just "babe."ur of a museum in baltimore dedicated to baseball's most famous player. >> he was, you know, the biggest. new york. he kind of was the emblem for the roaring '20s of america.aced him for the exuberance with which he lived, the dynamic, the spirit that he had.ews back
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and not just on the field. he was in movies, in comic underwear. a candy bar believed to be named after him is still popular today -- the baby ruth.just some of the fascinating exhibits you'll see here, at the babe ruth birthplace museum. this is the actual buildingn. >> thousands of visitors from all around the world come every year because ruth is not justbut he is important to the game of baseball wherever it's played. he established all of the slugging records in baseball.g on as a home-run hitter, he would frequently out-homer what entire teams were able to put up in a single all-star caliber pitcher, so there was no other player in history who has ever done that. >> it's thrilling to get athe babe's professional career, but his personal life as well.
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grandparents' bedroom. here and gave birth to babe, but also to seven other kids because back in 1895, and at that time frame,did -- they gave birth at home. >> don't let the dainty room and baby picture fool you. ge a gritty life. his parents ran a saloon, and young george ran kind of wild. when he was just 7, his send him to school for problem kids. >> the state was threatening them and saying, "we're going to make him a ward of the state,," so they put him in st. mary's, which was run by a group of catholic brothers, and it was known for discipline.f an education, as well. >> fortunately, st. mary's also was known for its baseball team. catcher's mitt from st. mary's industrial school. >> he was scouted for the orioles, a minor league team back then.e baseball card, now worth hundreds of
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the guy next to him is jack dunn, the owner of the baltimore orioles.ung that, in order to hire him, dunn had to become george's legal guardian. >> they go to spring training, and the baltimore sun startsth as "jack dunn's baby," and by may of that year, it had beenh." >> soon, fans could tune in to radio broadcasts of the babe pitching for the boston red sox.aluable as a slugger. he moved on to the championship yankees and stardom. but he always made time for his fans, especially young ones.y stories about the babe coming home from yankee stadium after a game, and he would stop the car if he saw a game of ball going on, and getkids because he just was like that. >> babe ruth had a heart as big as yankee stadium. mike told me the story of babe'sf a rare disease. it was a promise that seems to
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>> over here, you see a bunch ofgned by babe ruth, but the one second in from the left is the ball that babe ruth signed and he made the prediction that he would hit a johnny sylvester in the 1926 world series, and this is the ball where he writes the prediction.l, he writes, "i'll knock a homer in wednesday's game for you." and he hit three. the game on the radio and he gets better. >> in the 1932 world series,st famous home runs in history -- "the called shot." the yankees were playing in chicago. the cub fansrs were booing the bambino. >> i'll never forget it was a tough series...both clubs riding each other, doing everything to well, after this one... >> after two strikes, ruth says, he wanted to send a message. >> and at that point, he points.him
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spectator. legend has it he was showing just where he was going to send the ball.ess, the next pitch comes in -- it is low and away -- and ruth goes down and gets it and hits the longest home run in the history of wrigley field.on't believe he was really calling the shot. they claim he was pointing at something else. but ruth would always say hen flag, and that's where he hit the home run. do you think he called the shot? >> oh, yeah. yeah, he called it.erybody that something big is gonna happen, and it did. to go where very few people visit. you can call it the vaults of sports history. p[music]p>> dr. charles stanley: and the pwonderful thing about god is, he pdoesn't cause us to measure up
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pgod takes our inadequate areasses them to do psomething in our lives that's pworthwhile.
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>> camden yards is where the
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babe ruth could probably have blasted a long ball right on stop on our tour. >> well, scotty, this is our other building. this is kind of like a state sports museum. it's called "sports legends,"t of babe ruth in here, too. come on. i'll show you around. >> maryland's great teams and here. but mike and i were on a mission, so there was no time to huddle. >> [ chuckles ]t all kinds of amazing displays on our way to something even more amazing. >> a place that you willof your life. come on into this room. this is kind of a special space.ves. and this is where we process all of the 10,000 artifacts that we have in our museum, but theput into safekeeping comes back into
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look at the vault. >> the vault is jam-packed with sports history -- from the recent past...cleats are here. >> way back when. football players, olympians --k in sports, they're remembered here. >> you can see the baltimore orioles are represented in here, the baltimore ravens are here,ere, so anything and everything to do with the state of maryland and sports is here, but there's onet you might be really interested in seeing, and that's a babe ruth game-used bat. >> of course, a bat thishandled with care. >> the first thing i have to do is i have to put on my special gloves -- i want you to put on we deal with artifacts in the museum world, we don't want to get our hand oil all over the artifactts the artifact. okay?
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that babe ruth used in the yearns -- 1927. so this bat is very special you see that it has seven notches on it. we're not sure if that's >> [ chuckles ] >> ...that he achieved with this. anyway, grab ahold of that. that's a pretty valuable piece of turf you got there right now. louisville slugger. can see -- "george 'babe' ruth" -- personalized. >> well, it's as if the power of the babe is still in the bat.olding a piece of history in your own hands. not only did babe ruth set all sorts of hitting and home-runecords for missing the ball. but as he used to say, "never let the fear of striking out get in your way."a great philosophy not only for baseball, but for life as well.
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program, and we hope you join us again next week for "teen kids news."
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as windchills dip below zero, protecting cleveland's most vulnerable becomes more difficult. we'll introduce you to some of the faces helping to keep the homeless safe. messages of hate. swastikas and obscenities cover more than a dozen cars at one local dealership. we start off with a live look at downtown cleveland across the shores of lake erie. it just looks cold outside. beautiful image, but don't be deceived. welcome to this saturday edition of good morning cleveland. i'm nick foley alongside meteorologist janessa webb. the story of the day is the cold.


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