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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  February 28, 2016 2:35am-3:04am EST

2:35 am
f the question. which might be interesting if your permission entered into it. i have to counsel against this. why is he still here? give us a moment. (papers rustle) (door squeaks and closes) do i really have to do this, what i do? look, i am on trial for my life here, and i'm losing! answer a single-- ng. you haven't leveled with me for six months. what do you want to know? why are you doing this for me? you're my client. about my clients. you knew my name how did you know? how did you know? that's not an answer!
2:36 am
i have to produce for you. i don't do lost causes or tilt at windmills. i don't perform miracles or the impossible. i make cold calculations about difficult situations, on anything i know i won't win, and i will win this! i just need you to trust me. i will not let you die in here. ersations) we just worked out a plea. oh, really? congratulations. for who now? because you no longer represent my client. it's a good deal, olivia. e life sentences. for the seven people she killed. except you're fired and there'll be no deal, if you can even call it that. you don't ever seem to know when to leave, do you? re not gonna win this, and i'm not saying that to rub your face in it. i'm saying it because i've been watching you sacrifice everything for this girl. you've been walking around on your shoulders,
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it could end you. i'm giving you an out here. take it. take the plea, olivia. ou in court, david. (projector and camera shutter clicking) (harrison) her client obtained the sex tape illegally, your honor. to an e-mail. an e-mail from someone who obtained the tape illegally. it's fruit from a poisonous tree. which would constitute perfect grounds for an injunction, your honor, except there is no proof ined illegally, which means there aren't technically any fruits to deem poisonous. what if the recording were made using government property? it wasn't. can you prove that? your honor-- counsel? copyright infringement. the government owns the recording device, so the government owns the tape. the government owns a sex tape? why not? it's an entirely legal business enterprise. it's pornography. . who are you to tell uncle sam he can't get his rocks off? (typing on keyboard) would you like me to explain it? that would ruin it for both of us.
2:38 am
ute. they didn't even have s.s.h. tunnel protection. morons. thank you. abby's got it. (panting) (door opens) we need to be concerned about? unh-unh. no, sirree. (gasps) (zipper unzips) you sure? our times. i'll watch it again just in case. i don't think you find anything else on shaw? uh-huh. uh-huh. (snaps fingers) abby. oh. right? yeah. we've got a problem. (remote control clicks) when i ask a client to tell me everything about themselves, i did. here's 12 things you didn't tell me about. (camera shutter and projector clicking) i wasn't filmed having sex with any of them. i . last week, you were seen with these three, two of them in hotel lobbies. it's not like they're prostitutes. you think that matters? it only took abby two hours to find these women.
2:39 am
the media's gonna wait before throwing these on the sexual bonfire? i am single. i date women. i enjoy their company. with any of that. nothing wrong with it if you want to be a one-term congressman. i'm not an idiot, ms. pope. i am a grown man engaging in grown-up behavior because i have the freedom to do so in my right to privacy. i may be a one-term congressman with a head of hot air and lollipop dreams, but i believe our elected officials the people who elected them rather than spending all of their time mudslinging and politicizing every damn issue in this town. (knock on door) (harrison) i tried everything. judge wasn't biting. tape's going viral tomorrow at noon. so what do we do now? even more excited about what's in this envelope than i am, so i won't keep torturing you two anymore. just tell us already. (laughs) all right. america's baby is... a boy.
2:40 am
a baby boy. i am so glad. i am just so glad, in light of this wonderful news, with a baby boy about to be born into our family, husband and his administration believe in doing whatever is necessary in east sudan to protect those mothers and their beautiful children c genocide that is happening. (sighs) i'm so sorry. mones. (huffs) (kimberly) have you come up with any names yet? to discu-- just... oh, fitz. i understand that you're upset, but there is no reason for you-- you ambushed me on live tv, you tried to force my hand, child to do it. i simply did what i always do, which is help you get the result that you need. they're saying this might be the highest-rated news broadcast on any network in years and i struck just the tone you need with the public--
2:41 am
no one elected you! you're not the president! foreign policy. your opinion doesn't matter! you are the first lady. and decorate rooms and let them blog about your clothes. functional. so don't come into the oval and try to use your brain, because no one cares. (sighs) you always did know just the right way to hurt me. i gave up my law career so you could run for office. i didn't have to do that. eciate it. i do. i understand that you might miss her, but taking it out on me... i'm not the one who changed. you are.
2:42 am
(sighs) i'm sorry. baby's kicking. do you want to feel? yeah. (sighs) ing. wait for it. it's coming. (sighs) happening now? the perfect brow. new brow drama pomade
2:43 am
crayon sculpts and tames as it colors, in one easy swipe. brow drama pomade. make it happen. maybelline new york from maybelline new york... false lash impact with dramatic pushed-up lift. up drama mascara. dare to compare false lashes versus falsies push up drama... do you dare?ush up drama. maybelline new york. i sure had a lot on my mind when i got out of the hospital after a dvt blood my li'l buddy? and what if this happened again? i was given warfarin in the hospital but i wondered if this was. then my doctor told me about eliquis. eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots and reduces the risk of them happening again.uis treat dvt and pe blood clots, t but eliquis also had significantly less major bleeding v than the standard treatment. knowing eliquis had both...d my thinking. pdon't stop eliquis unless your doctor tells you to.
2:44 am
in rare cases fatal bleeding. pdon't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve ng. pif you had a spinal injection while on eliquis pcall your doctor right away if you have tingling, numbness, or muscle, you may bruise more easily... pand it may take longer than usual for bleeding to stop. pseek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. ptell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. v eliquis treats dvt & pe blood clots. major bleeding. both made switching to eliquis right for me. ask your doctor if it's right for you. windows spotless and clear! go see my big fat greek wedding 2 and learn how to use windex the right way on weird stuff! not on windows!s? i do! i'm okay! only kraft natural cheese a
2:45 am
so whatever you make, is creamier than ever. johnson's, the products in our bath time routine work together like a team. a combination designed to help improve your baby's skin barriere his senses. johnson's . so much more eryone. (telephone rings) a boy. (mellie gasps) (fitz) a baby boy. what? (fitz) it's me. rly, i am just so glad. i am so gl-- (click) hello? hello? t's a secure line. hello.
2:46 am
hi. you can't call me. t? i know that. i can't call you. i can't talk to you. i can't see you. we can't do this. we can't do this. what did i say? i know. .. no. pretend i'm somebody else, somebody you hate. hang up. you hang up. did you see it? ewing. (laughs) (chuckles) mellie rang
2:47 am
ren, ladies and gentlemen. and the crowd goes wild. they love her. she's a rock star. invade east sudan? you know what i think about? force base who unload the planes that carry the coffins. there's a whole section of the military dedicated to returning soldiers killed in combat to their families for burial. are sitting at their desks somewhere twiddling their thumbs, collecting a salary for doing nothing. best waste of taxpayer dollars i can think of. de, fitz. i know that. mellie's genocide quote is going to be everywhere. i know that. you want to know what i'd do? no. (laughs) f it.
2:48 am
she boxed you into a corner on the war. use what she said to scare the crap out of kinyazi and the east sudanese army. u orchestrated mellie's ringing of the genocide bell and buy yourself some time to decide what you want to do. don't let them push you. there's only one leader of the armed forces, zgerald grant. if you go to war, it's because you want to go to war. i hate you. (sighs) good night, olivia.
2:49 am
(projector and camera shutter clicking) how much time we got before capital spill posts the footage? about three hours. why? the tape. ourselves? right now, before they get a chance to. (shaw) why would we want to do that? we can get ahead of this. use it. it's all about controlling the narrative. we e-mail the footage to a bunch of friendly sources. a celebrity gossip site so it doesn't have the stink of politics on it. get ready. first couple of hours, there'll be blood in the water. our top story, congressman jacob shaw is dismissing calls for resignation. the ethics committee is meeting today le an alleged... the guy may not talk softly, but he carries a big stick is all i'm saying. so right off the bat, you're contrite, apologize to the voters. (reporters shouting at once) congressman shaw, who's the girl? rong. this office belongs to the people of the great state of rhode island, and i work very hard days to represent their interests in a manner that's respect. and i'll do everything i can
2:50 am
we'll use the media attention you want to discuss. that while it's my own fault onal joke, we're talking about my sex life instead of the 46 million americans who are currently without health insurance. rs shouting at once) and then it's up to you. we toss it down the middle, out of the park. congressman? before we jump off this cliff. to notify your staff, it's best if we-- the girl on the tape. it's hers, literally. and the other call? my mom. rds) (woman) police are still on the hunt for the alleged thief. in other news, congressman shaw, seemingly undaunted by the media attention rating, today taking the opportunity to talk about his education reform plans. political pundits are loving shaw's bob-and-weave performance, exactly what to do when your candidate gets caught with his hand in the proverbial cookie jar. (jimmy kimmel) have a seat.
2:51 am
they are on. they are recording us right now, so try to keep your pants on. (audience laughs) they got to 'em, liv. security feed. you can see the grand district entrance clear as day... (turns tv off) but someone erased a bunch of footage. there's no sign of quinn or the guy that took her. th the jury reading? i overheard juror number five on their cell phone. they're set to hang her. we're gonna lose. (clears throat) (quinn) someone must have seen something-- i woke up across the country with a new name. that doesn't just happen. it doesn't just-- he's gone. whoever made you quinn perkins is gone.
2:52 am
it sounds like i made it up. ler with a crazy psycho story to cover her ass. (sniffles) you think i made it up? 't matter what i think. it's all about the jury. they come back with a guilty verdict, we appeal. that doesn't work, we appeal again. you know how this goes. you know how we do. remember? make you say it. gladiators in suits. that's right.
2:53 am
i know. it's been a while. but... this thing. (woman) that concludes the testimony in this case. e would, at this time, move for judgment of acquittal based on our earlier assertion that the government evidence is circumstantial... r didn't salready? and does not support the charges. it's another pro forma motion before closing. defense can try it twice. it never works. motion granted. except when it does. what the hell?! order. your honor, on what grounds? i agted by the people has been largely circumstantial. and because of that, to prove its case. this trial is concluded. order. this--no, i would like to see you in your chambers. counselor, do you want to be held in contempt? i said this case is over.
2:54 am
2:55 am
carry the centimeter, something something something... [ beeping, whirring ] and now
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shows people policy options to help fit their budget. yeah! people really do save an average of over $500 i mean about you inventing it. i invented the story, and is so...
2:57 am
(indistinct shouting) every reporter in washington's out for your blood. david-- no, you don't get to do that-- ill ali and holmes, sparring partners by day, drinking buddies by night. what happened today wasn't sparring. it was me putting on boxing gloves by godzilla before i even entered the ring. i had the motive. i had the evidence. i had the jury. i won this case. ak you out through the back. i know you did it. i don't know how. but i'm gonna find out. ing at once) (projector and camera shutter clicking)
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back channel to the east sudanese. tell them mellie's statement was part of a p.r. strategy to rally the country and our allies and show that i am willing to spend every cent of my wife's political capital-- all of fort knox-- on shutting down his death squads ests in the region. then leak it to the "times." use the first lady's press secretary, and make sure he's quoted on record. i want her office saying she followed my orders. it's a good plan. . it's a great plan. it's not a plan. it's a cover. it's a lie. it's defense-- the consequence of being sabotaged by my own wife, but notice you looked rather pleased about. it's getting awful drafty around here, cy-- leaks flowing out, special interests flowing in. se when that's your job? why am i cleaning up your mess? mr. president-- if we go to war, it's because i want to go to war. 's ass if my approvals sink below charles manson's, no one-- not you, not mellie, not america's baby,
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no one tells ion to war. am i making myself clear? crystal. good. nt to give me a time-out? fine. great. my garden's a weed patch. i haven't seen james in weeks. i'd relish the chance to get home before midnight. but before i go tend to my roses, plan of yours, this great plan... it's not yours. it's olivia's. and as lb descriptions here, keeping your wife on her leash, that's not in mine. (door opens) (camera shutter and projector clicking) quinn will be released in an hour. i want a car waiting. at her apartment 24/7. there are protesters outside the courthouse. we're not taking any chances. really? we're not gonna talk about what happened? .
3:00 am
no, it doesn't. the jury was set to convict. you see their faces? they were as shocked as we were. we won this case. mm. live. our client, a 28-year-old girl, is going to live. and despite popular opinion around here, seriously? that trial was a joke. you know it, i know it, olivia knows it. she won't say it is 'cause she also knows a whole hell of a lot more than she's letting on. what do you think, huck? from the molotov mistress? olivia says we trust her, we trust her. company man. i checked in to the first motel i could find. i-i needed to think. a deadly bomb exploded at cytron software company, the fbi and local police are looking for
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a 26-year-old attorney who... meone knocked me out. was romantically involved with one of the victims. (grunts) (muffled screaming) of course we'll have much more on this story as it develops. at this time... (continues typing) and a couple days later, i woke up in a d.c. hotel (gasps) mm. (sighs) , they were all there, just... laid out for me.
3:02 am
jector and camera shutter clicking) icks)
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she took it, everything we left for her. she's good to go. (gearshift clicks)
3:04 am
there are huge blind spots in these trucks. >> yeah, but where's the baby? where's the child? >> brace yourself.


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