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tv   2020  ABC  March 4, 2016 10:01pm-11:00pm EST

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it's paradise on theia coast. sand and surf. hot sun, hot bodies. but now, a dead body? >> body in my son's apartment. >> julie, killed inf this man's son. but sam, a bona fide catch with movie star looks, is nowhere to be found. >> there's no way it was not sam.
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bizarre clues? the victim wearing >> there was a message on the back of her sweater. >> tonight, "20/20," taking you clues. a wedding za delivery. >> it's beyond diabolical. >> and a manhunt that turned into a >> nobody knows who this guy is. >> everything is going crazy, i'm freaking out. >> neighbors? are the song birds about to start singing on each other? >> don't, down, >> are they sticking to the script, or going off it? way off?
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iso hear? >> tonight, you'll hear the truth in apartment i'm david muir. >> and i'm elizabeth vargas. imagine you're living in an apartment y struggling with the loss of their beautiful young daughter. that's just the start of the d tonight, all eyes on what happens next. life or death, for the villain? here's jim avila. e picture of today's american girl. an immigrant's daughter. dancer, college student, and free spirit, julie kibuishi. born in southern california, thriving in the golden sunshine,e heritage but thoroughly embracing what it means to be 23 along the beaches and freeways of the o.c., e county, california. >> i would say julie is
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japanese girl. she liked to sometimes bow, just for kindness.ess. that's the word you hear over and over to describe julie. a quality no one ever expected could be her undoing.11. apartment. >> is it female or male? >> female. >> reporter: it couldn't be julie -- could it? the innocent, lively, creative e of friends, most of them known well by her parents. >> and her friends and the people she hung out wi >> no. >> reporter: nothing really for a mother to worry about. >> my kids, they didn't go anywhere that they should not never met the new man in julie's life, 26-year-old sam herr, older and much more experienced in the community college.
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a hero, with bradley cooper ghanistan and is now home in orange county pursuing his college degree and a little fun along the way.arious, and by all accounts easy to like. >> i will be taping this for my mommy back home. happy-go-lucky, um, you know, just a big galoof. >> reporter: larry gonzales grew close to sam in the military, and was in the trenches of afghanistan with him at camp keating, a remote outpost under constant fire. >> it can range anywhere from >> reporter: and all those months on the front lines had an effect on sam herr. like too many of our returning wed signs of ptsd. reuben salas is a marine combat veteran and one of sam's best friends. >> he'll have those nightmares.r: that's got to be pretty scary, huh?
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traumatic. >> reporter: two outgoing 20-somethings from different the life in southern california. julie, the passionate dancer with enough talent to be accepted at the prestigious orange county school of the y peca-dolan taught her for five years. >> she was very compassionate and warm, and talented as well, o watch onstage. >> reporter: it is the same school where "glee" star matthew morrison learned his craft. everybody >> reporter: take a look at julie in performance. athletic, flexible, dynamic. >> reporter: julie wasn't just artis struggling. they met in anthropology class, so she volunteers to tutor him. sam's parents steve and julie and sam were good for each other. >> she looked up to him.
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tutoring him in that class. >> reporter: and they were friends, right? >> i said, "sam, is there anything going on with you and julie?" and he says, "absolutely not, dad. she's like my kid sister." >> what's going on, sir?r: but on this spring night in the o.c., kid sister is in big trouble in sam herr's apartment. >> there's a what? >> a body, a dead body. >> a dead body?r? >> man, im sure. she's cold.'s lifeless body is sprawled across the bed. that's sam's dad steve making the breathless 911 call.d to come to our house for the weekend. saturday came, we hadn't heard from sam. and throughout the day, i was calling his phone. but his phone would just -- it was phone off. and i said, "honey, i'm going to drive on down to sam's. make sure everything is okay." and i had the key to his apartment. i walked in.t,
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i looked around. i called, "sam." nobody. >> yes, yes. she's in the bedroom. it looks like there was some sexual activity. she's dead. there's blood from her head. >>t i could see -- unfortunately, i hate to say -- the clothes were ripped off. >> does your son know who it is? >> no, he's not here. jesus, honey. walk into his >> correct. >> reporter: and there's a dead woman there. >> reporter: what's going >> initial thought is, sam, what happened? what happened?id you do? >> reporter: but sam, who outwitted and survived the taliban in afghanistan, was not around to answer.ectedly off the grid. >> the motive for the murder is still not known. >> samuel herr hasn't been issued an all points bulletin for sam herr, a combat veteran suffering from flashback nightmares. >> ptsd is very -- very much in minds. >> reporter: so you knew he knew how to use a weapon?
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dangerous comes in where he's missing. and there's a possibility that he has weapons with him.hing that you heard about him pointed to sam as being the guy. >> there's absolutely no way that it was not sam.k at the crime scene, her cell phone is constantly beeping with text messages. her taylor swift ringtone presence. her mother june is searching for the good daughter who never is out of touch. >> i don't know even know how many times i text her.ill asleep or are you --" you know, "are you okay?" and no, "what's going on?" >> reporter: when we come back, what the killer writes on her back that points to a love triangle. was julie caught between two lovers?'s a dead woman in my son's apartment and he's missing. i get it. the suspicions are going to be
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4 tt2watv# 1t" "a@q]=p tt2watv# 1t" bm@qv6\ tt4watv# 1t"" entq 7?t tt4watv# 1t"" gzt& .8, tt4watv# 1t"" hnt& >6@ 8 tt4watv# 1t"" jntq f/x tt4watv# 1t"" lzt& ^b$ "20/20" continues, with mystery in apartment going to start off with a shocking
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it's out of california. is murdered. a gunshot to the head found in her friend sam herr's bachelor pad apartment. there's no sign of struggle here. no sign of sam. by couple of books, a combat how-to and the other on the wonders of sex. out back, a barbecue on the in its place, and on the counter, a wedding invitation for sam's downstairs neighbors, his good friends -- actors dan wozniak and rachel police have released a photo and vehicle description hoping to locate a 26-year-old man suspected of killing.a, in the heart of orange county, a city of just over 100,000. it averages just two murders a year. but on this may night with a , lieutenant ed everett and detective jose morales walk into what looks like a slam dunk of a
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love triangle. right as you walk in to that doorway, you can see julie's body positioned on the bed.s the condition of her body? >> she had one gunshot wound -- top center of the head. she was wearing a tiara. >> reporter: a tiara. when julie is murdered, she is wearing a crown. it was one of the happiest nights of her life.e's mother june last saw her daughter as she practically bounding out the door. >> his fiance e asked her to become a bridesmaid. she gave her the tiara.hat was pretty special for her too, right? >> yes. she didn't want to take it off. >> reporter: it was getting late on that special night. she hadn't intended on seeing sam. but he was texting her text ll on her phone when police found it near her body in sam's apartment. >> the text messages were very important. >> reporter: sam texts he is out helping his downstairs neighbor dan wozniak. on funds,
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over how he'll pay for his wedding. helping dan, then headed to folks for weekend.o hours later, sam seems suddenly in distress. texting julie, can you come over tonight at midnight alone. very upset. need to, i really just want to talk. i need someone i trust." julie responds, "i'm here for " and those were not the only messages on the night she was murdered. police discover another more vile text.y the killer on julie's body. >> there was a message written on the back of her sweater. >> and as cleaned up as you can, what was the message? >> it was "f" you, all yours. >> reporter: the working police theory -- >> we looked at the phone and thought, "okay, maybe he's drinking, using drugs, and there was an incident and he just sexually assaulted her and -- and, you know, wound up killing her and
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to find sam. >> police say the 26-year-old has disappeared.cle sits outside his apartment but his vehicle is gone. >> his passport was missing. his car was missing. >> reporter: orange county senior deputy district attorney matt murphy is supervising the case from the first call, and says there is little mystery here. >> i'm looking at everything going, come on, you know, you're going to find sam, he's going to be our killer. >> reporter: the final clue for police and murphy. a big red flag. sam herr, the war hero's >> he's been in big trouble before. he was arrested for murder, he was tried for murder. >> reporter: a murder charge points to sam. >> squarely, absolutely.h a neon >> reporter: turns out sam had been accused as a very young man of luring a friend to a parking lot where he was killed by some gang members.s didn't stick, he was acquitted, but if you are a cop investigating a murder -- >> we thought, "okay, if he has
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>> reporter: two days after julie's body is found, the big pen monday. sam herr is leaving a digital trail. and his father steve, who is convinced his son could not be the murderer is conducting his on. >> at 11:59, 12:05. >> reporter: not looking for a killer, just looking for his elieve sam may be a victim himself. this is your investigative box. >> this is pretty much the investigative box. >> reporter: steve shares a banke his son saved $62,000 in combat pay. he's first to notice his son may have disappeared. but his debit card is not too far away. the computer, and i saw there was activity. so i assumed either sam or somebody was using it. >> reporter: that's just 20 miles away.o the bank, hanging around fruitlessly at the atm for hours, steve sees a
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his son's card is being beach location. ecco's pizza. >> so i went there, went to car. sat there for an hour. >> reporter: no luck. but the cops now have the same information, and they have the edge on steve, because they haveose little cameras above the atm machines. >> the bank sent us these videos -- it was a day or two later. surprised, who is this kid? >> it's not sam. his parents don't know who it is. nobody knows who this guy is.oving, baseball cap wearing stranger is draining sam's bank account. an accomplice? a kidnapper? a killer? stay with us. is... is a live photo of a cat.e more than just photos. they come alive when you touch them. and then they go back to still when you let go. take a picture,
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than just a photo. you get to relive the moment.orts you through space and time. i'm kidding. time travel is dangerous. en i rent a car, enterprise will pick me up? yep. wherever you need us. perfect. well, looks like my boyfriend's here! ahhhhh...m enterprise. rob and i can't stay! just wanted everyone to know so they could stop asking me about finding a nice boy... so let's go!s... let's go... ...dear. (vo) always going the extra mile. pick enterprise. we'll pick you up. (liz) sorry...han you think.
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is suddenly white hot. murder, sam herr, may be in police sights. sam's debit card is showing up in long and two pizza deliveries. but at the end of the trail, a mystery man, or more accurately -- a mystery boy.ised, like, oh, okay, who's this kid?estion. and to answer it, you have heard of follow the money, how about the cops are hungry to crack the case. and they know from the bank records their suspect is just hungry. >> a pizza's been delivered to a certain address in the city of long beach. >> reporter: a police copter overhead, undercover cops . police think finally, they may have found sam herr's hideout. >> i hear this helicopter circling. i'm like, what's going on? >> reporter: recognize him?is kid. his name? wesley freilich, the
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pictures taken at the atm.oarder, now at the center of a full-on s.w.a.t. team, helicopter-hovering raid, erer. at his mom's house, where he and it, half into a large pepperoni pie. >> i open the door and that's ove. sir, come here immediately. >> wesley was trying to be a tough guy in front of his friends.avity of the situation, that a murder was change of demeanor, started crying. >> i'm [ bleep ] myself.crazy. i'm freaking out. whole withdrawing money from the atm. >> reporter: police quickly rderer. but where's sam? my m shut and locked, and the police are assuming that he's in there. >> so we forced entry into that room to search it.there,
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time for young wesley to answer a few questions. >> i immediately told them everything.what happened. >> reporter: turns out, the atm runs for sam's cash were not wes' idea. he had a trusted friend, an older guy his mom, lorrie, met theater. >> oh, he's a cool-- he's a cool kind of cat that i would like to groove with. >> reporter: that cool cat is none other than dan wozniak. remember him? he's sam's broke, downstairs neighbor. at the apartment jacuzzi, and now dan is about to be married. he's currently starring in a l "nine." >> see what i mean?ells the authorities, dan gave him sam's atm card and pin number and fed him a story about using that card to collect money sam herr owed him.r-old with a hankering for free pizza might believe. >> yeah.
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paperwork, saying that this was gal, good to go and all they need to do is withdraw the money and make sure i wore a hat and glasses. >> reporter: so wes and dan dr the corner and down the block to the chase atm. where's he parked?e in that parking lot. >> reporter: so he can see what you're doing? >> yes. the cameras aren't seeing him, but the cameras are seeing me.rolls over to the atm on his skateboard. but at the machine, young wes has a little trouble. >> i skate across and come here i put the card in and gave me the pin. >> reporter: back at the car, wes says dan is jumpy. >> the first reaction actually was why'd i take so long and i g an atm, so i don't exactly know what i'm doing. >> reporter: he knew enough to
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similar amounts that he turned over to dan wozniak, who has rapidly become a suspect in the disappearance of sam herr, and a person of interest wishi died. at that point it's time to bring dan in? >> yes, it is. >> i had detective morales call , hey, we need you to come down. and dan said he wasn't available. he was at his bachelor party. >> reporter: the herrs and kibuishis are waiting for answers.d blows off the cops. >> these families, they're ex that a family could experience. at that moment daniel wozniak's on his way to his bachelor party. >> reporter: he won't come to them. so they go to with a couple of his friends and immediately when he saw me, you could see the blood drain from his face. he turned pale and immediately looked tell you everything. i'm sick of covering for sam. i'm sick of covering for him. i'm going to tell you everything. >> reporter: are sam and dan in
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where is sam?we know, there will be no celebration on this night for dan wozniak. he's under arrest and headed to -- and so are we. >> how was your life in danger? >> he threatened it! >> then all of a sudden, the pieces start coming together andl. >> you just told us you saw two bullet wounds. >> no, no, no, no. >> reporter: stay with us. shop kohl's...wls and saturday early birds... for the new sonoma goods
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continues, with mystery in apartment 410.
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a shakespearean twist. the affable baritone who sang musicals by day is in handcuffs tonight.ty theater crowd just loved him. here you are acting together? - >> reporter: wesley's mom lorrie freilich often performed with dan wozniak. >> he was just such a fun guy. he was fun. he was a good actor. >> reporter: the man who in between acts was planning his wedding his buddy sam's bank account to do it. >> reporter: did he have money problems? >> always had money problems. you know, constantly going from one job to is daniel wozniak, i'll be playing the role of -- >> reporter: money is a constant dilemma for dan. he's about to marry rachel buffet. is co-star in that musical "nine."
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and honeymoon. just as police are picking him up from his bachelor party and taking him to this interrogation here in this chair. >> reporter: it is to be a long night of questioning about how he came to possess and then nager to use sam herr's atm card. where is sam? >> i don't know. >> reporter: lieutenant everett has a prime seat in front of the monitors in the detective room. >> watch the interview and see if there's something that they may not be picking up on. >> reporter: what he sees is a performance worthy of nathan lane. my god. >> reporter: dramatic, sometimes even over the top. >> i don't know! i'm sorry. i don't know what else you want me to say. but first, a little
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stooge at the atm. >> he asked if it was illegal. i said, "no, no, no, don't worry." that was a lie.rogators aren't doing much interrogating at this point. they are just sitting back and watching the performance as the king without a script, desperately looks for an ending. he tells the cops on the night of julie's murder, his play went well and afterwards he and his ated. >> i took a shower, we had sex. >> reporter: but the morning after julie is killed, the plot thickens. to police, there is a knock at his door. >> opened am. i'm like, "hey, man, what's going on? is everything good?" he's like, "not good. i did something bad."did you do?" he's like, "there's a dead body in my apartment. i shot somebody. it was a fit of rage." >> reporter: that's dan's first story. he knows about julie's murder, helped sam escape, but had no
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the cops are not buying it. you're not that good of an actor. this is your chance to clear the air. >> reporter: zing. as cops were called in the old black and white movies are done just listening. now they are tightening. >> we need to get a swab from you just to eliminate you. >> eliminate me? >> it's in your best interest. so basically just open your mouth for me. >> reporter: thinking fast, dan invents an excuse that would cover his dna being at the murder scene.s in sam's apartment friday afternoon. >> okay. >> reporter: but then this actor without a script, moves to act sion of that night, but he loses his cool and makes a critical mistake. the cops hear it. see if you do.amn body. is that what you want to hear? >> no. we want to hear the truth. >> that is the truth.
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how'd your dna get on her?ight over the body. >> dna doesn't just fall off. >> i don't know. >> okay. >> i didn't touch her. i didn't do anything. >> what'd you see?her head. >> reporter: why did the two bullet holes bother you so much, that he knew that there were two bullet holes?we were in the apartment, we all looked, and it was only one visible to -- to our eyes. and then when he had mentioned he saw two gunshot wounds, i ere when she was shot." >> reporter: he must have seen or done with the actual two shots. >> right. he was there when she was killed.otcha music. dan wozniak has a lot of explaining to do now. >> you just told us you saw two bullet wounds. you were -- >> no. >> standing over her. >> no, no, no, no. okay. whoa, stop. >> it's exactly what you said, dan. >> you can't even keep your lies straight. >> his story kept changing.t his acting ability was going to
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and it wasn't doing it.s send wozniak back to his cell. with the gravity of the situation sinking in, he asks to call his fiance rachel. >> hello? >> reporter: it's a call that will finally bring down the curtain on dan's one-man show. >> i need to make a phone call to the detective now. >> why? >> reporter: why?as found out that dan's brother tim has incriminating evidence.eapon. and at some point, tim says, "hey, i got to -- i got to get rid of this. daniel's been arrested." >> she is going to the cops. >> i need to call him and let him know before they catch me on this recording device because it looks like i'm not trying to tell them right away. >> then i'm doomed. >> did you know that tim had some evidence? >> yeah. oh, god. oh, god.
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the truth. >> no, baby, baby, tim did speak up? >> only to me so far and it was in passing.e police station right now, danny's been arrested and he starts freaking out. >> no, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't. that can't be found. >> no, babe, i'm going to do it. me, listen to me, no. >> what? >> trust me, please. >> you realize they're recording this phone conversation anyways?te ass to try and lie again. let the jailer know, "hey, i need to speak to the >> r act. >> do you want to talk to us, yes or no? >> yes. >> okay. >> reporter: the chilling truth about sam herr. the war hero, from the voice of e he is. >> it was borderline fun. was that what you want to hear?
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as "20/20" continues. >> reporter: sunset at eisenhower beach, along southern california's riviera coast.r than this. it's where community theater actors dan wozniak and rachel buffet plan to marry and a cruise ship, right after their musical "nine" closes in a couple of days. has been a hiccup in their matrimonial machinations. >> eyewitness news reporter eileen frere is live in long beach with new information on >> reporter: dan may not make the nuptials. has a previous, but sudden -- and more pressing -- engagement with police. he's performing the final act. after 14 hours at the police station, he is about to admit that he killed not just one innocent, but two, in a macabre plot worthy of pulp fiction. to talk to me. what's going on?
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>> you did what? >> i killed >> okay. all right. >> i killed them both. >> reporter: dan wozniak labels himself a pathological liar, in a downward spiral for two years, admit to his beautiful fiance e he had no job, no money, was about to be evicted, and could not afford to marry her. had saved all his combat pay. and had an account that looked ed" for dan. >> $62,000 is unlimited wealth in the world of daniel wozniak. he's the perfect target. >> reporter: his war hero friend, sam, who out of kindnessm with his wedding, was actually the first to die. dan wozniak had the cold heart of a debt collector. wozniak's world, there was no problem in his mind murdering two people so he can go on a honeymoon.
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crime? , the liberty theater. backstage, beyond the lights, up in the dark, dank rafters, he lures sam to an unexpected, violent and then said we'll need to move something from the attic. >> and? >> and when he bent down, i grabbed the gun and i shot him. >> how many times?nce and he was still alive. >> where did you shoot him at? >> the back of the head as he was kneeling down. >> uh-huh. and then the second time? >> the second time he was down. king, saying i need help. >> what did he say to you? >> i need help. something hit me. it felt like an electric shock. >> uh-huh. and then what did you do?d fired again. >> reporter: and it's not over, by far. wozniak tells the interrogators --dder from the theater, his head and hands have been decapitated. >> reporter: lieutenant everett, watching his monitors in the detective room, is about to fall
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and said, did i just hear what i think i heard? >> okay. are the body parts there? >> no. >> where are they? >> the nature center in el dorado park.n your mind? >> i was actually smiling and laughing. >> he's laughing and smiling as he cuts off the head of this served his country so that he can go on a honeymoon? you know, it's beyond horrific. it's evil. absolutely it's evil.te all the terrible things these grizzled detectives have heard, there is something that bothers them even more. f an innocent near-stranger, julie kibuishi. >> julie is basically being killed to cover this thing up. ean, it's horrific. >> reporter: and here's what you didn't know until now. after killing him, dan wozniak nds julie those urgent texts to lure her to her death. >> julie was wearing, like, a crown tiara. she had just come from her brother's. have a key. let's go in. >> and? >> and then said, oh, by the
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bed? and when she was leaned over i put two bullets in the back of her head.u had to kill julie? that? >> seriously, to cover up sam. r up sam? >> to make it look like he was on the run and he did it. >> his plan is to make sam herr look like not only just a nd a crook. memory and destroy his reputation.s here in a heavily wooded area of this park. >> we had search teams broken up into different quadrants. , some went back here, some went in this part of the park. >> i transported them inside the backpack. i got plastic bags from mimi's cafe , put them in the backpack.e able to just full of body parts? >> he came in with just plastic trash bags and then kind of dug shallow holes and covered them s and the debris that you see around.
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after killing two people? this is that night's wrap party of "nine." center stage, a smiling wozniak. by the way, sam would have been 27 on the day he was found in the park. clearly, there was no party for ible day. >> okay. it's his birthday. and i remember waking up and ng, i'm praying they find my son's head. who can write a script on that? 's body was so unrecognizable it had to be identified by love. a tattoo on his chest, in honor of his parents. >> and it just said, mom and dad, in there. so it signified that i love you. >> right on his chest? >> right.very big, in -- this size. >> reporter: after the confession, the police recovered the backpack filled with
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sam's bloody clothes, his passport and wallet, and the gun even with all that, he pleaded not guilty. wozniak's trial, which ended just weeks ago, was quick and to the point. few witnesses, a summation, and, of course, dan's confession. >> it was all about the money. that was it.r: at the five-day trial, the defense had no opening argument. they called no witnesses. and in the closing, did not come close to using the word innocent, or ask for a ct. the jury wasted little time. >> we the jury find the defendant, daniel patrick wozniak, guilty in the first degree. >> this trial was not about whether or not he was guilty. he was guilty. >> reporter: guilty of two counts of first degree murder, aving the courtroom. because, next, this same jury must decide the bigger question.
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and on that question, the jury reveals it has some doubts. and you didn't want to be deadlocked. >> no. >> it was just an agonizing decision. >> to the couple wondering what a good deal looks like...
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seriously? it a 6 for composition. scary. wow, what about just putting a fair,e on the window? not zany enough? sometimes the best deals to see. my decision to make beauty last. roc retinol started visibly reducing my fine lines and wrinkles in one week. and the longer i use itorks. retinol correxion from roc. methods, not miracles. hi i' m kristie. and i' m jess. and we are the bug chicks.ess. windows 10 really helps us
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awesome bugs are. kids learn to be brave and curious and all kids speak the language of bug. " hey cortana, oh! this is so good. if you' re trying to teach a kid about a proboscis. just sketch it on the screen.have a touch screen on my mac, i' m jealous of that. you put a big bug in a kids hands and change their world view. [ laugh ] "20/20" continues, with mystery in apartment 410. lightning-like guilty verdict. five-day trial, two-hour deliberations.jury is called back to decide if the now 31-year-old actor and conman daniel wozniak should live or die. jury foreperson jenny wong. >> this entire proceedings was e, what's going to
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what's the penalty? >> reporter: prosecutor matt murphy challenges the jury to honor sam herr and h the man who not only killed them, but desecrated them. >> danny wozniak treated him like trash. he treated julie like trash.that i ask you to answer, in your verdicts, are they? >> reporter: daniel wozniak's defense is that he is not the st, that he is helping fellow prisoners now and deserves to live, to reform. and he's going to make a difference. is that a mitigating factor to you that warrants life? i hope so. split. >> it's very different, when you are the one sitting there almost literally pulling the trigger to decide it. but when the jury's thoughts turn to the surviving families, the doubt melts away.
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the rage, the anger that he had he penalty phase, that was just overwhelming.hotograph of the funeral for sam. >> reporter: his life was real to you. >> absolutely, mrs. kibuishi. you know, when she's talking about her daughter being a dancer and i'm thinking about my daughters. remember i'm sitting in my car and i'm sobbing over that testimony. >> reporter: if there is a time for a death >> it was not only beyond reasonable doubt, it was beyond any doubt at all. >> reporter: the final vote came quickly, in just over an hour.ath penalty deliberations on record. the family says justice was served, that the penalty to be imposed upon defendant daniel patrick wozniak to be death.put a man to death. and this is a really sobering
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with the rest of my life.ut, i said, can i live with this? and i said yes. >> reporter: and afterwards, ore relief than joy. >> it was so, so, so, so long overdue. but i can start healing.>> we feel like one closure to our nightmare chapter. >> reporter: to this day june kibuishi says her daughter's death makes her als of parenting. her soul now doubting that kindness always triumphs over evil. kids, be nice person. kind to other people. and if they need help you should help.ok my daughter's life. and that just killed me. you know, just --or sam herr, he
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dangerous places in the world. to be killed in one of the safest.led his best friends, and who today can find peace in only one spot.ave? >> every week. we go there, we bring chairs. i bring the newspaper. and then often i'll take a 10 or 15-minute nap. very feel good. the only time we talk is when i say, "bye, see you next week. we love you." yeah. the even though the jury has recommended the death penalty, the judge still has to affirm scheduled for next friday. and next week on "20/20," breaking point, heroin in take a look.
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the war playing out in suburban america. parents the alarm. young lives vanishing.n pills, and then heroin. david muir, the youngest victims.king point, heroin in america. >> one week from tonight, right here, how you can save a life. >> sotch. >> i'm david muir. >> and i'm elizabeth vargas.
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and breaking news in the death of a 3-year-old girl in canton. police have just charged the child's father and his girlfriend for little haley miku's death. it is a tragic turn of events that has left the community numb. >> homa bash has been following the story throughout the evening. she has late breaking developments. >> reporter: there are so many many details about what happened that police officers are still trying to wrap their heads around what they found. >> you never expect something like this. >> reporter: a tiny red piece of crime scene tape seals the home where paramedics found a nightmare inside. 3-year-old hailey miku dead. >> whether it be from hands or an object, it'll be for the


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