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tv   Nightline  ABC  March 5, 2016 12:37am-1:07am EST

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he shouldn't have been out heret damon you're a real sob. good night everybody. >> the mystery finally solved with a courtroom d you kill tammie myers. >> and the trial of the century. >> if it doesn't fit, you must acquit. >> the o.j. simpson murder the country fixated that the knife could be the missing murder weapon.
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still investigate the case that continues to captivate thetion.
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good evening, thank you for joining us.
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a mother shot and killed after a driving lesson. the mystery solved in court today. was road rage really the cause? here's deborah today in a las vegas courtroom, secrets finally revealed. >> did you kill tammie r: in the case that baffled the nation, it seemed like an instance of road rage. that las vegas mom of four supposedly followed home and gunned down. >> i crying saying mom's been shot. mom's been shot. >> all because of road tarkt geted. >> her family destroyed by grief. but was the first story in the headlines. >> apparent incident of road le story. >> wait, what happened? >> so much of this story has changed. >> a lot more complicated than the first reports of road rage. >> reporter: it's a cool thursday night in america'sdult playground, las
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but across town near another playground in a part of vegas where people actually live. >> she pulls in and sheand she's like i don't need you crashing the car. >> 44-year-old tammy myers is giving her daughter crystal her first driving 10:00 at night? >> i wanted to go at night because there's no cars around that you can possibly hit. >> crystal says her mom is to change lanes. she's going at a snails pace when an impatient driver appears in the rear view. >> i just noticed riding our bumper and he swerves around us and i honked the horn. >> that honk of the horn, something we have all done would crystal says the silver car suddenly sideswipes them. >> we had to stop really hard. >> who was this guy? do you know? >> no, i didn't recognize him. >> in a panic
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puzzle. everyone agrees that sometime after 11:00 two cars barrel down cul-de-sac where the myers live. that old buick and a four door sedan driven by a mystery man in hot purgun. >> you heard the shots. >> yeah i was looking and i heard the shots. >> did you know she had been hit. >> yeah. i was screaming. i said mom's >> the main doctor said, sir, your wife is not going to make it. i told my wife no matter what it takes, i'll find out who did this to you. >> later that here. you know what you did last night, you come here. >> angry bob myers stands before the camera saying there were as many as three killers incar. >> three guys wanted to plow into a mother of four and come back and shoot her and follow her home and kill end of today's news
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>> police say three suspects in a small silver car nearly collided with her green buick. >> as a makeshift memorial tammie myers is a victim in an endless incidents. but before she can have a funeral, she's about to be buried. >> it's like they were murdering daily. >> tammy meyers went looking for the driver. >> between the alleged road rage incident and the shoot out tammyh no one in pursuit and dropped off her daughter and instead of dialing 911 picked up her son brandon armed with a gun and wentroad. >> she tells her 15-year-old daughter to wake up her son who was in bed and have him come outside and get in the car with her so they can find whom while they were on the roadway.
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he says his mother was convinced that road rager was headed to the house to make good onreat. >> she said someone is trying to kill us. we need to go now. why don't we call 911. >> you said let's call 911. she said we need to get away from the trying to hurt us. >> he and his mom go back to where the road rage incident occurred and find nothing. but then just as theyurn by the junior high school he says they spot a silver car. >> boom, right here in front of us. >> she saw the silver car right it was literally right here in front of us. >> things would escalate leading to the shoot out with both brandon and the mystery shooter than 20 rounds. but the exact how and who of the incident still puzzles the police. that is until this woman picks up a call the police. >> i felt that i had to. >> were you conflicted? >> absolutely.
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>> caitlyn shared her storyely with abc news telling us that around 3:00 a.m. the night tammie died she got a call from her good friend, now 20-year-old eric, a pot dealer and wannabe rapper instagram photos. it was i need to come over. something important. >> how did he sound? >> shooken up. >> when he arrives at caitlyn's tells her he thinks he just shot a rival drug dealer in his neighborhood. >> the first words out of his mouth is i got them. >> then he showed you someyeah. >> he emptied his backpack and pulled out his gun and extra clips for the gun. days later caitlyn says she details when she was reading a article about the shooting. >> i didn't even finish the >> the police. >> she makes a wrenching decision to turn in her friend.
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show up at his house setting off an hours long >> right now we are in the tactical phase of attempting to take a suspect into custody. >> he finally gives up. >> you guys think thatg -- >> tells police during his interrogation that on the night of the shooting he was in the park across the street mistakinging car for rival drug dealers out to get him. >> i really thought these were the guys that have been threatening me the whole time. he says he hid and asked a up at the park to help him get away and then when they crossed path with tammy's buick he opens fire thinking he's protecting his i just started shooting them. >> he gave saves his biggest surprise for last telling police meyers is not only one of his he knows her.
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someone that was going to harm my family. not tunning relationship is confirmed for the first time with bob meyer's addresses the my wife spent countless hours at the park consoling this boy. she fed him. she gave him money. up. >> a big question still remains. who washen tammy meyers was shot. cell phone records leadrick andrews. owner of a silver audi that looks like this car in the security video. today they're side by side once again entering ane of the reasons you're pleading guilty to this charge is in truth and fact you are guilty of the charge. >> yes, your hono guilty to second degree murder and assault with a deadly weapon. and the driver of that silver car, derrick andrews pleading
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and voluntary >> did you know a shooting had taken place. >> yes i did, your honor. >> with that knowledge you drove him away from the scene of the crime? >> yes i did, it's a day bob meyers has long been waiting for. >> we're going to miss a great woman, great wife, great mother, great person. that won't be over for t of this will be. we can start the healing process. >> for nightline, i'm deborah >> next, the o.j. simpson case is back in the headlines. the nation fixated on an uncovered lopments in the police investigation. and fever, there's no such thing as a little flu. and it needs a big solution: an antiviral. ts, call your doctor right away and up the ante with antiviral tamiflu. prescription tamiflu isal that
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new possible evidence in the o.j. simpson case had the nation frenzy today. 20 years later america still transfixed by a baffling murder trial and missing weapon. in the long running o.j. simpson saga. >> today the o.j. simpson media circus was back in full simpson. >> o.j. simpson. >> earlier this morning the lapd saying it was in possession of a knife possibly connected to the murders of nicole brownd her friend ron goldman. >> that item has been recovered by robbery homicide investigators and it's been treated as we would all evidence. >> suddenly it was again. >> news crews started jock i canning for prime real estate here on rockingham avenue and
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started lining up theircks right here in one of the most affluent neighborhoods in the united states. >> an lapd officer now retired was handed that knife by aorker near the o.j. simpson property in the late 1990s. police say he held on to it for 18 years. story. >> at this point we have to take it at face value. >> right from the beginning there were speck ticks. >> this may just be >> the speculation about the knife brought the so-called trial of the century front and center yet again. >> let's go to a picture in los was over 20 years agatha 95 million people watched the police chase o.j. simpson's white bronco down the freeways of los angeles. five days earlier o.j.'s cole simpson and ron goldman were found brutally murdered. the murder weapon was never found. >> there was a white sheet over nicole and all i remember is my
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>> devastating. he was always a good kid. fun, he had a good sense of humor. >> o.j. simpson was arrested and tried forno details seemed to have been overlooked. the prosecution insisting there was an overwhelming amount of forensic evidence connectinge crime scene. his blood and dna at the murder scene along with a size 12 shoe print o.j. size and his blood in his bronco and in hispair of socks with nicole's blood but the bloody glove found at the scene of the crime, it didn't fit. >> if it doesn't fit, you must >> not guilty of the crime of murder. >> but 13 years later. >> we were just robbed at gun point by o.j. simpson. here please. >> he was found guilty of a different crime and is serving a 33 year sentence in a nevada
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he is eligible for parole next year. >> o.j. simpson could confess tomorrow in detail about exactly how he committed the murder and he still couldn't be retried of double jeopardy. >> over the years the simpson trial has never been far from our collective consciousness. kato lived in o.j. t house and was a key witness in the trial. >> what time was it when you got your food? >> >> just last year he spoke to barbara walters. >> in your opinion do you think that o.j. murdered nicole and ron goldman? >> in my opinion, yes, i think he's now even a hit tv tv miniseries airing on fx. the people versus o.j. simpson. >> i'm not a bad person. >> cubarring as o.j. simpson.
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what do have to hide. >> and marsha clark played byulson. >> we have a warrant for this man's arrest. >> the families of nicole brown simpson and ron goldman did not give up. they sued him in civil court. >> iched her neck. >> what do you mean you could have touched her. this was aviolent episode, wasn't it? >> yes it was. >> he was forced to answer the questions he did not answeriminal trial. these are deposition tapes aired on the a&e documentary. >> did you ever strike her. >> no. >> did you ever hurt her? >> >> did you ever physically hurt her? >> yes. >> he spent days hammering at the relationship with caused scars on her face, didn't you? >> that's incorrect. >> eventually simpson admitted to hurting nicole but wouldn't say how. >> you never hurt correct. >> no, i hurt my wife, yes.
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your hands. >> i never punched her yes. >> ever bruise her. >> yes. any marks that's on her i take fullfor. i don't know what else you want me to do. >> why. >> because i shouldn't have handled the situation the way i did. >> the goldman family won in awarded $33 million. money they say simpson never paid. >> zero from the judgment. he has never paid one single >> late tonight, law enforcement officials telling abc news their initial investigation shows the knife found on simpson's property is not the murder weapon. although testing to confirm. over the years investigators tell us they have checked out up to 150 knives. none of them connected to the murderswn simpson and ron goldman. for nightline, in los angeles.
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don't lie, to the big screen. shakira's new animated adventure in "zootopia." driving out on the open road together is great... but i think women would agree, getting home... to cuddle up with their man is nice too. but here's the thing: about half of men e degree of erectile dysfunction. well, viagra helps guys with ed get and keep an erection. ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain or adempas for pulmonary hypertension your blood pressure could drop to an unsafe level. to avoid long-term injury,lp for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing.out viagra.
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finally tonight, you may singer from the stage. now shakira is lending her voice in an entirely differ way. tonight what she has in common with her animated self. here'ssmith. >> she's an international pop
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with hits like hips don't lie. world cup anthem. and now shakira is provingg voicing gazelle in the animated film zootopia. >> put your paws up. >> my son is 3 years caught him singing the lyrics and i was so surprised because i never taught him. he absorbed them. i don't know when. but he was repeating them and he was so cute. >> ht to you by our parent company disney brings you all sorts of animals together in harmony with a message of inclusion and shakira's character is no surprise, a pop star. >> what input did you have in bringing your character to life? >> well, when thethe producers showed me me
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i said she was too fit. i said you got to put some meat on thet's my girl. >> i love the post you put on instagram. who wore it better? >> i wore it first. >> between film projects like this one and her family sn't had a lot of time for her music. but she says she'll be back in the studio your studio album be in the works? is this something that you're working on in 2016? >> yeah. it is. i've been among pass pacifiers and diapers and bottles lately but it's been healthy for me to take a little bit of distance from my career for a year and a half and nowake more music and now i'm dreaming about coming out with the best album of my career. that's what i would like.
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in theaters now. thank you for watching.morning america tomorrow. as always we're on nightline good night america.
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from hollywood, almost live, it's comics unleashed, with your host, byron allen. tonight byron welcomes wendy liebman, norm macdonald, robert schimmel, and deray davis. and now, a man who was almost adopted by madonna, byron allen. (drums playing) (audience applauding)


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