tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC March 16, 2016 11:35pm-12:37am EDT
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immy: hi, everybody. i'm the host, jimmy. thank you for watching. thanks to all of you for coming. a suburb of los angeles. los angeles, part of california. california, part of the united states of america. which according to the happiness report is the 13th happiest country in the world. we might have justth, i don't know. you know what the happiest country in the world is? denmark. [ cheers and applause ] danish people are the they're happy, they have a pastry named after them. the top ten were denmark, switzerland, iceland, norway, finland, canada, the aland, australia, sweden.
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illustrated" swimsuit edition. of course the numbers are subject to change when presidentnd makes us great again. [ laughter ] donald trump is pretty darn happy right now, i'll bet. i feel so bad for his wife. i was thinking about this. could you imaginepedestrian with a fully excited and energized donald trump? poor melania.f the five primaries last night. assuming she wins mississippi hillary clinton went five for five in the primaries.or bernie sanders which was a surprise, he was polling well among everyone's most annoying facebook friends. the bad news for the leaders of both parties, both clinton and high unfavorability rating. hillary is 53% unfavorable, trump clocks in at an unfavorable. which i think like jared from
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this election is going to be the of having lunch at panda express -- nobody wins. an exciting night for the donald followed by an early morningbout foreign policy to the gang at "morning joe." >> since we have dire foreign policy issues percolating around the world who are you with so you're ready on day one? >> i'm speaking with myself, number one. because i have a very good brain. and i've said a lot of things. i know what i'm doing and iot of people. i talk to a lot of people. and at the appropriate time i'll tell you hot people are. i speak to a lot of the people. my primary consultant is myself. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: why do i get the idea when it comes time to pick a running mate he's going to pick himself for that? [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: "i'll be president and big win for trump was in marco rubio's home state of
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rubio won one county in his home state, miami. that was thanks to a t from the sound machine. [ drumroll ] >> jimmy: thank you. it was disappave been on congas by the way. a disappointing finish for marco rubio. a man who really, he fueled his campaign with all the fire andf vicki the robot from "small wonder." >> jimmy: thank you. after the announout of the race. he went back to washington and locked his office door to make sure no supreme court nominees get in. so luck to him. trump crushed him in florida, it wasn't even close. i lived in florida in 1991, 1992. and i'm sure this was a big deal there but i wonder what else was going on in the sunght now besides the primary election? >> thanks for being with us. randall here.
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allowed in this the problem that you're facing. that's why you're asking for this special permission. >> yes, that and he's sun sensitive and he can't be outside. and also he's very me, as you see. and i believe if we have to break apart, it's going to hurt both of us. >> you continue think he'll survive in the wild, why? >> because he's weakerr gators and they can sense that. and they'd eat him. >> how do you live with this gator? >> i live with this gator like you would your child.e can go, where he can't go. he knows what he can do, what he can't do. even though he ate myago. >> jimmy: not the candy he ate her finger, covered in butter. florida, you nailed it again. trump, cruz, and kasich are the
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with victory in ohio john kasich is the republicans' best shot at toppling donald trump. this ad makes a compelling argument for why he should be the nominee. >> john kasich, the onlyh real world experience in both foreign and domestic policy. the only candidate who balanced a budget. and most of all the only one of the other candidates. john kasich is not this wacko-bird. >> for freedom! >> and he's definitely not this [ bleep ] nightmare. >> donald trump, donald trump! >> john kasich is not candidates at all. that's a promise. john kasich. he's not any of the other guys.for what's his name. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: meanwhile, our future
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kanye tweeted this to the owner of the l.a. clippers the other way. steve bol her allmer ballmer,the clippers' mascot? redesign it. i don't know what it has to do with anything. i wish they would let kanye redesign it. if he the way he names albums we'll see three or four new mascots every week. or maybe instead of letting kanye redesigncould make kanye himself the clippers mascot. could you imagine? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: never mind the t-shirt cannon, that's how you get people fired up. president obama is trying to get the supreme court
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today he announced his nominee, judge merrick garland, chief court of appeals in washington, d.c. i feel like i know this guy from somewhere. wasn't he a judge in a movie or something? he's so familiar. oh, yes, that's right. what his position on "toon town" is. obviously republicans in congress are unhappy about this, they're accusing the president of deliberately trying to by nominating someone who's totally qualified for the job. before today most people had never heard of meric garland. most merges "america's got talent" than on the supreme court. we decided to have fun with that on the supreme court edition of "lie witness news." >> e and where are you from? >> olga from long beach. >> this morning president obama announced his nominee for supreme court justice, how do you think do as a supreme court justice?
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i know that the republicans are going to attack him. i've seen that thisink whitey's criminal past will have an effect on his ability to get confirmed by the senate or it will be okay? >> it will be okay. we all do wrong. >> this morning president obama supreme court justice nominee straight out of england, george harrison. how do you think he'll do? >> i think he'll do great. he has the most of any of the supreme court nominees ever from what i heard. 18 years. so i think he has the bones to do theo you think sammy hague ar is a good choice for supreme court justice? >> i think a lot things he wants to change and everything, i think he will be a good candidate for the about his saying nobody can drive 55? do you think that will be a minute drans? >> depending on the person. some thing people are for or against, depends on who isinst in this society.
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>> what did you think when you heard president obama nominated l. rob hubbard to theare you excited? >> i thought it was a good choice. he's more republic and i a republic -- as a republican. i was content with that choice. >> do you think that replacing swearing on the bible with an e-meter in the supreme court is a good idea before they testify? >> i would say yes, i do, just so that it's a thing as a national -- not everyone swears on the bible and believes in that.e of a thing to keep it. >> president obama nominated terry and u think he'll bring peace to all seven kingdoms or be a divisive figure? >> i think he's going to be a divisive figure. because we can't -- nowadays we kingdoms, we'll say.
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this kingdom, that kingdom. i don't want to call it religion ink that it's going to be -- we're going to see how it runs. we can't make a judgment. >> even though he formed mother dragon? >> yes, i can't say anything about this. >> are you looking forward to siegler eeing terry and lannister from supreme court? >> i would love that. [ cheers and applause ] break. when we come back something very special for you tonight. a report from our old paler fan jake byrd to went to florida to be part of the trump celebration. this is jake at a trump rally in>> if you're going to get hurt and if you're going to drive like a mainian, do it tomorrow after you vote. and i promise i will come andhospital. i promise. >> you promise?
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i'll run into a brick wall if he me. >> jimmy: when we come back, jake byrd takes his show on the road to florida, you don't want to miss it, stick around!] during the lexus command performance sales ev there's always a cause for celebration. [sportscaster vo] with extraordinary offers onlineup of suvs ever. including the stylish, all-new rx... and the dynamic nx. [sportscaster vo] because thrills like this...during the command performance sales event. this is the pursuit of perfection. major carriers. straight talk wireless uses the same cell towers they do. but we don't build or maintain them. pso we can offer youp the same great, pnationwide coveragepfor half the cost! out here...e...
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report.hey, everybody, jake byrd, i'm in florida! the trump-shine state, to go to a rally to punch protesters in their stupid mouths like the to, come on! it was what canceled? >> post good place to eat and punch propesters around here? we'll stump for trump on the beach! bingo! bingo! >> i don't really like the ideas of democrats. trump seems to be the best republican candidate out there. >> we don't support him because he's politically correctrrect. we support him because he's got a giant ding dong. >> i think he's very extreme, very opinionated, i think he also is a bitexactly.
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is hillary clinton a terrorist? two is in hillary clinton, two is in isis, you do the oh, i can't do the math, i went to trump university. four of the happiest days of my life. >> i'm not saying he's a smart guy, i'm not saying he's a dumb guy, he's just a little bit too much the smartest guy, thank you. >> he's a little bit too much -- >> everybody keeps talking about why his hands look small. his hands look small to his giant pants puppy. that's his ding come. >> i know what it is. >> you know what pants puppy is -- >> he knows -- >> that's his>> i know. >> i like sanders because he -- >> sanders! feel the bern! come on. i tell you g the bern and we're not going to get sunburned because we're going to get sun block. let's not be in the pocket of big spf, come on i get it free at the salad station, it's ranch. >> i don't want your ranch
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>> opportunity to see more about okay? he's a i ain't voting for donald trump or hillary clinton. >> no. >> listen, everyone likes to say trump is a racist. trump wouldux klan. first off they don't use 1,000-count sheets and donald ain'e head for the polls. i got kicked out of the youth hostel for not being youth. good night! hey, jake byrd at palm beach, florida voting fun begin! come on! >> he doesn't waver and that's something that i like about him. >> did you vote for trump? >> yes. >> can i get one of present for you. >> thank you. >> you'll like it. put your hand out. it's a trump steak. >>, i love raw meat in my hand.
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you're going to have to cook that all the way through.ce -- what's today? >> he's more concerned with the issues than with the show of it all. >> exactly. trump is way more concerned with the issues than a whole bigeryone keeps calling him a fair businessman. they said his magazine went out of business. look at that -- you. >> i was supporting what you were saying about donald trump being a great businessman -- >> that's not what i was saying and step out of the way. >> what are you saying? >> i said i voted foridn't know. >> well, step out of the way. out? i didn't know. i was going to read you donald's top five boner don't step in here when we're doing something. >> i didn't -- how was i supposed to know? >> do you see those guys? in trump's gatherings that got er-punched? >> protesters? >> you're about to get
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>> you know what john macicd night in ohio -- >> please welcome the next president of the united states, mr. donald j. johnny. that's the guy! that's the guy! hese things. >> my numbers went up. i don't understand it. nobody understands it. >> he's a grower, not ang to make our country great again and we need the rich in order to make the great, i'm sorry. >> yeah, the rich! the rich!a hand! come on! >> inside the donald j., you see donald trump at the program, supporters -- >> shh!
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>> lies, sness, disgusting reporters, horrible -- >> ha ha ha! >> we're going to win, win, win and we're not going to have great victories for our country. thank you very much, everybody. >> bring on the steaks! bring on the steaks! trump forever! dtf, donald trump forever! dtf, donald trump forever! there you have it. donald trump's going to be ants, you're on the clock. >> as for the speech it was supposed to be a press conference. as you saiding of america! the king of america, ha ha ha! [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you, jake. oh, look at that.trump steaks!
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tonight on the show, 2 wayne, erin andrews, and be right back with harry connick junior!] >> dicky: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by brewers want to wish you a happy st. patrick's day. please drink responsibly. lease a 2016 lincoln mkx for $399 a month only at your lincoln dealer. if you misplace your discover card, you can use freeze it to prevent new purchases on your account in seconds. and once you find it, you can switch it right on again.
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our next item is a genuine "name your price" tool. this highly sought-after device from progressive can be yours for... twenty grand? -no! we are giving it away for just 3 easy payments of $4.99 plus tax! the lines are blowing up!deborah from poughkeepsie. flo: yeah, no, it's flo. you guys realize anyone can use the "name your price" tool for free on, right?
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: tonight, from "dancing with the stars" and the nfl on fox, erin andrews is here. texas where south by southwest is in full swing. this album is called "collegrove." 2 chainz and lil wayne from the samsung austin stage., superman himself, henry cavill will be here, gabourey sidibe will be with us, and we'll have music especially for st. patrick's day from flogging molly.t is listed between ed begley and sammy davis in the top secret celebrity juniors phone book. he's a three time grammy award e farewell season of "american idol,"
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>> thank you very much. >> jimmy: is that true? >> that's true. [ cheers and applause ]y muscular. i think i forget that about you until i feel your body. >> i feel pumped up. because i'm out of breath because i had to run out on stage. i stolene of 2 chainz's chains. >> jimmy: he has one chain now? >> one chain. i have the chain. that's probably why i feel pumped up. it's crazy back there? 2 chainz has face, you'll probably get killed for that. >> yeah, they mean something. >> jimmy: each tattoo means something, i lot a tattoo of my face done on my face. so when i walk down the street people will say, you look like harry connick jr. i'm like, i know. can't be true. >> it's not true at all. i was going to do the 2 chainz joke and i realized, he's not
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and i did it anyway.was probably smart. >> you've got to commit. >> jimmy: you're from new orleans. >> i am. >> jimmy: i think everybody knows that. is st. patrick's day a big deal in new orleans? >> it is. festivals for festivals. they probably have fest fests. >> jimmy: cinco de mayo is a big thing? >> they celebrate everything. st. patrick's day is no they'll have a parade that goes through a section of the city calls the irish channel. in new orleans they throw things. beads and blooms and all that. i'm not kidding you, they throw they throw carrots and potatoes and stuff. you know, they're raw, not cooked. >> oh, okay. >> but you takeour st. patrick's day meal. >> jimmy: is that right? >> no, it's true. if you're in the parade you walk down the street with a cane with a styrofoam encasement andhese green and white flowers. and the thing is you hand the flower to someone.
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they give you a ally? >> that's what they do. no, it's not an aww thing. it's a bunch of drunk irish people. it's more of an eww thing. >> sounds like a festive way to get a cold, that's true. yeah, that's true. the cold sores are green and white, it's amazing. >> you are being honored by your alma mater there, you're getting awell, it's not really my alma mater. because i went -- this is loyola university in new orleans. they called to ask me -- such a i would give the commencement address this year. they don't know how stupid i really am. and i'm so thrilled that they're taking the chance on me. i went there for a semester. i started outs. and after about two weeks, i was about -- i had about three hours. >> jimmy: will you mention that in your economiesment address? >> i can't lie. they're going to say, if up, they'll know. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. >> that i wasn't a very good student. >> jimmy: you might want to grab
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the could hack in, wow, he's got a ph.d. >> jimmy: will you insist upon being referred to as dr. harry connick jr.? >> 't blame you. >> of course. >> jimmy: the stationery, the whole thing. >> that's it. my sister is a doctor twice. intern its, she's a lieutenante army, an internist and a psychiatrist. now i'm as smart as she is. [ laughter ] her face when i told her they were giving me an honorary doctorate. she looked at me like -- >> jimmy: my brother-in-law did the same thing. he's an actuale at my alma mater that i barely went to for one year. unlv. he really seemed to be genuinely disturbed by it. >> i don't thinke's like, are you kidding me? i went to school for 15 tricking years and you walts in 's hear you sing. >> that's right.
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orleans, for me growing up in las vegas, people always ask about it ar if there are no . is it like a weird thing to see -- talking to some dentists here, to see your dentist drunk in the street, your parents' friends? or is, that's normal? >> it's a little different. you know, because people -- again in new orleans, people love to have a good time. and there's -- when you think about what example, really is, it's the celebration that happens a day before ash wednesday, which is the start of 40 days of lent. so tuesday night, which is the of all, people are going nuts until midnight. and at midnight, if you're on the street, you're going to jail. because that's ash wednesday. so it's like, e who are on bourbon street having the greatest time of their life will be in church on wednesday my: but it's crazy. because we're in the middle of lent right now. and tomorrow night on st. patrick's day everybody's going
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>> right, wisely what you want to give up for lent. >> jimmy: yeah. >> you know? >> jimmy: in this case it's nothing, really. >> it's absolutely nothing. >> jimmy: we'rek. we'll talk about the final season of "american idol." you have a daytime television show. >> i do. >> jimmy: harry connick jr. is with us, be right back!t we were thinking. what if we did for mortgages what the internet did for buying music and plane tickets and shoes? you would turn an intimidating process into an easy one.rtgage on your phone. and if it could be that easy, wouldn't more people buy homes? and wouldn't those buyers need to fill their homesnd blenders and sectional couches with hand-lathed wooden legs? and wouldn't that mean all sorts of wooden leg-making opportunities for wooden leg makers? and wn phones from which they could quickly and easily secure mortgages of their own, further stoking demand for necessary household goods as our tidal wave ry with new homeowners, who now
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and isn't that the power of america itself now shrunk to fit the hands of a child,pfully, a home-buying adult. anyway. that's what we were thinking. whaaaaat? i can pour this champagne on my phone and it still work. whaaaaat? yeah look. [phone ringing] kenny, i'm 'bout to put you in the fish tank. whaaaaat? crazy. [electrical cracking] your phone can't do that max. here, i have another one. (all three) whaaaaaat?! ter-resistant
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>> jimmy: hi, everyone. come 2 chainz and lil wayne, harry connick jr. is with us. how long have you been a judge on "american idol"? >> this is my thirdere you disappointed when you found out president obama did not consider nominating you for the supreme court? >> i wasn't his first choice, jimmy. but he did consider me for the >> jimmy: maybe down the line? >> yeah, somebody's going to get to me down the line. >> jimmy: how many singers are left on "american idol"? >> six. >> jimmy: six left in the wholes it. they start with thousands. now it's gun to six. >> jimmy: are they good? >> yes. >> jimmy: or are we -- the show is ending us because there are no more talented singers in>> funny you say that. when jennifer lopez and keith urban and i go to these towns
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more talented people can there extraordinary. there's so much talent. these six are incredible, great? we'll take your word for it. this daytime talk show, in september. >> september 12th it launches on every day, five days a week, all over thename of the show? >> it's called "harry" oddly enough. >> jimmy: exclamation point at the end? >> no, we don't need to excitement, okay? we toyed with different names. ? what were the other names? >> duane." >> jimmy: that wouldn't make t make sense. my original birth name in spanish, that didn't work. 're doing it in a different country. sounds a little bit like morrie. will you give paternity tests on the show? will program? >> depending on the ratings.
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absolutely, i might even throw myself into the mixntial father. [ cheers and applause ] we'll do anything we have to do. >> jimmy: you'll impregnate your guests? >> i'm notill it be -- >> it will be a question mark after. "harry?" >> jimmy: "daddy?" >> will it be a celebrity-driven thing? >> it won't be celebrity driven but we'll have celebrities on. there's going to be music. we're going to have my band -- by the way your band sounds >> jimmy: you'll be your own band rnlt all my guys doing man on the street stuff. it's going to be very spontaneous spontaneous. very, very excited about it. >> jimmy: i think you're going to do great. it comes september 12th. "american idol," the final season, thursday nights at 8:00. harry connick jr., everybody. be right back weather rin an
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from 2 chainz and lil guest watches muscular men knock each other down covering the nfl for fox. on mondays, she presides over the paso doble, she's the co-host of "dancing with the stars," the new season starts elcome erin andrews. [ cheers and applause ] >> what do you have right there? >> jimmy: this is an album. okay. >> jimmy: i'll send it home with you. >> i can't wait. >> jimmy: do you have a turntable still? >> no. >> jimmy: maybe this isn't the best place to ask you.ion dollars? >> i don't have any money. >> jimmy: you don't have any money? >> i have not signed a new contract. oh, but my >> jimmy: that's not what i was talking about. by the way, i'm so happy you won that case. [ cheers and applause ] discuss a lot of the details because of appeals and whatnot. >> yeah. >> jimmy: i want to tell you i am very happy that you won. >> thank you. yeah, this is kind of my come
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why would i not want to be here? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: why would you not want to be here? >> sorry, to thank everybody. there are so many people that actually reached out. all over the world, really. >> jimmy: it is nice that something horrible like that, you get to see the nice partet. >> yeah, is there a nice part? no, that -- you're so right. >> jimmy: there is a nice part, yeah. >> mean tweets, they were -- they're just a dime ae fabulous, i tell you. there are so many nice people. >> jimmy: there's always more nice stuff than bad stuff. >> where is it? >> jimmy: we tend to focus -- don't worry, it's probably in the mail, thank you. >> jimmy: you're welcome. now not only did you have this win in court but another greatr life, you get to work with geraldo on "dancing with the stars." i mean, when you were a little girl did you imagine --
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today i showed up for the first time to "dancing with the stars," the set, all these people have been practicing getting ready for our premiere on monday. and i was like, okay, i need theoing on? i think they want a little geraldo goss sip. i didn't know about this until i looked it up, did you know about this mystery --lt of al capone? >> jimmy: of course. >> i guess he used the punch line, they open it up, it's a live two-hour event, i guess the charts and there was a stop sign inside? ? nothing in there, yeah. >> i'm not supposed to share this but everybody can keep a secret. there will be a vault. the season premiere for >> jimmy: is that right? wow, we're going deep. >> we are. >> jimmy: you don't even know about the al capone vault thing? that makes me feel old, i have to say. >> that was 1986ake you feel old because i'm 100. i didn't know that was the biggest thing for him.
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into the vault and lock the for the rest of the season and reveal at the enthe season whether he's alive or not. i want to ask you, i don't know if you're aware of this, but i th the stars" every year. >> did you bet on me? i remember coming on here -- >> jimmy: i did bet on you. >> it was against the pussycatll. >> jimmy: nicole, she was angry at he for complaining she was a ringer but she was. >> she'd been performing since she was 14 years old. it would take her literally 15 minutes to learn four she would walk into our rehearsal studio and i had max. she's like, oh, i just cut down four routines. i was e learning four steps in four hours. >> jimmy: in a way you owe me $1,000. >> sure, yeah. no! >> jimmy: i bet $1,000 on you and lost. now you're going to help me get that back immy: let's go through it.
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everyone thinks is going to make the finale. >> jimmy: one by one. jody sweeten from "fuller what do you need me to tell you? >> jimmy: she's in my top three. how's her dancing? >> i haven't seen anybody yet. i just know the goss on't know, oh. >> i know what people are saying. this is what i hope. keo hasn't made it past the first round -- >> jimmy: no one knows who ke i love him. >> jimmy: nobody knows who the hell he is. >> top three, i don't know. >> jimmy: okay. nobody really knows who the celebrities are, never mind the >> stop! ? all right. >> i know miesha barton. >> jimmy: we know her from "oc." i don't think she's going to win. ginger zee from "gma."he's too bets with "gma." i think she's doing it halfway. she's really there to report on it. >> no, she'll be fine.he hot els -- >> jimmy: fine is not enough.
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the level i need for my bet. >> athlete who can. she may be good. who's she with? >> jimmy: mark ballas. >> i'd>> jimmy: kim field, tootie on "facts of life." real housewives don't traditionally do well on the show. donald trump's ex-wife marla maples, no.e on, i'm excited. >> jimmy: america's next top model winner nile demarco? i don't know who that -- deaf. >> jimmy: a guy. he's deaf? how's he going to hear the music? >> that's why this is going to be so interesting. >> jimmy: i might have to pick him, i don't know.zy. geraldo, we talked about him. >> what do you think? >> jimmy: he's going in the safe. i mean, listen, he's physically e's pretty good. >> is he? >> jimmy: oh, yeah, geraldo, yes. >> all right.
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load of him. here's another pick of mine. my top three.e from boyz ii men, i think you're right. >> jimmy: charming guy, a big guy. >> yes. >> jimmy: most people like seeing that kind of big guy dancing. he might lose a lot of weight during the dance which people like i mean, hopefully the rest of the boys in the house. nick carter, we had nick carter last season who made it to the finale, some thoughtld have won. >> jimmy: if the boyz ii men are there to support him, he's a potential winner. von miller, super bowl mvp. >>er bowl mvp we've had on the show. >> jimmy: pittsburgh steelers antonio brown, doug flutie, three nfl players. doug flautty, he doesn't have a hail >> and he plays in the cfl, come on. >> jimmy: he might get eliminated week one. >> i telephone think one of these two, von miller or antonio
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my official pick until monday. i hear you. >> so you're allowed to watch the show and then choose? >> jimmy: i ame show, everyone is. >> i think that's bs. i don't think that should be allowed. like the tournament -- >> jimmy: no, i place the bet before i see the show, yes,hy are you waiting till monday? >> jimmy: to place the bet? i'm going to announce to it the audience monday. but it's going to be antonio br>> jimmy: it won't be much of an announcement. but i will announce and we'll play along, right? erin andrews. being here. "dancing with the stars" premieres monday at 8:00 on abc. be right back with 2 chainz and lil wayne! >> dicky: tonight's music from austin south by southwest is
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"nightline" is next but first, this is the album, it's called ollegrove" from the galaxy life fest at south by southwest with the song "gotta lotta." 2 chainz and lil wayne! get that vibe we got a lotta ba-da-ba-da-beee ba-ba-da-bope yeah ba-ba-da-bope i said we gotta lotta we gotta lotta yeah that's that loud i hope we gotta lottata
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yea we gotta lotta yeah that's that lotta i said we gotta lotta and i done seen soak it's like watching flowers grow i mean please don't you cowards know we will leave your bloody body on your mama's porch ojects papa was a rolling stone selling rock crack yeah i grew up in my day making juugs on a phone with no contacts s only know hi-tech hold on think i'm getting too high tech yeah i think she getting a contact she know who to contact ba-da-ba-da-beee ba-ba-da-bope yeah ba-ba-da-bope ta lotta we gotta lotta we got that's a lotta
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loud i hopeotta we gotta lotta ba-ba-da-bope yo tunes pass the steel or bash the steel i'm fashion ill the -- are massingil mass appeal my passion's real pies and cakes out of state lies is fake god don't make mistakes got the girl smelling like codeine syrup got the bands on me likell i deserve a threesome for my birthday if she pretty it's magic city on the first date nd toast yeah i'm'posed to boast goody mo the quote not many coming close trying to what i never before dream what i never woke up and my
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is "nightline." >> tonight, emergency rescues from air ambulances. they may have saved your life. but leave you with sky-high with an industry free to set any price, some patients facing hefty debts, even lawsuits, after they've recovered. >> why don't you put the price ur brian ross investigates. >> i can get back with you on that. >> you don't know the answer? >> no, i don't. plus "batman versus why are the good guys going after each other? behind the scenes as ben affleck and henry cavill face off as the two mostf all-time.
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