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tv   Nightline  ABC  October 27, 2016 12:37am-1:07am EDT

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this is "nightline." >> tonight, inside the final 30. duking it out. he says he's one of donald trump's strongest supporters. >> i believe in making america great again. >> david duke, former grand wizard of the ku klux klan. but trump says he wants nothing to do with him. >> i >> why some proponents of american hate -- ? from the ashes we shall rise ? >> say they're supporting trump this year. plus a happy medium. this psychic to the stars is becoming a celebrity in his own right. >> did you always know that you had like a gift? >> with rich and famous clientele waiting months for an appointment, we're in hollywood watching them in action. >> who's carlos? >> my brother. >> no way.
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and -- ? we could have had it all ? >> rolling in the deep with the trump family. donald, melania and the children talk with george stephanopoulos. why he's taking issue with hillary for spending time at an adele concert. first the "nightline 5." >> think your heartburn pill works fast? take the zantac it challenge. zantac works in as little as 30 minutes. nexium can take 24 hours. when heartburn strikes, take zantac for nexium or your money back. take the zantac it challenge. >> the new recess pew of beneful is really excellent. the first ingredient is chicken. i feel like when he eats ben
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good evening. thanks for joining russ. tonight we examine those extreme supporters of donald trump who believe he is helping them spread their message of white nationalism. even though he disavows them. we go to the birth place of the ku klux klan and to the home of one of the klan's most famous former grand wizards, david duke, who happens to be running for senate in louisiana. and says he's getting a boost here's abc's david wright in our election countdown series "inside the final 30." >> reporter: the people you're about to meet don't trust us. >> you guys are documenting everything? you have to. >> reporter: not one bit. to set the scene we're at the home of david duke. >> not going to trust this media man. just joking. >> reporter: former grand wizard of the ku klux klan, now a candidate for the u.s. senate
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>> here we have such a corrupt media in this country. >> reporter: we came in right as he was finishing up his weekly radio show. >> i actually have in the room right now a major network. >> true. >> jimmy:. >> they kind of surprised us. >> reporter: duke took id inside. >> introduce yourself. >> david wright, abc news. >> victoria. >> katie. >> nice to meet you. >> reporter: the whole time we're filming him for the next few >> reporter: his supporters are filming us. >> i kind of like trump, i think the media, overall media -- not every media, you might not be -- >> i'm a nice guy, we're nice people. >> we have a media at war with white people in this country. >> in war with the white people of this country? >> yes, sir, that's correct. >> reporter: hillary clinton has been running ads focusing on duke's support of trump. >> the reason a lot of klan members like donald trump is because a lot of what he
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a major campaign issue. >> he is taking hate groups mainstream. >> reporter: when clinton used the phrase -- >> the basket of deplorables. >> reporter: to describe some trump supporters -- >> racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic -- >> reporter: she was basically talking about david duke. >> hillary clinton uses the fact that you support donald trump against him. does that bother you? >> no, it doesn't bother me. what it shows is the ultimate hypocrisy. >> trump >> reluctantly did so. he's fighting a different race than me. i don't judge him. i'm running my own race. >> reporter: duke has been at this for years. >> the popularity of another extremist group, the ku klux klan, seems to be growing -- >> reporter: here he is on the abc evening news back in 1978. >> the grand wizard is here, david duke, 27 years old, described as a nazi sympathizer in college and a slick public relations man. >> we're not anti-black so much
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there's a thousand different organizations seems like that are working for interests of the blacks and other minorities. and we're simply an organization that's working for the interests and the ideals and the culture of the white people. >> reporter: duke has shed the klan robes and closed the kkk store. nowadays he's a republican. >> hi, this is david duke, sorry i missed you -- >> reporter: duke has piggy backed his campaign on trump's in robocalls. >> it's time to stand up and vote for donald trump for president ask vote for me, david duke, for u.s. senate. >> some of the new hats >> reporter: he's selling hats. >> duke and trump. >> reporter: other campaign merchandise too. >> popular shirt. >> what do you like about his message? >> his message is the message of middle america. saving our heritage in this country. >> when mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. >> reporter: duke is a big fan of trump's signature issue, to build the border wall and stop the flow of illegal immigrants. >> they're bringing drugs,
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rapists. and some i assume are good people. >> i believe in making america great again. i go a bit farther than trump. >> you want to make america white again? >> i'm not saying make america white again. i'm saying preserve the principles and the people who made america great in the first place. >> reporter: trump has struggled to distance himself. >> david duke endorsed me? okay, all right, i disavow, okay? >> reporter: struggled in part because he seemed to disavow his disavowal. >> certainly i would disavow if i thought there was something wrong. >> unusual rebuke from the house speaker himself. >> this is the party of lincoln. we believe all people are created equal in the eyes of god and our government. >> the only people, the only race, the group, that a candidate can't say positive things about are white people. >> yet last time i checked, except for the current office holder, every single president we've had has been white. 90% of the congress is white.
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>> because you're white doesn't mean you support the interests of white people. there's a lot of treason -- >> treason? >> treason against your own. your own heritage, your own values, your own children. >> racial treason you're saying? >> you can call it whatever you want. the immigration issue is the most vital issue. because if the massive immigration continues, the majority of the american people are going to become outnumbered -- >> the white people are going to be outnumbered? >> yes, that's right. we're going to be outnumbered and outvoted in our own country. >> reporter: and he's >> all right, we're off to p polaski in eastern tennessee. >> reporter: a town with a dubious claim to fame. >> this is an historic marker talking about how the klan was founded here in polaski in 1865 in what used to be a barbershop. not the town's proudest accomplishment. so about 25 years ago they turned the plaque around. now all you see is the back side. >> reporter: right there outside the courthouse there's a
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tread on me flag that came out of the american revolution, st. andrew's cross -- >> reporter: an annual event here. >> this is the european-american heritage festival? meaning white? >> white people. >> this is your newspaper? >> yeah. >> reporter: thomas rob was duke's successor as leader of the knights party of the confirm kk. he's supporting trump too. >> this is our table here. various things they brought. >> i'm dreaming of a white christmas. somebody's got a sense of humor. >> it's popular at christmas time. donald trump does express a lot of viewpoints we've been talking about for many years. >> such as? >> the immigration, building the wall. two examples. majority of white people are supporting donald trump. >> i know plenty of white people who aren't. >> sure there's plenty of white people that aren't. >> you see that as betraying their race? >> yes. >> reporter: the heritage festival is sparsely attended, to put it mildly. most of the people here are
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here? >> yeah, those are our kids. having fun. ? white pride ? >> reporter: his granddaughters there to provide the music. ? to fight for righteousness lest our people die ? >> reporter: the rest of the town, one-quarter of which is african-american, pretty much ignores the heritage festival. >> they do this every year. kind of embarrassing. >> it ain't like it was 30 years ago. >> reporter: some of them like supporters. >> you like donald trump? >> yeah. because we need something different. >> reporter: others, not so much. >> what do you think about donald trump? >> uh-uh. >> no? >> he crazy. edge over, nutty as a fruitcake. >> what about hillary clinton? >> she's got my vote. yep. not trump, lord no. >> reporter: none of that seems to matter to the folks on the other side of the courthouse.
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a war between americans and aliens who live among us. >> when should they have stopped immigration? when the irish came? when the jews fled the pogroms? what do you think? >> i think the immigration -- >> talk about the festival. >> reporter: robb's daughter interrupts us at that point. >> when should they have stopped immigration? just answer that question. >> i think she's right, we need to change the direction of that. >> you're not comfortable with that question? >> i'm comfortable, it's time to move if you're not comfortable moving on -- >> you didn't answer my question. i don't understand why you're getting hostile. i'm just asking questions. >> we're for white people. and we want illegal immigration stopped. that's basically it. >> reporter: the robbs are convinced trump is bringing them into the mainstream. >> he is helping to legitimize our message. >> reporter: and yet the day ends with a forlorn little parade. almost as many police as
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>> these folks would be here with or without donald trump. next year they'll be back whether he wins or loses. and hillary clinton may say that he's taken their message mainstream. but here in this town, the birthplace of the ku klux klan, it still sort of seems like they're the fringe. i'm david wright for "nightline" in polaski, tennessee. when we come back, according to my crystal ball, we'll be meeting the hollywood medium for an from leaving me at a higher risk of stroke. that'd be devastating. i took warfarin for over 15 years until i learned more about once-daily xarelto... a latest generation blood thinner. then i made the switch. xarelto? significantly lowers the risk of stroke in people with afib not caused by a heart valve problem. it has similar effectiveness to warfarin. warfarin interferes with vitamin k
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12:51 am
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i'm sensing that you're
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it's about a celebrity psychic who says he can make contact with the dead. is he on the level? here's abc's nick watt. >> do you know of anyone who would fit that bill? >> yeah. >> wow. >> reporter: just 20 years old. great hair. quick smile. small town boy with a tv show, a brand-new book, and a waiting list stretching to 2017. >> usually i work with objects. do you happen to have objects on you for me to >> yeah. >> reporter: tyler henry is the hollywood medium on e! >> this woman is insistent on the way this is coming through -- >> reporter: he's channeling anna nicole for her baby daddy larry. >> i don't know what this is but i'm seeing an image of a big hat. >> my daughter was born in the month of may in kentucky. with a crazy hat on, like you mentioned. at the kentucky derby. >> ah, that's the thing. >> hi, how are you? nice to meet you.
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>> khloe, thank you for coming. >> reporter: oh! kardashians. >> did you always know you had a gift? >> when i was 10 years old my grandmother was ill with terminal cancer. i woke up one night, knew she was going to pass. we got the call two minutes later that she had passed. >> reporter: he leads celebrities and gets recognized a lot as we chat on santa monica pier. >> we've got hundreds of people around us. are you feeling energies? >> at the moment i'm kind of overwhelmed. my gift doesn't have an on and off swift. >> reporter: earlier today we were behind the scenes for a reading and a beautiful beverly hills home. >> and you've met the lady who you're going to be reading? >> just now, i know her first name. >> reporter: one-time companion to a media mogul. >> have you gone to the bathroom to google? >> no, not possible. i had no idea who i was going to be ready reading. >> are you at all skeptical? >> he does mostly celebrities. so you know it could be staged.
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comes. >> reporter: we'll get back to manuale's reading in just a moment. >> great to meet you. >> reporter: tyler's m.o. is he just shows up, has no idea who he's reading. >> which side of the family was she specifically on. >> on my dad's side. >> reporter: claims he's not a big celebrity follower or tv watcher. so may not know any real housewives this. >> if she walks in the room, i feel everyone looks at her. >> tyler was connecting with carolyn. carolyn business set, my closest friend. >> reporter: i'm skepticalut >> i'm the first to say when it comes to this industry there's a lot of the people who are not real. there's a "j" name in the family and a man has passed. that banter is indication someone isn't authentic. >> i have a reference to a "j.e." name on dad's side. generally who they are, who they're with. do we have any jeffreys? >> jeffrey is my dad's name. >> that would be it. >> sometimes i need the help to
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getting a very specific tidbit that the client can validate. >> reporter: i asked for a reading but tyler didn't seem up to it. >> can we do it here, sit town? >> it's a little overwhelming in this kind of environment. >> reporter: let's get back to manuale's beverly hills mansion and her reading. >> curious to see what comes out today. >> reporter: i'm confined to the kitchen. they don't want too many energies in the room. >> i'm going to scribble. that's my way of connecting to you and away from the other energies of people in the room. i'm getting dad, a reference siblings in the the family? >> four boys and a girl. >> i was holding back because i feel that if you tell him things, then what's the point? >> reporter: although she actually gives him quite a lot of information. >> someone would have passed away like around this time of year? without anything giving away, do you know of anyone passing away in october? >> my dad. >> if this person is speaking to you, why don't they just speak normally? >> we don't have a physical body
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impressions that i have to take and deliver to the client. do you have a brother that named his son after himself? there would have been a whole discussion about the name and actually doing the name and figuring out how are we going to name this child? does that make sense? >> my brother named his son after himself. and there's always been like -- >> a whole thing? >> a whole thing about it. >> i just have to get this out really quickly, a random thing. check and see if someone in like south america died through nonnatural means. someone dies in a car accident, or someone has a life them. >> i'm trying to think who that could possibly be. i have to think. i'm a little bit overwhelled. >> do you have a brother who works around boats or water? >> i do, yeah. he's a captain. >> okay. >> that's not what he does for a living, but yes. >> carlos. >> my brother. >> no way. >> oh, yeah. >> interesting. >> i was impressed with getting the name carlos.
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>> so your mom has a little bit of susceptibility to fall. >> she's losing the ability to walk. so absolutely, i can see that happening. i'm in shock because i'm sure, positive, he's never met my family before. and he knew their names, where they lived. >> reporter: they asked that we not film the rest of the session. >> he spoke about my nephew who passed suddenly. he had a heart problem. he said how happy he is. >> reporter: tyler said he wants to work with parents of kids who have committed >> you are going to be influencing people's emotions around the most trauma tilk experience they could possibly go through. do you feel you have the right to do that? >> i would say that in every reading that i do, the goal is to provide closure. parents who lose children need closure more than anybody. >> thank you so much. >> he was brought on this earth to do something really great. he's just special. >> reporter: i'm nick watt for "nightline" in los angeles.
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worlds: lessons from the other side" is available november 1st. when we come back, what's got donald trump fired up over hillary going to an adele concert? [ "on the road again," by willie nelson ] ? on the road again ? [ rear alert sounds ] [ music stops ] ? just can't wait to get on the road again ? [ front assist sounds ] [ music stops ] [ girl laughs ] ? on the road again ? ? like a band of gypsies we go down the highway ? no matter which passat you choose, you get more standard features, for less than you expected. hurry in and lease the 2017 passat s
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finally tonight, donald trump took a lot of heat for taking time out of his fierce battle with hillary clinton to open up his newest hotel. now in an exclusive interview with george stephanopoulos, he's fighting back. >> here in the trump holt. >> that's right. >> but what do you say to supporters who think you shouldn't be taking time off the battleground states -- >> i think it's so unfair. hillary clinton goes to see an adele concert last night. and everybody says, wasn't that nice, isn't that wonderful. i have stopped -- i did eight stops yesterday, three major rallies where i told you 25 and 15 and 20 and -- thousands of people already i did three. plus many other stops. i came here and let me just tell you what this is about.
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of the world, what am i supposed to do, not show up? i'm going to north carolina right after this, then back to florida, going up to new hampshire. i'm all over the place. i can't take one hour off to cut a ribbon at one of the great hotels in the world? i think i'm entitled to it. >> you can catch the rest of george's conversation with donald, melania, and the trump family tomorrow morning on gma. thanks for watching abc news. as always we're online at and our "nightline" facebook page.
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coming to you from hollywood, it's "comics unleashed" here's your host, byron allen. now comedy, byron allen! >> yeah! yeah! thank you! thank you! very kind of you. very kind of you. oh, this is really interesting.


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