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tv   Nightline  ABC  November 1, 2016 12:37am-1:07am EDT

12:37 am
this is "nightline." >> tonight, inside the final 30. girls' power. >> it's important to go to the places where your voice may matter. >> lena dunham on the trail chasing down voters for hillary clinton, now up against a new fbi e-mail investigation. >> there >> which has donald trump feeling grateful. >> thank you, anthony weiner! >> but will it all matter to young voters in swing states like north carolina, where the contenders are in a dead heat? plus, these political impersonators have voters seeing double. >> where you from? >> spain. >> i love spain. >> celebrities like katy perry and kelly ripa jumping into the imitation game. brave costume.
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boy is not just dressing as his hero, he's about to meet him. bob the drag queen winner of "rue paul's drag race" giving a fan a surprise halloween treat. first the "nightline" 5. >> simulation initiated. ? >> take on any galaxy with a car that can stop for you. >> simulation complete. >> the new nissan rogue. "rogue one" in theaters december
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joining us. eight days until the election, hillary clinton who many people thought was on a glide path to victory is tonight playing both defense and offense after that bombshell from the fbi director. tonight we're going to hit the trail with lena dunham in north carolina where the clinton campaign is hoping to harness the star's power with a key voter bloc, millennials are here's juju chang with our series "inside the final 30." >> they've disappeared. we're chasing theeing these ped. they're going straight from the lena dunham event to vote. >> what made you go to the event? >> i'm a big hillary supporter. i also love lena dunham. the combination worked perfect. >> reporter: the crucial swing state of north carolina is a bit further south than the brooklyn neighborhood lena dunham's character? "girls" normally inhabits. >> what the [ bleep ]? get up. you're three blocks from your house. >> in brooklyn we don't do a ton
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>> reporter: the political activism is right on brand. >> now you sound like one of those guys who thinks a woman should never be president because her menstruation will cloud her judgment. >> one of the things i've always loved about her, she's refused to sort of take on other people's attacks as her own. she's been attacked since she entered the white house in 1992. >> why north carolina? >> it would be easy to walk around new york espousing hillary clinton but i don't think i need to. >> she doesn't need you as much there. >> it's important to go to the places where you're necessary and whereou matter. >> i think that i may be the voice of my generation. or at least -- a voice. >> reporter: she's here for the clinton campaign, courting the all-important millennial vote. that was the original focus of our coverage. >> breaking news, the fbi bombshell for hillary clinton -- revealing they will now investigate newly discovered e-mails -- >> reporter: as fallout from the latest e-mail controversy piled up --
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close race for the white house, our new poll shows the candidates 1 point apart. >> reporter: we changed our line of questioning. what about the news the e-mail news on friday? were you discouraged by that? >> no. >> why not? >> it's intellignegligent of th release those without vest elevati their political awakening. >> reporter: getting out the vote is not without obstacles. >> i think the hillary base is sort of sick of these baseless attacks that take away from the primary message, that we have a qualified candidate verses a dangerous candidate. and at the end of the day, the stuff in the e-mails is just a distraction and hillary supporters don't want to talk about it anymore. >> reporter: clearly the clinton camp doesn't want to talk about e-mails but with eight days to go on the campaign trail that's all anybody's talking about.
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the big headline -- >> it's hard to overstate how much this caught the clinton campaign by surprise, how much it actually concerns them. essentially what the fbi has done is opened an old wound. >> reporter: back in july it was comey himself who said -- >> although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case. >> reporter: but all these months later, these new e-mails were found during a completely different >> a separate investigation that sexting investigation involving weiner and an underaged girl. >> the laptop computer belong together hillary clinton aide huma abedin's estranged husband, former congressman anthony weiner -- >> what we're looking at is anthony weiner's laptop. that's what the fbi has got. that's what they're looking into. and possibly huma's e-mails on that laptop that are of interest. >> reporter: tonight, dozens of cyber experts are poring over
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warrant from a judge yesterday, they don't know if there is classified information, they don't know if there is new information in there, they don't know what's in there. >> now they apparently want to look at e-mails of one of my staffers. by all means, they should look at them. and i am sure they will reach the same conclusion they did when they looked at my e-mails for the last year. there is no case here. >> i think privately there is some concern. it's just going t question about her trustworthiness. >> reporter: late tonight her lawyer says huma only learned for the first time on friday of the possibility a laptop belonging to mr. weiner could contain e-mails of hers. while the fbi has not contacted us about this, ms. abedin will continue to be, as she always has been, forthcoming and cooperative. >> i think this was a terrible error in judgment by the director. >> reporter: comey's handling of the situation has generated fierce criticism from both democrats and republicans.
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general coming out against fbi director comey is growing. they say he mishandled the information. we spoke to alberto gonzalez, who served a republican president. >> i think his decision has raised some very troubling questions. it is to some degree puzzling to someone like me. people are left to speculate about the possibilities of a criminal investigation and ultimately a criminal conviction of secretary clinton, and of course, she may be totally innocent. >> reporter: late today the department of justice responding with a letter. the department of justice appreciates the concerns raised in your letter. we assure you that the department will continue to work closely with the fbi and together dedicate all necessary resources and take appropriate steps as expeditiously as possible. >> this is the biggest scandal since water gate. >> reporter: donald trump is seizing every opportunity to pummel his opponent with it. >> hillary clinton wants to blame everyone else for her
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situation onto herself. >> this has reinvigorated donald trump. he is hitting this hard. he is not going to stop. i'm convinced that this is actually something he needed. >> hey, how's it going? >> good, how are you? >> this is a gift to the donald trump campaign, though. politically speaking. >> yeah, it's a christmas gift for sure. >> it feeds a storyline that she's not trustworthy, that she's not honest. it's a storyline she's been trying to campaign. there are a lot of factors why north carolina's in play. >> right. it's a true swing state. in 2008 it went to barack obama. in 2012 it went to mitt romney. >> which is why they're deploying their big guns. do you worry about millennial cynicism, though? everyone says, if only millennials voted it would be a landslide. but the real question is, will they show up? >> it's easy for young millennials who are impassioned about what i'll just call the blank ket issue of civil rights to lose faith in their
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change the system. >> reporter: but not all millennial voters think the same about how to change the system. we're about to talk to college republicans at unc greensboro. turns out in north carolina the race isn't just tightening, it is do or die for trump. what are the issues that resonate with you? >> abortion, same-sex marriage, just the whole idea of being conservative. >> have you always been trump supporters? >> he wasn't my first choice. >> you laugh. >> yeah, he's n >> we're at duke, 8:30 on a school night this auditorium is packed with students for hillary. >> reporter: lena dunham catches tough questions from the clinton faithful at a panel discussion. >> i have a question about how you guys all like individually, how you handle the controversy and debate that surrounds hillary. >> we have to be prepared to be protective of ourselves and of the women in our lives. white patriarchky is like one of
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dieing so slow and screaming as it goes down. and i just am afraid of what that's going to look like. >> reporter: but she says there's a silver lining for what many here say has been a gray and dreary campaign season. >> i've been so excited to see how many kids, how many students i've seen in north carolina, who have been saying that they voted early. i think that there is a sense that the moment is upon us and we have to seize it. >> reporter: for "nightline," i'm juju chang in durham, north carolina. next here, the lighter side of the campaign season that has freaked so many of us out. political impersonators. fake hillary and fake donald have a lot riding on this election too. later, something special. a huge halloween surprise for a
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it is halloween. and it's eight days before the election. political impersonators whose stars shine so brightly and for should so fleetingly. here's abc's david wright. >> absolutely fantastic. where you from? >> spain. >> i love spain. >> don't forget to vote for hillary. >> reporter: down to the wire. eight days left to go. this is the final push. >> we're from venezuela. >> i love venezuela, you have so
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hillary clinton. >> right in the kisser. >> reporter: that's not donald trump. >> i need more hairspray. >> reporter: they're actors, impersonators getting the last laugh out of this race. >> no way. >> reporter: one of them could be out of a job in eight days' time. the other on a pathway to stardom. >> putin and i are having a great time, we worked everything out. i let him have syria. >> reporter: political impressions are a boom and bust business. nightclub maine may be the most famous example. he perfected his kennedy vowels and rode them to stardom. here he is on "the ed sullivan show." >> do not ask what this country can do for you. that's one of my original lines. >> reporter: a gig that lasted exactly three years. after dallas, meter never did his impression again. every flub, flip or flop in modern politics has made its way onto "saturday night live."
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palin one of the most iconic examples. alec baldwin's trump high on the list. >> he's either not that rich -- >> wrong. >> not that charitable -- >> wrong. >> or he's never paid taxes in his life. >> warmer. >> reporter: and there are many hurricanes. >> not enough to just work hard, we have to be cool but tough. soft but strong. sweet old lady but a sweet old lady that seay >> reporter: teresa barnwell has been hillary for the past 23 years. >> it all started for me back in 1992. that was the first time that somebody told me that i resembled hillary clinton. >> reporter: just take a look. the resemblance uncanny. so much so, teresa quit her job in advertising and does this full-time. we met up with her after a performance in las vegas. >> okay, ladies.
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>> yeah, sure. >> you'll step back over here and get a photo with the real thing. excuse me, i need to check my e-mails here. oh, no, another classified e-mail, oh what am i going to do? i do try to dress in a manner that hillary dresses, of course. the pantsuit. the key costume. >> let me show you a few things that i have here. >> reporter: so we thought we'd help her out. >> oh, love this. that's great. >> reporter: with a fitting for that presidential pantsuit. >> let's get a nice little ringer that last month conspiracy theorists said that this video of clinton was, in fact, barnwell. clintonbodydouble trending on twitter. alas, not true. teresa's up front she's with her. >> making history. when i get discouraged i look at hillary and think, if she can get up and do this every day, so can i. >> the hair's pretty long and
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>> reporter: enough clinton, equal time mandates we get back to trump. >> are you feeling trumpy? >> very trumpy. >> reporter: john domingo has been playing trump the past 12 years. in an unlikely turn it's finally paying off. >> what's the big challenge of doing trump? >> his voice. i do a lot of voices. his voice is the most difficult. >> it's fantastic. we will make america great again! >> not just that, in the last year his voice has changed. it's becom he's doing these things now where he's straining his voice a little more because he's speaking so much. i have to tell you -- >> i have to tell you -- >> i have to tell you. >> the spray tan, coco tan, yes. >> reporter: voila. >> perfect. every time. i have to tell you. >> reporter: it's time to meet his adoring fans. >> what is the essence of trump? >> you know, you're it. you're number one.
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>> in what sense? >> well, it's actually helped me be more confident. >> are you going to vote for him? just for the gig? >> just for the gig, yeah. all i can say is if he wins i'm going to have a very busy four years. >> you look fantastic. >> reporter: a trump win could put him on the path to big bucks. already, he says, his income has doubled since last year. >> didn't he say he could walk down fifth avenue -- >> and shoot nebraska and i wouldn't lose any i say, my supporters are so loyal i could get up, shoot someone on fifth avenue, she'd rise up from the dead and still vote for me. >> reporter: of course a stop by hq. >> how are you? good to see you. are you old enough to vote? you are? i like that. that kid's great. >> reporter: we have to 8 we fully expected them to kick us out of trump tower. >> thank you, guys, appreciate it. >> reporter: but they tolerated us. laughter is the best medicine.
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good to see you. >> reporter: after this election, we might all need a double dose. >> tell everybody who you're voting for. >> clinton. >> see that? donald trump. you heard it. >> reporter: i'm david wright for "nightline" in new york. next, so many costumes out there on this halloween, but you're about to meet a 9-year-old with the courage to follow his heart and drag. and wait until you see the surprise waiting for him. "when the ship comes in" by the hollies ? oh the fishes will laugh as they swim out of the path ? ? and the seagulls they'll be smilin' ? ? and the rocks on the sand ? it's so peaceful up here. yeah. [eagle screams]
1:00 am
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1:01 am
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1:04 am
finally tonight, a big surprise for a little halloween hero whose super powers include the fearlessness to be yourself no matter what. ? tonight in west hollywood, 9-year-old c.j. as his mom calls him is getting in costume for halloween. his inspiration?
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bob the drag queen. the winner of this year's "rupaul's drag race." >> oh my god! >> bob's funny and smart and strong and sassy. and so my son likes all of those things. but more than that, he's a boy who likes to wear a dress and look fabulous. >> here's c.j.'s uncle helping him get into the hollywood spirit and into drag. even making sure he has the purse from bob's song "purse first." >> pictures of the two preparing went viral when mom laurie shared them on her blog "raising my rainbow." >> you don't expect to have a child who's differently gendered. we had to focus on loving our child no matter what. >> tonight c.j. is in for a surprise from bob the drag queen himself. >> i'm very excited to meet c.j., it's going to be very fun. i've never met a kid who dressed as me for halloween.
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>> the two exchanging gifts. >> your very own purse first shirt. >> and trick-or-treating. >> hi, trick or treat. hey, trick or treat. we're here for candy. >> reporter: strutting down the street, of course purse first. great story. thank you for watching abc news tonight. as always, we're online 24/7 at and on our "nightline" facebook page. thanks
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coming to you from hollywood, it's comi"comics unleashed," with your host, byron allen. tonight, byron welcomes jeff brown. butch bradley! miles in a diaper just to be here, byron allen! >> all right! all right! thank you. thank you.


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