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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  November 9, 2016 7:00am-9:00am EST

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good morning, america. the most stunning upset in american history. donald j. trump elected the 45th president of the united states. >> i will be president for all americans and i promise you that i will not let you down. we will do a great job. >> the political outsider billionaire businessman, reality tv star completes a slashing and populous campaign by promising to heal and unite america. >> it is time for us to come together as one united people. >> trump winning in an unprecedented victory over hillary clinton. her campaign defiant till the end. >> we can wait a little longer, can't we? and she is not done yet. >> but hillary clinton conceding early this morning in a phone call to donald trump. her supporters emotional.
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>> trump taking the stage with his own message of unity. >> while the campaign is over, our work on this movement is now really just beginning. >> our powerhouse political team is here on the day after breaking down this historic surprise. answering the question, where do we go from here? >> i love this country. thank you. thank you very much. >> a special edition of "good morning america" starts now. good morning, america. what a night, what a campaign. the experts said he couldn't do it. his critics said he wasn't qualified. but donald j. trump proffered them all wrong pulling offer the most stunning upset in political history. he wabs up this morning the next president of the united states. >> all of america waking up to
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a few hours ago, donald trump surrounded by his family taking the stage to address his many supporters after that concession call from hillary clinton. >> and another moment from last night, donald trump took a little time to help his son barron with his tie and, robin, you were there at the clinton headquarters. so many shocked and sad faces. just a surreal moment. >> utter disbelief. "making a murderer"ing reference to the glass ceiling at javits center thought it would be possible. but let's take a look at the numbers right now. donald j. trump topping 270 electoral votes. he has 278. right now, hillary clinton ahead in the popular vote. she actually has about 45,000 more votes than donald trump right now, about 9% of the vote left to be counted. take a look at the white house at this hour. no public statement yet from president obama or hillary clinton. we expect to hear from them today. but donald trump just sent his
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such a beautiful and important evening. he wrote the forgotten man and woman will never be forgotten again. we will all come together as never before. >> we'll hear from donald trump's campaign manager kellyanne conway, george will talk to her in a moment and our powerhouse team is still here after staying up all night long. i don't think they've been to bed. full coverage in the studio and in key locations all across the country and world. lease tart with abc's tom llamas who has been with trump's campaign since day good morning, tom. >> reporter: robin, good morning to you. donald trump called this. he predicted an election night shocker and he was 100% right. despite nearly all national polls showing him behind before the voting started, donald trump is now president-elect trump. >> sorry to keep you waiting. complicated business. >> reporter: overnight president-elect trump striking a conciliatory tone in his speech.
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she congratulated us. it's about us. on our victory and i congratulated her and her family on a very, very hard fought campaign. we owe her a major debt of gratitude for her service to our country. >> reporter: with his family nearby, trump telling the standing room only crowd he hopes to unite all americans. >> i say it is time for us people. i pledge to every citizen of our land that i will be president for all americans and this is so important to me. >> reporter: it was almost 18 months ago donald trump a businessman and celebrity with no political experience announcing his candidacy in true trump fashion. >> i am officially running for
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and we are going to make our country great again. >> reporter: trump entered the republican primaries facing off against 16 other republican opponents, the largest in open history. >> and i'll tell you -- >> you probably are worse than jeb bush. >> reporter: despite the criticism trump received on the campaign trail for his rhetoric and proposals. >> donald j. trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of muslims entering the united states. when mexico sends its people they're not sending its best. they're bringing drugs. they're bringing crimes. their rapists. >> reporter: he still pulled in massive crowds. one by one knocking off his republican rivals to become the party's nominee. >> i humbly and gratefully accept your nomination for the presidency of the united states. >> reporter: vowing to make america great again with his
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the terrorism of our cities threaten our very way of life. >> reporter: and immigration. >> we are going to build a great border wall to stop illegal immigration. >> reporter: he squared off against hillary clinton in three debates. >> unfit and he proves it every time he talks. >> you are the one unfit. the problem is you talk but you don't get anything done, hillary. he clinched victory. >> the next president of the united states, donald trump. thank you. it's been an honor. >> reporter: this morning a sign we have entered a new era in this country, twitter, donald trump's preferred form of communication with a new title, you see it there donald j. trump, president-elect of the united states. now, guys, eventually donald trump will take over the potus twitter account president of the united states and, guys, so many of us were surprised and shocked
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example, george. the president of the united states, 11.4 million twitter followers. donald trump, 13.5 million. more popular than the president. you can argue, george. >> 13 million. okay, tom llamas, thanks very much. amy robach here a.s well. you were at that new york hilton last night, the trump headquarter, completely opposite experience of what robin had. they seemed uncertain, a little shaky then the mood rose all through the night. >> quite an arc to say the least, george. when we first walked in, it was hilton. definitely a subdued election headquarters and the group was small. the media outnumbered the invited guests for a large part of the early part of the night and they were definitely not in the celebratory mood then the results starting coming n you saw more people starting to gather and then the crowd took a 180-degree turn. i took this video chanting, cheering, singing. they were drinking and booing hillary clinton throughout the night at different points
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before 3:00 in the morning when the election was finally called the crowd went wild. standing room only. but when trump came out i have to say there was another tonal shift. when he thanked hillary clinton for her service and hard fought fight and his crowd of supporters completely turning around and giving her a round of applause. >> i want to ask you about that. we saw john podesta came out to the clinton gathering and say they weren't going to say anything tonight, chanting lock her up. >> booing and lock her was deafening and then to see them turn around and applaud for her when trump thanked her, it was quite remarkable. >> amazing stuff right there. okay. >> it was an arc of a different sort where i was. as we mentioned you could feel the mood dramatically changing as results started pouring in, abc's cecilia vega was also there and been covering hillary's campaign every step of the way and she joins us now from the peninsula hotel where clinton is resting after a very
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to you. yeah, i'm not sure how much rest hillary got inside the hotel room. you and i were in the room at different times and by the time i got there i think it was a completely different scene. i saw supporters crying. they were leaving early, staffers were hugging each other to say that this campaign is shocked this morning would be the understatement of this election cycle. hillary clinton is expected to give remarks later here -- later this morning as some point. we don't have all waiting to find out exactly when that will happen and her team has largely been silent which i think speaks to where their mind of set is trying to process what happened. her campaign chairman as george mentioned did address supporters at the javits center overnight. take a listen to what he had to say. >> they're still counting votes and every vote should count. several states are too close to call. so we're not going to have
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so, listen, listen to me, everybody should head home, you should get some sleep. we'll have more to say tomorrow. >> reporter: so a very defiant tone at that point in the night from the clinton campaign. chairman john podesta and then just 40 minutes later, you guys, hillary clinton we're told calls donald trump. he talks about it when he's on stage there for this concession phone call. outside of a tweet that hillary clinto night, we hasn't heard anything and it ended up being a cryptic tweet that foreshadowed thanking her supporters for a long, hard fight and we are now again waiting for hillary clinton to come out to say again that they are stunned this. is a campaign that went in thinking they had this in the bag yesterday, robin, and now just complete shock. >> and many are anxious to hear what she will say later this morning. thank you. george. >> thanks, robin. we are joined by donald trump's campaign manager kellyanne
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us. how does it feel to manage the biggest upset in history. >> it feels absolutely euphoric. this was a campaign for the people and they have spoken and want to go in a new and different direction and want different leadership and mr. trump and governor pence did a fabulous job taking the case directly to the people. we faced an avalanche of criticism, naysayers, every single day and i'm just so proud that the people overcame that. this is really a victory for them. >> take us inside trump tower last night. describe the president of the united states. >> well, he admitted later than some of the other of those of us in the senior staff. i mean i think it was when we -- it was clear that we were able to -- we were able to protect our core four, ohio, iowa, florida and north carolina, those four states and then we always intended to add to those maybe with a michigan or a pennsylvania, nevada plus new hampshire, so we were able to do it with a combination of states.
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always my heart state since i took over as campaign manager, our reach state and for the first time in almost 30 years it went republican at the presidential level so that helped put us over the top and i think it was when mr. trump got to about 254 electoral votes started to make our way to the hotel and we planned to go there, george, and do what we had been doing all night just watch the returns and your network and others and just wait to see how the states went and who would win. we had some indication that some changing their predictions and going the way of trump/pence but i asifed a call from huma abedin and handed the phone to mr. trump and he spoke to secretary clinton and they had air gracious ex-change. >> can you tell us more about it. >> i heard the donald trump side of it because i was standing next to him. as i understand it secretary clinton commended donald trump on a hard fought race and con grad lated him for his victory and he told secretary clinton
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and respects her and her family. very pleasant exchange and then mr. trump spoke to president obama later on. we look very much forward to mr. trump and president obama, secretary clinton and many, many other leaders in this country to come together to help unify and heal the country. >> that was the core message of his speech last night. saying we have to bind the wounds of the nation. what is donald trump going to do to do that as president? >> well, you heard him last night, george, say he's going to be the president of all americans and that would include for president. those who don't want him to be the president and that's a really great way to start one's presidency, let everyone know everyone will be treated the same. he's been very specific about some of the things he would do. he told last night he said i would like to tell the world community i will always put america first but i also will treat everyone fairly around the globe and he looks forward to making good on some of his promises in short order. he'll go to washington with a republican house and republican senate, so he'll have the
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plan he's been talking about. >> he also spoke many times during the campaign including the debates about appointing a special prosecutor to pursue hillary clinton. is he still going to do that? >> we have not discussed that at all and he certainly didn't discuss it on his brief phone call with mrs. clinton. >> and he'll have a choice, open seat for the supreme court. does he have a short list? >> we do and mr. trump has been very public about who is on that list. he's also somebody who is already on that list as his supreme court justice but i think what's really important is he's given a job descriptions to what he feels the supreme court justice should be and do, somebody who adheres very closely to the constitution, doesn't make up the law as they go along, doesn't have a political agenda so the 19 or so men and women he's put fort certainly fit that description and we look forward to filling that supreme court
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others during his first term? final question, was this victory even more sweet than you dreamed of? >> it is, george, because it's real. we saw it coming for a few weeks. i know i talked on air on abc and elsewhere that we just modeled the electoral differently and saw some things a little differently. it's really sweet because i've been to these rallies with mr. trump and you can't help but be moved for the people who stand in line for four or five hours just to be there to show their support and future. so i'm really happy that they got their wish yesterday. >> kellyanne conway, thanks very much. big job ahead. >> thank you. >> all right, george, thank you. we just learned that president obama has invited donald trump for a meeting tomorrow at the white house. and take a look at the headlines here in new york. donald trump's hometown. he show what a stunning victory this was and we're going to bring in abc's jon karl. there you see the headlines right now.
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look at what happened and, jon, you're there at the board again. take us state by state, the breakdown. >> i mean what happened here, robin, donald trump won in all the states he needed to win and then he won in states that virtually nobody thought he had a chance of winning so first he won in florida. he won in north carolina and take a look at ohio, not only did he win in ohio, he won a victory in ohio of 8 points. it was basically a landslide victory for donal and reason why donald trump is the president-elect of the united states is what happened in the industrial midwest. look at this. he won in the state of pennsylvania. a state that hasn't gone republican since 1988. he won in the state of wisconsin, a state that hasn't gone republican since 1984 and although we haven't called michigan yet with 95% of p precincts reporting he has a lead there.
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he had a chance to win. >> few people thought he had a chance to win and saw one commentator van jones call this a whitelash. we saw white working class voters especially in the places you just saw come out in droves. >> absolutely. let's take a look at those demographics. the biggest single factor in donald trump's victory here was white voters as you mentioned, george, but especially white voters without a college degree. look at this. he absolutely -- absolute landslide among those voters and here when you look further a interesting thing, not surprisingly he got killed among african-american voters getting only 8%. hispanic voters, he got 29%. asian-american voters, he got 29%. but consider this, for each of those three groups, african-americans, hispanics, asians, he outperformed mitt romney. donald trump did better than mitt romney among nonwhite voters. >> that is really the key right
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profound because right now republicans control the white house, the house and the senate. they're going to get a pick on the supreme court. >> let's take a look at where that all breaks down. we have first of all in the senate they've got 51 seats right now and there's still the outstanding senate race in the state of new hampshire and could pick up another. that's much better than anybody expected in the house. they still have a commanding majority in the house, 230 and counting and, george, he could have up to three picks. >> we will have more on the election coming up. we'll hear from our powerhouse team that's here with us in the studio but first let's go to ginger with the weather. >> and it is a mild times square this morning. mood and weather. 56 degrees. the temperature and that is an average high so look at this with the warmth comes drought and comes fire. the video from georgia, parts of west north carolina haven't seen rain in more than 75 days. sale was 70 yesterday.
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look at the wind out of the north at ten to 20 miles an hour. so it will feel much cooler when you step outside. and the temperatures were not warming much at all today. and the rain showers could come to the end in the next hour or two and mostly cloudy skies today with the highs in the 40s and tomorrow the sun returns and so do the temperatures
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coming up, much more on how donald trump's victory happened. we'll talk about that and how he can move on from this election and what you should tell your children. plus, we're going to have the world and their reactions and president vladimir putin shares a message for donald trump. that and more coming up right
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a lot of locallish eyes were resolved too. one was a levee that will people the par na school district with a massive budget deficit. there will be a meeting at 5:00 the tax levee for the cleveland metropolitan school district. the voters supported this by a more than 2-1 margin. cleveland voters passing and income tax increase and anyone that works in the city. it will help generate more than $80 million a year for the police department, maintenance and equipment. we have a equipment to make. we reported issue 35 in lorain county passed. it did not.
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that would have raised money for addiction service there's in lorain county. coming up weather and
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>> radar has a hard time picking up mist and drizzle. is that may be aro and i expect most of this to come to an end in the next hour. and i'll give you a live look outside. and the temperatures in the 40s and 50s. that is about all that we're going to do today. the wind is not helping things especially on the roads. and we have a couple accidents to tell you about. the highways are drying out and east at 77. we have another crash here. 76 eastbound right at east avenue and no delays to talk
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i'll leave you with a look at 90 and fulton.
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colgate total for whole mouth health. i pledge to every citizen of our land that i will within president for all americans and this is so important to me. >> donald trump after taking that call from hillary clinton last night where he learned he would be the 45th president of the united states, taking the stage to give that victory speech americans, prompting to unite america after one of the most stunning upsets in political history, one of the most divisive campaigns in history. >> he gave the speech in the w eme hours of the morning. now all eyes on hillary clinton. she is expected to speak today, later today after calling donald trump overnight to concede. president obama also called trump following his victory to congratulate him and also invited trump to meet at the white house tomorrow. >> i don't know.
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any sleep last night but for a lot of people waking up now to a surprise this morning about the news of donald trump being our 45th president, the markets seemed to have it figured out before the polls did and rebecca jarvis has been tracking them all night long at the stock exchange and good morning, rebecca. >> reporter: good morning, michael. this caught wall street completely by surprise. most traders, veteran traders were expecting a completely different outcome and from the moment that donald trump appeared to be pulling that is when you saw stocks selling off overnight and around the world. at one time our dow futures were down as many as 850 points. the s&p 500 futures were down 5%. in japan, the markets there selling off overnight more than 5%. in germany, france, the united kingdom those markets also selling off. so what's driving things lower? in a word, the uncertainty.
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and donald trump has always been seen by wall street as the wild card candidate. the unpredictable candidate. wall street isn't quite sure what they're getting here. this is uncharted territory and as a result, major banks have been forecasting for weeks now that a donald trump win would cost the markets some of its gains, in fact, barclays said it could lose as much as 11% to 13% with a donald trump for president outcome. that we saw overnight have been cut. when donald trump took the stage last night, the futures markets came back a bit but today, michael, we are looking at a day where wall street could lose as much as 2% ahead. >> we'll make sure we keep our eyes on that, thank you, rebecca. >> didn't seem like his victory speech did help. we'll talk to our political team. tom llamas is back along with matt dowd, martha raddatz and cokie roberts. let me start with you, matt. you were confident that hillary
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you said a 90% to 95%. >> i said 95% then i said 96% so -- >> i love it. you're owning up to it supply told him he was crazy. >> you were basing this on the polls and people want to know how were the polls so wrong. >> i had a big helping of crow this morning before i got here. i took a look, 112 of 115 polls in the last four days had hillary clinton winning in this election. it's demographics but a couple of facts. first, there's about 6 million or 7 million votes out in california. hillary clinton is going to get a net of 2 million or 3 million more votes in california and going to win the popular vote by a fairly large margin, a million to a million-five. right now donald trump has less votes than john mccain did when he lost to barack obama in 2008 and mitt romney did when he lost
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all of the work that everybody did, there was about 3 million to 4 million democrats that did not show up and vote yesterday in the course of this election. this election will have the lowest turnout percentagewise in 20 years. >> you mentioned that popular vote. we'll see what happens and if hillary clinton does win it. this will be the fourth time in history that's happened. one wins the popular vote and loses the electoral college and republicans entering the white house all four of those times. >> yeah, and it's an amazing set of circumstaes was going for the football analogy. i said the only good news about this, i said the detroit lions had a better chance of winning the super bowl than donald trump of becoming president. so my detroit team must go to the super bowl. >> to be fair to matt, you also always predicted it would be a very low turnout. that was something that you've been saying all along. >> i get a little mark -- >> and all through this people were talking about long lines and early voting and all of that
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martha raddatz, you spent a lot of time with the military and questioned donald trump during those debates about national security issues. what about donald trump as commander in chief. >> well, i think that is obviously key. he is not just president, he is commander in chief of our military. and right now we are in a conflict in iraq that continues and a conflict in afghanistan, look what's happening in libya. look what's happening in yemen. all of that. they'll have to figure out going forward. >> he toldhe what they were doing in iraq. >> he said the generals have been reduced to rubble. he said that they are telling the country things they shouldn't be telling people. >> he knows more than the generals now. >> yes, and i think right now people who are fighting in that battle in mosul or training and assisting, those iraqis in iraq and in afghanistan are wondering what is next. what will he do? all along he's saying we'll bomb the hell out of isis. we're kind of doing that right now but will he pull back those troops?
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there? those are decisions he'll have to make very, very quickly. >> on the other side, cokie, we saw that hillary clinton didn't deliver a concession speech yesterday. what do we expect to hear from her when she does and what is her role now? >> well, i think that she will give a gracious concession speech. i mean, you have to feel very badly for her. you know, what a hard fought campaign and she's got to be feeling like she's let all kinds of people down, not only her supporters but all of those women who were history, so it's got to be very, very tough for her but i think she goes forward, she can do all kinds of things. she can go to the u.n. she can make that foundation something where she really is head of it and out working in the world making life better for children and women around the world. she has many talents and she will be able to exercise them. the question is whether donald
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those talents and it would surprise me if that were true but it would be a smart thing to do. >> tom, let's end with you. you have been with donald trump from day one. even going toe-to-toe with him. a lot of people want to know what kind of an administration do you think he'll form. >> one thing i learned about him he sometimes rewards loyalty over talent so i'd say the first person i definitely seen in a trump administration would be rudy giuliani. he became his rottweiler always by h attack. yesterday he made a point to bring in reince priebus up on stage. trump is an outsider. he surrounded largely by outsider but reince is an insider and will have a republican senate and republican house and going to need someone to guide him so maybe chief of staff. jared kushner, someone rich, successful, the trump whisperer and let's not forget his son-in-law married to ivanka so maybe becomes a senior adviser and kellyanne conway has some type of role in the white house.
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relationship with her. she is much more i'd say pleasant than some of the people trump has surrounded himself with and yesterday he gave her a very big hug up on stage and i think he's been very proud of her and trump will remember that winning team which is kellyanne conway, david bossie and steve bannon. we'll see those two have a role, as well. >> relatively small circle. of course, that state of wisconsin we talked about played such a crucial role in putting donald trump over the top last night. also gave paul ryan a big win and we go to mary bruce, the home of paul ryan. mary. sorry amy. >> reporter: donald trump did something that no republican has done since ronald reagan in 1984, turning this blue state red. he was propelled by wisconsin's large white working class population and also a big enthusiasm gap for hillary clinton. trump also got a last-minute unexpected boost from someone
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his supporters to get out and vote for trump. >> george. >> paul ryan and donald trump had such a contentious relationship. paul ryan basically called donald trump's accused him of saying racist things during the campaign. dragged his feet on endorsing him, finally said he would vote with him. now they'll have to work together. >> reporter: yeah, these two could not be more different, both personally and politically. their relationship so tense at times paul ryan wouldn't want to say there are signs ryan is trying to build bridges and reached out to him last night, called had him to congratulate him and looking forward to working hand and hand with the next administration. donald trump is going to have to find a way to work with congress if he wants anything to run. paul ryan has his own a? enda but has to secure his job as speaker and needs the blessing of donald trump. >> they have majorities in the house and senate and white house, mary bruce, thanks very much. when we come back we'll talk about how these results could shape the supreme court.
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donald trump will face in the white house.
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. back now with more from our experts. so much to dig into. terry moran along with brian ross our chief investigative correspondent and alex castellanos and kristen soltis anderson and stephanie cutter. >> they have been so patient. >> sitting with us all through the night. terry, you covered the supreme court for many years. there's been a vacancy on that court all year long, president obama's choice has zero chance. >> merit garland, the man forgotten. president obama put him forward. a relatively moderate democratic judge who he thought the republicans could accept but they stonewalled him from the get-go and it paid off. donald trump will fill that seat. and maybe more.
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and there are other justices who have talked, bandied about the idea of retiring and so the supreme court was front and center especially for so many conservatives. and he has floated a list of almost two dozen names of people he says from that list he will put on the supreme court. they are mostly white, they are strong constitutional conservatives. interestingly some of them very libertarian would probably find unconstitutional some of the things donald trump proposed to but they are -- >> democrats will have to face a choice. you heard some say, wait, maybe we leave that open if hillary clinton wins. now the democrats have 47 seats in the senate, not enough to block unless they decide to filibuster and if they go full out on that we could see fights again and again and again. >> they could do what some were threatening to do, eight is
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constitution. up to the congress and if one party decides no the to confirm any justices you end up with eight. that's going to be very hard to maintain. they'll want to essentially reserve their capital for more -- for other kinds of battles. bottom line, donald trump is going to shape the supreme court for decades to come. >> that's one of the reasons so many voters we heard from that's why they voted for him. >> that's right. when martha went out and when i went out there you talk to trump voters and supreme court was one of the number one issues, especially the second scalia in that d.c. versus heller case. >> what potential problems lie ahead for trump? >> as president he won't be able to avoid a series of very troubling legal and financial issues, tax issues that grow out of his business dealings. he's set to go on trial at the end of this month in a civil lawsuit over fraud involving trump university. he said he would testify and attend the trial. he also now faces continued
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he will appoint the next director of the internal revenue service whose employees will conduct the audit. as well there is an investigation by the new york state attorney general into the trump foundation and questions about how he establishes something that prevents a conflict of interest between his business and his dealings as president. he said he would turn over all of his business to his children. he called it a blind trust but experts tell us that's hardly blind at all. >> wow. >> yeah, that's not a blind trust if your children run it. very clear. so just one question f the three of you now, two republican strategy ifs and democrat. alex, you predicted the trump victory. how surprised are you but what is the most important thing, the single most important thing that donald trump has to do now that he is president-elect? >> one in a row. let's go to las vegas here. the single most important thing he has to do now is do more of what he did last night, i think
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magnanimous, inclusive. he succeeded because he appealed to one voter primarily. white slightly less educated america. he did attract some women, but it wasn't a broad coalition. he's president of all america now. >> kristen. >> i think not only does he have to make sure he's representing all of america but i think he needs to stick to the part of his message that did resonate with so many which is making sure that there's no special treatment just for people at the top. making sure that you sure everybody is playing by the same set of rues and people who work hard get a fair shake in this economy and that may mean sort of taking on interests within his own party as well as taking on interests within the democratic party. it's what the voters have sent him to washington to do. >> last word from you, stephanie. where do the democrats go from here and what do they do now? >> i think we've got half the country who feels like their voices were finally heard and then you have the other half who are scared by a trump presidency
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they're scared of the racism, the xenophobia, the perceived sexism. he has to address that. and reach out. you know, maybe to the gold star family that he insulted after the democratic convention. find ways to reach out symbolically but also in real terms. >> he said he would do it. we'll see what happens. coming up in just two minutes the massive reaction around the world to last night's results. >> thank you all very much. life can be messy... but with crayola color wonder... it doesn't have to be. because the fun stays on the page... and doesn't go anywhere else. don't you wish life could be this mess-free? all magic, no mess. color wonder. find it in the crayola aisle.
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moscow for the latest on that. good morning to you, alex. >> reporter: good morning, amy. that's right. vladimir putin was one of the very first to congratulate donald trump on his victory and went on state tv a short time ago saying he hopes for the restoration of full format russian-american relations. earlier he said they're in a state of crisis. any doubting the mood here, the sta the state dumo. they burst into applause when they heard and many see this victory for tru for putin. amy. >> all right, alex, thanks so much. so many weighing in. i heard from canada's prime minister, as well, congratulating donald trump. nearly every country doing the same, germany, england, et cetera. >> reaction will continue. much more on the big election
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all right, back here on "good morning america," i just met amanda from bethlehem, pennsylvania. you're doing what? >> i'm going to see "hamilton." >> i haven't seen "hamilton." i need some help. it will get colder. the colder officer coming in, i
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brought to you by secrets resorts & spas. enjoy unlimited luxury for adults only where everything is
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7:56. i'm terance lee. a deadly police-involved shooting in ash will. one person is dead an officer was hurt. >> we are tailed it all started with a robbery and it appears to have ended on fort and pres peck. you see the car -- prospect. you see the car on the front lawn of that home there. the people in the home believ car. the officer was taken to the hospital. we dent know how badly he was hurt. a 23-year-old woman was shot in the head just after 8:00 last night and east 101st street. she was taken to university hospital in critical condition. we're making call to get an update. here's a check on the forecast. big picture across the area right now, keeping an eye on the radar. a few leftover hours in the eastern part of the state. a live look here.
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windy and cooler. and the temperature of 50 degrees. here it is in the area right now. the temperatures are in the upper 40s to around 50 and that will be about it for today and we will not warm much more and a few breaks in the clouds allowing for a shade and two of sunshine outside of that, the rain showers continue to wined down this morning between canton and youngstown as that slides down to the south. so forecast highs for today, we're pretty much there already. if the upper 40s at this wind out of the northwest ten to 25. that will make things feel a will the cooler as you step out the door this morning. how about the roads? we're drying out on the highways. but the accident 90 east at 77 is still causing problems. look at this slow spot on 90 east use past 77. take a look at our driven times. pretty slow along 77 from what
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minute community and the other drive times low on 90 and 71 this is 90 at east at 22nd street where we're stacked up. another check of news traffic and weather coming up in 25
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good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. the biggest upset in presidential history. a stunning victory overnight for donald trump. he is now said to become the 45th president of the united states and vowing to unite the country. >> i say it is time for us to come together as one united people. >> can the outsider heal the rifts that he helped cause? >> now it's time for america to bind the wounds. >> the billionaire businessman and former reality star promising to heal america after one of the most contentious campaigns ever. >> the forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer. >> his new message of unity. >> and this morning, big questions about how to talk to your children after this nasty and bruising campaign. what do parents say to their
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>> good morning, america. the shock waves rocking across the country, around the world right now. america waking up to a surprising, stunning result this morning. donald trump in an upset becomes president of the united states 45th president of the united states, "people" magazine already out with trump cover. >> there are a lot of people with big questions about what to say to their children this morning after the hard fought campaign with all the insults going back and forth. it was a toxic political climate that parents are having a hard time explaining to their children. this is the topic at so many of your breakfast tables right now and we'll get into how to deal with that. >> a lot of tough conversation. a lot of emotional conversations all across the country, emotional night and morning and say we've learned hillary
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address america at 9:30 this morning. we'll carry that live here, want to go now to abc's tom llamas. he's been covering donald trump's campaign since day one. let's go back to him right now. tom. >> george, what a night. donald trump predicted an election day shocker and he delivered and tapped into the pulse of the american voter more than any national poll could. trump promises to start working today and he's already sent out his first tweet, promising to come together but also that the forgotten man and woman will never be forgotten again. donald trump delivered his clearly he was tired, he had been campaigning like a madman but his tone was very civil extending an olive branch to hillary clinton. >> i mean, she, she fought very hard. hillary has worked very long and very hard over a long period of time and we owe her a major debt
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>> donald trump promised his supporters so many things, to build a wall with mexico, to rip up trade deals and to eradicate isis, the big question now, george and robin, can he do it? >> that is the question. all right, tom. back to abc's cecilia vega at the peninsula hotel in new york city for more on hillary clinton's reaction overnight. good morning, cecilia. >> reporter: robin, good morning to you. as george mentioned some breaking news. we are being told hillary clinton will address for comments since donald trump became the president-elect. we have not heard from her yet. that will take place soon in about an hour and a half from now. she is staying -- spent her night in the hotel behind me. that is where hillary clinton spent the night right across the street is the trump tower. her campaign to say the least absolutely shocked. this is a campaign that went into election day thinking that they had this in the bag and were exuding confidence going
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that event overnight where hillary clinton was supposed to show up. it was supposed to be a victory party. that's what they thought it would be. instead we saw staffers leaving in tear, people hugging each other, robin, to say the least, they are stunned and, again, we are expecting to hear from hillary clinton for the first time later this morning. we will carry that live. >> it really was a somber scene there at the javits center as you know, thank you, cecilia. now amy with the morning's other top headlines. >> that's right. we are watching wall street this morning. global stocks plummeted earlier today in reaction to trump's those losses after trump's victory speech at one point dow futures down 800 points overnight but climbed back this morning. most stock traders had been banking on a clinton victory. in addition to trump's victory republicans retained control of the u.s. senate thanks in part to an upset victory in the wisconsin senate race. republicans also kept control of the house with democrats making just a modest gain. in oakland, california, overnight dozens of people apparently protesting the
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the streets, police say one protester suffered serious injuries after being hit by a car while blocking traffic. and the arizona sheriff known for his crackdown on illegal immigration has lost his bid for re-election. 84-year-old joe arpaio was running for his seventh term. he is facing federal charges for deny finding a judge's order to stop patrols that target lati latinos. now to the ballot questions. vote he in three states approved the recre marijuana, california, nevada and massachusetts. meanwhile, new gun control measures have been passed in california, nevada and washington but failed to pass in maine then minimum wage increases have been approved by voters in arizona, colorado, maine and washington. finally an image of unity this morning. the empire state building lit up in red and look at their featuring a picture of donald trump. it may be a solidly blue state
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red is the color of my eye, as well this morning. just thought i'd say from no sleep. >> like an olive branch. >> lara? >> i have a little political "pop news" for everybody. good morning to you. google trends has revealed taylor swift was the top political search overnight. the google news lab division tweeted the list of the top five popular names people wanted to know the voting habits of, monica lewinsky, george bush, al gore, mitt romney and randomly taylor swift. the pop star kept quiet on who she voted for but shared a photo of her standing in line encouraging her followers to get out and vote. were you surprised by that. people wanted to know all those political people and suddenly -- >> young people. young people. >> and me. i did too. also in "pop news" this morning, many americans soothing their nerves last night with
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know why i was searching found recipe fors trump tini with red cranberry juice and chilled vodka. the hillarita, mixed sugar and salt rimmed glass and another recipe popular one was the white russian. drinking games also popular with millennials who said if they drank ever time they heard too close to call they would have had alcohol poisoning. >> heard that a lot. >> from you guys. first time seeing you all. switching gears happily to our mission pawsible showing anything is possible. we are proud to report we have found homes for, drum roll, please. 2,042 shelter dogs. >> all right. >> including toby. toby, tobyby found a home. the oldest dog in a pennsylvania shelter now has a home. >> yay. >> so cute that toby and i want to encourage everybody consider
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are the best. all three of mine were. we brought them on our show. he had a mom and dad volunteering to take him home immediately and another super senior, 14-year-old terrier mix rescue from tennessee called ali after the final five member aly raisman joined us on the show has a home to call her home and today we'll be in my old stomping grounds at the western pennsylvania humane society where a special dog named mi forever homes with your help. that is "pop news." >> hence mittney. coming up, donald trump's path to the presidency, how he went from a businessman to a reality tar to america's new president. so many parents are struggling with how to talk to their kids about the election. the important conversation to have with your children this morning. all of that is coming up right here on "gma."
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if you want to sell your car carmax will give you seven days to consider their offer. why seven days? science. join me as we walk through the seven stages of decisioning. 1. consideration. 2. questioning.
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4. queso. 5. nap. 6. sudoku. 7. tambourine practice. i think i made my point. they'll give you an offer for your car, you take seven days to think about it.
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back here on "gma" and there's donald trump and his team taking it all in last night, the president-elect thanking his family and his many supporters. it has been a tense election season revealing a deep partisan divide? and moments like the ones you're about to see have many asking how does the country move forward. let's take a look? such a nasty woma supporters into what i call the basket of deplorables? she doesn't have the look. she doesn't have the stamina. >> he tried to switch from looks to stamina but this is a man who has called women pigs, slobs and dogs. >> she's a world class liar. just look at her pathetic e-mail server statements or her phony -- >> it's not okay to insult people. it's not okay and look at what
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nasty all the time. >> hillary clinton is guilty. she knows it. the fbi knows it. the people know it. >> imagine with me what it would be like to have donald trump sitting in the oval office come next january. >> the clintons are the sordid past. we are the bright future. >> it's just awfully good that someone with the temperament of donald trump is not in charge of the law i >> at least i have a plan to fight isis. >> no wonder you've been fighting isis your entire adult life. >> donald supported the invasion of iraq. >> wrong. >> that is absolutely -- >> wrong. >> -- proved after own over again. >> wrong. >> when you try to act holier than thou it doesn't work. >> i have a feeling by the end of the evening i will be blamed for everything that's ever happened. >> why not. >> why not, yeah. why not. >> and joining us now with how
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sides of the aisle together "the new york times" best-selling author of "hillbilly eligyj.d. vance and lz granderson, lz and j.d. >> we have a cd coming out. >> that's good. you know, don't have to tell you both there's a lot of anger out there on both sides and we'll say that trump's speech was all about unity. hi talking about bringing people together but how is he going to do that with clinton voters who feeling how they're fee sng a lot will have to do with president obama, as well. he's going to have to find a way to, one, encourage his base that all the progress that was made during his administration is not going to go away in one presidential term. and then, two, realize that we still need to work together as a nation and that we may be able to get the frustration out on social media but we can't go through with the next four years
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and that we need to start offering each other olive branches. >> j.d., your book really gets inside the hearts and minds of white working class voters who voted in overwhelming numbers for donald trump and at the heart of it they feel betrayed by everybody, by just about every single elite so the question is now, that donald trump is in charge, how does he reach out across the aisle, reach out to others without making them feel betrayed again? >> yeah, well, i don't think a lot of folks will feel betrayed because it's euphoria be hard -- i should say it's not going to be easy for him to totally lose his core base of support. i heard a lot cheer when he made his gracious speech and -- >> people need to be understanding. people waking up this morning feeling the way they do, people who said that say remember eight years ago, there was a group of people who woke up feeling how some people are waking up today because so isn't there something
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another and these feelings that we have? >> i mean, i think at the end of the day, one of the things that stuck out to me most about donald trump's speech was forgotten people and i think when you think about that in terms of your own individual life there have been moments which all of us have felt as if our government wasn't listening to us. african-americans have felt it. lgbt community has felt it. women have felt it and heterosexual white males have felt it so if have you that understanding i think that's developing a national conversation. >> one of the main targets of the voters was the republican establishment in washington, now donald trump has to work with them, as well is there that's right so one of the big challenges not just governing effectively but somehow bringing the broad republican establishment, the republican base together into some sort of governing coalition so because i think we've learned over the past few years the republican party hasn't worked especially well at governing and trump is going to have to figure out how to put that house back together
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things done? we would all agree with that. >> one thing that help is to ease the tension, this is a candidate that was endorsed by the newspaper of the kkk. so as racist things happen, as he goes on around the nation and continues to have rallies when those racist things appear it would be helpful for the national conversation if he addresses it. >> it would be very helpful. all right. jz -- jd, lz. >> i wish i had javits center's money. >> i'll look for that cd when it comes ou it's very necessary conversation, thank you for having it with us this morning. appreciate that. coming up, donald trump's path to the white house. the decisions and relationships that defined him and led him to
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8:21 am
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wednesday good afternoon the rain showers that we had early we're
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still some mist. the winds will hit you in the face this morning. the temperatures are only in the upper 40s and the temperatures this afternoon. but looks at the feels like when you throw in the north wind at ten to 20 miles an hour. it is a lot cooler than yesterday by 15, 20 years. tomorrow a warmup will return. that election shocker. donald trump pulling off a big win this morning. or last night. amy, you were at the headquarters at the hilton and talked about how it was somber and got exciting and you have something on i guess the rise to the presidency. >> it's true. you know when those followers, those supporters were there in the early part they did not believe that they would be attending a victory party, in fact, donald trump's chance of winning was seen as a long shot by most but last night the republican candidate, donald trump, pulled off an amazing upset going from billionaire businessman to reality star to
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donald trump making history overnight. >> i've just received a call from secretary clinton. >> reporter: the 70-year-old's presidential run beginning just blocks away in june 2015. >> i am officially running for president of the united states and we are going to make our country great again. >> his road to the white house th history. ? money money money ? >> reporter: the billionaire businessman best known as a reality tv star as host of "apprentice". >> you're fired. you're fired. you're fired. >> reporter: helping at a potential run many times. >> i'm really considering whether or not i can win. >> reporter: finally making it a reality defeating 16 republican nominees in a long shot primary. >> i didn't take the property. >> the net result was -- >> reporter: accepting the nomination in july.
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accept your nomination for the presidency of the united states. >> reporter: it was the 1970 when the real estate mogul first started his business career marrying his first wife ivana, mother to his three children donald jr., ivanka and building luxurious condo, resorts and condos around the world in the 1980s. the multimillionaire becoming a best-selling author with "the art of the beginning with the contentious divorce from ivana and married marla maples and later welcoming daughter tiffany. even with a number of bankrupts, the new millennium saw a rebound for him growing from his bolstering tv stardom and marrying for a third time, his star-studded welling to model melania trump even attended by the clintons, the couple becoming parents to barron in
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the billionaire mogul always keeping his eyes on politics starting the birther movement, president obama taking aim at trump during the 2011 correspondents' dinner. >> tonight for the first time i am releasing my official birth video. >> reporter: those jokes thought to have inspired trump to self-fund his run for the presidency. >> now it's time for america to bind the wounds of division. we have to get together. certainly resonated with voters. we saw those iconic red hats everywhere last night following his victory. >> yeah. >> a lot of waving of the red hats. >> and barron is the first son
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wasn't just the presidential decision last night there are local issues as well. the leave very pasted and the board of education is holding a special meeting set for 5:00 at the district's administration center. a temperature levee for the cleveland metropolitan school district and they supported this by a 2-1 margin. and the cleveland voters passed an income tax increase and it will help generate $80 million for the at this point, maintenance and -- police department, the maintenance and equipment. and the lakewood hospital
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outpatient center and emergency room. issue 35 did not pass t would have raised money for addiction services. and we're watching the leftover rain. a lot has come to an end in the last half hour and 45 minutes n canton, a couple showers. but it is mostly cloudy and on the chilly side this morning. and the readings are in the 40s and these are the high temperatures for the day. the wind out of the nort and cleveland 12 miles an hour. and it feels like the lower 40s when you step outside even the 30s in some areas. a quick check of the 7-day forecast. it will get warmer tomorrow before another system comes in for the weekend. a new accident into the traffic center 480 and transportation boulevard. it is very slow as you transition to 271 northbound.
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let's pull up the odot view of 480. we'll be back within 25 minutes
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welcome back to "gma," live from times square. there's got to be a morning after and it is a huge morning here in times square and across america, donald trump now the president-elect and across the country parents with big questions about what to say to their kids, how to deal with family coming up. it's not so much that donald trump won. he won fair and square, it was the language and the tactics that were used during the campaign or as he called it the movement that some parents having a tough time explaining to their children in good advice coming up. donald's own family supporting him and he thanked melania. the future first lady. >> for the most part she's kept a low profile. now she is poised to become only
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in a different country. abc's mara schiavocampo is here with a closer look at just who melania trump really is. good morning, mara. >> lara, good morning. in a really remarkable personal story melania grew up in a formerly communist country and said as a girl she was inspired by the election of ronald reagan. her own husband will become president an the nation is getting to know their next first lady. >> melania trump decked in white taking a late night victory lap with her husband the 46-year-old slovenian immigrant now the first foreign born first lady since john adams wife la cease what. she met trump in 1998 when she was modeling in new york. the couple marrying in 2005 and welcoming son barron, a year later. melania telling abc news he was the reason she was largely absent from the campaign trail. >> my priority is my son, barron.
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100%. >> reporter: in july she was greeted warmly as she took the stage at the republican national convention. but her words widely criticized for bearing striking resemblance to michelle obama's 2008 dnc speech. >> you work hard for what you want in life. >> that your word is your bond that you do what you say you're going to do. >> that your word is your bond and you do what you say. >> reporter: after that melania kept a lower profile. but battleground state of pennsylvania to campaign for her husband. showing voters her more personal side. >> i'm an immigrant and let me tell you, no one values the freedom and opportunity of america more than me. >> reporter: melania revealing one of her biggest platforms as first lady will be combating cyberbullying. >> we have to find a better way to talk to each other. in this 21st century what's
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children, to some of adults, as well but we need to take care of children. >> hard to keep it away from your kids. >> it is but we need to teach them how to use it, that is right to say, what is not right to say and because it's very bad out there and children get hurt. >> reporter: and speaking of social media, melania said she does give her husband advice on his twitter posts. she said she also wants to focus on women and children's issues, as first lady and, she says she's never been to the white house but, of course, that's all >> that's all about to change. i know she said women and children also cyberbullying. i want to ask you, cokie. what do you expect melania will step up and support? >> first of all it's going to take her some time. she's never been in this position. it's going to be very hard. it was hard for michelle obama having never been first lady of a state and it takes some time to just figure out how to -- what your voice is and what are the issues where you can make a difference. she does have a young child, we saw, poor barron trump in the middle.
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to come see this moment. but she has said that cyberbullying, something she's going to take on which would be useful. she could start with her husband, but she also when she says women and children's issues, there are lots of those that she can certainly take up michelle obama has said that it will be her life's work for the rest of her life to promote let girls learn which is keeping girls in school around world. she and laura bush have worked together on lots of issues involving women and children. maybe melania trump will be able to fall into that groove but it will take her some time. >> we did not see a lot of her on the campaign trail. you mentioned it will take her time to find her footing. will she be allowed to have that time to sort of figure out what kind of a first lady she wants to be? >> she has a little child. that helps and gives her an
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life. but she's wiser to take some time rather than just jump into something and, you know, you talked about louisa adams being foreign born. she was the daughter of the american consul in london. she was -- and then her husband was in congress and in the state department, secretary of state before she went to the white house. so she was not anywhere near as foreign to america as melania trump is. >> but as you michelle obama, she came out in force towards the end of the two terms but in the beginning of the presidency she kind of cocooned in that white house is there she did and part of it was she had gotten a lot of heat during the campaign and i think that was very difficult for her. and so she took her time. she did have very young children. and she took her time to figure out where she could really make a difference and she did consult with other people including
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be useful and i think that it would be wise of melania trump to do the same thing. >> she probably will because she has talked about how she respects and admires her so i'm sure she will reach out and michele would be very gracious. >> of course, she would be. totally. i mean, you know, here we are now, you know, he is the president-elect and now it is time, you know, even though it's going to be very, very difficult in this very divided nation, but there will be moments that make a difference and one of them wi b the white house and meet with the president and first lady. >> i was struck by something you were saying in these recent days when it was thought that hillary clinton was going to win and you said she will be able to step up and bring the nation together. donald trump's victory speech was very much what people needed to hear. >> absolutely. >> and there are hopes that that will be a tone that he will maintain. >> but now he needs to take some symbolic actions and then some
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symbolically stephanie cutter was saying earlier and she and i talked about it, he should invite khizr khan to the white house, the gold star family and talk about the importance of their son and apologize for the things he said and he should certainly spend some time in the african-american community. he should -- he needs to take some steps to show that he really meant what he said last night andhe some policies that show it. >> the victory speech is a step. >> instead of what happened it's what's next. >> let's look forward. >> and president obama will be a key meeting with him. coming up, a lot of questions all over the country this good morning. we'll talk about how you should talk to your kids about this
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that weather brought to you by voya financial. lara, up to you. >> i will take it for you, thank you, ginger. so many parents are waking up this morning to their children's questions after this brutal election season. wondering what they should say about donald trump's victory and hillary clinton's loss. psychiatrist janet taylor is here to help. let's make it clear there are a lot of people happy this morning and their children are happy this morning. but there are also families that are waking up and the are wondering. again, it's not so much about the victory but the language used and tactics used and the parents are having difficult questions to have to answer this morning. >> yeah, this is a time for really active parenting and not just for kids. i have adult daughters who are saying, like, i'm confused. what is going on? so it really is about as a parent, going to your child and not or teen and not just saying how do you feel but really how do you feel, asking a way that they can tell you how they're
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certain way. why they may be afraid and confused and strategizing with them their own control so when they feel a certain way, this is what you can do to remind you that you're okay and that you still are important. >> how about little girls. the polling places you saw them with their moms and their parents, i saw them at the javits center at hillary clinton's headquarters. they thought that there was going to be a breakthrough, that the glass ceiling was going to be shattered. how do you talk to your daughter this morning. point is little girls and women, we are still wonderful. this was one event and so it really is about reminding our daughters and our sons but especially our girls about their importance in family values and keeping lines of communication open. this is not just talking to them for one day. this is talking to them over and over and also minimizing any safety issues that they may have. so if you won you'll win graciously.
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the point is it's not about pointing fingers at people and making fun of people. if you are brown or black or muslim, you know, speak spanish, whatever, you are in this country then you should feel comfortable. we all have to be kinder to everyone. >> and understand there are going to be disagreements even as adults we disagree and again, going back to president-elect trump, his victory speech was very gracious and hoping that his supporters and his >> he set the right tone. >> he did. >> and the fact is, conflict happens but it's about understanding the root of the problem, learning how to listen and tolerate differences in a way that strives to understand and be understood. >> yeah, and move forward. all right, janet, thank you very much. coming up a closer look at the new first family about to
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welcome back to "gma" and now to the next first family and all eyes are on donald trump's 10-year-old son barron who is the youngest boy in the white house since jfk jr. >> we'll talk about that and so much more with historian mark updegrove in a moment. first here's a closer look. >> they are the real estate dynasty, now political powerhouses. the trump kids making their way to the white house. and leading the c daughter ivanka trump. she has been a secret weapon on the campaign trail. >> my father, donald j. trump. >> introducing her father in front of cheering crowds and advising him behind closed doors. >> well, we're very proud of our father and what he's accomplished. it is amazing. i've been joking for awhile that when we started even just this project, we said trump was coming to pennsylvania avenue. >> reporter: ivanka is a business tycoon in her own right
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lifestyle brand but in the days leading up to the election she's been distancing herself from her father's campaign trying to save her brand from boycotters. >> i love this country. thank you, thank you very much. >> reporter: with a big white house win last night, though, the trump oldest children now ready to charge into the family business. while dad takes charge in the country and donald jr. might be eyeing a political future of his own. >> it's a tough process, it's a brutal process but there is also that element that's just amazing way and seen my father doing it. >> as for the two youngest tiffany applying for law school. >> if you do what you love, hold nothing back and never let fair of failure get in the way you pretty much figured out the trump formula. >> and barron, the baby of the family at just 10 years old will be the first white house son since jfk jr. >> i explain to him so he knows what's going on and he ask me about the polls all the time. >> reporter: now she can tell
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pennsylvania avenue. >> all right, now we welcome mark updegrove here with us at the desk. and, you know, mark, we saw all the trump kids were very involved in the campaign, three oldest kids really involved in the campaign but what do you think their role would be if any, you know, ivanka, eric and donald jr. if they could play a role in the white house. what do you think it would be. >> my guess is as children of the president of the united states they could be dispatched as emissaries on trade missions to funerals and different events. they can also be inside the white house in an unofficial capacity. as sort of loyalty yardsticks to make sure those around the president are serving his best interests. who better to do that than your offspring. >> i like that term. who better. ivanka is such a standout during the campaign. do you see her heading into the new family business of politics? >> i think she's been the most visible of the trump children.
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and charismatic. wouldn't surprise me if they had political ambitions but they have successful business, as well but there's no doubt in my mind they'll play some role unofficially in the trump white house. >> because they haven't actually said, yeah, we want to be active. they were active in the election process but we're not sure in the future. barron, young boy, youngest child boy in the white house since jfk jr. and what do you think his life is going to be. >> it's about to change dramatic dramatica dramatically. >> he was kind of under the radar. he can be protected to some degree. we saw that with the bush children and saw that with chelsea clinton and the obama children. there's some protection that you can have but let's face it, you live in the white house. and it's a fish bowl so my guess is it's going to change dramatically. >> he'll have to say good-bye to some school friends now. he's moving so it is a big adjustment for him and we do have to keep that in mind. i wonder about all the different businesses donald trump runs and
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different entities? will they have to take that on as well. >> there's a lot of legal moves that have to take place. those businesses have to be put into a blind trust. i don't know exactly what happens to the children or how they're affected in all this but their lives are about to change dramatically as well. >> they'll take on a whole lot of responsibility in some capacity or other. >> some they wanted and some they expected and some they didn't expect. >> thanks so much for that. >> thank you. >> thank you so much. everybody, stay right there.
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this friday morning -- >> a moment we've all been waiting for. >> announcer: live on "good morning america." >> they're excited to see this man sing. >> for a "gma" concert event. this friday the only place to be is tell them, garth. >> good morning, america. >> presented by carmax. >> "good morning america" is brought to you by windows 10. you things. when donald j. trump became the president-elect, take a look. >> as i've said from the beginning, ours was not a campaign but rather an incredible and great movement made up of millions of hard-working men and women who love their country and want a
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themselves and for their families. i've gotten to know our country so well, tremendous potential. it's going to be a beautiful thing. we're going to get to work immediately for the american people. and we're going to be doing a job that hopefully you will be so proud of your president. you will be so proud. again, it's my honor. it's an amazing opening, it's been an amazing year thank you. thank you very much. thank you to mike pence. thank you, everyone. >> he has said it again and again and said it again last night. it was not a campaign, it was a movement. >> just the beginning of an amazing journey for donald trump. 45th president elected 45th president of the united states. he will meet with president obama tomorrow. we'll have special coverage all through the day all through the week after this election. where do we go from here and
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"world news tonight" with david muir also on "nightline." a lot coming up, so many questions have to be answered for the country. donald trump, the next president of the united states.
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a deadly involved shooting.
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is hurt. >> we're told is started with a robbery and ended in a shooting fort prospect. we are working to get you more information this morning. a woman was shot in the head on east 101. and she is at the university hospital in critical condition. we're still making calls on her current condition. good morning t is chilly and windy this morning and it is not pleasant when you step outside. and the rain showers have come too end. i was watching the last blips on the radar in the southeast of canton and they are coming to an end and we're seeing a few breaks in the clouds. it will not be a warm day at all. upper 40s at best.
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40s. the sky clears out tonight and it will be chilly overnight into tomorrow morning. 30s for the overnight lows. and check out the high ises tomorrow sunshine and 60 -- highs tomorrow. sunshine and 60s. tracking a handful of accidents. this one is on the east side cause something extensive delays. this is blocking 90 westbound. you can see that extensive backup all the way to around neck road. and let's jump over to out of west 130th street and 480. we're seeing backup there's as well. and the odot view and 81 and 82, the traffic is flowing just fine.
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>> announcer: it's "live with kelly!" today, from the hit series of "secrets and lies," michael ealy! and a performance from country star cam. plus, journalist megyn kelly takes her seat at the cohost desk. all next on "live!" ? ? [cheering and applauding] and now, here are kelly ripa and megyn kelly! [cheering and applauding] ? ?


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