tv Primer Impacto Extra Univision March 22, 2010 5:00am-5:30am EDT
5:00 am
( eerie music ) you unlock this door with the key of imagination. beyond it is another dimension-- a dimension of sound a dimension of sight a dimension of mind. you're moving into a land of both shadow and substance of things and ideas. you've just crossed over into the twilight zone. [captioning sponsored by the u.s. department of education] call us tomorrow. yes, sir. yes, mr. secretary. the minute the machine is bacack in shape. good-bye, sir.
5:01 am
why hasn't wood gotten here? he's on his way. well, thank heaven for small favors. good morning, sir. elwood, something urgent has come up and i need your help. agnes has broken down completely. we've checked her thoroughly. we can't seem to locate the trouble. probably her sub-routines need debugging. that's what i want you to find out. suppose we take a look. ( loud beeping ) fred. all week. day and night. no sleep, no food. i've tried everything... everything. it's all right, fred, it's all right. are you taking over agnes? what happened, fred? why don't you see for yourself!
5:02 am
that'll get you nowhere. press all her buttons from now to doomsday. that's not going to help you. she's been out of her mind for a week. i tell you, nothing's going to help. go on, press 'em, press 'em! ( beeping stops ) remarkable. state the first prime number larger than the 17th root of 9,000,355,126,606. that's right. congratulations, elwood. you did it, you did it. you really think you did it, don't you? no, agnes did it. agnes. watch out for that female. look out for that femme fatale.
5:03 am
serling: james elwood, master programmer. in charge of mark 502-741, commonly known as agnes the world's most advanced electronic computer. machines are made by men for man's benefit and progress. but when man ceases to control the products ohis ingenuity and imagination he not only risks losing the benefit... he takes a long and unpredictable step into the twilight zone.
5:06 am
5:07 am
did you hear about my newest assignment? yes, congratations. she's the greatest brain of the century. she beat the world's chess ampion four games out of five. she's the foremost expert on missile ballistics. she can solve logistics problems in less than a millisecond. of course, i tell her what to do. oh, how satisfying for you, mr. elwood. say, millie... um, uh, could you, uh, could we could you have lunch with me sometime? oh, why, thank you, mr. elwood. i, i really must be getting back now. uh, millie? why don't you call me jim? all right... jim. she called me jim.
5:08 am
hello, millie. uh... half chocolate-covered cherries, half marshmallows. oh, how sweet of you but i started my diet today. no lunches either. how about dier? there's a lecture on thermodynamics tonight. doesn't that sound like fun? yeah, i'll let you know later. oh, jim? be sure and get a refund. hello, mr. elwood. are you on a diet? me?
5:09 am
notonight. tomorrow night? about 00? oh, thank you, millie. good-bye. there's no lecture tomorrow night. where can i take her after dinner? planetarium. she's been there. state magnitude of radiative correction. i have stated the problem. state magnitude of radiative correction. answer, please. i've asked an important question. stick to the subject.
5:10 am
listen, you may be an oracle of wisdom when it comes to atoms, rockets anmissiles but i don't need an electronic brain to advise me. all right. tell me where to take millie after dinner. no! from me? millie's not that kind of a girl. are you sure? the interpretation is that einstein's theory of relativity does not postulate the universe as infinite but as a closed system of a spherical type. millie? here i am, jim.
5:11 am
did you get that? mill, i can't read this to you without proper lighting. couldn't we have some music, jim? sure, but i thought we might compare notes on borstein's treatise on einstein's theory. ( turns on record player ) forget einstein and the universe. your universe is here with me. ( slow dance music playing ) come on, stand up. dance, eh? listen to that music. i used to play trombone in high school. really? father played the tuba. confess you feel somethinstrange. yes, i do. you know why? yes, i have a sore toe. oh, you're impossib. i'm sorry, millie.
5:12 am
i, i, i wasn't thinking. uh, champagne, huh? ( pops ) ( shrieks ) elwood! you're an idiot. i'm sorry. i'm sorry, i'll get a towel. don't bother, you've done enough already. thank you for dinner, i'll see you tomorrow. good night! millie, i'm sorry... let me explain... ( door slams ) consider series of real numbers arranged in order of magnitude. what? oh, oh, very... oh we danced and drank champagne until dawn... and we took this taxi ride all around the park. and, uh... oh, it's no use. i'm a dud.
5:13 am
i can't even dance. i spilled champagne all over millie. i've always been shy with women. now she's angry, she'll never speak to me again. what kind of flowers? translate, please. ( sneezing ) gesundheit. i'm sorry about last night, millie. it won't happen again. i'm glad you like the roses. hey, are you catching cold? i, i'm aller... allergic to roses. oh, millie. ( sneezes again ) oh, just please, go away. and take these roses with you. gesundheit.
5:14 am
( sneezes ) agnes, i don't understand. no other computer contains as much recorded knowledge as yours. you're the star of all the mechanical brains. but... whenever i follow your advice i seem to louse things up. ( beeping ) agnes, what's the matter? ( beeping frantically ) agnes, stop that. stop it. ( beeping escalates ) that's ridiculous, she's a wonderful girl. better girl? who? who, agnes?
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5:19 am
give answer. now, stop that. just give e escape velocity and forget about millie. yes, yes, we've got a date tonight. the truth is i'm scared. i've got to impress her-- it's now or never. how? name someone inferior to me, please. walter holmes? walter with the red sports car? walter with the suntan and the muscles? introduce walter and millie? are you sure?
5:20 am
oh, all right, i'll try it. hello, walter, this is jim elwood. what are you doing for dinner tonight? he insisted that we stop by for a drink before dinner. man: come in. comen. walter, this is millie. millie, this is walter. elwood, you didn't tell me millieas the most incredible eyes. tell you? thank you, walter. come on in, come on in. i'll get the door. nectar for a goddess. looks just like an ordinary martini to me.
5:21 am
it is nectar. all this time at superdata and we've nevemet. millie: shall we makup for lost time? walter: you bet. do y like sports car races? i've never been to one. i'm driving my mustang 500 this weekend. sounds dangerous. danger adds spice to living and my car does 160. astronauts do 17,000 miles an hour. 17,000. would you like to drive my little bug? i'd love to. ( phone rings ) hello. ohhello t.t. yes, he's here, hold on. ( whispering ): supervisor, for you. hello. sorry to spoil your evening but this is an emergency. washington insists that blast off of venus project be advanced three days. we need your data. right. can you get on it right away? good. see you in an hour. right, good-bye.
5:22 am
millie, i have to get back to work. i'll take you home. i can take millie to dinner. that sounds lovely. well, really, you... just because you get hung up you don't want to ruin millie evening do you, old man? no, but... good! you're a nice guy. you understand. perhaps tomorrow night. yeah... sure. well, good night. no, no, no! agnes, forget the radiation factor. will you concentrate? now answer this: do new conditions permit six successful eccentric orbits of venus and reery? go ahead. agnes, concentrate. ( beeping and booming )
5:23 am
all right, all rht, i' tell you. walter and millie had... martinis and walter took millie to dinner... i'm starved. why did you tell me to introduce millie to that... that sex fiend? i will not give her up, i love her! and i'm going to make her love me. ( door opens ) has all the new data been stored in her memory units? yes, sir. fine, let's get to work. ready, jim? qution: do new conditions permit six successful eccentric orbits of venus and reentry? what the devil does that mean? i, i don't know... think it's russian. what? wait, please.
5:24 am
translate into english. into english. she, she's a little disturbed. do something, jim. we've got to have that information. i believe i can get the answer, sir if you'll just leave me alone with her. all right, jim. ( beeping and booming ) what did i ever do to you? why do you want to ruin my life? why do you hate me? make sense. stop speaking in riddles. you mean... you were jealous of millie?
5:25 am
you wanted me all to yourself? no, that's impossible. i'm going crazy. you're just a machine. you're just a bunch of grids and computer circuits. you're nothing but a bunch of tubes and data drops. you'reust a fancy automatic tape recorder. you can't love or hate. ( booming and being ) it's amazing, sir. elwood is one of the best in the country. so was fred danziger and he couldn't handle agnes, either.
5:26 am
i'm positive i can. elwood! ( woodenly ): two and two are four, shuthe door. two and four are six, pick up sticks. it'll be all right, jim. you've been working very hard and we appreciate it. how about a long, long leave of absence? meanwhile, walter will take over. you? oh, no, you don't have a chance. she knows all about you and millie. ( laughing dementedly ) you haven't got a chance. watch out for that female. watch out for that femme fatale. he was a good man. well, do your best, walter. don't rry, sir i'll have the answers to the venus project
5:27 am
in no time at all. advice to all future male scientists: be sure you understand the opposite sex especially if you intend being a computer expert. otherwise you may find yourself like poor elwood defeated by a jealous machine a most dangerous sort of female whose victims are forever banished to the twilight zone. hi, may i help you? yes, i hear progressive has lots of discounts on car insurance. can i get in on that? are you a safe driver? yes. discount! do you own a home? yes. discount! are you going to buy online? yes! discount! isn't getting discounts great? yes! there's no discount for agreeing with me. yeah, i got carried away. happens to me all the time.
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