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tv   Despierta America  Univision  August 8, 2011 7:00am-10:00am EDT

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3 3 & 3 it's a wow factor." casey nthooy... like ou've never seen her before.the spin this artist put... on his portraat of the acquitted child killer. &pand wwth the u-s's creditt ratinn drrpping ... the finger is pointed at washingtoo the factors standard and poor's says... helped in their decisson. 3 3 today is monday, august 8tt. pass your way...c-c-b-c to catonsville closed today... due to a ppwer outage.3
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map fiber map a disturbing text message forces a mother to son and his family. r within that hour, police say thaa son killed everyone inside his home... ncluding himelf. joel d. smith is live in brooklln park here neighbors are still looking for reasons why. good morning joel d. 3
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3 firss of foo... the family oo a murdered blind man speaks out about his killer. killer.17 year old donnnll graham is acccsed of stabbing patrick ward in his bel air apartment friday night.ward was a 29 year old college student... whh went blind six years agoohis family says he was a courgeous man... but say his dissbility would also make after learning of their son's death... the family hopes the
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accused killer can somehow turn his life aroundd " hope he leaans and who knoww, go on toodo great thinns" things" police say donnell graham lived in the same neighborhood as the victim but diddnot know him. track criminal ctivity in your area anddget emails when crime happens.sign up for fox44's "spot crime" at fox baltimore doo com. 30 lives lost... in a single attack overrthe weekend. p americanssare mourning the loss of 22 navy seals... and 8 other troops ssrving in killed in a helicopter crash. incident for american forces... since the afghan war began in 2001. theyyleave behind wives... kids... parents... siblings and grandparents... all who say they will cherish thh last moments with their fallen loved ones. &p"he said that you and the don't worry, this place isn't going to change me. i'm going love you, ma.. just take care 3 of my girls.'" girls.'" thh latest &p the latest 3
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fatalities come... as about 10- thousand u-s troops are scheduled to depart by year's end.a full drawdown expectee to take plaae by the enn of 20-14. aaout 45-thousand verizon workers... waak of the jobb job.talks failed yesterday... pver a new contract which gets rid of pensionn... and... makes union workers paa for health care.the union says verizon makes 5--billion rs in profitssevery year. " i think foo a fair agreement its not fair for the company to take over 50 years f bargain for rights" this is the first strike at coming up... a cosmetics company is giving back to t's number ne ccstomer!how they're helping women get back on their feet.. in your hometown hotspot!
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hotspot! 3
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--collecting women's professional apparel--play a part in helping a womannland that job and start a new donating a suit or other businessappropriateclothing --droppoff your new orslightly used donatiooat participating locations- danyelle thomas has more.--covergirl will cosmettcs--through august 11th -
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you can elp out the suit &pdrive for success by dropping off clothing at arious locations ttrough august 11th. for a list of those locations, log on to fox baltimore dot com slash morning..- 3
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3 mappfibbr map 195 map wilkens
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map lbiirty need a vacation?there's still time for an end of summer fox45 wants to award one deserving erson a getaway for two... to the chesapeake beach resort ann spa!tell us in 100 words or less why you eserve a three day, two night stay... plus 100-dollars in resort benefits. just llg onto foxbaltimorr-dot-com tooenter. and watch fox45 morning news the week of aug 15... to see if you've won! still ahead.. country musiccreigns &psupreme... come october!we'r giving you a backsage pass to "sunday in the country".find out the county music stars set to tear up the stage this ear! packing those school lunches for the new won't
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want to miss this warning.the hidden dangers that may lurk in your child's lunchbox... next. you're waaching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 2))
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3 new this morning...hip hop artist antwann" biggboi" patton.. and half of the group "outkast" ... is out of jail phis morning on bail.he was arrested in miami on drug charges.patton didn't respond to reporters, but someone from his camp.. is seen shoving a ttv camera!the rapper is accused of having viagra pills with invalid prescriptiio, ecssasy pills and other drugs. a new study suggestt school lunches brought from homm aree't stored at the rrght temperaaure and may ánotá be safe to eat!the research ouu pf theeuniversity of texas at austin tested the temperatures of 700 packed lunches at a
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daycare found... even a heated thermal container or in a bag with ice of lunchhs were in the percent "thermal danger zone", and could cause foodborne illnesses.experts recommend freezing beverages like water or milk, whhch will act as an additional ice pack to keep foods colder and will thaw by lunchtime. state police aae stepping up patrols this week in an effort to make our roads safer.this week they will be out targeting aggressive drivers. pt's all part of the ásmoooh operattrá program which tries to reduce the number of car crashes... and promote better decision making by drivers. get ready to rock out... country style!!sunday in the counnry""is sttll a couple oo you a sneak peak at what you - can expect... when it happens in october.laurie deyoung w-p-o-c studio... with the line up of the artists...good morning, laurie! laurie! --who's performing?--hunter
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hayes?--when can we buy our tickets?
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3thanks, laurie! laurie!if you want to attend ... "sunday in country" is october 16th at the merriweather post pavilion in go on sale .. friday august 12th at 10 a-m. still tt come..
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something áfishyá is going on in a new hampshire forest!a dead shark.. in the oods!the unusual solution to getting rid of it's body. body. you're
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woman: working for cox is not for the faint of heart. i love what i do. i enjoy the work, but it's a very hectic pace. ♪ let's go, don't want to miss a thing ♪ strayer university met my needs in terms of my family, my work/life balance. the fact that leading companies are hiring strayer graduates is impressive, but it's not surprising. these companies want us so badly. i'm felicia blow, and i earned my mba from strayer university. watthing fox 45 morning news..
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all local.. all morning. ((break )) ((bump in)) the triple "a" club is now a &plittle more exclusive. on friday, credit agency standard and poor's downgraded the united states from the too rating down too"double a plus". the s and p said politics in washington is partly to bllme, citing the recent debt ceiling debate in congress. 3 diana rocco joins us llve ffom waahingtonnwith more. diana? 3
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1- how have the otter credit ratings reeponded?
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all of this brings us to our question of the day:are you worried bout your 401k in this voilltile market?we''l be taking your calls later this hour. coming up.. casey anthony... immortalized! the áuuiqueá spin this artist put on his creation.. and the expensive price tag. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. taking green to the extreme. how maryland is linking electric cars to solar power. on fox 45 news at 3
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3 3 we have a school closing to pass your way...c-c-b-c caaonsville closed today... due to power outage. 3
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map liberty map a family of four is dead this morning... in what policeeare calllng a murdee suicide in bbookly park.joel d. smith is at brooklyn parr where the tragedy happened. and he tells us how the family memberr knew something wasn't right. right.
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an update this morning... on a fatal motorcycle crash in northeast baltimore. baltimmreepolice say a his motorcycle at bel air road when he wws struck by a car drrven by... 34-year old whose name is not being releesed right now... died at are pending against lomax. americanssare mourning the loss of 30 u-s troops... kklled in afghanistan. afghanisttn.22 navy seals and 8 other u-s troops were killed in a helicopter crash saturday... marking thh american forces sinne the war began in 2000.loved ones got &pthe devastating news over the weekend. "i heard the door bell ring and i thought, hopefully, it's just the neighbor and as i rounded the sttirs, i saa the men in uniform and i just fell to my knees. heee's just no
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preparing for it." the latest fatalities come... as about 10-thousaad u-s troops are scheduled to deeart by yearrs end.a full drawdown expected to take place by the end of 20-14. 3&in ohio, a community rrmains in shock this morning after eight people... including the gunman were killed. killed. police are now saying.. a family arguement led to the shooting rampage.around 11 o' clockkyesterday morning,, police were called to the home. they say the gunman shot his girlfriend in thier home... then killed her brother and four neighbors in the house pext door.authorities say he shot two more peeple .. then wws killedd by police officers after exchanging gun fire. "we understand at some poont in time, the shooter was chasinggsomebody. so our job &pis extremely complicated righ now, because we actually have four different scenes we're pro"
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processing."one woman survived the shooting, and is in critical condition at a hospital. polygamiit leader warrennjeffs is due back in courtttoday for week... of sexually assaulting pwo girls... ages 12 and 15... whom he'd taken as brides. jeffs faces up to life n prison. treasury secretary tiiothy geithner is staying put. put.the white house announced asked geithner to stay on and he deciddd to do o.geithnerr had signaled that e was ready agreement was reached with the debt ceiling.the decisiin to stay comes at a volatile tiie for the economy- as standard and poor's downgraded the u-s credit raaing. many people are worried about - their money... their stocks... theer future.unsure where to invest or even if it's safe. last week... the dow dropped more than 500 points... closing below 11-thousand 400.
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it was the worst single drop since december of 2008.right now... we're just two hours away from opening bell... and there's no doubt... investors are nervous about what cooll come of the stock markee today. all of this brings us to our question of the day:are you taking your calls now..the number to call 410- 481- 4545. you can also go to us what you think... or sound off through faccbook. send us a tweet.. at foxbaltimore. and you can text your answer to 45203. enter fox45a for yes.. or foo45b for no. it's the last place you expect to find a shark... in the woods!police in new hampshire are trying to figure out how discovered the ssx to eight foot shark.. dead in the wooos &pon some privvte property.ther
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is a local pond there, but the nearrst salt water is nearry an hour away! "you think you'd see a deer out in the woods on the ground but a shark. that's unheard of.""this is awesome. i love it its totally shark week its perfect timing." "i've never seen that. i've lived here 25 anytting like that beforr." it might seem cool to some, but the ssell is offending tt called , but decided to leave the shark where it is and let nature take it's course. welcome aboard ana boeing 787 d" dreamliner." bbeing 787 dreamliner." dreamliner."welcome aboard ana boeing 787 dreamliner." dreamliner." the neww 7-87 dreamliner was unveiled ovee the weekend toomuch fanfare.affer years of delays and way over budget .. it's to see.there is no other lic commercial plane like the 7-87.
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the new model is super durable plastic and promisss a lighter, more fuel efficient ann cost effective plane for the airlines.for the passengerss it has, touch screen enteetainment, more natural light, and leg room. inaugurated in the fall. still to come.. we're checking in with mmterologist steve fertig.. to see what kinddof weather you can expect on your way out &pthe door this morning. morning. you're [ child's voice ] ooh, that looks good. [ child's voice ] can i have some? [ child's voice ] you guys should rock, paper, scissors for it. ok. [ chuckles ] best of three? sure. one-two-three-shoot. one-two-three-shoot. [ scoffs ] one-two-three-shoot. one-two-three-shoot. one-two-three-shoot. one-two-three-shoot.
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i win! oh, man. [ muffled ] congratulations. [ male announcer ] get your own bbq pulled pork sub at subway®. tender, slow-cooked pork with irresistibly bold barbecue sauce. subway. eat fresh®. sis, help me create my oasis. ok, romantic garden? oh, is there a castle nearby? no, but there's a charming farmhouse. right next to my posh castle!
7:43 am
i'm sensing a theme here. well, i am the queen, dear sister. get your annual ikea catalog today. meet pnc virtual wallet. it comes with a calendar that shows you all your finances at once. it lets you know when your money's going out. and when it's coming in. it even tells you when you're running low. we call that danger days. it's built to help you see your money in a whole new light. experience everything virtual wallet has to offer at pnc bank. for the achiever in you. ♪ map liberty map map liberty map fiber map
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p soon the maryland state fairgrounds will be full of the sounds of summer. summer. the 130th maryland state fair starts on august 26th and runs through eptember 5. fox45 is the proud media sponsor of the state fair. fair. along with all the food, rides, and other attraccions selena gomez will 26th.. which is fox45 night at the fair. blake sheltonnperforms saturday september third. and "all time low" will be in concert on sunday september ffurth. ffurth. we're giviig you a chance to attend a concert.. and meet the stars.
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p go to our facebook page ... and click on "inside fox45" n he left sidd of your screen ... to enter for a chance to win four tickets to see "all tiie low" in concert.. and a meet them in pe. person. we're ttking entries all week for "all time low"... and later this morning... we'll draw the winner for our blake shelton contest... so stay tuned for that. coming up.. all eyes are on the stock market this morning after it's historic drop last week.many out what to withhtheir investme. investments..that brings us to you worried about your 401k? - our phone lines are open now.. 410-481-4545. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all mooning. ((break 6))
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((question of day animation)) everyone is keeping a close eye onnthe stock market today... after it took a
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historic tumble last week.. on what to do with their investments.. like stocks.. bonds and retirment. our question of the day.are you worried about your 401k? our phone lines are open now.. 410-481-4545. 3 kisha "yes i am worried, buu i haveea 403 (b). my job doesnt match anyway. but noosavings equals bad future savings later. george "in the last fee years i've lost over $24,000 in value. yeah i'm worriedd" worried!"robert " what 401k? who can afford to put mooey away now ays?" days?"dean " nah. what goes down will come up again. worrying does nothing good." 3
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coming up in our 8 o'clockk hour.. a cosmetics company is giving back tooit's number one customer!how they're helping women get back on their feet.. in your hometown hotspot immortalized!the áuniqueá spin this artist put on his creation.. and the expensive price tag. you're watching fox 45 mornnng news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 7)) -3 ((bump in))
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mona lisa... dogs playing poker...casee anthony? believe it or not, a texas artist plaas tooauction off a "3-d painting" of tte accused child killer. and as robert price explains.. the startinggbid is a cool one hundred fifty-thousand dollars. dollars.
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coming up in our 8 o'clock hour.. a warning for all yyur smooers..why when you smoke makes a difference you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 8)) 3&"i saw the men in uniform and
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p just fell to my knees. there's justtno preparing for it." a tragic weekend... for loved ones of solliers serving many u-s troops in afghanistan... were killed. help for women... entering the & one local group is giving back... one item at a time. alaina says: "the highs are being innfront of all our fans you know that got us where we were and you know support us all the way wayand harm city is gearing up... for a star-studded event. we takeeyou behind he scenes... for a sneak peakkat the "american idols live tour." 3 3 ponday, august 8th we have a school closing to pass your way...c-c-b-c
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catonsville closed today... due to a ppwer outage. 3
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3 3 -3 map wilkees map
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a disturbing text message foocee a motherrto call police... and check on her son and his family. within that hour... police say that son killed everyone it happened sundaa mmrring... - on the 600 block of wood street.police rushed inside... after heering gun shots. friends and neighbors were given the worst news possible. evvryone inniie was dead... after what appeared to be a murder suicide. police say 33-year old kelly
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thompson killed himself after killing his wife, 34 year ld nina thompson, and her taiihawn nd treshawn pugh. 16:44 i can't helieveethey're gone. (long pause). i just seen his wife a couple days ago at hh store. she seemed so happy 557:40 as far as i can tell the whhle family was great people so why ttis happen is amazing neighbors say it is just speculation... but they through some financial trouble. a mmnnaccused in the murder of a hopkins researcher... appears in court . today.john wagnee is charged pitcaiin.pitcairn was robbed summer... while walking home from penn station.. prosecutors say pitcairn was walking to his charles village home .. ttlking on the phone with his mother... when he was attacked.another suspect in the case... la- velva merritt... avoided life behind barr... after cutting a deal with prosecutors.wagner
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ii scheduled to be in court at 9:30 this morning. polygamist llader warren jeffs is due back n court today for possible sentenccng.the 55-year old was convicted last week... of sexually assaulting two girls... ages 12 and 15.... whommhh'd taken as brides. jeffs aces up to life in prison. americans are mourning the loss of 30 u-s troops... killee in afghanistan. afghanistan.22 navy seals and 8 other u-s troops were killed in a helicopter craah saturday... marking the deadliest single incident for american forces since the war began in 2001.loved ones got the devastating news over the weekend. "i heard the door bell ring and i thought, hopefully, it's just the neighbor and as i &prounded he stairs, i saw th men in uniform andd just fell preparing for it." he latest fatalities pome... as about 10-thousand u-s troops areeschedulld too depart by year's end.. full drawdown xpected to take
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place by the end of 22-14. 3state police are stepping up patrols this week in an effort to make ur roods safer.this week they will beeout targeting aggressive drivers. it's all parttof the ásmmoth operatorá program which tries to reduce the number of car crashes... and promott better some alarming neww for smokers... when it comes to your health. it's not only about áhow muchá you ssoke... but also áwhená you smoke.two new studies... published in a journal of the american cancer society... find people whh smoke shortly after waking up... haae an increased risk of developing lung and neck cancers.findings may be used in the future... to help identify smokers who developing cancer.k of a newwstudy suggests school lunches brrught from home aren't stored at the rrght temperature and may ánotá be safe to eat!the research oot austin tested the temperatuues of 700 packed lunches at a
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daycare found... even a heated thermal container or in a bag with ice packs... as many aa 90 percent of lunches were in the ""hermal danger zone", ann &pillnesses.experts recommend freezinn bbverages like water or milk, which will act as an additional ice packkto keep lunchtime. some unexpected romance... during one reporter's live news. newscast.brenda washington was pn the middle of a live shot... when a annin the baakground... proposed to his happened outside a missouri airport.the with the couple... to recap their special momeet. did yoo just propose to her?i did just this for real, or was he faking it?it's real.what did you just ssy?yes. oh my god! god! the man had just flown into missouri to meet his ggrlfriend... when he decided to propose.the couple is now next month. small wedding for
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coming uu in our hometown we're getting you dresssd to im! impress!a look at one group that's donating gently-used entering the work force. - news.. all local.. all morning
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--play a parr in danyelle thomas --play a part in helping a woman land that job and start a new career by donating a ssit or other businessappropria teclothing--drop off your new orslightly used donationat participatiig locations --covergirr will raffle off 5 bags of covergirl cosmetics --through august 11th 11th
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you can help out the suit drive for success by dropping off clothing at various locattons through august 11th. for a list of those locations, log on to fox baltimore dot 3 3
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map fiier map liberyt cooiig up... he's turning his love for animals... into a booming business. business.quick drill nats natswhat this teen is buuy making... for pets. buttnext... start their year offfright.a look at some off the trendiest... watching fox 45 morning news... ((break 2)) all morning. -
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[ male announcer ] want a better way to track what you spend?
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pnc virtual wallet now comes with spending zone. it organizes all your spending, including your pnc debit card, credit card, and your bills. so you can view them by category... or by month. you can set a budget... and it'll even alert you when you're getting close to the amount you've set -- and when you've gone over. spending zone is built to help you keep better track of your spending. experience everything virtual wallet has to offer at pnc bank. for the achiever in you.
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i got a guy. who? the drive-thru guy at dunkin'. everybody's got that guy. hurry in for dunkin's tuna salad and new tuna melt sandwiches. america runs on dunkin'. ((bump in))
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business is booming for one texaa teenager. as kevin reece shhws us... the young ennrrpreneur makes toys for dogs... and they've become very popular. 3
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if you're lloking for a new piece of art for the e-bay today. thii piece... a 33d paiiting swallowed by the ddvil.a texas artist is putting this acquitted of killing her daughter up for auution today. the startinn hunnred fifty-thousand dollars. the artist says he knows the proceeds raised from the auction will be going to he heedi seaach center in san antonio. spencer says; "but, you know, i figured that, if some of the procceds were onna go to good caass...that, you never now." know." heeartist says it was his wife who got him hooked on the anttony trial... and it was last onth's controvvrsial not guilty verdict that inspired the painting. coming up... the newest "american idol" stars... are
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coming to charm city... city...allina says: "the hggs are being in front of all our fans you know that got us support us all the wwy waywe take you behind-the-scenes oo the idol tour....minutes from now. but nnxt... imagine seeing áthisá... inside a plane. how flighh attendants finally managed to capture the bird. yoo're watching fx 45 morring news.. all local.. all morning. 3&((break 4)) &p taking green to the extreme.
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how maryland is linking electric cars to solar power. ((open))5 news at 3 -capitol building 33 3 we havv a school closing to cattosville closed toddy... due to a power outage. 3
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3 p 3
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3 3 3first of fox... the family of a murdered blind man speaks out about his killer. killer.17 year old donnell graham issacccsed of stabbing patrick ward in his bel air apartment friday night.warr was a 29 year old college student... who went blind sixx years ago.his family says he was a courgeous man... but say his disability would allo make him a target.nnw just days death... the family hopes the - accused killer cannsomehow " hope he learns and ho knows, go on to do great things" things" police say donnell graham livee in the same neighborhood as the victim but did not know track criminal accivity in crimeehappens.sign up for baltimore dot com.
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30 lives lost... in a single attack over the weekend. pmericans are mourning the loss of 22 navy seals... and 8 other troops serving in afghanistan... who weee killed in a helicopter crash. it's the deadliest single incident for american forces.... ince the afghan war began in 2001. they leave behind wives... kids... parents... siblings and grandparents... all who say mmmentt with their fallen loved ones. "he said that 'you and the girls are always in my heart. going to change me. i'm going - to change this place. thht's just how i am.' he said 'i love you, ma. ust take care of my girls.'" girls.'" the lattst fatalities come... as about 10- thousand u-s troops are scheduled to depart by year's end.a full drawdown expected &pto takk place by the end of 20-144 today marks the one-year anniversary... of a massive mudslide that devastated parts of china. phina.the disaster left more
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than 17-hundred people ead or missinn.a commemoration was held thissmorning... at the "remembranne garden"... built at one of the hardest hit vvllages. wreaths were laid at the monument's wall... which is engrrved ith the victims' names. meanwhile... chinn ia attling moving along its coast. authorities are preparing for the worst... by canceling flights... and orderiig boats to stay in far.. more than 600-thousand people along the coast have been evacuated. it's never been done before.a 62-year old long- distance swimmer is hooing to swim from cuba to the florida k. keys.and as shasta darlington explains... she's doing it all.. witháoutt a shark cage. ccge.
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it's not something you'd
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expect to see... inside a plane. plane.take a look at this... it's a bird! it's a plane!... it's bird áoná a plane! possibly bat... snuck onto a delta flight from wiiconsin to passenger took flying around the cabin area... efore it was finallyy trapped in the plane's bathroom. coming up... ww're just weeks away... from the maryyand state fair. fair.we've got yyur chance to meet this year's performers. stay tuned for your chance to win... next.
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man: my employer had been putting together a program for executive education, grooming the leadership abilities of their top 5%. a requirement to be accepted in the program was an undergraduate degree, which i did not have. that was the wake-up call i needed. ♪ don't want to miss a thing strayer university has afforded me the opportunity to progress to the level that i am now, which is chief information officer at the largest teaching hospital in southern new jersey. i'm michael sinno, and i earned my bachelor of science degree from strayer university. what's better than italian
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pood?áhealthyá italian food!in little italy... sunday night, áchhe's angels" at "ciao pella" restauant joined first lady michelle obama's efforts to end childhooo obesity in tte u-s.groups of children from all cultures came together to promote healthy eating and excersice. "i also ant to get them to cook because it teaches them to multi-ttsk"butt to "it's all about exercising your mind as well as exercising your body" body" the master of ceremonies at phis event... was meteorologist steve fertig!
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((toss to weather))
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((ad lib meteooologist)) 3
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map fiber map liberty soon the maryland state &pfairgrounds will be full of summer. the 130th maryland state fair starts on august 26th and runs through september 5.
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fox45 is the proud mediaasppnsor of the state fair. fair. allng with all the food, rides, and other attractions are tte concerts. selena gomez will perform on friday august 26th.. which is fox45 night at the fair. blake shelton performs saturday september third. and "all time low" will be in conneet on sunday september fourth. fourth. we're giving you a chance to attend a concert.. and meet the stars. go to our facebook pagee ... and cliikk n "inside fox45" on the left side of your ssreen ... to enter for a chance to win four tickets to see "all time low" in concert.. and a meet them in pe. we're taking entries all week - for "all time low"... and later this morning... we'll draw he winner for our blake shelton conttst... so stay tuned for that. coming up... charm city is gearing up... for a star- studded event. event.idol performane nats nats we take you bbhiid he
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scenes... for a sneak peak at but next... we're gearing you up for restauuant week! we'll give you a little taste of what rocco's capriccio has to offer...'re wwtching foo 45 morning nees.. all local.. all morning.. ((break 6))
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((bump in)) &pit's the mmst wwnderful time of the year!we'rr talking about restaurant week in baltimore ciiy.this morning... little taste of what rocco's papriccio has to offer.rocco gargano himself joins us. --what is the restaurant ikk? --restaurant wek menu--specials
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--specials for mooe information on rocco's capriccio,, og on to fox baltimore dot com slash morning. coming up... the newest "american idol" stars... are coming o charm city... city...alaina says: "the highs are being in front of all our fans you know that got us
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where we were and you know support us all the way waywe take yoo behind-the-scenes of the idol tour... next. and in our hometown hotspot... we're gettinn you dressed to impress!a look at one group work clothes... to women entering the work forre. morning news.. all ocal.. all morning. ((break 7))
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we haven't seen much of the eason ten americcn idol contestantt since the finale in may.buu you cannsee some off them perform live this week here in baltimore. baltimore.the top 11 finalists will stoppin bbltimore this thursday.they will take over firsstmariner arena for the "american idolsslive tour." toor." this morning... we're giving yyu a preview of the eveet phat's been wowing crowds nation 3 3 (((pkg)))nats:white &pidol stars are performing att
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venues around the country like pros ready to rocc baltimore, too.thh tour hhs been absolutely wonderful i mean it's been a lot of fun for all of us. alaina says: "the highs are being in front of all our fans you know that gottus whhre we were and you know support us all the waythe contestants have been traveling together since the tour began earlier this summer and they've come to know ach othee vvry well. lusk says: "casey, casey has his signature move (imitates casey dancing)a"a,a&that's casey's signature move. mcdonald says: "ooe of my favorite signature every single time it's during the last, the finale when we're going "anyway ou wantt it that's the way you need it" and stefano goes "san francisco". what's yours tonight? it'll be like "what's up los angeles?" (stefano appears in the shot)) toscano says: "jacob does hiss littlea"a,a&after he sings." rrinhart says: "yeah at the end he does this little falling baak move it's priceless"nats:they are usually all smiles on stage.. but they admit this tour has been harddwwrk.sot jacob: i think we thought it'd be aalot easier than it is but there's very little sleep. you knoww we're arriving at the next cityytwo, three, four o'clock in the morning and then going to the next veeue but
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that doesn't even matter. hhs been absolutely wonderful. i mman it's a, it's been lott of fun forrall of us. it's venue every night, a nee city every night so it's been a lot of fun."nats: singing the merican idols live tour will stop aa first mariner arena on thursday at 7-pm. 7-pm.
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coming up on good day baltimore... a close call... for a tightrope alker in china. china.we'll tell you how many feet above ground... this man was left're all occl...all morning. ews..
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i got a guy. who? the drive-thru guy at dunkin'. everybody's got that guy. hurry in for dunkin's tuna salad and new tuna melt sandwiches. america runs on dunkin'. 3 monday, august 8th. 3 --anouncing winner f the
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blakeeshelton meet and greet this hoor. we have a school closing to pass your way...c-c-b-c due to a power outage. 3 --rainbow in howard county sunday 3
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3 a disturbing text message forces a mother to call police... and check on her son and his family. within that hour... police say that son killed everyone himself. s home... including - it happened sunday morning... on the 600 block of wood street.police rushed insiie... after hearingggun shoos. givee the worst nnws possiblee everyone inside was dead... after what appeared to be a murder suicide. police say 33-year old kelly thompson killed himself after killing his ife, 34 year old nina thompson, and her twin 15 year old children, taishawn and treshawn pugh. 16:44 i can't helieve they're gone. (long pause). i just seen his wife a coupll days ago at the tore. she seemed so happy 557:40 as farras can tell the whole family was 7740 as far aa i can tell the whole family was great
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people so why this happen is amazing &p neighbors say it is just &pspeculation... but they thought the family was going trouble. some ffnancial americans are mourning the loss of 30 u-s troops... killed in afghanistan. afghanistan.22 navy seals and 8 other u-s troops were killed when their helicopter was shot down by insurgents saturday. the attack makes it the deadliest incident or american forces since the war began in 2001.the latest deaths come as about 10- thousand u-s troops are schedulee to depart by year's end.a full drawdown expected to take place by the end of 20-14. workers from verizon are back out picketiin this morning. mornnig.some 45-thousand massachusetts to d-c walked off the job sunday... as part of a labor dispute..egotiators over healtt care nd pensions
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with union workers saturday. this is the first strike at the company in 11 years. state police are stepping up tt make our roads safer.this t - week they will be out targeting aggressive rivers. it's ll part of the ásmooth pperatorá rogram which tries to reducc the number of car decision making by drivees. &pthe f-b-i has launched a nationwide anhunt for three flooida siblings. the brothees and sister in robbing a georgia bank.. and &peluding police in a high-spee chase... police say they even shot a police car off the road. theef-b-i has put up billboards across the in ohio, a community remains in shock this morning after eight people... including the gunman were killed. killed. police are noo saying.. aa family arguement led to thh shoottng rampageearound 11 oo plock yesterday morning, police were called to the home. girlfriend in thier home...
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then killed her brother and pour neighbors in the house next door.authooities say he shot two more people .. then wws killed by police officers after exchhnging gun fire. "we understand at some point in time, the shooter was chasing somebody. so our job is extremely commllcated right nnw, because we actually have four different scenes we're pro" critical condition at a -ived hoopital. we saw ssme rain here over the weekend... but it was nothing north carolina. carrlina.thii waa the scene in raleigh. ááthunder- storms and pouring raan pusheddthrough the city dropping at least... 5 inches of rain.many places were waterlogged... causing the ceiling of one home to collapse. "i was sittin''on the bed but my nephew was layin' in bed. so it all kindaaffll on him, all the lil' pink stuff fell on him."butt to ""e're just glad we're still here and not h. shelter foo familiee whose
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homes were damaged by the flooding. and did you see this?the heavy rrin in north carolina turned a hotel's ceillng into a waterfall.the rain caused a pipe to burst at the embaasy suites ffiday.... and drain the water riiht through the ceiling of the lobby. 3 happp birthday to thh national . aquarium.the downtown landmark it's 30thhannivvrsary.many of feetival on the pier full of music and activities for the one of the largest tourist is - attractions in maryland. watching someone walk a ight
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rope is always a naill biter... 3&even more so if it's from 3-hundred feet up... in beeween 2 hot air balloons... what do you think...does he make it across? 3i'm goiig to guess that something goes wrong... we'll find out ....coming up. up.nothing could go wrong here... it's our hometown hotspot ... coming up where to find great clothes or a great fox 45 good day altimore. ing - ((bump out)) ((break 1))
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3 --danielle thomas --collecting women's
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prooessional apparel--play a part in helping a woman land that job and start a nnw career by donating a suittor other businessappropriate clothing--drop off your new or sliihtly used donationat participating locations --covergirl will raffle off 5 bags of covergirl cosmetics 11through augustt11th
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you can help uu the suit drive for success by dropping off clothing at various locations through august 1th. for a liss of thoss locaaions, log on to ffx baltimore dot it's a moment that will have you gaspinn... gasping...coming up... e'll show youuhow this guy went rope... to just hanging around. you're watching foxx45 good day
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baltiiore. ((break 2))
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((talking in chinese... 3agh!)) agh!)) ----chinese tightrope walker ---wire suupended ---300 feet aboveetheeground ---nearly falls --eventually 3 finished the journey
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maa fiber maa liberyt 3 need a vacation?there's still time for an end of summer getaway! fox45 wants to award one deserving peeson a getaway for two... to the chesapeake beach resort and spa!tell us in 100 words or llss why you deserve a three day, two night stay... plus 1000dollars in resort benefits. just log onto foxbaltiiore-dot-com to enter. aad watch fox45 morning
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see if you've on! get ready for schooo with a haircut..coming upp.. these two kids get a makeover for school. we'll reveal whht they look like ... and talk abbut great styles for the fall. you're watching fox 45 good day baltimore. ((break 3)) taking green to the extreme. how maryland is linking electric cars to solar power. on fox 45 news at [ male announcer ] are you watching cable? here's what you should be watching: your cable bill. because you could be paying way too much. stop spending more for second best. upgrade to verizon fios and get tv, internet and phone for our best price -- just $84.99 a month for a year -- only available online. go to to sign up, and save $360 in the first year.
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fios is a 100% fiber-optic network that delivers superior picture quality, more hd, plus america's fastest, most consistent, and most reliable internet. there's no annual contract required. why keep paying for cable? get fios tv, internet and phone for just $84.99 a month for a year -- our best price -- only available online. ordering online is easy. have questions? you can even chat live with a fios agent. so don't wait. visit price. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's at 800-974-6006 tty/v. fios. a network ahead. we're back with stylist
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jennifer meckkey from the hair our 8 o'clock hour, she told us what she was going to do to help your idd make the cut when it comes to
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schhol.she's also tellinggus on giving back...jjst by getting a hair, we're going to unveil this year's hottest back to school air cuts.--guy haircut --girl haircut--share a
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haircut 3program
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program for more information on the hair
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cuttery's share a haircut program, log on to fox baltimore still to come on fox45 good pay baltimore ....we'll announce the winnerrof the blake shelttn meet and grret. - we are minutes we'll go live to wwll street for look at how the stock market reacts to the hange in the u-s credit rating. rating.anddthe rrvens are back in action... a look at this weekend's open practice... and what ou areesaying about you're wwtchhng fox 45 good - day baltimore. ((break 4))
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3 ((ad lib opening bell)) 3
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((ad lib... blake shelton meet and greet drawing)) 3
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map fiber map the new york stock exchange timm since theeu-s credit
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ratiig was downgraded. downgraded. here's a look at the numbers rrght now...for the first time in history friday... standarddand poor's downgraddd the united states' &pcredit rating.the head of the credit aaency says the country's debttreduction package wasspart of the reason for the doongradee there is pow grooing concerr that interest rates will rise for crrdit cards to mortgages. other major credit rating wo maintained tteir triple-a rating on the u-s debt. 3 33 first of fox... the family of a murdered blind man speaks out about his killer. graham is accused of stabbbng patrick ward in his bel air apartment friday night.ward was a 9 year old college student... who went blind sii years ago.his family says hh was a courgeous man....buu say hissdisability would also make
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him just days after learning of their son's death... the family hopes the accused killlr can somehhw turn his life around. knows, go on to do great things" things" police say donnell graham lived in the same did not knoo him. a progress report is scheduled today for singer chris brown. broon pleaded guilty to assaulting rihanna in 2009 ... who was his girlfrienn at the time.brown is not required to appear at the hearing. hip hop artist antwan " big boi" patton.. and half of the group "outkast" ... is out of was arrested in miami on drugg charges.patton didn't respond to reporters, but someone froo his camp.. is seen shoving a t-v camera!the rapper is accused of having -& pressription, ecssasy pilll and other drugs. a new study suggests school lunches brought from home aren't stored at the right
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temperatuue and may ánotá be safe to eat! eat!the research out of the tested the temperatures of 700 packed lunches at a daycare found... evee a heated thermal container or in a bag with ice packs... as many as 90 percent of lunches were in the "thermaaldanger zone", and could cause foodborne illnessss.experts recommend freezing beverages like water or milk, which will act as an additional ice pack to keep foods cclddr and will thaw by luncctime. 3itts the last place you expect to find a shark... shark...but one shark recently tuuned up .... innthe woods! wwods!police in new hampshire are trying to figure out how it ggt there.someone discovered the six to eight ffot shark.. dead in the woods on some privateeproperty.therr is a local pond there, but the nearest salt water is nearly "you think you'd see a deer &pout innthe woods on the groun bbt a shark. that's unheard
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off""this is awesome.. i love it its totally shark weee its perfect timing." "i've never years and i haven't seen anything like thaa beffrr." it might seem cool to some, but the smell is offensive to others.nature officials were called , buu decided to leave the shark where it is and let nature take it's course. 3 -3 soon thh maryland state fairgrounds will be full of the ounds of summer. summer. the 130th maryland state fair starts on auuustt26th and runs ttrough september 5. ffx45 is the proud media sponsor of the state fair. fair. alonn with all the food, rides, and other attractionn
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are the concerts. perform on friday august 26th.. which is fox45 night at bbake shelton performs saturday september third. nd "all time low" wwll be in concert on sundayyseptemmer fourth. fourth. we're giving you a chance to attend a concert.. and meet the stars. o to our facebook page p.. and click on "inside fox45" on the llft side of your screen ... o enter foo ccncert.. and a meet them in e. we're taking entries all week for "all time low"... and in just aboot 15 minutes... we'll draw the winner for ourrblake shhlton contest... so staa ttned for thaa. the pilot haa taken off thee are now free to move about the . creature got loud and clear. &pclear.coming up... thh video we just can't get nouuh of... tte creature ffying in style ne. next.and we are flying into football season... the ravens
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host annopen practice... ahead of this week's pre-season gaaee a look at all the fun... and their season coming up. you're watching fox 45 good day baltimore. ((break 5)) 8ñcñ8ñ8÷ 3
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-- bird or a bat... flying n style.-- snuck onto a delta flight from wisconsin to georgia.--trapped in the plane's attroom..
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((toss to weather)) 3&((ad lib meteorologist)) 3
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3 it's our mobideal of thee week! every week.. we'll bring you a deal from mobideaas... which provides coupons directly to your cell phone! this week's deal comes from "lazo landssaping."save 25- hundred dollars on the removaa and stump griiding of up to three
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trees. just go to my-mobideals- dot-com to get staated.. or &plook for mobideals on your sm. mobideels is a product of our parent company.. sinclair broadcast group. family memmers react to thh deaths of 30 u-s service membees killed in afghanistan. afghanistan.(( i just fell to my knees. there's just no preparing for it.")) it."))coming up... the momentss and the memorres they will .. always cherish. we're watching the stock market.... back ooen after the s and p drops the u-s credit rating... you're watching fox 45 good day baltimorr. ((break 6))
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6 months after their president stepped down egypt is still in turmoil. majority of the seats in the parliament.""the muslim brotherhood's final goal is to establish an islamic state like iran." "the muslim brotherhood's final goal is to establish an islamic state like iran." "a disaster, not only for christians in egypt, but also for israel, for the united states, for europe." can democracy survive in egypt?3 happening nnw... the new york stock exchange is back open for the first time since s and p dropped the u-s ccedit rating.right now the dow is ááá.last week... the dow
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drrpped more than 500 points... closinn below 11- thousand 400. it was the worst single drop since december of 2008. 30 lives are lost in a single attack in afghanistan... marking the deadliest incident for american forces since the war began in 2001. 22 navy seals ann eight other u-s troops were killeddin a helicoptee crash saturday. melissa raney has more on how the families are dealing wiih the loss. ((the families of 30 u-s troops... including 22 navy seals.... got the same devastating news overrthe weekend... "i heard the door bell ring and i thought, neighbor and aa i ounded the stairs, i saw the men in uniform and i just fell to my knees. there's just no preparing forrit."they eave behind wives... kids... parents.. siblings and grandparents...all who say they will cherish the last moments withhtheir fallen loved ones."he said thht 'you and theegirls aae always in my heart. don't orry, this
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place isn't going to change me. i'm going to change this place. that's just how i am.' he said 'i love you, ma. just take care of my girls.'" "i told him to be careful. he said, "granny, don't worry i'm oing if something happens to me. aaron was a christian and he stood firm in his country will not be ion to our forgotten..."wwen i think of the perfect soldier, i think of john brown.""he was selfless. he didn't worry worried about everybody else. you could have been a complete ssranger and he could have pelped you he would have done it.""hh was a warrior for our countrr and he wouldn't want wayythan how he did."i'm melisa raney good day baltimore.)) aboott10-thousand u-s troops are scheduled to depart afghanistannby year's end... with the full drawdown
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expected tt take place by the end of 20-14. stiil to come on fox45 good day baltimore... we'll draw plus... the ravens hold an 3 oppn practice... and fox45 was there... a look at all the excitement over the coming seas. season. you're watching fox 45 good day baltimore. ((break 7))
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3 &p &pare you eady for some footba?
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football? it seees like a lot of people herr in baltimore an't wait for the nfl seeson tookick off. fact... more than 24-thousand people came out to see the ravens players on the &pggidiron atttraining camp at and t bank tadiim on saturddy..candace was onn of the people thhre.. what did you thiik? 3chat. chat. practice video -first gamm this thursday
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3 3
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take a look t ttis beaming ravens fan!myesha sent ttis picture to us ... of her proud nephew! number 23 damian berry gave him his gloves! the smile says it stay tuned... we will draw the winner of the meet and greee with country superstar blake shelton next! next! you're watchhng [ male announcer ] are you watching cable?
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here's what you should be watching: your cable bill. because you could be paying way too much. stop spending more for second best. upgrade to verizon fios and get tv, internet and phone for our best price -- just $84.99 a month for a year -- only available online. go to to sign up,
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and save $360 in the first year. fios is a 100% fiber-optic network that delivers superior picture quality, more hd, plus america's fastest, most consistent, and most reliable internet. there's no annual contract required. why keep paying for cable? get fios tv, internet and phone for just $84.99 a month for a year -- our best price -- only available online. ordering online is easy. have questions? you can even chat live with a fios agent. so don't wait. visit price. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's at 800-974-6006 tty/v. fios. a network ahead. it is time to draw the winner of thh meet and greettwith country superstar blake shelton. shelton.druuroll please....
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third. áá7 day forecastáá 3
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