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tv   Despierta America  Univision  August 8, 2013 7:00am-11:00am EDT

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listen i have tremendous amounts of successful students going out there and doing this. and making money in today's market because i'm not sitting up in some i'm studio, i'm out here showing people how to make money and i am going to do this with our live event.o there are only two ways you're going to know if you can do this or not. one, if your mentors and trainers is f i have other successful student are out there doing it now and making money in your backyard in today's your marketplace. listen if you are sick and tired of your boss telling you what to do, if youling are sick and tired of not having enough money ornot having bad credit or if you are sick and tiredf and knowing that the government is not going to bail you out or if you area prok i make some pretty decent money but i want to maket really big money and take the ly big money and take marketplace you can do this now when you register for the live event. listen, i have students out there who are making so much money and you are about to meet these people but you can only do it ife you take action now and register forion now and the live event. call that little 800 or 877 number whatever it is call at the bottom of that thing right these amazing student testimonials of people who are running ahead of youho making money in today's
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market because theyay's know how i do it. >> with armando's system, i have made over $300,000 in cash and equity in the last nine months. >> if you really want to be successful in real estate, i recommend that you take armando's live event, because he can teach you things that i truly believe no one else can. hn, and john, how are you? >> i'm doing great, thank you. >> great, i hear you're doing that you are tearing it up, that these are, this is one of the properties that you've purchased, right? >> absolutely. >> and how long ago did you purchase this property? >> purchased it about three weeks ago. >> and how much profiton it? >> we have about 43,000 in profit. >> and how long ago did you go to one of my live events? >> it was just six weeks ago. >> six weeks ago. can you imagine what your life would be like making $43,000 right now in less than six weeks? now, i hear that's not the only property that you've purchased, that you have a couple of others that you've already purchased and profited from? >> that's correct, we have from the three properties that we've already purchased and profited from, about $133,000. >> $133,000, and you're sitting
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there on your couch going, "why am i sitting here on my couch just watching an infomercial?" why aren't you picking up the phone, taking action? call the phone number on the bottom of your screen, come to one of my live events, 'cause seating is limited. now, i've heard you'd done even more than that, that you have a bunch of other properti under contract right now. are these them? >> yeah, these are the contracts that we have right now, we have seven different contracts right now for houses with a profit of about $400,000. >> $400,000? >> 400,000. >> you're tearing it up. you're gonna pass me up one day] >> you're doing great. now, let me ask you this, 'cause everybody out there's saying, "you know, armando, i got to have money to do this or i have to have credit." what did you learn at my live events? >> that was one of the best parts of the event, because you taught us how to find resources that i never would've thought of otherwise, so it really helped us find the money we needed to do the number of houses that we would like to do. >> how about the marketplace? how do you feel about the economy and the real estate marketplace today? >> i don't think there'se in hiy to buy property. right now is when i'm trying to buy as many as we can,
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because the profits are out there, and i don't see how you can lose. by following the road map that you put out there for us, like g.p.s., if you will,w you . >> see, go out, take action, call the phone number at tom of. come to the live event. it will be powerful, you will be our next testimonial, you'll be the next person. in six weeks, this man has done where he can profit up to $400,000... and he's already profited $133,000. call the phone number right now. seating is limited, i will take you by the hand, i will show you how to do it. we will give y the g.p.s.-- this is no b.s., all right,t here to blow smoke p your skirt, i'm here to show you how to become extremely wealthy, i'm a real real estate there with a suit and tie, i'm a perfect person, but i will tell you this: if somebody can show you how to become completely wealthy in real estate, how to eliminate debt and create cash flow, i will show you how to do this, i am the man to do this, i will
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show you, but you have to do the first step, call, make your reservations immediately. >> announcer: armando montelongo, star of a&e's hit tv show flip this house, and inc. 500's number one educational companyry is bringing his armando live event series to your area this week. this is a rare opportunity to learn armando's millionaire real estate strategies that made him a household name.u by the hand and show you that you can eliminate debt and create cash now so you and your family can benefit from today's foreclosure market. at armando's live event, you will learn that you can help others out of foreclosure while making huge sums of cash in today's market and in your backyard; that now is the time to buy renovate, and sell real estate with or without your money or your credit; that you can do this in your marketplace now; you can get pre-foreclosures and foreclosures the way armao does you can change
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your family legacy by creating huge sums of cash and getting the financial freedom that you deserve. armando believes this is a phenomenal time to invest in real estate, and you can do this by taking action now. seating is first-come, first-served, and seats fill fast. when you register now, receive two tickets for you and a guest to attend armando's live event, but wait. reserve your seat now and receive for absolutely free armando's flip for success dvd, armando's real estate 20 audio cd, and a free mp3 playerd attend armando's live event. learn armando's techniques live admission is free, so seating is extremely limited. so make your reservationgain thd to be successful today.
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>> listen, you can go out there and you can do this. n average guy-- in fact, i was below average. i was living in a garage, literally living on food stamps, i was $50,000 in debt and now... i live in a freaking castle. check out our students who were average at one time and decided to stop being average. they decided to go out there,olm that i've laid out to the "t", go to the live event and become sucssful. the average person will sit on their butt and do nothing with their life. check out these people who decided to stop being average. >> we took several other real estate courses, but weren't able to make any money. we took armando's and since then, within a wee we bought two houses, we're gonna make $70,000 profit and we'll make $700 cash flow a month without our money or any credit. it was a great program, i would recommend it to everybody. before using our armando's techniques we were trying to flip for close to aing year and was unsuccessful and in that i wasccessful unemployed and unfortunately we lost our home and forced myself, my
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wife and my kids to movemy back into my in-laws. and after using armando's techniques we've now acquired five properties in a matter of 2 months. my situation is similar to marks i was actually in the same situation we lost our home as well and my wife is pregnant, i have a one year son and remember being next to her when she was actually giving birth.was actually and in labor. and that completely changed my life and i said i so mark and i applied to armando's techniques and we've been very fortunate to acquire 5 prope we just want to give armando a message we just want to say thank you.ust thank you very much. it's changed our lives. and were hoping to help others with this message. thank you.ank armando believes right now is a phenominal time to make money in real estate. call the number at the bottom of your screen and register for the free live event. coming to your area this week. >> look, i'm a real real estate i've bought and that i've owned, and literally, four weeks ago, this property, we're gonna
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put up a picture on screen right now, i owned this property, and this property was not in good shape. i bought it, i renovated it, i did none of the work myself, and re i am four weeks later in front of the property and $50,000 richer. listen, i actually do real estate, i don't sit in a studio and tell you that you should go out and do real estate, or on i'm gonna teach you, i'm in the marketplace doing real estate, and guess what, because i do it, i have my pulse on the real estate marketplace. i know exactly how to do it, in your marketplace, and i'm known number-one and top real estate investing expert. and why am i telling you this? because we'll show you and take you and lead you by the hand, and the benefit for you is this: if you're sitting on the other side of this camera going, "you know what, armando? i go, i've tried everythg, i've tried other programs, i've tried other things and they didn't work out," this will work if you do exactly what i say and allow me to lead you by the hand. if you're a stay-at-home mom,ore a single mom and you've been left alone and you have children to support and you know that you deserve a better life and you need a better life
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and right now is the time to get a better life, and you know that you need to do better financially for your family, then real estate and my system, my live events can help get you there now. if you're a man who, literally, wife lost faith in him, if your wife lost faith in you and says, "you know what? he's a good man, but he's not successful and he's not providing for our fami the way he should," check out the video testimonial of one of my students whose wife now supports him to the highest degree and has total and absolute faith because of thes . listen, now it's time to get away from the pain and the fear of loss. imagine what your life's gonna be like five years from now if you don't do this, imagine what it's gonna be like five years from now if you don't take action right now, and then stop and think, "you know what, if i just pick up the phone and i go to armando's live event, imagine what it's gonna be like when i go and i learn from armando how to do real estateket the way armando's out there and actually doing real estate." check out these testimonials and realize that these people at one time were sitting on
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the couch just like you, listening to an infomercial from me, just like this, but they picked up the phone, they attended the live event, and they've changed their life. you can be the next person who changes their life. >> before learning armando's techniques, i had a little bite. after learning his techniques and strategies, i now have two properties; one i estimate to make 18k at the end of the month and the other one, after rehab, i will make around 20,000. thank you, armando, for everything. >> like many other women, i had my doubts. we've tried other seminars, just didn't work out. and now he's done armando's seminar and we actually see the fruit of it, actually having two properties, making $90,000 with no money out of our pockets, and it's just been an amazing experience to know that it's turned into reality. >> listen, i'm not gonna spend a lot of time at this house
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because i literally flipped this house in less than 24 hours. i did something by what i call "flipping the paper." i can show you how to go out there and flip the paper with no money out of your pocket, with no credit, with no obligation whatsoever, and i did it in less than 24 hours. listen, money knows no time. whether you're fresh out of college and college just isn't paying the bills and you need a new lot on life, or if you're a senior citizen and you never quite reached that financial potential that you knew. look, you did great with your kids, your family, but you never reached that financial potential, now is the time, because money-- when taught the right way-- knows no boundaries. listen, ray kroc of mcdonald's didn't get started with a mcdonald's until he was 50 years old. now is the time to get started put yourself in their shoes of. what it's like just a few months after attending my live event. so i'm out here with mike and mike attended one of our live events.d one of how you doin' mike? hey armando how's it going? it's going great. now i hear it's going fantastic for you. absolutely.or you.
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i want to let everyone know out there what you've experienced since i've you've experienced attended a live event is able tt information and come out here and makend come out deals happen. i can make a deal in my own back yard. you made a deal ind. your own backyard. and also across the country from what learned from the live event my first deal i was able to secure $15, nice. and after that i was able to get deals that i'm probably going to make about $160,000 from those deals. so $15,000 from the first deals. deal, $160,000 on your total deals.00 on your right. now how much cash did you put in the bank si attended the live event? well since i attended the live event i was able to put $50,000i was able to into my account. so he's got $50'000 being able to put in h can you imagine what your life would be like from where you're sitting right now to be able to put $50,000 into your account. and how much total money do you have in mind that $50,000 will make?d that in the pipe line i'll probably have $180,000.
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$180,0ly have $180,000. known as mike the man in this neighborhood. do you understand this. you can go out there and you can do it but you can only do it but you cancan only do it if you register for a live event. register register for a live event right now, take action. mike congratulation's.. thank you very much. get out there keep on going. you guys go register for a live event. while we're going to make more money now. >> i started this year off unemployment checks, and after six weeks i made $45,000, and i can make $45,000 every month.. thank you. >> so, i am here with carol, and carol, how old are you? >> i'm 68 years young. >> she's 68 years young-- great answer-- and how long ago did you go to my live event? >> about three and a half months a >> three and a half months, and how many deals have you done since going to the live event? >> three of 'em. >> three deals in three and mony how much profit do you have? >> on the average, between 35- to 45,000 per deal. >> $35- to $45,000, so you're saying-- let's go small.
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let's say that you only have $35,000 each, right? >> o.k. >> that's over $105,000 worth of profit in three and a half months? >> months, yes. >> all right, what would you tell the people out there, if they should go to the live event, what would you tell the people out there? >> that it's an opportunity that you should not miss no matter what your station in life is. take advantage of it and create a better life for yourself right now. >> but let me ask you one more question: is right now-- with everything they say about the economy-- is right nowght tn real estate? >> it is the best time ever. >> announcer: armando believes right now is a phenomenal time to make money in real estate and seats are filling fast. take action now. call the number at the bottom of your screen and register for the free live event coming to your area this week. >> announcer: armando montelongo hit tv show flip this house, and inc. 500's number one educational company in the country is bringing his armando live event series to your area this week. this is a rare opp to learn armando's millionaire
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real estate strategies that made him a household name. armando's team will take you by the hand and show you that you can eliminate debt and create cash now so you and your family can benefit from today's foreclosure market. at armando's live event, you will learn that you caners e while making huge sums of cash in today's market and in your backyard; that now is the time to buy renovate, and sell real estate with or without your money or your credit; that you can do this in your marketplace now; you can get pre-foreclosures and foreclosures the way armando does you can ange your family legacy by creating huge sums of cash and getting the financia freedom that you deserve. armando believes this is a phenomenal time in history to invest in real este, and you can do this by taking action now. seating is first-come, first-served, and seats fill fast. when you register now, you will receive two tickets for you and a guest to attend armando's
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live event, but wait. reserve your seat now and receive for absolutely free armando's flip for success dvd, armando's real estate 2013 audio cd, and a free mp3 player. this $500 package is yours when you register now and attend armando's live event. learn armando's techniques live and in person.mission is free, s extremely limited. so make your reservation and gain the knowledge you need to be successful today. >> check out these students who went to decided to stop being average. they decided to work hard and to follow my system to the "t". check out their amazing results. >> i have been a practicing real estate attorney in florida for the past 25 years, and beiny analytical mind. so my daughter first brought
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this program to my attention and of course i analyzed the heck out of it, and kind of had a cross my arms in front of my chest "no, i don't think that i need to do that; i knoweverytw about real estate because i'm a real estate attorney." so i agreed to come to the seminar this weekend, and i havt changed my life. i am out actually looking at real estate deals in your backyard dealing with today's marketplace it doesn't matter if yout have credit no credit bad credit listen i've takend people who have a 400 credit score make 400 absolutely no money and go into the live event and go go and some of them have making up to thirty five thousand dollars withine weeks after the live event and i've taken doctors and lawyers and professionals to show them how they can take that money and take it to a whole new level of wealth and recession proof their lives fover.on proof i do this step by step methodically and chronological order and the other best thing is you are going to have a tremendous amount of fun doing this.amount of fun look i'm out doing real estate because i love real estate and i want you real
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to check out some of my millionaire students they literally had nothing before going to the live event and they made a tremendousthey made a amount of money. the government is giving money away but not government grants people are buying houses this is the best real estateis is economy in the next 30 to 40 years but you've gotta reach the live event you gotta go now call theyou number at the bottom of your screen now check out some of my millionaire students. >> since learning armando'sents. techniques, my company not only has come away from a $500,000 deficit, but now we're sitting at 1.5 million. we're doing four or five houses per month, averaging 79,000 per deal, and i could not have done it withouthis techniques. we have been using armando's techniques t buy and sell properties. he has taughrmine the after repr value of the house. how much repair needs to be do and through everything we learned through armando our first 2 propertieso have. and has given us a future to count on, we n do
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this for a living now. thanks to armando i'm a professional of 32 years we've been attending armanda's live we currently have 2 properties under contractthe opn me for working with my son what i was doingith my son before this he wouldn't... and it's just fantastic... the environment that armondo creates for learing this stuff. he gave me the confidence to even believe that i could do this and hisi methodological approach to teaching is justpproach to fantastic, it's step by step. i'm one of those people step. that needs 99% of the information beforethe and he provided all that. the teaching really does go back to the basics you know abcs, 123s it makesu it very easy to understand and very easy tounderstand progress quickly. before learning armando's techniques and strategies we hadn't had any realies estate experience except for buying our own home. from there we made our 1st deal and we thank armando
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and his techniquesarmando and strategies. any skeptism about it, the techniques are anything but and there's a program and his techniques lay it to rest because thisay it is the real deal. we had a great time. it'e been a blast. we've learned so much from the techniques like my wife was just sayin'my it's been wonderful. team ramando!derful. weboth sold this property, he walked away we got another property, you've got to go to the seminar. learn how to do thisinar. armando can teach you. armando believes right now is a phenomenal time to make money in real estate. call the number at the bottom of your screen and register for the free live event coming to your area this to your area we've been successfully investing wi aando's system for almost a year and a teachniques and his teachings we've been able to net over $73,000n able on our last 3 deals. and being a realtor he had some success investing and real estate and helpingand others and after using the techniques we learned from armando actually changed
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our lives and helped usd change the lives of other investors as well.f other what he can do for you and what he's done for myself and what i can pass on to my family is a legacy i'll have forever.a legacy i'll before going to armando's seminar i was a contractor and my wife was a nursetor we were able to take this system andechniques, this apply it to our home town, small home town, and ourn, first deal we made of a net profit of $30,000 and it set on the market less then 2 weeks. market less the next 2 deals we were able to net a profit of $47, a profit of this system and this education allowed us to have so much more freedom, so much more time. the ability to help our families, in just help in so many ways that it isin extremely and unbelievably life changing. >> look, you've seen the houses that i've done, you've seen the houses that my students are doing. now, there's only a few minutes left in this television infomercial.
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listen, you only have a few minutes to call and act right now, but you got to call the number, you got to get registered for the seminar. you can't just show up without registering,o call right now to be able to go to the seminar. what are you waiting for? there's only a few minutes left. he are the details. call the number right there at the bottom of that screen right there. see that little number? you actually have to take action and call it. get yourself off the couch, be do it, somebody else will. everybody it's such a good deal, why isn't somebody else doing it?" that's what the first negative person ever told me. and you know what it is? you are that somebody else. if i hadn't have taken that first deal, i would have never got the number-one hit reality real estate show in america, become america's number-one real estate mentor, leader, and trainer and investor, and ultimately i wouldn't be talking to you right now. if i can do it, you can do it. if my students can do it, you can do it. anybody can do i training, but you got to call that number.
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>> announcer: armando montelongo, star of a&e's hit tv show flip this house, ber one educational company in the country is bringing his armando live event series to your area this week. this is a rare opportunity to learn armando's millionaire real estate strategies that made him a household name. armando's team will take you by the hand and show can eliminate debt and create cash now so you d your family can benefit from today's foreclosure market. at armando's live event,ll learn help others out of foreclosure while making huge sums of cash in today's market and in your backyard; that now is the time to buy renovate, and sell real estate with or without your money or your credit; that you can do this in your marketplace now; you can get pre-foreclosures and foreclosures the way armando does you can change your family legacy by creating huge sums of cash and getting the financial
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freedom that you deserve. armando believes this is a phenomenal time in history to invesin real este, and you can do this by taking action now. seating is first-come, first-served, and seats fill fast. when you register now, you will receive two tickets for you and a guest to attend armando's live event, but wait. reserve your seat now and receive for absolutely free armando's flip for success dvd, armando's real estate 2013 audio cd, and a free mp3 player. this $500 package is yours when you register now and attend armando's leares live and in person. admission is free, so seating is extremely limited. so make your reservation and gain the knowledge you need to be successful today.
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means the world to me. and one of the most important things any parent can do is make sure their kids get active at least 60 minutes each day.
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studies show that physical activity stay healthy, it can enhance important skills, like concenttion and problem solving, prove academic performance. this means physical activity can help your kids in the most important game of all -- life.
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hey. wow! ooh!oh, that looks really, really good. what big portions! i love it. i'll bring some extra plates. extra plates? it's family style. you share. wait, share? no, no, we don't share. god, what kind of crappy restaurant makes you share your food? well, i ordered sausages, and i'm going to eat my sausages. all 10 of them. oh, now, stop this! the waitress said it was family style. we're supposed to be a family, so let's eat like one. sally, go get some extra plates. dick's a good idea.
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go! excuse me. i'll be right with you. i just need some extra plates. hey, gimme a sec, huh? hey, kid, the lady asked for plates. i suggest you bring her plates... now. sorry, sam. ay. wow, that was great. my name is sammy marchetti. my name is sally marchetti. sol--sally solomon. meeting you has been my extreme pleasure. i do hope our paths cross ag ciao bella. i just--i just met the most incredible man at the bar. well, he's not getting any of our food.
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all right, eve.. and...share! don't touch my food, yo captioning made possible by carsey-werner productions d u.s. department of education
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there's 40 different flavors? that's really good. i love cheese. dad's night. helper makes daddy the man. yes. could i get another one of those, actually? thank you. [ male announcer ] hey, america, we're here to help. we're here to help. and so they served us these balls made entirely of meat. have you seen these? uh, yeah. they're shaped like, say, a tennis ball. have you seen these? of course i have. but you don't play with them, you eat them. you've seen these? many times! well, it sure sounds like you haven't. hi, dick. mary, the food at sul panno's was wonderful. i would have loved to. well, i asked, but you said you didn't want to intrude. but then you're supposed to say, "don't be silly. you wouldn't be intruding." but then--then you'd be there, feeling like an intruder. not if you told me i wasn't. well, you weren't. well, you didn't. . well, i couldn't. well-- i'm sorry, i'm lost.
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dick... we--we have trouble communicating. i have no idea what you're talking about. we don't communicate. i've been considering this for awhile, and i think it's a good idea that we get away and reconnect. "the institute at mason farm? a couples' retreat?" well, if we want this relationship to work, it's imp and by you, i mean "we," learn to listen to me--us. mary, have you seen those balls made entirely of meat? why do you have to go away to learn how to talk to each other? it seems that for human couples to communicate on an intimate level, they have to be in a room full of strangers. so, basically, it's a money-sucking sham. i'm not paying. hey, y'all.
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vicki, what's up? whatcha looking at he? oh! the institute at mason farm? you know, i hear that they have a jacuzzi there that totally cleanses your whole soul. but the weird thing is... there's no water in it. dick, can we go? absolutely. if i have to talk about my problems to strangers, i'd prefer they be people i know. well, let's go get packing. knock, knock, knock, knock. hey, dubey. sally, uh, you got a package. a package? it's a dress. a dress? here's the car "for the prettiestoll in the world. i'll pick you up at 8:00. love, sammy marchetti." sammy "the butcher." got to be careful, honey, he is hot-blooded.
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wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. sammy "the butcher" marchetti? that's a cute name. sally, don't-- don't you see? that's--that's a mob nickname. what? this guy, he's like a goodfella. a wiseguy. he's a hit man. oh, my god. i know. that is so cool! isn't it? oh, my god! sure get a lot of respect, don't ya? well, it's what it's about, sally. yeah. respect. people are good to me, i'm good to them. people are bad to me, well, they're not going to be happy with what i give them, you know? that's how it works. sammy? yes, my love? tell me about your work. sally, listen to me.
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i'm only gonna tell you this once. don't ever ask me about my business! you understand mthe. you hear me? oh, yeah, mm-hmm, yeah, ok, ok, i'm sorry. all right, then. ok. good. sorry. eat! mangia. mangia. oh! does everybody feel what i feel? this place is just a whirling vortex of--of spirituality and truth. dr. albright... can you see my aura? no, but your bra strap is showing. icki. let's go get a personality manicure. i can't believe you let me talk you into paying. so, uh, sam, you want something to drink? espresso? cappuccino?
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coffee's fine. oh, good, 'cause i don't know how the hell to make an espresso or cappuccino, so... you're funny. i like that. you're scary. i like that. huh, a gnome, huh? yeah, they must be german. that's all right. we'll work on that. hey, sally, i rented the godfather and goodfellas. aah! it's you. so, what are you, like, uh, sally's brother? no, no, i think-- yeah, i'm supposed to be the nephew. nephew, huh? yeah. so, nephew... i'd kinda like to hang around a little bit and get to know your aunt a little better. how'd you like to make yourself, uh, 20 clams? what do i have to do? go to sul panno's restaurant.
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you tell him sammy sent you. they will give you an envelope. i want you to take that envelope, return it to me at this address. you in? yes, i'm definitely in. don't mess it up. i don't believe this. i am a wiseguy! and we stop. good. ok, everybody, tell you what. let's everybody take a seat on the floor here. good. that's it. yeah. now, the first key to opening the door of cis to tell that person withwhat really scares us. but that's hard, isn't it? that's why we're here. to take the fear out of fear. you know what i'd like? e fat out of peanut butter. it's--it's so fattening. dick, this isn't about peanut butter. it's.
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ok, vicki, how about you? oh, me? sure, yeah. tell harry what you're afraid of. oh, ha ha. i'm afraid you're going to stop loving me, harry! ok. i'm afraid of spiders... certain kinds of cheeses... and that you're going to stop loving me, too! uh, sometimes i'm afraid. oh, good. what are you afraid of, dick? well, before i met mary, she had something of a reputation for sleeping with, well, pretty much anyone on the other side of a glass of chardonnay. dick, that's not appropriate. now, mary, we're here to open up, not to shut down. sometimes he doesn't know when to stop. well, maybe that's because you don't know when to listen.
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what? oh, yeah, yeah, she does do that a lot. tells me i'm wrong. tells me to shut up. it's true. she does that. sometimes i feel like... how to behave like a real human being. sometimes i wonder what am i doing here? why am i on this planet? am i a good person? am i a person at all? you know, doubting you're a person makes you even more of a person. but i'm afraid. of what? that she'll never love me for what i reay am! [crying] incredibly honest, dick. no! very nice. what do you have to say?
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if you people knew what he was really like, you wouldn't be on his side. all: aw! now you're playing the blame game, mary. and you know what? nobody wins. no, no, no, no. i was just trying to point out that he-- i'm also afraid of plastic garbage bags and velcro. come here, baby. [buzz] [siren] nephew? yo, vito! sul panno's ordered 20 pounds of veal and a dozen t-bones.
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let's get choppin'.
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everyone creates for themselves an outer shell. ok? it stops growth. it stops communication. it stops love. i'll tell you what. let's have everybody grab an inner tube, anlet's see what it feels like to have somebody bump into your shell. yeah, that's good. sure. ok, now, everybody, close your eyes and start moving good. good. faster. faster. ow! ow! ow! ow! w! ow! oh! get off of me! open your damn eyes! mary! transcend the anger. we're here to help you work on your problems. that's not why we're here! he's the one with the problems.. he's the one that needs help. i'm not crazy. he is!
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but, mary, i'm only trying to be real. all: oh! [sighs] what are we doin', sammy? what? what are we doin', huh? i like you, you like me, what are we doin'? i'll tell you what we're doing. come here. i gotta go. what? where you gotta go? work. a man's gotta work. but we're eating dinner. what do you gotta do? hey, i told you never ask me about my business! well, hey, who goes to work at 10:00 at night, huh, who? it's a special job i gotta do. well, what is it, sammy? tell me, please. the people i serve don't wa. the job done, ok? now forget about it. oh!
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please, sammy. please, let me into your life. i don't think you're ready to handle it. oh! would you like any dessert? look at me. i'm crying. i'm a wreck. i'm upset. i'll have the gelato. rder about an hour ago, don orville. oh, yeah, that's $12.95. officer don orville? scusmy mistake. it's been paid for. smells good in here. sally! oh, my god, don. sally, what's wrong? no, don't sit. are you crazy? this is his booth. sally, what's gotten into you? oh, god, don, it's my new boyfriend. oh, back on your feet already. well, good. good for you. where's my eggplant?!
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listen to me, don, you've got to get out of here. he comes back and finds you here, there's no telling what he might do. sally, i'm a cop. what could he possibly do to me? he will ki ur envelope here. i think that this is your envelope. hey, you want your envelope?! oh, hey, tommy. look at you. where you going? you going on another run for sammy? what's it to you? what's it to me? i am family. well, i got a new family now. oh, mary mother of god. this is all my fault. i gotta get us out of this. i gotta break up with sammy.
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nobody breaks up break up with sammy!th sammy. sammy breaks up with you is how it happens! sammy breaks up with-- don't you get fresh with your aunt sally! [door slams] dumb broad. tommy, what's going on around here? what's sally gotten herself into? tell me, tommy! hey, watch the suit here. hey, where'd you get the dough for such a snazzy jacket? never ask me about my business. what happened to you?! you used to be such a good kid. now look at you. look, don, went worlds, you and me, and i don't think we should be seen together no more. capisce! let me lay out the cold, hard facts for you, tommy. if you're involved in something criminal, there's a 1 in 5 chance you'll be caught. if you're prosecuted, there's a 2% chance you'll be convicted.
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so don't play with fire. look, you played by the rules, don, and what do you got to snothin'.it? nothin'. well, that's not going to be me. you understand? but, tommy-- don't call me tommy. from now on, i'm the nephew. damn! come on, mary. but dick, they don't like me. but they want to. come on, do this for us. and that's why we need to understand each other when we fight, so that we can fight... all: fair. yes, very nice. dennis, may i interrupt? errupt, you're only interrupting what? very nice.ourself. i'm just going to go-- no, no, no, no. wait. my friends, we, all of us, have failed someone here. we didn't embrace mary when she needed us. it's no big deal. there's-- there's love in this room, mary. open yourself up to it.
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no. it's your turn. yo well, now-- it's just so... all: hard. but we're here to listen. whenever i shared a deep feeling with, uh, my family, they'd always use it against me. her parents are horrible people. just awful. we didn't-- we didn't talk. we--we didn't share feelings, open up. this is your chance. try. all--all my life, i've--i've had this... facade of the beautiful, tough, hast-all lady, when deep inside i'm-- i'm just a fat, little girl who wants to be loved at all costs. ohh! [crying]
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i'm so proud of you, mary. ick. i love you. ohh! ohh! ohh! who's the king? all: you are! drinks in my room! ohh! ohh! tommy! stay away from the door. what are you doin' here, sally? i'm getting us out before it's too late. sally, you were neverd suppos to see me like this. i knew it would disgust you. does doing what you do make you feel like a big man? what's going on? don, get back. ok.
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who's the tough guy now, huh, sammy? sally, what are you doing? he's a mobster, don. sammy? he's a butcher. yeah, yeah, i was just cutting up some steaks. is that what you call the people you kill... steaks? no, uh, it's meat, sally. you know, cows, pigs. is that what you call the people you kill... cows and pigs? sally! listen to me. he's my butcher. exactly, don, he's a-- a butcher. a butcher? well, um-- guess i won't be needing the gun anymore. uh...super sorry. oh, my god. there's someone i know. i gotta go. i looked up to you.
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you were my hero. captioning made possible by carsey-werner productions you broke my heart, sammy. you brok and u.s. department of education so, how was the brisket? oh, like butter. captioning performed by the national captioning institute, inc. "this is a tablet that i'm going to have to learn how to use." literally the flip of a switch i was logged onto our wi-fi network at home and i was off and running. [ male announcer ] now you can get the-art kindle fire hd, built and backed by amazon, with stunning high def screen, dolby sound, ultra-fast wi-fi and access to 23 million movies, tv shows, music, apps and more -- all for mucipad mini. i use it for everything. it gives you all the options with the apps as far as netflix, hulu, great internet browser; you can do all your email on there. and then when'm on business trips there's a skype feature so i can keep in touch with my husband and the kids. [ male announcer ] call or use the web address below to order now,
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and you won't find it anywhere else. kindle fire is amazing. it's a life-changer. [ male announcer ] call or click to order now. kindle fire is amazing. it's a life-changer. this is a football. this is a baseball. this is a tennis ball. do you know what this is? it's a meatball. no, nina, you're wrong. it's a ping-pong bal nthisiis a you are the meatball! you are the meatball! she doesn't know what a meatball is. sad.
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>> now on "extra." >> usher is fighting to keep his son. >>w tug of war over little usher hours after he nearly drowned in the family pool. >> is he priesting? >> could the voice superstar lose custity? whoopi versus brash ra. their dirty say it? laundry just before joy goes. >> have at it. come on.
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>> breaking new details on beebe's hamptons brawl before he order his goons to attack. and president obama shuts down hollywood and goes toe-to-toe with leno. >> now trending, is tiger's $60 million sinking? new video, kardashian's post baby video message today. ho is chasing her little sister. >> the perils of growing up kardashian. wearing wranglers. on ford. >> and what eddie sip ron is saying. >> i love "extra." >> hey, everyone, welcome to "extra" here at the grove. i am mario lopez. >> and i am maria menounos. coming up, all new clues to the next "dancing with the stars" cast including the truth about the paula deen rumor.
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>> top story. >> usher's fight to keep his son. his ex launchi all-out war, say supervision led to the near raining of usher sunday. >> my nephew is in the pool. the little woodland is in a i.c.u. after getting his arm stuck in a in and out there for accident but made it home in ride in the ambulan his season. >> gushing about them. >> who dresses those two? >> i did. >> last year a judge awarded custody to the singer. now they will go before the judge friday for a an emergency hearing. prosecutor loni coombs weighs in. >> a parent can go if and ask for a change if there is a
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pattern. i don't think usher would do anything to put his children in dange intentionally. >> a video vogue bieber in the mill of of a melee. investigation to see if he ordered his bodyguards to do a saltalamacchia down beat de a patron. abby wambach offered this tongue-in-cheek advice. >> that would be so naughty. you're a nice boy. pull your troicers up. e have seen the on-camera clashes on have you view. >> i asked you a question. >> now there is a rumored blow up between whoopi and barbara. likes going on, a.j.? to stir up drama. the ladies of the view are clearing the air. >> some idiot reporter i can't wait until she retires, and what the hell, and you know. >> you didn't tell me that. >> it didn't
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happen. >> she wanted to know what everyone really thinks of her. >> two more days here. me to my face. d. >> tiger woods' $60 million beach front manages sinking? they are apparently bringing in contractors to reinforce the foundation. details at >> rene with me now, and it was presidential grid look as the commander in chief hith the "tonight show." >> yes. minutes after turfing down, the president was on the set talking about everything, including hillary clinton ambitions. >> the president of the united states, president obama. >> a standing o for president obama. >> president obama making his sixth appearance on the "tonight show," bringing in show's s sin time he appeared nine months ago. the presidential motorcade seen making its way to the burbank
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studios. president obama presenting him with a gift. >> this is what i drive in. >> how did you celebrate sunday? >> i had a bunch of friends come over who i don't see that often to try to play a little basketball. it was a sad state of affairs. >> really? >> yes. >> opening up about his recent lunch with his former rival, hillary clinton. >> who invitedediteded her. but the end of my first term, we had become genuinely close. i could not have more respect for her. >> they talked about her run. ential >> did she measure the drapes? keep in mind she has been there before. she doesn't have to measure them. >> we are about to take over "the tonight show." get it.w. >> more at >> new video today.
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kardashian just posed this sticking out her tongue and goofing off for the camera. it is just the second time we have seen kim since she became a mom. her young are sisters are talking about the perils of growing up in the house of kardashian. >> they grew up in the spotlight, now ken cal and kylie jenner are becoming pap>> i wil >> it seems not awithout a show photogs the >> ge me a second. i am so nice to you all the time. >> kim posting a video of a recent incident near her home. >> there is a paparazzi that snuck into our gated communt. >> they are pretty bad. they have come on to our private property. >> we don't really remember what it was like before the tv show because we were pretty young when it started. -- e have learned to get usedtk
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>> there is no getting used to the paparazzi. and u are 15 years old followed by 10 cars of old >> they want to prove they are more than just younger sisters. they launched their own clothing line for pac-sun. >> we didn't ask any help because we wanted it to be all us. we sat in a room and put our ideas together for patterns and kcra 3 reports and what we want in the line. >> don't expect the spin. >> we are on the shore more, but still we try and stay off of it. we are kids. we are trying to be kids for a little bit longer. >> kids with 10 million twitter followers and their own clothing so bad to be a jenner. >> bruce willis out, harrison ford in? that is the expendables 3 news straight from twitter. harris starring in the thriller,a and taking
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some curveballs from steve. >> that is the juice. get used to drinking it. >> harrison ford is back on the screen in paranoia. >> how tech savvy are you? >> not very. >> do your kids help you? >> often. he will grab the phone and says there. >> but he is convinced you don't need computer and cell phones to figure out life. >> you can divide all of humanity into two groups, wranglers and leavies. real cowboys don't wear leavies. >> in the movie he is shavened. >> you have to hang upside down on a tree for a him. >> and pitting liam against gary olden in a high tech war with money at stake. >> cell phones being listened to, does that make you anxious or paranoid? >> no. we should have recognized that you are creating this fast amount of information which has a commercial veap.
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>> johnny depp's there. >> i have to look over my shoulder a bit, cover my tracks and i have gotten used to that. >> hemsworth says amen to that. >> i think the only way to stay sane is to have a personal life. >> it theaters august 16th. >> up next, breaking bad breaking news. >> it all starts coming down. it is amazing. >> we are interrogating the cast for secrets and spoilers from the final season. then mia long moving in on lee and's man eddie? >> i just stuck my tongue down your husband's throat. >> and we are on the set. >> this is awkward. >> plus, dancing with the stars casting dish. who might be on the dance card? >> would you ever do like "dancing wi the stars"? >> "extra" b
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k-mart. a new school year starts here. u
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extra big today. it is because the final season of breaking bad is back in just a couple of days. >> i am so excited for the show to be back, and i am super devastated this is it. my biggest wish would be that walter white wins and we continue on. that is never going to happen. i just talked to them about what we can expect in the explosive final episode. >> 13 emmy nominations in five
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of walter the wife white. >> i am a dealer. >> and there is the danger. >> i am the danger. >> fans won't blown how the final season>> everything that done, all the repercussions of it, all the c start coming back, andstarts coming down. it is amazing. >> the show overall is so heavy and dark. >> yeah. >> how do you lighten it up on set? >> there is a lot of practical jokes. there is a lot of brian cranston in his underwear, and he puts o let's leave it at that. >> did brian cranston and aaron paul really get tattoos to ommemorate breaking bad? >> yes. brian's is on the inside of one >> brian's is the chemical ight
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symbol. and the other is half measure. >> i love it. been a pleasure watching you on the show. >> thank you. >> a pleasure seeing you and interviewing you. >> watch breaking bad when the final season returns on august 11 on amc. >> let's hea toronto, where eddie is joining the cast for the sequel to the hit movie, the best man. angie martinez is with us. >> smooth moves. >> not so smooth moves. >> aahh! >> and the sexiest best men ever together again. >> come on. >> he rubbed my back. that is awkward. > i was first on the set of th, mistletoe. rence. i found
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>> a little one. >> they picked up where they left off 15 years. >> when you get together with a bunch of people that haven't seen each other in a while, you never know what going to happen. >> time to cue the new guy. eddie is shaking things up. >> i don't know if you know this? >> wre the white guy. a doll ba. >> her doll baby paying mia's new boy toy. >> she said there is no kissing scenes. >> iusstuck my tongue down your husband's throat. >> no big deal. >> what would be a big deal, lee in their own reality shows. >> where are you hearing that? >> at "extra." >> i love "extra." >> opening in theaters november 15th. >> coming up, the naked truth about bearing it all from "true blood's" joe manganiello. >> do you walk around the crew
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like nature boy. are you comfortable like that? >> it is. i have seen pictures of you on the sbrnt. >> plus, a>> "extra."
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>> w he plays the werewolf in "true blood." with me now mr. joe manganiello. good seeing you. >> good se mario. >> he is the biggest toughest werewolf on telling, breaking news on last two episodes of "true blood." >> they are cutting fat. it is going to start getting more intimate, smaller. more of the main characters interacting with each other. >> i have to imagine with so many seasons on the show and it do you just walk around the crew nature boy? >> yeah, man. you know how it is. i have seen pictures o internet >> let's keep my perm life out of this. appreciate you keep yourself
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what is the workout regimen like now? >> it is funny you ask because i have a book coming out december >> what is your favorite workout? >> the stuff anytime doing now is more crossfit oriented. is she cool with the female attention? >> she is cool. she unders. >> what is the weirdest request you have had from a fan. >> you get everything from asking me to lick them because they wolf saliva heals them quicker. >> more at >> let's get you caught ut on all the stories everyone is talking about. >> manned asigfreidstone peopli planet hollywood resort and casino. >> it is always nice to come back to vegas. >> their love letter to the late star turned anti-porn crusader,
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li i think she would be honored. >> it is a wonderful film. glam elle, pro footbthe haters wrong >> people tell me i don't really have the model body. growing up in florida, it was always a good thing tout a bikini. >> two months after giving birl, she gives away her sets. >> the big component of losing weight is breast feeding >> he is like king diaper changer. here you go. >> she will take all the help she can get. she is already back at her on her lifetime seared. >> making her "extra" debut. she is settled i the nursery she helped design. >> i didn't know if it was going to be a boy or we wanted it to be neutral but beautiful. >> jeff lewis' assistant's
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favorite piece, a custom made ottoman and swivel chair. >> i know that chair will stay in my home and hopefully pass on to lalana some kay. >> we are just a few weeks away from finding out who will be on the next season of "dancing with the stars." >> i really hope we see paula deen hit the floor. that is good timing. who would you like to see? > i would like to see adam levine and melissa mccarthy. >> good taste there. we are looking into our crystal ball to see who might be hitting the ballroom. >> paula's redemption cans? is khloe' the next stepping >> i think they are going to step it up this season. >> "extra" with all the costing clues for the dimension season. >> paula deen rumored to be on the list, but "us weekly" confirming she will not be on
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the show. geraldo rivera said thanks, but no thanks, saying he can't for a lot of reasons. former misbama, katherine webb and khloe kardashian both ryan newman nored to be in. >> wou ever do something like "dancing with the stars"? >> hell no. i would be out in the first week. former bachlorette took the trophy. but the current bachlorette is not following in her step. >> i don't think it is for me. >> danica patrick confirming she has been asked, and tone yen kanaan there. i would have this determined look on my face that wouldn't look very approachable. >> is a partridge tv mom next? >> i have been asked. no way. >> pros hoping or hinting? >> i would love to dance with john stamos. >> bill clinton would be a great cast member.
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>> you can cast your vote now at >> tom cruise has the fate of mankind in his hands in his movie oblivion. the sci-fi action thriller out on blu-ray, and we have a prop from the film right here. check this out. the pod right from the film. let's see if there is any -- whoa, look at this. go to your copy, i am going to hand out some to our friend. who wants one? closed captionin
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orconsideration for " provided -- and other
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consideration for "extra" provided by -- >> a big thanks to our new sign up at today we are hooking up our audience with the leader in anti-aging skin care. it's new advanced rit natural
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night and eye treatment fight against the multiple signs of aging without any irritation. it even outperforms prescription strength retinol in you could win one. go to to sign up and win. i want to hook up the ladies in our crowd. who wants some? [cheers and applause] >> welcome home!
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>> today on "tmz" -- >> yo, nicki minaj is a huge rap war. >> is he crazy? >> rapper claims they roached sucker m.c. u
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>> now i get it, sucking m.c. is ever pee in any races? >> michael phelps pees out of a fire hose, by the way? >> what? >> michael phelps has a rudder out of the water. they have nd, a one. >> how many you have seen in your lifetime is this >> a lot. >> is there one girl that stands out above the rest. >> i will double bag it it was pam anderson. >> you better double bag if it's pam anderson. >> leonardo dicaprio is in spain now and he tried out the water jet taxi. >> oh, my god. i have never seen that. >> how embarrassing if it doesn't get you out of the water! >> i would never do it. [laughter] >> and now "tmz" presents, congratulations, you're a scumbag, starring the scumbag
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who stole james gandolfini's rolex. >> james gandolfini had his watch stolen from his hotel room the day he died. he had it on the trip but did not have it at the hospital. >> while the rest of the world was in shock at the sudden ssing of a passing legend, a dirt bag robbed him of his rolex watch. say?would tony soprano probably something like this -- here, let me pick it up for you. what are you screaming about? it's another opeould someone do actually, several reasons. >> a, it's an expensive watch. it's losme. b, it's jameslfini's. c, it's the watch he was wearing when he died. and he's a huge star. >> you think there's a black market for dead celebrity's watchs? >> yes. >> black market dead celebrity stpwhrfment that was the most effective website name wetered just to bep ott safe side the as for the
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ass face that stole james gandolfini's time peerks there's one thing to say or rather sing -- hit it -- >> we hope you burn it hell you had a fun time we hope your eyeballs melt so yon't tell time have you know shame for jack and james' nice watch? someone should take a sledgehammer to your crotch you're a scumbag ♪ >> how are you doing, bethenny frankel? "tmz." >> we have bethenny frankel in georgetown and she's t founder of skinny girl cocktail. >> is it ever ok to guys to drink skinny girl vodka? >> absolutely it's ok. guys want to have thin waist line. guys want to get laid, ita good idea. >> if they want to get laid, they don't say, i will takirl. [laughter] >> i on who they want to get laid by. >> thanks so much. have a good one. >> warning, you're about to batch nicky mythen go on an epic
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rapper ic rant with a named ransom she used to be friends with. so buckle up. it's a crazy. >> ransom saying he wrote some of your songs? >> what the [bleep] is he crazy? i'm better then him. i'm not even a man and in their mouth. >> and away we go. yep, that's nicki obliterating this guy, ransom, outside a club in l.a. after we asked about a big story on the mega huge rap website all hip >> all hip-hop is saying ransom is dissing nicky and they're saying he doesn't write his own likes and she's the go-to writer. >>tion, a rapper ed lyrics is ae insult you can give. it's a sucker m.c. >> now i get it, sucking m.c. is bad. >> oh, white people. anyway, here's the ransom song.
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>> before nicki was wearing crazy bigs i was doing versus for her justoping she made it big ♪ >> did you hear that? he said he was doing versus for her and -- >> that could mean he was singg on a song though. >> exactly! either way, our photog asked about it and nicki no likey. >> i don't need no [bleep] writer. you ask him why so desperate. and he you still ain't gonna pop. >> don't forget the penis part. >> i'm not even a man in [bleep], in their mouth. [bleep]. >> it's metaphorical penis. if it'sr penis, she would be a man. >> right. anyway, despite the confusion, nicki ain't backing down, tweeting to ransom, the line was taken out of context period. should have been rewarded. aim protect my credibility at all costs. bottom line, don't met with nicki. >> she's looking the best i have
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ever seen nicki minaj. >> she looks fantastic. >> you don't have it such up to her, just, you k[applause] >> these girls have got it made! >> they're in new york city. nveiling their fashion line. fans are already showing up for them in new york. leaving the hotel and running there. >> they make kim look old? >> yes. i have to live rest of my life with kardashian's image. >> true. it's going to be a long one. >> see, the kardashians will outlive you. that's even worse. jenner's going to outlive you. [laughter] >> only parts of bruce jenner. [laughter] >> you know their dad. you know their dad's work. mar stontime you know,
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cooper, the hatchett boys! push it! ♪ >> damn right! grew up with rich dad! now he's old! >> we got cooper and marton hefner. >> speaking of roughish, didn't their dad have a blowout at the "playboy" mansion this weekend? awesome! >> you have a drinks party this weekend? >> yeah, it's fun. >> if you sense a lack of thumb for mar ston, it's because when your dad is hugh huff ner u. get used to naked chicks around the how many naked girls do you imagine seeing in your lifetime? >> a lot. >> is there one in particular that you remember the most? >> oh, my god, i love this game! >> that's because this is more than a game. these are the sights of the man who created the greatest pornographic empire of all time.
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they have seen every important chick in the world naked. they're worth gold. so who is the hefner boys favorite naked playmate in the mansion? so many choices, pam anderson, carmen electra. pam anderson. >> younger so i'm going with carmen electra. >> i'm going with pam anderson. as a matter of fact, i will double down on pam anderson. >> you better double bag if it's pam anderson. >> talking about groceries. but let's see what mar ston -- marstony" chick slt most memsnabble >> pam anderson. >> harvey wins! >> yeah! >> you know the read bikini on baywatch, is it in smithsonian or something? >> probably. >> i think it's at her house. >> those are two lucky bastards. >> we have r. kelly. out on his boat. over off the coast of italy. he thinks. [laughter] in the bathtub. >> oh, you're an ass. >> you said that!
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>> you >> hey. taking it and telling him he's in monte carlo. never know. put him in a boat. he's in the driveway. the trailer still, at the storage yard. >> kind of lost it a little bit. >> cool sea breeze. >> delightful. stevie wonder's . wants to say hi. >>o bad. >> why do you guys hate blind people? >> don't know. this is [bleep] up place. >> coming up -- >> we have cooper and marston hefner, hugh hefner's son. ifa kid, where would you rather live? "playboy" mansion -- let me finish -- or the white house? >> what kind of question is that? a or law e >> plus -- >> michael phelps. >> did you ever pee in any of your races in the olympics. >> best swimmer ever says
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ev it's completely normal. i feel liberated. > u.s.a.!
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>> hi,are you doing, man? big fan. >> oh, my god, it's michael phelps, the most decorated and possibly retired olympian of all time. and with the 2016 games on the horizon, there's only one question we have to ask -- >> did you ever pee in any of your races in the olympics? >> yes, michael phelps is about to settle one of the greatest controversies in pool history, to pee or not to pee? that is the question. >> oh, i'm pro-pee. >> you're pro-pee? >> you're a pee advocate? >> absolutely. >> everyone in this room has peed in a pool. don't care who you are. >> guys, that's great and all but what does michael phelps has to say? >> everybody pees in the pool. >> so it's like normal?
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e pool. >> so mikey, an olympic pool peer. >> i feel liberated! >> u.s.a.! u.s.a.! u.s.a.! u.s.a.! u.s.a.! >> take that, russia! >> yeah, take that, and give us back edward stoweden or else we will pee in your pool. now, let's get back to phelps here. >> michael phelps peed out of a fire hose. >> he what? >> he's saying he has a big wiener. >> well, the speedo doesn't leave much to the imagination. >> michael phelps has a rudder in the water. [laughter] >> no! >> good for him. and for her. andor her. and her too. thanks, michael. and chlorine, you make our eyes red instead of yellow. >> anastasia ashley. she's a pro surfer. she's a warming up before her surf meet. she tours for -- notorioor er warmup.
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obviously, this is some type of weird publicity thing but damn if it worked. >>t's wonderful exercise. >> harvey, there's a flaw in this. the way she squats, her knees come over her toes, which is terrible form and dominates your knees nur your ankles. >> screwed up! >> her ass is perfect. > it's perfect because she squirts. that lunge and deep swat is really, really good for your buns. >> charlie, do you chirp? >> i do. >> that's a bad there is a pole behind her. >> how are you doing? love you guys on the show, man. >> hey, it's the pr brothers jonathan and drew in d.c. they're huge on hgtv. they're on that show and that other show. >> what's the new one, brother versus broth >> wasn't that called the civil war? but these guys have destroyed
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and rebuilt just about every house there is, we've got to know -- >> if had you to reconstruct the white house, how would you be able to pimp it out? >> pretty good question. >> at first they're not reall c. at first he's like,ive it a little color. how about that? >> they have tons of color. red room, the blue room. >> someone's done their home work. or surveiled the property with drones. but what do the experts say? >> it's got to have a water slide somewhere. >> you think there's a really nice man cave? >> yeah? >> why, you do not want a man cave if hillary clinton gets elected president. >> that doesn't make sense. >> no, it doesn't. but who car. because it's time to play our exciting new game -- how many gallons of paint does it take to paint the white house? >> how many gallons it takes to paint the stpwhouse >> no, i don't know. you know? >> is there really a number? >> how many do you think? how many gallonst to paint the outside sursnass
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>> 478? >> good guess, maybe! and the answer is. >> 570 gallons. >> really? that's a lot. >> harvey! >> not bad. >> i almost respect you. >> "tmz," we almost respect each other. thanks, property bros! >> you know, sha week. shark after dark is like the after show. that's the talk show. >> yeah. tara reid and i.n.g. were on be tara reid said after doing sharknado, what did you learn about sharks? she was like nothing, they were fake sharks. i didn't learn anything. she came on and goes -- >n't want to eat tons of seafood. doing this show today. learnedcation on shas. look up sharks on the internet. whale sharks. that must mean a whale and a shark have sex. >> no! [laughter] >> oh, my god. >> and they're like terrified. this -- what the hell are you going to say?
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and she's sitting there with such conviction saying -- >> i think how do the whale and shark have sex? and i look up -- >> was there a video of no. because there's a thing called whale sharks. so i thought they must -- whales are mammals and sharks are animals. they have nothing to do with each other. [laughter] >> oh, tara, we love >> you got to love her. they don't know how a lot of sharks mate. >> not with whales. that's simple. >> pretty sure sblfment give her a break. >> sharks are animals. >> coming -- >> "the league," popular show. parn the sloy popular a lot of athletes arerying to be on it. who would you love to be on the league? he doe think have to think about it. he says, i would love aaron hernandez.
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>> police raided the bus and they found a stun gun. > it lowers his rock star
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>> "tmz," online and on your phone 24/7. >> the "tmz" tour new we're tak the places where we have broken big celebrity news. >> our state of the art bus will take you where the celebrities live, where they shop, where they eat, where they play. >> where they drink. >> and w cruise through hot spots like times square, chelsea, tribeca, the meat packing dtrict and
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terrordsay lohan terrace zone. r more information, call "tmz"nyce>> all aboard "tmz" in it's paul shearer from "the," everyone loves but no one know what's channel it's on who or who's in 2? >> does he knows this exact same thing vin diesel war in triple x? >> i'm done with you. >> so popular athletes are trying to be on it. >> the league featured several nfl stars like terrell suggs, maurice jones-drew and sidney rice, awkwardly assessing the comedy. ♪ we're the shuffle and now we're here doing the super bowl shuffle ♪ >> it's kind of funny, right?s0 >> we say who would you love to be on "the league"?
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didn't ev have to think about it. >> aaron hernandez. would i like aaron hernandez on the show. there are a couple of people on the show i think would be whacked. >> too soon. >> yeah, probably. never mind that, we have to talk about these hall feud. because apparently it may be a thing. >> i'm doing my own show called i arsenio hall show where shearer clips of ar where he re-enacts seth rogen and bill clinton. >> i gave it my best shot! >> yea, yeah. >> he ran the country for eight years. anyway, isn't arsenio going to be this? >> maybe he will hire aaron hernandez again! i don't know. >> he needs to play football for us because there's still a chance he's innocent, said no one ever. good luck with it, paul. >> good to see you, paul. thank you, man.
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>> coming up -- >> lee dard know dicaprio, he's in spain now and he tries out the water jet taxi. >> oh, my god! i have never seen that.
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>> closedg and other consideration for "tmz" provided by --
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>> we are looking for spo who w involved in an adventure on "tmz" sports. it would involve on-camera work and but stories le we do like kobe bryant suing his mom over memorabilia, aar hernandez and his woes. if that's you and you want a job with "tmz" sports, give us a
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video three minutes lonand talk to us about some of these stories that you care about and things you know about these stories. show us the passion. we're looking to hou're interes "tmz."com and look on the right rail and you will see where you can send us this video good luck. >> leonardo dicaprio is in spain right now. out on his yacht. jet tried out the water taxi. >> whoa! >> oh, my god! >> so cool! >> now it's like on your feet and as it propels you out of the water, you can dive like a dolphin. >> that's crazy. >> how embarrassing if it doesn't get you out of the watter? >> i would never do that! >> $definitely limits. ♪ onks ]
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kevin! toaster strudel, yah? ♪ warm, flaky, gooey toaster strudel. faster than kenny can dodge a question. honey, how'd that test go? [ female announcer ] in just 60 seconds, you've got snack-defying, satisfying mmmm. totino's pizza rolls. mmm hmmm. mmmm. [ female announcer ] zero to pizza. pronto. but when you have a picky eater... won't touch this. enjoying breakfast together won't touch this. ♪ won't touch -- stop. eggo time. [ female announcer ] eggo waffles can win over the pickiest of eaters enjoy breakfast...together.
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can't touch this. ♪ [ girl ] l'eggo my eggo™. . wait a minute. kardashian got clothes now? >> she n have clothesbut she ise people would sigh, why the hell would she try this? she trying to start a baby clothing line. she just had that dmn by yesterday and already talking about a baby clothing line. is everything for sale with kim kardashian? everything is for sale, man. okay we saw her in the video and on kris jenner's show the other day, but only from the neck up. she is probably sewing clothes then. they say the clothes come in small, medium and baby gap big.
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>> and cross colors. >> i thought that was color blocking, honey. >> like the designer couldn't make a decision. orange, green, blue -- >> i tell you what, i them all together. >> taking his blood pressure on his arm. >> okay you woke up late, still got your pajamas on. >> i love you, you love -- >> this is silk. that damn shirt came with a hat! >> and the pnts. >> that's okay. >> and shoes. >> seemyou know, like this. >> and not a kim kardashian. [ female announcer ] when you asked us to remove
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high fructose corn syrup from yoplait original and light, we were like, "sure. no problem!"
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and you were like, "thanks, but what about thick & creamy and whips!" and we were like, "done and done! and you were all, "yum!" and we're like, "is it just us, or has this been a really good conversation?" and you were like, "i would talk, but my mouth is full of yogurt." yoplait. it is so good! >> announcer: it's time for wendy williams show." today newswoman dari alexander, julia allison and micah jesse join us for hot talk.
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and celebrity trends that will make you look like a star. and wendy has all the latest juicy celebrity hot topics. now, here's wendy! >> wendy: hello! yeah. ♪ shout it out m glad you're the thank you, my co-hosts, my studio audience. thank you for being here. e you. love this. ready? here we you doin'? i'm doing great today. i'm so glad to be here with you. you know, there are new reports about realewife of beverly hills brandi glanville cheaten
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on eddie cibrian first. lindsay lohanmoves back home with her mother. and chris brown showed up to court with no other than rhianna. let's talk about it. it's time for hot topics. nice. nice. very nice, thank you. thank you. make yourself at home, get comfortable. thank you. okay, so today is the kickoff of fashiin new york, and last night i made my runway debut. [ cheers and applause ] i walked in the heart truth red dress fashion show. it's the red dress what this fashion show is all about, it's legendary, been going on since forever, it
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raises awareness for heart disease in women. the dress i chose to wear because i'm a woman on a budget and i like ngs that you guys can relate to. my dress is cheap and cheerful kama kamali, from norma kamali. look, i'm giving you number one. you much of a walker, but i am a talker so i was out of my element walkin however, ty chose the people who organized the fashion show, chose a song they thought was fitting for each one of our walkers. for me, they chose "i'm coming out" by diana ross. so i knew the words and you saw my mouth moving because i was singing toy husband was there ce on and my niece. i felt very at home so instead of really concentrating on the walk and falling, i just walked like myself, i threw up the
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number 1, i sang to diana ross and i turned you doin' chb. i felt very empowered. just a one-sided bra. i didn't go for pantyhose spanx. i don't mess with those under garments. you may think i need them, but f, is the jiggle. it's the jiggle. [ applause ] and that was very empowering to be out there on fashion week just doing it. some of the other women who walked in the fashion show were minka kelly, she wore oscar de la renta. i didn't recognize her, i just know a young cute girl came up and tapped me and said, i want to thank you for being so nice when you talk about me on your show. then braenda strong from
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"dallas." then kendall and jenner in bagle bagley mischka. gabby douglas the gymnast also walked in the fashion show. she wore pamela roeland. then toni braxton, friend to the show was walking in the fashion show. toni will be here tomorrow. i guess the great thing about being in that fashion show we weren't walking with models, other than the two jenner girls, who are models now. we're ju our best to walk runway withoutmbling. the weird part for me, though, is you. because you love these hot topics. the problem is,s you're not with me as backup when i'm trapped in a room with kris jenner. look, loo okay, so, now,
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listen, it's three kardashians and one me. fortunately i had backup from my glam squad, getting me all ready and everything. kris, it was awkward, but we both have a job to it do. and thank id to me, how did you lose your weight? you know, like i say that to people, how did you lose your weight? when she said it to me, i got a little defensive like, diet and exercise. this time around. you know i'm a surgery girl, i've gotten liposuction in the past. diet and exercise. the one thing i learned from our conversation, kris, is from now on i'm going to compliment people on losing weight but i will not say "how did you lose your weight"? because there are people who go to the gym and don't do surgery. much. that's all. thank you red dress people for giving me a chance to model. i won't quit my day job.
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okay, so "us weekly" magazine is allegeding that glanville cheating on eddie cibrian while they were married. they're even alleging that eddie cheated on brandi before eddie cheated on her with leann rimes who he subsequently married. there are multiple sources who spoke to the magazine who said brandi cheated with a restaurateur harry morton. he ownshardrock cafes. wealthy. they allegedly, according t sources, had sex in brandi's marital bed. hold on, it gets worse. six weeks after having her son. now, any woman who's had a baby knows you can't get back to the sex until six weeks later. brandi, i don't know what to say, but you know i have an opinion. they also allege that brandi made o furiously with former
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nba basketball star rick fox, who at the time was married to vanessa williams. and the makeout session is alleged to have taken place duringrandi's bachelorette party in vegas. brandi's denying all of this. here's did you just say yeah? no, no. because people can say all kinds of things. i actually believe what brandi is saying until i found out some more information. this is not it. i'll tell you. hold on because i got my uh-huh few times with some hot guys. wow! grasping at straws four years later a week before book is out. hash tag wish i had whatever. okay, she has a book that's coming out. in this book it also -- this is brandi writing her own book. she said every once in a while she and eddie would bring girls into the bedroom, and that's --
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now i say uh-huh, i believe all of the above. she says in the book she's a -- look, my the waist up. thought about an open marriage and things like that are -- and if it's right with you, then fine. i'm good also. but i will say, as soon as you start allowing other women to seep through the cracks and into your bedroom, that's bets are off. now i understand how eddie thought it was fine to leave you for leann and now i hate to say this, but i can believe the rick fox thing and harry morton stakehouse thing. i can believe all of the above because sometimes their marriage was open. with both parties agreeing. [ applause ] okay, with all the things going on in the world, look what's the most important thing in new
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york, "new york daily news." there used to be a time when hot to disgusting thing to talk about, you wouldn't even read thecery stor leave it to girls like me to talk about it on the radio. this is what people want to read about now. so they say lindsay is broke and living back home with her mother. >> aww! >> ron: n . >> wendy: not aww. it's not a rowhouse in baltimore. look at tspread, a nice home and pool. what is up with the parking lot? do they live next to a pa-- oh,s a school. lindsay, because of the economy and everything, some of us are forced to live back home with our parents. it couldn't be me in my parents' condo with the 1 1/2 bath, never. but if my parents had a nice
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spread and i was going through hard times and the spread included my old bedroom, you instill a lock on it, you play tennis, when you live in the suburbs of new york, living in jersey or long island where lindsay's mom lives, you spend most of your time partying in the city anyway. it's not a big deal. she needs catch up with her finances. lindsay is struggling to pay her rent in l.a. i' she's -- i hate the wig -- it's not cheap. he brushes the wig and doesn't pull the dead and drop it over there. hair girls. you know what i'm talking about. you know. and how about the tumble weeds of hair that float around your bathroom on the floor. i just take my big toe and slide it over, make one big tumbleweed
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doin', hair? in the garbage can. so lindsay allegedly owes hundreds of thousands in back-taxes and it seems like her only source of income are these appearances she makes overseas. i don't know what kind of appearances. i don't know what they involve. but all i've saying is that it sounds a little sketchy. the worst part about -- by the way, she'll make like $10,000 here, $20,000 there. so she's making her money to to pay off her debts. hopefully her mom dina is not charging rent. but her mom dina is struggling to pay her mortgage. it's not a good situation out there on long island. lindsay's reps are denying this case, but i can believe it. and the worst part about this case i think is that lindsay is going to be going back home living with her mother who doesn't seem to be a mother but more like a girlfriend who participates in everything her daughter does, too. just sayin', uh-huh.
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you want to see the other important story here in new york 0? that was the cover of the daily news. here is the cover of the "new york post," another hot topic. chris brown's on the front. okay, chris brown is on the front cover of the "new york post," and the story is that chris was back in court yesterday. the judge is trying to determine if he violated his probation. he's being accused of faking hi. sie sidebar, i know so many people who have faked community service. it's so easy. you don't have to be a celebrity. i can believe chris brown was able to get away with fraiki ii faking his community service just talking. he arrived in court withrhianna. n the back. rhian here's the thing. like, there's a time and a place for edgy hair and color-splashed
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clothes and leggings and pointy nailsceruela deville. if you want the judge to believe everything is right you should have worn a st. john's knit or something from jones of nand pu and put it in a tight bun and filed down the points on your nails. i'm just saying. but the young kids don't know how to go to court. you know what i mean? remember chris is on probation currently for assaulting rhianna, and, chris, why does it look likehat suit jacket out of a gym bag? and borrowed the tie from the '80s? and when i squint and look even further, that's not even a suit, that's -- and where's your belt? the thing that he did do right, though, was that he died that blonde hair back to brown.
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[ applause ] yeah, yeah. so in the end this is what the judge said. the judge said he needs more time to review the evidence and scheduled another hearing for april. and i think that chris brown is very talented but i do think for time-out for a moment and get his thing together. meanwhile, jennifer lope officially worn me down regarding casper smart. i lovetogether. i love them together because she doesn't disrespect him. i love them together because she's forced us to love him. who is like me, like you hat in love it? okay, i am worn-out!sure to sha with you the story i read in the new magazine. this is my last, oh, casper! you go, boy!
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casper is ready to marry jennifer. the problem is -- well, we this. yeah, they're ready to get married. you don't want them to get married? >> no! >> only supposed to be a drive-by. >> yes. >> wendy: i thought the same b woman with a big mout totally in control. okay, get married. here's the cute part. the problem is he doesn't have money to buy her a ring that would stack up to the rest. but, no, no, no, because a lot of these girls like jennifer lopez, they would get with a guy like casper but buy their own ring. and we all know 's her buying her own ring. but you know what? she's had four previous rings. messy. remember jennifer -- brad -- i'm getting my men mixed up. ben affleck gave her the pink diamond worth $2.5 million. casper doesn't have that. the boy is still getting an
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ale#ç9ñ and then marc anthony gave her the 8.5 carat blue diamond worth $4 million. so casper reportedly is suggesting to jennifer -- i love this -- get ring tattoos. >> no! >> wendy: casper, don't listen to 0 thethem. i like this idea. i'll tell you why. wait, wait. here's the thing. it's not her first marriage, and it won't be her last. i'm just saying. she has diamonds and money and a career that, you know, just beats the band. it's fine for her to get this tattoo. i think it's very humbling. i don't think that she should evhim money to upgrade the tattoo to something. i like the idea of her, on her 150th marriage, wearing a tattoo. how you can tell
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you're either involved with a young boy, like casper, or going through a semi-midlife crisis like okay, i don't know if i shared this with you or when our show goes on our little hiatus, i am going to get a ring tattoo. yes. yes, i am! i know what you're saying, why? i know, i know. look, i don't know why. i think i'm playing old miss young, fine, i'll say it myself. it won't stop me from wearing my wedding set which i earned so i wear it every day. circle back traffic to go back and pick it up at the house. oh, no, no, no. but here's thing. and it's not my husband saying to me, let's get these ring tattoos. it's just because i want to be cool. old miss wendy wants to be cool. so, look, here's the thing. i'm going to get this tattoo, and the way i figure, whether this is my -- whether, god
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forbid, i get divorced or not, i'm the marrying type. so 0 if i lose this husband, i'm going to pick up another. i'm that girl. like i'm that girl. [ applause ] that's cute, i just want to pinch your boyish cheeks. look at me. so, look, guess who's been hanging out together and i love this? eddie murphy's ex nicole murphy and his other ex tracy edmonds who used to be married to baby face. first of all, that's all kinds of pretty. when they war, the rest of the girls may as well sit down because they're going to clean-sweep all the guys. look, nicole, the taller with the white shirt, was married to eddie for 14 years and they have lots of kids together. look at her walk around l.a. just good. and then they divorced in 2006. arried to baby face, like i she also produced "soul food," a
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businesswoman with good boobs. don't be scared to look. look. she was sort of married to eddie, they did a commitment ceremony in bora bora in 2008. they decided not to make it legal and broke up. i love the two are friends. eddie -- you know what? i've received this. first of all, hi, how you doin'? hi, eddie. here's the thing, when i do this show, i do this for all the people in my head who i feel are watching like my mom and dad and you guys when you're not here, you know, you're at home watching. but there are some celebrities that i think watch this show regularly, and if they miss it they tivo on and look at the aftershow. one of those people. because i read -- eddie, first, i know that you have a sense of humor, and you love all this. second, i read for many, many years that eddie loves to watch
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tv. he will clear his house, go in a room and have the tv set up. if he loves to watch tv -- hi, eddie! and one day we'll meet and we're not going to have to say one word to each other, just [ cheers and applause ] oh, keep clapping. makeup artist mally for you. roncal is here and she'll show us the hottest celebrity makeup trends. but up next, fox 5 anchor dari alexander, blogger micah jesse and love expert julia allison and me. we're all be sitting for this week's hot talk panel, keep it here.
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>> wendy: welcome back.i love y.
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>> wendy: it's almost the end of another week and it's time for another round of our juicy talk." joining me, my friend fox 5 news anchor and author of the quick and clean diet dari alexander. and from the web site micah, it's micah jesse! gorgeous. and one of the stars of -- wait, no. i pointed to the wrong person. this is micah jesse. sorry. a ne of thetars of bravo and love expert julia allison. welcome, julia. welcome. >> thank you. >> wendy: because i have a strong opinion about this i'm scared of what i have to say so i was distracted as i was introducing. let me tell u, i have a str opinion. house physician commented ond my
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gove christie's possible presidential run in 2016. she's worried he could die in office because of his so governor christie, is he too fat to be the president? that's the question. dari, i'll start with you. >> i don't think he's too fat to be the president, but look he knows he's fat, he knows he's overweight, up against a wall this man is in a window where he has t weight. >> wendy: yes. >> he needs to do 0 it fit for family. he has to. to be taken seriously to run president, he has to lose weight. send him the quick and clean diet. >> wendy: here's what he said. she should shut up. this is just another hack who wants five minutes on tv. he was also very concerned because she said this on tv and his children who are middl school agedthis. what do you say? >> you know, he said she's a hack. >> wendy: yes. >> she was in the navy, she's been in the white house for nine years. >> wendy: that's how we talk in jersey, julia.
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>> this woman is not a hack. he's understandably upset because this is a deep issue for him. it probably makes him feel really insecure. but he has to be healthy. i mean -- he doesn't have to look a way, he doesn't have to be cute. but he has to be healthy. >> wendy: healthy, absolutely. >> i agree. i think as americans we love to se mean, look at jennifer hudso. this it is a great opportunity for chris to -- he has until 2016. this a great chance to shed the pounds. >> wendy: here's how you shed it, governor. >> weight watchers? >> wendy: no. you get one of those intervention surgeries. sorry, my governor. 1 hurricane. but i have to say to you -- [ cheers and applause ] -- you are too fat to be president. and if nobody else is going to say it, i'm going to sayit. look how you look. that is ridiculous. i saw you on david letterman. your s-curve formation, you brought out that doughnut, you are morbidly obese to make fun of your weight like that.
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i was sulted for him. as far as your middle school aged children, my kid is in middle school, too, he understands fat is not good. if i was in that position, he could understand he could aid and abet his mother to lose weight. i do think you're too fat to be president. if you' look like that right no, how will you look in 2016. >> there is concern for health reasons. let's think about dick cheney who was viceho had multiple heart problems. >> wendy: but he was vice. he wasn't the king of america. >> he was a heartbeat away from being the president when we were in two wars. honestly, listen, this is going i tell you. he's going to lose weight and everyone will love him.ry popul. this man hasdowntime. he doesn't have the time to do downtime. which is why the president should be more physically fit. i didn't say skinny. i didn't say skinny. he's not just a guy with fat. he is morbidly obese.
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sorry, my king. >> barack obama works out every single day. >> well, barack obama smokes cigarettes people forget that. >> she's talking about the surgery that a lot of people are get getting. >> wendy: this summer. >> he doesn't have the time. he doesn't have time to do that. but he is going to do something. you'll see. it will be a huge triumph story and it will boost his numbers even higher than now. >> wendy: i challenge you. >> then he'll b a shoo-in. >> wendy: brit fwhi spears is rumored to be very close to signing the deal for the residency in las vegas at a casino where she'll perform for several nights per week for a matter of time. sometime they go on for a year, two, three years. we talked about this on hot topics. my question to the panel, julia, starting with you, do you think it would be a good idea considering her fragile mental state - let's talk straight -- and how much vegas is known for partying?
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is this good idea? >> britney spears and vegas, how has that gone before? she had a marriage to jason alexander in vegas, it lasted 48 one of her best moments. that being said, i will say this. regular work for a star is really important. this is about as regular as it gets. a star and of free time and a lot of money,that could be even more dangerous than vegas. so you have to weigh these two things. she's ae she's in a fragile mental state. who knows what happened with the end of her engagement. >> wendy: it's over. >> she's single.gas isn't a pla find a husband. >> she needs to find herself. >> i agree with you. i think she needs to be busy. we can all want to see her busy. right? [ applause ] but i think we want to see her back in the student 0 y-- studio and on tour. we want to see her across the country, not making sinful decisions in sin city. >> the bottom line, the girl has to make money. she's the only person in her
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life that makes the money. she has to maintain the private planes -- >> she has enough money! >> she also has a lot of people she pays out, a lot of exes. so she's in she h demon. she has to understand that she has to work, therefore she's got to live in a place where she can make the most money. she'll make over $100 million over three years. >> she doesn't need that much money. >> wendy: i've never heard of britney spears having financial troubles. in a perfect world i think britney, based on being on "american idol "0 and what we've seen, let's face facts is not all together there. britney needs to go someplace for three years and sit down. she's young enough where her fans will remember her. if they don't, oh, well. she needs to stay out of the spotlight, including vegas, rec seem 0 to eat too much sugar, the condition their teeth is horrible, and reconnect -- you've never seen the pictures of the boys? then google it.
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[ applause
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. >> wendy: woel welcome we have our hot talk panel
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assembled here. there is a web site seeking lindsay lohan, write this down. not saying. suggesting. it hooks up poor pretty young girls called sugar babies with sugar daddies to cover their rent and bills in exchange for companionship. do we think this is a good idea? i'll go first. yes. i'll tell you why. if i had a daughter and she did this, i would crack her skull. if my niece alex does this, i would crack her skull. i couldn't do it myself. but you know what? who am i to judge? i'll be judging, but you shouldn't care that i'm judging. it keep pole. it keeps th louboutins, if that's important when ufr 19. dari, what do you say? >> i have to agree. these girls are of age. who cares. they're in college, some of
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them. there are a bunch of ivy league schools that have girls belonging to 0 this. it's consensual. it's notthem. these girls want the lifestyle, the $10,000-a-month allowance and they're up front about it. >> wendy: we're not saying it's $10,000 a month, but there are some girls who talked about it, columbia university girl, the account.puts 10,000 r$,000 a everybody knows what its. they say there's no sex but come on. >> but they admitted that, you know, it's -- they say it's their choice. >> wendy: getting with the musty. >> i have to say, adore you both, but i don't agree. when i heard this story i thought, what if my best friend told me that she was doing this? i would look down on her. >> me, too! >> but i have to say, get a job, flip burgers. >> these are not the two options. man pay for you or you can you work at mcdonald's.
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those are not the two options. >> wendy: but what were you doing when yo 21? were you poor? >> yes, i was. it's okay. here's the problem. i did have older boyfriends. they weren't like geriatric, but they took me out for nice dinners. i will tell you i'm almost 32, this not on a web site but they a lot of and they are running into problems right now because they're -- all of their value is tied up in their beauty and they think they have no value other than how they look because they were told that they had no value. [ applause ] >> wait a minute. i agree with everything you're saying. i would not do it. i would drop my daughter on her head if she thought about doi it. >> wendy: and wouldn't be friho did it. >> it's a choice. you have to be forgiving. >> my girlfriend went through it. you go through it and think there's nothing wrong with it. oh, just another chanel bag. there's nothing wrong with it. then all of a sudden you're getting older and questioning the men you're with. are you going to be with me when
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i'm older? do i have to get a lot of plastic surgery. >> these girls know what they want. >> they don't know anything. >> they know they want the y: here is a quote from the sugar baby. think anna nicole smith and howard. they were -- look, i don't call it because you're directly forsex. you are helped financially in different ways. you go shopping, you go out to eat, you go see you have fun. it's just like 64% of "wendy" viewers said it sounds like prostitution, 36% say who am i to judge. i'm with the 36%, but itcouldn'e or friend. >> it's not prostitution, but i straddling the line. >> wendy: well put. that's it. thank you, panel. you all did such a great job. thank you. for more information on our panelists, go to up next, celebrity makeup artist mally roncal is here and she's going to 0 show us how to 0 get celebrities' htest makeup
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trends. don't miss it.
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>> wendy: our next guest is a makeup mazen. i clients including beyonce and jennifer lopez. today she'll show us how to get the hottest makeup trends in hollywood. please welcome to our show our friend mally roncal! yes! yes! she's a walking billboard for everything beautiful. you've worked with some of the biggest stars in the world. >> yes, ma'am. >> wendy: tell us how we can get that celebrity look. >> well, again, you know, it's all about the tips, the secrets and getting the right products. you can look like a fierce superstar, literally just walking down the grocery store aisle. >> wendy: got it. let's get started. as usual, our models are from the studio audience. this is emily.xd what's the trend we're working onlu emerald is the color of the season. you get that in the smoky eye. we know miss wendy works the smoky >> wendy: morell does it .
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is it good for the palest girl ? >> you got itñs6 fair to deepest of the deep. green is the color. here is the secret, quickly. you want to number one always start with an eye shaded dough base. that is the celebrity base. believe it or not, what that does is not only make it yo, very,f clean, professional look. now, green, the color. here we go. you want to make sure that it's soft and that don't go crazy and slap it on real quick. i call motion, back and forth,ék=÷5p'd forth, build build build. then you'll see the gorgeous color. very quickly. here we go. here's the final secret. lining rim. you do that? morell does that for you? >> wendy: yes, i knew how to do that in seventh grade when i do. a lot of girls that bothers them to go in there. >> right. just suck it up.
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>> wendy: stopblinking >> yes. >> wendy: thanks, em. let's go to our next trend. this is everybody. >> miss leah. >> wendy: what's herñr >> sofia vergara, the body glow, beyonce glow, you know it. number one, always start with a primer that has a glow or something that's going to 0 give you sort of that candle lit effect, like i just had sex. you know that look. you know that one. >> wendy: i love the glow. >> thank you. so you put that on first. now here's >> wendy: saturday night special on the pole. >> or that. okay? so inl stead of just slapping it all over, watch this. take it across the lid, just around the corner and hit the tops of the cheekbones. that is going to 0 make you look like you had an instant
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face-lift. then you do the secret glow and put it right on the tip of then nose. that looks like you got a nose job right about there. then the right blush, right on the apples of the cheeks. that's going to make you look, again, like you just had sex with johnny depp, honey. or whoever. >> you'reowoí,fçy glowing. >> wendy: let's talk to jen. our last trend, this is the one that try as i might i always eni up taking the bottom layer >> wendy: top and bottom. >> i've got to toll you, the bottom lashxgc is it t >> well, honey, kim k. but the top lash is really the way to go. the number one trick always is -- people always think that you want mass kara on afterwards. my secret is, number one, look down for me, honey, you want to
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curl those lashes first.!q¡ i already did obviously. but just to show you the motion, curl the lashes and put one coat of on first. that will create a little shelf, almost like a push then wt you do is take the lash, put a little glue, make sure it gets nice and tacky, that little shelf is so e['nñ >> wendy: here's what morell does with my lashes, he waves them like this with the glue on to make it tacky. >> you got it. it will slide all over town other 0 wise. there you go. it's on. hey! mally roncal. audience, you're all going home with nine-piece beauty kit. so good. [ applause ] keep it here, everybody. still to come, our live like a star audience giveawh, there's audience. but up next it's "ask wendy." keep 0 it here.
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>> wendy: welcome back. it's time for "ask wendy". >> i'm stephanie.
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how you doin'? >> wendy: how you doin'? >> my fiance a i are getting married in november. >> wendy: congratulations. >> my father is too involved in the wedding plans. he wantsv5tiuz to give his opin everything from the dress to the venue, the band. how do i politely say to him that i just money and not his advice? >> wendy: how old are you? >> 27. >> wendy: 27, okay. cute. well, first,oe?v?ñ congratulati your wedding. >> thank you. >> wendy: but my thought about parenting is, if you live under my roof, you will always do what i say. and if i'm paying for it, i've got a definite heavy-hand in the planning. ifou want your father to back off -- here's the thing. you can sit down, you have a bout it, be daddy's baby girl, please ask your father to back off. where's your mom in all of this? >> she's involved. my parentsdivorced so mc.she's the middleman between me and him.
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that's the only 0 wway to get h out.ñhr i love your delivery, but it's oh, my god, oh, my god. when you talk to your fatr, you have to !m& like a!d and be strong. don't smile so much and defhead, oh, my god, oh,god. youssarily need a wedding lanner. you may want to pare down your wedding and what it will cost and have a talk with yourr. but you have to be '6firm. okay? >> okay. >> wendy: how you doin'? >>marisol. how you doin'? >> wendy: good. >> my boyfriestxr and i haveeen together for three years and he's never said i love you and i haven't said to you. whenever i ask him about the future, he never wants to talk about it. how do i get him to open up to me, or is it time for me to go? >> wendy: ait, what do you see as the future of your relationship? >> i mean, i see it going
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somewhere. >> wendy: where? >> marriage, children. >> wendy: look, neither one -- i'm shocked because as a woman we're more of the talkers and we pull men out of their shells. i'm shocked. you have two choices. first, move on. but before you move on, have this discussion with you and i'm going to count on you being more open and pull it from him and talk about the future. if he responses you want, you'll never get those three years back but at least you learned something. move on. >> okay,you. >> wendy: up next, everybody, keep it here.e a star[+a e.#=jeuiu time for
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courteney cox us$ese and julia roberts, let's find out what it is. michael lee, open the box. these skindbg6' products are fr pacifica. they're formulated with ingredients that you needur ski. studio audience, you're all involves tall of this.derlust thanks so much, pacifica. our stuff. everybody, keeit here. we'll be right back.
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>> wendy: i've had atoday, and hot talk panel, plus celebrity makeup artist mally roncal. tomorrow, toni braxton and comedienne heather mcdonald will be here. i love you for being ÷nhere, a i'll see you on
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"wendy." i'll see you on "wendy."
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♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ come on, people, now ♪ smile on your brother ♪ everybody get together ♪ try to love one another ♪ come on, people, now ♪ smile on your brother ♪ everybody get together ♪ try to love one another ♪ come on, people, now [ female announcer ] rich, creamy quality breyers. the taste you've l40 year. ♪ right now (male announcer) in new york city's war on crime, the taste you've l40 year. the worst criminal offenders are pursued by the detectives of the major case squad. these are their stories. [children chattering]
10:57 am
it's getting late, buddy. ready for some pizza? yeah. yeah. all right. night, guys. and henry's grandma. it's mrs. reynolds. right. good night, skip. safe home. oh. what's that in leo's hand? (skip) oh, it's...hungry hippo. he's fine. good night. good night. [echoing voices] put more marbles in there, leo. yeah, yeah. it's 6:35. (woman) my good morning. see? under control. hi, teya. hi. sorry. mommy loves you. oh, i'll miss you. [kisses] i'll walk you out. we've gotta stop meeting like this. paloma, watch your screen today.
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you noddin' off theuy? it's too late to nap. [phone chirps] what'd i tell you, paloma? i'll see you in september. are you kidding me? a strong buy? what's your cut, you son of a bitch? you lose your shorts, eckhardt? you kevyn? you're late.
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oh, you fall asleep there on me, buddy? [footsteps] oh. it's you. [gunshot]


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