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tv   Primer Impacto Extra  Univision  August 17, 2013 5:00am-5:35am EDT

5:00 am
wow. i can't wait to haul a load like that. there's nothing getting in my way. [ chuckles ] it's gonna be a long time before you're ready for that kind of work, little guy. aw. excuse me, son. i've got to get out to the parts yard [ horn blaring ] to grab some steel beams. semi steve needs to be loaded up for a run. [ bell dings ] ooh, sure is busy around here today. i'll do it, dad. i'll go get those beams and bring them back here to the diner. i don't know, chuck. rowdy and i saw those beams out in the parts yard. they look really heavy. and you know semi steve, chuck. he's very serious about his schedule. i can do it. i promise. like my older brother rally. both: the world-famous monster racing truck. yeah. like he always says, "over, around, and through." trucks go and see and do!
5:01 am
can we help carry the load, chuck? no, i'm going to do this by myself. chuck, this is very important. are you sure you can have those beams back here on time? i can do it. i'll be right back with a heavy load.
5:02 am
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5:04 am
[ tires screech ] gee, chuck. are you sure you can do this alone? of course i am. [ beeping ] just let me do some warm-up exercises. one, two. one, two. one, two [ beeping ] [ groaning ] chuck, it's too heavy. you better stop. no! i can do it! [ thwack! ] whoa! oh! oh! thanks, boomer. hmm. i guess i'm gonna have to think of a different way to do this. you better do it fast, chuck. that semi is waiting for you. [ horn blaring ] i know you're in a hurry, semi steve. i'm sure chuck will be back any minute.
5:05 am
hmm. are you still thinking, chuck? want me to go get you some garbage? [ rattle! ] what? always makes me feel better. thanks for wanting to help, rowdy, but... i have an idea! even if you guys just load the beams onto me, i'd still be the one doing the hauling, like i said i would. sounds like a plan. that's all the beams, chuck. good teamwork, guys. thanks. i can barely feel them. it's gonna be easy to haul these back to the diner all by myself. i'll see you there. [ tires spinning, screeching ] [ gasps ] the beams made you so heavy, you've sunk into the ground. now what, chuck? semi steve must be about ready to leave.
5:06 am
[ horn blaring ] you want those beams? [ horn blaring ] well, uh... wait. i think i just heard chuck's horn. [ as chuck ] almost there, dad! [ normal voice ] yep, that's him. just give him another minute. [ chuckles ] thanks for helping out, boomer. now i'm getting somewhere. you mean, now you can start getting somewhere. that's right. and i'm gonna get these beams to the diner in time all by myself, just like i promised. [ tires spinning, screeching ] um, chuck, you're not getting any closer to the diner. uh, okay, okay. watch this. [ groans ] [ gasping ] made it! now watch how fast i'm gonna go, guys. last one to the diner is a lemon. i'm no lemon. me, neither. yeah.
5:07 am
that's it. i'm really moving now. [ groans ] i'm going to make it there in time all by myself. i can, i can, i can. [ groaning ] almost there. right? uh, maybe you're almost almost there. yeah, almost almost almost there. okay. there has to be a way. i have to get these over there really fast, and i have to do it by myself. i know! i could fly them over. right. i can't fly. i know! i could throw them to the diner. right. if i can't carry them, i can't throw them. just tell us how we can help, chuck. yeah. yeah, we'll do anything. [ tires screech ] powering pickups! i've got it!
5:08 am
i know what's been stopping me from getting this job done. the do-it-myself part. and i know just what we need to do. ♪ building it ♪ we got an idea and we're making it real ♪ ♪ shaping it ♪ we got the tools that we need to seal the deal ♪ ♪ there's a job to get done ♪ and we're having some fun ♪ trying hard, playing harder ♪ till our working game is done ♪ ♪ building it ♪ we got an idea and we're making it real ♪ ♪ making it real ♪ shaping it ♪ we got the tools that we need to seal the deal ♪ perfect. that's the way to share the load. now come on, guys. we've got to burn rubber. two more minutes, semi steve. [ horn blaring ] [ chuck panting ] here's the beams for you.
5:09 am
rowdy and i will load you up, mr. steve. mr. semi. uh, mr. steve-i. thanks, boomer. thanks, rowdy. couldn't have done it without you. bumpers up. [ clang! ] all: friends for the long haul! dad, i'm sorry it took me so long. that's okay, chuck. you made it in time and kept your prise. i'm proud of you. thanks, but i almost didn't make it. and i didn't really do it all by myself, like i said i would. that's nothing to be ashamed of, chuck. everyone needs help once in a while. sharing the load makes the work go faster, and it's more fun, too. knowing you, i bet it was your idea to make that platform. [ horn honking ] all done! [ horn blaring ] bye, semi steve! bye, semi steve! bye, semi steve! i saw you bring in that load, little guy.
5:10 am
i didn't think you had it in you. thanks. once you grow into those wheels of yours, i bet you're gonna be bigger, stronger, and smarter than any dump truck out there. wow. [ whistling ]
5:11 am
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5:13 am
[ thud! ] whoa. whoops! soy about that, sir. hope i didn't give you any scratches or dings or -- elmer? hi, there, porter. you don't look so... good? yeah, i know. porter, have you seen the -- [ crash! ] oh! i'm terribly... haulie, you remember elmer? sure. it's just, i don't remember you being weak and rusty? [ squeaking ] yeah, i know. [ tires screeching ] you'll never catch me, police car. that's what you think, getawacar! [ imitating sirens wailing ] [ screeching and wailing continue ]
5:14 am
[ thud! ] uh, elmer, this is our son chuck, and his friends -- soku, handy, and digger. porter, i didn't know you and haulie had another boy in the family. well, it's been a while since you've been here. chuck, elmer was our truck stop's very first customer. whoa! what was it like in the old days, mr. elmer? si, did they have, like, wheels back then? [ laughs ] sure they did, digger. my great-great-great grandfather invented the wheel. before that, everyone used clumps of dirt. how did anyone get anywhere? very slowly. so, mr. elmer, the old days? the old days go back before your parents ever opened this truck stop, chuck. ahh, those were good times. [ '50s rock music plays ]
5:15 am
ah-oohgah! yes, those were good times. i just wish that when i wasn't working, i hadn't just been lazy and sat around. that's how i wound up so rusty and slow, with pipes so clogged, i can barely move. [ rattle! ] and a truck's no good if he can't even move. that's why i came to see you, haulie. sure, elmer. come with me to the repair bay, and we'll see what we can do. if you don't want to end up like me, take care of yourselves now, boys. i sure wish i had when i was your age. poor elmer. chuck, let's get back to our game, amigo. huh? oh. okay. okay, chuck. this is the part of the game where we police cars ask the getaway car questions about where you hid the loot.
5:16 am
guys? i don't want to play games. what? what? what? i think we should exercise! but, chuck, if you think about it, with all the running and jumping we do, our games are -- we don't want to get slow and weak and rusty with clogged pipes when we get older. we should spend all our time getting in the best shape we can. that sounds bueno! let's do it! does this mean getting dirty? it means we need to think of some exercises. we have to get stronger. and there's how we're going to start. [ groaning ] [ groaning ] chuck: one, two. one, two. this might be worse than getting dirty. one, two. one, two. boy, i feel super strong now! one, two! stop sign! i'm sweating wiper fluid,
5:17 am
i smell like old carburetors, and i'm not having fun. i'm done with this exercise. [ groans ] yeah. maybe we should do something else for a while, chuck. good idea. let's find a different exercise. that's not my idea of finding something different to do. i'll just watch. well, we'll keep going. we feel better already. right, guys? yeah! yeah! that's the spirit. now i've got the perfect idea for our next exercise! [ tires screech ] [ clattering ] whoa! boy, am i glad i decided not to do any more of chuck's exercises. [ groaning ] got to get to the top. [ groaning ] vámonos, digger! [ groaning ] got to keep up with chuck! ooh!
5:18 am
[ thud! ] oof! no hands allowed, huh? [ groans ] come on, handy. you can do it. this exercise really makes your engine hum, doesn't it? and i guess i'll see you at the bottom of the hill. whoa! [ crashing ] i'm okay. [ both groaning ] red-hot turbo chargers! we did it! whoo-hoo! whoo -- oof! ooh. eh, amigo, for our next exercise, maybe there's something flatter we could do. hmm. i've got a perfect idea for how we can get some more exercise.
5:19 am
5:20 am
[ whistling smurfs theme song ] [ male announcer ] the smurfs are back at mcdonald's, so take a deep breath... hang on to your party pants... and choose something smart, like milk. now you can sink your teeth into the smurfiest happy meal ever. mmm. you can even get a smurf of your very own. ♪ okay everyone... ♪ surprise!!!! ♪
5:21 am
5:22 am
surprise!!!! i feel faster than ever! yeah, exercise is amazing. when we get to be mr. elmer's age, we're going to be in great shape. hey, chuck! don't you want to take a break and go back to our game for a while?
5:23 am
no way! i'm in a groove now. i'm gonna keep moving, moving, moving. ♪ staying in shape ♪ is what i'm looking to do ♪ i want to feel great ♪ clean and strong, through and through ♪ ♪ i got to move, move, move [ tap! ] ♪ move, move, move [ whistling ] ♪ pick it up, rev it up, and really groove ♪ ♪ i got to move, move, move ♪ move, move, move ♪ health is something i don't want to lose ♪ ♪ if i sit too much, i'm gonna pop my clutch ♪ ♪ if i don't work out, all my belts will give out ♪ ♪ i want my engine to hum so i can feel young ♪ ♪ run and jump and sing and shout ♪ ♪ i got to move do you wish you were out there racing with them, soku? i wish we were playing police cars and getaway cars again. [ gasping ] come on, digger! we've got a bunch of laps to go! [ gasping ] i can't run anymore...
5:24 am
right now...chuck. well, i'm feeling better every second. i'm never gonna stop. like my big brother rally, world-famous racing truck, always says. over, around, and through. trucks go and see and do! and i'm gonna go, go, go! yippee! whoo-hoo! are we done exercising, chuck? can we do something else now? sure. but only for a little bit. you guys really should exercise more. i feel fantastic. well, getaway car, you won't feel so fantastic once we police cars catch you. the way i'm revving right now, you'll never catch me. [ tires screech ] [ sputtering ] caught you. that was easy. what's the matter, chuck? nothing. just let me try again. [ engine grinding ]
5:25 am
[ sighs ] i don't know what it is. suddenly, i'm really tired. maybe you exercised too much, chuck. maybe. i'm sorry, guys. i can't play anymore today. i never thought that would happen. [ yawns ] i think i better just turn around and go home. [ groans ] could, uh, one of you guys maybe help turn me around? [ tink! tink! ] [ tink! tink! ] well, elmer, now that we got rid of all that gunk that built up while you've been sitting around and replaced your rusty parts, you should feel a little better. thanks, haulie, i do. and i'm gonna stay feeling better by fueling up smarter and getting more exercise, like we talked about. maybe you shouldn't get too much, mr. elmer. you could wind up like chuck. [ snoring ] wha? huh? chuck, what happened, son?
5:26 am
i was out exercising. i just didn't want to end up... [ laughs ] like me? chuck, you and i both learned something important today. too much of anything isn't good for you, whether it's sitting around or exercising. your body needs both rest and exercise, honey. but it needs a balance between them. and you get plenty of exercise running around with your pals playing your games. you're right, mom. and it's more fun than the exercises i was doing. from now on, i'm gonna... [ snoring ] [ laughter ] hey, where's chuck? i'm ready to play. hi, guys. i'm really sore today. must have been all that exercise yesterday. then it's gonna be easy for us to catch you today, mr. getaway car. yeah. mr. "too tired to play." i'm never gonna be too tired to play ever again. red-hot turbochargers, i feel great! let's burn rubber!
5:27 am
[ tires screech ] ♪ give me a mountain to climb ♪
5:28 am
♪ rescue heroes ♪ rescue heroes ♪ ♪ rescue heroes ♪ rescue heroes >> global response team. >> amazing! >> computer: bridge out ahead. bridge out ahead. >> bridge out? that's not good. unless, you're in this baby!
5:29 am
i love this new car! >> is he going to make it? >> i don't know. i don't know. it's going to be harder to fix him than i first thought. >> pat, you're the man. this car is wicked. >> looks good. how about letting your old buddy jack, take it for a spin? >> no, don't touch the door! (alarm sounding) >> computer: alarm off. >> what'd i do? what'd i do? >> the car thought you were an intruder. see, the car only allows entry to people like mr. justice here, who have already recorded a password. >> fine, we'll all record our passwords today. >> actually, i was thinking it might be best if only i drove it. it is, after all, a police car. >> i guess if you feel that strongly about it. >> i do. now, if you don't mind, i'm going to take this baby out onto the real streets.
5:30 am
>> yeah! woo-hoo! >> can you ride your bikes somewhere else please? >> why should we? (siren sounding) >> because, he said please. >> and who are you? >> i'm kenny ride, rescue hero. >> ooh, a bicycle cop! what are you going to do? bring me downtown on your handlebars? >> of course not. if you sat on my handlebars, i couldn't ring my bell. >> kids: (laughing) >> right. >> you know, there's a bike park a mile away. i recommend you try it out. >> come on, ace. let's just go. >> whatever. >> have a great day, and be safe! >> computer: searching data... driver safe. >> cool, an automatic licence
5:31 am
plate scanner. what else? traffic jam alert, satellite surveillance, sch... sch? what in the world is that? soda cup holder. pat, you're the man. >> warning, driver operating vehicle with suspended licence. >> maybe we should have a little chat. >> the cops! >> it's go time! >> so how is it? >> a success. >> erv, activate arm extension. >> eractivating extension. >> nice job. >> it was nothing. just a few tweaks. (yelling) stop! stop! stop! maybe it needs a few more
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tweaks. (siren sounding) >> alright, now to slow you down. amazing! whoa! >> (gasping) (honking) oh no! >> (gasping) >> stop right there!
5:33 am
you have the right to remain silent. >> good work, pat! the cars satellite tracking device worked perfectly. you should be very proud. >> yes, satellite tracking perfectly. perfectly proud. >> the car's a winner. >> not that we'll ever find out. car hog. >> you're going to be fine sir. (electronic beeping) that's my new car sending me a message. i'm talking brand new. still has that new car smell. >> let me guess, it's new?
5:34 am
>> (gasping) everybody, clear out! (yelling) >> stop! >> it's time to get to work. where's ariel? >> she's at the ark. >> we'll contract her from the road. pat, is erv ready? >> no, i need more time. >> put him on the qr jet. you can repair him on the way. let's move it out people! ♪


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