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tv   Al Punto  Univision  August 19, 2013 1:00am-2:00am EDT

1:00 am
[growling] [growling] [grunts] tick-tock, we're on the clock. speckles, do you copy? [speckles] ten-four. i read you, darwin. five-by-five. all communication systems are online. status report. [darwin] i have a visual on saber. he's wearing a $6,000 suit, $50,000 watch, and, according to my infrared scope, hanes size 36 tighty whiteys. saber's about to start his speech. remember, the clock is ticking, dude. [speckles] blaster, juarez, what's your twenty? juarez here. approaching first objective. we're ten seconds ahead of schedule because blaster is a little hyped-up. of course i am. this is what i live for. time to get this party started.
1:01 am
- [man on walkie] do we have any activity? - [man 2] southbound is secure. ok, we're clear. [speckles] darwin, you're behind schedule. you all right? first mission jitters, i guess. do you want to abort? no, no, it's ok. i've been trained to do this. i'd follow you into a snarling pack of dobermans! oh, wait. i already have. now, get your fuzzy hind end moving. hold on. there's a civilian passing through the perimeter. what are you looking at? move along, pal. oh! don't worry. i just spotted my way in. whoa! [latin music plays] juarez...
1:02 am
- blaster, don't drop a pellet. - too late. whoa, whoa, whoa. [grunts] whoa! whoo! i'm cool. speckles to mooch. getting no visual. over. [buzzing] [squeaking] the fly is in the ointment. darwin, do you copy? [man] yeah, you're right. ah! holy foxes. - [speckles] what's your twenty? - i'm in the morgue. [humming] ♪ don't you wish your blowtorch was hot like mine ♪ it's a good thing i took shop.
1:03 am
[applause] welcome to my home. i want you to know how grateful i am to all of you for, once again, making us the number one consumer electronics brand in the world! - [applause] - yeah, yeah. these things are so popular, i can't get one. [laughter] [speckles] mooch, focus. come on, honey. you're not here for the sweets. get back on mission. for years, we've been putting a secret... ...into the heart of every member of the saberling family, be it the cryogenic refrigerator or the new microwave-heated coffeemaker. a secret which is at the core of any successful family: communication. - hey, juarez. race you to the top! - ok. on your mark, get set, go!
1:04 am
that's cold. darwin, the table's set. you are clear to infiltrate saber's study. ok, i'm in. clearing exfil route. - hey, it worked! - [speckles] of course it worked. nothing happens in this house that i don't know about. trust me. in 48 hours, when i press this button, it will activate a wireless system we call "sabersense," which will awaken the chips already in the logic boards of all saberling appliances allowing this coffee machine to know how much coffee's been used, communicate with your home computer, and add coffee to your shopping list. [applause] now, in addition, sabersense will link every old and new saberling appliance in existence, and create one big family! nothing will be the same.
1:05 am
[computer beeping] why did they put the q so far away from the o? [beeping] - ok, i'm in. - roger. i'm tracking it. so what about it, juarez? you and me, i mean, you know... sorry, blaster. you know i've got my eye on someone else. no. in fact, i didn't know. who? darwin. why darwin? because he's so... so not interested in me. [darwin] copy that, juarez. - oh, shoot! - [speckles] keep the comm line clear, please. [beeping] ok, speckles, i think i found it. [saber] thank you and good night. saber wrapped his speech. mooch, give me an eyeball. [buzzing] [saber] christa, i'm going upstairs for a drink. darwin, saber's heading up. eta: about 50 seconds. copy that. i'm into the clusterstorm file. [beeping]
1:06 am
- speckles, are you seeing this? - i see it. this isn't about selling weapons. it's about global extermination. i'm downloading now. whoa! what just happened? encryption. hands off the keys. - i'm setting up a worm to decipher. - mooch. you have to stop saber. execute delay strategy b. yee-haw! [mooch squeaking] ah! [grunting] i'm back in. commencing download. [darwin] speckles, you're a genius! i'm a mole. i got a thing for worms. [gulps] switching to wireless download. come on. come on! [beeping]
1:07 am
[grunting] ah! darwin. get out of there, now! i can't. the chimney will block the signal. come on, baby, come on. if he doesn't make it, are you free thursday night? he'll make it. - [darwin] ok, drop the line. - here we go. - [sniffing] - [beeping] whoa! now, blaster! [yelling] ooh! ouch! [moaning] darwin! your butt's on fire! stop, drop and roll!
1:08 am
- we got it. speckles, exfil. - way ahead of you. i'll be waiting at the entrance of the... whoa! oh, no! oh, my god! [stammering] speckles reports a large canine at exfil. no escape. repeat: no escape. hang on, speckles. we leave no rodent behind. yippee! - i'm going after the dog! - wait, blaster! think it through! - there's no time for thinking. - [growling] juarez, blaster's gonna need backup. - got it. - i'll rescue speckles. - hey, meathead! - [yelps] oh, did you see that? whoa! whoa! whoa! [screaming] [barking] let's go, old buddy. [grunting] whoa! - mayday! mayday! - heads up, boys!
1:09 am
hi-yah! yeah, juarez! you get him, girl! - [whimpering] - we're out of here. let's go. something spooked the dog. let's check it out. [darwin] blaster, juarez, exfil. by the way, in case you missed it, i just saved your fuzzy behind. we should celebrate over dinner. hang on, speckles. we're going off-road. [grunting] ow! - whoa! - whoa! [darwin] gas! [coughing] whew! ok. we're clear. [coughing] that was a little heavy on the smoke, ben. [coughing] yo, juarez, did you catch the little leg twitch at the end of my "death"? ah! that was acting, baby. i was feeling it! yes, amazing. tell me you are not part possum.
1:10 am
ok, you can laugh now, but some of those people back there were crying. it was like the end of old yeller. [buzzing, squeaking] mooch! you made it. good. how'd it go in there, guys? the game's over for saber. it's all there. clusterstorm, everything. our training finally paid off. i knew it, guys. i knew you could do this. this is great. - g-force! - g-force? i figured we need a name. like, you know, green berets or navy seals. come on. g-force! - um, no. - the pose is cute. [mooch laughs] with new all natural lean cuisine honestly good. it's frozen like you've never seen. with juicy whole chicken filets, farm selected veggies and whole grain medleys. ♪ and it's undressed. just add the pomegranate sauce yourself. with taste this good, why hide? ♪ why? what were you thinking?
1:11 am
new lean cuisine honestly good. au natural, oh so tasty. in the natural frozen meals section. nestle. good food. good life. for digestive health? yes and did you know that trubiotics is a daily probiotic that helps in two ways. it supports digestive and immune health by working in your gut where 70% of your immune system lives. try trubiotics today. [ female announcer ] only aveeno daily moisturizing lotion has an active naturals oat formula that creates a moisture reserve so skin can replenish itself. aveeno® naturally beautiful results. aveeno® could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. mmmhmmm...everybody knows that. well, did you know that old macdonald was a really bad speller? your word is...cow. cow. cow. c...o...w...
1:12 am
...e...i...e...i...o. [buzzer] dangnabbit. geico. fifteen minutes could save you...well, you know. - is everything ready? - yeah, it's getting there. that's good. the feds won't be able to shut us down with this evidence. [beeping] does this make me look fatter? no. i think you look nice. how much longer, speckles? just a few more touches to decode saber's crypto-system. to access the information on darwin's pda, i have to factor a univariate polynomial over a finite field. ok. hey, do i look fat in this? i haven't worn a jacket since the prom. you look very... sharp. - [♪ lady gaga: just dance] - [grunting] whoo! oh, yeah! huh! huh! "because he's so not interested." what does that mean?
1:13 am
[juarez] men are like government bonds. they take way too long to mature. but if you're a woman trying to make it in a man's world, you have to learn to think like they do and keep them guessing. - [knocking] - [darwin] candygram. juarez? i heard over the wire that you're interested. i'm not interested. yeah, that's not what you told blaster. don't you get it? i want him interested in me. and he'll only be interested if he thinks i'm not. but you are interested? - of course. - but not in me. no, no, no. because you know you could have me, which makes you not interested, and that means i wouldn't be interested in you even if i were. [ben] ok, everybody, they're here. g-force, in your positions. it's showtime. hello.
1:14 am
director killian? i'm ben. congratulations on becoming the new task force director. that's neat. let's save the chitchat. time is money. ok. many people don't know that since the civil war, animals have been used to gather strategic intelligence. now, our work focuses on developing communication between humans and animals. now, these cockroaches right here have been trained to carry microcameras into surveillance zones, which is, i think, really kind of neat. congratulations. dr. kendall, do you mean to tell me that homeland security is financing a roach motel? this is a rodent. [ben] guinea pig, sir. don't say that. they get highly offended. you know their dna is 98.7 percent identical to humans, right? no. how would i know that? [ben] so you'll notice the extremely developed sense of motor skills. that's because their brains have close to a billion neurons, and a trillion synapses.
1:15 am
that's a thousand times stronger than any supercomputer. it gives them exceptional, like, eye-hand reflexes. it's a video game. yeah. and there's something over here... ok, we'll go over here. [ben] you're really gonna be amazed by this. it's a language decoder. it enables animals to talk to humans. without it, they sound like normal animals. go ahead, take a look. you're doctor dolittle. you talk to animals. talking to animals is the easy part. getting them to talk back, that's the hard part. - darwin! juarez! blaster! - so these guys are special agents? yeah, just like we're gonna be. - hey, how you doing? - whoa. that's impossible. no, no, no. finding something that fits me off the rack, that's impossible. you think that's something? check out agent speckles. he's been decrypting the file all night. - who's speckles? - our mole. star-nosed breed. blind as a bat.
1:16 am
iq off the charts. he's lucky i found him. - his family was exterminated. - we're ready. last night, g-force was able to get some intelligence regarding project clusterstorm. wait, you ran a mission without my authorization? yes. we went to saber's mansion and... wait a second, kendall, you broke into leonard saber's house? we accomplished in one night what you guys couldn't do in two years. and without a warrant. holla! blaster, cool it. sir, i knew we were up for review, and i wanted to show you what we could do. all right, then show me. what'd you get? speckles, you're on. - darwin's pda contains classified... - just open it. [beeping] what is it? - a cappuccino machine? - what? that's not right. i downloaded the clusterstorm file, - not plans for a coffee machine. - oh. - right computer, wrong file. - darwin, what happened? specks, show them the clusterstorm file.
1:17 am
well, this is all we have. i'm sorry. no, that's not it! it's about global extermination. i saw it. that's it, kendall. outside... now. what a surprise. the guinea pig mission didn't work out. i'm shutting you down. - you can't do this. - yeah, i can. you performed an unauthorized infil, compromised a two-year undercover fbi operation, and came out with the crucial intel that leonard saber, and stand by for this, makes coffee machines. this means we're in big trouble now. - shh! callate ya! - ...a bit drastic? you have to admit, i've done some amazing things as far as animal intelligence in there. thanks to you, those rodents can speak. but sadly that also means they're now capable of exposing the derelict activities committed on my watch. - yeah, but i... - no! i'm not gonna take the heat for this, kendall. i'm not going down in washington as the crazy gopher guy.
1:18 am
dr. kendall's coming with me. cage anything that moves. - cage? oh, no! - what about my team here? here's an idea. since they're guinea pigs, why don't we use them as guinea pigs? - what? - oh, no. - uh-uh. - guys, we've got company. we've got to get out of here. the document capsules. let's move. - vamos. - leave the gear behind. all right, we're going native. lock and load. i always wanted to say that. [juarez] let's go. sorry, speckles. talking animal, dead giveaway. - no! no, not my glasses. - in you go. let's go. no. no. it's ok. i'll be right behind you. now, marcie. - good luck, team. - [alarm blares] [blaster] yeow! i love my job! yee-haw! [laughing] no! no! marcie, you tell ben the clusterstorm file is on that pda. - and you tell him this isn't over. - ok.
1:19 am
what we have here is your classic case... - be quiet. i'll distract them. - ...and overspending. - bye, guys. have fun in the lab. - [man] hey, hey! - would you put that down, please? - put it down. it's not working. come on. come on. - [man] it's empty. - stealth hamsters. a special coating on the fur. light bends around them. renders them invisible. that is ridiculous. we did see hamsters talk. - now, let me see now. - step aside. what are you doing? why are you letting them out? - what? - oh, my god! they're everywhere! [man] i don't see anything. [marcie] on the floor... just be careful not to step on them, please. [darwin] whoa! - what was that? - what was what? there's no such thing as a stealth hamster. be cool if there were, though.
1:20 am
- juarez, what's the situation? - fbi. they got the whole lab surrounded. i'll need to inspect your goods. let's go. yeah, 20 bags of falfa cravins. yes, i know. - we can hide in here. go, go, go! - no, not the cage! this facility's closed. get this delivery truck out of here. - i don't do cages! - speckles, let go! great. now we are locked in. [buzzing] [mooch] whoa! what do you think? is this the frying pan or the fire? let's all agree right now. none of this goes on our resume. [phone ringing] this is killian. we're locking the building down, sir, but the animals have all bolted.
1:21 am
trigstad, if those animals bolted, then i got a problem. i want them all back, dead or alive, zero exposure. - three guinea pigs and a mole. got it? - yes, sir. i've never seen such fat animals in my life. don't they have a gym around here? a jamba juice or something? lay off the nuggets, man. all right, my furry little friends. welcome to your new home. good luck getting out. - g-force! - why did you just do that? i thought it might cheer us up. you can't just blurt it out anytime. it ruins the effect. guys, guys. cool it. the world's at stake. we got to get out of here. then what? the feds want to turn us into guinea pigs. they'll never take us seriously. well, we did get the wrong file.
1:22 am
no, i downloaded the right file, and we're gonna prove it as soon as we find a way out of here. well let's ask that guy. he looks cute and friendly. excuse me, my incarcerated little friend. - may i ask you a question? - don't move! all i'm saying is, know your place, behind this line. that's all i'm saying. is he talking to us? did someone order a knuckle sandwich? because i'm about to make a delivery. wow. you talk a lot of smack for a little guy, buddy. "buddy?" no. for your information, it's "bucky." and if you want to stay alive, do not cross that line! [stomach growling] [mice] take cover! [farting] ew! the horror! the horror! i love the smell of napalm in the morning! don't pay any attention to him. he's a quarter ferret. i have no ferret in me, hurley. that has never been proven. then why are you marked down? i'm on sale! everyone goes on sale eventually. this should come as no surprise, but he grew up in the psych ward at ucla.
1:23 am
mice are on sale. everybody's on sale. bucky, enough with the line already. we agreed this was my zone. we all agreed that, right? - [mice] right. - bucky, the mice will agree to anything. - you guys are all idiots, right? - [mice] right! oh, yeah? fine! [muttering] - yeah, he's very sensitive. - not a ferret! [laughs] - welcome, my friends, to the family. - um, where is the bathroom? well, for me, this morning, the sports page, which is pretty much where you're standing. - nasty! - look, don't worry. they put down fresh newspaper every day, so there's plenty to read. hey, hey, hey. we don't have time for this. - locate escape options. - ok, here we go. stand back! - i'm gonna break the glass. - i wouldn't do that if i were you. ah! oof! this might be a good time for a nap. ok. the truth is my grandmother met a ferret at the san diego petting zoo, but nothing happened. they simply dated. my papers say hamster, end of story. now stop looking at the line!
1:24 am
darwin, please let me pull his tongue out. negative. nobody touches the ferret. i am not a ferret! you try to pull my tongue out, you'll see what happens... let's check that lock. g-force, delta formation. [♪ black eyed peas: i gotta feeling] - ♪ we gotta rock - [shouting] ♪ now we on top ♪ feel the shot body rock ♪ ♪ rock it don't stop ♪ you guys, like, from the circus or something? - [mice] yippee! the circus! - i hate the circus. no, we're not from the circus. we're specially bred, genetically altered, - and highly trained secret agents. - known as g-force! i get it. you guys are transfers from the hollywood store. darwin, it's locked. [grunting] we need another way out. [buzzing] mooch! go find ben and report our location. clusterstorm launches in... 29 hours. wait. who's mooch? - the fly. - oh, man. talking to the flies. and i thought the ferret was crazy.
1:25 am
[buzzing] [squeaking] [giggling] yahoo! ♪ (announcer) answer the call of the grill with new friskies grillers, full of meaty tenders and crunchy bites. your carpet stains can reappear. [ laughing ] [ male announcer ] try resolve stain remover, the formula penetrates deep into your carpet and removes stains so they don't come back. trust resolve. forget stains. dare to see the difference with pantene anti-breakage. reduces hair fall up to 97%. get less hair fall.
1:26 am
♪ i took the dare. will you? anti-breakage. pantene. it's time to free ourselves from the smell and harshness of bleach. and free ourselves from worrying about the ones we love. lysol power & free has more cleaning power than bleach. how? the secret is the hydrogen peroxide formula. it attacks tough stains and kills 99.9% of germs. lysol power & free. powerful cleaning that's family friendly. another step forward in our mission for health. so, if you're sleeping in your contact lenses, what you wear to bed is your business. ask about the air optix® contacts so breathable they're approved for up to 30 nights of continuous wear.
1:27 am
serious eye problems may occur. ask your doctor and visit for safety information and a free one-month trial. it also repels most ticks before they can attach. the leading brand kills, but doesn't repel. a tick that isn't repelled or killed may attach and make a meal of us. get veterinarian recommended k9 advantix ii! [ sneezing ] she may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec®. powerful allergy relief for adults and kids six years and older. zyrtec®. love the air. and kids six years and older. gotta get that bacon! smokey bacon, crispy bacon, tasty bacon! where is it?! where's the bacon?! (news anchor) bacon popular, story at 11. yummy, crunchy, bacon bacon bacon there in that bag! who wants a beggin' strip? me! i'd get it myself but i don't have thumbs! mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm it's beggin'! mmm i love you...
1:28 am
(announcer) beggin' strips...made with real bacon. there's no time like beggin' time! your carpet stains can reappear. [ laughing ] [ male announcer ] try resolve stain remover, the formula penetrates deep into your carpet and removes stains so they don't come back. trust resolve. forget stains.
1:29 am
1:30 am
- are you ok? - yeah, i'm fine. [marcie] what happened in there? well, i told them we shouldn't be shut down. and then i got to the bit where i talk to guinea pigs, - and that's where i lost 'em. - darwin told me, before he left, that he was positive he downloaded the right file. well, where is the pda? it's still back at the warehouse. all right, well, we gotta go get it, we have to.
1:31 am
security's probably crawling all over the place. - that's all right. i've got an idea. - ok, but what do we do about the g-force? they're highly professional. they're probably halfway back to my house already. now, hurley. [straining] blaster, why don't you leave the tactics to me? ok. no problem. so, farty, how do you get adopted? it's pretty simple. act cute, kid picks you out, takes you home, and bingo, you're part of the family. except that, well, they never pick me. [bell ringing] [mice] incoming! huddle up. ok, bring it in. first, we get adopted. then we escape. ben's house is the rendezvous point. now, go act cute. hm! who's acting? check it out. i'm chasing my butt. how cute is that? - come on, specks. you, too. act cute. - i don't have that kind of range.
1:32 am
ew. grandpa, what is that? that's a hideous crime against nature, i'd say. i'm outta here. - what can i help you with, young lady? - i want a hamster. yes! yes! i am out, baby! finally, the recognition i deserve. - her. with the big cheeks. - huh? what? - i could put bows in her hair. - what? i'm the hamster. they're guinea pigs! - whoa, whoa! watch the hands, buddy. - one oversized hamster. there you go. you try to put a bow on me, you're gonna lose a finger. that little girl has no idea what she's in for! i'm gonna put nail polish and lipstick on her and a dress. a dress? you're going to lose your whole hand. juarez, remember. i know. maintain my cover until i have a chance to escape. what about that little fur ball over there? he looks like he's full of life. - no, no. give me the fat one. - i'm not fat. i'm fluffy.
1:33 am
even if you forget to feed this guy every now and then, it really wouldn't bother him. - he's a little plump as it is. - that's probably a good thing. oh, mama! this is it. this is it! - so what do these fellas eat? - i'll show you. follow me. - come on, penny. - see you on the outside! hey, guys, i can see my future! it's all cakes and cuddles! [hissing] i think he's gonna throw him in with the snake. huh? whoa! whoa! oh! oh! [screaming] [mice] whee! make way. hamster coming through. what? oh... - oh! ah! - [hissing] [hurley gasping] you're lucky i'm not in there, snake boy, because it would've been lights out for you!
1:34 am
i would've hit you so hard you would have shed yourself. then i would have turned you into a nice pair of snakeskin boots. that kid's a monster. he just lifted him up and... whoa! - hey, come on, kid. - blaster, do something. what do you suggest i do? [mice] poop in his hand! poop in his hand! hey, grandpa, changed my mind. oh, no, no, not upside down, not upside down. hold him like this. where did... where did the chubby one go? i don't know. all right, specks, we have to think of a way out of here. there you are. i knew you were trouble. i can see it in your eyes. [killian] at 0920 local time, saber initiated a call to the usual recipient, mr. yanshu, in beijing. he left a message saying the launch was on track for project clusterstorm. since then, nothing. kip, our fisa tap just isn't cutting it. sir, with respect, if you were to authorize a search warrant... on what grounds? i can't authorize a search warrant without probable cause, and he knows it.
1:35 am
saber comes from the defense supply industry. - he knows how to cover his tracks. - sir... just give me cause, and i can authorize. keep listening. - we are listening, sir. - son, listen harder. [♪ jesse mccartney: how do you sleep] careful. ow! - come here. - no, por favor. no, not pink. and it stinks! this has to be against the geneva convention. [juarez] where is blaster? we have to get out of here. [penny] i think you need lipstick, too. - yech! - ooh! the tiara! enough already. this is the tenth outfit. don't you look pretty? oh, my gosh. i look like paris hilton's chihuahua. let me do this, specks. i'll come back and get you. relax. they told me one of the mice died last week,
1:36 am
and was buried in the backyard. once i'm in the ground, i can tunnel to freedom and rescue you. terrell! oh, man. [laughing] - terrell! - mamacita, relax. esta muerto. it's dead. - yeah, you're right. it is. - do something. wow. this woman's really abrasive. you get it out of here before it starts to smell up my shop. hurry up. - just run take it out back right now. - i am. it's squishy. [beeping] hey, trash truck. ooh! let's just get it on out of here pronto. that's not the plan. no, no, no. speckles, no! hold it. good luck, rest in peace and all that. ahh! oh, no! oh! get me out of here. oh, get me out of here. oh! no, no, no.
1:37 am
- [marcie] is this ok? - [ben] yeah, this is good. ok, harry. [ben] you know what to do. - she was way cuter than the other one. - oh, definitely. [squeaking] [chittering] - [squeaking] - ah! what? whoa! jeez! [both shouting]
1:38 am
ok, he's got it. he's got the pda. [man] what the hell was that? ok, i got him. i got him. - let's go. - whoa, whoa, whoa. - just stay calm, ok? - ok. i got him. here he is. [hurley] look on the bright side: at least you haven't been marked down yet. what's that on your butt? it's a birthmark. never seen a birthmark? i have seen that birthmark. look at this. i got the same one. don't point that thing at me. it might go off. seriously, just look at my butt. you see? you see? we must be related. no. i am a genetically engineered super spy. ben spent years training us. we do things that people only dream of doing. yeah. that's what they want you to think. so you'll do their little tricks for them. but you, my friend, are a common, everyday pet shop guinea pig just like me. we must have been separated at birth. but fate has brought us back together, my brother. - don't say that. - i have a brother.
1:39 am
- don't say that word. - i have a brother! come here, brother. come here, brother. all right. my brother doesn't like hugs. i'm good with that. i am not your brother. listen. darwin, i'm not gonna dress it up, ok? i sit here every day hoping to get adopted, to find family. and now, because of you, family has found me. hurley, there is no way that we are related, so just get that through your head, ok? ok. here we go. darwin was right. the file was marked "clusterstorm." - can you open this? - i don't know. ok, well, we've already seen that. ok, just unplug the computer. unplug. go, go, go. - was that a worm? - nope. this pda is infected with an extermination virus.
1:40 am
[muffled shouting] [bucky] yes! what is going on in there? no, no, no! not the line, not the line. don't cross the line. mmm! huh? ooh. [mice] busted. can i offer you something? a macadamia nut perhaps? so, this is why i never saw you eat. not once in all these years. all these treats and you never shared? you think i wanted to spend my nights sneaking out to feed myself? starving by day and praying for night to come so i could take a bite without the threat of you eating everything i have? you drove me to this! uh-oh. my friend speckles got crushed in a garbage truck, and you said nothing about this. uh-oh.
1:41 am
i'm outta here. - darwin? i want you to go. - i am going. you can't worry about me. you got a job to do. you can't jeopardize it for me. - i wasn't going to. - you're only saying that so i won't have to feel the pain so bad when you leave. keep believing that. whatever works for you. oh, what a guy. what a guy! - ok, ok. listen, hurley. - you got to go, man. - i got to go. you got to let go. - you got to go. - i've got to let go. - let go of me. - ok. - ok. don't give up the dream, hurley. you're gonna find the family you're looking for someday. so long. [grunts] so long, brother! i miss him already. whoa! ah! [laughing] good luck with the climb back up, hurley! the cage is mine! and it's all true. my grandfather was a ferret! [laughing] now who's been marked down?
1:42 am
so, there's the north star, which means ben's is east. ok, i need to head that way. go back, hurley. fine! you think i can't make it out here? you think you're the only one who can survive in the big, bad world? well, the truth is, hurley is out of his cage, and it's time to hit the town! guinea pigs gone wild! woo-hoo! yeah! - [cat meows] - ah! [yowling] darwin! darwin? i saw a cat. ok, you can come with me until we find another pet shop. oh, thanks, bro. did i mention i'm also afraid of the dark? [on computer] greetings, mr. saber.
1:43 am
i have a status report. you are a brilliant business partner, mr. yanshu, but remind me why we call these things "video" conferences. as we've discussed, it's in everyone's best interest my identity remain hidden. project clusterstorm is perfectly on course, sir. sabersense will activate in about 19 hours. why are we spending a large amount of money tracking space junk? old satellites. booster rockets. four million pounds of debris. and why do we care? the satellites, sir. communication systems. we have to protect them. integral aspect of the sabersense network. we've got a lot riding on this, yanshu. i've put my trust in your engineering skills. [buzzing, squeaking]
1:44 am
- mooch, is that you? - yeah, yeah! [ben] are the others ok? - you know where they are? - yeah! you want me to help you with that? e... l... i... ...a. oh, yeah. oh, mooch. you're a genius. i was so worried about you. i don't like when my fly is down. [laughing] hey, marcie? yeah, it's ben. i found them. i'll be by in ten minutes to pick you up. there's the delivery truck from the lab. como estas, gentlemen? we're looking for some rodents.
1:45 am
si, for you or for your children? for the government. - we're special agents. - what? yeah, right. what, are they, like, fugitives or terrorists or something? just answer the question. ok, sorry. i'm just saying, you look like a regular guinea pig to me. listen, i told you, i'm a commando who just happens to be a guinea pig. oh, yeah? so where's all your fancy spy gear? back at the lab. oh. same lab where i keep my hot canadian guinea pig girlfriend? that's where all my stuff is, too. i have a unicorn back there and a dragon that i ride around. look, if you want to stick with me, you gotta stop with the yapping and keep up. no can do, bro. i'm calling a hunger strike. and i am not moving an inch. whoa! uh-oh. whoa! [yelling]
1:46 am
eh, civilians. come on, soggy. [gasps] i'm hungry, i'm wet, i'm hungry... shh! dogs! dogs. why does it always have to be dogs? all right, macgyver, you got any brilliant ideas? [darwin] yeah, i got an idea. [♪ black eyed peas: boom boom pow] [whimpering] ♪ now boom boom boom ♪ ♪ now boom boom boom ♪ - i think we made it. - great. how do we stop it? just keep running. that's not how you stop it! that's how you make it go! [hurley yelling] ♪ here we go, here we go satellite radio ♪ ♪ y'all gettin' hit with the boom boom ♪
1:47 am
- hurley, get your butt outta my face. - get your face outta my butt! - [both] ow! - ♪ this beat be bumpin' ♪ this beat go boom boom so this is what spies do. como estas, chica? we're looking for three guinea pigs and a mole. same one as the feds, or are yours from a rival militia? wait, what feds? men in black were here looking for the same thing. wanted to know who had bought them. and did you tell them? no, i refused and we shot it out. what do you think, man? it's the feds! thank you. [laughs] mine! the cage is mine!
1:48 am
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1:50 am
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1:51 am
1:52 am
1:53 am
[♪ space cowboy: falling down remixed by paul oakenfold] this is gonna be awesome. i'm pretty sure this is animal cruelty, but i love it! yeah! yeah! this wheel doesn't work! strike! - ah! - ooh! - is that all you got? - ready to go for the record? maybe this would be a good time for you to take your medication! i feel the need... the need for speed!
1:54 am
whoo-hoo! say cheese! whoa! excuse me! coming through! - yeah! - yes! - that was off the hizz-ook! - [mother] connor! take out the trash. ok. - [mother] now! - i'm coming! what do we have here? you, my friend, suck. i'm coming for you, juarez. whoa! whoa! [grunting] that's what i'm talking about! time for a joyride.
1:55 am
yeah! get out the road, fool! - hey! - don't become roadkill! i ain't used to driving stick! - oops! not this time! - stop it. stop it! come back! i'll come back when you're older and put you in prison! - [connor] get over here! - [penny] don't go anywhere. - i'll be right back. - finally! hi-yah! - [blaster] juarez! where are you? - [penny] connor, get him! i have to save his fur again? [whistles] juarez? juarez! [blaster] yeah! woo-hoo! [penny] i got you! juarez, why are you dressed like "guinea pig barbie?" one more word and i'll turn you into a small side of bacon. [blaster] well, you are sizzling hot! [penny] connor!
1:56 am
get this off of me! don't need that, or that, or that! although, maybe this can stay. juarez, you are fine china! what exactly are we doing, anyway? two days ago, my team embarked on a mission. today, i'm gonna finish it. [laughing] my brother's a loon! i love him, but he's... cake! did i tell you i love cake? oh! oh, i've heard of places like this! they sell something called "layer cake!" it's not just one cake, it's many, in layers! often up to six! oh, it is the holy grail of human food! i can't believe you're getting so excited about cake. coffeemaker!
1:57 am
that's the same coffeemaker that was on the clusterstorm file. hurley, i got to check out that coffeemaker. stay close. fifty billion rodents in the world, and i get stuck with this guy. whoa. [beeping] i hope you're keeping track of all these parts. don't watch me. watch my back. right now, you're my eyes and ears. just act natural. - ok. sure. - [girl] look, daddy! hi there. hi. - that wasn't very convincing. - hurley, do you know what this is? yeah, i'm pretty sure it's called vandalism. this is a military grade, multiple array transceiver developed for the military's unmanned weapons program. sorry, i just tuned out there. what were you saying? i gotta get this chip back to ben's. [alarm beeping] ok, that's weird.
1:58 am
hurley, duck! stay down! whoa! i've heard coffee's bad for you, but this is ridiculous! come on, move it! - why are we stopping? - we're gonna fight it. we're gonna do what? we have to get that chip. whoa! good luck with that! [whimpering] uh-oh. - suck in your gut! - i am! oh! oh! oh! oh! darwin! hang on, hurley! yippee-ki-yay, coffeemaker!
1:59 am
watch out, bro! [tires screeching] you want some of this, you overgrown can opener? [horn blaring] don't think the warranty is gonna cover that. oh, brother. i thought i lost you there. ok, thanks hurley! boundaries! talk about a killer cappuccino. what is this thing? this is clusterstorm. saber must be weaponizing his entire line of appliances. come on, we have to get this back to ben's. how are we gonna do that? [♪ flo rida featuring nelly furtado: jump] hey, bro? you have to admit, we make a pretty sweet team. you know, i could get used to all this "secret agent" stuff if you're ever looking for a new recruit. hurley, just be quiet and lean right.


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