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tv   Noticiero Uni  Univision  August 20, 2013 5:35am-6:00am EDT

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and balances chemil imbalaes things are just not right because of the crazy mixed up world with the pollutants in and sprays and and and an end accidents as s well t birth of other times in a year so you nd to know that our father loves his chidren are and him but know that tt your son is with the father for to be absent with this bothers to be from this body rubbers to be present with the poplar and end heat is on hold someone accotable if it is not their fault and he alo that's why he's judging also don't you judge it no one understand that you're going to see him in the millennium and you will know him recognize m and and if he does need help you be able to
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gi it to them and will be in a iritual body that certainly has more mental problems in the millennium age dared home early on, or pronouncing that right girlie from oklahoma the one third that bell website and are they here or now or will satan bring them we can when he is kicked out of heaven noto what the one third is a lot more than will come with them only 7000 fallen angels in the field will be with him when he's kicked out that the one third would run up into the on billions of people okay in a writer om one or 2 billion know god is always fairer so naturally if theyere deceived in the first earth age i have to believe that god will have them live being in the final generation when the antichrist appears he to seif they will follow him
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again i truly believe that the reason ather reason that you can know withhat one third is here is that this generation from 1948 as chged and the world is not the same and the peope are not the same and many of them and could care less about the pallbearer anything about him know i can remember when it was automatic that if a senior citizen with apoaching e door of her as a young person child or even would run on that door for the most system and help up you were trying to do that you were trying to respect your elders innd and i wonder how many schoolteachers tay in classrooms where there a not allowed to correct past
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certain points that are sad and even saying anything almost curd an end really cute by students at the sa time on that teachers dedicated tryi to teh them that he gave her life to help them how@i'll sure there are many of them have noticed a change and so i was living a role of gray hair every experienced these changes and it is only fair that our bother would do that and which if any equation is correct the needed rest assured it's not going to get bet(er and better until we'll kill the seventh drum sound as good a bit worse and rse to the seventh drum sound but got always protects his own room at the sound too negativeecause it is a war of a soldier of the war ine takes care of his own in h
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homeland can care themselves more projects as i have a question is john the baptist the same john th wrote the book over the revelation of lionel that he was beheaded in the last overhead to this vision before w you say you got it right here was not john theaptist on the meadows was beheaded and he would have no way to write a book about tthe revelation on how patents in the year 96 a date because he was a loosy beheaded many years fore that not it was it was the john st. john the same writer of st. hn the epistles of god and the book of revelation he was the disciple that jesus loved and counted all he was given much and got expected much from him but at the same time from his heart got loved him and
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than he did anyone else i and great drove from kentuckmy question is if we know the truth and live theruth but we die before the return of jesus christ do we come back to thethrough the tribulation also if it were not ling right in to read them back to live through it you what no one comes back through the tribulation of antichst a now at the seventh drum some of god's elect will come back with him he's puttin that army together right now and and you can rest assured some people whether or definitely got the lead which it makes them the reason went when meone passes away before
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christ returns and that an remnants spoken of in in he romans chapter 11 and there that brought to see the truth forward geration to generation the real fruit and and they are called that remnant and they were the equivalent of the elect of the the prime the pumps overste to get the truth coming but no one would come back during site and tribulation but that's for us to cut it but we got a lot lot lot of help because there is one that will come and help or more than one third of the two witnees there it involves us a there is ke the lord jesus of the various the hopirit himself that will speak through you to al how do you repaint your sinso you ask for forgiveness for your stand
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for what all othem a today's lecture shooting of answer thafor you jeanette from west virgin and that's the unit you're quoting scripture eu in my question is do who then who built the cities in verse 26 of germline chapter 4 ous in the first eartage all e people were heren their every soul every southat ever has been was here a this is why god would say if this was one when he destroyed that first earth age and and cold every al the spiritual body back to have a and the destroyeevery ty everything was here but naturally the children built the cities a lot of people chapter for@at speaking of no was flooded was not know
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what's what it was oare larger than the low slot and therwas big had trouble the erthrow of satan when the first earth age was destroyed and this earge broughtn so the people that you are rid and i would@do over my work on the three birth ages or either take your companion bible go to appendix 146 and understand accountable and it would help you a lot rachel from kinsley i have a question hope you can help me with that our border of 47-year-old has mistreated and used me and my husband again said she was 15 years old we did our best with it him right one play whado i go make a note of second thessalonians chapter 2 i'm sorry chapter 3 verse six
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start reading their and this is what you do to a child or a brother or family meer that just ablutely will t inhere to anything concerning getting along these children do not treat them as an eny b+t you do not bei done not be an enabler you don't suppo$t then malmö up@talking about handicapped ople here were driving about people that are a belligerent and and just don't care so a 3 beginning with verse six philadelphia out a bunch of your fifth in this generation it seems this happened quiet all from ruby room or even prayer and it'll all come out for sooner or later mark and martin from more i/o question even though i can't occasion your church every week in
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person i'm afraid to trust many churches shou can i still be a member of your congregation thank you martin and martin you go take that up with the lord he handles the membership of the church except you welcome your hrist important congregation but he keeps a record layer y can send me at church letters on your your recrds are in the book of life and when you this is an outrage of our church or in church when you study with us to kw@you don't have to be there or physically ago we were gaered together through the ether waves around all around the world in studying dogs were sure you're all right of them read you love the way we teach it is the word of god does it okay lin from louisiana everyone is born innocent into the flesh in
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the second ear age it if you were bad in the first earth age does god put you into a body for example born with parents who abandon you born poor are having to work for the rest of her life the bible says you reap@what you sow i hated to use all of jacob i love before they were born that's what god said yes question does god giving this soul what he do search because the win against god and the first earth age absolutely the assault data had no respect whatsoever for his heritage can care about goff ven in the first earth age in and i'm not going to judge him in this earth age because he didn't want to things to come around pretty od in any part of his family then that oves the lo will be site okay if you were gd in the first earth age does god reward you with both parents to depend un born wealthy and does not
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have to work for a living because his father was rich questi is gorewarding this soul for what hdid ride in the first earth age i would hate to be born rich parents and never have the worker earning anything for myself to you think that uld be a blessinat via we bet that the weasel i don't care if you were born throh a working family that was quite@wealthy i would hope you wouldn't sit on your candidate or your paren(s made it u'be a lazy no good stiff and god would never bless you and you would be a bit plot on ohio to appriate your way of thinking concerning at the blessing in all many people who ball hard times don't ever try to go cry to blam your parents forhat you are
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and you've got to the user. help me and in o o whether you're n i'maying god would go and get out there that day there there's no say hadn't be in poor risk the sand and stay that way i don't care who you are in this great nation we've got a muslim socialist or commist comes alg upsets everything we got going for us to read many of us who ball for shed blood for critique communism and sociism out of this nation will do it again then certainly it's a blessing work and move ahead and gain something i found god does naturally it ain't anyone that was born a player was deserved it from the first earth age got mixed up for a ear minimum in both anyone that loves the lord i don't care what their parents did you can always work your way up and you what do you have
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against work anyway i know and understand how somebody would not work would think they would read rich and just sit around all that one boring the life that would be dodg would appreate it and he sure uldn't bless okay so have a good hanging from kinsley i have been recently marri 27 my husband is 205i jus( wondered if it was wrong for us to disaee over scripture of listened to this ministry since i was 11 years old and he attended a certain church since he was born what are some good scriptures to prove to him that there are three world agents thought i would like for you to get my faithful free world ages and i think it might be naturally the scriptures that pertain to it mos(ly the reason i say you need to you
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better go into the hebrew just a little bit of a great help wch were you two been written that lonknow how i handle genesis chapter 1 versus 12 also curb my chapter for that lady erlier when he destroyed the first s earth age second-grader chapter 3 gives you all for your pages and is not talk about the flood of know wha( some of that first great ones erthrown and saw i think you think you wod enjoy it okay and goothat y've been with us is long enough to begin full and very gentle with herusband and and and and and move very damning ne how yofinish you noticed to a club and start big fish to do this and you@take the line in you you bring tm@along really easy to get him to
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take theait a end so you can better be fisher of men and even in her husband's case in and i have before you would do fine to just hang the testaverde sets from pennsylvania or question about acts 242 what@is the apostles doctrine is the same doctor in christ all the apostles doctrine is the doctrine of christ they would have no other doctrine you could not get them to belie any otr doctrine they would not wish to have been the other doctrine there is only one doctrine and is the doctrine of the lord jesus christ you might read the cond at the soul of john myers three little epistles that john wrote rubber for book of june relation and he said if you go byny other doctrine other than the
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doctrine of christ in you as much and wishim godspeed you become a particular of their evil deeds if you know better that's what makes a big difference when you know bett when you know the truth and you think floyd church with the people national married in tennessee bible with you learn more about the bible with you i will do when you tch with i would go to church when i lee don't remember what the pastor said the questions about the sen from okay do we stay at home until the ss the lorjesus christ or the holy spirit will take over at that time and instructors and started you will stay atome until he does i'm out of time and you want to live you will budge because you joy studying god's word chapter by chapter verse by verse let the lord speak and listen to him that
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he know you love him made his day and what when you ma his day if the makerwe are brought toou by your ties and offerings include up to you that w going to you what you do that blessing and he will always either me and always will issue a not the most important though you listened to be good to hear stadium is word every day in his word is a good day even the trouble to why because jesus your shoe is a living word for on earlier on a separate and when i was a restaurant in a ttle i can receive more information ncerning severance will you may request a free introductory offer him or her all her contains the mark of the bea't audio a monthly newsletter written by is a kewn long and it was written references are
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available in separate to the request are greater real o going on over 806 to three wereertain by four hours a day may also request for a my writing separates to p.o. box the word ones th are driving on a 72736 opinion that separates to the post office and are one seems grabbing in@a 72736 vis you to join usn the end of my wednesday evening the same time think you were watching today's program and was on
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5:56 am
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