tv Primer Impacto Extra Univision August 23, 2013 5:00am-5:35am EDT
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received verse six moses ner reproved him a the easy way out moses is taking that they don't want to with their brother across joanr st cnot taker across ile you guys gover and ay here fight the caanites were seven don't mpt god is little coerned that are doing the same thi their ancestors did a g)oup that was condeed to die in the wilderness 40ears not to áake thr inherinc
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in the hromised la but a lot of people today are look for an easy out those wh eve inhe rre theory for oneor looking for an easy way okt or this is covered in earlierhapters numbers 13 were moses sent one entertainment check out e lanb they came back ansaid sure eugh it's a land that flows wi milk and honey remember what else i said there isiants over there we re likegrasshoppe the's no way but with tde temptation throke the camels ba with heavenly father at 20 lawson said nopeone are you are going miss the ised land moses of what haened verse 9s
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with the mind of the cldren again saying there's a giant over there only leb and that land is ours godgave it to us let's go psess it th other 10 got killed them with the special play if you will @ beuse he lied abt at it was like this to away the kurds of the people ofsrael one whole genetion condemned
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to die in the wierness the name of this book numbers actually meant mber as the mibait means ithe wilberness t subjecá of e whole book of numbers of course don't be thrown off by ken as i sll cse to ke of crse caleb waof the tribe oft represented judah of the spies who went intothe landumbers 13 verse s documents he is of judah joshua was the
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tribe o# ephraim caleb had dierent part numbers 14 verse 24.said caleb had a differegt heart d spi)it witd the se but d-bar in hebrew in the wilderness 0 years until all generation had done evil at the sight of tde lord was consud th we l dead done of them to enter the land of milk and honey the promised land vee 14 were your ther's placewere multitude sinful me you're th your fathe)s did th g provoked g to anger and not whole generationied in the
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had been de#eated bmt there was still dangerous territory there sáill nds or groups of the enemy that was in the land will leave her little ones in our wif#'s andortied placo doubt they left a few meant to help protect 19 on theesside in other @@ rds fmrther in other words let us after wento thwords promis land d help our brothers to the canaanit and we go back and áe ok inheritance on the eastside of jordan verse 20
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notice in verse 17 they said beforehe children of israel here theame before the ark of theord 22 this &d referring the east side of jorn at first moses was a lile bit suspicious that reubennd gad were be%ng selfish th#y were sayi we put her own lf interests above the interests of all the nation of israel
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selfisess somethghas been around always will be around tdeguest of the lord returns let's go to joshua six verse 17 as u know m we saw abt me know and thatne @ vee asa)s moses would maketthis f as going to the omised land joshua take moses place leang the tribes of israel ináthe promised land they just crossed over jordan richo the first wind encnter enemy of the west si of swping kp chapter 6 verse 17 set th up with the ld e
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saidi may give you jericho but j#richo has fall verse 17 rab of course he the her for protecting from any repercussions thight come from the people of jericho if ve a companion bible no three times was jericho built in áhree times was it des(royed check out thiso)d rsed many of youith reference bibles have a note that that could be translated devoted other words god claimed eve)ythingnjericho
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for himself it wasoteb áo god's instructions stay aw order to learn one of the cursive tdings with the row of a high priest ofail otherow of rds god concerned anyy om the get-go he people of israelee the ligions in the land of canaan be sedkcebyhem he did not want them ha any(hing to do roads of the high pries about the
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manywo or 3000 they got the confid up here the lord is lls come tumbling down god victory they didt haveo do anyáhing now they' got their ok what i did with my own id two hands a eyekot to any problem biblical numerics 36 is enemy smoke them in t gog down god not with th their church taken away from them joshua went his close he
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enies finb laziness god this means to surround the again @@ whenham for me maybe he i have chosen you joshua to be a l#ader of tdis nation ead be a them intothe promised land of got a loofonfidence and trust anyone a you doing here while arianaounds sacloth with dust on her head get up t like a man rael hasend lord continues th will also tragressed my covena which i commanded
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daughterwere aware of what aiken had done god is a fair judge i don't believe he woulve broht this judgment on the whole douse of aiken at the whole use had not been volved although that's not stated yourselfishns i ught trouble on the entire nation of isel of course ey were deceased when they burned that's gos judgment is that seem harsh i can tell you that 36 that losttdeir lives to the inhabitants of ai harsh they gave eir lives
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far what'soingn here is e babylonian ctivity has ended judah is returning to jerusalem haggai which means theasterestivawas hich means actuallyhe first hrofit thaá d spokthugh the ophets of first-te god spoke the prophets after aylonian captivity can ink of this ap)ophecy of end times as well to e building of the temple a time u think of @ buildi the temple ilding @ men need membed bodyan should come to my that's the tele in r fure that we should be concerned abt not some building de of bricks or would many mbered body returninto jerusa&em onef the peopleoing haggai chr 1 verse of psia in other words witthe ease
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e lord back in orde) after we came out of the babylonian captivity fothen came the ian word of the lord haggai the prophetsaying thank god's phy verse four referred to the hoe of the lord some the babylonian cahtivity we do and get back (o run e build your ownancy silver hous why my housewives and waste what's going on in their own self will eadof the will own gobeing seish five ather
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words consider th%nk of it as consider your conduct d the result look at what you're doing somethg good for all of us do occasional is to consider our ways unfortune&y their wayst this poi really heavy og the selfish and is consider haggais this phrase consider your wa five and biblical numerics is grace that god is going to give them someelp considering their ways he's what you're doing @@
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verse six consider your @ look which are doing you planted 50 of the cornou h ok what you got back in rern very litt consider your ways you eat which are not filled you drink which are not satisfied he put on clothes which are t warg they're t receiving gos blessing i le this paráicular you are narrating wages forthnovember polls how ny people today can't say young peopleome old people their finances are just as bad shape as some young shipments about the involved with these credit cards are 2530% int#rests are earning
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ges th they holb holes in their buckets ck to me of them are afraid or not even holding the bucketp raight they don't even have holes in the bucket there to slot %n and around users geá away from seven rebuilt god's house's favorite place in the univse mounzi in what they cou&d do athis point in no way compe to the mnificence of solomon's templ# coming they
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haveold silver all kinds of prsures would and settlements pull what god st. i don't carebout that it does not have to bfancy my house in order so i may be so 50% of thecorn you look e for big return on a god just blew ay just like thechs why quesons save th% lord of hosts your under bld yok own homeschlep my house e hoe of lords lerrew in @ you're takincare of s long as
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yourselves without even a thought for the house ofords@@ consider your ways you want to know whm you put 50% youcorn in the ground and nothing back in rern because i dread of the heave and god do th kenny make %t rain or not writing you better be&ieve he can make it rain or not ring he told the p#ople of israel @ 26 do things my way and i'll blsyou n't do things my y also in tde curse upon you all ke your heavenlike iron your ground like br ever tried to plow ground it's hard hard like brassonsider
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obeying all you have to do is try do things his way wil bless you to be thouoge of this is perfect we all fall ortwhen you consider sde has the powerto make it rain take that to a spiritual level as whale the former anthe latteraioodrow matures christianshen you p&ant the seed takes a little rain t make thasee you plant germinate and ply come fth rain at the righttime f that planto mature produce fruit on it so we can do thin hisay and be bld don't go his way you got it
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