tv Despierta America Univision August 23, 2013 7:00am-11:00am EDT
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transgressions, he was bruised for our guilt and iniquities; the chastisement [needful to obtain] peace and well-being for us was upon him, and with the stripes [that wounded] him we are healed and made whole." now wholeness is for our whole being. the world salvation comes from a greek word "sozo" which means healing for the entire person. so when jesus died on the cross, he took our sins. he also took our sicknesses and our diseases. you might say, "well, joyce, if he took them, why do i have them? why am i sick? why do i have pain if jesus took them?" well, i believe that i can explain it by saying this, jesus bore all of our sins. we still sin, but we can be forgiven. he bore all of our sicknesses and diseases. we still can get sick, but we can be healed. the same as we can receive forgiveness for our sins, we can also receive healing
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in our physical bodies. and i think the same way that we grow spiritually and we learn not to sin as often, we learn to obey god quicker. i believe that we can--let's say like right now, probably in most of your lives and in my life if you've been walking with the lord for a while, you don't need to ask for forgiveness as many sins as you did 15 years ago, 10 years ago, 20 years ago because you've grown and you're improving. but thank god that forgiveness is there when we need it because we still need it all the time. well, i think, in the same way, we can learn to take better care of our bodies. we can learn some of the things that open the door for sickness and disease in our life and we can use a lot more wisdom and we won't even need healing as often. you know, divine health would be the best way to live, to never get sick, but to thank god when we do, there's healing for us is good news. and, you know, i think one of
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the reasons why i wanted to do this on tv is because i believe that there are a lot of people watching right now that you really didn't even have any idea that jesus cared about your sickness and disease. now, yes, you may have known that he cares about you when you're sick, but do you know that you can release your faith and believe god for healing? the bible says, "lay hands on the sick and they shall recover." well, some of you may not even know "well, what does that mean, lay hands on the sick?" well, the bible teaches us that if we have christ in us, we have an anointing in us and that anointing is the presence and the power of god in our lives. well, people wanted to touch jesus because when they touched him, power and virtue went out of them and many of them received miracles and healings. so when we pray for one another, we touch one another and release our faith, people can receive healing that way. mark 16:17-18 says, "and these signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will drive out demons;
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they will speak in new tongues, new languages; they will pick up serpents; and [even] if they drink anything deadly, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will get well." now, there may be some things there that you don't understand, like, "well, am i supposed to pick up serpents?" no. it's basically saying there that if anything poisonous bites you, you can recover. if you eat anything that's poisonous, you can recover. we don't have to put up with the devil oppressing us all the time. we have authority over him. we can resist him. and he says, "you can lay hands on the sick and they will recover." these are the signs that follow those who believe. i don't think those signs just follow those who believe that jesus is their savior. i think those signs follow those who believe that those signs will follow them. there are a lot of promises in the word of god that are never really opened up to us in our life because we don't know how to release our faith in those promises. like people might not know that god wants to meet their financial need so if they never believe for that, they never release their faith for that, then they can miss a lot of
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blessings in their life that they could have by just simply saying, "you know, god, i need help here. can you help me in this area?" or maybe they don't know that god cares about their wounded emotions and so when you know that, then you can ask god to heal your broken heart. you don't have to just wait until you go to heaven to no longer have a broken heart. you can ask god to heal that broken heart while you're right here. well, it's the same way with sickness and disease. i remember a woman that did my hair for a long time at the beauty shop, and at the time this happened, she was not a believer yet. she'd not received christ. thank god she did later on, but she told me one day that she had a problem with her elbow, that it hurt her pretty regularly and it was hurting her that day quite a bit. and so we knew each other, you know, i knew it wasn't gonna be offensive to her and i said, "would--could i pray for you?" and she said, "well, sure." well, i just reached out and touched her elbow and prayed the simplest little prayer of faith, her elbow never hurt again. never hurt again. well, you know, i'm gonna be
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honest with you and tell you that i've also prayed for other people and still praying for them and haven't seen the result yet. "well, why does that happen, joyce? i know exactly what you're talking about? i've tried this and it didn't work for me." well, something that i want to get across today that i think is very important is this, i think sometimes trying to understand the things that we don't know prevents us from operating in the things that we do know. now i'm gonna say that again. i think sometimes we get confused and so trying to understand and figure out what we don't know, keeps us from operating in what we do know. i don't understand the whole genre of why one person can be prayed for and be healed right away. somebody else it might take a year, somebody else it make take confessing the word of god for weeks. somebody else you might pray for them and they never seem to get a result. i don't know all that, but i do know this, i'm gonna pray when i get sick and i'm gonna
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pray for other people that i know who get sick. and i'm gonna keep praying until i see a result and that's what i want to get across to you today. you need to be praying and asking god to heal you. well, after you pray and ask god to heal you, how can you cooperate with that healing? pray the prayer of faith. the bible says in james, "if anybody's among you is sick? let them call for the elders (and the spiritual guides). and they should pray over him, anointing him with oil in the lord's name." and then it goes on to say, "the prayer of faith will save him who is sick." so there's another method of healing. you can go to someone that you feel is a spiritual leader in your life, or a church leader, and you can ask them to anoint you with oil and pray for you. i really like the prayer of faith. you know, i do these conferences all the time and, to be honest, if there's 10,000 people there, i'm not in a position where i can anoint them all with oil and pray a specific prayer over each one of them. but you know what i can do?
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i can release my faith for them to be healed and i do that in almost every single conference that i have. i feel like at least if i release my faith, i'm giving somebody an opportunity. and i want you to feel that way too. if you'll release your faith when your children are sick, if you need to take them to the doctor, take them, but pray that god will heal them and pray that if god wants to work through that doctor, he will, but don't think if you can't find a doctor to help you that that means you can't be helped. some of the greatest miracles we see are in countries where people don't have medical help and i think sometimes we lean more toward natural things than we do on god and so then we don't maybe see the miracles that we could see if we would lean on god more. but the thing i want you to know, maybe you're laying in a bed sick today and you're thinking, "man, i've been sick for so long and i'm hurting. and, joyce, i watch you every day and what you're saying really interests me but i've just been to every doctor and they've told me there's no hope." you know what? there's always hope in jesus christ.
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he says, "i am the way, the truth and the life," and he means that. so don't you give up hope. no matter what, you just keep praying and asking god to touch you, to comfort you, to meet you in the middle of your situation and then when you pray, once you release your faith, and i think this is very important, then we need to cooperate with the prayer that we've prayed. so how do we cooperate? do we cooperate by talking about how we feel all the time or do we cooperate by saying something like, "well, i believe the healing power of god is working in me right now"? see, the bible says that "by his stripes we are healed." it doesn't say we will get healed. it says we are healed. so i believe that if jesus is living in me, and i believe he is, and if he's living in you, and i believe he is, then healing is in you. victory is in you. the power of the holy spirit is in you. so if we will cooperate
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with what's in us by saying, "i believe i've got it, god. i've got it in my spirit. healing is in me and i believe that healing is working in me right now and it's going to manifest in my physical body." it may manifest supernaturally with no instrumentality from man. it may manifest through god giving you a piece of wisdom about something that you need to do or not do. i came back from a foreign trip a few months ago where i'd been out of the country for a couple of weeks and when you're on a plane for 20-some-odd hours, you really get rid of a lot of moisture in your body so i didn't realize it but i was dehydrated. i hadn't been drinking enough water. well, for about 2 weeks after the trip, i just felt bad. i mean i just didn't have any energy, felt bad. and at first i thought, "well, i'm just having a hard time getting over the trip. i'm just tired, you know, this that something else." and then bright idea, i prayed. >> [laughing] >> joyce: it's amazing how, even with me teaching these things
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all the time, it's amazing how sometimes we try to do everything that we know to do before we pray and then we'll even make this silly statement, "well, i guess there's nothing i can do but pray." well, that should be the first thing that we do. so i simply prayed, "god, what is wrong with me? what can i do?" and immediately, i had this idea--no. that's the way it feels sometimes it's like "oh." but really that's god speaking to us. it's that still, small voice, that knowing. and that many times when we say, "god told me," people get all confused and think, "well, like are you hearing voices?" well, a lot of times it's just you just have a knowing. when you pray, then you just, it's like "oh." and i thought, i just felt like i'm not drinking enough water. well, for the next couple of days, i just drank and drank and drank and drank. i completely got over being tired. so sometimes god will heal you supernaturally. sometimes he may show you something that you're doing. my husband was having a really
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hard time with like he got what he calls the yips. i don't know what that is. but it's like he would go to bed at night and be real jittery, you know? and he just was like, he couldn't settle down and go to sleep. and he just was never like that and it was really bothering him. and so he prayed and god showed him that he was drinking too much soda. he was going by a drive-in restaurant every day and getting this 32-ounce thing of cola and drinking it all day and the caffeine, although it never bothered him for years and years, now all of a sudden, it was bothering him. our bodies can change. things can happen and, you know, in different ways and so we need to pray for wisdom. god may heal you supernaturally. he may touch you through some medical treatment. he may touch you through a doctor. he might use some kind of medication to help you, but pray and ask god to get involved and don't just think that you have to handle these things all on your own. you know, jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever and he was and is
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and always will be our healer. he's our savior, our deliverer, our healer and the baptizer in the holy ghost. there are chapters in the bible, for example, chapter 8 and 9 in matthew, that just record miracle after miracle after miracle. he cleansed the leper. the centurion's servant was healed. so you can even go to god in behalf of other people. "my friend is sick. my child is sick. my mom's sick. my dad's sick." pray for other people. peter's mother-in-law was healed. he cast a demon out of the gadarene demoniac. he healed a paralyzed man. he healed a woman who'd been bleeding for 12 years. he raised the ruler's daughter from the dead. we need to believe god. we need to trust him that he can still do what we did in the past today in our lives. now, let me talk to you about the word of god and the place that the word of god
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plays in our healing. i believe that we're to take the word of god like we take medicine. we need to meditate on the word of god. we need to get it down on the inside of us. in psalm 107:20 the bible says, "he sends his word and heals them and delivers them from the pit and from destruction." there were times when jesus would just speak the word and someone would be healed. he didn't even have to go there. he just spoke the word. i don't think we realize how powerful the word of god is. it's actually medicine for your mind. it's medicine for your emotions. it's medicine for your physical body and it's medicine for your spirit. when i read the word in the morning, i feel like that i am eating my spiritual break breakfast. there's power in the word of god. isaiah 55:11 says, "so shall my word be that goes forth out of my mouth: it shall not return to me void [without producing any effect, it will not be useless], but it shall accomplish that
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which i please and purpose, and it shall prosper in the thing for which i sent it to do." now, when we're sick, we feel bad. we love to talk about how bad we feel. i was just talking to somebody before i came down to do this teaching and i thought, "why do we get such a big kick out of telling people we feel bad?" but we don't go around when we feel good saying, "oh, i feel so good today. oh, my gosh, i feel good. let me tell you how good i feel. whoo! i feel good." we don't do that. but, man, when we feel bad, "oh, i feel so bad, man." you can have a headache and tell 25 people. "oh, my head hearts." how are you today? "my head hurts." you know when other people say, "how are you today?" we don't say, "oh, i feel so healthy. i'm energetic. i just feel wonderful." so we get some kind of a fleshly kick out of telling people how bad we feel, and i'm not saying there's anything wrong with telling somebody that you feel bad, but i do think it's useless to just keep saying it over and over and over and over. many times my husband will tell me, "oh, yeah--"
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or i'll say, "how do you feel?" "i feel great today. i felt really bad the last 3 days." i'm like, "well, why didn't you tell me?" he'd say, "well, why? you couldn't do anything about it." >> [laughing] >> joyce: well, really, i could have prayed for him and comforted him but he has that revelation that only god can help him and it's really not gonna do him any good to moan to me. as a matter of fact, sometimes it makes us feel worse because we just keep calling attention to how we feel, how we feel, how we feel. get up in the morning, pray, say, "god, i believe you're healing power is working in me today. i don't feel so good, but i'm gonna keep my mind on you." meditate on the word of god. proverbs 4:20-22, wonderful scriptures. listen to this. "my son, attend to my words; consent and submit to my sayings. let them not depart from your sight; keep them in the center of your heart." now watch this. "for they are life to those who find them, healing and health to all their flesh." in exodus it says,
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"the lord is our physician." exodus 15:26, "isaac leeser's translation says, "i am the lord your physician." if you put that together with proverbs 4:22, this is what you get, "i am the lord your physician. the medicine that i prescribe for you is my word." so, we need to take the word and let it get down on the inside of us and we need to meditate on that word. let's don't just meditate on how bad we feel. let's meditate on "god is working in me right now. i'm taking his word as my medicine." okay, now look, i've got some tylenol here. it can be aleve or whatever you like, you know? not advertising for any certain brand but that's what i have here. now, if i had a headache, how many of you think that if i just laid those on my head-- >> [laughing] >> joyce: i could keep them there all day and it's not gonna stop my headache.
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what do i have to do? i have to take them. they have to get down in me. i have to give them time to dissolve and work. now, you know, we're so great with medicine. if the first dose don't work, we'll take a bottle. >> [laughing] >> joyce: and we'll go back and get it refilled and take it again and again. why can't we be that way with god? i believe while you're praying and trusting god, while you're in the process of getting well, confessing this word, meditating on the word, letting it become part of you is a major key to your healing. psalm 107:20, let's say it again. "he sends his word and he heals them and delivers them from the pit and from destruction." now, let's talk about something messy that i don't know if i have time to get into decently, but i'm trusting god here. why do people get sick?
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my, my, my. well, we can get sick because of sin in our lives. now, am i saying every time you get sick, that means you've committed sin? absolutely not. but it's wise to just say, "god, have i done anything that's opened the door that i need to repent for?" the bible say in james that "if you're sick, confess your faults to one another that you may be healed and restored to a spiritual tone of mind and heart." so there's that. then just sin in the world can make us sick. you know, before adam and eve sinned, they didn't have anything wrong with them. matter of fact, they were so healthy that after they sinned, it took them like 800, 900 years to die. and people were so healthy back then that for generations, it took people years and years and years and years to die. well, we've gotten better at it now.
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>> [laughing] >> joyce: all the stress in the world, all the stuff in the air, all the stuff in our food, the hatred, the bitterness, the resentment, the unforgiveness. so all the effects of sin that are out there and all the diseases, the germs that are there, we can run into those and we can just get sick just because we're alive and breathing air. one of the things that i like to mention to people is you can catch disease, but you can't catch health. you gotta be healthy on purpose. so thank god that jesus has provided a way for us to be healthy on purpose. i want to encourage you, in all of your prayers, every day, include, "god, i ask you to keep me healthy." don't wait 'til you get sick and you've had a bad report from a doctor to start trying to trust god. let's get ahead of it. let's start trusting god on a daily basis. how about even taking 1 minute
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or 2 minutes every day and just waiting on god and saying, "god, i'm waiting on you right now. i'm trusting you for good health. i'm trusting you. i believe that your word is working in my body. i believe you're healing power is working in my body." you know, i don't know about you, but i want to feel good. i want to be energetic. you know when you don't feel good, you don't even want to pray, at least i don't. it's really hard to be nice to people when you don't feel good and it's especially hard to be nice to people that aren't easy to be nice to anyway. >> [laughing] >> joyce: i mean, for me to get out and be godly with some people i know, i have to have everything feeling good. >> [laughing] >> joyce: and working in the right direction. can i get a big amen? >> audience: amen. >> joyce: so yes, personal sin can be a problem. please don't go on a witch hunt, you know, "what did i do? what did i do? what did i do?" ask god, if there's something, he'll show you. if he doesn't show you anything, don't worry about it. it can be just the sin principle in the world.
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i believe that there are things that travel in generations, but we need to pray about those things ahead of time. don't believe because grandma had it and mama had it that you gotta have it. you can talk yourself into having it. "well, you know, my mother had heart trouble so i'm probably gonna get it too." no, you need to say, "my mom had heart trouble and i'm believing that i'm not ever gonna have it. i'm gonna take the precautions i need and do what i need to do." and then also, take care of yourself. eat decently. get good sleep. drink plenty of water. get some exercise. do some simple things. get the bitterness, the resentment, the unforgiveness out of your life. don't be full of hatred all the time. get the stress out your life. if you do these things, they're gonna all help you and cooperate with you. we have a little book here that we've put together called "the healing word," a little booklet. and guess what. we're gonna give this to anybody today that writes or calls and asks for it. just today, it's a special for today. and this is full of the word of god for you to meditate on
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and speak out loud. every one of these scriptures is about physical healing for your body. and then the minute that you start to feel bad, instead of saying, "oh, i'm catching it. oh, that--that flu's out there. oh...i'm getting it." >> [laughing] >> joyce: no, then the first thing you can do is say, "by his stripes i am healed and made whole and the healing power of god is working on the inside of me." so we love you. we care about ya. i'm gonna pray for you right now. father, in jesus' name, i pray on behalf of all the people watching and listening that are sick, that have pain in their body. i release my faith for them. i'm praying the prayer of faith over them and i say, in the name of jesus christ, be healed and made whole. amen. god bless you. get your book right away and start on your pathway to better health.
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[music] >> ginger: hi ladies, the time to register for our annual love life women's conference right here in beautiful downtown st. louis is upon us. don't wait any longer. just look at the amazing things that will be happening. and we realize there are a lot of details for you to arrange to get here, but remember, this is so important for you, and what's good for you is good for your family. so go online, call us today, register at the door. do whatever you can to be here in st. louis. [music]
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>> joyce: look at all the sinks. you even have american toilet. here, here, the water's working over here, see? come here. come here. wash your hands, see how-- how great is that? >> announcer: you mean more to us at joyce meyer ministries than you may ever know. we appreciate you and we thank our friends and partners for making this worldwide ministry possible. together, we're feeding the hungry, clothing the poor and presenting the gospel to the nations. please contact us or visit today to share your prayer requests, find out more about our resources, see joyce's conference schedule and to join us in partnership as we share the love of christ around the globe. cc by aberdeen captioning 1-800-688-6621 >> announcer: the preceding was paid for by the friends and partners of joyce meyer ministries. >> god wants you to reign!
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cc by aberdeen captioning 1-800-688-6621 >> female announcer: coming up on "destined to reign." >> many of you have deposited into that treasury. i'll tell you why in a while's time. many of you put in--invested in that treasury, and god's gonna open it right now, this season, this year, and gonna pour you out, alright, such a blessing that he'll bless
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all the work of your hand. [music] >> announcer: as our way of saying thank you for your gift of any amount this month, joseph prince ministries would like to bless you with joseph's latest two-sermon audio series, "receiving from jesus." discover how you can receive jesus' peace that passes all understanding and find divine rest for your soul, as well as god's promised victory over every circumstance. separately, for a specific gift to the ministry this month, you can receive a special resource bundle. this bundle contains a beautiful leather-bound special gift edition of joseph's latest book, "provision promises." be encouraged by the truths presented in this book about the lord's love and grace toward you. this bundle also includes
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joseph's latest two-sermon audio series, "receiving from jesus." to order these resources, call us toll free at 1-877-901-4300 or visit us at today. >> announcer: today with joseph prince. >> how you all doing today? are you ready for god's word? i want to tell you that one of the things the lord said to me. he gave me this passage in deuteronomy 28. look up here. "the lord will open to you his good treasure." and the word "treasure" there is "otsar" in hebrew, which means-- "otsar" is literally a repository, a treasury. a depository, like a bank, like a bank vault. a place where you keep very valuable items, alright, precious possessions.
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there is a place in the bank, the inner vault, where you keep your special certificates, and special bank notes, and all that kind of thing, monies and all that, okay? but that's a picture of, in hebrew, "otsar." and here it says, "the lord will open to you his treasury." now, how are treasuries opened? with a key, okay? so the lord jesus is gonna use his key--listen carefully, this is what he told me to tell you this. he's gonna open his treasury to his people this year, alright, and i'll tell you why this year. i'm gonna show you from scripture, line upon line. "the lord will open to you his good treasury," the otsar, which is actually the vault, "the heavens, to give the rain to your land in its season." now notice, the result is that a rain will fall, alright? rain will fall. now for us, we had rain for the past days and all that, but more importantly, this is speaking of not just a physical rain. it is physical rain as well,
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but there is a sign. god says, "when i open the treasuries in heaven, alright, the rain is gonna fall." he's talking about israel, "to your land in its season." so, watch it when israel receives rain. i'm here to tell you, church, that for 10 years--10 years now, it's official--10 years israel has been in a drought, a 10-year drought, 10-year famine. the kinneret, the sea of galilee is, for many years now, is below, alright, the abundant line, the line that marks fullness, okay, which is necessary to irrigate their fields, alright, to make sure that water flows down the river jordan, alright, the southern side. but yet, it's always been below, okay? it's not been full. just to tell you that the 10-year famine, 10-year drought is finally broken. do you know when? this month. it is broken this month
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in israel. the beginning of the year, started towards december, and the whole month this month, almost every day it's been raining. and for years it did not snow in jerusalem in many years. now it's snowing snow in jerusalem. and they have a record rainfall in israel now. in just 1 month, they have a record rainfall. "well, pastor prince, why are we looking at israel?" because church, alright, every time something happens with natural israel, we are the spiritual israel. alright, god himself spoke to abraham and used the two-fold analogy. god says, about his people, alright, god says, "i'll bless your descendants like the stars of the heaven." that is spiritual, heavenly people who are all of us, believers in christ, the descendants of abraham. "i'll bless your seed like the stars of heaven and the sand on the sea shores." sand is that which is material, that which is palpable, alright? this is natural israel. if you ask the question, "why did god select one nation? why did god favor one nation
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above the rest?" actually, god loves all the nations, but god selected one nation not because they are moral, not because they are great. in fact, they are few in number. god chose them, and to draw them close, and to bless them so that god can demonstrate to all the nations what a people that's close to him is like when they are blessed, so that it will cause all the nations to know him. but of course, israel failed, but god will never forget his covenant with israel. so, until today, israel is still god's covenant people, amen, and we are all in that abrahamic covenant. but we are the heavenly ones, the heavenly seed in christ, and they are the earthly ones. okay church, are you with me? so every time something happens to israel, in 1 corinthians 15, verse 46, look up here. it says first the natural, then the spiritual. the context here is about the first adam and the last adam. the first adam was earthly, alright? adam and eve, adam.
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the last adam is jesus christ. he quickens life. the first adam cannot give life; the last adam gives life, quickens and imparts life, amen. so, first the natural, then the spiritual. likewise, first something happens to natural israel, and then it will happen to spiritual israel. so, look up at this news report online. you can see this in "globes, israel's business arena." the water authority of israel said this in january, "we can't remember anything like it." alright, look at the third paragraph. "we had hoped for large amounts of rain, but we were surprised by how long and how strong the storm system has been-- 7 days of rain." hey, 7, 7 days of rain! "this is an amazing rate, and we can't remember anything like for a decade." look at another report in january. "mideast snow has some delighted, others overwhelmed." look at this,
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record rainfall in chapter 2. look at the third paragraph. "five inches of snow fell in jerusalem, the most in a decade." five, amen! and you can-- don't do it now, okay, but you can turn into youtube. they have a lot of pictures of snowflakes falling on jerusalem, cars being blanketed by snow in jerusalem just this month, amen. i spoke to my friend, samuel smadja, my israeli friend, yesterday and he was telling me about how the kids were enjoying the snow and all that. and he said, "pastor prince, it is a record rainfall. no doubt, record," he says. the kinneret, the lake of galilee, okay, rose, in 1 week, 90 centimeters. that's about 3 feet. and he said, "this is a record. in 1 week, it's a record of any in a century." first the natural israel, come on, come on, then the spiritual.
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god is sending rain and snow. and see what god promised in deuteronomy 28. god says, "he will open to you his good treasury, the heavens, to give the rain to your land in its season." hallelujah, we are in the season this year; and who is opening? open means it was closed before. he's opening, our lord jesus, he's opening his treasury, and the sign, the physical sign is the rains is falling, alright? not talking about in paris or london. in israel, that's how god goes, by its time table, amen. and watch the effects, the repercussions of this opening of the treasury. the rain will fall and god will "bless all the work of your hand." whatever you touch, all the work of your hand this year is gonna be blessed. and watch this, watch this, "you shall lend
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and you shall not borrow. you shall lend and you shall not borrow." are you listening, church? alright, this is what god said to me, and i'm giving you the word of the season, hallelujah. god promised he's gonna open the treasury. many of you have deposited into that treasury. i'll tell you why in a while's time. many of you have put--invested in that treasury and god's gonna open it right now, this season, this year, and gonna pour you out, alright, such a blessing that he'll bless all the work of your hand. whether you're a homemaker, or a banker, or a teacher, he's gonna bless all the work of your hand, amen. and you will lend and not borrow. you know, one of the things that king solomon--one of the wisest kings that ever lived besides jesus, he said this in proverbs. he says, "the borrower is servant to the lender." and right after that, it says, "train up your child in the way he should go." in other words, we must teacher our children the borrower is servant to the lender, alright?
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this is a year where you're gonna lend and not borrow. if you--and there's nothing wrong with borrowing, but what is wrong is the habit of borrowing. some people say it's a sin to borrow. if it's a sin to borrow, then it's a sin to lend, because you are making people sin by borrowing from you, okay? so it's not a sin to borrow, but it's a sin to have a mentality of borrowing. alright, always borrowing, get into, you know, a high interest debt and that kind of thing. i believe this year many of you will pay things by cash, amen, or else you'll pay the most part of it and you won't be in bondage to the system of the world. are you listening, church? i believe it, this is the year god will bless, you will lend and not borrow. hallelujah. it's not finished yet. the next verse says, "and the lord," and, miscontinuation. "the lord will make you the head and not the tail; you shall be above only." hey, i like the only.
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"you shall be above only, and not beneath," alright? don't worry about the last part, keeping the commandments, because jesus kept it for us, amen? christ is the fulfillment of the law and we are in christ, and all the blessings of god are, "yes, and in him, amen," to the glory of god, hallelujah, by us. so go back to deuteronomy 28 again, verse 12. "the lord will open to you his otsar," in hebrew, "otsar," alright? say "otsar." that means what? his repository, his bank. so apparently there's a bank in heaven, and the physical sign of that bank is that it starts to rain in israel. ask any jewish person living in israel, they'll tell you what a blessing rain and snow is, amen. alright, you can watch it online. i mean, there are a lot of nice pictures of, you know, jerusalem under the snow. but another thing about this is this: jesus said in matthew chapter 6--many of you know this passage, alright? jesus says, "do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth. do not lay up for yourself
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treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy." if it's clothing, moth can destroy it, alright? if it's just jewelry, rust can come in. but you say, "pastor prince, my jewelry all high class, alright? it cannot be rusty one." okay, then the next one is for you. "where thieves break in and steal." and now there's--the way they steal is not like coming into your house to steal. now there's bankers. the reason for the financial turmoil in the world here today is because of bankers, greedy bankers. i mean, it's a fact, amen. people are greedy, amen. so now they steal professionally. whatever it is, if your trust is in the system of the world, thieves, even professional ones, can break in and steal. your money today, $10 worth, alright, in a few years' time or a few months' time, it may not be $10 worth. they call it recession. you can call it what you want. somewhere along the way, the system of the world has failed you.
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so jesus says, alright, whatever it is, whether it's clothing, whether it's gold and silver, alright, moth can destroy, rust can destroy, thieves can break in and steal." so, don't lay up your treasures on earth. jesus says, "lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." now, "where you treasure is," many of us, we have this-- we think we understand this. many people say, "you know, if your heart is in golf, you will spend money buying golf clubs, and golf balls, and, you know, golf membership and all that." that's not what it's saying. what it is saying is that where your money is, your heart will follow. so, if you put your money in the kingdom of god, your heart will be drawn to the things of god, amen. "where your treasure is, your heart will follow." you don't like somebody or you feel the waiter or waitress has
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not given you a good service, alright, give an extra tip, alright? all of a sudden, you have compassion for waiter or waitress. i'm telling you, church, alright, your heart will follow your money. that's what jesus is saying. another misconception many people have is that all this you can only receive when you go to heaven. but the funny thing is that after you die and go to heaven, for what you need all these treasuries? he's not talking about one day you die, you go to heaven, and god will open your bank and say, "this is yours, okay?" no, no, no, no, for what then? you'll be walking on streets of gold, y'all, amen? you'll be walking on streets of gold. you won't need the depository then. when do we need it? here in the here and now, on this earth. what he's saying is that change the location of your bank. now, i'm not saying cut off all your-- whatever you have in the bank. i'm just telling you don't put your trust--make sure that your trust is in the bank of heaven. make sure you're in god's heavenly order, alright?
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in other words, even these treasures you put in the bank of heaven, do you know you can make withdrawals on it? and by the way, god charges-- for your benefit, alright, your money will make 100% interest. no bank on earth will give you that. "well, well, where do you find that?" i'm so glad you asked. alright, mark chapter 10, jesus said, "assuredly i say to you, there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands, for my sake and the gospel's." in other words, if they refuse to follow you and you put jesus first and you put the gospel first, you will receive--whoever gives up all these things, whatever you give up, the bible says there's no such thing-- "no one who gives up all this will not receive a hundredfold now in this time--houses--" -ses, i thought i'll say that,
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"and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands, with persecution." if you start prospering, expect persecution, especially when people who will call you, "yeah, you're the prosperity bunch," alright? it's better than to be called the poverty bunch, alright? now, i've said time and time again, prosperity is more than money. there are poor people with plenty of money, but they are poor. they are poor in joy, in peace. they are poor in their relationships. they don't have deep relationships. they are poor in their married life. they are divorced again and again. they're just poor, but have plenty of money. alright, god's prosperity is in every dimension of your life. are you listening? and god is the only one that gives you 100% interest. no bank on earth gives you that. so go back to what jesus said again. jesus says, alright, "lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven.
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for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." now, your old testament is in hebrew. your new testament is in greek, alright? in the old testament, we saw the hebrew word "otsar" for treasury. now, the word "treasure--" every time the word "treasure" appears-- "where your treasure is, there your heart will be also--" is the greek word "thesoros." "thesoros," some of you, it sounds very familiar already, alright, like your dictionary. the dictionary for synonyms and antonyms, for example, is called "thesaurus," right, like your dictionary. am i right? alright, it's from the greek word repository, a repository of meaning, a vault of synonyms, a thesaurus, and this is the word "treasure, treasury," alright? treasury, repository. jesus says--every time he says "treasury," he says, "thesoros." now, why am i saying this? i'm saying this because i want you to know something. this treasury that jesus opens
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this year to all of us, alright, when he opens this treasury, remember this. the hebrew word is "otsar," but there is a greek version of the old testament that was done before jesus was born, okay? it's called the septuagint version. it's the greek version of the old testament, and in the greek version where it says, "the lord will open to you his good treasure, treasury," the word there is "thesoros." so, we are putting them together and we are saying that jesus is opening the treasury of what you have put in, and he's opening all the hundredfold to you this year. hallelujah, church, come on. i don't care what has happened last year. i don't care you say, "pastor price, last year i was struggling. i was trying to pay off this debt. i was trying to pay off this commitment." alright, this year's gonna be different. god has already given a sign of the rain and snow in israel, amen. look at the rain and snow
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analogy that god uses, alright, here in isaiah 55. god says, "for as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts." okay, now a lot of people say, "well, god's ways are so high, god's ways are so high, none of us can understand." but look at this, alright, even though it's high, it says, "for as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven." so, god's thoughts, though it's very high, it will come down, amen. we always think that god is good, but god is gooder than what we think. it's higher than--that's bad english, i know, alright. it's higher than our thoughts, amen? for example, they brought-- some parents brought babies and toddlers for jesus to bless. they expect jesus to put his hand on the babies. jesus embraced the babies. he literally embraced with affection. he always exceeds our expectation. god does not answer your prayer; god over-answers your prayer. "exceedingly abundantly above all you can ask or think."
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this is our god. you ask nothing, he over-answer, it's still nothing, so ask something, alright? and please, don't have this attitude, "i asked god for small things, you know? i don't want to bother god." that's an insult to god. if you honor god, you will ask him for big things. he feels honored. he knows you trust him. when you ask him for big things, he knows nobody can do that for you. so ask him for big things. like tell him, "i want to live to be 120." let your friends laugh, because after their laughter has died, you will still be around, amen, amen. you get what you believe. jesus says, "according your faith be it unto you." some of you say, "i don't believe that. every time pastor lawrence says it, i don't believe it." "according to your faith, be it unto you." not to him, not to me. we believe through the grace of our lord jesus christ we will live to be 120 and our eyes will not be dim nor our natural force abated. how many are with me in jesus' name? come on, church, hallelujah. god said it.
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actually, scientifically speaking, even doctors are telling us now the body is designed to live to 120, but we are killing it before our time. not even by-- god's miracles notwithstanding. just talking about naturally, our bodies are designed to live to 120, alright? but that's another sermon i'm reserving for another time, okay? let's go back to what the lord is saying about isaiah 55. so, even though god's thoughts are higher, it comes down like rain. and notice rain comes down as droplets, notice the snow comes down as snowflakes, because if god drops the entire hundreds and hundreds of tons, cubic tons, of rain, if the clouds open up and drop the rain like this--splat--there'd be destruction, there'll be all kinds of things lying flat, rubble everywhere. and that's how powerful if rain is dropped like that.
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but in the mercy of god, god allows rain to drop from the sky. it's supposed to fall-- splat--like that, alright, hundreds and hundreds of tons of rain, but then it mix with the sediments and it becomes droplets where it will not only harm a small flower, the petal of a flower, but it will refresh it. that's how god works. for god to give us his wisdom, his thoughts, his word, it's too condensed for us to understand. so god allows his words to come down like rain, like rain. you know when god gave me this sermon? alright, last year or beginning of this year somewhere, god gave me this sermon, but i can only release it week after week, drop, drop, drop. how many understand? okay, and i always remind our children's church teachers, our, you know, care group teachers, our pastors and all that, jesus says, "feed my sheep," not, "feed my giraffe." even the lord brings his word
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down to where it's understood, okay? so, it comes down as droplets where even a child can understand, alright? i'm always complemented, like the first testimony of a child wanting to hear my sermon. that, to me, is better than a professor saying, "i have dissected your sermon and it seems preponderously long." i like it when a child can understand, because that's a testimony of our savior. >> announcer: thank you for tuning into our broadcast. you have watched highlights of a sermon by joseph prince. to order an audio cd of the full sermon, which is approximately 60 minutes long, call the toll-free number at 1-877-901-4300 or log on to now. >> announcer: next on "destined to reign." >> when you receive god's word of healing, your body prospers. you receive god's word of
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finances, it prospers. you receive god's word for family, your family prospers. jesus didn't take thou poverty to give us poverty. he took our poverty, 2 corinthians 8, to give us prosperity, amen. [music] >> announcer: as our way of saying thank you for your gift of any amount this month, joseph prince ministries would like to bless you with joseph's latest two-sermon audio series, "receiving from jesus." discover how you can receive jesus' peace that passes all understanding and find divine rest for your soul, as well as god's promised victory over every circumstance. separately, for a specific gift to the ministry this month, you can receive a special resource bundle. this bundle contains a beautiful leather-bound
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special gift edition of joseph's latest book, "provision promises." be encouraged by the truths presented in this book about the lord's love and grace toward you. get ready to receive your miracle as you find out how, through the finished work, jesus has supplied every provision you need for every area of your life. this bundle also includes joseph's latest two-sermon audio series, "receiving from jesus." for more information on how to order these resources, call us toll free at 1-877-901-4300 or visit us at today. >> announcer: step into the flow of god's super-abundant grace and begin seeing god's provision and blessings in every situation. hear the heart of god and
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discover how he wants to bring his abundance and supply into every single area of your life. for a specific gift to the ministry, you can request this two-sermon audio series, titled, "secrets of divine provision." get ready to experience god's provision like never before. for more information on how to order this powerful resource call us toll free at 1-877-901-4300 or visit us at today. >> announcer: if you've been blessed by today's message, we would like to give you an opportunity to partner with us to impact the world with the gospel of grace. >> under grace god says, "i will be merciful to your unrighteousness and your sins i will remember no more." there's been a change, there's been a change, church,
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and it's all because of jesus. >> announcer: dear friends, together we can impact the world for jesus. partner with us and be part of this exciting grace revolution. call us toll free at 1-877-901-4300 or visit us at today. joseph prince ministries is a section 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, and your gift is tax-deductible for the amount that exceeds any fair market value of the materials you receive from us. joseph prince ministries believes that your tithes belong to your local church. your donations to the ministry are received as offerings to support the preaching of the gospel of grace.
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conditioning program. >> i didn't want to do a desk job. that's where i am. >> we're going to try to lock this in. >> this professional fitness camp. today he created 1 golden career working with the world's top athletes from jock to pro. including stars for the l.a. lakers. >> i wanted to be a professional athlet athlete. >> plus -- >> all right, guys. we have a big day today, all right? >> this former nhl player put his career on ice to take his knowledge of the game and pass it on as coach of the l.a. junior team. >> we won the olympic gold medal in hockey, and i was about 14, 15 years old. it was a very big spark of
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interest in my mind. and this entrepreneur and ceo revolutionized the human vending machine by replacing junk food with healthy alternatives. >> we bring in healthy food and education. i got myself a healthy organic fruit smoothie. >> all that and more starting right here, right now on "career day." >> hey, career day. if you think all athletes were born in shape, think again. john was once called a wimp because he couldn't catch a ball. >> i was the biggest in the there. in grammar school i was always the last guy to be picked on the team. >> now john is an iron pumping
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jock thanks to is eat of weights that changed his life forever. >> my parents bought me a weight set when i was 14. started getting better at sports. now i'm 45 and still athletic. he's the head coach of a strength and conditioning clinic where people learn to weight train the right way. >> we analyze how people move and we teach them the proper mechanics. just take your time. without bouncing. my mission is to get people strong, pain-free and to move better. >> john studied physiology in school and was certified by the american college of sports medicine. his specialty is strengthening people in pain.
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we bring them up to a higher level. it is a lot less likely to be injured. it's a little strange looking. it's going to help. then i'm going to put these on there to help stabilize this joint. you know what? i completely forgot they i had pain. you ultimately realize you're not in pain anymore. it's life changing for people. >> what's going on? >> unlike your typical gym an trainer, john i's approachment the scientific study of the body in motion. >> this is more of an in-depth approach. that's what we specialize in. are you okay? is that too much?
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it's a lot of agnat my. the muscular system and the skeletal system. how muscles work. >> before they hit the weights, john determines each client's specific needs by examining them from head to toe. >> we look at the posture. we look at the spinal position and knee position. you have a slight shoulder elevation. anybody who has an abnormal heartbeat. >> being a gym owner and trainer has turned out to be a pretty rewarding career for john. >> it's a lot of fun. >> building his client's strength, he's building their confidence, too. >> the people are stronger and more fit. they feel better about their appearance. their confidence level will sky rise.
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that would make us pretty happy. and happy to be here. that makes me happy. >> let's keep it moving. right now career day is moving into shape. >> hey, career day. find out what i do next. >> he might be a pro athlete or just want to train like one. either way, either way ft you need guidance. you need a trainer. >> i train athletes. i also train every day people who are interested in being healthier. this is it. ready? and go. >> lisa austin is a professional fitness trainer. in many of us there's an athlete
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waiting to perform. and lisa knows how to bring them out. >> i am committed to health. i want to share with people that they have potential. >> you may have noticed by the footage that lisa is a bit of an athlete herself. >> i decided i wanted to pursue athletics. >> lisa went on ha mission to become faster and stronger even after she started high school in el paso, texas. but high school glory wasn't the prize she was chasing. >> i really wanted to go to college. it was a challenge for me. i realized you can get a scholarship. so i thought i need to jump far enough. >> she jumped far, all right.
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enough to become one of the top triple jumpers in the country. she tried out for the olympics where she didn't quite make it. >> i wanted to be a professional athlete. i would have liked that. i was not at that great of a statu status. >> today lisa trains athletes of all kinds. including stars in the nba and teams like the l.a. lakers. that's just the beginning of all the great job. i can move in my job. in different ways. from left to right. drive in from right to left. i just like the fact that i'm not sitting in a chair for hours. so i'm happy with that. >> understanding all there is to fitness can be a workout in itself. but with two college degrees and all kinds of extra training,
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lisa knows how to keep anyone on track. starting with simple stuff. >> i have three easy tips for you to work out. number one, use more than one muscle group. number two, intensity. number one, if you have a high intensity you can keep the workouts short. and number three, make sure you have exceptional form in performing all your exercises. if you don't, you'll get hurt. and we don't want that. just spend a few moments every day just moving more than you di did. >> not only how the body moves but how the mind helps body perform. i think it makes for superior athletes or a really healthy person. coming up on "career day's"
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top health and fitness challenge. this man's healthy obsession led him to starting a vending machine revolution. he created a booming business by offering healthy and nutritious snack alternatives. we live in a snacking society. we believe we are providing natch alternatives. >> and this former nhl player created a second career by using his knowledge of the game to coach a junior team. >> all that and more when career day continues after this. # [ male announcer ] they say he was born to help people clean. so it was no surprise when he set out to give the world the hardest-working, best-smelling cleaners he could. like mr. clean with the scent of gain. that combines irresistible scent and powerful cleaning. and his lemon-scented anti-bacterial spray
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that kills 99.9% of bacteria. people sure loved having something that smelled as great as it cleaned. that's why when it comes to clean, there's only one mr. we've just topped our quarter pounder with even more bold new taste. you love bacon. we added thick-cut, applewood bacon to our new quarter pounder blt. now more than ever, there's something for everyone to love at mcdonald's. [ male announcer ] ever wonder why no other mouthwash feels like listerine®? because no other mouthwash works like listerine®. in your mouth, bacteria forms in layers. listerine® penetrates these layers deeper than other mouthwashes, killing bacteria all the way down to the bottom layer. so for a cleaner, healthier mouth, go with the mouthwash dentists recommend more than all others combined. #1 dentist recommended listerine®... power to your mouth™.
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welcome back to "career day." for our next career the puck stops here. >> i love pushing kids. it's something i love to do. it's part of my life. ever since i was 4 years old. >> he really put his career on ice. he is on the l.a. junior team, a travel hockey club in lonks. for the record, the junior kings
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aren't affiliated with the l.a. kings of the national hockey league, but they do practice on the same ice rink. recognize this gold medal winner? that's evan lisocheck. and the olympics are a big reason ralph is a coach today. >> in 1980 the u.s. team one the olympic gold medal in hockey. i was 14 or 15 years old. whatever i was. it was a very big spark of interest in my mind. >> from then on ralph made hockey his life. >> pass the puck! there you go. ralph played hard enough to become a professional hockey player. then he thought he could take all he knows about the game and pass it on. >> when i retired, i decided that i was living back here in california, so i decided it would be nice to give something back that i learned to the kids. how i made it to the nhl.
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>> all right, guys, we have a big game tonight. you guys excited? >> yeah. >> ready to go? >> yeah. >> the most exciting thing is working with the kids i get into coaching mode. i love that. there's 20 personalities out there. i have to read all of them. >> the first job is teaching players all the right moves. >> it's to making better hockey players. from how they do individually to how they play as a team. recognizing their mistakes i can push them harder to the next level. i think about the last couple of games.
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the mistakes that we've made. how we can improve on that and move forward? >> beyond teaching quick hands and building fast feet, the coach's number one lesson, keeping your head in the game. >> from day-to-day, it's 90% mental. the brain controls the muscles that controls the hands that controls the feet. the coach's final advice, go ahead and dream of making it to the pros. just make sure to make it one play at a time? >> i worry about taking it to the next level i worry about making it to juniors. i would tell them not to think that far ahead and to take the steps necessary to get to that level. to focus on what you need. ready? one, two, three.
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>> next on "career day", meet an entrepreneur who built a dream career from a healthier version. we'll explain when career day we'll e[ female announcer ]ay allergy congestion? allegra-d d-congests, d-pressurizes so you can breathe. a fast, non-drowsy antihistamine plus a powerful decongestant. allegra-d. d-fense against allergy congestion.
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>> welcome back to "career day." these are an easy way for us to eat and live better. how easy? as near as the closest vending machine. >> hey, career day. we are getting healthier one vending machine at that time. find out how, next. ♪ sean kelly is the entrepreneur and visionary behind human healthy vending. >> human for helping unite mankind and nutrition. we like to think of automated food retailers. a vending machine that offers a lot more than your typical machine. what makes this a healthy vending machine? first and foremost the products inside it. healthy, lower calorie chips. fruit and nut bar, organic fruit smoothies, coconut water.
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>> he reals many times a vending machine is the only option for a quick bite or boost. the problem is, most vending machines are filled with junk food. but not humans. >> we can expect you to be healthy if you don't have access to the things and information that are required to be healthy. >> >> these are more than healthy food. the company donates 10% of proceeds to charity. provides tips on living healthier. and the state of the art technology means no more, hey, the machine stole my energy bar. coming up with ways to eat better is sean's passion. but he's hard ly your every day health nut. >> i was obsessed with junk food. i was focused on health and nutrition. i would have loved at you. in junior high i learned that
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the foods you eat have a mass i have impact on your life, on your attitude, on your performance in the athletic field and the classroom. i remember feeling so much more vibrant when i was eating well and working out. >> sean has always been on a mission to help humans work toward having healthier lives. once he wanted to be a doctor. but why operate when he can prevent? >> i realize most of the problems are caused by bad nutrition and a lot of physical activit activity. >> shooun's healthy obsession led him to start his own company in 2001. all over the media, human is
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praised for the innovation and dedication. it's the kind of hard working company that shoots baskets while on the job. >> we take what we do seriously, but we try not to take ourselves too seriously. we understand there's a lot of ups and downs. there's mistakes. as long as we work really hard and have fun, continue to get a high level of exercise. >> sean never set out to build a career from a vending machine, and yet as the ceo of human vending, he calls it his dream job. there's a million different paths that you can take. even though you feel like it even though you feel like it would be boring, you're never do you have a mouthwash that works all day?
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today on an all new "ricki"... you attempted sword swallowing 13,000 times before you actually succeeded? - yes. worked on it for four years. i practiced 10-12 times a day every day before i got my first sword down in 2001. and all of a sudden the sword went down about six inches and i was like "oh, my gosh. i think i punctured something." - now he is going to attempt to do it on our stage. - ( screaming ) - meet the strongest girl in the world. you're going to lift 215 pounds just like you did when you broke the world record? - yep. ( exhales ) - a new spin on setting a record. which of the records do you want to actually try to break today? - let's go for most eggs juggled while hula hooping. - really?
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can our studio audience go down in history? let's see if we can set a world record. let's start to the clock. three, two, one! on "ricki." hi. thank you, thank you, thank you thank you, thank you. great to have you guys. hi. welcome. thank you, you guys. love you. let the party begin. today we are gonna meet people who are the best in the world at what they do. all of our guests are world record holders. they either do more of something or do it quicker than anyone else on the planet. this show's gonna be not only fun, but newsworthy as well as some of our guests attempt to break world records right here. - ( cheering ) - so let's get to it. our first guest spent his childhood being bullied and ridiculed, until one day he made a decision never to let fear rule his life again.
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please welcome dan. - ( cheering ) - hi, dan. great to meet you. thank you for being here. okay. i just gotta start and say you're crazy. - oh, thank you. - you are. that's a compliment? - i take it as that. yeah. - you are a world record holder in lots of different categories of sword swallowing? - mm-hmm. - okay. what got you into this in the first place? - as a little kid, i was full of fears. i was bullied by the other kids and kind of beat up and teased quite a bit. and so i vowed i wanted to do real magic. i wanted to do things the other kids couldn't do. - so what made you turn to sword swallowing? - well, i ended up a missionary in india, and i was on my deathbed in india the week before my 21st birthday. and i had had fears my whole life and had let fears kind of rule my life, and i finally said "you know what? i'm not gonna let fears rule my life any longer." and i kind of gave it to god and i said-- - in a big way. - in a big way. and i said "if you let me live until i'm 21, i will not let fear rule my life any longer.
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i'm gonna take on risks and challenges." and i made a list of thromes, a list of goals i wanted to do. - yeah, tell us, what are thromes? - thromes are major life goals. like a cross between dreams and goals. like a bucket list. - like a bucket list. okay okay. so let me just say i have a bucket list of my own, and sword swallowing is not one of them. - and it's not for most people. it wasn't for me either. my first bucket list was to visit all the major continents of the world. - did you do that? - i haven't hit antarctica yet. i've got a couple others. visit all the seven wonders of the world. live on a little island in the bahamas, which i did for seven years. work on a cruise ship. live with a tribe of indians. - that would also not be on my list. - live with a tribe of indians in the amazon. - wow. - work in the music business in nashville, work as a clown in the circus, jump out of an airplane, climb to the top of the highest mountain in scandinavia. those were my first 10. - wow. - ( cheering ) - and not only have you done them, but you also know them by heart. - yeah. - so with sword swallowing, you attempted to do it 13,000 times
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before you actually succeeded? - what happened was-- - i'm looking at your tongue as i'm talking to you trying to see is there any damage in there? - still got my tonsils. everything's there. no, when i was 40 years old in 1997, i had worked up-- i had done fire eating, juggling, unicycle riding, stilt walking, all the other circus stunts. bed of nails, glass eating, everything else. in 1997, i heard there were less than a dozen sword swallowers left in the entire world. and i said "ooh! i gotta add that to my list." so i worked on it for four years. - worked on it? how do you work on it? - you just practice. you just stick a sword down the back of your throat-- aah ahh-- at the back of your throat. - so, i mean you must have no gag reflex. - uh, i still have a gag reflex. if i were to cough on a piece of meat, i would still choke on it. but for those four years, i practiced 10-12 times a day every day. i calculated that out. it's about 13,000 unsuccessful attempts before i got my first sword down in 2001. - and so what did that feel like? that first time you succeeded? - it was scary. it was real scary. i was in my bathroom. i hadn't told anybody i was doing it.
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- how big was it at that time? - it was about a 22-inch long blade. - are you kidding me? - no. i'm not kidding you. and something happened that particular day that really kind of changed things. i had-- for the four years, i kept thinking "no, this is impossible." i kept looking at the 99% that was impossible. and finally that day i said, "you know what? i believe i can do it." and i instead of looking at the 99% that was impossible, i went for that 1% that was possible. and i thought "you know, if i just adjust everything--" so i adjusted my posture, went with two hands instead of one, and all of a sudden-- whoo. the sword went down about six inches. and i was like "oh, my gosh. i think i punctured something." pulled it out. - did you--? was there blood on--? - there was no blood or anything. it was okay. and you kind of have to wait until the next day to find out if you got any internal bleeding. - oh, my goodness. well, i know we have an x-ray showing a sword lodged in your throat. look at this, guys. - you can see it. it's actually-- yep. - oh, my-- - it actually nudges my heart aside. if you watch carefully you can see the sword beat with my heart like that as i put it down there. - what does that feel like? - it-- you can't feel much past about here
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because you don't have any nerve endings past this part of your chest. unless the sword's really cold in the winter. if i take them out of my car and they're really cold, or in the summer if they're really hot, i can feel them. - oh, my goodness. well, we have some footage of you in action. take a look. - ( cheering ) - yeah! - whoo! - ( cheering ) - oh, my goodness. oh, my goodness. did that hurt? - it did. thank you. thank you. - ( applause ) - so that-- you were pulling that car with the sword? - 3,700 pounds of car at ripley's believe it or not in baltimore. it hurt my-- my mouth was bleeding because i had 3,700 pounds of pressure on the sword pressing down on my teeth.
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and my lips were numb for about four hours after that, but i did it. - and you have a great smile still to boot. - you do too. - oh, my goodness. well, today, you're gonna show us a little thing or two. and all of you watching at home, or in the audience-- do not try this at home. right? no. - or on "the ricki lake show." - no no no no no. okay, dan. what are we gonna start off with? - what i'm gonna do is i'll start out with a-- kind of one of my longer swords. - is it okay if i stay over here? - you can stay over there. i do want you to take a peek. look at it. make sure it is a real sword. verify that's real steel. - yeah. do you sanitize it before? - i do. i clean them with rubbing alcohol. - it's heavy, you guys. it's really heavy. - but that's real steel. that's not gonna fold up in the handle or anything, right? - no no no. that is not. - and i'll do this one fairly quickly for you. now this one will go right down here about to my belt buckle here. okay? and i will nudge my heart aside, repress the gag reflex here in the back of the throat. - how do you nudge your heart aside? - the heart is in the center of your chest. and the esophagus kind of curls around it. so as i put the sword down, it nudges my heart over. then i have to go through the diaphragm, relax the lower esophageal sphincter,
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repress the wretch reflex in the stomach, go past the liver and kidneys all the way down to the duodenum. now if i go further than that, i go all the way down to my fallopian tubes. - wow, and i was excited-- - ( laughing ) - i missed that part because i was thinking of my joke. i was saying "i did yoga today. i did 10 sun salutations." i was really feeling good about myself. but not anymore. - want to see this? here we go. so i'm gonna try and drop this one. i'm gonna attempt to do this one no hands. - what? - ( breathes deeply ) - ( cheering ) - oh, my goodness. oh, my goodness! - yeah! - let's take a look at that in slow motion. - want to try it? - oh my gosh. no thank you. wow. wow wow wow wow. okay. wow. what are we doing now? that is incredible.
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- okay, what i'm going to do now right now is i'm going to attempt-- this is kind of the finale of what i normally do. this is a glowing lightsaber just to prove that it's very real. and if we're lucky, you'll be able to see it shine through my neck here. this is a-- it's a light here. - so are we turning the lights off here? - we're gonna take the lights down a little bit here. and i'm gonna slide this one down. here it goes. - wow. - ( audience gasps and cheers ) - oh, my goodness! - yeah! - dan, that is incredible! oh, my gosh. amazing. - thank you. - amazing. when we come back, more with dan. he's gonna eat some things that will amaze and disgust you. stay with us. - i'd like you to take a look at that. make sure that's a real light bulb.
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[ dog ] on a walk, walk, walk. yeah, we found that wonderful thing. and you smiled. and threw it. and i decided i would never, ever leave it anywhere. because that wonderful, bouncy, roll-around thing... had made you play. and that... had made you smile. [ announcer ] beneful. play. it's good for you. beneful is awarding a $500,000 dog park makeover... in the 2013 dream dog park contest. enter now. fragile, breaking, falling hair? not for me. l'oreal triple resist haircare with arginine. nourishes from the root up... reinforces the strand ... strengthens hair from root to core to tip.. hair fall due to breakage reduced by 64%. triple resist -- from l'oreal's most advanced haircare. ♪ shield...sneeze...swish ♪ this back to school, there's a new routine ♪ [ female announcer ] kleenex tissues with sneeze shield are now thicker and more absorbent. in this lab demo, they help stop moisture better than the leadingompetitors. ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] it's time healthy gets a dose of happy. new yoplait greek. bye-bye, stir. so long, sour. hello, happy. it's time to lick the lid again. ♪ - welcome. welcome back. we are talking with dan meyer who holds 34 records for sword swallowing. was that amazing? - ( cheering ) - and explain this to us. you won the ig nobel prize for medicine? how? - that was such a fluke. in 2007, i got a phone call that said that i had been nominated for and won the ig nobel prize in medicine at harvard. i thought "what?" and they said it was for a medical research paper that i had co-written on sword swallowing and its side effects that was published in the "british medical journal" which i'd never
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really heard of much before, but it was a pretty prestigious magazine. - that's amazing. so what are some of the side effects? - well, the first one that most sword swallowers get in the practice period is what we call "sword throat." it's when you scrape the throat a lot and we call that a sword throat. the others is punctures, we've had-- i actually held the heart of a sword swallower who impaled his heart in london. and the sword went right through it. so there's that. there's perforation of the esophagus and the stomach, internal bleeding, peritonitis, which can kill you. - and why is it that you do this? - i do it-- my whole-- and i'm passionate about it. the whole reason i do it is to prove to people that you can do the impossible in your life. - even though we don't want them to try this at home? - but not sword swallowing, yeah. - all right. tell us what you're gonna do now. - i'm going to do a little fire eating for you here. so what i'm gonna do-- - should i back up? - no, you're fine right there. you can have some if you want. - all right, reminding everybody do not try this at home. - as a little kid, i always wanted to do real magic. and i thought, "boy, this is about as real as it can get." so what i've got here is a little fire.
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i'm gonna take this one and light this one over there like that. - okay. - here goes. you can feel the heat, can't you? - yes, i can. - ( whoops, applause ) - here goes. - wow. - ( applause ) - i'll do one more over here. - yeah! - yeah! - whoo! - ( cheering ) - oh, my goodness. dan, you're incredible. so do you feel pain right now? - yeah, it's hot. it's plenty hot. - oh, my goodness. let's take a look at that in slow motion. - that's pretty neat. - wow. i'm guessing you like your salsa mighty hot? - i do. - you do? all right, we have one more stunt for everybody here
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that does not involve swords or torches. what is it? - this is kind of one of the early things that you learn in sideshow. and i'd like you to take a look at that. make sure that's a real light bulb. - yep. it's a 57-watt. - yeah, i'm on a diet. so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna take this, cover it over here. cover your eyes. i'm gonna want to-- pop that light bulb there okay? pretty good? - yes. - my mom always said to have a hot lunch, so it's really-- - no. no no no. - yeah. what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna take this piece of glass... ( loud crunching ) - ( audience screams ) - i don't know if you can hear that. hold the mic up over here. - i hear it. i hear it. oh, boy. - ( chewing ) it's good. - dan... - you can have some if you want to. - no. you know, i'm gonna let you-- you're hungry, huh? - oh, it's really good. it'll crunch like this for hours now. - so you're gonna swallow that. how long does that take to get out of your system?
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- oh, tomorrow or so. - and so is that painful? - sounds like a chandelier. - yeah. - ( chewing ) ahh. it's delicious. - ( applause ) - that's glass eating for you. - that's unbelievable. oh, my goodness. let's take a look at that one more time. oh, my face. - ( laughing ) - oh, my gosh. audience, again, for the third time-- do not try this... - at home! - thank you, thank you, thank you. dan, they don't pay you enough. - no, they don't. - they don't. they don't. amazing. thank you so much. it's a pleasure, truly. - thank you for having me. i appreciate it. thank you. - when we come back, the strongest 11-year-old girl in the world. when she gets older, she'll be great at picking up guys. she's coming up next. stay with us.
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if you're just joining us, you've missed fire eating, sword swallowing, and light bulb munching. how could we possibly top that? well, say hello to the strongest 11-year-old girl in the world. naomi, come on out. - ( cheering ) - hi. i'm almost scared to shake your hand. you're that strong. nice to meet you. thank you for being here. so how does it feel to be the strongest girl in the world? - feels awesome. - how did you get into this? - my dad has been lifting for a long time. and he asked me one day, "do you want to try power lifting?" - how old were you when he asked you? - i was eight years old. and he asked me "do you want to try power lifting? and do you want to see how it goes?" and i said "okay." and we tried it, and it was really fun. - it's fun. and you are so strong. you're stronger than any other girl. i mean, so at school, how do the boys treat you? do you get teased by them sometimes?
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'cause i'm sure they wouldn't mess with you if they know how strong you are. - yeah. they sometimes ask me like "oh, do you want to have an arm wrestling match?" just to see who's stronger. 'cause they have to be the best. - and did you build up? what did you lift at eight years old? - i lifted 143 pounds at my first contest. - that's amazing. what's the hardest thing about this? is there a lot of training involved? - i have to train multiple times a week. and we have to do different exercises to make sure that it's not just one different thing that we're doing. 'cause we have to have variety so i build a lot of different muscles. - right. and do you have to eat certain foods to make sure-- like popeye's spinach? do you have to eat spinach a lot? - i have to have a lot of protein definitely. after a workout and after a contest i have to have meat. - and do you get nervous doing it? - yeah, i always get a little nervous, but when it's time for me actually to do it, i always pull it together and i always get in the zone.
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- amazing. so you're in the zone right now, aren't you? did you ever have any injuries from this? - my back hurt a little bit, but i just put ice on it and it was fine. and i keep very safe. and sometimes things just happen, and there's really nothing you can do about it, but you could get hurt doing anything. like you can play basketball and fall down and get hurt. so there's nothing you can do about it. - how old were you when you broke the world record for power lifting? - i broke it the first time when i was nine years old. and then i broke it the second time when i was 10 years old. - amazing. and you use a lot of the money and awareness to help kids with special needs? - yeah. my bat mitzvah is coming up in september, so i'm raising money for an organization called "friendship circle" which helps kids with special needs. and my brother has special needs, so i kind of feel like they gave to him, so now i need to give to them. - you're giving back to them. you are awesome. you are awesome. ow ow! all right, you ready to head on over to the weight station? - yep. - let's do it. let's do it. okay.
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so how much weight do we have here? - we have 215 pounds. - 215 pounds? just so you know, that's a lot more than what i weigh. a lot more than what i weigh. almost twice what i weigh. all right. not quite. so i understand you do this with some help. you have spotters helping you, right? all right. let's bring them out now. along with your mom. hi. hi, mom. - hi. - i can't even imagine. this must be a little scary for you. - it can be a little bit scary for me, but we make sure she's really safe. she's got spotters, she's training well. so even just like when she plays basketball, she can get hurt doing anything. but it's always exciting for me to watch her. - i'm excited. aren't you guys psyched? so naomi, what did you do to prepare for this lift? - well, my muscles have to be warmed up, obviously. you can't just go and do a heavy lift. so i worked down at the lower weights, and then i work up for the heavier weights. and then i get to a number close to 215.
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- okay. okay. - so then i'm ready. - all right. and you're gonna lift 215 pounds just like you did when you broke the world record? - yep. - all right. here we go, gang. - ( applause ) - good luck. - ( exhales ) ( grunts ) ( breathes deeply ) - ( cheering ) - whoa! that was unbelievable! let's take a look at in in slow motion. well done, well done!
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wow. wow wow wow. amazing. does that-- is that painful? - no. - it's not painful? - it's not painful. - oh, my god. it pains me. it pains me. that was incredible. in our audience is the founder of dan. hi, dan. nice to see you. - hi, ricki. - explain how people like naomi can be officially recognized as a world record setter? - sure. so at record setter, we believe everybody can be the world's best at something. so it's a much more open approach to world records. so we built this website, that lets anybody anywhere set any world record they want. - but there's a protocol? - so it's mostly video. so it sort of works like youtube. so if you want to set the world record for the tallest heels worn by a talk show host... - that wouldn't be me. that would not be me. i'm sure i can think of some other record. - but basically, we allow people to invent world records and then you can shoot them on your phone. you can shoot them at home, and upload them to our site and create brand new world records. - how do you verify that they're actually done? - we have moderators that watch the videos that come in, and then we also have a lot of super users in our community
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that watch the videos and get engaged with the moderation process. - and she's also set other world records? - this is the first one that we're gonna be recognizing on record setter. - so she did in fact set a record here? - this is the most weight ever lifted by an 11-year-old girl, so yes, this is a world record. - ow! i did it again. oh! that is awesome. how does that feel? - awesome. - yeah? great job. thank you so much. mom must be so proud. when we come back, you don't have to be a human to break a record. the show goes literally to the dogs next. that was great. thank you. anastasia's a little bit older than when she set this record. do you think that this is gonna hold her back today? - well, we're gonna do 70 balloons today. and i don't know how much time that's gonna take her, but i know she's gonna love it. - she's adorable. hi, sweetheart.
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is she looking for the balloons right now? she is. - ( barking ) - she's saying "where are they? where are they?" say revlon colorstay makeup. breakthrough time release technology keeps skin balanced for a continuously fresh look 24 hour wear flawless results. [ horn honks ] kevin! toaster strudel, yah? ♪ warm, flaky, gooey toaster strudel.
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world record holders on today's show. and our next champion is no different. well, actually, she is pretty different because she's not human. before we meet this magnificent mutt, let's meet her trainer. please welcome doree. hi. doree, welcome. - thank you. hi. i love dogs, so thank you for bringing yours. - sure. nice to be here. - tell us about your amazing dog anastasia. - well, anastasia is the guinness world record balloon popping dog. she holds the record for popping 100 balloons in just over 44 seconds. - amazing. how did you come to find each other? - she's adopted. i adopted her in november. it was customary at new years-- at my house at a new year's party-- every year the dogs would pop balloons at midnight. - i thought you were gonna say you adopt a dog every new years. - no no no. - okay. - so it's part of the celebration that they pop balloons at midnight. - okay. - um, so... anastasia was pretty new in the household. the other dogs went to pop balloons. she ran in and just-- a star was born.
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she was crazy. - did you have to teach her how to do it? - total instinct. - instinct? instinct. - mm-hmm. - and yet there are no balloons in the wild with these dogs. all right. well, i'm dying to meet your balloon popping pooch. let's bring out anastasia. - okay. - there she is! - there she is. ana! girl. - hi hi hi hi hi. she might smell my dog jeffie. jeffie's not here today, but she owns this place. - oh, okay. - okay, so because anastasia's a little bit older than when she set this record, do you think that this is gonna hold her back today? - well, we're gonna do 70 balloons today. i don't know how much time it's gonna take her, but i know she's gonna love it. - she's adorable. hi, sweetheart. is she looking for the balloons right now? - ( yipping ) - she is. oh! - ( yips ) - she said where are they? where are they? i can-- okay are you ready? - she's ready. - let's open the curtain. - ( doree gasps ) ana! - ( ricki gasps ) - look what you got! - oh, my goodness.
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- ( yipping ) - oh there she is. oh, she's so excited. - ( yipping continues ) - oh, my-- ( laughs ) - you ready? - ( high-pitch squeal ) - ( circus theme plays ) - let's go. - let's go. let's start the clock! start the clock! - ( popping ) - oh my god. oh-- - go get 'em, ana! - both: get 'em! get 'em! get 'em! get 'em! - get 'em! get 'em! - get 'em! get 'em! - come on. get 'em, ana. oh, get 'em! get 'em! get 'em! - both: come on! get 'em! get 'em! get 'em! get 'em! - get 'em! get 'em! - come on! - get 'em! - come on! - get 'em! get 'em! - grr! grr! grr! - that is-- grr! grr! - go! go! - go! get 'em! get 'em! get 'em! get 'em! get 'em! get 'em! hurry, hurry, hurry! - oh, hurry! hurry! hurry! - you got get 'em! you got to get 'em! come on! one, two. - oh, one more! - one more! - both: yay! - oh, yay. whoa. oh, my gosh. she's doing her like-- - it's her victory lap. - her winning lap. - anastasia! - for the record-- for the record, anastasia-- anastasia popped 70 balloons in 30 seconds. amazing.
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there she is. oh, come come. - she's like "where are they? where are they?" - come here. come here. hi-- oh! - come here. - oh, my good-- - you're silly. - oh, that was awesome. let's take a look at it in slow motion. that was fantastic. that was so cute. oh, my gosh. that is so much fun. that is so great. coming up, more fantastic feats of a girl who would take a spin at the world record literally. she's coming up next. great job. great job. thank you so much. oh, my gosh. that was adorable. - so she's going to be doing a brand-new category on record setter. - are you nervous? - yeah. - you are? don't be nervous. she can do it, right? we know she can do it. - ( cheers )
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today's show is all about world records and world record holders. our next guest has been dancing since the age of two. when she takes a spin around the dance floor, she takes a spin around the dance floor. please welcome sophia. hi, honey. great to meet you. thank you for being here. yes, you definitely look like a dancer. when did you realize that you love to dance? - my cousin, she owns my dance studio. and ever since then-- i've loved it when, the first time, she took me to my dance lessons. - and you're really good at dance! - thank you. - how did you know that you were really so good that you could actually break a world record? - well, one day at my dance studio, my tap teacher wanted to see how many pirouettes i could do 'cause i could do like 19, 20 pirouettes consistently. - does anyone know how to do a pirouette? they are hard to do 19 or 20 without even trying.
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- yeah. well, so when she started video taping-- we just started video taping every single lesson. and all of a sudden, it just happened. - unbelievable. you have the cutest voice ever. um, and you dance-- i understand-- 35 hours a week? - yeah. - so you really practice this? okay. you just broke the guinness world record for pirouettes. what was that record? - the record was 36. and my record, i believe, was 54 in passe, so-- - ( audience gasps ) - that's amazing. so how does it feel? how does it feel to know that you are the best in the world at what you do? - it's pretty cool. - it is pretty cool. - yeah. - okay, we want to have sophia try to set another record. so let's bring in dan from into this. thank you, dan. okay, so what record can sophia try to break here? - sure. so she's gonna be doing a brand-new category on recordsetter, which is the most consecutive pirouettes. and she can be in any position.
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so she can change positions during the record attempt. - so she's setting the record, so really-- she's not breaking someone's existing record? right, this is will be a brand-new category, which is the spirit of how recordsetter works. and then we'll post that video and other people will potentially try and challenger her. - are you nervous? - yeah. - you are? don't be nervous. she can do it, right? we know she can do it! are you ready? all right. let's see what you can do, sophia. okay. oh, you do it barefoot. got it. - no, just one shoe. - one shoe, okay. oh, my gosh. - ( classical music plays ) - ( clicking ) - i'm freaking out right now. - ( applause )
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- wow. - ( cheering ) - oh! that is the sickest thing i've ever seen. that is unbelievable. okay, dan, how did she do? how many? you've been counting. - well, that was hard to count. but i'm quite sure-- we'll look back in the video-- 58 pirouettes. a brand-new recordsetter world record. - ( ricki screams ) that's awesome. that is amazing. - that was awesome. - so what does she win? what does she win? - this is just a world record patch. - a world record patch, i think she should get even a little bit more than that. all right. sophia, come have a seat. - thank you. - oh, my goodness. now i want to introduce you to a man who's one of the rock stars of the recordsetter site. please welcome pete. hi, pete. you must be nervous sitting next to her after she did that. - yeah. - okay, pete, you currently hold 208 records. how is that possible? - something like that.
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- well, the website anything can be a record. so a lot of them are pretty lame. a lot of them are pretty cool. i have the record for the longest time juggling while laying down. - that's pretty cool. - longest time juggling while hula-hooping. let's see. most amount of free time, least amount of friends-- those records, all mine. - ( laughter ) - wait, least amount of friends? is that true? - you can't really get into negative numbers, but it's somewhere around zero. - oh. oh, pete. say it isn't so. all right. well, which of the records do you want to actually try to break today? - let's go for most eggs juggled while hula-hooping. - okay, while hula-hooping? okay. well, dan, you are gonna be here to make it official. - yup, yeah. - so, pete, take it away. - try to break the record not the eggs. - ( whoops, applause ) - oh! - ( buzzer sounds )
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- whoa. - who wants omelets? - yeah. you gonna do it again? - all right. i'll find a new spot. - ( applause ) - all right, you can do it. you can do it. - we're here for you, pete. we're your friends now. - oh, now i don't have the record. thank you. - yay! whoo! whoo! so do we have a new record? - we do, ricki. the previous record was three eggs juggled, which pete also had. we've now pushed the record up to four eggs. a brand-new recordsetter world record. - and most eggs broken on "the ricki lake show." - exactly. exactly. the only egg broken here. thank you so much, both of you. congratulations on your new records set. amazing. coming up, we try and set two world records right here. and one of those involves the audience. stay tuned. we'll be right back.
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well, today we're gonna see if one of you can break the world record for the most socks put on one foot in one minute. okay, lindsay, what makes you think that you have what it takes to win? - i just have a gift for putting on socks. - really? all right. and mike, what about you? - i've been doing this my entire life. - let's see if we can set a world record. people have been daring them to clean up tough messes. my fans think a paper towel can't handle this. ♪ that is tough when wet. [ peggy ] grab viva and break the rules on all your tough messes. [ female announcer ] hey, ladies.
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we've got three audience members who want to join in and try to break a record. let's bring up lindsay, sharee and mike. where are you guys? get on up there. okay, how you guys doing today? did you think you were gonna come here and try to break a world record? - absolutely. - absolutely, okay. - well, today we're gonna see if one of you can break the world record for the most socks put on one foot in one minute. i can't believe there's actually a record already. the current record is 37 socks. here's the deal. you have to put each sock entirely over your foot before you can put another sock on top of it. all right. i'm sorry, those are the rules. lindsay, what makes you think that you have what it takes to win? - i just have gift for putting on socks. - really? - i don't know. - and i'm guessing your mother taught you everything you know about socks. - everything. everything. - okay. all right, and sharee, you're pretty competitive. i can tell. - definitely. - have you trained for this? - i've been practicing. it's been a lot of fun.
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- really? all right. and do you think you have a good foot for it? - i think so. - all right. and mike, what about you? - i've been doing this my entire life. - so i'm guessing you're a man, so i'm guessing your foot is gonna be a lot bigger than theirs. so are you at a disadvantage, i wonder. - now i'm worried. - now you're wor-- oh, no i don't mean to put pressure on you or make you feel bad or anything. but i'm just-- you know. do you think that it's gonna be harder for you 'cause you have more-- - no, i think i can do this. - you think? okay. all right, dan, you're ready with your-- your timer? okay, he's ready. let's see if we can set a world record. let's start the clock. three. two. one! ooh, it's actually harder than it looks. okay, there's one. what do you mean it's not on all the way? who's saying it's not on all the way? it looks like-- okay, wait-- uh-- hmm. - oops. - wow. oh, wait a minute. uh-oh. come on, lindsay. come on, lindsay. keep it going. sharee, how you doing over there? i don't want to distract you. i know it's-- - yeah, it's a lot harder
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than it looks. - 30 seconds. 30 seconds. mike's doing well. he's using his upper body strength, i noticed. oh, man. let's see. um, i'm not counting-- - audience: nine. - all: eight. seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. - ricki: hey! wow. ( sighs deeply ) i wasn't counting. were you counting? do you know who won? all right, we're gonna take a quick break. we will find out who won and if we have set a new world record when we come back. plus, our entire audience is going to try and set a brand-new world record right here. that is next.
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support your digestive health with a probiotic that survives ten times better. take the digestive advantage 14-day money-back challenge. shaq 1, pain 0. [ male announcer ] new icy hot advanced patch with 50% more medicine. pain over. we're back with our world record show. okay, dan, i'm so nervous. i'm dying to know who won our sock competition. do we have a new world record? - right. so the winner of the sock competition-- it was very close-- but sharee in the middle got the most socks. - really? so how many socks did each of them do? - i think we had 10 and 12 on the outside.
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and sharee, did she break the world record of 37? no quite. she got 15. - 15. so that shows that this skill is a lot harder than we thought. - it is a tough one, but we can recognize it as the most socks worn on an episode of "the ricki lake show." - so it will still be a record? - we will make this a world record for sharee. - fantastic, sharee. - cool. - how do you feel? - i feel great. that was a lot of fun. - that's awesome. you know, since you did put the most socks on your feet, you are actually getting a $100 gift certificate from here, your friends at "the ricki lake show." - oh, cool. that's awesome. - and just for participating, lindsay and mike, you are getting one too. thank you so much for playing. all right. sophia, i want to talk to you again. how did you get the world record people to even notice you? - well, there's this dance competition. and it's called kids artistic revue. and they, one day, wanted to sponsor me and also my new clothing line called "california kisses"-- - wait, you have a clothing line? - yeah.
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i'm actually wearing it right now. - you're wearing it right now. something tells me it wouldn't look like that on me, but it's adorable. okay, so they helped you get to where you are? - yes. - all right. well, thank you so much. who has a question for some of our world record-- you had something you wanted to say. yes. stand up please. hi. - hi, my question is for the-- the sword-- - yes. that would be-- yes. the sword swallower. - the sword swallower. mine's more of curiosity. what were you on your deathbed for at 21? - i had malaria fever in tiruvannamalai in tamil nadu for about four or five days. and all i could think about was "if i survive this, i want to do something incredible with my life." - well, you can say that again 'cause you sure are doing that. and we were talking during the commercial break. you are actually doing so much to help people with malaria and esophageal cancer. - cancer research and i'm fighting against social anxiety disorder. i work with kids who've got-- or cutters or cutting. and i'm kind of working with some orphanages in central asia and india. - amazing. amazing work you do.
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thank you. well, that's a perfect segue to move onto our audience and how they're gonna try to break a world record. okay, i bet you never thought you'd be breaking a world record today, did you? - ( scattered ) no. - but we're gonna try it. okay, dan, explain what we're gonna do here. - sure. well, again, the spirit of recordsetter is that everybody can be a world's best at something. so we're gonna do a record that gets everybody here involved. it's gonna be a lot of fun. it is the largest studio audience to sit on whoopee cushions at once. - at the same time. okay. like i said, perfect segue to the malaria work you do. okay, everyone's got a whoopee cushion under their seat. why don't you pick it on up? i didn't get one. is there one i can use? - just make a real one. - i really want to be involved in this. - oh, yeah, you're gonna be busy, aren't you? - yeah, wait-- yeah, can i take your seat? i'm gonna do it too. all right. okay. all right, so once it-- oh! uh-oh, hers popped. where's anastasia when we need her? okay, so we're gonna stand up after our thing is set, right? and let's put it on our seats, guys.
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- i'm feeling gassy already. - whoo! - too weird. - is it gonna go all the way or just... - all right, is everybody ready? - everybody's ready? yeah? - everybody has their cushion ready? - yes! - yeah! - largest studio audience sitting on whoopee cushions at once. - on the count of three, right? on the count of three-- one. two. three. - ( sounds of breaking wind ) - yay! so, dan, did we set a real world record? - we set an official recordsetter world record-- 150 people. - nice! whoo! yeah! congratulations, everybody! you just set a new world record. thank you. thank you. thank you. fantastic. everyone in the audience is going home with a copy of dan's book... i want to thank all of my guests-- dan and everyone at for helping us set a record. also, thanks to our world record holders for being here today. remember, challenges cause some to break down
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woman. she is suing him today for child support. the defendant said while dating shavon he was in and out of the jail and he suspects she was unfaithful while he was incarcerated. he petitioned the court for a paternity test. >> judge mathis: tell me what you want me to know. >> plaintiff: i met him when i was in high school and we dated 13 years. cheating and lie deceiving and i am here today he owes back child support. this is an example. >> judge mathis: when did you have the child? >> plaintiff: in 2008. >> judge mathis: when was all of the lying and cheating proir to that? >> plaintiff: that and during my pregnancy. >> judge mathis: how often was he lie cheating >> plaintiff: he lied so much.
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>> judge mathis: why it a good idea to have a child. >> plaintiff: being with somebody as long as i would be with him. he would tell me i want to have a kid and i would believe him like a fool and i had a kid and here we are. >> judge mathis: what happened this time to cause you to break up. >> plaintiff: well mr. rainy, i found out that mr. rainy having sex with my cousin. >> judge mathis: oh. >> plaintiff: i go home after hearing the news and i go home and asked him about it and he denied it the fight on when i got in the house. balse i had the best of him he called the police on me. >> judge mathis: had the best of the him physically. >> plaintiff: and i am 7 months pregnant. >> judge mathis: without a woman. >> plaintiff: all i had a big old huge pregnant stomach. >> judge mathis: he just taking the punches because he knew he
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deserved it? >> plaintiff: he knew he deserved it >> judge mathis: he could have overcome you. he respectful of the baby and taking what he new he deserved. >> plaintiff: he absolutely deserved it. >> judge mathis: where do things go from there when you broke up? >> plaintiff: we broke up after that. he called the police on me. >> judge mathis: when that? >> plaintiff: when i was 7 months pregnant. >> judge mathis: what has been happening since then. >> plaintiff: we got back together and here we go lie cheating again. he receives a text message and i go to check his phone and i never seen or heard of her before saying that his daughter was born . i went into the bedroom where he sleeping and slapped him around a bit and wroke him up. he has no idea what it about .
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shortly after that i realized i was pregnant with our second daughter. we have been broken up every since then. >> judge mathis: sir? >> defendant: i am here to ask the court to give me a dna test on the child. >> judge mathis: first or second child. >> defendant: first one. >> judge mathis: what makes you suspect it may not be the child. >> defendant: she rivers as me to quin. >> plaintiff: that's your name. >> judge mathis: does you know you owe. >> defendant: yes. >> judge mathis: you are not behaving as one. >> plaintiff: amen. >> judge mathis: you are lucky she don't call you sperm donor if you don't start paying. hey, sperm donor. can i go so and so place. and you want to be called daddy. go ahead.
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quin. so that's the reason you suspect she is not your daughter. she will not call you what you are not. >> defendant: she is a chatter as well. >> judge mathis: so tell me what happened prior to the child coming regarding her alleged cheating. >> defendant: well, i haven't caught anything on her. in and out of jail. they are leaving. and i want her to leave and i didn't know and she probably met a few people. >> judge mathis: she dating some of these people. >> defendant: that's the word. >> judge mathis: she was having sex. >> defendant: sexual relations. >> judge mathis: what were you in and out of jail for. >> defendant: petty things.
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>> judge mathis: you didn't cheat on her while you were in jail did you? >> defendant: no. i did not. >> judge mathis: that's another -- youment a dna because you were in jail and she had sex with someone and had a child that doesn't belong to you. >> judge mathis: you are suing on child support. >> plaintiff: yes, sir >> defendant: >> judge mathis: what about the second child >> plaintiff: my birthday present to quinwas child support and they let it be known he has to pay $340 a month. if you keep up on the payments it should be sufficient enough to balance between the two children. i know he was not making that much money. >> judge mathis: you were giving a two for one deal. you think the child want appreciate that. >> plaintiff: i don't appreciate
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it. >> judge mathis: my point is they cut the deal and 15 years later they have a car. daddy has been paying child support. i cut a deal. you are not cutting a deal, you are cutting that child's deal and you cut it out of the money. go ahead. for a man who slept with the cousin. >> plaintiff: he accused me of cheating and told me to leave and i really actually left. >> announcer: the results of the paternity test when we return. >> plaintiff: this shows how much he owes a month. >> judge mathis: you are $12,000 behind and trying to get out of it by saying it is not your baby. >> plaintiff: absolutely. >> judge mathis: we have the dna
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resultings. >> announcer: and later. >> this lady has more costumes in her cousin than a stripper does, okay . the moves she showed you, donna, come on now. >> judge mathis: how old are you? >> i am 69. >> judge mathis: okay. [ applause ] i believe in tough love with emphasis on the love. you have proven your, have a good day. what do you think, that i am naive to the game? i don't know how big you are in your house but you are small in the eyes of the world today. i became a judge to [ male announcer ] when not treated properly, your carpet stains can reappear. [ laughing ] [ male announcer ] try resolve stain remover, the formula penetrates deep into your carpet and removes stains so they don't come back. trust resolve. forget stains.
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unwrap your paradise. soft, sweet coconut covered in rich, creamy chocolate. almond joy and mounds. unwrap paradise. scents that last from grin to grin... ♪ ...and from wash... to wash. let's put a good mood in the air. new long-lasting snuggle exhilarations. let's snuggle. vidal sassoon volume collection gives you amped-up shape, zero weight. foaming air mousse boosts and lifts for up to 24 hours. vidal sassoon volume. salon genius. affordable for all. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] it's time healthy gets a dose of happy.
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she don't calm you sperm donor. go ahead, quin. the plaintiff dated the defendant and claims she was 7 months pregnant with his child he cheatod her. >> judge mathis: once again, the deal is still in place >> plaintiff: right now it is. it is not going to be too much longer. >> judge mathis: not collecting any child support for the second child. first of all let's make sure he is behind on child support. you have documentation? >> plaintiff: i have here something i hang up in my home to remind me not to call. >> judge mathis: and remind the bane to call him quin. >> plaintiff: it said quin. this is arrearage and how much he owes a month.
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>> judge mathis: all right. total is $12,291 . you are behind sir and trying to get out by saying it is not your baby. you got the dna resultings -- resultings. how old is the child now. four? these are the games you play with her. where do you work at? >> defendant: no where. >> judge mathis: up are smile you are proud of that. you are a dead beat. you owe 12,000 and don't work. you are lick she don't calm you dead beat. that is what you are. when the last time you worked and keep having the babies. who is the other woman you have. >> defendant: alm of my daughters stay with me. i have six kids. >> judge mathis: and only one lives with you?
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yeah. and this child is one of them. you are a disgrace to black men. judgment for the plaintiff. [ applause ] >> plaintiff: i still feel the same. >> defendant: the same. >> plaintiff: nothing change he owes and he needs to pay. >> defendant: i am going to fight for my kids >> plaintiff: nothing, he will do nothing. >> defendant: we'll be here again. >> plaintiff: same thing as the last four years. 12,000 in the hole and nothing. >> announcer: the plaintiff donna, said she took care of children and babies for 54 years and decided she wanted to do something for herself and she took belly dancing lessons from the defendant. she loaned the defendant $4000
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and suing because she failed to repay the loan. the defendant said donna comes off as the grandmother type . has more erotic costumes in the closest than a stripper. she refuses to pay more due to donna's harassment. >> judge mathis: start with you. >> plaintiff: i am 69 years old and spent last 54 children taking care of babis and raising children . i had decided it time to do something for me. i driving down the street and i drove past a dance studio and saw the belly dancing sign. i said i will be a belly dancing grandma. >> judge mathis: you don't say. >> plaintiff: i liked her and start tod taking lessons and i learned some fun stuff from her.
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[ applause ] >> plaintiff: and i enjoying my lessons. >> judge mathis: we enjoyed it . very appealing. go ahead. >> plaintiff: >> plaintiff: one day after class she had something to talk to me about. i did and she asked me if i would be able to loan her some money. >> judge mathis: how long -- >> plaintiff: i had known her a year and a half. she was a friend and we had done stuff together . i had seen business she had done and subleased her studio. >> judge mathis: how much did she ask for? >> plaintiff: she asked $3000 to $5000. >> judge mathis: that's a big friend. >> plaintiff: yes. >> judge mathis: a rich friend. >> plaintiff: her and her
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friend. they were starting up a medical supply building. >> judge mathis: you have that kind much money laying around. she asked you for that? >> plaintiff: i always wondered why she thought i would have that? >> defendant: you told me. >> plaintiff: okay. >> judge mathis: see, people running around brag being what they have. >> defendant: yeah. >> judge mathis: that's how they know. i got this and i got that . five-days later. hey, let me borrow and you wonder why . you brag about it . i tell everybody i know i am broke, go ahead. give me background. >> defendant: first of all my heart is going beep to beep because i am in front of you. i totally love you . i know you are married but your producer said you have a couple of single brothers and i am also single. >> judge mathis: both of my brothers are married.
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ryan and kenny are married. >> defendant: i am sorry. >> judge mathis: i am married, too. >> defendant: one of your brothers, absolutely. >> judge mathis: i can't have many wives. >> defendant: i come from israel and so that is okay. >> judge mathis: if not all muslims in the u.s., many, many do not practice pologamy but it is permitted by the religion. >> defendant: we could be in saudi arabia. >> judge mathis: and you jumped on promptly balse my wife is from detroit. [ applause ] plause pluz -- you can play with her if you want to. >> defendant: that's why i am more interested in one much your brothers.
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>> judge mathis: their wives are from detroit also. >> announcer: don't go away. more judge mathis is coming up. >> i will be able to show belly dance moves. i want more. she knows a lot more. we'll get to the loan shortly. and if you would like to go with me. >> judge mathis: absolutely not. under no circumstances. >> and later. >> it is reality is the boobs. >> at least i can pay for them. >> she is girls gone wild and she's hooping
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narpt nart is someone suing you and you want to have the case heard on judge mathis? visit us on line at >> judge mathis: she asked you for that. >> plaintiff: i don't know why she thought i would have it. >> defendant: you told me. >> plaintiff: okay. >> judge mathis: see people running around bragging about what they have. >> defendant: yeah. >> judge mathis: that's what happens. yeah, i got this and that .
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five-days later, hey, let me borrow and you wonder why. you bragged about it. >> announcer: the plaintiff is suing a formerble dancing instructors and said donna has more erotic costumes in her closest than a stripper. >> judge mathis: go ahead. >> defendant: she would like to come over as a grandmotherly type. she has more erotic costumes in her closest than a stripper does. okay . the moves that she shows you, donna, come on now, she knows that they are more intense than the little moves she showed you. >> judge mathis: how old are you >> plaintiff: i am 69. >> judge mathis: you like younger men? i have buddies, one of them is here. kevin. i think he's right around my age and he likings mature women.
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you got one more year. he likes them 70 and older. with the outfits. he has to have the ut out fits, too. keep him out of the senior facilities, go ahead. >> defendant: i will be happy to show the belly dance moves. >> judge mathis: you have taught it? >> defendant: she knows ape lot more. >> judge mathis: we'll get to the loan shortly and you want to show me. >> defendant: would sure would you like to do it with me. >> judge mathis: absolutely not. under no circumstancings. >> defendant: i don't normally dance but we can do shoulder and figure eight or shimey all over. >> judge mathis: thank you very much. that is it a sharp outfit you have there. [ applause ] >> judge mathis: tell me about this money she said $3000 to $4000. >> defendant: she did have a lot of money.
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she owns properties and numerous cars. >> judge mathis: you are counting the money up. you shouldn't tell them. >> defendant: she has kid and grand kid and she is an amazing lady. she is amaze we talked business because i am also doing business . what she gave me, i don't feel i owe her any money. she offered the $4000 . i said in the kindness much my heart i would give her $4400 back. >> judge mathis: what part was the kindness of your heart? >> defendant: i would give her extra $400 and belly dancing classes for life for her and her kid and grand kids. >> judge mathis: that is a good deal. did she agree. >> defendant: yes. >> judge mathis: ma'am, you agreed to receive belly dancing for life. >> plaintiff: no, not in exchange along with the 10
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percent interest. >> judge mathis: wow, you drive a hard bargain. >> plaintiff: and i don't own num rulse carrings, i own one. >> judge mathis: don't try to back up now. >> plaintiff: i have rental properties that i lose money on constantly balse of repairs. >> judge mathis: you had $4000 to loan her? >> plaintiff: i had $4000 in savings to pay property tax. >> judge mathis: you don't cry poor now. >> plaintiff: you have plenty of -- >> defendant: she is always traveling. >> judge mathis: you go to the casino. >> plaintiff: no, sir. >> defendant: that's not what you told me. you go to new mexico. oh, my goodness. >> judge mathis: you have gone >> plaintiff: not regularly. i haven't been in two years. >> judge mathis: you haven'ted the world. >> plaintiff: i have not. i went on to cruises. >> judge mathis: oh, you got plenty of money.
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don't try to play poor now. you gave away your secrets. i had a escalade running around detroit and every week i had request . i have a mini van . all of my request have shrunk. get you a mini van and don't act like you got money and the question go down. what is your defense. >> defendant: i initially agreed to pay $4400. i paid $2700 . i don't believe i owe more because she constantly harasses me. >> judge mathis: how so. >> defendant: every month >> judge mathis: what does she do? >> defendant: i receive countless text messages . don't let her demeanor. she uses curse words. >> judge mathis: this is one.
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>> defendant: now adays it is not considered curse words. >> judge mathis: thank you. you have problems . don't make your problems and my problemings. i am counting on you to somp might have problem by friday. i need my money to fix my car. what the h --- happened to the check you said you would send. >> announcer: the verdict next and later on judge mathis. >> i know kevin and we work together in a strip club in seattle and he was a door guy and i danced there and he can be a hard worker. >> i am a hard worker. >> i work 7 nights a week. >> asip do,
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>> plaintiff: i went on two cruises. >> judge mathis: you grot plenty of money. you upon done gave away your secrets. i had an escalade . every week i get a request. i got a minivan now. >> announcer: the plaintiff is suing a former belly dancing instructor. >> judge mathis: you think this is $1700 worth of harassment, huh? all right. let me give you insight.
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>> defendant: but it was, your honor, -- >> judge mathis: you don't pay your bills you get a notice. they send you a deling quent notice every month and someone who harasses you calls you five times a night. >> defendant: unfortunately they were only a couple of the messages. >> judge mathis: this is what your harassment is based on, ma'am? >> defendant: there a lot more. >> judge mathis: you don't have it, do you. >> defendant: no. >> judge mathis: you have taken this woman's money and owe her $1700 and you say you shouldn't pay her because she asked for her money and there is it another child and you have sued her and you want to twist and turn and think i am. pay this woman her money . $1700 for the plaintiff. this is dismissed. have a good day. >> plaintiff: no, i should have
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listen tod my daddy said you never rent money or rent property to friends and family and that prove its? >> defendant: you never mix businesses and pleasure and i would still offer them forever and ever belly dance classes and i still want to be her friend if she wants me to be her friend. >> plaintiff: we'll have to discuss that? >> defendant: okay. . >> announcer: the plaintiff katie gross works with the defendant in a strip club where she is a dancer and he is a door man. she said the defendant is irresponsible and she is suing him because he crashed her brand new mersedes. the defendant said katie's perception of reality is fake as her breasts. kevin admits he scraped the curve while driving her car. he was only driving because
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katie was too drunk to drive. >> judge mathis: start with you. >> plaintiff: i 99 kev and i know we work together at a strip club in seattle. he was a door guy. we started out with just as friends and soon as i got to know him, i realized he was a man child. >> defendant: that's a lie. >> plaintiff: we were never like intimate or anything like that we go out as a friend. >> judge mathis: why is he a man child. >> plaintiff: he got fired from subway. who gets fired from subway . hement tod work at subway? i almost feel sorry for him. he isly irresponsible for his money. >> judge mathis: he ain't making much. >> plaintiff: she was working two jobs. he can be a hard worker. >> defendant: i am a hard worker, harder than you >> plaintiff: i work 7s a week. >> defendant: as i do, too?
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>> plaintiff: whatever. >> judge mathis: you do the same thing? >> defendant: no, i don't. >> judge mathis: all right. >> defendant: i work the door and i do other things in the club. >> judge mathis: it is only a couple of thing togs do in the club. work at the door and strip. >> defendant: no. no. you got to fix the stuff. >> plaintiff: workingalt the door. does he look like security to you? >> judge mathis: go ahead. >> defendant: i can handle my own. >> judge mathis: why was he not responsible. >> plaintiff: i have to pay. >> judge mathis: that's a lie. and >> defendant: my funs are in a safings account. you have been in checking. >> judge mathis: that you only fail to pay the deal.
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>> plaintiff: one time i gave him a chance. >> judge mathis: it is the club. it is the club talking crazy. car damages how does he owe for that. >> plaintiff: one time we went out for a drink. >> defendant: i ain't going to let you. >> judge mathis: sir, you have to be quiet until i call on you. >> plaintiff: i got a brand new mersedes and he won't let me drive. i only drive five miles from where we are at. he starts yelling and calling me a -- what was i suppose tod do. we were stranded and he will not give me the keys. next thing i know. he hits the curb and i am
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freaking out. and this is all of my money. damages are terrible . rims are terrible. >> defendant: that is a lie. >> judge mathis: let her finish. >> plaintiff: we are coming to my house and we are going to discuss this . when we get there, i am drilling him what you are going to do that. he's sucking up to me. he's like i understand how much he loves this car and he took full responsibility and he said he was going to pay for it. next week, he said he would have it next week . when i go to collect the money >> judge mathis: you have estimate for the damages. >> plaintiff: it was right afterwards. >> >> announcer: stay tuned, the
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>> if you are in chicago and would like to attend a judge mathis. call. >> announcer: the plaintiff is a stripper at the club where the defendant is a door man. >> judge mathis: sir what do you want to tell me? >> defendant: katie's perception of reality is fake as her boobs. >> plaintiff: at least i can pay for them. >> defendant: she is hooping and holaring. come and see me where i work and dance. all this. back seat driving all day long you know what i mean. and how do you feel i don't owe her for that. she was intoxicated. >> judge mathis: your friends -- >> defendant: no, she all in my ear.
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>> plaintiff: learn how to drive. >> defendant: you are going too fast and too slow. >> judge mathis: from her talking to you. that made you run into a curve. >> defendant: i just scrapped it, she was annoying the hell out of me. it was just like shut up. >> judge mathis: i know that feeling. >> defendant: just shut up. >> judge mathis: that's why i am going to go to her. go ahead. what is else do you have. >> plaintiff: i got my car fixed in the mersedes dealership . i went around and got estimates, would you like to see the pictures? >> judge mathis: yes. >> plaintiff: there are those. and the best part, the conversation -- >> defendant: photoshopped and made it look like it is all bent >> plaintiff: i recorded a we had when we got home and he is admitting the damage. >> judge mathis: let's hear it. >> plaintiff: all right.
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let's g. >> i just got my bill. (bleep) >> defendant:ip [inaudible] >> plaintiff: i told you to slow down. >> defendant: i didn't, i was mad at you at the time. >> plaintiff: i don't know why you were made. [inaudible] >> plaintiff: yeah, but we could have taken a cab home and you shouldn't have ran over the car and trashed the rims and tires. >> judge mathis: as you order had, the reason it was messed up you upper going to fast. you may have to go to mcdonald and subway to pay for this. have a good day. judgment for the plaintiff. >> defendant: what ever you lie. what ever you go by your beauty. >> plaintiff: apparently. >> defendant: liposunction . you know i knew somebody to fix the rim >> plaintiff: you
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disappeared off of the face of the earth. how long are am i to work. you don't have $500. >> defendant: i told you i would fix it. >> plaintiff: you were a great friend. >> defendant: you are materialistic. >> plaintiff: i am materialistic? >> defendant:erving does it to you >> plaintiff: i expect my $5 and you so give it to me. the plaintiff said after she rented a room in her apartment to the defendant she had a drinking problem. the defendant once wondered into an apartment while he drunk and he shot five timings. tricious is suing because she claim would he damaged her property. the defendant said his dog is a well behaved three year old mix and he's never been destruct itch. patrick claims that patricia had two puppies as well and he
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believes they caused damage. >> judge mathis: tell me what is happening. >> plaintiff: i put an adin craig's list . i always put a clean and sober environment because i am a recovering alcoholic and have not used many years and that is important to me when i choose a roommate. he told me he was studying to be a da and he didn't smoke to speak of or drink or have any issuings and he had a well mannered dog, and i thought he was going to be the best thing since sliced bread. i really happy to have him aboard with us as part of our home as ape roommate and i really liked patrick and i loved his dog. >> judge mathis: everything went well? >> plaintiff: at first and then things started to change and i realized that patrick had a drinking problem. >> announcer: more judge mathis after this. >> plaintiff: and they celebrated and the friends left
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him in the car passed out and they went into their apartment. patrick woke up in the night and he went into the wrong apartment an [ male announcer ] what if there was a help line for dinner ideas? [ superfan ] helper help line. we're on our way. you have got to try this sweet & sour chicken helper. i didn't know they made chicken! that's really good. could i get another one of those, actually? thank you. [ male announcer ] we're here to help. every day you stain it. so every day, use crest 3d white toothpaste to remove up to 90% of surface stains in just 5 days. no wonder the number one whitening brand is crest 3d white. how can the dishwasher do its job? adding finish power up to your detergent
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drunk. >> judge mathis: go ahead. >> plaintiff: in may patrick went to a sharks game with his friends, and the sharks won and they celebrated and the friends left him in the car passed out and they went into the apartment. patrick woke up in the night and he went to the right department and he was shot five times. everyone loved patrick very much. he did, thank you god. no matter what i still love him . what happened is patrick came home from the hospital. he was long-term. and i want to say quickly his dog, really separation anxiety . we had to take the dog out of the home. >> judge mathis: what did he do? >> plaintiff: he was
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destroyingerching. >> judge mathis: i always heard that but i didn't know the symptomings of anxiety. >> plaintiff: he go to the front window and we have a big bay window and he would scratch and bang and run back and forth and like he literally banged and he destroyed, i have an antique in front of the window and it is all carving in it and i have pictures. >> judge mathis: that's what you are suing for. >> plaintiff: yes. >> judge mathis: let me hear from you the background. >> defendant: basically my dog is a three year old live doberman. i have a finance who states he was friend he was never destructive or have any of the
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problems. but according to the list, it written in july there is a list was property damage and she's claims the incident happened in may. but it doesn't mention the antique. i am wondering how that came in to play. >> judge mathis: what does she mention? let's see your list. >> plaintiff: and i have pictures of all. damage. >> judge mathis: what do you think happened to the chest. >> defendant: she had two puppies. >> judge mathis: she has a dog. you have two. >> defendant: at one point it three. >> judge mathis: is that why you are blaming it on his dog. >> plaintiff: i can show you the pictures of bedroom . i have one couch potato dog with dancer. >> judge mathis: let me see the
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letter when she tells the thing that is happened. you are suing for $3000 and youment $2200 for the drunk. he said you are throwing $2000 on top which is the overwhelming amount. that is way over halfful what you are asking for. let me see. the things he has destroid. blinds in my bedroom and living room. yard leists, screen door. couch hole. please make $25 payments toward preplacing my antique rice jar. ma'am, you say nothing about it. >> plaintiff: absolutely correct, sir. this test paper
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behaves like the surface of your skin. now watch what soap does to it. ♪ soap strips your skin. dove is different. with 1/4 moisturizing cream, dove doesn't strip your skin like soap. your carpet stains can reappear. [ laughing ] [ male announcer ] try resolve stain remover, the formula penetrates deep into your carpet and removes stains so they don't come back. trust resolve. forget stains. it's not a candy bar. 130 calories 7 grams of protein the fiber one caramel nut protein bar. >> is someone suing you and you
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want the case heard on judge mathis? visit us on line at judges -- the defendant is sued by a former roommate who claims patrick has a drinking problem and shot five times when he wandered in another apartment while he was drunk. >> judge mathis: the dog did this before he was shot >> plaintiff: yes. >> defendant: no. >> judge mathis: i thought the reason they did ita is because of the separation anxiety. do you remember telling me that? >> plaintiff: what i meant to say, sir. during -- >> judge mathis: you meant to say what, ma'am? >> plaintiff: from day one, the dog started chewing things up. >> judge mathis: when did you go in the hospital. >> defendant: it was in march. >> judge mathis: when did you get out. >> defendant: two weeks later in early april. >> judge mathis: of 2012.
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>> judge mathis: you wrote it in july of 2012. how is it that all of these things happened before he went to the hospital in march and yet you don't give them to july 2nd . you don't mention the chest. why didn't you mention the chest, the item that costs $ -- 70 or 80 percent of the claim. >> plaintiff: i started medgesing it in the first. >> judge mathis: why didn't you. >> plaintiff: it was the last thing that got ruined. >> judge mathis: when? >> plaintiff: probably one month after he got home from the hospital. so march may, june. >> judge mathis: yet you didn't medges - mention it in july. i am going to dismiss your claim for perjury. have ape good -- a good day. >> defendant: don't mess with me. i warned her to take me to
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court. her embarrassment on public television . i love my dog and i will be back home and i love my friend and family. >> plaintiff:ip love him and his dogings, too but he has no business owning a animal and he has no training. you are the worst liar i have known in my life. >> hey, judge mathis i am color blind and i purchased a suit and the clerk said it was black and it turned out to be blue. can i sue the employee for the cost of the suit. >> judge mathis: for the answer go
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today on "america's court" with judge ross -- >> my arms and hands started to itch like they were on fire. my arms started turning blotchy. i think it came from his dirty, nasty chitlins. >> the whole purpose is to right wrong. i want justice to be something that isn't this foreign concept. >> justice knows no boundaries. the truth will be heard. fair, firm, compassionate. this is "america's court" with judge ross. sylvia pearson is suing elmer burke in the amount of $5,300
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after she says he served her defective prepackaged port chitlins. >> all rise. remain standing, and come to order. this court is in session. the honorable judge kevin ross presiding. >> ladies and gentlemen, you may be seated. >> all parties have been sworn, your honor. >> very good, thomas. miss pearson, let's talk about chitlins. you got chitlins from mr. burke he, wasn't what you thought? >> exactly. >> what happened? >> well, may family is known to have a new year's dinner party every new year's eve. it's been a family tradition since i was born. my mother's cooked the chitlins, a staple in our family dinner for years, generations. that's the main ingredient. that's the thing that we have to have in order for good love to be for the rest of the year in our family, bestowed upon us. >> right. so mr. burke, what are chitlins as we commonly refer to them? they're actually called chitlins. >> yes. first of all, i am elmer burke,
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the clean chitlin king. >> all right. >> been here 20 years. chitlins are intestines of the pigs and hogs -- >> the pig intestine. >> yes. >> a delicacy, right? especially in southern communities. >> yes, it is. >> usually this process, right? you can't just eat them. they have to be cleaned. right? >> exactly. >> because otherwise if they're not cleaned, typically how long do they take to wash and to make sure they're -- >> well, if the process is done correctly, a ten-pound batch would take 30 minutes if it's done right. and prepared properly. >> just to clean them. >> yes. y about you didn't just order -- you ordered quite a bit. >> right. i ordered 50 pounds. >> right. so 50 pounds of chitlins that you were going to serve with this new year's eve dinner. >> exactly. >> what else were you going serve with it? >> i was going to seerve -- i was preparing the whole dinner for myself. i decided to take up the family tradition and put it on myself
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since i bought a home -- >> what do you mean take up? >> because my mother was always doing it every year, it it was a tradition. i decided to step up to the plate -- >> passing the baton. a lot of work. >> right. exactly. i decided to step up to the plate. not only was i supposed to prepare the chitlins, i was preparing a roast, turkey, ham, black eyed peas, collard greens, corn bread -- >> you're making me hungry. each dish means something. what do the chitlins mean? >> same thing. another source of good luck. >> out of all the places, why did you go with mr. burke? >> the reason i went with him is because usually for past generations, my mother, she would if to a local butcher and always have it done. since i took it will myself -- >> you were like, i'm not doing all that. >> the easy way out, save my back, save time. >> save your back, what do you mean? >> because a lot of standing up. you have to go over the chitlins inch by inch. it's not just wash and go. you have to make
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