tv Al Punto Univision August 25, 2013 10:00am-11:00am EDT
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in by the holy spirit of god given to take a sensible pre-caution. i need to be sensible and take precaution in every move that i make and decision that i make that has to do with my mind and life. it is a warning system given to take away things that you would be do that would be foolish. you have a sound mind. you let the mind of christ lead you. as paul is writing this epistle, and this is important to understand, when you take a verse you need to take it in its context. anything out of the context is a pre-text. watch this carefully as you will learn something. i have. fresh and new and i want to share it with you. i find several things that this last epistle from paul is given to challenge young timothy and those young believers. what more could we have today than the challenge from the word
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of god. as i began to look at this he is speaking to them about their fortitude. he is talking to them about their faithfulness. he is talking to them about times of real testing that they would be going through. he's talking to them about the future and the further testings that would take place in their life. you and i have one testing but that's not the end of it. life isn't over. there will be more testings that come along. as i take this bible and i find this section that's very important i want to show you 3 or 4 things that paul said to them that ties in with this verse. if you notice verse 6 of this 2 timothy chapter 1 he says this, i will put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of god which is in thee by the putting of my hands. he is talking to these young believers or facing all kinds of trials. he said stir up your pure minds
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that's good to do when you have the word of god in your heart you stir it up so that the word of god comes to the surface and comes to your mind and affects your life. secondly in verse 5 he says this, go back one. notice in your bible he says be not thou ashamed of the test of our lord nor of me for his prisoner but be thou taker of affliction of the gospel according to the power of god. they were facing real problems. paul says number 1, stir yourself up. stir yourself up. now he says as you are in this world that is in real calamity, as you are in this world that is topsy-turby going upside down. first of all stir up your mind. number 2 he said therefore be not thou ashamed. i am not ashamed of the gospel
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of jesus christ, are you? it is the power of god unto salvation. you and i who are in christ as paul was challenging timothy and these young believers. stir of the gift in you and he says also don't you ever be ashamed of jesus christ. number 3 there's another anothr admonition. my son, that's son in the faith, be strong in the grace that's in christ jesus. be strong. be strong, christians. we need strong christians today we're in a world that has no strength at all, at the world is weak. god speaks to the believer and
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says you need to be strong in these days. you know what people are looking for? someone that can stand and say there's hope in god. there's strength in god. i have christ and he will do the same thing for you. don't you get the picture? we as believers are looked upon as the salt of the earth. can the earthly people round about us look at us and say that person is strong in the lord? that person is not ashamed of the gospel of jesus christ, that person has the power of god within their life. he says be strong, young christians. he also says this in verse 3. he says thou therefore endure. endure hardenous as a good solder of jesus christ. when a soldier is placed into a position he is told to stay there unless properly relieved.
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if you leave your post you are a deserter. you are in the family of god. you belong to jesus christ. he says you are to be a good, strong, soldier who endures wherever god has placed you, he has placed you you there as a soldier of jesus christ. we are to hold forth ourselves as men and women who will not leave our posts although things may be shaking around about you we stand firm in jesus christ an the power of the gospel. this is what god is looking for in our life today men and women who not only say i love the lord jesus christ but say i live according to the word of god. timothy's people, that little flock needed to learn these elections. the dying pastor in verse 7 comes to our text. you should have your bible open and don't close it. here it is. 2 timothy 1:7, for god have not
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given us, who is that? believer. strong, enduring, follow me? for god had not given us the spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound sound mind. mind i love that verse. it is one of those versus that i can suck and take all of the juice out of i need it every day. i need a spirit of fearlessness in front of god and the world. i need to stand and say i am not afraid of anything that happened. i am safe and secure in christ. can you say that? can you say that as a believer? can you really live it out? a lot of people can mouth the things of god. whether or not you are possessing the holy spirit of god and the power of god within your life will become a reality for he had not given me the spirit of fear but he has given me something in place of that, power and love and a sound mind.
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so he is the divine giver and he creates in my human being his endweling presence. it endwels me. it is given by the spirit of god and it is like a tonic, like a good medicine. and the more i take and internal i ze the word of god the better i will be. what does christ do in this verse? he had not given us the spirit of fear. christ makes this, fearless men an women. i like that. fearless men and women. are you one of those that the world can come to us and say give me a reason, can you give a testimony? can you tell people i'm not
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ashamed of the gospel of jesus christ i know him. i know the power of the gospel? can you do it? can you have people look at you and have that man or woman is a christian. some of you are on the border line. you are hearing the word of god but it hasn't taken a hold of your heart. you haven't been saved, born again. you haven't come to christ for salvation. as a result that have you are weighing everything that's been said. that's wonderful. i think that's a wise thing to do. but as you are listening very carefully, i want you to know this, not everybody around about you has arrived at that state that god wants every one of us to be in where we can live a fearless life for the glory of god. they are saved but police pleae merciful to us.
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we are growing. as you are in this congregation and many people listening there are memory people today that are in different christians. god has given you great peace and power. there are others that are fluctuating. one day they are here one day they are there. they are unsaved people. as the word of god goes forth, here is the beauty of it. it is not the power of the preacher, it is the power of the holy word of god that will come right into your heart and change you and make you into what god wants you to be. that's the gospel of jesus christ. now christ makes fearless men and fearless women. i confess to you that when i first came to jesus christ i didn't understand this at all. but as time went by and we
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evolve into what god wants us to be and it strength ens you. you lay hold of more truth and it invades your body in a wonderful way and the word of god begins to take over your life. that's to be christ centered and living for jesus christ holy. this is a pro progressive workf god. the word is this, fear, crowd ardness. cowardness. i look at this and the bible says you do not have the spirit of a coward. i did before i was saved, before you were saved. but god gives you holy bold untilness for ness for his glory.
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people don't understand you and they don't know where is that coming from within you. it is the holy spirit of god that makes you strong in him. the gospel does this, somebody says everybody has a different temper ment. you know something, when you come to christ, are you listening, you need the strength of god in your life. you cannot get it just by hearing this word wood. you . i need to be saved and born again. once that happens and it will not happen until you come to christ, then god can begin to operate within your life and make you what he wants you to be. it's a life long process until we meet christ face to face. so coward, take this coward's
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man and may i lead to you jesus christ. once you have been embraced by him and he does embrace him and you become his child god will give you not the spirit of fear but a spirit that will change your life and revolutionize you stop and think of this, what have i in christ? the unsaved you sit there for a minute and bliss listen. are there unsaved people in your church? every church. my daddy never raised a fool. i understand human people. there are some folks that are saved, some who are not. some that are seeking. you all need to get under the word of god. when you become a christian what does god give you? he has taken away a spirit of fear and he has given me a sound mind and he has given me power. i began to list these things as i was preparing this message,
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what has god given me? he has given me not the spirit of fear but number 1 i think of this, he gave me full pardon, pull pardon and deliverance from since and its consequences. the bible teaches there's a heaven to gain and hell to shunn. when i became a child of god i received a full pardon. whatever sin i committed anything that had ever happened in my life that was wrong god says i will forgive and exonorate. the judge says did you steal that pig? i never stole a pig in my life. jim, i have known you a long time. i will exonorate you. jim you are exonorated.
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you mean i got to give the pig back? god exonorated you. you don't have to give the pig back. god forgave you. can i get an amen on that. number 2, multitude of precious, precious promises. there's a promise in this book for every fear, everything i will face in life. there are over 7000 promises in here. this is what god has given to me and he has given to everyone who is born of the spirit of god. a famous man who is translated the bible from creek words and terminology and has the whole bible said this, he took the word fear. he traced it in the bible. do you know how many times he found it counted there?
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hear this 366 times fear not, fear not, fear not. isn't that wonderful? not only did he give us enough for a year but he gave us enough for a leap year. the bible makes it clear. he has already done this for me. he has given you as he has me the holy spirit of god. here is where the unsaved man stands aside. you don't have this, see. that's where you can clean up your act, get good and get clean for a little while and you get dirty all over again because you haven't been birthed into the family of god. when you are really saved and birthed no the family of god he gives you something. man if i was unsaved and listening i want what god has that he wants to give to me.
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deliverance, full pardon an, all of these promises that you can claim and he gives you the capability of claiming those promises and living the life and walking the walk through something that is really miraculous. when you said yes to christ i want you into my heart he sends his holy spirit in your heart and he begins to dwell there and live there for all of his existence. it is not me but christ living in me. that's where your strength is at. that's where your power is at. that's where fear can be wiped out of your life whether you become holy to jesus christ. not only has he given me that i have hope. i have hope i have the peace of god. outside of this world i have got a mansion prepared for me in glory and i am waiting for that he also does this and i have a good time writing these down because i began to analyze and began to see what god has really
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accomplished for me. i don't deserve any of it. here is what else he has done. he gave me and he gives this to you, a purpose in life. think of this, what purpose do you have in life? i am going to be a good successful businessman. you are going to dime all of us are going to die. it is what we do in this spear called time calculated by god here we are like a bubble in the universe. you can flight around for a while and maybe you can be useful if not pop goes the bubble and your life is
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positively meaningless. when steven died there was great lamintation. great heartbreak and grieve because grief because they lost a man of god. they cried out for him because he was missed. i wonder if you or i were called home, -- your loved ones will miss you. would we be missed by the world the people in it or would you be another memory that's floating around somewhere? life is very, very brief. only one life and what you do for christ is the only thing that's going to last. there's a personal permanentnes salvation. life has a purpose. wake up i'm living for you. i have a message for you. i have something you want me to meet and bless and somebody that i can help along the way. your life can be very, very,
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very, very important. or it can be as dull as dust and as dry as the decemberer. deser what kind of a life in christ are you showing to this world? are you showing them that there's a purpose in living? have you ever thought about it? what is my purpose? what is my purpose? to glorify god. the chief end of every believer is that. i found not only a purpose in living but an assurance. that assurance is forever lasting life. so i submit to you that christ makes you you first of all fe the man who cannot say no is doomed to failure. what do they tell drugies?
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say no, say no. they don't have strength enough to say no. as a result of that they take their drugs and they ruin their lives. many of you are not taking physical drugs you are drugged by the word you can't say no to the world. the word says come on this way i have things to do. i have more important things. the most important thing for me is to to live for jesus christ. this is why the church is lame, sick and i am and impotentment we don't say no to the world. we let the world creep into our lives and lifestyle. where are those that say as for me and my house we will serve the lord no matter what happens and what comes. that's what god is looking for today. preacher, you sound like you are
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excited. he will. he will. we got a wonderful message. i could go on and on. aren't you ever going to stop? no. when they close the lid then i'm gone and you can say whatever you want then. the man who cannot say no is doomed to failure. turn to the book to romans 4:20. i want to give you a good verse to go home with. this will help you and strengthen you along the way. very quickly here is the father of faith abraham. god gave limb a him a strong s a faithful spirit. notice verse 20 he says this. he staggered not at the promises of god. think that have for a moment.
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abraham come out of the earth. abraham leave your family and your false gods. abraham come out into the land you don't even know about. abraham god visited him. he said abraham i am going to bless you. i am going to bless your seed. i'm going to bless all nations. abraham listened to that and how would you react? would you stagger? it can't happen. but this dear gentlemen, god new his make up and god put a spirit within him not a spirit of fear but he believed the promises of god and he didn't shake for a minute. how about you? do you believe the promises of god? do you believe you have everlasting life? do you believe he has taken away that worried mind changing your
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temperments? he can and he does but it all depends on you. he stagger not at the promise of god through unbelief. there's a point here. if you stag never your faith, if unbelief on your part it is no on god's part. gods words never change. but if you don't believe what god told you -- >> thank you for listening to the broadcast at the ever living story today. we are having some special meeting ons march 20 that we would like for each of us that are available to come to. we will be having dr. james walker teaching on the accult and cults and in these last days these are very important teachings that we would love for you to be a part of. we'll see you there. >> well that ends another service here at grace bible
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baptist church. for those of you that are listening for the very, very first time we want you to know that this program is brought with a caring heart. we care about you. we want you to know the lord jesus christ. we want you to know the word of god how you can live and walk with him and have an inner beauty and inner rest that only god can give to you. you must come and visit us at our church 1518 north rolling road right here in catonsville maryland. you still have time to make the service. you will find a number at the end of the screen. give us a call. we're here to help you. god bless you and i'm looking forward to seeing you every sunday. >>real-time closed captioning provided by u.s. captioning company. ♪ ur
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>> thank you for joining us today. we have a very special program today and a very special guest. with all my heart i believe that before today's program is over your life will never ever be the same again. i believe it. get ready for god to do something special for you today. if you are looking for a deeper, more intimate, more powerful life-changing relationship with god, stay tuned. if you're looking for direction in your life, if you have a problem that you're facing, if you're asking god what should i do, stay tuned. if you're looking for physical healing today and you need the mirac will-working power of god to be released in your body, stay tuned. if you're facing a financial challenge, if your needs seem to be overwhelming and you need a breakthrough from god like you've never experienced
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before, stay tuned. you might be saying david, how will we cover that in one program? well, a few weeks ago i met a man for the first time who i've known about for many years, mike murdock. he's written over 113 books and authored 5000 songs, but god has put a tremendous anointing upon his life to share keys of wisdom with god's people. mike put a book in my hand that has begun to change my life and i believe it will change your life, too. it is called "the three most important things in your life" it is not a book i could pick up and put down. i read it through cover to cover. i promise you it is not a book you will be able to pick up and put down. you will need to read it over and over again to absorb the wisdom god has given mike murdock to you. next to the bible, next to the word of god, in these few pages, i received more wisdom
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from god to give me the keys to success in these few pages than any other book i've ever read. i promise you it is changing my life and will change your life, too. i believe before today's program is over, your life will never ever be the same again. i asked brother murdock to come to insp and to bring with him an important message. i know god has laid upon his life for us that can unlock heaven for you in our relationship to god, in our positive bodies, in our finances, in our relationships, in every need that we face there are keys that god has given us to unlock and we welcome all of you whoco with me today on "changing the world," brother mike murdock. would you welcome him with me? >> just you and me tonight. i know the holospirit is here and i know the lord sent you with a message and word from
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him tonight. >> i know, you know there is times god has something special. i felt today is one of them. i will say, i read sometime ago, brother david, if you take the all right "u" out of the alphabet, you lose 3000 words out of your vocabulary. you can bring your rolls royce, remove one tire and nothing else works. you can be doing 10 things right the 11th thing you are not doing destroys the benefit of the 10 you are doing right it is not how many things you are doing right, but the thing you are missing that makes a difference. the seven wisdom keys and i urge you in a few moments, i will give you seven key that is have greatly affected my life and share with you some keys, one businessman got ahold of the things i am going to be sharing with you.
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it so affected his life that in 14 days he sent me a check for $35,000 in appreciation for the teriol. >> wow. >> it so affected his life. the youngest bishop of the mormon church in salt lake city, utah got ahold of this material we will be sharing and it so affected him he called me. he wrote me and sent a check for $10,000 thanking me for making the material. i never heard of such a thing. that is how it changes you. you don't need a lot of keys to get in your car, just the right key. >> there is a lot of right keys in this book that will change your life. take your liberty and let the lord use you and speak through you and i know he will. >> thank you. good to be here. you know i will say this at your house. doesn't take god long to be
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something big. small keys open bank vaults. do one thing right and a thousand good things happen. if a few terrorists can cause such radical changes, i know today i was leaving orlando and i preached this weekend in orlando. i was coming through security and they check everything and look at my fountain pens like they are dangerous instruments. they take off your boots and everything like you almost feel guilty when you hadn't done anything by the way they search you. but a handful of men knocked down three buildings and they have rewritten the entire earth. everything changed. if a few evil men doing something evil can create such change, a few righteous men doing something right can create change. if you were to ask me the most memorable day of my life, the day i would trade for every
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other day in my life, the first thing i'd tell you is july 13th, wednesday morning, 1994, the day i fell in love with the holy spirit, the person who created me. he's called the spirit of adoption, romans and john, spirit of life, job 33 and 4, he created humans job 26:13. he's called spirit of knowledge in isaiah. called the spirit of wisdom, wisdom, wisdom, the difference between season system your wisdom. the difference between prosperity and poverty is wisdom. i can't change your life until i change what you know. there is three belief systems on the earth, one says god is in control of everything that happens which means everything that happen system planned by god. we know that is not true. rapist couldn't be prosecuted if everything was done by god.
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some people think faith is in control. people wouldn't live today if satan was in control. 331 times in scriptures he documents this, "if you are willing and obedient," isaiah 1:19, "my decisions have created my circumstances. i want to say something, you will never have a marriage problem your entire life. it will simply be a wisdom problem. you will never have a financial problem, it will be a wisdom problem. and the moment that you can understand the only difference between where i am and where i want to be is a piece of wisdom. you can change your life. i wrote this love song to him, the one who created us. there is nobody. there is nobody. ♪ like you.
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presence, i change. and i can't go back to yesterday. >> there is so many things, you know, god creates the seasons. god creates the seasons, but your discoveries schedule them. i would trade my ability to read and write for what i have discovered about the holy spirit. you can live a life time and not know a truth that can change you and set you free. the holy spirit is to us what jesus was to the 12. how important is the holy spirit? what peter did not become walking next to jesus for three and-a-half years, he became in a day when the holy
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spirit came. the holy spirit is the only person you have to obey your entire lifetime. i was talking to david before we came into your home a few moments ago and i told him something that was really big to me, just so big. i'm the kind when i make a discovery i go crazy with it, especially if it changes my life. the holy spirit is the only person in your life that you are capable of satisfying. nobody else has the software for it, the components for it. there is not another your life who has the ability to be contented with you. that is why there is such agitation, constant movement. the holy spirit is the only person you will ever meet and there is four or five reasons for that i have discovered. he is the only person in your life who knows what he wants. the only person who can accurately articulate what he
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wants. he is the only person in your life whose needs will never change or vary. the only person in your life who will never require something of you that you can produce. the holy spirit, who by the way decided all the gift that is have entered you, if you go back to exodus 35, even the craftsmanship skills, all your gifts, i don't care if it is just painting, playing the piano, all my gifts were installed in me by the holy spirit who is the gift of the father to us. he decides those gifts, get ahold of this. this is phenomenal when you see it. he is the only person who knows what is inside you. he will never try to squeeze out of you something you ain't got. takes a load off of you, don't it? other people will ask something you can't produce. they don't know what is deposited in you. the holy spirit says, his
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commandments are not grieve us. i wrote this love song to him on a thursday night. ♪ >> i'm in love, i'm in love, i'm in love. i'm in love, i'm in love, i'm in love. sweet holo-- holy spirit, i'm in love. oh, i'm in love. i'm in love. i'm in love. i'm in love. i'm in love. i'm in love. sweet holy spirit, i'm in love. that's a little chorus. i have written 770 songs for the holy spirit. i'm building my life, building all my dreams around you. not around your family, not even around your job. i'd only build my life around
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my ministry. i'm building my whole life. i'm building all my dreams around you. i want to spend all the rest of my days living in your presence, in the spirit ways, building my whole life, building all my dreams, holy spirit. ♪ around you. that's why that song means so much. when i'm in your presence, i change. his presence is the only place your weakness dies. where you are matters. what is around you determines what grows in you, weakness or strengths, gifts or weakness. fish require water, birds require air. i'm just not the same. i'm just not the same. ♪ when i'm in your presence,
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holy spirit, i change. and i can't go back to yesterday. ♪ >> just before i go and share this with brother david, there is seven keys. i want you to take a pen, short pencil is better than a long memory. i want you to write down seven wisdom keys, seven wisdom keys. just need one key to get to the direction you want to go. they brought fish out to my house, laid them upon the grassy slope beside my pond and the fish sort of looked stupid, gasping and looking idiotic. one by one we dipped them into the water and their genius. >> if you are looking ridiculous in your life, flailing, you are not where
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you belong. if you are where you belong, your genius emerges. god puts something in you he didn't put in nobody else. he is a creator, never an imitator. there has never been a you before. we will talk about your assignment because everything created solves a problem. my mouth speaks. lawyers solve legal problems. cpas solve tax problems. dentists solve teeth problems. everything created solves a problem. that is your assignment. your assignment is always to a person or a people. your assignment is always to a place. because where you are matters as much as what you are. even jesus didn't do good in places that. is where he left nazareth. there is a place where you are accurate and perfect for the assignment god has given you. your assignment is the only
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place financial provision is guaranteed by your crotor. money doesn't follow you, it is waiting for you at the place you belong. we'll get into that in a few moments. go get a pen and i'll go to the set with brother david. this is a day, if you have ever done something right, you are doing something right right now. i mean that with all my heart. then we will give you seven wisdom keys. nothing like his word, is there, brother david? >> there is not. brother murdock will be with us in just a moment as he is journeying from the piano to the set. i want you to get a pencil and get ready to write down seven wisdom keys that changed brother murdock's life. i believe they will change your life. i want you to mark your calendar for today, because i believe that from today forward your life, your life, your relationship with god, your finances, your physical body, your assignment in this life, what you do, i believe from this day forward is never
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going to be the same again. you are going to look back on the x you put to watch "changing the world," with brother mike murdock and david cerullo. got put seven keys of wisdom in my life that have changed my life. welcome brother murdock back to the mic. mike, how about sitting over here and getting close. >> i'm excited about this. >> i'm so excited to have you here. >> it is a privilege. >> i felt the spirit of god before we started the service. god is speaking to specific people, not everybody, not everybody has ears to hear. i believe there are people watching right now who have ears to hear. not everybody's life will get changed from this point forward, but there will be people who have ears to hear anointed by the holy spirit that from this day forward their life is never going to be the same again. i believe it. >> we don't have to make big
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changes to create a little reward. little changes create huge rewards. you don't have to make a big change, just the smallest change, just the smallest change. and it is just like it was incredible day in my life when i found out that my decisions had created my circumstances. if you think somebody else has created your circumstances you can become bitter, vindictive retalatory, but the moment you say, my decision have created my circumstances, i can change my decisions. the screpture that really is so big to me, proverbs 4:7, i live by it and teach from it everyday of my life. it is everything. it is quite simple, "wisdom is the principle thing." the reason he said that, everything else you want comes through wisdom. wisdom produces longevity. wisdom produces favor. wisdom produces wealth.
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everything we're pursuing is the product of wisdom. if you think you have a financial problem, you want to change your job. if you think you have a marriage problem, change your mate. when you recognize you have a wisdom problem you change your focus. that makes all the difference in the world. proverbs 4:7, wisdom is the principle thing. a lot of what i'm teaching is found in this book "the three most important things in your life," we will tell you about it later. i don't think there is another book in the world like it. it is a gold mine, discovers -- i can't tell you how important this book is, we want you to have it. i never teach everybody. i'm not called to everybody. and i'll tell you later why. i believe god has sent me to 300 people. 300 people. just like gideon had 300, i'm talking to 300 people. if you are one of those,
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wonderful. if you're not, that is horrible and i wish you could be one of the 300. i want to give you seven wisdom keys that have greatly affected my life. the first one and i believe they will show it on the screen, what you can tolerate you cannot change. what you can tolerate you cannot change. and i hope they leave that up until i come to number two. if you live with 6000 an hour, you will never make 7. we only change when there is a threat of loss. endurance creates longevity. if you come to the wisdom center, our headquarters in denton, texas. you will see a picture of rosa parks. to me she is a champion. >> yes. >> when they told her, i don't know all the story, but she was suppose tod give up her seat to another guy. >> yes, white one on a bus. >> white one on a bus 1955 or
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something like that. i don't know, rosa parks is my kind of champion. i just thank god for her. what is it about her? she wasn't going to tolerate that. that is when change started. today, you know, incredible season and we still got changes to go in america throughout the world on race. a lot of changes. but the fact is she stood up and said, no, i'm not going to take that. incredible. incredible to me. what you can tolerate you cannot change. if you can live with a husband that beats you, he won't quit. one woman came to me and said, my husband beat me for 20 years. i said obviously the damage occurred on the first beating when you stayed around for beating number two you qualified for the relationship. what you can tolerate you cannot change. you can only change when you hype the present. watch this. it is not enough to see canaan,.
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what you can tolerate financially, emotionally, spiritually, you cannot change. you must hate the present to qualify for a future. whatever you can adapt to, you have to. get ahold of that. i'm going to come back to that on another wisdom key. write this down. number two, what you respect, you will attract. not what you love, what you respect. i shared this a few weeks ago, what you respect you will attract. what you don't respect will move away from you. respect is different than love. to love something is to find it desirable. but to respect something is to find it valuable. you can only collect what you respect. >> you can only collect what you value. you will never collect something you don't value. for instance, in the body of christ, we respect healing.
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we don't respect health, we respect healing. we will study healing books all night long. we will stand two hours in a healing line. we will stand outside a healing crusade for three hours, but we're not about to jog for 15 minutes. we don't respect health, we respect healing. we don't respect health, we've not been taught. see, what you respect will come toward you. thoughts have a presence. david, i can walk into a room and feel anger, i can feel love. i can walk in and feel confusion. because thoughts have a presence. >> uh-huh. sure. >> thoughts have a presence. i can walk into a room and thoughts repel or attract. everything you see was created by something you don't see. everything you see, this building, was created by something you don't see. somebody had a thought. have you ever seen it? no, you saw the results of it. have you ever seen a dream?
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no, gases, all of the things in the air, i can get a cell phone here, punch a number and call thousands of miles away. yet, there is nothing connected. there is something i'm not seeing. so something you don't see is greater than something you do see. what you respect will come toward you. what you don't respect will move away from you. i can't sneer at a prosperity ministry and wonder why i stay broke. i can't laugh at someone who prays in the prayer language and wonder why the holy spirit doesn't come to my house. i was teaching a single's conference one time and explaining genesis 2:18. god says it is not good man be alone. adam never heard of a life, god could have given him a giraffe and he wouldn't have known the difference. a woman spoke up from the back and i was explaining everything god makes requires connection. got doesn't make anything complete. he is complete. everything he make system a part.
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my mind needs thoughts. i was explaining adam required another. a woman spoke up from the back and said, some of us don't need a husband. i've been single 14 years and i don't need a man in my life. i looked at her for a few seconds and said, whatever, do your own seminars. never cry a watermelon in a pea brain. she came up afterwards and asked if she could talk to me. nobody ever asks me out, shock, shock. i looked at her and said two things. number one, you are not fun. men require pleasure. number two, it would be perverted for a man to pursue pain. and i said what you respect will come toward you, what you don't respect will move away from you. i don't care if it is god, a miracle or a dog. what you respect will come towards you. whatever you don't have, is
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something you have not valued and get ahold of that. whatever is missing in your life is something you have not truly valued. how do you know if you respect something? how do you know if you don't respect it? if you are attempting to live without something you don't have high regard for it. i don't care if it is a financial planner and you are trying to live without one, you don't have a high regard. i love what warren buffet said, phenominal, 45 billion. i try to sit at the feet of men who are uncommon. he made a statement to nebraska students. he said basically that the habit of taking something out of every paycheck and putting it aside into a mutual fund or
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investment was more important than how much they took out of their weekly paycheck. something out of every paycheck. bill gates in his great book "business at the speed of thought," said he was trying to get a paperless office. i was inspired to study computers. i'm not a computer guy. when i turn on one i want to be photograph me, videotape me. if i turn on a computer i want to be rewarded just for turning it on, you know. when i read where a man who is worth billions, the wealthiest man in america, had this insight, so what you respect, respect is the invisible attitude. got permits you to adopt, become equal with any human on the earth. i can make up in myatitude for what i lack in aptitude. i can get anywhere i want to
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with respect. example. i could be born the son of a wealthy man. disrespecting my father's discoveries and mentorship plummet into poverty. there is a fantastic book called "the millionaire next door," somewhere in there he mentioned something about only two percent of inherited wealth ever becomes more. because you can rarely increase what you didn't birth. now watch this. but a george foreman, one of my favorite athletes, i could listen to george talk all day, any day he wants to. use tod tell his mom, read his bock, "by george." he has george one, george two, george three. george used to tell his momma, momma someday i'm going to build you a nice home. his respect for a, achievers caused him to rise. today he is worth millions.
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whatever he lacked in intelligence or aptitude, of course he is a very smart made, but he made up for in attitude. some of the geniuses of the world today are broke, 40 percent of the bankruptcies are involved. have you ever wondered why many of the poor, who work for the wealthy, stay broke? three reasons. you can't learn from someone you resent. you can't learn from someone you envy. you can only learn from someone you admire. this is one of the reasons why many nations who have received billions from the united states and we are giving them, i think afghanistan needs 15 billion to rebuild. only us could blow up a nation and come back and say, now we are going to help you put it back together. i want to show you something here. this is very interesting. why do some nations who receive millions from us, hate
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us and despise us? why don't they change when we give them five billion? why does a nation change when you give them 500 million? you can't learn from someone you despise. parasites in your hand, proteges want what is in your heart. parasites want what you have learned. proteges want what you have learned. big difference. >> number three, what you make happen for others, god will make happen for you. >> oh, boy. >> that is the single greatest success key i've ever learn indeed my whole lifetime. singet greatest. god gave it at 2:30 a.m. on a five-day fast in houston, texas. 2:30 a.m. in my garage. i thought, i know that, that is the golden rule. he said, no it's not. read it. i wrote it down, what you make happen. he says i will make happen for you. this is incredible. we had been taught our whole life if you treat somebody
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right they will treat you right. you ever treated somebody right and they treat you like a dog? sure. jesus never taught that. he said do unto others that men would do unto you. he didn't say they would. he picks up in fieser -- ephesians 6:8, you will receive that from the lord. you reap what you sew. if i do something for brother david, you will do something back for me, i create a debt, it destroys a relationship. if i bless you and then turn to the lord of the harvest i'm only limit tod god's capability. if i do something for somebody so they will do something for me, i limit their ability, their timing, there aratitude. if i less them and go to god for my harvest, god repays. number four, the secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine. the secret of your future. two
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