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tv   Noticias Univision Washington  Univision  September 13, 2013 6:00am-6:30am EDT

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i would look like that the rest of my life. everyone that is struggling with their weight wants to get out. the best thing i ever did was start the golo program, because it really did give me my life back. >> i have never endorsed a product before, but when i saw the results that real people like michelle were getting with golo, i couldn't dismiss that. i got so motivated by what i saw, i decided to try golo for myself. before golo, like millions of other people, i was eating diet meal-replacement shakes and bars that i thought were healthy for me. but the fact is they're filled with additives and preservatives, and they can actually cause you to gain weight. my weight is now under control, and i lost 20 pounds in 90 days. but what exactly is insulin resistance? you see, insulin is a hormone. it helps process sugar, or glucose, into energy. the combination of diet products and the wrong food can produce too much insulin, creating a phenomenon known as insulin resistance. when this occurs, insulin works
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against you, because instead of processing sugar, you end up storing it as belly fat. if you have a slow metabolism, gain weight easily, and have stubborn belly fat, it's very possible that you could be insulin resistant. but here's the good news -- with the new approach to weight loss called golo, you can reverse the effects of insulin resistance and reduce your excess fat once and for all. weight loss is just the beginning of so many positive changes for these people. take bob, for example. he's lost 36 pounds, 8 pant sizes, and reversed the effects of type 2 diabetes. >> my doctor has seen my blood labs come back, and he said they're just incredible -- a dramatic reduction in the diabetes indicators to the point where they're non-diabetic anymore. >> by now, i'm sure you'd like to know -- why is golo so effective? golo's 90-day rescue kit contains three main components that work together to help you boost your metabolism, increase energy, and manage stress to promote safe and permanent
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weight loss. first, you'll receive a full 90-day supply of rescue-pack supplements. golo's team of doctors and researchers has spent over five years developing and testing three all-natural, plant-based supplements that work in harmony to help you manage your mood and stress and avoid emotional eating, get your insulin resistance under control, and help you release stored fat. first, there's balance. balance reduces the symptoms of stress and anxiety and can help relieve the triggers that cause emotional eating. next, there's control. the ingredients in control will help promote healthy insulin production, resulting in less fat being stored in the body. finally, there's release. release aids in preventing further weight gain by helping to optimize your insulin and blood glucose and promote the use of stored fat. >> i've noticed that the supplements have just really helped me regulate my sugar throughout the day. i don't have the cravings that i used to have. >> your golo rescue-pack supplements contain safe, natural, and effective ingredients, approved for
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consumption by the fda, and no caffeine or other stimulants. they're based on real science with over 200 independent studies supporting their safety and effectiveness. with golo, you'll think of food as fuel. that's why our eating program is called the metabolic fuel matrix -- the second key to golo's success. in conjunction with the rescue-pack supplements, the metabolic fuel matrix creates a synergistic effect that will help you maximize your fat loss. it's based on delicious whole foods that your entire family will benefit from nutritionally. look at the average number of preservatives and additives in just one week's worth of meal-replacement bars and shakes. and now, the average number of preservatives and additives in a week's worth of golo food. with the metabolic fuel matrix, we'll show you how to use the right combination of cost-effective, healthy, and delicious insulin-friendly foods to keep your metabolism revving in the golo insulin-optimization zone. you'll not only be able to lose weight but keep it off once and for all. >> when i got married and had children, life sped up.
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now that i've lost a lot of weight, i feel better. my attitude at work has changed. golo has made me feel like i'm in college again. i've lost 26 pounds. i'm feeling like myself. i have a ton more energy, and maintaining that vision that i had when i was a kid of, "okay, i'm always gonna be 25 years old, i'm always gonna surf six hours a day," definitely was not in my mind a year ago. i am living proof that golo will help you make a better choice. >> the third key component of your 90-day rescue kit will include your own personal road map that will profile your insulin-resistance score and metabolic age and other factors and help you reach realistic goals and lower your metabolic age by 20 years. >> it's pretty extensive and gets to the heart of where you are right now with your eating, with your exercise, with your mental state. and then you can create goals for where you want to be weight-wise, for where you want to be size-wise. >> n now, you've seen the averae golo 90-day results, but take a look at what happened at six
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months. and now the golo averages at a year. at the end of one year, most dieters gain all their weight back, but with golo, you get results that can last a lifetime. >> to go through this journey together has been a lot of fun. i don't know if he feels the same way, but i think he does. i had seen a few pictures of myself, and, boy, i looked kind of swollen. >> i was watching tv, and they were doing the body-mass index, and i calculated mine with the formula, and it came out that i was borderline obese and morbidly obese. and that word "morbidly" got my attention. >> on a combined basis, we've lost 57 inches between the two of us, which, basically, comes out to the height of one of our sons, doesn't it? holy smokes. [ both laugh ] >> wow. >> with the golo program, you can make this transformation. i did. i never thought i could. i tried for years. i mean, it's a completely new life for me. i'm a size 4 now.
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i'm so excited about being a 4. [ chuckles ] >> i would tell people that golo definitely works, and there's no gimmicks to it at all. >> you can make life so much better. i'm in my 50s, i'm experiencing it, and they are beyond my wildest dreams, really. >> that's what this is all about. it's about you. it's about you reclaiming the best of you -- you saying, "i deserve to be at an ideal weight. i deserve to be fit. i need energy to pursue the goals i care about." when you're able to take control of your destiny because you want to be better and better, that means that you're gonna achieve things that are spectacular. i know it. and i know that because you are listening and you have been for this length of time that you're committed to it, that you're going to achieve it, and that you're gonna be a symbol for people who know you and respect you for a very long time. by now, you're probably wondering, "how do i get golo? what am i going to get?" and finally, "what does it cost?" well, here are the answers.
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golo's 90-day rescue kit contains three main components that work together to help you boost your metabolism, increase energy, and manage stress to promote safe and permanent weight loss. first, you'll receive a full 90-day supply of rescue-pack supplements. golo has spent over five years developing and testing three all-natural, plant-based supplements that work synergistically to help you manage your mood and stress, get your insulin resistance under control, and release stored fat. your golo supplements are patented, and the ingredients are fda approved. they're based on real science with over 200 independent studies supporting their safety and effectiveness, and unlike many expensive miracle weight-loss pills, the rescue-pack supplements contain no caffeine or other stimulants. with golo, you'll think of food as fuel. that's why your kit includes the metabolic fuel matrix -- the customized eating plan that will help you maximize your fat loss, and that is the second key to golo's success. with the metabolic fuel matrix, there's no dieting or denial.
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we'll show you how to use the right combination of cost-effective, healthy, and delicious foods that keep your insulin in control and are easy to prepare -- foods that will keep you full and satisfied and help you manage your insulin resistance. you'll be amazed at how much money you're saving with golo's metabolic fuel matrix, not to mention how much healthier it is compared to diet meal-replacement products filled with unhealthy preservatives that sabotage your weight-loss efforts. the third major component in your kit will be your own personalized golo road map. it contains vital information, including your insulin-resistance score and metabolic age. it will help you set targets for achievable weight loss and identify the daily fuel allowance and activity levels you need to succeed. if you have insulin resistance, it's hard to lose weight no matter how often you work out. that's why we'll also include our innovative fitness solution, the perfect 5. unlike aerobic exercises that can release cortisol -- the stress hormone that causes your
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body to store fat -- the perfect 5 uses a unique combination of dynamic burst and spot training that will help you build endurance and lean body mass. these exercises trigger the body to release the hormones that boost your metabolism and burn fat. they're designed to give you optimal balance and support so that anyone can successfully do them regardless of your level of fitness and get results like these in as little as five minutes a day. your golo 90-day rescue kit is bundled with additional tools and information designed to help increase your weight-loss iq and enable you and your family to easily adapt golo into your life. i'm going to spare you the "but wait, there's more" gimmicks. rest assured, everything you need to achieve the same results these people got is contained in the kit. try golo risk-free for only $29.95. that's less than a dollar per day, and it comes with a 90-day money-back guarantee. i could spend a lot of time trying to convince you of what a great bargain that is, but instead, i'd like to ask you one question. what is your life and happiness
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worth? if you've been telling yourself, "one day, i'm gonna do something about my weight," then this is your moment of truth. so, if you're ready, call or go online and order. and when you order, please know we're not going to force you to sign up for one of those autoship programs you can't get out of. instead, we're offering free shipping and a full 90-day money-back guarantee. in fact, if you don't get results like these from your golo 90-day rescue kit, we'll not only give you your money back, we'll even pay for return shipping. so, what have you got to lose? you get all the tools, including a full 90-day supply of golo rescue-pack supplements to try with no risk. all we ask for in return is that you commit to giving golo your best shot for 90 days. so, call or go online to order, because this is your chance to golo. >> the golo lifestyle is what i'm committed to for the rest of my life. >> i can't believe it. it's been amazing. >> i have completely reinvented
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myself. >> i just feel so much younger. >> if you're just tuning in, we're talking about insulin resistance -- the culprit that may very well be sabotaging your ability to lose weight. you see, insulin is a hormone. it helps process sugar, or glucose, into energy. but the combination of diet products and the wrong food can produce too much insulin, creating a phenomenon known as insulin resistance. when this occurs, insulin works against you, because instead of processing sugar, you end up storing it as belly fat. if you gain weight easily and have a slow metabolism and stubborn belly fat, it's very possible that you could be insulin resistant. once you have insulin resistance, fat becomes trapped inside your body, and it becomes very difficult to lose weight, even if you diet. to make matters worse, many diet shakes and bars, diet meal replacements, and quick-fix diet pills actually worsen insulin resistance. they spike your blood sugar, which causes you to store more fat. then, when your blood sugar
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crashes, you get hunger cravings and your metabolism slows down, which means what? you gain weight. this weight gain can be just the beginning of a host of serious medical conditions, including type 2 diabetes. but here's the good news -- with golo, people who have struggled just like you are stabilizing their insulin and blood sugar and revving up their metabolism. they're losing weight and keeping it off. the result is a new lease on life with a reduction in metabolic age and the ability to get rid of costly medications that are no longer needed. take helene, for instance. with golo, she's lost 38 pounds and reduced her metabolic age by 18 years. you can see for yourself how much more youthful she looks. >> with golo, i've been able to get off of the cholesterol medication and have blood-sugar levels that are better than they've ever been. >> at the end of 90 days, people just like you lost an average of over 21 pounds -- 2 dress sizes
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for the women, 3 pant sizes for the men. and get this -- everyone lowered their metabolic age by an average of over 8 years in just 90 days. with golo, i personally lost 20 pounds in 90 days, and it wasn't hard. it was easy. >> when i was heavier, i think i lived a lot of my life in denial. "it's in my genetics. i'm big boned." i had every excuse under the sun of why i was not able to lose weight -- why i kept putting it on. instead of embracing the moment and living in the moment, you see that i'm hiding behind my children, behind my family, behind my husband. i'm just the face because i didn't want to be seen. golo has helped make myself a priority. with golo, you can make the change. you don't have to continue living in a body that you're ashamed of. what i've gained over 22 years, i've lost in one year. >> if you just tuned in recently, i'm sure you're wondering, why is golo so
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effective? golo's 90-day rescue kit contains three main components that work together to help you boost your metabolism, increase energy, and manage stress to promote safe and permanent weight loss. first, you'll receive a full 90-day supply of rescue-pack supplements. golo's team of doctors and researchers have spent over five years developing and testing three all-natural, plant-based supplements that work in harmony to help you manage your mood and stress and avoid emotional eating, get your insulin resistance under control, and help you release stored fat. >> i noticed the golo supplements took away my food cravings. there were days i would realize there's still food left in the pantry. i hadn't emptied the pantry today. >> with golo, you'll think of food as fuel. that's why our eating program is called the metabolic fuel matrix -- the second key to golo's success. in conjunction with the rescue-pack supplements, the metabolic fuel matrix creates a synergistic effect that will help you maximize your fat loss. it's based on delicious whole foods that your entire family
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will benefit from nutritionally. with golo, you'll actually save money. look -- you can easily spend about $100 on a weekly meal plan of replacement bars and shakes. compare that to a week's worth of food based on golo's metabolic fuel matrix. it adds up to about half of that. with golo, you can save thousands of dollars on your annual food bill. but it isn't just your food bill you'll be reducing. look at the average number of preservatives and additives in just one week's worth of meal-replacement bars and shakes, and now the average number of preservatives and additives in a week's worth of golo food. with the metabolic fuel matrix, you'll eat whole, healthy foods and eliminate harmful chemicals that inflame your insulin resistance and continue to trap fat inside your body. >> i really thought that eating protein bars was a good thing. it was, you know, you read the labels, it's all natural, it's all this, it's all that, it's good for you. what i didn't realize was how much sugar is sitting in that, and the golo lifestyle has
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taught me that those type of bars are really not that good for you 'cause those sugars sit in the front of your belly, and it's hard to lose that weight. >> now, you've seen the average golo 90-day results. but take a look at what happened at six months. and now the golo averages at a year. at the end of one year, most dieters gain all their weight back, but with golo, you get results that can last a lifetime. >> nobody every hardly speak to me. nobody noticed me. when i ate my lunch, nobody would sit with me. my children were down. they didn't want to bring their friends home because their mommy was too fat. this is debbie now. i lost 112 pounds, 10 inches off my waist. for two years, i'm keeping it off, and i feel great. >> the third key component of your 90-day rescue kit will include your own personal road map that will profile your insulin-resistance score and
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metabolic age and other factors and help you reach realistic goals and lower your metabolic age by 20 years. >> i've seen all the infomercials that many of you have seen, too. i thought that if i took whatever it was they were offering, it was gonna get me there. in reality, it really didn't. when i found golo, it was something that i could sustain throughout the rest of my life. >> when you look and feel better, you have renewed confidence, and you can pursue dreams that you might have pushed to the side for way too long. take a look at this. >> over the course of 10-plus years after college, i incrementally went up in pant sizes, and it just persisted. i couldn't even run a quarter of a mile. i got involved with golo in february. i decided to put an unrealistic goal of a 10-mile race out there for may 1st. through the help of golo, i was able to complete that race. it was a dream come true. the change has opened up a million doors to me. it's returned me back to the fun
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things that i always enjoyed doing. anybody can do this. anyone can make this change. you just have to grasp onto it and start riding the golo program, 'cause it will get you the results that you're looking for. >> time and again, we saw folks just like you recapture their dreams -- dreams deferred for far too long. golo enables people to seize momentum, get their lives on track, and be happy. and the truth we're reluctant to admit is this -- everybody looks better and feels better when they're fit. i'm not just talking about the amount of energy you have, but i'm also talking about relationships, the job opportunities you get, your willingness to take risks because you feel good about yourself. everything. so, whether you need to lose those last stubborn 10 pounds like sherry did or 100 pounds or more like robert, golo can help you, too. golo works like nothing else to help you reverse the effects of
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insulin resistance and get rid of your belly fat once and for all. but that belly fat is just the most visible change of a host of benefits you'll enjoy. over and over again, we've seen a dramatic reduction in total inches. people just like you are retaining more energy and vitality, and they're experiencing a dramatic reduction in metabolic age where the difference in youthful look and vigor is plain to see. in just 90 days, you can continue to be stuck like this, or be well on your way to experiencing this kind of transformation. the choice is yours to make, and the first step is entirely up to you. by now, you're probably wondering, "how do i get golo? what am i going to get?" and finally, "what does it cost?" well, here are the answers. golo's 90-day rescue kit contains three main components that work together to help you boost your metabolism, increase energy, and manage stress to promote safe and permanent weight loss.
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first, you'll receive a full 90-day supply of rescue-pack supplements. golo has spent over five years developing and testing three all-natural, plant-based supplements that work synergistically to help you manage your mood and stress, get your insulin resistance under control, and release stored fat. your golo supplements are patented, and the ingredients are fda approved. they're based on real science with over 200 independent studies supporting their safety and effectiveness, and unlike many expensive miracle weight-loss pills, the rescue-pack supplements contain no caffeine or other stimulants. with golo, you'll think of food as fuel. that's why your kit includes the metabolic fuel matrix -- the customized eating plan that will help you maximize your fat loss, and that is the second key to golo's success. with the metabolic fuel matrix, there's no dieting or denial. we'll show you how to use the right combination of cost-effective, healthy, and delicious foods that keep your insulin in control and are easy to prepare -- foods that will keep you full and satisfied and
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help you manage your insulin resistance. you'll be amazed at how much money you're saving with golo's metabolic fuel matrix, not to mention how much healthier it is compared to diet meal-replacement products filled with unhealthy preservatives that sabotage your weight-loss efforts. the third major component in your kit will be your own personalized golo road map. it contains vital information, including your insulin-resistance score and metabolic age. it will help you set targets for achievable weight loss and identify the daily fuel allowance and activity levels you need to succeed. if you have insulin resistance, it's hard to lose weight no matter how often you work out. that's why we'll also include our innovative fitness solution, the perfect 5. unlike aerobic exercises that can release cortisol -- the stress hormone that causes your body to store fat -- the perfect 5 uses a unique combination of dynamic burst and spot training that will help you build endurance and lean body mass. these exercises trigger the body to release the hormones that
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boost your metabolism and burn fat. they're designed to give you optimal balance and support so that anyone can successfully do them regardless of your level of fitness and get results like these in as little as five minutes a day. your golo 90-day rescue kit is bundled with additional tools and information designed to help increase your weight-loss iq and enable you and your family to easily adapt golo into your life. i'm going to spare you the "but wait, there's more" gimmicks. rest assured, everything you need to achieve the same results these people got is contained in the kit. try golo risk-free for only $29.95. that's less than a dollar per day, and it comes with a 90-day money-back guarantee. i could spend a lot of time trying to convince you of what a great bargain that is, but instead, i'd like to ask you one question. what is your life and happiness worth? if you've been telling yourself, "one day, i'm gonna do something about my weight," then this is your moment of truth. so, if you're ready, call or go online and order. and when you order, please know we're not going to force you to
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sign up for one of those autoship programs you can't get out of. instead, we're offering free shipping and a full 90-day money-back guarantee. in fact, if you don't get results like these from your golo 90-day rescue kit, we'll not only give you your money back, we'll even pay for return shipping. so, what have you got to lose? you get all the tools, including a full 90-day supply of golo rescue-pack supplements to try with no risk. all we ask for in return is that you commit to giving golo your best shot for 90 days. so, call or go online to order, because this is your chance to golo. thanks for watching, and allow me to leave you with one thought. all that matters is the successful chapter of your life story. you can have 14 near misses. the 15th attempt, if it's successful, that's the story you've been writing all along. that's what people are gonna remember, that's what's gonna define you, and that's when your kids are gonna be able to say, "hey, my mom tried again and again and again.
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she never stopped trying, and finally, things changed for her." there's a reason you're listening right now. things can click for you today. and i don't want you to let the moment slip away, because when you lose hope, the game's over. when you still have that pen in your hand and you're still writing your life story, you can make this page the best page you have ever written. >> announcer: the previous message has been a paid program message has been a paid program for golo.
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>> welcome to gospel truth with andrew wommack. a teaching ministry that focuses on god's unconditional love and grace. >> and now, here's andrew. welcome to our friday's broadcast of the gospel truth. today is my last day to share this teaching with you on don't limit god x 10 . this is actually a teaching that i did in january of 2012 in phoenix, arizona and we've been playing the dvds from there because i go into a lot of detail and specific that i don't just, you know, keep in my mind. i was using a cheat sheet showing exact statistics of where we were in 2002 when the lord spoke to me and where we were in 2012 when i taught this and so i just played the... the teaching. i believe it is a powerful testimony about what... how we can take the limits
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off of god by changing the way we think and specifically yesterday and today i was talking about how i was limiting god by the way i saw myself and you know, i still deal with this. i'm not where i should be. i'm not where i was, but i'm not where i should be. i haven't arrived but i've left and i still have to deal with this. there's things that i deal with all of the time. there's things that i dealt with today that i don't like dealing with and i...i's just not the way i want things to be, but it's how it is and you know what? i've had to step up to the plate and accept the responsibility that goes with the ministry that we have and i had to change the way i saw myself and what i could do and i know this has transformed me and i believe it could also transform you. so remember that today is our last day to play this teaching on don't limit god x 10 so please watch this and then at the end of our program, make sure that you order these materials.
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i believe it will transform your life. a person can get information, and information won't change your life until you understand it. that is what the scripture says in matthew, chapter 13, verse 19 i believe it is, where he has giving the parable of the sower sowing the seed, and he said this first type is the people who do not understand the word. satan comes immediately and steals the word from them. understanding is where the seed gets below the surface and down on the inside. it's deep thought, and that is your imagination. you cannot understand something if you can't picture it and see it, and see yourself doing it and so many people take a scripture about my god supplies all of my needs. you have that piece of information, but you haven't meditated on it until you see yourself prosperous. you talk and talk about well
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those rich people and by you saying that you have just exempted yourself from ever being rich. you can't see yourself rich. and as a result it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. you're going to have to sit down and instead of thinking about man when is the next blue... blue light special, you're going to have to start thinking about i can pay anything i want to pay. you are going to have to change you...the way you see yourself and your ability to do things. you're going to have to take the word and get beyond just a surface level and get into deep thought. that's when... one...once your imagination begins to work... go back to the original definition i gave. it means conception! that's one of the definitions of the hebrew word for imagination in genesis, chapter 6, verse 9 and isaiah 26:3. it means conception. your imagination is your spiritual womb. it's where you conce


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